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Everything posted by Rani

  1. Looks good How did the taste test go? As good as you did before or better? I don't do beer but do have about five or six gallons of wine dotted around the house at the moment. The apple wine we started on at the weekend contains rather a lot of alcohol! Hic!
  2. 1700's is pretty impressive and speaking from experience, it's always more difficult to find the more recent relatives than it is the old ones. Information isn't available on recent people because of confidentiality, so it's the Aunts and Uncles that we have to rely on for our records.
  3. Doing the family tree is really interesting, once you start digging though it's really difficult to stop! I've gone back a thousand years with mine. Now there's a few skeletons!
  4. I think I like being called a quirky misfit . Thanks. Big hugs to you too. (Paranoia does not rule. Paranoia does not rule. Paranoia ...... ) R.
  5. Rani

    My Boobs

    I love being frilly too though my boobs are a permanent feature. So nice to see someone having a great time.
  6. I'll drink to you all later with an imaginary pint of the good stuff, Guinness. Have a great day.
  7. I'm allergic to a lot of things but thankfully I can normally stay away from whatever bothers me. Not so easy to escape it when it's airborne. Hay Fever has got to be the worst and I sympathise with anyone that lives with it. R.
  8. Prices are going up and wages aren't. A weekly shopping bill for us is nearly twice as much this year than it was last. We don't drink much more than the cheapest bottle of wine a week, don't smoke, buy papers or have the latest entertainment centers (I'm a gadget geek so this one is tough). Our last holiday was our honeymoon nineteen years ago and our car is nearly as old. Times are getting harder .......... but I'm still smiling. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones; you can't miss what you didn't have in the first place. Hugs. R.
  9. Couldn't agree more with you Sarah_ab, we do need reminding. Unfortunately though, they do harrass you and often work in gangs too, so that if one doesn't get you then the next will, or even the next person. If you're really unlucky they'll all get you so you have to go through the same thing two or three times over. I don't think there's many people that don't give to charity, I do gladly when I can. But when we get bothered by these people it gets really annoying. They don't like to let you go regardless of whether you're a high earner or a dependent (I recently had one ask me to bring my husband down when I told him I relied on his income so that he could donate). If you tell them that you already donate they ask for proof. Ignoring them isn't easy when they won't let you go about your business. If you try to step around them they side step with their arms out to block you from passing. In my opinion (and it is only that), some of them are borderline abusive, they're argumentative and very intimidating. Doesn't send out a very good image for the charities they represent!
  10. Most recently The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Have you ever taken anything from a shop that you later realised you should have paid for?
  11. I wish I'd known about the last one years ago, it would have made a lot of meetings a whole lot more interesting!
  12. Rani


    I used to work for the government in one of the most hated professions going, but quit that to raise a family. Now I don't have enought time to work and I love it. Thankfully I have a husband that earns enough for me to not have to work but who knows what the future holds. Once my eldest goes to university I'll probably have to work again .
  13. I last used the toilet two hours ago but I've now got it covered (me that is not the loo)
  14. They're both gorgeous and I love bears. Did you know they're great for sending hugs anywhere in the world? You hug one of your own bears and they send it to the bear that lives with the person you want to hug. The other person hugs their bear and the hug is delivered . I personally wouldn't worry about your beautiful bears and your need to sleep with them. Do you notice if one falls out of bed during the night and does it then stop you sleeping? I'd say you'd be too busy sleeping to notice their absence. And as for what other people might think to see them on your bed: it's nothing to do with them. What you have in your home is entirely up to you. If you feel that you need a reaon for them being there then just say an old friend gave them to you and they have sentimental value. You wouldn't be lying about all of it!
  15. It will be like any other day for me, except I'll be remembering a good friend who died this time last year. If anybody wants to celebrate it then go for it, I say. We just don't bother in this house .
  16. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too . Hope you're having a good day.
  17. Red kidney beans can turn it an interesting shade of pink though you might have to eat a fair quantity. Just please be careful when messing about with food .
  18. I wish to remain anonymous as I used the toilet only five minutes ago .
  19. Gotta love those snatched moments of 'me' time. Not sure I would need your new find but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
  20. Johnson for me whether I'm wearing or not. I love the smell
  21. Not blunt at all Honu, honest and to the point. Made me laugh rather and lot too (I'll send you the bill for cleaning the coffee off the screen). I'd never looked at it like that before but I had looked at it as there being an obstruction while wearing. My husband's a very straight guy and having only recently introduced him to the concept of dominant/submissive marriage which made his eyes pop, I still think this would be too much for him. Thank you so much for your input though, I really appreciate it. Maybe in time eh? I haven't given up hope yet. Thanks for the advice on the kids too, eeek, hadn't thought of that one!
  22. Ancient at 34! That must make me comatose then . Personally speaking it's not everyone here that held me back from joining up but my own lack of self confidence. Admitting that I'm a dl is all still so new to me. If it wasn't for the people here being so honest and open then I would still be in the closet and fighting with myself all of the time instead of some of it. As for a new sub-forum, yes it would be nice to have someone where people of that age could hang out and talk about stuff they're going through but us old folks may have already been there and may have valuable advice. If we see a nippers only forum we might stay away and therefore never share our knowledge. It honestly doesn't bother me if you did have another forum for the younger generation. I would say that they're the best ones to say whether there is a need or not. Do the younger ones feel as though they'd like a place of their own to discuss things without us olduns interferring? I do wonder if it would it create a "them and us" scenario though? I hope not and I hope you don't mind me putting that bit in, it's just a thought. Maybe us old folks could have one too and we could talk about tartan slippers and knitting . Only kidding, don't shoot me. ARGH!
  23. Hold your head high when you do buy. False bravado works wonders for me . Welcome.
  24. With anything you'll soon find out what it is you like and don't like about wearing them. Don't be afraid to experiment is all I could say. Other than that, welcome.
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