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When Did You Start To Become An Ab/dl?

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Diapers and little things have always been a part of my life. I just didn't understand it all until I was in middle school. I figured out there was this huge community of others like me who had all these little desires. After a story forum kind of started going down, I joined here in its earlier years and when the chat room was bonkers. 

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I must have been about 3 or 4 years old when my interest was first peeked it was one summer evening when my cousin who was a year or two younger then me had just been put to bed for the night and my aunt was diapering him ,after she was done she asked if I wanted one to but I declined because I was already out of diapers and was afraid my parents would  punish me if I excepted .

Ever since then I thought of them and wondered what it would be like to wear one . Often after being whipped by my parents when I was young I would sooth myself by fantasizing about wearing diapers again it wasn't until my twenties that I finally worked up the courage to buy some and wear them again ,afterwards I was really hooked and still wear them recreationally ,I'm now 52 and really can't imagine my life without them .


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I am also in the for as pong as I can remember. I was always playing make believe games that I was a baby and always found comfort in it. I have always just had this little side to me whether it was sleeping with my teddy bear or trying to find old diapers or pull ups lying around the house.

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  • 1 month later...

I was around 10 or 12 and we got a mail order catalog at home. It had those old vinyl, snap on incontinence pants with a snap in cloth liner for sale. I was oddly attracted to that ad. Ordered some by filling out and mailing the order form, by purchasing a money order at the grocery store for payment. Happy that the mail came during the day when both my parents were at work and I could get the mail as soon as I got home.

Dismal performance that had to be enhanced with while terry-cloth towels.

As a joke, and for reasons I still cannot fathom, some comedian friend gave me a box of Pampers at my surprise 25th birthday party. I was not married and had no kids. This gift remains a mystery even to today. I guess whomever gave that to me figured I'd just donate it to a charity for mothers. They had no idea I found a way to tape them into adult size, and I was hooked.

One thing led to another, and here I am going 24/7 as part of the coaching I am in to become a real bedwetter.

Crazy life.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been AB/DL since the word go. I've always had a weird relationship with diapers (due to continence issues) so AB/DL is more a way of rationalising my existing traits.

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I wore diapers for medical reasons until I was about 9, pads and plastic pants for many years after that, so for me, I guess becoming an ABDL was inevitable. Overall, I'm not sure which was THE triggering moment, but there are definitely many contenders:

1) Being a few years old, seeing a Pampers commercial, and feeling jealous of the babies in diapers.

2) Playing with younger cousins who wore diapers openly, while I hid mine under my jeans, but wished I could wear them openly, too.

3) Spending all kinds of time in the hospital, usually in just a diaper and a hospital gown, sometimes also wearing a catheter inside my diaper (which hurt like crazy because the diaper pressed on it). Guessing they left the diaper on for my bowels but left the catheter in after surgery, for my bladder.

4) A few detailed memories of being changed in public, on the floors of restrooms, and looking over and seeing strangers/women looking back at me, not to mention other memories of nurses seeing me in just a diaper.

5) Around seven or so, still diapered at a family gathering, I looked over and saw a cousin wearing nothing but a diaper. At one point, our grandma slid her hand down the back of her diaper and kind of fondled her bottom for a while. I'm sure it was totally innocent but it freaked me out because I was wearing a diaper, too, and wondered if that meant I was next, which in turn created this weird love/hate wish to be changed in front of everybody.

6) Eight years old (or so), babysat by a stoned uncle and his friends, when one of the friends put a porno on as a joke, thinking I was too young to understand. I watched for a few seconds and had an orgasm in my diaper (not sure if I actually ejaculated at that age, but I definitely also lost control of my bladder, which made me hella embarrassed).

7) Definitely by nine, I loved being in diapers, even though they were embarrassing, and hated it when I couldn't wear them anymore. I thought about being diapered all the time, and as much as I hated having wetting accidents in public, I'd masturbate by wetting myself at home (that is, wetting pads and plastic pants) on purpose.

Ha, there are tons more like that, but that's a start.


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Gotta love acronyms!


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I'm not joking when I say my very first memory I can remember is wanting to wear a diaper. I have little sister that is a little over a year younger then me, my first memory is of my mother shutting the door to my sister nursery so i couldn't get in while she changed her diaper.  I remember waiting outside the door only for her to come out and drop something in the full trash can before she went back inside and shut the door.  I remember looking at the stinky dirty diaper and wondered if I was wearing one could i go inside too?  From then on i have always wanted to wear diapers. I learned later the I was potty trained extremely quicky at one and a half while my sister was in pull ups until she was 5.  To me I have always wanted to wear diapers.

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From what I know, I potty trained normally. It wasn't until my sister was born that I developed a desire to go back to diapers. So, even though I was a potty trained two-and-a-half year old, back into diapers I went. I have no idea how long it lasted, but I was back in "big boy underwear" by the time I was 4.

I still had accidents, though. In fact, I remember being in the summer camp run by my daycare when I was 6, and I had peed my pants. One of the older kids guessed it was the two year old daughter of the daycare owner, so I got off without anyone knowing.

My first attempt at putting on a diaper by myself was around that time. My grandmother bought my sister a Cabbage Patch Kids doll at Goodwill, and someone had put a Pampers diaper on it. One day, while my dad was downstairs, I snuck the doll up to my room and put on the diaper. It was awesome.

It wasn't until middle school that I really became aware of my desire to wear diapers. When I was home alone after school, I would watch "Baby Story" on TLC for the diaper commercials. I put toilet paper in my underwear in an attempt to get that diaper feeling, but it didn't really do the trick.

High school brought new opportunities. I got a PSP for Christmas when I was 15, and I would use the web browser to look up ABDL sites. I started reading ABDL stories online, the first major one being "From PomPoms to Pacifiers". That story changed everything, because it gave me a fantasy I could identify with: Being caught by my parents and treated like any other baby.

Though I was definitely aware of my fantasies, I struggled to really come to terms with being an AB. I made the foolish mistake of telling my first girlfriend, and she ended up telling her mom about it. Imagine getting a text from your girlfriend's mom that says, "Does the baby need a diaper change?" (I totally should have said, "Yes. You going to change me?")

My second girlfriend tried to get on board with it, but it really contributed to our breaking up. Well, that and her cheating on me with our boss. After that, I retreated into my baby side. Started sucking on my pacifier more, started looking for a "mommy" or babysitter, to no avail.

My third girlfriend, now my wife, doesn't want anything to do with the baby stuff, but she is allowing me to wear diapers and use my Nuk Nuk around the house. After so many years of struggling and hiding it, I'm realizing now that my baby side is every bit as relevant and important as my adult side. I really can't keep lying to myself: I'm a baby, and I'm proud! :)

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it started as a kid but really developed in puberty. when i was six or so i had an accident at daycare and was forced to play outside in a diaper. that just caused something to click because i knew it was wrong but i liked wearing the diaper, and started stealing them from daycare every once and a while. then as a teenager the shame and embarrassment of liking diapers turned sexual and i liked it more, and it's been that way ever since.

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Like so many others, I can start to recall wanting nappies at around the same time the fog of infantile amnesia started to clear: age 2 - 4.  For the most part, brief, autobiographical images: kneeling on my bed deliberately wetting my thick tartan pants, playing "babies" by wetting my swimming trunks outside, envying a nappy-clad sibling.

I guess that makes me a native-born ABDL.

I'd be interested to understand if this is innate or conditioned and how.  From a lay-persons perspective, the very early manifestation of this behaviour (and it's frequently merely co-incidental relationship with sexual drive) make it hard to see this as a "fetish" as I understand that to be.



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