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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. Thanks for sharing that comic mischa, I think that was wonderfully put. I often feel like I'm squeezing my fear and uncertainty into a bear.
  2. First of all fantastic bear! Where did you get it? It's funny I've had the same thoughts about having a split between the AB/Normal side of my personality. But my perspective is a little sinister, I often see it as a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing. I have a yearning for diapers and think: 'well there goes my creepy side popping up again'. But I've been around for a while and I've grown comfortable with my Mr. Hyde, we're good friends now, but he can still make me uncomfortable once in a while I think it's amazing that you were able to figure out what you wanted in life and then went for it. You seem to really have things figured out, congratulations. In my situation I think I'm still trying to decide what I want. Which is probably why I'm sharing right now, it's a great way to sort things out.
  3. I've always made a point of avoiding sleep medication, specifically because I didn't want to grow dependent. I think I've got my sleeping problems mostly settled now. The bears help, but even before Bugsy and Baxter I'd made a lot of progress towards normal sleep patterns. I've learned to avoid sugar and spicy foods after 8pm (late night sugar is terrible for sleep). I excercise regularly (burn off excess energy) and I've taught myself to stop panicing about not being able to fall asleep (the way I see it my worst case scenario is taking a sick day the following morning). I don't want to suggest that I have any issue with other people taking medications, I just personally don't like the idea of relying on artificial means to perform natural functions.
  4. Thanks Wayne I appreciate the perspective. Before my original post I did some Googling to see how common dudes with bears were, not many folks seem willing to admit to it, not even online Your insider knowledge is very reassuring, thanks.
  5. A keychain isn't going cut it, giving my bear a good squeeze is what I like the most. Unless of course it's a very big keychain, but that seems kind of conspicuous From here I'm just going to go with flow, maybe take a couple nights off just to reassure myself. I'm certain I'll reach some kind of equilibrium shortly. I think the best thing to come of all this was having a chance to express my thoughts in writing, it's reassuring to see the extent of my troubles in writing and realize they're really not worth worrying about. In relative terms needing a hug isn't a big deal and is actually something that's healthy to admit.
  6. While I was living with my parents I was always a little worried about moving into my own place. I was worried I'd take the diaper thing too far, I was worried I'd get interested in the scary hypnosis files, I was worried I'd spend all my money on AB paraphernalia. Well I've been on my own for more than a year and I'm happy to say that I've got my shit together (does that qualify as a pun here?). I have my ABDL/life balance to my liking: I've got a bag of Bambinos which I dip into when I'm feeling adventerous (a couple times a month). I've got a pacifier which I use once in a while, and a bottle which I'm probably going to toss as it doesn't do anything for me. So that's all good, but here's the potential problem: Teddy Bears... yes, Teddy Bears. I bought a smallish 14" bear at Toys 'R Us a month ago and I've been sleeping with it EVERY night. It gave me so much comfort that I ended up buying a bigger (too big really) Gund Bear. So now I have two bears in my bed every night. 'So?' you might be asking 'What's the problem?' Well, I'm getting dependent, before the bears I was a little weary about going to sleep and had occasional bouts of insomnia. Since getting the bears I've had no trouble sleeping at all, usually it takes me just a few minutes. Now I'm actually looking forward to jumping into bed. The bears helped me so much that I'm starting to worry that I won't be able to sleep without them. I've always been able to seperate the AB/DL stuff from the rest of my life, but this teddy bear thing has the potential of causing some trouble. What if I take a business trip or vacation with friends, will I able to get to sleep in a weird environment unassisted? Heck, I'm constantly having to remember to hide the bears when I have company over. My plush toys are much more visible because as they are an every day thing rather than a once a week thing. So here's my conundrum. Should I try to cut down on something that makes me happy for the sake of maintining a veneer of normalicy? I have to admit, having written all of this my gut reaction is: 'heck no! If it makes me happy then I should just keep going'. Or maybe the answer is to cut down just to prove to myself that I can, maybe I should institute a 'No Teddy Tuesdays policy'. Anyway, I'm still not sure what my motivation for writing this post was. I guess I'm just looking for input from folk who also strive to achieve a healthy (for them) life balance. Plus, it's nice to share pictures. In case anyone is curious, yes I've named them: The smaller bear is Bugsy Bear and the bigger one is Bax Bear. I'm a firm believer in alliteration when naming stuffed animals
  7. The way I see it my chances of finding a girl from Toronto who's willing to put up with a nerdy diaper wearing guy are pretty slim. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, so here goes. I'm a 30 year old guy who owns an apartment near the downtown core (Leslieville). I'm 5'8", white, average build (seriously average I promise). And... since this is the Daily Diapers fourm I suppose I should say that I wear diapers occassionally (about once every two weeks). I don't think of myself as AB but recently I did buy a pacifier... and well I'm finding it awfully soothing (sorry couldn't resist the pun), so maybe there's some mental territory yet to be explored. I'm looking for a girl aged 25-33 in the city who's of a similar mindset. I'm not looking to be a daddy and I'm not trying to find someone to baby me (ok maybe a bit). I'd just like to find a (relatively) normal person who happens to share the same quirk as I do and would like to get into a (mostly) normal relationship. Besides what's mentioned above I'm into the usual nerd stuff. Books: I'm reading Malcom Gladwell right now. Movies: Scott Pilgrim was fantastic (Toronto represent!) Music: Woo! Radiohead! Woo! and I love dogs (Although I wouldn't feel right leaving one cooped up in my apartment all day). If you're in Toronto and would like to get a drink or just chat please drop me a line. To those random fourm passer-bys reading this message. Sorry for writing all of this here, but I simply didn't feel comfortable posting on Diaperspace (a lot of those people seem kinda creepy [Yes I realize the hypocrisy]). So there it is. Me.
  8. pung


    Male 28 Years Old Straight Toronto, Ontario (Scarborough to be precise) Working as a programmer. Not very into Diapers at the moment but I think it would be really interesting to meet others who are. A little adventure never hurt anyone right? Right?
  9. pung

    Hello World

    I saw a web page about the munch, at Ben Wick's on Sherbourne right? I've been there a few times. Good Fish and Chips! Have you gone to any of the meets? What's the atmosphere like? I'm honestly tempted to attend, it's just a little scary... you know those people would be the first people I'd speak to about diapers. TERROR! Or even worse, I show up and no one else does! Right now I'm edging towards attending. Thoughts?
  10. I've told absolutely no one. I've yet to decide if that's healthy decision. I suppose what it gets down to is that people don't NEED to know about it. For example, if a guy liked to wear woman's under garments I don't see why he'd have any reason to advertise the fact. So why advertise a diaper fetish? In my eyes it's akin to exhibitionism. If I was more open about it: I'm sure most of my friends would be accepting. A few might take issue with it (no fault of their own, just how they were raised). My Mom would probably get used to it. My dad would flip out. But man, oh man, things could get very awkward during any future conversations. I imagine their train of thought would go something like: "Hey there's pung... I wonder if he's wearing a diaper...", it's not something I need my friends worrying about.
  11. Hey there, I just joined the boards myself. I'm from Toronto too. How are you dealing with the snow?
  12. Well hello Diaper/AB community. I'm still not sure why I'm posting this! I've managed to hide this particular quirk my entire life. Not a soul knows. And it's not something I think I'll ever be comfortable sharing. I'd don't wear often due to my current living situation. In fact I haven't worn in four years! Fortunately, I should have my place in a little more than a year and maybe I can finally stretch a little then. So, I suppose self discipline is one of my personality traits I'm 28 and I'm form Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Are many users from Toronto on this board? I guess that's me. Oh, if you couldn't guess based on the title, I work as a programmer.
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