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Is Anyone Else Ashamed?

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So like i have learned to except the fact that theres nothing i can do about my fetish, and dont get me wrong i love wearing them but im also going to admit that i do feel ashamed that i have this fetish, it just feels so wrong sometimes and sometimes i just wish i had any other fetish but this one, does anyone, or has anyone ever felt like this?

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Yes, and no. I get that it is going to cause some difficulties for me but I don't abhor myself for it. In those times in which I am self-loathing, my diaper fetishism is the last thing on my mind, it's the reason at the very bottom of the list. I've got past the ashamed part, I believe.

Am I nervous and concerned? Yes. Am I ashamed, though? No.

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yes and no.. over the years i have learned that " I am who I am" and that wont change so I'd better be good with it... i fought it very much when i was younger. i certainly wont be marching in a "Diaper PRIDE" parade but i am not ashamed either... you will get that way someday to.

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No not @ all

Having said that I also don't run around with a diaper showing

Ponder this tho....

If they made a pill that could

Take away your diaper desire would you take it?

I for one would not. because I can rember the dark days before the web

When I felt like a sick person with a real problem

Was sad and just wanted it to go away .

I would try but I wasn't happy inside

Then the inter web hit and I found I was not alone

Dpf was I think one of the very first sites out there much like this and the info I gain there

Was what made me tell myself ....your ok

I would not want to lose what the diapers and role play have given me.the chance to be soft and

Emotional to be cared of and loved unconditionally a fact that in our society men have to act like men always .my wife loves it lol not always in the mood for play but has

I won't let you stop anyway she loves the bond we have

So don't be ashamed just enjoy moderation is key....

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So like i have learned to except the fact that theres nothing i can do about my fetish, and dont get me wrong i love wearing them but im also going to admit that i do feel ashamed that i have this fetish, it just feels so wrong sometimes and sometimes i just wish i had any other fetish but this one, does anyone, or has anyone ever felt like this?

No, not at all. I'm big on self-acceptance those. My AK and DL traits are a part of me and I'm happy about that (not that it didn't take a couple of years of hard personal growth and soul searching to get here).

Ponder this tho....

If they made a pill that could

Take away your diaper desire would you take it?

No, I wouldn't take it either. I love the things that make me who I am, and this is one of them.

No, because I want to keep my kink privilege :P

Thankfully I have a large list of other kinks, but I get ya :)

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There is an element of shame involved, or should I say some awkwardness- but there is nothing inherently wrong with my being a DL :) It is just my knowing that many people will not see it that way which keeps me from being more open about it. I felt similarly about my pot smoking though it was more likely to be accepted in my social circles so I was more open about that back then. I did not want that to be my major definer, not do I want my being DL to be that either. There is more to me than that :D I prefer to keep this part of me in the shadows but I can also deal with being outed. And I might add that being DL is pale compared to some other things I like :roflmao:

The 'magic pill' question is unanswerable since it doesn't exist. Who would I be were I not TG, DL, a skeptic, a ponderer, a dreamer, and all the other things that make me who I am? I might not like that person more than I do not like having no real control over my DL feelings and desires :o So taking that 'magic pill' can't happen unless I start life all over afterward- which is equally impossible. Thus I deem the question unanswerable : B)

My $0.02 worth for your consideration!


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Enjoy your fetishes I enjoy mine without shame, everyone has one, they may not have the same one as you do, but they do have one.

For years I was ashamed to let people know about my fetishes, but now I wear what I want, when I want to wear it.

My fetishes include, diapers, footed sleepers, long underwear, rubber and lycra suits just to name a few.

Those fetishes are what make you, you.

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I agree with a lot of people here that the feeling of shame happens with lots of people. Basically, it's because we are taught at a very early age to learn to use the "potty" and get out of diapers. Not to rehash what has been said about a million times, but we are taught that big boys and girls wear underpants and only babies wear diapers. Wanting to wear them as an adult is what causes the shame based on all the common social standards that say adults don't wear diapers.

Sure, there are times I really love diapers and other times when I do feel some shame with wearing them. The thing is to put it all in perspective. You have to have a good ballence in your life and not let diapers take control. I look at my diapers in several ways. One, it's just another hobby like bowling, fishing or riding roller coasters. It's also somthing sexual in nature with me when I do wear. Some people have foot fetishes, some roll play when having sex and there are many other sexual kinks that people have in everyday life, some of which I don't even want to know about! Each person has ingrained sexual kinks and preferences. Without any sexual desires, the world's population would soon be done! True, some people's desires can be bad and out of control, such as serial rapists and those who murder after sex to get off on the killing.

If you look at diapers as either a sexual trait you have or just the desire to wear them, it is actually a pretty mild kink. Everyone has there kinks! Now, to take it a step further, over the many years I've been a DL, I have heard from and about many different people who are either AB or DL or both. Among them are business owners, corporate CEO's, clergymen including priests, rabbies and ministers, policemen, firemen, teachers, truck drivers, and people of all walks of life. I figure that if so many people out there of that caliber can enjoy wearing diapers, it's really nothing to get worked up about and feel really ashamed about. Sure, a little shame is going to happen from time to time, especially in some situations you may find yourself in but you shouldn't dwell on it for long. It's not hurting or bothering anyone and even psyclogists say it's OK as long as it dosn't bother others. If you like it and feel good about it most of the time, then enjoy it! If you really feel ashamed all the time with wearing diapers, then why do you wear them? It's because if the deep desires inside you. If you can't get over those desires but you feel really bad about wearing diapers, you might want to seek counseling. Just take heart that there are so many normal every day people who enjoy diapers and still feel good about themselves. Just don't let them take control of your life.

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Got to say no to this question. I am happy with the way i am and what i like. I have been able to be normal when i have to and play when i want. Even though most everybody noes that i wear diapers for fun and not need. Some people i wish they didnt know, but most of them have never said anything about it to me. So im not worried about it. But the way i see it if it wasnt meant for me to do it, it would not be a part of me.

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Not ashamed at all. I have large stacks of cloth diapers in my closet and a drawer full of plastic pants, onesies and extra diaper pins. This said, the only one that knows about this is my wife and ex. It is no else needs to know.

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When I was in my 20's, I went through the shame cycle.

And the binge and/or purge cycle as well.

If you decide to throw out your stuff.

Either put it in a box and store it away where it's not easy to find.

Otherwise, sell it to us! A diaper is a TERRIBLE thing to waste.

Thanks to my EX, people found out anyway.

Back then it was my worst nightmare come true.

Now, I'm middle aged, even though I don't advertise it, I know some who know.

It's not really a source of shame after you get where you accept it as a part of you.

Believe me there are way worse things to be known for.

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For the longest time i felt ashamed about this side of me, I would often go through fits where i would throw everything i owned away and hide from everyone. But in the past year or so i have come to realize that this is who i am and i cant change or stop the feelings that i have and ever since then i have been the happiest that i have ever been although i realize i will probably be single for the rest of my life because of it as well and thats not cool but oh well life goes on.

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Not too long after I started wearing I started feeling ashamed of what I was doing. I would hide them away and try to forget about them but of course that didn't help. So then I did this crazy little thing, I told my Mom about it. AND THEN... not much happened. She asked some questions, gave me a hug and told me she still loved me. We went out for ice cream after that and I realized it wasn't a this huge thing I'd built it up to be. Yes what we do is unusual, but in the end it's just a silly little fetish. So I say pad up and have fun, may as well enjoy what you can while you can.

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Ponder this tho....

If they made a pill that could

Take away your diaper desire would you take it?

Sounds like taking the blue pill from the Matrix.

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.


It is an interesting metaphor that I thought I would put forward to that question. I for one will shamelessly take the red pill.

So like i have learned to except the fact that theres nothing i can do about my fetish, and dont get me wrong i love wearing them but im also going to admit that i do feel ashamed that i have this fetish, it just feels so wrong sometimes and sometimes i just wish i had any other fetish but this one, does anyone, or has anyone ever felt like this?

So to answer the question of the OP, the answer is I am not ashamed, but shame is something I do not have a problem with as I have a certain arrogance. As I have said to some other people here, there is such a thing as healthy narcissism. I am not telling you to think you are better than other people, but I am telling you maybe you should think better of yourself.

One last thing, Bettypooh smoked pot?

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....One last thing, Bettypooh smoked pot?

Yes, dear heart, I did- and probably better stuff than most here have or ever will :roflmao: But like my drinking, that is all in my long ago past where it will stay. It is a personal choice of mine which applies only to me. And I've also stated that I'd rather see pot legal and alcohol banned as well as the reasons for that. You can dig those posts up if you wish.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming and topic :)

Bettypooh B)

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No reason to feel ashamed. It's a healthy outlet as long as it doesn't cause problems or dominate your life. If you have a good balance between everyday life and an AB/DL lifestyle, it can be mentally cleansing. Much healthier than drug or alcohol addiction, wouldn't you say?

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Neah. It's part of me and there is nothing wrong with it. I have felt ashamed about it in the past and lived in denial about it thinking I was not into it despite the fact I was going to the websites and reading the stories.

But I do get concerned about my future for my son like what am I going to say to him when he discovers them or how will it effect him. Will it effect his potty training because mommy wears them?

I still don't tell people I wear them or tell them about my fetish but that doesn't mean I am ashamed of it. Okay after looking the word up, maybe I am still ashamed of it because I still don't want to be seen in them and I still get embarrassed about it if others find out or when my mom says something about it. But I don't feel guilty about wearing them or feel guilt about having this fetish.

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For us ABDL's it is important to accept ourselves for our own good, but it is equally important that we handle it well on our own lives. For parents that may not be easy, but that is the price of being a parent ;) If you are careful, your children won't be exposed to things like this, and if you are prepared for accidental discovery, you will be able to deal with it well if it happens. In the TG support group I used to run there were several CD's whose kids still didn't know about it 40 years on. They had huge wardrobes and spent a good bit of time 'dressed' :) They accomplished this by following a "never at home" rule so there was nothing their kids could find about this part of their lives. Keeping a storage unit and paying for hotel rooms wasn't cheap, but it motivated them to earn the money it took to do that. One said that this motivation was probably the only reason they were as successful in their business as they had become :lol: which had made their family's lives better too.; a real win-win :groupwave:

It's as much how you handle it as how you feel about it- that's where the real self-acceptance benefit lies even if you can't get past being ashamed or fully comfortable with this. Find a way to make it work well and most of those negative feelings will take care of themselves just as well too :girl_happy:


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There is many weird fetishes out there and wearing Diapers is not the worst one

Im not gonna name (and shame) any other fetishes as u can find them with google..

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I guess that I have a bit more trouble with this and don't see the blue/red pill choice as so black and white. I very much enjoy my DL side and have done so for ~10 years. However, I am quite conflicted. In the role of husband, business man, etc. I still am unconvinced that there is a way to mix in being a DL. So you'll say... don't mix them... but, then it is difficult to add them into life at all. If this was a foot fetish or something on par I don't think that it would be as big of a deal, but it seems that people outside of our world have so many negative connotations with the thought of grown adults choosing to wear diapers that it will never be that easy to be "not ashamed." If you pick up on a sense of confusion you would be correct. I have written about it in a recent post but, I am struggling to fit my DL side into life with an amazing & supportive wife who just doesn't understand how it's possible to be a DL.

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So like i have learned to except the fact that theres nothing i can do about my fetish, and dont get me wrong i love wearing them but im also going to admit that i do feel ashamed that i have this fetish, it just feels so wrong sometimes and sometimes i just wish i had any other fetish but this one, does anyone, or has anyone ever felt like this?

Yes, sometimes...

Not as much as I used to. I guess you get used to it over time...

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I was ahamed when I was 17. I used to hate myself for it, and I went through many purge cycles. (Hell I even got rid of 2 very nice backpacks due to the purge cycle) I thought to myslef that once I was in collge I would be over my fetish. But once I got to my new apartment, I saw that it wasn't going to go away. Soon enough I grew to like my diaper fetish, and now I wear when I want to.

The fetish is a part of you, and once you feel good about it life will seem to get better for ya.

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