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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

How do I but diapers??


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Pick nappies up, carry to cashier, hand over money, take home and enjoy.

It is the same as buying any other item and no one is going to make a scene about it unless you do. It can be scary until you realise no one else cares what you are buying like you do, I guarantee you won't have been the first person to buy nappies from wherever you go either.

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How to buy diapers?... Carefully

haha just kidding, if you worried and being caught by people you know, just go out of town and buy them, plus buy them in the early morning, or late at night, less chance to run into people you know

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Yes you do get nervous when you first start doing it. As mention already go at a unusual hour or go out of town but eventually you will get over your nervousness and start buying them anywhere you find that carries what you want. No employee will say anything and if it friends of family they might be more relived when they find out it not a medical need mine was.

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I remember when I was first determined to buy diapers. I cased about 3 different stores in remote spots for about a week. After I actually bought for the first couple times, it became an exciting part of wearing diapers. The best spots to buy from a brick and mortar store are thrift stores and goodwill

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As a retail worker, I can tell you right now that the person behind the counter 9 times out of 10 WILL NOT care about what you're buying. They're more concerned about what time their shift ends. Retail kills your soul.

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Buy them like you would a roll of toilet paper. This goes where (O.o). Seriously, cashiers have more to care about than if you're buying the same thing millions of other people by (ie. adult diapers)- namely their jobs for pissing off or embarrassing a customer. Really, don't worry about it and don't give it a second though.

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  • 1 month later...

if you're uncomfortable buying in your town in fear of being seen by someone you know or your family members know, just go a few towns over and buy there. i remember going at least 30 minutes out of my way to go buy diapers when i first started wearing. then i started buying from a place in town, and finally the interwebs. usually the diaper places online ship in plain boxes with nondescript labels and return addresses. unless you live at home still and

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On 11/28/2015 at 11:44 PM, BinkyBoi said:

I'm kinda embarresed to buy diapers in public so I need you guys to tell me how I should approach this. Buying online is not available

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A couple of years back, Lidl sold off 2 for 1 Siempre plastic backed nappies.

I got the last 17 piled into their biggest trolly, (plus a bottle of 92 Haute Medoc).

There were quite a lot of friendly comments at the ckeck-out belt, I was quite at ease and probably smiling as the cashier and I gathered arms full to count them and it culminated in the cashier saying to general laughter, " Hope we see you again tomorrow"

BUT, at 70, I could reasonably have been expected to need them, I think there would have been silence if I had been 20.

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Honestly, this one is really simple, even if you live with your parents. Either go to the store late at night or early in the morning at an odd hour when none of your family is awake, buy your diapers like they're anything else, check out, pay, and go home. If you're worried about a parent/friend walking into the same store, go a town or two over and buy from a store in that area where you're not going to bump into someone that you know accidentally. (I've come close to bumping into people I know on a couple of occasions, but only one where it would have been disastrous as I nearly bumped into my mother, and I subsequently took precautions to ensure such a situation never occurred again.) Mail orders can be tricky, and while I order stuff all the time, anything as large as a case of diapers is going to raise questions, so the few times I've ordered AB/DL diapers, I've been extremely cautious about making sure that I'm "guarding" the door to get them before someone else does.

As far as store employees and other customers go, they honestly could not give less of a shit about you buying diapers if they even notice that you exist at all. The cashier/shift supervisor working the checkout line has 50 other things taking up his/her thoughts and your purchase isn't one of them unless you specifically draw attention to it. My girlfriend works at a chain pharmacy and she's seen everything that you'd expect. Most customers aren't memorable, the ones she tells me about are the ones who are, and buying diapers doesn't make the cut for the level of weird to be memorable. You have to be like the guy who specifically asked her to help him pick out condoms, implying that he needed a Trojan Magnum even after he was told where to find them in a terrible attempt to hit on my girlfriend. Or like the old guy who gave her his number, or a regular customer whose a pain in the ass about every purchase to the point where the entire store staff dreads you coming through the door. If you're buying diapers, you're not going to meet that threshold.

Out of all the times that I've bought diapers in a retail store, I've only had one comment from an older woman who had a very prominent package of adult diapers at the top of her cart. "You've got small ones and I've got large ones," was what she said after seeing me with a package of GoodNites as we waited for the cashiers to finish with the people in front of us, and we both chuckled at the statement, paid for our stuff, and left. It was nothing embarrassing, and if someone asked me something like "are those for you" after seeing diapers of any kind in my hand, my response would probably be "if I want dry sheets tonight they are," or something to that effect, as no one needs to know why I'm using them who isn't already aware.

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Back when there used to be decent diapers at the drug store I used to get somewhat panicked walking into the store and heading to the incontinence aisle. Then it became a normal thing and I would even wait in line in my work uniform with my first name on it. Then I discovered the internet and I'll never go back.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If they are on the shelf, they are available to buy. Unless they are an age or otherwise restricted item go and buy it.

I used to be nervous about this and if I were buying girls clothes etc. In the end, most people don't care, and even if they did, they are unlikely to express that concern. they may go and tell their friends or mother etc, but so what. There are far many worse things in this world than a grown up buying a packet of incontinence underwear. Only you know they are for you, no one else cares a jot.

Buy them, use them, enjoy them, that's what they are for after all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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