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How Much Do You Think Your Background, (Or How You Were Raised) Influenced You Into Being Into This Lifestyle?

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Hey all,

I have been thinking, & I have a speculation as to whether or not the backgrounds of what we've gone through, or how we were raised affects how we are, & what we do, especially in the spectrum of this lifestyle. For me, I think the answer to my own question is that Yes, what I have gone through & how I was raised has influenced me in being into this lifestyle. I've always said that I feel like I was rushed through my childhood, I was the oldest of four kids, & because the father didn't give a care, & the mother was depressed, & neither of them cared about changing, I was basically pressed into duty as the Parent, which because of that, school, & my disability really took my opportunity to be a kid in the real sense away. I guess what really hurt was that even though I had the responsibility of an adult as a kid, I didn't get any 'adult privileges'. I think it is for this reason that regression sounds so intriguing to me, the same goes for age-play, & how I participate in this lifestyle does make me feel younger. Yet in Real Life, when people talk to me about my age, I say "I'm 25 going on 75" I think this feeling is due to my feeling "Rushed through my Childhood". Does Anyone else feel or think this Way?

Rockies Fan. Go Rockies in 2011!:D

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Quite a bit actually.

I only ever lived with my mother for a few years after being born. After that my parents seperated and my dad took me into his custody on the grounds that my mother was a useless piece of shit. (which she is). I don't remember much but I basically grew up without a mother of any sort. (My sister stayed with my mother and my mother basically destroyed her childhood). These days my mother is drunk most of the time, and when she's not drunk she's high as a kite. She doesn't buy my sister her prescription medicine and she gives her no emotional support for her Crohns disease.

I'm not an AB, but I am a coprophile. One belief is that coprophilia can arise from potty-training difficulties - this really wouldn't surprise me since my mother has complications with everything and thinks problems can be solved by shouting. As for being an DL, I'm not exactly sure where that comes from.

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I don't remember my childhood much (even though it was only 10 or so years ago) so I cant pinpoint exactly why I am head over heels obsessed with diapers. I do remember around 14 or so I started finding my fascination with diapers. I would sometimes take a diaper from my sister's and use it or masterbate in it. They were hard to "cum" by (lol) so I took advantage of the ones I could get a hold of. A few times I found a used diaper and wore it for awhile before doing number 3 in it. This continued until high school where I had to back off for a while (because it was high school duh!) and then when I left high school I went to college and started exploring diapers again. I think it's the soft securityof the diapers. I can happily reach down there and feel the crinkles and know everything is fine and wet myself with a smile. It's also a billion times fun to jackoff into diapers and wear them.

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Can you say "everything"? I have written about my background so much that I am almost tired of it. It is in my blotg and other posts

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I'm really not sure. My childhood was essentially a "Mayberry" childhood: mom, dad, brother, dog, house, school, Little League, Cub Scouts, etc. I never really wet my bed, didn't have excessive pressure placed on me to perform, and my parents were supportive and involved.

But I think there may have been somethings that made me desire diapers, and want to stay as a four year old:

I'm the youngest in my family, and was a fairly late bloomer. I wasn't really potty trained until I was four years old, and had frequent accidents until I was nearly five. After my fifth birthday they went away, and I don't remember have any other accidents. But once that happened I started to fantasize about wearing diapers.

My desires became much stronger after I turned 17, which was significant because my mom passed away the previous summer, and I started having wet dreams during the same period. I was sort of a momma's boy, and when my mom died I suddenly was forced to become a man.

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yea i would say my background influenced me into this lifestyle

i was a bedwetter and i wore diapers to bed until i was about 12

and then when my perents died it sort of pushed me into ABhood (if you can call it that )

i have a need for something too make me feel safe and diapers can do that

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as much as anyone's childhood effects their sexual fetish's later in life, then yeah it affected me....

in regards to the fact that i just sorta shrugged my shoulders when i found out i was into this, and never had the guilt feelings, never did the 'binge/purge' thing... i can't tell ya, my mother was just an awful person who tried to control eveything i did, and consistantly told me that i really had low self esteem etc.... so perhaps her telling me all that had the opposite of her desired effect and I did end up as just an abnormally well adjusted person ....

but really.... i'm one who doesn't spend time wondering WHY i like something... i prefer to spend that time actually engaging in the enjoying activitiy!

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My mother was extremely possessive and domineering, and suffered from Munchausens Syndrome by Proxy. (Don't let anyone tell that doesn't exist!) She tried to control me in every possible way. I do put this kink down to her.

She had a terrible dread of being left alone. When she got too bad I took a "48" and when I came back I found her dead on the kitchen floor from a massive stroke. My first reaction was one of relief.

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I had a pretty good childhood, no abuse or anything like that. I was always a little bit of a loner and liked to be alone, and I was always mature for my age so I guess it's a little ironic that I now like to wear diapers and sleep with stuffed animals.

I was a bedwetter and I'm 99% sure the early experiences with that are what led me to where I am today as far as ABDL. Like a lot of other people I can barely remember a time when I wasn't into this. It definitely started early.

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Had the diaper fetish early as a child, the infantilism probably stems from abuse. I don't know what triggered the diaper fetish though, could've been potty trained early or I have some deeply repressed memory that I don't want to know about. In the end it's not the why that matters as much as it is the how you deal with it.

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My family was diaper-friendly. Granny and Mom are urinary incontinent, so they hope none of Granny's granddaughters would have urinary problems, but worked on the assumption we would eventually become incontinent. They did not want us to fear diapers. Most of us reverted to bedwetting at puberty.

Of course needing diapers every night for bed was a complication in middle and high school. We took the approach that so long as we did not attempt to keep our wetting a top secret and were prepared to tell the first diaper joke on ourselves, there was no point in teasing us.

What we did not learn until much later was that so many nice people are into adult baby. I learned about AB late in 1990 at which time I had been profoundly urinary incontinent almost 5 1/2 years and was 26. It was all the logistics of diapers that depressed me. Once I read that AB had fun in diapers, my entire outlook changed, pun intended.

Hating or resenting my diapers did nothing to restore my bladder control. With AB I can have some fun with my diapers. Most of the time I need to be an overly responsible adult. Even then when I have a few seconds to day dream I remember some incident where I had special AB fun and that makes me smile all over.

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I don't believe one can be born with a diaper fetish. Diapers are a product of man invention, and is not sometihng inherently "known" in the human mind. It's only when we are small and diapered that we develop the fetish for diapers. It's purely human classical conditioning. If all the diapers in the world were replace with...let's say pumpkins. And all th eworld's babies were reuqired to wear pumpkins in place of diapers, then years down the road it would become known that an entire generation of people have pumpkin fetishes and wear pumpkins like we wear diapers know. It sounds silly I know, BUT IT'S TRUE. The only reason we like diapers is because we were subconsciously taught to love them when we were small. Diapers are a product of man, and they won't be around forever. There was a time when they didn't exist, and there will come a time when they don't exist anymore (in production). Alternatives to baby waste removal will be found, and all the remaining diapers will be on ebay for thousands of dollars a package.

I don't believe anyone who says they were "born with a diaper fetish" because that's impossible. Some things are genetically wired (like homosexuality and transgenderism) but diapers AREN'T. Sorry, Charlie.

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In my case I was a bedwetter until around the age of 6. My mom always diapered me for bed in cloth diapers and plastic pants but I was never treated like a baby or humiliated or anything because of it. It was just the thing to do for bedwetting kids in the very early 1960's. I know that is how I became a DL and it intensified when I was about 11 or 12 and put the first pamper inside my underwear and wet it. I'm sure that is why I'm a DL and have no AB interests. I like the feeling of wearing a diaper, dry or wet, but since I was never treated like a baby but always like my actual age, I have absolutly no interest in baby stuff. Being a DL and not AB, I believe that makes me a person who has an interest but not so much that I spend half my time in diapers. I surf the diaper sites for an hour or so a day. I used to wear diapers a lot more than I do now, but I ballence my diaper interets with everything else. To me, diapers are just another hobby to enjoy sometimes, but they do not take over my life. Ballence is the key to healthy living.

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I've been wanting to get back into diapers ever since I got out of them. For me it doesn't have anything to do with how I was raised. My parents are fairly normal and are still married. I do recall that at 4/5 my favorite picture in the photo album was the one of me getting a diaper change. I think I enjoyed the attention I got and wanted to be put back into them.

I didn't discover anything sexually until I was 15, so diapers really aren't sexual for me either.

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Its difficult to quantify. Being a bedwetter and using diapers to control it, I always thought that becoming a DL was a natural progression from that. For whatever reason I never really worried about my friends discovering that I wore diapers to bed but was petrified about them finding out I wet the bed, which seems odd to me today. Coupled with the fact that diapers didn't really have that stigma attached to them when I was growing up also went a long way towards acceptance and enjoyment of this lifestyle.

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I was a bedwetter until I was 10. But night diapers stopped when I was 6 so diaper equals comfy dry bed. Thinking back my diaper fascination started with the positive memories of a dry bed and then trying them out as a horny teenager sort of sealed the deal. Decades later here I am a full time diaper boy and enjoying every diapered minute. I must then blame my diaper fetish on my parents for stopping diapers before I grew out of bedwetting. I don't think I will share that with them:)

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I was a bedwetter until I was almost ten years old; I wore a pull-up to bed every single night and never woke up dry. My parents never shamed me about being a bedwetter and didn't begrudge me my pull-ups. I've known people whose parents would not allow them to wear night time protection even though they desperately needed so they would soak their sheets every night and be forced to change their sheets. My parents had many shortcomings, but not when it came to my bedwetting. I do remember enjoying my pull-ups, though. I would wear them during the day sometimes even though I had bladder control while awake since I was two. I liked to put them on and pretend to be a baby; I specifically remember wearing a Barney nightgown when I was five and my pull-up in the middle of the afternoon and playing baby by myself.

Eventually my parents took me to a urologist who prescribed medication that helped me to stop wetting the bed. Although I have full bladder control today, I still have what the doctors call an 'undersized' bladder. I'm relatively tall and my bladder is made for a shorter person so I frequently have to urinate. We kept a port-a-potty in my parents' car when I was a kid because when I had to go, I had to go. It isn't that bad now, but I still have to pee pretty frequently.

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I think my childhood difficulties with potty training and being a bedwetter have everything to do with why I am an ABDL today with such a strong attraction and need to wear diapers. I didn't fully potty train until I was over 6 years old and wore diapers up until that point. My mom tried to potty train me a few times before that age, but I always ended up back in diapers soon after each attempt and got conditioned to wearing diapers. I remember having very mixed feelings about having to wear diapers as an older child, and at some point I started to grow attached to them. I remember not wanting to give them up even though I was extremely embarrassed to be in diapers around other kids or in public.

After finally potty training, I wore diapers at night for bedwetting and remember enjoying being diapered by my mom each night. I loved the extra attention I got with my diapers. After my bath, I would go to my room and my mom would put me in my diapers and pjs and I got to stay up a while longer before bedtime. In the morning, I woke up in my wet diapers and during the weekends watched cartoons before my mom got up. I used to like to stay in my diapers as long as possible during the weekend before being taken out of them for the day.

As a teenager, I started buying diapers and wearing them again. I thought I was the only adult to like wearing diapers until I discovered the ABDL community on the web in the 1990s and have been active in the ABDL community ever since.

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I think my desire for diapers is definitely derived from my childhood. To start with, I had a bed wetting problem till I was 9. My parents where supportive at first but my mom gave up on trying and my dad took over. My dad was a heavy drinker at the time and I don't think my parents relationship was suffering. At first my dad would yell at me and then he made me sign a yard stick and a belt that I would get whipped by every night that I woke up wet earlier that morning( which I did every morning).

Then He told me he would put this device in my pull ups that shocked my private area if I where to pee the bed. He said that I would either learn to wake up or I would need diapers even during the day. He even went as far as bring it home one day and that caused a huge fight between my mom and my dad (which was frequent) At that point I started to try really hard to quit. One time I spent the night at my babysitters house. I was really good friends with her son and I did not want him to know so I begged my mom to tell my sitter not to bring me my pull up in front of him. She did with me standing there and when it was time to, she walked into the bedroom and told me to go change into my pull ups right in front of him. Then she threw it at me and laughed a little. I was really embarrassed.

I tried to be slick one night and change before he had the chance to check my pull ups that morning (I had frequent diaper checks every morning by my dad) when I left it in the trash can in the bathroom. he made me wear the dry pull up under my school clothes that day. I was so nervous because I was all ready made fun of at school and I worried that my bully would find out and pull my pants down in front of everyone at school. I had these ideas that he would find out and take my pants from me, making me walk all the way through school in a diaper and a shirt. I had another idea that he was going to make me wear diapers during school everyday after that. lol Like he was going to bring diapers to school, take me to the bathroom and make me exchange my undies for a diaper. lol

I had bladder problems though outside of bed wetting. I had a hard time holding it for long periods at a time and would get made fun of by my teacher after lunch because I would always have to go and she would make comments out loud in front of the class. I lived in another state at the time so when we would drive to visit my grandparents, I would have a hard time holding it in the car. I used to have to wear pull ups then so they did not have to stop so much. Eventually I had gotten my bed wetting problem under enough control to stop wearing pull ups to bed. It had gotten to a point where my mom just stopped buying them and made me wear her feminine pads to bed. (at that point I did not wet all the time) At that point I actually found myself missing them. Even towards the end of me wearing them, I started to enjoy bedtime. I wanted them back but I could not have them back. I knew what would happen if I did. Honestly, I still had a bed wetting problem even after I quit wearing. Still to this day, I have a hard time waking up when I need to go. I should have seen a doctor but outside of shots I was required by the school to get, I never went to the doctor for check ups.

When I was 10, I started to watch my sister after school and on the weekends that my parents had to work. We stopped going to the babysitters (a different one then before) because her son molested my sister. So I stepped up to the plate and watched after my sister. We would some times have a babysitter but not all the time. when my brother was born and he was old enough to go to the baby sitter, he was molested by some other kids. I think he was 8 at the time. I then was watching him and my sister. At that time, my mom was cheating on my dad and never made dinner. Some times she would but it would be some crazy combo of weird foods. She actually told me she had cheated on my dad 20 times 2 years before they got a divorce. I had to keep that secret ever since and to this day my dad does not know I knew. I mean what was I suppose to do, tell my dad mommy told me she cheated on you 20 times? I was scared to death and did not want them to split up. I just wanted things to be OK.

So I guess between being a bed wetter, being bullied at school and made fun of through middle school, not having much family support nor much of a mom, being put on the spot with my mom's big secret, being told my mom had an abortion and I was not the first born, finding out my grandfather was not my real grandfather...etc lol I guess I just had a really unhealthy childhood. I guess I use diapers as a safety net. I go back to a age when things started to go bad and maybe by me wearing again, I am almost starting over. I don't know, I just know that when I wear I feel safe. When I hear myself crinkle and I feel the wetness, I feel safe and I feel relaxed and I feel like everything is OK. Honestly, I would get into regression but I have a real hard time doing that. If I met someone who was older and was a good friend, someone I could trust I might actually try having someone take care of me for a week or something if given the opportunity but I am just happy to have my diapers and hopefully soon I will own sleepers and furry sleeper of my fursona! :blush: Anyways, that is mah story of how I got into diapers. did not mean to make it so long but what can I say...this pup's post is generally long anyways! :whistling:

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Most people say they don't remember anything from their time in diapers, but I still have quite a few memories. I remember during my toddler phase when my diaper was checked for number two's and even for a split second, I remember my diaper being changed as a stare at the ceiling of the daycare center, then look to the right to see another child having his/her diaper changed. Both of these memories occurring at a day care center. I think these memories though, have nothing to do with my fetish.

Several years later when I was 6, I was going to a larger day care center (One of those day care centers with multiple sections designed to cater for children of different age groups). I remember I acted up quite a bit and probably got into too much trouble. One day, one of the day care teachers told me "If you keep screwing around, I will take you to the nursery where you will be placed in diapers and put down for a nap with the rest of the toddlers," or something to that effect. I don't remember exactly, but I remember the key words. She was bluffing of course; however this most likely caused the start of my fetish, and is something you should never even threaten your kids with.

Later I was moved to a different day care center, which was much smaller and mostly catered to children still in diapers. There were baby diapers everywhere in that place. With my curiosity, it was inevitable that I would eventually try one on.

In conclusion, the damn day care centers did it. There was nothing wrong with my childhood. No traumatic experiences. I love my family very much.

As a follow up to that conclusion, these experiences led me to the DL perspective in that I enjoy diapers for their great sexual stimulation. This is now combined with BDSM fetishes, but these came later after I discovered the internet.

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