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Friday, June 10, 2016 Mom bought a stroller for me! I can’t believe how far she’s taking this. I thought she just wanted to scare me, but mom picked it up yesterday. It looks like a regular stroller, but it’s bigger. It’s big enough to fit a normal-sized adult, and more than big enough for me. The only difference is that they can attach the car harness to it, and I can’t get out once I’m buckled in. I asked, “Why did you buy a stroller? I can walk.” Mom replied, “That’s the problem. You wander, and then I have to search for you. This way I can keep you close, and I keep my hands free.” I hoped that mom would stop doing this if I was good. She praises me when I play quietly, but she still treats me like a baby. When I try to reason with her, she says that I’m whining too much and puts a pacifier in my mouth. No matter what I do, mom doesn’t seem to realize I’m too old to be treated this way. I tried something different yesterday. Maybe if I act like a real baby, mom will get tired of doing this. I was fussy and clingy, but that didn’t work. I asked mom to carry me, which I thought would make her mad. She didn’t get mad; she apologized because she couldn’t carry me. She said, “I’m sorry honey, you’re too big to carry.” I crawled, but that hurt my knees. Instead of eating dinner, I played with my food, so mom spoon fed me. Eventually mom made me go to bed early, because I was cranky. I don’t think acting like a baby is going to work. I’ll just get treated more like a baby. Sara didn’t let me use utensils for breakfast. She said, “These aren’t toys, and you can’t play with them.” I never know what time it is. Sara let me use her I-pad on Monday, but she hasn’t let me since. The last few days, I play on the mat after breakfast. I poop, and then my diaper is changed. I have no idea what time that happens. There are no clocks in the living room, and there is nothing in my nursery. I have to peak at clocks when I can see them. I can tell the time when I use my computer, and sometimes I check when they change the channel. My highchair doesn’t face the microwave, so I can’t tell what time it is when I’m eating. If I remember, I’ll check before they put me in the highchair. I’m now used to peeing in my diaper. I realized it’s harder to pee when I hold it, so I just pee whenever I think about it. It’s still hard to poop, but I don’t have any other choice. They won’t let me use the toilet. I usually poop after breakfast, and then again after my nap. That’s good, because I’m always home during those times. I don’t know what will happen when I’m not home and I have a messy diaper. I’m not sure what time it was, but I pooped after breakfast. I was playing with my Tonka Trucks in the living room when the urge hit. Sara was cleaning in the kitchen, so I squatted and pushed poop into my diaper. I’ve learned that it’s best to just wait until somebody notices the smell. They put a pacifier in my mouth when I ask about it and I get put in timeout if I ask again. Emily is at camp during the day, so she is usually not home when I poop. However, she was there when I pooped yesterday, and she noticed. It was embarrassing, but at least I didn’t have to sit in a stinky diaper very long. This time it took forever. Sara was cleaning in the kitchen and couldn’t smell it until she checked my diaper. She noticed the smell after she walked into the living room. She said, “Whoa! I think somebody has a poopy diaper. Let’s see.” She asked me to walk over and checked the back of my diaper to inspect the mess. “Yes, you do! And no whining! You waited for me. Good job, Eddie!” I can’t imagine what Sara is thinking when she has to change one of my poopy diapers. I almost gagged when I smelled my cousin’s diaper, and she was only two years old. However, both Sara and mom act like they enjoy it. They will even gloat about how stinky my diaper is and praise me when I make a big poop in my diaper. This one was big and extra mushy. Sara praised, “Look at all that poop! What a big poopy mess. I bet that feels good to get all that out of your tummy.” I wanted her to stop, but I had a pacifier in my mouth and couldn’t say anything. Sara put some shorts and a T-shirt on me after changing my diaper, which meant we were leaving the house. I didn’t want people to see me this way and didn’t want to leave. I asked, “Where are we going?” Sara smiled, “I’m going to the mall with Nicole.” I’ve known Nicole my whole life, because she’s been friends with Sara since preschool. We used to play together when we were little kids, but now I’m just Sara’s little brother to her. I cried, “She’ll see me; you can’t do that.” Sara didn’t seem to think that was a problem. “Why does that matter?” “She’ll see my diapers.” Sara laughed, “Oh, you’re still hung up on that. She’s going to find out eventually.” I pleaded, “Please! She’ll think I’m a baby.” Sara rolled her eyes. “Eddie, she already thinks that anyway.” I protested, “What! Stop saying that! She’s not that much older than me.” That’s true. Even though Nicole is going into 12th grade, she is less than a year older than me. “Eddie, please stop. I don’t want to put you in timeout.” It was more of a plea than a scolding. I begged, “Can’t I stay here?” Sara calmly replied, “No, there is nobody who can watch you.” “Can’t I stay with dad?” Sara looked exasperated. “No, you can’t. Daddy’s working, and he’s going to leave before I get back. Besides, he’s not allowed to babysit you.” She put a pacifier in my mouth and said, “Stop whining!” Sara dragged me to her car, and then put the stroller in the trunk. I started to cry. I couldn’t help it. I begged, “Please, no! It’s embarrassing! Don’t do this to me!” Thankfully, Sara didn’t get mad. She hugged me tight and gently said, “Eddie, relax. Calm down.” She kept rocking me back and forth until my breathing slowed and I calmed down. Finally, she asked, “are you okay?” I nodded, and she continued. “Look, I’ll make a deal with you. I won’t do any of the baby stuff, but you’ve got to promise that you’ll be good. You stay close, and don’t whine, and I won’t treat you like a baby.” I looked at her and nodded. “Okay.” “But, if you run away or start to pout, I’m putting you in the stroller. Is that understood?” I nodded. I asked, “What about Nicole? What are you going to tell her?” Sara answered, “I’ll tell her that you got in trouble, and mom won’t let you stay home by yourself. She’ll believe that, because she knows what mom is like.” I still wasn’t happy about it, especially after Sara put the car harness on me. I sulked in the backseat. When Nicole saw me, she asked, “What’s up with Ichabod? Why is he coming along?” Sara kept her word and didn’t say anything about the diapers, or the baby treatment. She said, “Eddie got in trouble and can’t be left alone. There isn’t anybody at home, so he has to come with us.” “What did he do?” Sara replied, “I don’t know. I just know that mom doesn’t trust him to be alone, and he needs to be supervised all the time.” Nicole pointed at the harness and asked, “What’s up with that? It looks like a car seat.” Sara sighed, “Oh that. Eddie kept taking his seat belt off, so my mom bought that for him.” Nicole joked, “your mom has some wacky punishments.” Sara sighed, “Tell me about it.” After we got to the mall, Sara reminded me. “Remember, stay close.” I wanted to be good, I swear, but all they wanted to do was look at clothes. It was so boring! I know this sounds stupid, because I’m too old to play with toys, but I still like to go to a toy store. It’s fun to look at the toys, even if I can’t play with them. I thought I could sneak out and get back before Sara noticed. I was only in the toy store for a few minutes. I went back to the store that I thought they were in, but I didn’t see them. I knew I was in trouble, and I was afraid that I was stranded. I found a place to sit and waited for Sara to find me. I don’t know how long I waited, but it felt like a while. Sara saw me and said, “There you are! Eddie, you scared me. Where did you go?” She looked relieved, but I knew she was mad. I started to answer, “I—.” Sara shook her head and said, “Don’t bother explaining yourself. You already know what’s going to happen.” She turned to Nicole and said, “I’ve got to get something out of the car. I’ll meet you in the food court.” Sara grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the mall. I thought about running away, but I knew that would be a mistake. I was already in big trouble, and that would only make it worse. Where would I go, anyway? We got to the car, and Sara said, “Don’t you dare move. Stay right here.” She took the stroller out of her trunk, and I cried, “Please! I’m sorry. No! Please Sara.” Sara scowled, “Sorry, mister. I warned you, and you messed up. Now sit!” “But, please.” “Eddie, I can’t trust you, so now you have to sit in the stroller.” I paused and shook my head. Sara wanted to cuss but stopped herself. “I swear to God, Eddie. Sit down! This is only going to get worse if you don’t get in the stroller.” It was more out of fear than anything else, but I reluctantly sat in the stroller. Sara secured the harness, which locked me in, and said, “this is for your own good. You’ve proven that you can’t be trusted, and I need to keep you safe.” She put a pacifier in my mouth and said, “You can cry all you want, but you aren’t getting out of the stroller.” I didn’t want to lift my head when Sara pushed me back to the mall, because it felt like everybody was looking at me. When I finally did look up, nobody seemed to notice the big kid in the stroller. Nicole noticed right away and asked, “What the hell, Sara? Why is Eddie in a stroller?” Sara scoffed, “Isn’t it obvious? Eddie keeps running off, so he has to stay in his stroller.” “Why does Eddie have a stroller, and where did you get it?” Sara sighed, “It’s a long story.” “I don’t care. This I’ve got to hear.” Sara explained, “Well, you know how I used to wet my bed?” Nicole laughed, “Used to? If you say so.” Sara blushed, “Stop it. I don’t do that anymore, but Eddie still does. He’s done it his whole life, and my mom found a program to help him.” Nicole looked perplexed and asked, “But why would that include a stroller?” Sara replied, “Well, they don’t think he’s fully potty trained, so we have to start all over again. Until then, he gets treated like a two-year-old.” Suddenly, Nicole got a sheepish grin. “I think you’re lucky that never happened to you, considering all the times that your little tinkles made us leave someplace early.” Sara blushed, and then Nicole turned her attention to me. She squeezed my diaper and asked, “Does the baby need his dipey changed?” Sara’s demeanor changed, instantly. “Stop that! Don’t tease my brother!” “What, I was just checking his diaper.” “No, you weren’t. You were making fun of him, and I’m not going to let you do that. It’s not Eddie’s fault.” Sara continued, “I’m serious. We can’t hang out if you’re going to act like that.” I guess Nicole realized what she did, she genuinely looked remorseful. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.” Sara shook her head, “It’s not me that you need to apologize to, you need to apologize to Eddie.” Nicole kneeled down and said, “I’m sorry, Eddie. I didn’t mean to make fun of you.” I never know how to respond to an apology like that. Even if it was sincere, she hurt my feelings. There was an awkward moment, until Nicole asked, “So, how should I treat Eddie?” Sara replied, “Well, if you can’t be nice, it’s best to say nothing. Would you tease a two-year-old like that?” “Of course not.” “Then don’t tease Eddie like that.” I don’t know why, but it felt good when Sara responded that way. She could have piled it on, and she had the right to be mad. I was such a brat, but she was super protective of me. Sara continued, “Just treat him like any other little kid.” Nicole looked ashamed, but then said, “No, seriously Sara. His diaper is really wet. You should change it before it leaks.” Sara felt my diaper. “Oh my, yes! Do you know where we can change his diaper? He can’t go in the women’s bathroom.” “There is a family bathroom next to Macy’s.” The family bathroom was occupied, so we had to wait outside. It was even more embarrassing because I was in my stroller, and everybody could see me. Finally, a lady came out with a little girl. The girl was obviously in diapers, even though she looked too old to need them. She might have been four feet tall and looked embarrassed when she saw me. The mom and Sara shared an awkward glance as we passed each other, but nobody said anything. Nicole seemed to take the diaper change in stride, and didn’t say anything else until we sat down for lunch. She asked, “Do we need a highchair?” Sara glared back, then Nicole replied, “Sorry, I was just wondering. You said that you treat him like he’s two.” Sara shook her head and said, “We don’t need to do that. I don’t think Eddie would fit in that one anyway. The one at home is bigger.” Nicole looked surprised, “Does he really have a highchair? This I’ve got to see.” Sara nodded, “Eddie has everything that a two-year-old has.” Sara poured a small soda into my sippy cup, and then gave me some chicken tenders. “I probably shouldn’t let him drink soda, but they don’t have any milk. Oh well, it doesn’t matter if he pees.” After that, Nicole didn’t seem to pay much attention to me. She never talked to me, even when she watched me while Sara was in the fitting room. She just rocked my stroller back and forth. She didn’t even talk about me. She came home with us and was shocked when she saw my nursery. “It’s like he’s a real baby.” “Yeah, I told you. Eddie is a little kid. It’s not like he has ever been a big kid, anyway. I mean, he went to a toy store. Everybody else would have gone to the record store.” Nicole laughed, “It’s funny, but he looks natural this way.” “Eddie’s doctor said he’s stunted because he isn’t fully potty trained.” Nicole joked, “Hey, that sounds familiar.” Sara scoffed, “You’re one to talk, Miss peed her pants in seventh grade.” “That only happened once. It’s not like it happened twenty times.” Sara defended herself. “I have a medical condition, what’s your excuse?” Nicole smirked, “Just remember, now I know what to do the next time you pee your pants and we have to leave before I’m ready.” I woke up from my nap with a stinky diaper. Nicole was still at our house, and Sara asked her, “It smells like Eddie has a poopy diaper, do you care to do the honors?” Nicole shook her head. “I only handle the yellow ones.” Sara replied, “Well, I guess that’s what I’m getting paid for.”6 points
Chapter 33: So the Plot Thickens(Or Maybe the Padding?) After an hour of Emma going through the administrative tasks Charity sent her and responding to Charity’s email, she saw Chad stand and walk over to her. Emma didn’t move her head, staring at her laptop and trying to ignore his presence as he leaned down, his hand going to her diaper and Emma blushed, looking up to him as he smirked. Chad’s hand squished the dry padding, his finger hooking into the leg hole as an added measure to check her, “Hm. Someone’s still dry.” Emma blushed, feeling embarrassed that she didn’t even realize he was checking her diaper, not feeling her up like she’d hoped in the dark recess of her brain. Chad stood and walked away to the mini refrigerator that Emma hadn’t noticed was also near the new cubby shelves. Emma blinked as he pulled out a baby bottle with water. He turned and met her stare, “Come over here to the couch, baby Emma. It’s baba time.” He said, eyes bouncing in humor at her stunned stare back. Emma shifted off of her seat, hesitantly walking over to the couch where Chad leaned back on the couch and held out his arms. Emma paused with a scrunched face as the pacifier dropped, “Do I have too?” Chad’s bouncing eyes switched to irritated, “Do you want to repeat that or do you want to be a good girl?” Emma blinked, realizing she would probably get a punishment if she poked any farther. Emma shook her head, “Sorry.” She shuffled closer and sat on his lap, moving onto Chad as he shifted, gathering her in his arms too easily. Emma didn’t have another second to think as the baby bottle’s nipple was firmly pressed into her lips and she opened her mouth, not feeling the water move. After an awkward moment of Emma realizing that she’d have to suckle the bottle, she shifted and suckled. At first, it wasn’t a great rhythm or pace and took a few minutes until she got the hang of it. Emma blinked, wondering if he gave her tap water because it tasted slightly metallic as she drank, but she couldn’t speak so it wasn’t like she could ask. She kept drinking obediently, not daring to stop. After a few moments of getting down one-fourth of the bottle, she tried pulling back but Chad held firm, “Drink it all, little Emma.” He said softly with an encouraging smile. It took every ounce of her to not roll her eyes as she kept suckling. The whole time she was staring at the bottle and her eyes met Chad’s finally. Emma’s green eyes shifted in his sudden affectionate look down. His brown eyes were a warm caramel. They were lovingly looking down, melting at his cute little baby’s lost look. The moment felt so intimate to Emma and not in a sexual way. Emma felt so coddled and loved as she suckled and he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the change in his expression. “Good baby Emma. Drink it all.” He coaxed as Emma was almost done with the water, her stomach feeling full of all she drank. “Good girl.” He praised as he took the bottle away from her lips. His hand sliding to the diaper and patting, “And now that you have your diapers we won’t have anymore accidents, hm?” He said, his hand traveling up to her stomach and his fingers circling in a caress. Emma couldn’t hide her smile, shifting and nuzzling her head into her shoulder, feeling suddenly shy as he looked down to her. “Oh, is baby Emma hiding now from Daddy?” He asked softly in her ear, his hand going to her cheek and brushing it as he leaned in, kissing her hair, “You’ve been such a good baby this morning. I think that earned you some coloring time, how does that sound?” Emma pulled her head away to look up, not speaking as he shifted to sit up, “Let’s go back to your desk. Daddy has a meeting at 9AM that he wants you to be good for, hm?” Emma opened her mouth in confusion, she didn’t see a meeting on Chad’s calendar that morning, “Is it a-“ Chad plopped the pacifier in her mouth to stop her from talking. “Shhhhhhh, no need to fuss little baby.” Chad hushed her and suddenly stood as Emma almost dropped the pacifier in a gasp of his strength. He cradled her to the chair and set her down gently, “No more big girl work for the next hour.” He said, closing her laptop and moving her coloring books in front of her, “Can you color one page for Daddy while he’s in his meeting?” Chad asked, smiling down and ignoring her annoyed stare back. Emma just wanted to know if it was an in person meeting or Zoom, ugh! Emma had assumed it must have been Zoom considering the pacifier on her face and her diaper bulging between her legs. She wouldn’t put it past Chad to have a meeting with Sav or Derek though. The thought made her blush and she stopped those thoughts before she got too dizzy with humiliation. Emma blinked down to the kids coloring books, trying to stop fuming at Chad’s insufferable belittling comments. She had three options, one was Disney princesses, another was dinosaurs and her third option was a Lion King coloring book. Emma grabbed the Lion King coloring book and looking through it as Chad placed crayons in front of her, opening the seal of the 96 Crayola crayon pack as if she couldn’t do it herself. Emma was beginning to find that even the little actions Chad did was insulting to her adulthood as she frowned underneath her pacifier, suckling unintentionally from her irritation as he walked back over to his desk. Emma sighed softly as she bit the nipple of the pacifier and settled on a page with Timon, Pumba and Simbon trotting through a forest. Emma opened the crayons, the smell of them entrancing her into a littler state, feeling like she went back in time and was a kid again. The excitement and freedom of any color was at her fingertips as her eyes greedily bounced at the colors. She grabbed a few crayons and could see Chad’s head turn to her for a few moments before he went back to his email. Emma went to work as she began coloring the lush forest around the characters in hues of green, blue and purple. It was relaxing and calming as she shifted, moving one knee in front of her and her ankle under her so she could sit better to have a better coloring angle. Emma knew she was giving Chad a perfect view of her diaper and onesie crotch underneath her skirt, yet that part of her welcomed the attention. She saw his glance again out of the corner of her eyes and tried focusing on her coloring, feeling her face flush. After a moment or two, he went back to his work again. After a good half an hour, Emma was 2/3rds of the way done and had sat crisscrossed again. Her mind was so into coloring she almost forgot her impending doom of her bladder. She shifted a few times, her bladder creeping up faster than usual and she paused, feeling her bladder twinge as if all the water she drank was flooding her suddenly. Emma had never felt an urge to pee hit so suddenly. That was strange. Her eyes shifted at her coloring page, her eyes going up to Chad who was watching her silently for a moment with a knowing smile placed on his face. Emma shifted in confusion as Chad’s eyes bounced in humor, hearing a knock at the door as her head turned to the door. “Come in.” Chad announced as Emma dropped the pacifier in horror, seeing who walked in the room. ________________ Thanks everyone for your patience in this chapter coming out! I am trying to post one chapter at the least per week between recovering from a cold and writing in my spare time. Hoping you all are enjoying this as much as I am writing! This is definitely a 'slower' plot as I'm developing the characters and Emma's entrance into the ABDL world. It's fun to write at a slowed pace and soon some parts will pick up soon here. I wanted to float this story around the main DDLG dynamic but also aspects of mental health plus an underlying plot of the story that progresses. This is a plot that's interwoven and may seem like an ABDL trope office & baby situation... but is it? I guess we will find out. It's much more emotion heavy than I've ever written and I hope everyone is strapped in for the rollercoaster ride!5 points
but, in some ways, isn't she just doing her best? isn't she kind of a victim of this culture too? *shrugs* I like to think she's more complicated than just a terrible mother Anyway! Here's a short update! I plan to do more writing tomorrow, so hopefully I can give you another tomorrow! Chapter Twenty-Six Rei’s heart somehow simultaneously leapt into her throat and sunk into her stomach as she opened the front door of her house to find her mother standing in the foyer, arms crossed and face scowling. “Hi, Mom,” she said weakly. “And where have you been?” “At school,” Rei responded, knowing it was probably the wrong answer but not knowing what else she could say. “So, you went to class today?” Rei chewed her bottom lip and said nothing. “Well?” “…no,” Rei admitted. “Where did you go instead?” “I was just…hanging out with a friend,” her mother clearly knew the score, maybe telling the truth was the best option, but Rei wasn’t going to give any details she didn’t absolutely have to give. “What friend?” This question was a little harder to answer. Rei knew that her mother knew that she didn’t have many friends, just like Rei knew that her mother would be suspicious of any friends she met at college, especially given the recent arrest of two girls Rei had unfortunately admitted to at least knowing of. Rei desperately wished she knew more of what her mother knew; for example, had she seen Riley dropping her off? “Just…a friend,” Rei finally replied rather weakly. “A friend from school? From college?” Rei nodded. “A friend you met while skipping class?” “No!” Rei shook her head, “we’ve been eating lunch together.” “Ah,” her mother said, “and, this friend, did she convince you to skip class?” Rei chomped down on her bottom lip. “And stop chewing your lip,” Ms. Akiyama commanded, “it’s unbecoming and you’ll tear your lip up.” “Yes, Mom,” Rei forced herself to stop. “So?” Rei knew very well that she was backed in a corner and there was no answer that wasn’t going to get her in trouble. The thing was, Rei never used to worry about getting in trouble. Mostly because she had always been well-behaved and a good student. For most of Rei’s life, she had been an ideal daughter—the envy of other parents, even. She wasn’t used to getting in trouble, and she wasn’t sure how to deal with it, nor did she have any practice maintaining her cool under the kind of pressure and scrutiny she was now dealing with. So, she did the only thing she could think of; she shrugged. “You don’t know?” Rei nodded. “I see,” Ms. Akiyama pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Was it the girl who drove you home?” Shit. Her mom had seen Riley dropping her off after all. Rei nodded again. “So, you’re hanging out with girls can drive? How old is she?” Rei shrugged, genuinely uncertain how old Riley was. She was pretty sure the girl was twenty-two, but her top priority was still withholding as much information from her mother as she could. “Is she emancipated?” Ms. Akiyama probed. Rei hesitated but nodded. It was either admit Riley was emancipated or give her mom the impression she was driving without a license. “I see,” Ms. Akiyama said plainly. “I don’t think I like you hanging out with girls like that, Rei; she seems like a bad influence.” “She’s not!” Rei broke her silence without thinking about it to leap to Riley’s defense. “Then how else do you explain why you are suddenly skipping classes and lying to me?” Rei bit her lip again and shrugged. God, what she wouldn’t give to be anywhere else right now. It had been a mistake to skip class, and Rei was very much regretting it right that second. She felt a burning behind her eyes that warned her tears were on their way. Ms. Akiyama sighed and threw her hands up in the air at Rei’s stonewalling. “Here’s the deal, Rei,” she spoke firmly and slowly to hide her uncertainty, “I’ve allowed you to go to college so far despite my best judgement, but I think you’ve proven that you are not yet mature enough for such an environment.” Rei’s stomach twisted in knots as she realized where this was going, “mom,” she said weakly, “please…” “You’re hanging out with a dangerous crowd,” Ms. Akiyama continued as if Rei hadn’t spoke, “you’re skipping classes, you’re getting all sorts of dangerous ideas in your head, and I’m afraid you are going to get yourself in trouble. I won’t allow you to do that, Rei. You are going to be safe and happy and healthy if it kills me, do you understand?” A tear rolled down Rei’s check. She wiped it away but said nothing. “Do you understand?” Ms. Akiyama repeated more loudly and more insistently. Rei just nodded weakly. “Good,” Ms. Akiyama nodded perfunctorily. “I’ve gone against my best judgement so far, Rei, in large part because I knew how much college meant to you, but, since you are now skipping classes, apparently, I was mistaken about how much it meant. So, from now on, I’ll be using my best judgement, which means I’m going to be withdrawing you from all of your college classes.” The words reverberated in Rei’s head, and she started to quietly cry. “If you wish to continue attending school,” Ms. Akiyama continued, trying her best to ignore her daughter’s crying, “we can sign you up for an extended high school program.” Rei just nodded, and the only sound in the Akiyama house for a long moment was Rei’s sniffles. “Good,” Ms. Akiyama said, finally breaking the silence, “now, go to your room; you can come out when dinner is done.” Chapter Twenty-Seven Rei spent much of that evening trying to work up the courage to text Riley and let her know why she wouldn’t be seeing her around campus anymore, but she was never quite able to muster it. Instead, she fell asleep early, slept fitfully, and woke up soaked. “I’m sorry, Rei,” her mom said when she heard the news, “that’s the third day in a row,” she added, as if Rei needed to be reminded of that particular fact. Rei marched into the kitchen to join her mother at the breakfast table with the grim determination of a soldier marching into battle. She expected a repeat of yesterday’s awkward breakfast, but today she did not have the retreat of needing to rush off to school. Today, she had nowhere to go to escape her mother’s needling. She sat down in front of a plate of toast, scrambled eggs, and some fresh strawberries, and silently reached for the jar of jam in the center of the table. Ms. Akiyama said nothing as she watched her daughter spread the jam across her toast. She bit into her own and chewed thoughtfully. She had already made plans to run into Heather and Megan Eckridge this afternoon completely spontaneously and entirely coincidentally at Babies R Us, but how best to broach the subject? She had considered simply telling Rei they had to run some errands and springing it on her, but she quickly realized how many ways that might go poorly. No, it was best Rei get all her pouting and sulking out beforehand. Rei at first welcomed her mother’s silence, but as it stretched out, it began to make her anxious. She could chalk it up to her mother being extra tired or simply not talkative that morning, but she hadn’t even greeted Rei. She tried to focus on eating her breakfast and not letting on how her nerves were stretching to a snapping point. “So,” Ms. Akiyama said at last. Rei held her breath. “I have some errands to run this afternoon,” Ms. Akiyama said, deciding to come at this sideways, “since you don’t have anything else to do today, I figured you could go with me.” Rei shrugged, that didn’t seem too bad. But she was still on high alert. “Okay,” she agreed tentatively. “I want to run by Target and pick a few things up,” Ms. Akiyama went on to explain, “and do some light grocery shopping, and then I thought we’d swing by another store to pick you up some supplies.” Rei’s stomach dropped. She didn’t mean…did she…? An awkward silence ensued. Rei was too worried about the answer to ask the question she wanted to ask, and Ms. Akiyama was too worried about how her daughter was going to react to move on. The moment stretched on for eternity before it was finally broken. “Sound good?” Ms. Akiyama asked just as Rei was asking, “Supplies?” “You know,” Ms. Akiyama responded, gesturing vaguely with her fork, “for your, uh…well, nighttime supplies, you know.” Rei felt the color drain from her face. This was exactly what she had been dreading since the first morning she had woken up wet. Of course, she had known it was inevitable if it kept happening, there was no sense in her washing sheets every morning if it could be avoided. Rei had just desperately wished it could be avoided. It had been embarrassing enough wearing pull-ups to bed the last time she had had this particular problem, and, somehow, the fact that she knew she’d actually be joining the majority of girls her age didn’t give her comfort considering the other things most girls her age did. “Mom,” Rei began, trying to keep her voice steady, trying to make sure it didn’t sound like she was whining. “It’s only been three nights, can’t we…wait for that?” “It’s already been three nights in a row,” Ms. Akiyama repeated the same fact Rei had recited but with different enough inflection to make it seem like a valid counterpoint. “I know you aren’t thrilled about this, but it’s got to be better than waking up in wet sheets, right?” Ms. Akiyama was actually pleasantly surprised by how well Rei was taking this, but she hadn’t let her guard done yet, it was still possible Rei was waiting to explode. Rei sighed with resignation. She wanted to fight, she wanted to resist, but having college taken away from her the same week she started wetting the bed again was a double punch to the gut that had effectively taken the fight out of her. For the moment, at least. Besides, as much as she hated to admit it, her mom was right about that last part. It wouldn’t be too bad being back to wearing pull-ups at night, and certainly no one had to know. More specifically, Riley didn’t have to know. “Yeah, okay,” Rei stabbed a bit of scrambled egg with her fork and ate it pleasurelessly. It wasn’t like she’d be expecting to have a good day.5 points
Sorry about the long delay. I had an offer of some feedback from a talented author that I took, and over the last month I've had quite the education as I wrote the rest of the story. It's certainly not perfect, but it's a lot better than it would have been. Of course, I'm still an amateur, and any rough spots, inconsistencies, or generally bad writing remain my own fault! I did go through and update the first 6 chapters, but the changes are intentionally tiny and don't affect the story so far. More than 30 chapters to go... Chapter 7: Memories I stood in Abby's room, clean sheets in hand, ready to make the bed. As I tucked in the corners of the fitted sheet, my hand brushed against something under the bed. The unexpected touch sent a jolt through me as I got what felt like a papercut. Looking to see what had injured me I reached down and my fingers encountered the rough cardboard of a box. I pulled it out, a cloud of dust bunnies rising and tickling my nose. Curious, I opened the box. Inside were several bags. Youth-sized pull-ups and diapers - remnants of Abby's struggle with bedwetting. I knew she struggled as a teenager, but at some point as her body developed as might be expected she only talked to her mother about such things, and Emily must have helped her keep this secret from me. A wave of guilt washed over me, mingled with a strange excitement that made my cheeks burn with shame. With trembling fingers, I pulled a white plastic diaper from the bag. The backing crinkled softly, a sound that instantly transported me back to my own childhood. I was suddenly seven years old again, lying in bed as my mother carefully fastened a diaper around my waist, her gentle touch both comforting and embarrassing. "There you go, sweetie," she'd say, her voice soft and reassuring. "Try to be dry in the morning." The memory was so vivid, I could almost feel the snug embrace of the diaper, the way it hugged my hips and made me feel secure. But with that security came a deep sense of shame, a feeling that I was different, somehow less than my peers who didn't need this kind of protection. As I ran my fingers over the white diaper's surface, I marveled at how the touch and feel of a simple object could unlock so many deeply buried emotions. The soft padding yielded under my touch, and I found myself pressing it to my face, inhaling deeply. The faint scent of baby powder tickled my nose, bringing with it a rush of conflicting feelings - comfort, security, shame, relief. My mind raced, comparing this moment to my experiences in college. Back then, when I'd experimented with wearing adult diapers, it had been purely about the physical sensation. I knew I was looking for… something…, but hadn’t found it. The diapers I'd bought were thin, utilitarian things, nothing like the thick, secure diapers of my childhood. They had satisfied a curiosity, but never truly connected to the deeper emotional need I was only now beginning to understand. This diaper, though - it was the missing link. It bridged the gap between my past and present, explaining why my recent experiences had been so powerful. The thickness, the plastic backing, the baby powder scent - all of it combined to create a sensory experience that spoke to a part of me I'd long tried to ignore. My legs suddenly felt weak, and I sank onto the edge of Abby's bed, the mattress protector crinkling beneath me. I held the diaper in my lap, staring at it as if it held the answers to questions I hadn't even known I was asking. A whirlwind of emotions swept through me - excitement at rediscovering this long-buried part of myself, anxiety about what it might mean, and a deep, gnawing guilt over the deception I was perpetrating on Emily. How could I explain this to her? How could I make her understand that this wasn't just about bedwetting, but about a fundamental need for comfort and security that I'd been denying to even myself for years? The thought of her potential disgust or rejection made my stomach churn. A noise from downstairs jolted me from my reverie. Emily was moving around in the kitchen. What if Emily walked in right now? I could picture her face, the confusion and disgust in her eyes as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing. Would she think I was some kind of pervert? Would she be able to understand the complex emotions driving me, or would she simply recoil in horror? Panic seized me as I realized how this must look. My heart pounded in my chest as I scrambled to my feet, nearly tripping over the box in my haste. With shaking hands, I shoved the diaper back into the box and pushed it under the bed. I could hear Emily's footsteps on the stairs now, growing louder with each passing second. I lunged for the sheets, my fingers fumbling as I tried to finish making the bed. As I smoothed out the last wrinkle in the comforter, I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. But I knew something fundamental had shifted. The connection I'd just made couldn't be undone. My hands tingled where they had touched the diaper, and my heart continued to race, a physical reminder of the emotional journey I'd just experienced. I joined Emily in the kitchen, trying to act normal, but the weight of my secret hung heavy on my shoulders. I smiled and laughed, but inside, I was already bracing myself for the inevitable fallout. I had opened Pandora's box, and now I would have to deal with the consequences, whatever they might be. The contrast between my past shame and my current curiosity was stark. As a child, I'd felt nothing but embarrassment about needing diapers. In college, it had been a secret thrill, but ultimately unfulfilling. Now, as an adult struggling with changes and uncertainty, I found myself longing for the comfort and security they represented, even as I grappled with the implications of that desire.5 points
@Reddy .Since your incontinence was caused by the removal of both sphincters, it is indeed irreversible. No surgery can ever replace them. This situation almost never occurs, except in cases of medical malpractice or, as in your case, intentional surgical removal. Diapers, foley catheters, indiana pouch or a urostomy are the only options for dealing with the incontinence. Missing sphincters are as irreversible as missing limbs. Every specialist will have to tell his or her amputee patient to just learn to live with it. There is no point in getting angry about it. As a long time stent user I know exactly what it is like to wet myself all the time, to always be in a wet diaper, to never feel clean, to never enjoy a dry diaper for longer than a minute at most. For me, the hardest part of it wouldn’t be the diaper I would have to wear for the rest of my life. The hardest part would be the constant peeing around my private parts, like a constant and hard to ignore reminder that I am incontinent. It’s quite mentally taxing to deal with. I found it hard to understand how you seemed to be so convinced at first that you wanted to become irreversibly incontinent and completely dependent on diapers and then later, when you had succeeded, felt it was unfair that you could no longer do certain activities (so easily). The limitations you said you encountered unexpectedly were so predictable to me that I seriously began to think you were fooling us by pretending that the world had suddenly turned against disabled people for no reason. When in reality, you were the one making yourself incontinent for what most people would consider 'no valid reason'. I was truly confused by this inexplicable turnaround in your perception of true diaper dependency. If you are completely incontinent and can't even go a few seconds without a diaper, then of course your life changes drastically. Some activities become extremely difficult or even impossible. That's a fact. But I am glad that you seem to have accepted that you now have a body with new characteristics and that it will need extra care for the rest of your life. Thanks for sharing your latest experiences and thoughts. It is really helpful for people who may still be in doubt.3 points
This week I also had a weird moment in the car. I haven't really been stopping even for a minute this year whether it was dealing with my previous LUTS and retention, then surgery excitement, then my initial surgery recovery, then bladder retention, then UTI, then stricture worries, then 2nd surgery, then recovery, then urologist and my main doctor both still telling me I had bladder retention, then having urodynamics, then meeting with urologist this week about that, it's been a constant cycle of problems that were always getting fixed and getting better. So I was driving home from something maybe it was my last uro appointment and I had a funny thought because things are finally sort of settling down and I thought what's next but all I am is wet all the time. That's kind of when I realized I was excited about this but my subconscious didn't actually realize this would continue. So now I'm incontinent but there's nothing else to it. I wasn't considering the surgical treatment but I looked up the mesh sling surgery and the artificial sphincter surgery and they both sound a lot worse than I thought. There's actually not an easy option to just stop being incontinent, they look really complicated and have a lot of risks and they all break and have to be replaced. The artificial sphincter has a pump in your scrotum, a cuff around your urethra, and a balloon inside your abdomen. You have to squeeze the pump in your scrotum to deflate the cudf back to the balloon and your body can pee for a little bit and then you can't again. At 10 years, about 66% of artificial sphincters are still not broken. Whenever it breaks you have it taken out and have a new one implanted in all of those places. The mesh sling wraps around your urethra and two ends tie around your bones, seems like your hip bones or pubic bones, the ones with holes in them. There are lots of lawsuits about problems with the mesh sling too, even though it looks like the less complicated and less risky one. The mesh can move and become exposed, and also erode into the urethra itself. It lasts more than 10 years but has to be replaced too. All of these replacements cause more scarring. Oh and I am not sure you can ride a bicycle anymore, at least you definitely can't at first. My urologist told me he didn't necessarily advise either of these because first of all the type of incontinence is apparently much more extreme than most cases according to my urodynamics, there is an extreme amount of leaking (constant) and significant incontinence and these wouldn’t necessarily work. For the average person with just some incontinence these work for about 80% of cases. The other reason he said it might not be safe is my bladder doesn't squeeze anymore so even though my retention is actually better than before all this, now my bladder doesn't squeeze normally and if they put one of these devices in it would make it more difficult to pee at all, and if it caused retention I would be going down a bad road. This all sounds scary. He had mentioned physical therapy before, but said it's not necessarily a muscle problem, it could help, but he doesn't see that my sphincters are there at all so that it would not do anything about that, which is the cause for the incontinence. I don't mind but it's weird and I'm surprised that if I wanted to go back they don't really have good options to go back to not being incontinent anymore. They should have a way to actually fix the problem not these devices that cause problems or break or don't work. That doesn't actually fix your body so you are back to normal and that seems really bad. So I was in the car just thinking this has all been very interesting but what if I wanted to be able to do things not wearing a bulky diaper all of my life, every second of every day, it's not easy to change that. I didn't want to, but when he first mentioned the surgeries I assumed they would actually be permanent and actually fix incontinence. It was a weird feeling that even though I don't mind it what if there is a situation I don't want to be sitting in a wet diaper, there isn't actually any fix for it. I'm not sure what people do when they accidentally become incontinent, it seems like they all can get help and move on but maybe what I have is actually worse and most people never have severe incontinence. Idk what they do. I've never really had something where you can't just change it how you want it, so it just felt different. The weird feeling wasn't that I don't like this but "what if" I don't like it. Would I just be unhappy? Would I be really mad? Would there be better medical care by that time so it can actually be fixed when people need to stop being incontinent? I don't really know. I'm not worried about it I just started thinking about it. So my urologist just said go to physical therapy. I am only gonna go to try to learn some things that could help continue the healing for my erectile and orgasm functions. But it's kind of weird that that was all he said. Just go do this, and maybe it will help, but it won't fix things, and that I might just be in diapers all my life... and then what, just bye and good luck have a nice life? What if I was just somebody off the street who had incontinence inflicted on them. You have to wait weeks for an appointment, weeks to to the tests, weeks to do the review of the tests, and then what are you doing in the meantime just sitting there in your diapers every day while you wait. It doesn't seem like great medical care options in this day and age if you actually had a problem with it. And what if the physical therapy didn't do anything either. What do you do then? I am not clear on what the next step would be. Like I said I am not mad but I am starting to think what if I was. Also physical therapy seems like it takes up a lot of time and I only see appointments are available when I am normally working, it should be where you can go when you are available. Not sure how people can manage that either. Well I am lucky that I don't mind the incontinence and diapers, I don't think I will ever change my mind, but it's kind of weird they just expect you live with it and when they say they are a doctor that can see people for incontinence and perform surgerys, they cant actually fix it at all? So what are they doing then. Not fixing incontinence. I just need a break from it, I don't want surgery obviously, because I am glad I am incontinent. There should be a way to take a break though and there is nothing they can even do to give you THAT. But like I said I'm lucky because Im not actually dealing with this. This is just by choice not like real incontinence that happens to people. I just cant imagine if I had randomly became incontinent I don't know how people don't go crazy, I would go crazy3 points
I haven't been back to the gym yet but I will soon. My plan was to go this week but I had 3-4 weird things come up that took up all my time. I'm hoping next week is better. The only thing surprising me lately now is how constant the peeing is, there isn't any dry period after I change my diaper. And how I can never actually ever experience being just clean and dry. I am always soggy, moist, something. I thought I would have a dry diaper sometimes at least for like 20 minutes. But I always feel it all over my balls and butt and skin and stuff. It's hard to explain what it's like always being wet. I guess one more thing surprised me, how it has really started to sink in and affect me that this is still happening. I think my subconscious kind of felt like once I did this it would be exciting and then I would move on to something else. I know logically it wasn't but I think deep inside I didn't realize what I was doing. My friend was walking around in his shorts and my mind freaked out and I was like clenching up thinking "no you're gonna drip everywhere" and after a split second I remembered that's not what happens to other people and they don't have to think about that. They can just throw on shorts walk around and actually not cause a problem. That's when I realized what was really sinking in just now at this point. It reminded me too of when I was gonna be with friends swimming and about 10 seconds after putting on my swimsuit I had wet patches that looked really obvious on my gray swim shorts, and wet spots that really showed up on the ground under where I was standing on the wooden planks. There are times in my day where I never thought about diapers before, only thinking about them when I wanted to or was really into them, and I didn't realize all these other times that I need them, it's actually all the time. When I just wish I didn't have to deal with I still have to. And having to remember diapers everywhere. I sometimes forget or only have one diaper and for a lot of the time my diaper is "very" wet before it's "totally full" or leaking. And when I'm very wet... if I don’t have enough diapers, I can't get changed. Oh and having to bring a big backpack into every place I go for longer than an hour or two. It's just that I really can't do stuff without wearing a significant absorbant and bulky diaper. And I can't magically make it so my diaper is thin and silent so that people aren't looking weird at it sometimes. I guess there's a lot of stuff.3 points
I think I mentioned it once very early in the story, but yes, technically adult men can't date women under 28 because they are minors. I do think a male perspective in this world would be really interesting, but, as the title of the story implies, this will definitely focus on the perspective of girls in this world. To be honest, I don't really enjoy writing from a male perspective, so that probably won't be something I ever do.2 points
*Knock Knock Knock* “Right on cue.” Rosemary quipped. Another Halloween had come to her humble homey neighborhood. However, she had been unable to greet her favorite holiday with her usual sinister smile. Tragedy struck, leaving her without an outfit for the special occasion. She still felt odd about the trick-or-treaters not seeing her in costume, like a churchgoer with a stain on her Sunday best. She almost wanted to ignore it, but the bowl of lollipops and Snickers wouldn’t finish itself—she was already tempted to take up that job. To her surprise, she opened the door and saw someone who looked too old to be trick-or-treating. The older woman looked no higher than five feet (black heels not included). She wore a black coat with a matching cap atop her gray hair. With coke bottle glasses and a wrinkly face, she looked like the textbook picture of someone’s grandma. “Excuse me,” the grandma started in a shrill, quiet voice. Rosemary would have missed the question if the two weren’t a foot apart. “Are you Mrs. Conrad?” “Yeah, that’s right. Whose asking?” Not even waiting for a response, Rosemary unwrapped a cherry-flavored lollipop from the bowl and popped it in her mouth. Older people tended to drag on, and Rosemary saw no fault in having a snack when that happened. A glance and Rosemary figured this one would be no different. “Oh, where are my manners,” the grandma continued. “My name is Ms. Garland. I wanted to consult you about the toilet paper on my trees.” Ms. Garland…why did that name sound so familiar? Because they lived on the same block, right? Then why had Rosemary never seen this woman before? Had her infamy proceeded her once again? It was truly a challenge, being so revered and reviled. “It’s probably just some bratty kids making trouble,” Rosemary replied still idly sucking on the lollipop. “I mean, it’s Halloween, so…” Rosemary tried to keep a casual air, but something about the conversation just felt off. The Autumn air suddenly felt extra chilly. It was as if Mrs. Garland had brought a personal wind cloud to the door. There was an alien animosity between Rosemary and this woman she just met. It was easier keeping track of folks who didn’t like her—an ever-expansive list—when she knew the reasoning. Ms. Garland reiterated her question, “I heard two young girls in the area were seen running around with toilet paper. Do you know anything about that?” There was bait on the hook and the older woman was hoping her neighbor would bite. Rosemary paused. She had two young girls in the area. But there was no way her daughters were the culprits. Firstly, Rachel knew better than to TP someone’s house. Second, Marcy was a lot more creative than that. Even then, it was still an impossible feat for them to take credit. Both of her daughters had moved out, going for either work or college. “Sorry lady, my kids aren’t allowed around toilet paper.” Rosemary smiled to signal she was joking, but Ms. Garland looked unamused. “Is that right?” Rosemary paused again, now feeling pressured as though she was asked to rat out on a classmate. “Y-yeah that’s right.” …Crickets. Even though Rosemary just found the incident, the silence and stares grandma was dishing out felt like a guilty verdict. After a few seconds of agonizing silence, Ms. Garland finally looked up and said, “Alright then, thank you.” She turned and gave a weak wave goodbye, coupled with a, “See you soon Rosemary.” As she closed the front door, the answer hit Rosemary like a lightning bolt. Ms. Garland was the name of her neighbor when she was a kid. She never met the woman, but Rosemary remembered hearing she was a mean old witch. She chalked it up to coincidence. Ms. Garland was said to be pretty old and the name was fairly common. Not worth giving any more thought. ‘See you soon Rosemary.’ was also a weird way of saying goodbye. If grandma was trying for formality then she missed the mark and came off as creepy. It would be more in-season for her to do that, but Garland gave off a strong no-nonsense vibe. Whatever. Again, not worth giving any more thought. Rosemary had cheesy horror flicks to fall asleep to. Rosemary shrugged and discarded the lollipop stick she had been absentmindedly chewing on. *** “Come on, Rosie. There’s still time for me to dump a gallon of fake blood over ya.” David had been dressed to the nines, addressing this year’s Halloween party with a classic zombie ensemble. Gray and green face paint. Fake guts hanging from his chest. Eyelids that were red and blood sunk. He was a living picture of death. “Seriously, sis. It’s not like you to miss out on Halloween.” Janet had been dressed to match. While she originally planned to stay home for Halloween, considering her scary days long in the past. However, the costume’s theme, a bloodied bride and groom, worked best in a set. With her sister unable to engage in the festivities, Janet answered the call back to action. It hurt Rosemary somewhat, seeing her sister run off with her husband while wearing the matching zombie costumes she and David planned out together. But her costume had torn the night before, and there wasn’t enough material to fix it in her size. Luckily, Janet didn’t mind taking her sister’s hand-me-downs. Still, if anyone was going to run off with her decomposing corpse of a husband, Janet was the best bet. “ I’ll be fine, don’t sweat. I’ve already caused plenty of mischief in my day. I’ve earned one year to slack off. You crazy kids have fun tonight. Don’t do anything I would do,” Rosemary teased. “Got it. I don’t think we could fit bail in the budget anyway.” While not fully convinced, David left his wife with a hug and a peck on the cheek. Just like that, Rosemary was back to being the loneliest treat in the candy bowl. She wondered what her daughters were doing, settling on the notion that they were no doubt busy partying with their friends. Now her husband and sister were in the same boat. How did Halloween get so lame this year? For once, stuffing her face full of sweets didn’t sound so appealing. She wished she was out there, causing havoc. Raising hell for her neighborhood was supposed to be special. *Knock Knock Knock* Another trick-or-treater, she suspected. The night had been dreadfully dull so far. She wondered if the kids were too scared to go over to Rosemary’s residence this year. She might have overdone it last year with the fake guts in the skeleton. At the time, it seemed like a great use for leftover spaghetti. *Knock Knock Knock* “I’m coming, keep your bedsheets on.” Rosemary finally arrived at the front door, ready to greet another set of kids in crappy costumes. What surprised her was what she had, or rather had not, seen. Nothing. Not a soul in sight. Even David rushing back to grab his keys wouldn’t have been as disappointing a sight. A familiar chill hit her as she backed into her house before her mind could wander. “Hello again, Rosemary.” Rosemary lept back, slamming into the closed front door. She had thrown up the candy bowl, spraying chocolate and lollipops and empty wrappers all over the living room. She clutched her chest, her heart beating like a drum in a marching band. “I told you I would see you soon,” Ms. Garland explained, her voice casual with notes of disappointment. “You never were good at listening.” Rosemary shrieked, “What the hell are you talking about?!” While not the most neighborly answer, Rosemary felt it was okay to break social norms when unlawful entry came into the mix. “I see that you are also still a potty mouth.” Garland tsked and shook her head. “You don’t remember, do you? Two little girls who TP’d my house? Think long and hard before you answer.” “I already told you, I—” Rosemary stopped, eyes growing wide. “Oh, my God.” She thought long and looked harder this time. Her gut churned, not from the overdose of sugary snacks, but at the awful answer to her neighbor’s question. She was only a teenager at the time. One Halloween, just the same as this. There had been rumors floating off a mean old witch who lived up the street. It was Rosemary who decided the old house needed a redecoration. An eggshell white and yolk yellow paint job here and there made for an unforgettable welcome to the neighborhood. The habit soon became a tradition. Every year, she and Janet ran by Garland’s house and treated her to more of the same neighborly hospitalities They never got caught, and, with Mrs. Garland’s house already being a crossroads at their trick-or-treat route, it was too good to pass up. “My goodness, that must have been, what, thirty years ago? Thirty years ago today. Time sure does fly when you grow up and become the naughtiest woman in the neighborhood. If only had been more like your sister, Janet. Such a sweet girl. She even baked me a cake a few years back. It was to apologize for all of your pranks. I always pegged you as a ringleader, Rosie. Not that it was hard to guess.” Ms. Garland looked around the room, clicking her tongue. There were gumdrops and gummi worms every which way. With a snap of the fingers, all the scattered treats floated and returned to their right place in the candy bowl. “Such a messy little girl you are.” “You’re… You’re a witch!” Paralyzed with fear and back against the wall, all Rosemary could manage was to state the obvious. She was as helpless as one of the countless heroines she watched get slashed and hacked away on the TV screen moments ago. Ms. Garland laughed. Rather, she cackled, loud enough to shake Rosemary to her frightened core. “That’s right, dearie! I’m the big, scary witch you always made me out to be.” The years melted off of her wrinkled face as Ms. Garland teased her old adversary. “I bet you were so scared, wondering what would happen if the mean old witch ever caught you. Well, little Rosie, you don’t have to worry about that anymore! And do you know why?” Rosemary, still petrified, took a desperate shot in the dark. “Because you forgive me?” That was the wrong answer. “Oh, no!” Garland cackled, “Because, this year, I’m going to show you!” Ms. Garland yanked Rosemary’s ear, hard, and dragged her over to the couch. Rosemary landed squarely on her lap. Her pants had been pulled down, exposing her bare bottom to the elements. “Now, I think a spanking is just what we need to start you off!” “What?! Wait, n-no, please! I’m sorry, oh God, I’m so, so sorry—” *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP* *WHAP* …It must have been sixty spanks before Ms. Garland was satisfied. That snarky, prideful attitude? Four spanks were all it took to shatter it completely. The other fifty-six were to give Rosemary the red, shiny bottom she desperately deserved, according to Ms. Garland. “…I think that should do for the first half of your punishment. I must say, I never imagined you to be such a fusspot!” The older woman’s chipper and song-like tone was a far cry from the whimpering woman in the corner of the room. Rosemary had been stripped bare with her nose facing the corner. “Oh, you shush those sniffles, dearie. You and I both know this punishment has been years in the making.” Rosemary kept herself pinned to the wall. While her eyes were filled with a view of eggshell white, her ears heard every moment of Garland prepping for further punishment. Her gentle humming blocked the finer auditor details, but Rose could still make a few subtle sounds of clothes moving. There was rustling—a crinkling, perhaps—going off loudly behind her. Her chest filled with red-hot, nervous anxiety. Despite her growing curiosity, she didn’t dare make a peep. She was in no mood for her mouth to write another check her red bottom couldn’t afford to cash out. “You can turn around now, Rosie. I was able to conjure up something more appropriate for you to wear tonight.” Ms. Garland grinned at her turn of phrase. When the young woman took a tad too long to turn over, Garland once more took matters into her own hands, dragging the woman over to the center of the living room. Though her hair was disheveled and her eyes were puffy, the meaning of the sight was crystal clear to her. “A diaper?” Rosemary stammered, covering her chest. “A diaper,” Garland sang, “For the biggest brat in the neighborhood. Let’s face it, Rosie. You never really grew out of those. Even as an adult, you still act just as mature as a baby. Now, have a seat, and don’t make me ask twice.” Garland smiled at the woman’s broken compliance. “Very good. There just might be hope yet in teaching you some manners. Now, lie back. Let Nanny Garland take care of everything.” Rosie complied once more, her back embracing with the flat cloth. Despite the shakes and squirms, Garland was able to change Rosemary into a fresh diaper with ease. White powder was carefully flaked over her crotch and rubbed in, a snowy sight more fit for the Christmas season. The thick padding was fully folded over, causing Rosemary’s legs to spread out slightly. The sudden sounds of crinkles around her butt caused Rosemary to whimper even louder. “There we go,” Ms. Garland lifted Rosemary to an upright position, returning the padded woman to eye level. “The perfect proper protection for a big baby like you. Now, it is finally time for your costume. Arms up, Rosie!” A fluffy red onesie was pulled over her head. Large buttons on the crotch snapped close, keeping her diaper nice and snug. Short black socks were snaked up her feet. Red Mary Jane shoes followed close behind. Affixed on her head was a red baby bonnet, with devil horns poking from the top. “Aren’t you precious? You truly are the biggest devil in the neighborhood.” “Is,” Rosemary sniffled, “Are you done?” “My sweet, little Rosie.” Ms. Garland kissed the tear-stricken woman on her forehead. “I’m not even close to done with you. Don’t you know what day today is?” “Halloween…?” “That’s right, Rosie. And Nanny Garland knows how much you love Halloween. But you didn’t have a costume to spend it in. Well, I’m going to make sure you have your best Halloween ever. It is the least I can do to you, for opening my eyes all those years ago.” Now, stand up, Rosie. It’s time to show the whole neighborhood what a little devil you are.” *** Rosie was red all over. From her blushing cheeks to her devilish costume to her stinging bottom. As she was forced to waddle through the busy night streets, every passerby adored her costume choice. More so than any year prior. “Aww, what a cute costume!” “Oh, that’s so clever.” “I could just eat you up!” Coo after coo, not a single person saw anything odd about treating a grown woman like an oversized toddler. While costumes and playing characters were part of the holiday spirit, this level of commitment was far from regular. “Hey,” Rosemary whined, failing at sounding demanding, “Why is everyone acting like I’m a baby?” “Oh, you notice!” Ms. Garland chuckled. “Before we left, I cast a spell that made everyone see you for what you truly are; a helpless baby needing guidance. Isn’t magic wonderful?” ‘Impossible’ would have been more accurate. However, given her recent tricks, the disappearing act, and levitation, Rosemary had no room to make a case against her. What was Rosemary to do now? The witch had her hand held tightly around the handle of Rosemary’s baby leash. Both of Rosemary’s hands were busy clutching a candy bucket, in the shape of a classic jack-o-lantern. Coupled with all the crinkly bulk swaddling her bottom, she had no hopes of making a break for it. “Listen,” Rosemary pleaded, “I am so sorry for all the stuff I did as a kid. I totally accept this punishment and I get the point. Can we drop it now?” It was by no means a perfect apology; however, Rosemary felt that her humiliation had been punishment enough for her childhood wrongdoings. “Punishment? Rosie, I’m only giving you what you wanted. You were so sad that you weren’t able to go out this year, because of your costume. Now Look!” Out of the blue, Garland made a sharp turn left, causing Rosemary to gasp, “And what is all this talk about going home? We haven’t even hit our first house yet!” Sure enough, that was soon fixed. Garland towed Rosemary to the front of a decorated home with the lights still on. Garland specifically avoided any homes with a “Take One” bowl, not wanting the spectacle of her charge to go to waste. “Go on, Rosie. Knock on the door and get your candy. You wouldn’t want to upset your nanny after she worked so hard to get you a costume on such short notice? Ungrateful behavior would need to be corrected, after all.” Rosemary frowned. She saw no option other than continued compliance. Swallowing what little pride she had left, she knocked on the front door, resigned to the role of a common trick-or-treater. *Knock Knock Knock* The pair was not made to wait long for an answer. The door flung open, with an all-too-familiar face stepping out. “OH MY GOODNESS!!! IS THAT WIDDLE ROSIE?!” Dressed as a witch—the pretend, fictional kind—she was a bubbly mountain of a woman. Rosemary recognized her as Mrs. Baker, one of the local daycare workers. She had an earnest and pure passion for children and Rosemary in turn was no exception tonight. Mrs. Baker continued to coo, “She is just the most adorable devil I have ever seen! Is this her first Halloween?” Mrs. Baker asked, directing her attention to the nanny on duty. Ms. Garland smiled. “Yes, that’s right. I thought she was too young to go out tonight. But, David and Janet thought it wouldn’t be right for her to stay cooped up inside when they saw how much she loved the decorations.” “David? Janet?” Rosemary thought to herself. There was no possible way they would cosign this. Had the witch’s magic reached them from across town? Mrs. Baker nodded. “I see. Well, I know Rosie is lucky to have such a thoughtful nanny.” Mrs. Baker knelt, hands on her knees, facing back to Rosemary. “Do you like Halloween, sweetie? Are you going to be a little heck-raiser when you get bigger?” “Not if I have any to say about it!” While an inside joke between Garland and her charge, both of the witches shared a laugh at Rosie’s expense. The little devil pouted, only wanting her night to end as soon as possible. Garland put a hand on Rosemary’s shoulder, pushing her forward. “Go on, Rosie. Don’t you have something to say to the nice lady?” “T-trick or treat…” Rosemary stuck out her basket, the pumpkin face smiling for her sake, knowing better than to make Ms. Garland wait. “Such a cutie,” Mrs. Baker smiled and deposited the chocolate-coated reward into the outstretch basket. “You be a good girl for your nanny, okay?” Mrs. Baker shut her door, finally finished fawning over Rosie. “Hey, can we slow down,” Rosemary had only been outside for half an hour. But the barrage of sugary affection was leaving her feeling exhausted. Ms. Garland raised an eyebrow. “Hmm? Hold on…” Ms. Garland cupped a hand underneath Rosemary’s onesie, feeling up her padding. The sudden contact caused Rosie to yelp and jump in her spot. “Hey, quit it!” “Oh, hush. This will only take a moment.” Ms. Garland had no time for childish gripes. She stuck a finger into the waistband of Rosemary’s diaper, surprised by what she hadn’t found. She stood back up, giving Rosemary’s rear a few finishing pats. “You aren’t even wet yet. You have nothing to complain about, little girl. I’m giving you exactly what you deserve. You wanted to act like a little brat. Now all of your misdeeds are catching up to you. It was only a matter of time before someone put you in your place. Be thankful it was me.” Ms. Garland walked back to the sidewalk, giving Rosie’s leash a reminder tug. “Now, are you going to trick or treat like a good girl, or do you need another hands-on lesson? I can always turn off my powers and leave dressed like that.” Rosemary rapidly shook her head, waddling down to follow. Staring ahead, she saw all the homes in the distance. She felt an uneasy rumble in her gut—anxiety and an excess of treats from her candy dish being the culprits. Having lived in this town, this neighborhood, her entire life, she recognized all of them. She didn’t have enough digits to count all the people who would be celebrating in seeing their least favorite neighbor be subject to a pampering punishment. Rosemary wanted to get out of the house and enjoy the haunting holiday like she did every year. Unfortunately, Ms. Garland had arrived to grant her wish. Halloween night had just begun; there were still so many familiar faces left to greet…2 points
Thank you @cathdiap, thank you it makes more sense that this is rare. So probably, most people don't have to deal with this type of incontinence except when the surgery goes really bad and that should be rare. That's good and I guess it explains why there are options that won't help those people very much but helps other people. I never heard of Indiana pounch but that is really interesting. I agree it's like a missing limb just because... that doesn't grow back. For the gym I am not worried anymore, I don't want to have to anything difficult so I didn't want a hanging bag, even though maybe that's easy for a lot of people, but I can set my diaper on the top of the wall between the showers, it is a ledge where I think anybody would put their shampoo if they didn't want it to get wet for some reason, I don't mind that and I can put my powder there too. Anyway I don't mind being wet all the time either, I like it, *almost* all of the time, but it's definitely an interesting and weird feeling when you face a little moment of not enjoying it. Oh thank you @Diapered Dave for reminding me about the penis clamp. I need to buy one. I think it's perfect for those moments. And @wetguy13579 said the clamp is seriously something I need to try and I never took it seriously. Until now I didn't really think I would ever want to try it, but I can see it might be perfect for the time to just not drip "for a moment." I still think I shouldn't have to change any of my activities just because of this and I guess, so far I really don't. I can go everywhere and do everything I did before. I can do the easiest thing for me at the gym. I can work on my confidence about continuing to live my life. So I am glad there really isn't anything that I had to change around, because I don't think I should have to do that. I feel bad if people think they have to hold themselves back, because I really see how it could quickly and easily happen to someone. I guess for now I am surprised at somethings, not that it these outcomes doesn't make sense, of course it makes sense I am incontinent and this is what I asked for. But surprised in the sense of the way it actually works and the way my mind is reacting. The emotions of fear or anger or anxiety or defiance are continually new and different. Another thing really fascinating is trying so hard to become incontinent, the idea of incontinence is always something that I was trying for, trying to make happen, I was never "incontinent enough" in my mind because - I wasn't incontinent at all until the surgery. Well, fast forward to the surgery and I still was disappointed and didn't think it worked. I went back for a revision, even though it was just a stricture procedure. I saw it worked and I was incontinent, but it didn't seem like "enough" and wasn't how I expected it. Always always working toward incontinence, not really achieving it in my mind. Now the dust settles and it actually starts to sink in I am incontinent, not focused on trying to be incontinent, now I have consequences. I never thought I would get to this point. I am not pushing for it anymore. It is here, and it is causing problems. I actually have to get used to being incontinent. It's different from how it ever felt in my life. It's so different to be on the other side. I think it's kind of like when I got my cat. I really wanted a kitten, and it was so exciting the day I got him it was overwhelming. Then he was shy and I was scared he wouldn't come to me and cuddle. I had my kitten but I was scared it wasn't working out. I always wanted him to be more open to me, I had to wait and be patient. Then he bonded with me and we cuddle and love each other. Now I am used to him. I still like him, but I have to buy him food, and day after day he really never stops pooping in his box. I seem to have a cat that I have to always take care of. He comes to bother me sometimes when I am trying to focus. How different to go from yearning to being satisfied and noticing the problems. I love my cat so much though. I don't regret adopting him and I don't think I ever will. But it hits me sometimes that I need to take care of him and he never goes away, ever. I don't want to change my life around for having a cat, and I really don't. I do what works for us and I decide, not somebody else telling me how I have to change things around for my cat. I think this is like the way my incontinence is now. Also my doctor took my antidepressant down for my ED a few weeks ago and everything in my life feels different, actually the whole world around me feels different, I just don't feel the same way about anything and lots of stuff is surprising me about how I feel and what feels difficult or makes me mad now.2 points
Good chapter ! His sister is good for him! She truly thinks this is the best for him and what he really needs since he always do things that get him treated like a baby more Ps he wouldn’t admit but i think he liked riding in a stroller2 points
This is story is based on a true story, with some flourishes for artistic freedom. It’s been a while since I posted here and I felt like one more little short story wouldn’t hurt. That said, there is no continuation for this story, but I hope you enjoy. Elise was an ABDL. No sugar coating it, no beating around the bush. Elise was and adult, baby, diaper, lover. From her mid teens dreaming of fluffy clouds wrapping around her midsection, to her escapades with the opposite sex in college, to her adult life indulging in her fetish, there was no doubt in her mind what she was. The whole of the scene had intrigued her and not once had she had a “purge” of her desires and through her experimentation she had found comfort in being a switch. While she would have loved to be spoiled rotten and doted on by a six foot seven millionaire with a fully stocked nursery, the baby boys too whittle to take care of themselves often called to her. But alas, the timing was too poor and she had neither to call her own. So her fantasies would remain in her head, only able to poorly practice one side until she found that fated person. Her age, height, weight, and hair color were all average, or above average. Truly whatever you wish to imagine for Elise can be your very own perception of her. What truly matters is what she wished for on the day of this tale. “Can she be a tall Amazonian woman, with a deep tan, and a certified sixpack?” Yes, of course. Feel as entertained as you want. Make her tall, short, skinny, pudgy, white, black, purple… well maybe not purple. We want some realism in this story after all. As the preface said, it is based on a true story. No need to get ourselves too worked up. Anyways, it was a day like any other, where a mundane activity was turned to a leap in fantasy. This is where we find ourselves on Elise’s most recent advancement in the world of oversized diapers and upscaled pastels. You see, Elise was a working woman, and one that was given the immense luxury of working from home. The only problem with that being the few times she needed to drive into the office. She cursed under her breath as she drove into work to deal with a problem that really could have been handled remotely, and she doubly cursed as she drove home only a few hours later, but then something completely inane to most, happened to the adult baby. The gurgle in her stomach told her that a immense bowel movement was not far off from her expected arrival time home. That bathroom break that every adult dreaded while on the highway was something most diaper afficianatoes could replace with a much more pleasurable experience. And so a plan began forming in the young woman’s mind. Potty training be damned, Elise was going to enjoy the sweet sensation of a muddy, messy, poopy, stinky, smelly, full, brown, blasted, shit filled diaper. But alas, dear reader, Elise had experienced messy diapers before. “This story was something special, right? A short story about something many of us have experienced already? How could that be intriguing? I feel a bit betrayed, author.” Not to worry, my fellow kinky friend, for Elise was about to experience not just any messy diaper, but one that many of us strive for. Allow me to clarify. How many of us adult babies have found ourselves in this situation? We get all wrapped up in that fluffy goodness, talcum powder galore, with maybe a bottle, or paci, or blanky, or even God forbid a teddy bear witness. Then we go through the motions of however we play only for the gurgle to get right to the point we feel the need to go and we push. We cramp and squirm, squat and fill… only to feel a measly pittance sit neatly upon the fluff around our bottoms. “Why, yes.” I hear you murmur, “That is afterall what a baby would do. Fill our seats with mush and mash without a care in the world.” Now dear reader, this realism you seek is commendable. You are a true actor enjoying the purity of their craft… but realism is not a truly what lies at the heart of this community. Nay, our imagination not only wants us to play the part of our simpler selves, but to expand upon it. To live not truly as babies would, but as adult babies would. This is what Elise wanted. What she craved. She wanted not just a messy diaper, but THE messy diaper. And so off to the store she went. An adult she still was, and gurgling stomache or not, groceries would not appear stocked in her shelves. So through the cramps and the ominous growls of her intestines she made her way down the isles. She then made her purchase and “Went straight home to diaper herself!” Dear reader. These imaginary outbursts from you simply must stop. There is an order to this story that must be respected. “I’m sorry, author. It won’t happen again.” Thank you, reader. Your apology means alot. While many of us in the community identify as brats, I can’t continue this story if I keep imagining you interrupting. Now, to the rest of the story. Elise made her purchase and drove home. It was not the end of the work day yet, so after settling down to her home office, she began the dull work of catching up on emails and small pieces of work while occasionally fighting the urge to head to the bathroom. You see, Elise had tried this before. Wait until the swirling mass of mess inside was ready to burst into the welcoming padding below, only for a slip in mindset to let her potty training take advantage of her. “She’s an ABDL. Just wear the diaper and go whenever.” Ah, but here in lies the problem. Elise wasn’t just a diaper lover, she was a diaper LOVER. The soft feeling around her bottom, the elastic hug around her tummy, the way the folds pushed against her special place, the smell of powder, the crinkle of plastic, the happy decorations, the smell, the feel, the sound! It was all too much for Elise. Wearing a diaper meant that any other task was moot. Waiting for the cramps to reach a crescendo while the poof below her kissed her so tenderly was not an option. So she baited her time waiting until the physical pain was too much. Hitting send on another email she doubled over this time. Smiling to herself, she could already feel her breath was hot, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were already on the closet that hid herself from the rest of the world. Opening the door she shivered at the sight. Diapers, onesies, bottles, powder, changing pads, pacis, rompers, and all manner of padding lay before her. Reaching down she opened the new package and took a wif of her prize. The Little Kings diaper was a stark contrast to her usual. Elise was a fan of the crinkle that came from the soft plastic casing of Tykables diapers, but something about the model images for little kings had her jumping out of her comfort zone. The way it’s waistband hugged her tummy, the way it puffed out at the crotch, the legbands being so pronounced, but the real reason was the photo from behind. Elise had stared for ages at the models rear shot. The puffiness of the Little Kings diaper sagged down almost begging for a thick, mushy mess to be deposited into it. Quickly moving over to the bed as another cramp wracked her abdomen, Elise quickly unfolded her changing matt before prepping the diaper. Unfurl it and push it flat, give it a shake, smoosh and curl it around to loosen the stuffing, and then finally fanning it out. The poor thing that had once been so flat rose up like bread in the oven ready to cup and caress the girls most tender areas. A sprinkle of baby powder was all she afforded. This diaper would not last long. Sitting down on top, she wiggled her bottom in delicious anticipation before slowly raising the front up over her princess parts and onto her stomach. Even without the taps Elise could already feel the diaper take hold of her. Almost like a mind of its own as it wontly conformed to her body, ready to protect her from any “accidents” while she play and romp around. Being careful, Elise tugged at the taps on the sides, making sure that everything was snug. Diaper blowouts are for naughty littles. Good girls made their messes in their diapies and only their diapies. The last tap in place, Elise sighed. Her hands reached down to rub the padding slowly against her lips. The sweet kiss of a Little King was so different from her usual that a faint hint of embarrassment reddened her cheeks. Cheating on her lover with royalty no less. Scandalous. What’s more is that she thoroughly planned on ruining the would be ruler. Use and abuse him and leave him an absolute mess. What a naughty girl Elise had turned out to be after all. “Did she get into a squat to do it, or stay laying on her back? Maybe she layed on her stomach drinking from her baba as she pushed her stinkies into her diapie.” No, no dear reader, Elise may be an adult baby, but she was no dum-dum. Preparations had merely begun. Elise stood up and admired her figure. Just like the models! The legbands, waist, crotch and (most importantly) bottom all had that signature look of a toddler unable to master the dreaded potty training. With a skip of glee she made her way to the kitchen. The gurgles had intensified once again and Elise knew she was running out of time, but as she let go a stream into her diaper, she realized her number 1 paled i comparison to what she was expecting for her number 2. No, this would not do at all. The small warmth that had blossomed to the size of a softball around her bottom was an insult to the diaper she wished to achieve, so sacrifices must be made. A lemonade pitcher would be the perfect tool. Ensuring the stream from the faucet was not too hot or not too cold, Elise placed one hand under the water and the other on her diaper. Once satisfied with the temperature, Elise then filled the pitcher up. Each second that ticked by rose the water level in the container she held. With glee she imagined the final destination of each and every drop. Turning off the faucet, Elise got into position. Legs wide apart she slowly opened up the back waistband of the diaper like a caretaker checking for the soon to be mess. In the water went, slowly warming her bottom as the diaper swelled with liquid. Next came the front, and the back to the back, and finally the front once more. The lemonade pitcher now sat empty on the shelf as each and every inch of padded wrapped around the girl’s bottom was saturated. She grabbed the crotch, and then she grabbed the rear. Pushing in, Elise had to stifle a moan as the padding smooshed against her skin. This feeling (while cheating a bit with water) meant that she was truly halfway. The soaked padding hung ominously down from her hips as she swayed back and forth, enjoying the feeling of the diaper swaying between her legs. “Now…” No. Elise then made her way back to the bedroom, waddling the entire way from the enhanced bulk. Giggling to herself as she toddled along she looked back into the closet. One at a time she pulled out what she needed. Laying it all on the bed she admired what she had found to be the perfect assortment to get her into the right headspace. You see dear reader, babies are encouraged to expand their movement. Diaper commercials will constantly show little ones on the move and brag about their own products ability to handle active babies. But we are not babies, dear reader. We are adult babies. Our muscles and coordination are fully developed. Simply crawling on the floor and acting helpless is fine, but what Elise sought wasn’t an act. First was a pair of pink princess training panties. Only slightly thicker that big girl undies, these would never be able to contain the mess Elise had in mind, but they would hold the little king in place. And so ironically, the now full, and soon to be messy diaper now had the added support and bulk of panties only meant to be used for the smallest of accidents. Next came the bulk. A full blue sheep omatsu diaper. The cloth diaper is something desired by many in the community. Much more environmentally friendly and not many will argue with the softness, but there was something all millennial adult babies feel about the crinkle of disposables that our parents put us in all those years ago. However, ABDL companies can’t very well make the truly bulky diapers many of us crave that still has the disposability we want. Thus, the thick overnight cloth diaper with pins was wrapped around the Little Kings, training pants combo. Next, a humble dinosaur cover with disposable insert. This step is nothing to write home about. Elise liked the look, and the added bulk helped, but something about this last layer just made the process whole. Standing up, Elise looked down at the bulk. Four layers of padding, one thoroughly soaked, made up her diaper. Her diaper was bulky, her diaper was cute, her diaper was soaked, and her diaper was ready to be filled. Only three items remained. Next was her footed sleeper. It’s soft insides and zip up front were perfect for her. The little feeling of a toddler getting out of bed, thick nighttime diaper was a sight to behold. Risking another detor, Elise waddled to the bathroom for a look in her full length mirror. She giggled at the site before her. The sleeper did nothing to hide the bulk. The front crotch puffed out comically, and her rear looked like a beanbag chair. However she frowned. The mass of padding was thick to her liking, but the added weight sagged down and the warm wet kiss of the diaper was not the ever-present touch she craved. Back to her bedroom she stomped to put on the final piece of clothing. The Tykables snap crotch shortall was hiked up over the thickness of her diaper before the straps were tightened. The nuk 10 sized pacifier was roughly shoved into her mouth, filling all the gaps as Elise let out a moan. While not visually consistent, the addition of the shortall had completed the feel of her ensemble. It pulled the mass of padding up and into her crotch and pushed the mush in between her butt so that every inch of her lower half was encased in tight wet kisses. No longer able to contain herself, the girl threw herself onto the bed. The bulk restricting her movements all she could do was roll over as she pressed her hands against her swollen crotch. Rubbing back and forth she writhed in ecstasy and the beginning of her diaper romp began. The friction below aided by the wet warmth only caused her to add more moisture. Her sex was hot and heavy with anticipation as she pulled her phone out. With her left hand she navigated to her favorite sites. Endless swarms of diapered individuals crossed her screen as she took her free hand and plunged it between the overalls, through the open zipper of the sleeper, and into the warmth of the massive diaper. Her hand gently teasing herself, playing the part of gentle caresser as she continued to work herself up. Images on the screen, the smell of sex mixed with powder, and the feel of her infantile casing all sped the process up as she could feel herself building. First one finger, then two, and finally a third plunged into her sex as her own juices lubricated her digits. The pacifier worked furiously between her lips as she suckled and gurgled at one with the adult babies in front of her. And then it happened. The bulk pushing on her stomach, the constricting babyish clothing, and the threshing she had been doing brought the pain in her abdomen to a crescendo. Stopping for a moment, Elise rolled to the side of her bed. Her eyes blurry and her breath heavy she stood up and turned to her mount. Her steed in this battle stood before her in all its glory. An old chest she used to store off season clothes lay towards the foot of her bed. Waddling towards it with mush for brains she readied herself for her finale. The gurgles would be the orchestra for her moment. She could feel the mass peaking out of her back door ready to fill her seat and she could deny it no longer. Facing away from the front of the chest she bent down into a squat and pushed. The first solid log felt like a solid sausage creeping out of her bottom as it hit the puffy padding below. It held for only a moment before coiling up around her bottom. And like a cork this first wave only held back the sludge that began pouring out of poor little Elise. The mush that came next was soft and squishy. Hot and heavy as it filled her seat and began to spread. Elise let out a haughty breath as the poop came to a stop only for her stomach to cramp once more. Already Elise could tell, this was the fullest diaper she had ever made. No piddling nugget in the seat of her pants, this was a MESS. A full on poopy pants catastrophe. Yet more was on its way. Without her consent of permission the next wave a stinky, smelly poop surged from between her cheeks. Seconds felt like hours as she filled her diaper’s seat with all the mess she could. It was like a high. The girl had done it. She had pooped her pants… better yet, she had througoughly pooped her diaper like the good little adult baby she was. She had filled her seat like a naughty toddler with a grin to match. From behind her pacifier she gave a great sigh before falling back onto the chest. Like a mini explosion the half solid, half sludgy mess in her pants spread out and covered every inch of her diaper. No longer able to wantingly shove her hands down her padding, Elise bounced like the happy adult baby she was. Smooshing and spreading her diaper’s contents as much as she could as the heat between her legs grew and grew. Smoosh, pant, smoosh, pant, giggle. She grabbed the front of her ridiculously thick padding with her hands and rubbed furiously as she bounced back and forth. The moan caught in her throat, her chest heaved with baited breath, her bottom slammed down on the chest below and her crotch exploded in orgasm. Wracked with shakes she ground her hips into the diaper below, riding the highs of post coital bliss. Eeking out another smaller shudder, she came one final time before standing up and flopping back onto the bed, mushy padding bulging out above her. Suckling on her paci she lay there for several minutes before a sound rang out in the house. A chime that reminded her of the time. A time she was not at all prepared for. The Zoom meeting had started in her office and she was in no time to change. Thankfully she wouldn’t be expected to show her face, but her attire… no time to care. Waddling with the messiest diaper of her life towards her home office, the adult baby quickly sat in her chair with a squish. Stifling a moan she could feel her libido slowly returning only to shove it down and join the meeting. It only lasted a few minutes, her coworkers eager to finish the day, but to Elise her big girl business meeting couldn’t end soon enough. Messy diaper taped to her waist, every little movement brought a new slimy sensation around her bottom. While most people might find this a horrid experience, Elise could only find the burning passion to continue what she had started in the bedroom and by the time the meeting ended, Elise was already waddling back for another round with her stinky, smelly, poopy, messy diaper. Well, dear reader. That was it. A small experience of a girl well into adulthood, attempting to be the best adult baby she could be. Realism be damned, she was going to have a FULL diaper, and that she did. I hope you all enjoyed it and have a great day.2 points
Sorry for the delay, here is my third chapter. Emma and Jake will get to start playing with their little Tom! Enjoy! ——————————————————— CHAPTER 3 As they got up from their seats, Tom began to fully acknowledge the thickness of the diaper with the extra insert that Emma had put in. The bulk between his legs was a constant, slightly awkward reminder of his new status. Before leaving, Jake decided to buy a bottle of water to take with them. It was a warm day, and he didn’t want their new baby to become dehydrated, especially after the stress and sweat Tom had endured while going through the list of rules. While Jake went to stand in line, Emma and Tom made their way to the entrance of the café. As they stood there waiting, Tom again felt the pressure on his bladder. He had been drinking quite a lot, and his trip to the bathroom earlier hadn’t provided him with the relief he needed. Instead, he had forgotten about his need to go during the diapering process. He contemplated what to do. Normally, he wouldn’t dare to pee in his diaper in public, surrounded by so many people, even if no one could see the diaper under his clothes. He was always self-conscious about the slight chance someone might hear a hissing sound or see his concentration and realise what he was doing. He decided to ask Emma if he could return to the bathroom to wet his diaper in private. Softly, he whispered, “I still... um... have to use the bathroom. Can I go... there again?” She looked at him, initially puzzled, then glanced down at his diaper. “Baby, I’m not taking off your diaper. I just got you changed,” she said. “I know... I mean, I can use it in there, but people here can see me... you know,” he whispered, struggling to articulate his discomfort. “See what?” she asked, genuinely confused. “I really love that you are embracing this aspect of not being able to speak properly, but your mumbling makes no sense. Let me reiterate, if you have to pee, use your diaper.” She said it loudly enough that a young woman sitting with her friend near the door turned around with a confused look. Tom felt a new wave of shame wash over him. Emma squeezed his hand. “I promise I will check you regularly. Stop being a baby. Sorry, I mean start being a baby,” she said with a grin. As Jake remained in line for the bottle of water, Tom and Emma stood quietly for a while. Realising he had no other choice, Tom decided to let go. Although he had done this before, the public setting made it more daunting. It didn’t take long for him to start a stream in his diaper. He was surprised at how much he had to pee. The café’s relative quietness, now after the morning rush, made the small hiss audible. He was sure Emma heard it too. She looked at him, smiled, and whispered, “Good baby.” It must have been obvious what Tom was doing because, as he finished, he glanced at the girls sitting nearby. The one who had looked earlier was now leaning in and whispering to her friend. He quickly looked away as both girls turned their heads toward him. Hearing their giggles, he was sure they were talking about him. He felt embarrassed again, but it was becoming something he was getting used to. Just then, Jake returned with the water. “Good. Let’s get going as I think our baby just wet his diaper,” Emma said, patting Tom’s bum. “Already? Well done, squirt!” Jake replied with a playful grin. They walked across the street, Emma not letting go of Tom’s hand for a second. The sun cast a warm glow over the bustling street as they made their way to the car. As they approached the car, Tom looked back and noticed that the girls from the café were glancing their way, clearly still talking about him. When they got to the car, Emma opened the car door for Tom, and to his surprise, the backseat was equipped with an adult-sized booster seat and what looked like a four-point harness seat belt. However, before he could sit down, Emma abruptly stopped him. “Wait just a second, baby. I need to check what I already assume is a wet diaper,” she said matter-of-factly. “Here?” Tom blurted out, his face flushing with embarrassment. “Yes, here,” she replied firmly. “Now stop being fussy.” “But... but...” he stammered, trying to voice his discomfort. His protest was met with a swift, firm smack on his diapered bottom. “No more buts,” she said sternly. “You do as you are told. Now turn around.” Tom complied immediately, his heart pounding. To his horror, Emma pulled down his trousers right there on the street. She positioned herself between him and the car, but her body provided only minimal shielding from the view of passersby. He felt her fingers slip under the leg band of his diaper, pinching the soft padding. She pulled her fingers out, looked at them, and gave them a quick sniff to confirm. “Yeah, baby’s got a wet diaper, but I think there is still plenty of room in there with that extra boost,” she declared. Before finishing the check, she also pulled back the waistband of his diaper, bending him over slightly. Tom's face burned with humiliation. “Just checking, no poopies yet,” she said with a satisfied tone, giving him a double pat on the bum before pulling up his trousers. The shame was overwhelming. Tom’s mind raced with a mix of embarrassment and confusion. He couldn’t believe this was happening in such a public place, yet Emma’s firm handling left no room for argument. He glanced up nervously, hoping no one had noticed the humiliating inspection, but sure enough, the girls from the café were still looking his way and openly laughing now. This is turning into a nightmare, he thought, almost starting to weep. Emma saw this and said, “Shh, baby, it’s okay.” With a cracking voice, he said, “I told you I didn’t want people to see.” Emma looked at him sympathetically and replied, “It doesn’t matter, baby. It’s only strangers. If anybody saw, they don’t even know who you are.” With that, Tom finally slid into the back seat, feeling the diaper squish slightly beneath him. Emma helped him settle into his booster seat, carefully buckling the four-point harness around him. The straps were snug, and he felt securely fastened, unable to move much. Jake watched from the front seat, a reassuring smile on his face as he adjusted the rearview mirror to keep an eye on Tom. “Alright, let’s get you comfortable,” Emma said, making sure he was properly settled. She handed him the bottle of water Jake had bought. “Drink up, sweetie. We don’t want you getting dehydrated.” Tom took the bottle and sipped the water slowly, the events of the day playing over in his mind as the car started moving. Emma had climbed into the passenger seat and turned to face him, her eyes filled with motherly affection and authority. As they drove through the city, the hum of the engine and the rhythmic motion of the car began to soothe Tom. He focused on the passing scenery, trying to distract himself from the lingering shame of the public diaper check. Emma’s voice broke through his thoughts. “Remember, baby, you need to embrace this. There’s no need to be embarrassed. Everyone has needs, and we’re just making sure yours are met,” she said softly. Tom nodded, her words offering some comfort. The initial shock and embarrassment were slowly being replaced by a strange sense of acceptance. As they drove out of the city and into quieter suburban streets, Tom began to pay attention to the sensation of his squishy diaper rubbing against the booster seat with every pothole or bump in the road. The resulting feeling was beginning to arouse him. And for good measure, here is the fourth chapter. Emma and Jake finally go through the list of rules and Tom is in for a lot more than he expected! Enjoy! ——————————————————— CHAPTER 4 The car pulled into the driveway of a cosy house, surrounded by a well-kept garden. The sun was now at its peak, and the AC was blowing at full speed as the midday temperature rose. Emma and Jake unbuckled their seatbelts and helped Tom out of the car. Emma took his hand again, leading him inside the couple's house, where Tom would be spending the next two days. They walked through the front door, and Tom's eyes widened as he took in the surroundings. The house was a well-maintained two-story structure. The entryway opened into a spacious living room with high ceilings and large windows that allowed natural light to flood the space. The walls were painted in a soft, warm beige, and the floors were a polished hardwood. The living room was tastefully decorated with comfortable, plush furniture. A large, overstuffed sofa in a rich, deep brown sat against one wall, adorned with a mix of throw pillows in earthy tones. On the opposite wall, a large flat-screen TV was mounted above a modern fireplace, its sleek design contrasting nicely with the more traditional elements of the room. To the left of the living room, a staircase with a wooden bannister led up to the second floor, where Tom assumed the bedrooms were. To the right, an archway opened into the dining area, which featured a long wooden table surrounded by high-backed chairs. A large window overlooked the backyard. Once inside, Emma knelt down to remove Tom's shoes, her movements gentle but deliberate. Tom instinctively placed a hand on her shoulder for balance, feeling vulnerable as she attended to him. There was something both nurturing and authoritative in the way she handled even the smallest tasks, reinforcing the dynamic they had established. With his shoes off, Emma took his hand and led him into the kitchen. A large island stood in the centre, providing ample space for meal preparation, and a pair of barstools were neatly tucked under one side. Tom was guided to one of the barstools, and Emma instructed him to sit down. He complied, feeling the now cool diaper squish as he sat down. The height of the stool made him feel small and somewhat exposed, a sensation that wasn’t entirely unpleasant in the context of the day’s events. Jake followed them into the kitchen, he went straight to the counter and began preparing tea for himself and Emma. Tom watched as Jake filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove to boil. But what caught Tom’s attention next made his stomach flutter of anticipation From one of the cabinets, Jake retrieved what unmistakably looked like a large baby bottle. It was pastel-coloured with cheerful animal prints. Tom's eyes widened as he saw Jake take out a jug of milk from the fridge and pour it into the bottle without hesitation. The familiarity and ease with which Jake handled the baby bottle suggested that this was not an unusual occurrence. After filling the bottle, Jake placed it in the microwave, setting the timer for 20 seconds. The hum of the microwave filled the kitchen as Emma reached into her bag and pulled out the list once again. Her demeanour was calm, almost businesslike, as if she were simply checking off items on a shopping list. "Now, where were we?" Emma said, scanning the paper with her finger before pausing. "Ah, yes, rule number five: Clothing and accessories." "Let's start with clothing," she said, looking directly at Tom. "I think it goes without saying, but during this weekend, Jake and I will decide what you wear. Is that clear?" Tom nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Emma continued, "Second, in order for us to check you easily, your clothing will need to provide easy access to your diaper. While we're in the house, you'll mostly be wearing onesies, dungarees, sleepers, or sometimes, we might just leave your diaper uncovered. Either way, this is not for you to decide. We choose what you wear." As Emma spoke, Tom could feel the weight of her words. The thought of being dressed and undressed at their whim was both humiliating and oddly comforting. Emma leaned in slightly, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Now, I know this also falls under the category of punishment, but if you disobey us, we have the option of dressing you in my old girly baby clothes. I guess you can imagine what those are on your own." She winked playfully, leaving Tom to imagine the possibilities. Tom swallowed hard, trying to process the idea of being forced to wear girly baby clothes. "For accessories," Emma continued, "you might have already noticed the baby bottle that Daddy has prepared for you." At that moment, Jake, who had been quietly standing by, handed the baby bottle to Tom. The bottle was larger than a typical baby bottle, designed specifically for adult use with an oversized rubber nipple. Tom hesitated for a moment, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment, but under Emma's watchful gaze, he placed the bottle in his mouth and began to drink. The milk was lukewarm, a far cry from the cold or hot beverages he was used to. The sensation was strange and slightly unsettling, but Tom found himself drinking steadily, the act of sucking on the bottle soothing in a way he hadn’t anticipated. "You’ll also have to use a pacifier if you get fussy," Emma added, her voice firm. "And we have some toys for you to play with as well." Emma gestured to a nearby basket, which Tom hadn't noticed before. It was filled with oversized baby toys. There were brightly coloured stacking rings, a large rattle that jingled softly when shaken, plush animals with big eyes and soft fur, and a teething ring made from smooth, soft rubber. Each toy was clearly meant for an infant, but they were scaled up slightly, making them more appropriate for Tom's adult-sized hands. "And when it’s time to eat," Emma said, "you’ll be fed from this high chair, and you’ll wear a bib." Jake moved to a supply closet in the kitchen and pulled out a large, adult-sized feeding chair. The chair was sturdy and well-made, with a locking tray that was clearly designed to keep its occupant securely in place. The seat was padded for comfort, but it was unmistakably a high chair, with all the features one would expect in a baby’s feeding station, scaled up for an adult. Emma looked at Tom with a smile. "Actually, why don’t you hop on there right now and finish your ‘baba’?" she suggested, using the babyish term for the bottle. As Tom got up from the barstool he hesitated, but before he could fully process what was happening, Jake stepped forward and reached for the waistband of Tom’s trousers. In one swift motion, he pulled them down, exposing Tom's wet diaper. Tom’s face flushed with embarrassment, but Jake remained unfazed. He neatly folded Tom’s trousers and set them aside, leaving Tom in just his diaper and t-shirt. "There," Jake said with a calm voice, "as the rules stated, we need to be able to check you easily." Both Emma and Jake could see the wetness of the diaper, the telltale sag and slight discoloration confirming that Tom had already used it. Despite the visible evidence, they decided to ignore it for now. "Up you go," Emma said, guiding Tom to the high chair. The chair had a small set of steps, making it easier for Tom to climb up. With a soggy squish, he turned and sat down, the wet diaper pressing against the padded seat. Jake moved quickly, lowering the tray in front of Tom and securing it with a click. Then, he fastened a belt that ran between Tom’s legs, further securing him in place. Tom was now locked into the high chair, unable to move much more than his arms. With Tom securely fastened in the high chair, Jake handed him the baby bottle once more. "Finish your baba," Jake instructed gently but firmly. Tom's heart pounded in his chest as he sat there, drinking from the bottle. The room felt smaller, as if the walls themselves were closing in on him, tightening the grip of reality around his fragile anticipation. Emma returned to her list, continuing where she had left off, the tone of her voice unwavering as she detailed the next steps of Tom’s transformation into their baby for the weekend. "Rule number six: Punishment," Emma announced with a gravity that made Tom's stomach tighten. It had never occurred to him that there would be rules, let alone consequences for breaking them. He hadn't fully grasped just how serious they were about this. He had thought the weekend would be a harmless adventure, an exploration of his desires in a safe and controlled environment. But the word "punishment" echoed in his mind, conjuring images that made his heart race. He realised that he had, perhaps naively, surrendered himself entirely to the whims of his hosts. Emma’s voice broke through his spiralling thoughts, bringing him back to the present. “Now, this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but if you disobey any of the rules we’re about to lay out, there will be repercussions.” Tom swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry as sandpaper. He wasn’t sure if he could speak even if he wanted to. Emma continued, “Tom, we want you to enjoy this weekend, but part of that enjoyment comes from fully embracing the role you’ve chosen. That means submitting to our authority completely. There will be no half-measures here. If you fail to follow the rules, you will be punished.” She paused, letting the seriousness of her words settle in before continuing. “Now, let’s go over the specific things that will lead to a punishment. First off, the obvious: talking back to us, raising your voice, whining, disobeying orders, lying, and of course, cursing. These are non-negotiable.” Tom nodded, his mind racing to keep up. These seemed straightforward enough, but the calm way Emma listed them made it clear that there would be no room for negotiation or leniency. He wasn’t here to argue or plead his case. He was here to obey. But then, as Emma’s lips curled into a knowing smile, Tom felt a shiver of apprehension crawl up his spine. “We’ve also added a few specific rules just for you,” she continued, “to make sure you fully embrace the experience this weekend. If we notice you holding off on using your diapers, if you try to remove them without permission, if you fail to address us as Mommy and Daddy, or if we feel you’re being fussy in any way—these will all lead to immediate punishment.” Tom’s breath hitched. The sheer number of rules felt overwhelming, a minefield of potential missteps just waiting to catch him off guard. The idea of addressing Jake and Emma as Mommy and Daddy, once a playful notion, now seemed loaded with a new, more intimidating significance. And the thought of them scrutinising his every move, judging whether or not he was truly embracing his role, filled him with an anxious dread. He tried to hide his discomfort, but Emma’s perceptive gaze didn’t miss a thing. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a more intimate tone. “Now, let’s talk about what happens when you break the rules.” Tom’s heart skipped a beat. This was the part he had been dreading, the part that would solidify just how vulnerable he was in their hands. “First,” Emma began, her voice steady and unwavering, “the most common punishment will be a good old-fashioned spanking. For minor infractions, you’ll be spanked over your diaper. But for more serious disobedience… it will be a bare-bottom spanking.” Tom felt a rush of heat flood his cheeks, the humiliation of the prospect burning through his embarrassment. He had never considered the possibility of being spanked—hadn’t thought that they would actually go through with something so direct, so physical. But as he met Emma’s gaze, he saw no sign of hesitation. She meant every word. “If you curse,” she continued, “your punishment will start with a mouthful of soap. We don’t tolerate foul language, and that’s a lesson you’ll learn quickly. Is that clear?” and the sensation was conflicting. This was an old-school punishment, one that felt humiliatingly effective. Tom nodded mechanically, too stunned to respond in any other way. He felt like a child being scolded, and the thought of soap in his mouth sent shivers down his spine. Emma’s tone left no room for doubt—she would follow through. “And now for the more… creative punishments,” Emma said, her smile returning with a hint of playful menace. “Jake suggested this one, and I fully agree. If you hesitate to use your diapers, we’ll see to it that you’re subjected to some assisted encouragement or public humiliation. We’ll decide on the specifics when the time comes, but trust me, it will be enough to make you think twice about breaking that rule again.” Tom’s stomach churned at the thought. Assisted encouragement? Public humiliation? What could that possibly mean? It was almost too much to bear, but he knew he had no choice but to comply. Emma’s expression softened slightly as she moved on to the final punishment. “And lastly, this one’s mine. If you break any rules with me, I might just decide to turn our little baby boy into a little baby girl.” Tom’s eyes widened in shock, his hands trembled slightly as he held onto the bottle, trying to steady himself. The thought of being forced into feminine clothing, of being transformed against his will, was both terrifying and humiliating. Emma’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll admit, Tom, I’m kind of hoping you slip up at least once. I think you’d look absolutely adorable in a pink, fluffy diaper and one of my old baby dresses.” Tom dropped the bottle onto the tray with a clatter, the sound echoing in the silent room, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had wanted to explore his fantasies, to push boundaries, but now those boundaries seemed to stretch far beyond what he had imagined. Emma’s voice brought him back to the moment. “Do you understand, Tom? This weekend is about more than just playing dress-up. It’s about submission, obedience, and trust. We want you to experience this fully, and that means following the rules. Do you think you can do that?” Tom hesitated, the weight of her words pressing down on him like a heavy blanket. But as he looked into Emma’s eyes, he saw not just authority, but a promise—an assurance that, despite the strictness of the rules and the severity of the punishments, this was still a space of care, a place where he could explore and push his limits safely. With a deep breath, Tom nodded. “Yes, Mommy. I understand.” Emma smiled, a warm, approving smile that sent a small ripple of relief through Tom’s anxiety. “Good boy,” she said softly. “Now, let’s give you a tour of the house and show you to your new room. We have a big weekend ahead of us.”2 points
Chapter 3: Angela's Trial "What the fuck was that?" Dameon screamed. He couldn't believe what he just saw. A witch. A real witch. There was no way. That kind of stuff only happens in stories and fairy tails. How the hell did one end up at his club? Luna's hands flew through her hair as she spun around. She felt like she was trapped in a nightmare, and her anxiety was spiking by the second. "This can't be real," she whispered, her voice laced with desperation. "It just can't be." Angela's face twisted in rage as she turned on Marcus, who stood frozen in shock beside his wife. Her eyes blazed with accusation, and her fists clenched at her sides. "You're to blame for this!" she spat, her words venomous. "What? How could this possibly have been my fault?" Marcus was tired of getting blamed for everything. This time, at least, there was nothing he did that could have caused this. "If you didn't keep coming to this stupid club to see that girl," Angela pointed toward Maya without even looking in her direction. "We wouldn't be in this mess right now." Maya wasn't sure if her spell brought the witch here, but she did know that this situation wasn't good. They were in an unknown decrepit room. Frank had already started trying to yank the club door back open. But the way they came from seemed to be permanently closed, and the door wasn't budging. It didn't even make a creek like he had loosened it. That left only one other option. Looking across the room, Maya spotted the only other door in the whole room. But that was the side in which the witch showed its face. Was it really worth the risk of trying it? What if that was what she wanted? What if this whole thing was a trap? Maya had to risk it, it was their only option, and everyone else seemed a little preoccupied with freaking out about the situation. Rightfully so. Others were handling it better. At least Angela and Marcus seemed to be coherent. Meanwhile, Dameon and Luna had seemed to lose their marbles, completely panicking. "We're gonna die here. We're all dead." Dameon mumbled to himself, staring at the ground, unwilling to try and address the issue head-on and find a way out of this mess. *"Well, if no one else is going to have a brain, I might as well try.* Maya stepped towards the other door, but suddenly, the room started to shake. "What the fuck now?" Luna snapped out of her trace, becoming more aware of her surroundings. "What did you do?" Angela yelled at Maya. It was clear that she would blame her for everything, even if she didn't do anything. But before she could try to fend for herself or tell Angela to jump off a bridge, they all noticed a bright white light coming from the center of the room. A glass display case resting on a stone pedestal rose from the light, captivating them all. Its rise came to a slow stop, and the light quickly retreated, returning the room to its dark, soulless atmosphere. The group stared at one another, unsure what to do, but as their eyes adjusted to the lightning, a sparkling light came from the glass case. Inside held the most massive diamond any of them have ever seen in their live. It was encased in a stunning necklace that had to be worth millions. Maya and Luna stepped forward, their eyes fixed on the stunning necklace hanging on the pedestal. As they approached the display case, a collective hush fell over the group, and everyone started to approach with a sense of unease. An unspoken thought crossed all of their minds: Why had the witch brought this here? "Oh, my god," Maya breathed, her voice barely above a whisper, staring at the necklace. Her eyes filled with a sparkle like a little girl seeing diamonds for the first time. "Look at that! It's like something out of a fairy tale." Luna's gaze lingered on the intricate details of the piece, her mouth opening in a silent gasp. The two women seemed entranced by the beauty before them. But their admiration was met with a snarl from Angela. Her eyes narrowed, and her face twisted into a scowl. "As if," she spat. "You two could only dream of owning something like that." Maya and Luna exchanged an annoyed glance, but Angela's words felt like a bulldozer breaking through to reality. The atmosphere shifted as the group realized this had to be some type of trap. There was no way Maya or Luna was going to take it. They've seen what 'gifts' lead to at a place like this. The only person to be stupid enough to take a diamond necklace at a strip club as a gift would be a newbie who was uneducated and unwilling to listen to others. "You two sluts don't deserve that," Angela seethed, her voice rising in desperation. "None of you do! My husband has been working so hard. We try to make ends meet, but you." She looked around the room; it was clear she had lost her mind. "You people stole his money. You cheated him." "Listen, lady, I think..." Frank tried to intervene, but it was clear that wasn't going to help. "Now!...now we're barely scraping by. The bank's threatening to foreclose on our house, and I don't know how much longer we can keep a roof over our heads." Angela lunged out, grabbing the stunning necklace. A rush of excitement and possessiveness swept through her. She wrapped her fingers around the cold metal, feeling its smooth surface against her hand. With a giggle of triumph, she held it up to the dim light in the room, trying to admire its sparkle. But as she did, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The air seemed to grow thick with an unsettling energy, and the shadows on the walls appeared to twist and writhe like living things. Angela's grin faltered, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. Suddenly, the witch's maniacal laugh echoed through the room, making Angela's heart skip a beat. *"Oh shit... what have I done?"* The sound sent a chill through her veins, and she froze, the necklace still clutched in her hand. "What was that?" she whispered, scanning the room for where the witch would show her evil face again. But there was nothing. She couldn't find her anywhere. She faced Maya and the others. "I guess she's gone?" The laugh came again, louder and closer this time, making Angela jump. She could see the petrified look on the others across from her. Frozen in fear, she didn't dare move a muscle, but she wished she had. A pair of firm hands with long fingernails crept over her shoulders. Angela could feel the witch's presence as it leaned over and placed her head next to Angela's. "What a lovely necklace, deary. " The intimidating voice softly spoke in her ear. "Why don't you wear it?" The witch's hands reached down Angela's front toward her hands, where the necklace was. Maya could see Angela shaking, completely terrified for her fate. They all were. Even if she was a bitch, they didn't want to see her killed! As the witch grabbed the necklace from Angela's hands, she stared right at Maya, starting down her soul again. Maya had no idea what she had done to get this much attention from the witch but didn't want to find out either. "It's... o...kay," Angela stuttered. "I... don't... have... too" Angela knew she screwed up. All she hoped for now was to get out of this alive. "Yes, you do, sweety." The witch's soothing voice only made things worse. It was like every word was used just to torture them. "You *deserve* this, remember?" "I don't." Angela started crying as the necklace was placed around her neck, just waiting to be clasped closed. "I really don't. I'm sorry." she was practically balling at this point. She thought she was dead—a goner, done for. "It's okay, sweetie. We all have to treat ourselves sometimes, right? Wouldn't you agree, Marcus?" She snapped her head violently to stare at Marcus as she finished clasping the necklace into place and securing it around Angela's neck. The floor creaked beneath the witch's feet, like a crumbling grave giving way to eternity. With a chilling shriek, she plummeted into the abyss, her screams echoing through the silence as if summoned by some ancient evil. As she fell, the air seemed to thicken with malevolent intent, heavy with the weight of her maniacal laughter. And when the darkness finally consumed her, the only sound was the witch's muffled giggles, leaving Angela standing frozen in terror, the necklace still snug around her neck. Freed from the witch's presence, Angela ran towards the group, crying, tears streaking down her face. Marcus held out open arms to embrace her, grateful to see she was okay. But with each step she took, the group noticed something was different. Something was happening. Angela looked... different. As Maya's eyes scanned the chaotic scene unfolding before her, a jolt of realization electrified her senses. Angela's chest began to expand at an alarming rate, growing larger with each passing moment. Initially, it was hard to discern what was happening, but the truth became unmistakable as the seconds ticked by. Angela's modest grey dress seemed woefully inadequate for containing the burgeoning growth within. "Look out!" Maya yelled, her voice laced with panic, as she frantically searched for a way to shield herself from the impending disaster. Equally caught off guard, the others scrambled to cover themselves, their faces etched with worry and fear. "What? Where?" Angela stumbled around, her eyes darting wildly as she tried to make sense of the commotion. Her face contorted in confusion. She attempted to duck and avoid whatever was happening as if trying to escape a predator. RRRRRIIPPPP The sound sent shivers down their spines, like the reverberation of a thousand screams. Whatever was growing within Angela finally broke through her body. She was a goner, and they were likely next. "What the fuck...! My dress!" Angela's anguished cry pierced the air like a scream from the depths of hell. The group turned to see what had happened, their faces agog with shock and awe. They stood shocked at Angela. Standing before them, her figure transformed beyond recognition. Gone was the modest grey dress; in its place lay a sleek red thong and matching bra, daringly exposed for all to see. But it was not just the garment that had vanished – Angela herself had undergone a different change. Her breasts, once barely noticeable, now stood proudly, their size easily dwarfing her prior ones. The double D cup bra sagged under the strain. The group gasped in unison, their eyes glued to the spectacle before them. How could this be? Angela, the bitch who thought she was better than everyone at the club, was now transformed into a human pin-up. "You have got to be fucking kidding me," Maya spat, her face twisted with rage and disappointment. "That bitch got bigger boobs!" The outburst seemed to echo through the room. "I Should have just grabbed the damn thing. Unbelievable" "You did this to me! Didn't you?" Angela walked up to Maya, throwing modesty out the door. But realistically, what choice did she have? Her clothes were gone. It's not like she could cover herself up. "What? No. How could I..." Maya tried to defend herself, but Angele didn't care what she had to say. Like before, she viewed Maya as a spoiled little brat who only cared about getting what she wanted. "You wanted this to happen. You wanted me to get stooped down to your filthy level." "Angela..." Marcus tried to butt in to save Maya. Even if he knew, all that would do would bury him further in the ground that he knew his wife thought of him. "Don't you dare." Angela stepped up to Marcus, getting uncomfortably close. "I bet you just love this. Don't you?" She used her hands to gesture towards her near-naked body. "You're disgusting, you know that?" "Please, Angela..." Marcus felt defeated. He knew there was nothing he could say. "Oh, shut up. At least you can stop wasting our money on this baby." Angela threw her arm in Maya's direction. "I mean, look at her; I bet she should still be breastfeeding for crying out loud." Maya blushed at her remark. She was a grown adult. The comparison was wildly unfair. "I bet the only reason she isn't is because YOU keep giving the baby all the money she needs to run away from home." 'Hey! That's enough!" Frank shouted from the other side of the room, near the other door that Maya wanted to try to see if it was unlocked. "Don't even try to butt in mister 'muscle'" Angela was on a rampage, and nothing was going to stop her. "Suit yourself, but the doors unlocked, and I'm getting out of here. Come on, Maya, I think the real witch wants to have a word with her husband." Frank should have chosen better words, as an evil giggle could be heard all around them. "Yep! I'm coming." Maya rushed over to meet with him, ready to leave this place. "Wait up!" Dameon and the others quickly followed suit. Even if Angela was pissed, there was no way she was going to stay behind. She wanted out just as bad as everyone else. Rushing through the door was a big mistake, however. They were all in too much of a rush to leave the last room. They hadn't even realized they were stepping into complete darkness. SLAM After they all entered the room, the door closed behind them, leaving them with zero light. They couldn't see each other, and without linking arms or anything, they had no way to tell where anyone else was. "AHHH!" Everyone heard Maya scream suddenly in the darkness. "Maya!" Frank yelled out. "What is it? Where are you?" but no response came in return.2 points
A slightly odd thing happened this week: I woke up in the middle of the night in a mild state of panic because I thought I might not be in a nappy. The room was dark and all was quiet (as you’d hope) at 2am when suddenly, I was awake with a start: something was wrong, or at least, something MIGHT be wrong. Was I in my nappy? Oh my god, I’d BETTER be. After 5.5 years of uninterrupted nappy usage, I thought it would have soaked into (did you see what I did with that?) ALL parts of my brain that this is how I roll these days but it seems that like that somewhere in the quarter-bucket of grey matter between my ears, there are some provincial villages that don’t always read the news. Lying in bed in the dark confusedly, I didn’t question the legitimacy of this frisson of panic but simply accepted its apparent importance at face value. I groggily evaluated my condition to realise that my pyjama pants did seem suspiciously thick and my crotch bulky down there but this was a clue, not a finding. Gradually as I began to surface more into wakefulness, I remembered with a gentle, warm breeze of relief that I definitely HAD a nappy on. I could recall changing one shortly before bed (just like I have down for more than 2000 of the preceding nights). Whew! Another layer of relief wafted down upon me as fluttering rose petals when I recalled that the nappy that was undoubtedly warmly embracing my midriff was one soundly-constructed of 2 layers of reasonably thick cloth pull-on beneath securely-fitted and enclosed-elastic plastic pants. This was not some medical grade pull-up with the absorbency characteristics of a teabag. Things were certainly looking up from where they were 7 sleep-befuddled seconds earlier. The more I woke up, the less worried I was. I further recalled that thanks to the twin miracles of physical exhaustion and dehydration, I had been dry when I went to bed so that nappy was not only of solid construction but had a full tank of capacity available to it. So why the mental fire drill? I slipped an exploratory finger under the waistband elastic of my plastic pants at my crotch and immediately felt wetness. I was far from dry now. I wasn’t peeing when I woke up but clearly I’d done so whilst asleep. If you’d asked my waking brain, I’d have told you that I was dry but back in the provincial-brain-village-that-doesn’t-read-the-news, I knew that I had wet myself. There had been no pee dream. For whatever reason, at some, too-late-o’clock point after this event, my provincial-village brain had gotten the wobbles about the legitimacy of this “decision” and pressed an alarm button. I’d woken to discover that I was dressed for success for such a venture and no intervention was necessary. I fell back asleep but it was a slightly strange thing to happen. It’s an interesting insight into the vaguely volitional nature of my self-inflicted secondary onset bedwetting. It also seems that my bedwetting is back (again) but I know better than to go looking for it.2 points
It stands for 'Non-disclosure agreement'. It's what keeps people from blabbing about other's personal information. (well should at least) Chapter 21! I think some of you have might have anticipated things here. --- Alicia felt her shoulder being nudged by a gentle hand. She must’ve fallen asleep from fatigue. She opened her eyes and looked bleary-eyed as they adjusted to the light. The gentle visage of her mother smiled back at her. “Hey, sweetie,” Emily said. She looked at Alicia with compassion and leaned in to hug her. “Did you have some trouble today, sweetheart? I noticed you’re wearing your spare pants.” Alicia felt the tears coming again she wrapped her arms around her mother as much as she could. She wanted to tell Emily about her horrible encounter with the city’s resident extreme-makeover, but she couldn’t get out a word. Pamela’s threats had ingrained themselves in her mind, causing a fear of being exposed. “Oh, sweetheart, there, there,” her mother reassured and patted Alicia’s back, unaware of her actual plight. “Hmm, seems you might need a change, honey,” Emily said seeing her daughter’s pants bulge in the front. Aghast, Alicia felt her pull-up, noting that it was indeed wet. She hadn’t felt the need to go at all and it only spurred her sadness. The formula must’ve done a number on her, she chided herself in her mind for letting her greed get the better part of her. Emily held her daughter tightly and rocked her back and forth. “Does my angel need some little-girl time?” she asked. Alicia didn’t think about her mother’s choice of word and nodded. Anything else was preferable from the dread she felt. She found herself lifted up and carried towards the bathroom. Soon, she was laid upon the foldable changing table, where her mother carefully cleaned her up and slid a thick diaper underneath her bum. Alicia sighed as she felt its soft embrace, finding comfort in the act and the protection it offered her. “…Mom, am I a freak?” she eventually asked her mother as Emily finished taping up the diaper securely around her waist. “What?” she asked bewildered. “Why on earth would you ask that, Alicia?” “I-I dunno…just a lot has happened and I don’t know how to process things,” Alicia admitted. “Should I really be doing all this?” Emily looked at her vulnerable daughter and shook her head. She lifted her up and hugged her again. “Of course you’re not a freak, sweetheart. You’re a lovely girl. You’re kind, compassionate and the funniest daughter I could ever wish for.” “B-but, the modeling and the diapers…should I really be doing that?” Emily cocked an eyebrow, wondering just why her daughter was second guessing herself now. “Well, honey, like you’ve told me, you won’t be able to quit modeling without repercussion for some time, but why shouldn’t you do it? From what I’ve heard from Sofia, you’re performing just wonderfully—a few emotional outburst aside.” Alicia bit her lip. “But what if I wasn’t bound by a contract? Would it still be okay for me to keep doing what I’m doing?” “Well, how do ‘you’ feel about it, Alicia? Would you keep modeling even if you could get out of it?” Emily asked. “I-I’m not sure. In the beginning I wished for nothing else than to quit, but it’s not so bad, I guess? Still, it feels wrong…” She sniffed. “Do you dislike working at the agency, Alicia?” her mother asked. Alicia thought deeply. She liked the people there, excluding a certain clown-lady, even Nora had been tolerable—albeit her lack of manners and common sense. And even if she didn’t enjoy all the aspects of her modeling career, the money certainly helped. Sofia and Michelle helping her along the way, bantering with her also made things more bearable. “No, it’s actually nice most of the times, even if the public photo shoots are a pain,” Alicia said. “Then, I don’t see the issue, dear. If you like working there then there shouldn’t be a problem?” Emily said. “B-but I’m not a child, mom. Isn’t weird that I’m working with children?” Emily snorted a little. “There would be a lot of issues in the world if that was the case, sweetie.” “That’s not the same thing though, mom,” Alicia rolling her eyes, a little annoyed at her mother’s carefree attitude. “Hmm, so what exactly is different? Tell me a little what’ve you been doing, with Isabella for example,” Emily hummed. Alicia pondered. “Well, I guess we’ve been playing for the most part when we’ve been together.” “Mhmm, anything else?” “I’ve taught her a few things? Read to her, showed her some letters of the alphabet and how to spell her name?” Alicia said. “Wow honey, it’s almost like you’re describing a babysitter or daycare worker,” her mother smiled. “B-but Isabella think I’m as old as her,” Alicia retorted. “That may be true, but does that matter, sweetie? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to like spending time with Isabella, and Jenny as well?” “She’s a very sweet girl, mom…and Jenny’s nice too,” Alicia said. “Honey,” Emily began, “as long as that is the case, does anything else matter?” Alicia looked down, still hearing Pamela’s voice in her head. “It just feels odd, taking advantage of my appearance like this, I don’t deserve it.” Her mother stroked her cheek. “Oh honey, you didn’t choose this life, you know that,” Emily started tearing up. “If I only had the means back then, I would have given you the hormone treatment you needed.” It was a conversation they’ve had many times before. Alicia’s stunted growth could have been managed with hormone shots, but as a single mother with next to no social network, Emily couldn’t afford it. A fact that had haunted her ever since Alicia was diagnosed. Alicia hugged her mother. “I know, mom.” Emily straightened her back. “Alright, enough with the pity party. What do you say we leave these worries behind us for now,” Emily said and got a glint in her eye. “There’s actually someone I’d like you to meet, an old friend that I think we’ll make things just right.” Alicia looked puzzled as her mother broke the hug and went over to the bathroom. She was just as confused as Emily held something behind her back and sneakily made her way back. “I managed to find him earlier, and I gave him a good wash and tumble so he’d be all fresh and happy to see you, honey,” she said and revealed an orange stuffy with dark fur around its eyes. Alicia’s eyes started to shine and she gasped. “Bandit!” She took the plushie from her mother’s hands and hugged it tightly to her chest. “Thank you, mommy!” she said happily. Emily’s face brightened, seeing her daughter’s change of expression. She kissed her softly on the head. “You’re welcome, mommy’s angel.” Alicia couldn’t believe how much she had missed Bandit, but now all of their memories together seemed to flow back into her. The make-believe tea parties, times when she cried into his fur, moments when she confessed her secrets to him by the bedside. It felt all too right snuggling up with her old, best friend. “I missed you buddy,” she sighed, her worries seemingly melting away. Then, her stomach growled. Alicia looked at the clock. It was almost dinner time by now, she must’ve napped for a while! “Oh, is my little girl hungry?” Emily asked lovingly. “I guess I could eat, yeah,” Alicia said, her earlier encounter with the mushy food now digested. “I’m thinking lasagna for today,” Emily hummed. “I left some meat to thaw in the fridge yesterday.” “Yum, yes please!” Alicia agreed. Alicia helped out in preparing dinner, cutting down on time, and after about an hour they both had a steaming plate of hot lasagna to enjoy. Bandit guarded them both as he sat vigilant on the kitchen table. Alicia didn’t say anything as Emily cut up her food in pieces, but she wanted to eat on her own. Soon her little belly was full and she patted it contently. Emily wiped away traces of meat and ketchup on Alicia’s face. “Room for some dessert, honey?” Emily said, holding up Alicia’s bottle. Alicia was kind of tanked out on bottles for today, but she had grown to love the intimacy they shared during the feeding. “Just a little bit, mom. I had several at work.” “Oh? You have to tell me more about that some time. Get settled into the couch and I’ll join you in a bit,” she said. Alicia grabbed Bandit and headed to the livingroom. She switched on the TV and landed on another animal documentary—this one about Bobcats. Perfect, she thought and smiled. Emily turned up with a half-full baby bottle that seemed to contain milk in it. “Figured we could try something else for a change.” Alicia got into position and opened her mouth, feeling the latex teat against her tongue. Her mother had warmed it up apparently and soon she felt a familiar warmth in her abdomen as she suckled contently. “There’s my good girl,” Emily cooed as she stroked Alicia’s head, causing her daughter to be putty in her hands. After finishing the bottle, Alicia let out a little burp, making her mother giggle. The combined warmth and massage made Alicia relax and soon the little girl once more drifted off to dreamland, hugging her companion tightly. --- Emily, as many times before, carefully lifted her daughter to her bedroom, undressed her and tucked her into bed. She offered her drowsy princess her pink pacifier, which Alicia took to and started nursing. She left Alicia and Bandit snuggled up together and headed back down to clean things up before eventually heading to her bedroom. She thought about different things she could do to help her daughter. Emily wanted to feel even closer to Alicia, but she wasn’t sure what else she could do. She started to search the internet for answers on how to bond with your child. A lot of things she already knew of course, so she expanded her search. Then her eyes felt on a particular line of information. I…could still do that couldn’t I?…Would she even want that, though? Her thoughts starting racing. It would be the ultimate way to bond…no, she’d never go for it…but perhaps if I take it slow, it would be a while before I could do it anyway. ‘Do it for Alicia. Do it for your girl. She needs you!’ Every fiber of her being screamed at her. “My girl needs me,” Emily murmured. She soon found an appropriate website and purchased everything she needed to get started. --- “Yer no’ tall ‘nuff for me boat, lass!,” the dwarven sailor scoffed at Alicia, his well-kempt beard flowing in the salty breeze. “There’s a storm brewin’, an’ wee lassies like yersel’ will surely go o’erboard.” Alicia frowned. “Master dwarf, I assure you I am a seasoned fighter that’ve been through many hardships. A little storm won’t stop me from getting to Chult.” Bandit—her tressym— clung to her shoulders like a scarf and yawned, stretching his wings in the process. “I’ll take care of my meow-ster.” The dwarf sighed, but let them aboard. “Aye, it’s yer ain funeral.” Soon they were sailing through dark and treacherous waters to reach the jungle island of Chult. The tropical peninsula were rife with ancient ruins rich in history, mystery and adventure. The island was a focal point for many adventurers seeking fortune and fame, and Alicia was no different. With her trusty familiar, nothing would stand in her way. The journey progressed without issue, until dark clouds started forming close to the shorelines of the island. The boat started rocking heavily. “It’s a whirlpool, haud on!” The dwarf yelled as he tried to maneuver around several sharp rocks threatening to sink the boat. Alicia clung to the railing as best as she could, but the haphazard motion of the vessel caused her to slip and she fell into the water below. “Ah telt ye!” the dwarf called out before Alicia disappeared among the waves. Alicia struggled for dear life as the currents swept her along, eventually she found herself suspended in air as Bandit fought to keep them aloft. The winged-cat managed to pull them both to shore and Alicia laid down exhausted on the sandy beach. “Wow, that was a close one, thank you, Bandit,” she said, panting heavily, lucky to be alive. “Nyo problem meow-ster…but you should probably change out of your wet diaper, meow,” he said. “What?” Alicia said and looked down at her bulging pants as an odd signal blared in the distance. --- Alicia groaned as she opened her eyes. Her phone alarm was going off and she reached out to turn it off. Then she noticed her little friend still in her grasp and snuggled close to him before taking out her pacifier and stretching her arms. She felt an odd squelching crinkle as she sat up and removed the covers. Alicia winced when she touched the front of her thick diaper, finding it thoroughly wet. Really?! Alicia thought, lambasting herself. Did she really need any more reinforcement at this point? Little by little, her independence were challenged, and now she had uncontrollably wet herself in her sleep. Her inner rantings was interrupted by the calm voice of her mother. “Good morning, sunshine!” Alicia grumbled in her bed. “Oh, maybe more of a raincloud today?” Emily wondered and approached the bed. “Ah, I see. Don’t worry honey, you were really stressed yesterday, these things happen.” “I don’t want them to happen though, mom,” Alicia said. “Understandable, but at least it wasn’t the bedsheets that got wet?” she tried. “That’s like the smallest of victories, mom.” “Seems quite preferable to me, Alicia. Better a wet diaper than a wet bed?” “Yeah well, you wear the diapers then,” Alicia stuck her tongue out. “Maybe in another forty or so years I will, but for now I leave all to you, my precious girl,” she said and pinched her cheek. “By the way I’m working from home today, and I take it you don’t have any modeling either?” Alicia checked her phone but saw no messages from Sofia. “Doesn’t seem like it.” “Alright, do you want to be a little girl today, sweetie? Maybe it’ll help you relax if you’re still feeling restless from yesterday?” Alicia thought for a moment. Yesterday still laid heavily on her. “I guess, but with the caveat that I can still do some adult stuff. I need to check on a few things and message Lily.” “Sure honey, but other than that, mommy’s free to help her little girl unwind?” “I suppose that would be fine,” Alicia said tentatively. “Then let’s get mommy’s angel all clean and into a fresh diaper,” Emily said and easily lifted Alicia out of bed with Bandit still in her arms. “Oh, and keep this in for mommy too?” She presented the pacifier. Alicia rolled her eyes but accepted the soother, nursing it like it was second nature to her. They went down the stairs, passing an old box outside Alicia’s room, soon she laid upon the changing table getting her diaper changed like several times before, still it was the first time she had willingly used her pacifier except for bedtime. Am I becoming too adjusted to this? Maybe it’s better if I don’t do this every day…she thought as Emily wiped her down. She shuddered a little as the warmed up baby-wipe hit her skin, it felt amazing and in her daze she forgot her earlier reasoning. Soon a fresh diaper was taped around her waist. Emily took out the cat-onesie Alicia had been brought home in that day, and dressed her up to match Bandit. “Adorable,” she squeaked and started working on Alicia’s hair, brushing out all the knots. For breakfast her mother fed her the usual porridge and once again a bottle of warm milk. After her feeding, she was picked up and Emily held her close and patted her bottom. “Mom, seriously I—uurp!” Alicia let out and blushed, her stomach feeling better. “That’s it baby girl, let it all out,” she cooed at her daughter. “Now, mommy’s going to get some work done in her office. Can you be a good girl and play by yourself, sweetie?” she asked. “Mom, please…do you have to go all in like this?” Alicia pleaded, feeling her mother going overboard with the baby treatment. “Just looking out for my precious girl. By the way, I took the liberty of getting some of your old toys from the attic cleaned up. They’re just outside your room, if you want them of course,” she expertly side-stepped Alicia’s question. So that’s what it was…, Alicia thought. “Honestly mom, I think I’d rather just game a little?” “Hmm, well don’t game for too long, Alicia. You know it’s not good for you,” Emily reminded her. “Yeah, yeah…” “Just knock on my door if you need your diapee changed,” Emily sung. “Yes, I got it!” Alicia huffed, not appreciating her mother’s babyish use of the word. “Hehe, love you sweetie,” Emily kissed her on the head and went into her home office to start the workday. “Love you too, mom,” Alicia said. In her bedroom, Alicia put away her pacifier and fired up her laptop. It wasn’t long though until she got a notification about yesterdays’s payment on her phone. She was floored when she saw another four hundred dollars in her account. This is nuts…taking into account that I wasn’t modeling alone this time. Alicia decided that it was time to look for a new laptop, as hers were over five years old and sputtered and lagged at times. She heaved a little as most of what she wanted was in the thousand dollar range. She’d finally found an acceptable rig for little over nine hundred dollars and put in the order. Alicia loaded up her farming sim and where she finally managed to get enough hearts to date the rude blacksmith. He’s just softie, really… She went through a few days of farming until her laptop started chugging and she had to shut it down. Thank you for your service, old friend, she patted her old computer. Then she turned her attention to her phone and looked at the time tables for the ParTee Shack for her outing with Lily. She messaged Lily about the times and confirmed that they were still good to hangout. Haah, okay, what now…her attention fell on the box of toys her mother had dusted off from their old attic. She made her way over, it couldn’t hurt to take a look, right? She found her old dolls, a few lego sets and some of her animal figures. “Hmm, what was that, Sasha?” she said as she picked up a blonde doll with light grey shirt and salmon-colored skirt. “Where have I been all this time? Girlfriend, it’s a whole story,” she said and pushed the box into her room. --- Emily exited her office—which was just a part of her bedroom—to get herself some water from the kitchen, when she heard Alicia talking to herself from her room. “I’m telling you, Marcy. I can’t just up and quit!” Alicia said as she held onto another doll in a ranger’s outfit. She was sitting down on the floor having make-believe conversation and Emily was dying of cuteness overload. “No, Anne” Alicia scoffed and turned to a third doll with wild hair. “It wouldn’t work, what kind of idea is ‘seize the means of production’ anyway? What would that possibly accomplish in this scenario?” Emily snickered at her daughter’s antics, but left her alone for the time being, just happy she was having a good time. She stealthily sneaked downstairs and grabbed herself a glass of water before heading back up to look over some journals. --- Alicia kept playing make-believe, providing free housing for her toys with her old lego, overseen by her anti-autoritarian dolls, which was paradoxical in a way. While she was arranging the park in her community, she felt her bladder twinge. Alicia was too focused on the task at hand that she merely relaxed and let go, her thick diaper swelling with warmth in the front. She let out a small moan as it swelled, but quickly resumed playing. Who has time for potty breaks when you’re city planning? Unfortunately for Alicia, her previous meals had about finished digesting as well and she felt her bowels churn with impending pressure. This time, Alicia did not relax and let go. She shot up and clenched for all that she was worth. Ugh, no. I’ll go to mom and ask her to remove my diaper so I can use the toilet, she thought and headed over next door. She was about to knock as she heard voices from inside the room. Her mother sounded like she was in a conference call. Alicia grumbled, but decided to wait and hold it. Her stomach rumbled with displeasure as it wanted nothing more than to release its contents, yet Alicia held firm…for about two minutes. Wait! I can just remove the diaper myself. I don’t need mom to take it off, gosh I really have become adjusted to this. She slapped her forehead. Filled with determination, she waddled over to the stairs, clenching her sphincter. As she started taking the first steps downstairs, she was hit with another rumble and she had to stop and hold onto the railing. No, I can make it…she thought as her stomach gurgled again and Alicia could feel her mess crowning slightly. She took another tentative step, feeling her body actively working against her, then another, until she was all the way down the stairs. She huffed and panted as sweat started forming around her brows, adamant that she’d not poop her pants today. Sadly her wishful thinking were interrupted by a muffled fart in the back of her diaper, the forerunner of what was to come. N-no…Alicia tried physically holding her bum to avoid messing her diaper. Her bowels tired of her weak attempts and Alicia found herself involuntarily bending her knees, sticking out her padded butt. ‘Frrrrrrrrrt’ A noisy and messy wave of soft stool started pooling out of her fatigued hole and spread around the back of her diaper. Alicia gasped, trying to clench, but was instead rewarded with another deluge that echoed throughout the house. She stumbled onto her knees and groaned as a third, more solid chunk easily made its way out with the rest and nestled itself slickly against her butt and the padding. The diaper strained against the onesie, and while it seemed like it held up, it was slippery with warm feces that threatened to spill out with the tiniest of movements. While Alicia felt better as her bowels had completely emptied, now she was in a different dilemma. How would she go back up to her mom without leaking all over herself? The answer manifested in the form of something primal, Alicia started to cry. “Mommy!” --- Emily—having just wrapped up a phone call—heard the sound of her daughter in distress and bolted out of the room, noticing her little girl on all fours at the end of the stairs, bawling her eyes out. She hurried down the stairs and came to her side, quickly noting her diaper bulging heavily in the back. The smell hit her hard and she coughed a little, but pushed it back. “Oh, sweetie, what’s wrong? Did you go poopy?” She rubbed Alicia’s back soothingly. Alicia nodded, holding out her arms for Emily to pick her up. In that moment, Alicia cared not for decorum or independence, just that her mother could make it all better. Emily picked her up around her chest, trying not to stir the contents of the Alicia’s diaper. “There, there mommy’s angel,” she said and kissed her cheek gently. “I’ll have you clean in no time.” “O-okay, mommy,” Alicia sobbed, slipping more into the role of her mother’s little girl. Emily lifted Alicia into the bathroom and carefully unzipped her onesie, finding it a little stained. She laid Alicia on the changing table and prepared wipes, powder and cream, and this time she opted for one of the thicker Stars diapers. Might just have to buy in bulk if her accidents are these big in the future, maybe even consider some boosters too…she thought as she untaped the biohazard and started wiping her daughter’s messy bum. It took several wipes and soap to properly get Alicia clean, but soon she was as fresh as a daisy. Alicia seemed to be in bliss as the remainder of her accident was wiped away. She had stopped crying, and laid calmly on her back. “Feels good being clean, huh?” her mother asked as she slipped the thick diaper underneath her daughter, making sure to put on enough cream and powder. “Mhm,” Alicia admitted. The feeling of a soft, dry diaper hugging her gently was heavenly after that sticky situation. Emily put the stained onesie in the hamper. It could still be salvaged. “Hey, what do you say of relaxing with mommy for a bit?” Alicia looked tired from the ordeal and nodded sleepily, still naked except for her diaper. Her mother carried her to the couch in the living room, but this time Emily unbuttoned her shirt and dressed down to her black bra. Alicia didn’t move as Emily laid her on her stomach and covered them with a blanket. She started to hum a lullaby to Alicia as she stroked her hair gently. The skin-to-skin contact warmed them both and it didn’t take long for Alicia to slip into peaceful slumber. “Soon, baby girl,” Emily said to her daughter, sleeping on her bosom. “Soon we’ll be closer than ever.”2 points
Chapter 2: A Witches Welcome Maya's eyes widened in awe as the purple swirling light coalesced into a figure slowly rising from the stage. A shiver ran down her spine as the witch hat materialized on top of the mysterious entity, and she couldn't help but take a step back. The air was electric with anticipation, and a group of the club's patrons, frozen in place moments before, scrambled to get out of the club as they realized something extraordinary was happening. As the figure emerged from the portal, Maya felt her fear mix with fascination. The witch's long black hair streamed behind her like a dark river, and her eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity - bright purple in the dim light of the club. Maya couldn't help but feel drawn to the woman despite the unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. The air vibrated with magical energy, making it hard for Maya to breathe. The club's speakers crackled to life, and the DJ's voice spoke, "What an entrance by..." he looked at his sheet to see if there were any new dancers he should shout out, not recognizing the woman standing on stage. But there was nothing; if she was new, he wasn't told about her. "The witch!" at least he could use her costume as a name for now until he gets the memo on who this new person was. "Fucking management, man. How am I supposed to build up hype when they pull stunts like this." He mumbled under his breath as he started another track. Maya felt a hand on her arm, spinning her around to face that woman, Marcus's wife. Her eyes were filled with frustration toward her. Utterly oblivious to the situation. "How dare you!" the woman scolded Maya, her voice laced with anger and betrayal. "Who do you think you are? You think you can just walk out on me?" But Maya's attention was already locked on the woman on stage, her eyes fixed intently on the mysterious figure. The woman had the whole crowd's attention, drawing them in with a power that was both captivating and unsettling. As Maya watched, transfixed, the woman on the stage just stood there, looking around the club. Her beauty was undeniable - striking features, a slim waist barely hidden by her cloak, and a stunning rack that made Maya jealous. "So unfair." The crowd erupted in cheers, but Maya barely noticed. The presence of this new woman made time feel like it had stood still. Suddenly, the witch's eyes locked onto hers, sending shivers down Maya's spine. The witch's gaze pierced her eyes. There was something about her eyes that felt like a direct connection to Maya's very soul, and she knew at that moment that this was no act - whatever magic the woman possessed was real. "Hello? Earth to slut, I'm over here." The woman tried to turn Maya's face back toward her. She didn't care what Maya was looking at. It was likely just another whore on the stage. Maya broke eye contact with the witch and was forced to look at the annoying woman who had ambushed her earlier. Annoyed, the witch's focus changed to the women bothering Maya. The witch scowled as she looked around the rest of the club. Then suddenly, she threw her arms up, laughing maniacally. A puff of smoke completely engulfed her, and she was gone. The remaining crowd lost it. They erupted in a large cheer, whistling and hollering at the magnificent showmanship. They had never seen such a unique entrance for a new dancer. They hoped that once the smoke cleared, she would be standing there in nothing more than a thin piece of ripped cloth covering her magnificent body. "Oh, grow up." The woman's focus broke from Maya. She was more annoyed that these men were so willing to betray their families to spoil these overgrown babies who couldn't take care of themselves, instead opting to beg grown adults for money. In the heat of the moment, she let Maya's arm go without realizing it. The men scoffed at her remark, but one man in the crowd looked terrified when he saw the woman. "Angela?" the man spoke in her direction. "Shit," he mumbled to himself. "Hi, Sweetie. I was just talking about you with your 'friend' here." Angela had a fake smile on, clearly showing that she was both annoyed and felt like she was in a place of power. When Angela looked back at Maya, she was gone, walking towards the exit. "Hey! Where do you think you are going?" Algela started rushing after Maya. "I'm not done with you yet." "Lady, I don't care. I'm getting the fuck out of here." Maya knew what she just felt wasn't a part of the show. That was the real deal. "Those eyes... it was like she could see right into my soul." Maya was so focused on leaving she hadn't even bothered to go back and grab her stuff. She just wanted out. Luna, Maya's best friend at the club, caught up to her as she sped walked over to the exit. "Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?" Luna asked, concern etched on her face. She had been watching from the sidelines, and Maya's frantic pace and shaky hands told a story. Maya hesitated for a moment before answering. "We need to get out of here," she said curtly, not wanting to elaborate. Luna nodded sympathetically, remembering the time that Maya had gotten attacked in the parking lot. This was different, though - this felt like something more sinister. Luna fell into step beside Maya as they walked towards the door. "What's going on? You've never been scared of anything at this club before," she said, her voice low and serious. Maya glanced over her shoulder, feeling a shiver run down her spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was following them. The way the witch looked at her made her feel singled out like it wanted her. "Maybe playing with magic was a horrible idea." "Whoa! What? No, you aren't; you just got here." Dameon finally showed his face from his office. He usually stayed back there for the whole night unless otherwise needed, but all the noise and the weird effects were not approved, and he was going to have someone's paycheck for blowing the budget. "Shit, I gotta go man. I'm about to get royally fucked, and not in the right way." Marcus rushed out of the booth he shared with some other regulars. They weren't good friends; they would just occasionally oodle over the woman, and they knew with two or more of them there, they were more likely to have one of the pretty ladies come over for a nice chat. "Awe, man, it was just getting good," the man said, trying to persuade his friend to stay. "I know, I know, I just. I gotta..." he could see Angela rushing off to catch Maya. Cutting his chat short, he ran after them. The last thing he wanted was for her to get him banned from the club. This was his only way to unwind from the stress of home life. "Yeah, yeah, good luck, man!" *** Frank stood at attention outside the door, his eyes scanning the dimly lit alleyway for any signs of trouble. The night was slow, and he didn't have a large crowd to deal with all evening. As he leaned against the wall, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It wasn't his favorite job, but it paid the bills, and the girls were always grateful for his protection. The chanting from inside the club caught his attention, and he smiled. "Sounds like they're having a good time." He'd worked at Little Miracles Gentlemen's Club for years and knew how much a good night could mean to the girls. They usually made more tips during peak hours, but when business was slow, times like these kept everyone on their toes. Frank instinctively stepped forward as the door opened, eyes scanning the entrance for any signs of trouble. A few patrons were filtering out, chatting with each other or laughing, but something about the atmosphere felt off. The usual chatter among the members when leaving wasn't the same this time. The ones who weren't laughing seemed on edge, and even those who laughed did so nervously. Normally, Frank wouldn't think twice about it, but this seemed odd. Even the air was thick with tension. One person caught Frank's attention - Adrien, one of the bartenders, looked like he'd seen a ghost. His eyes were wide with fear, and his face was pale as he quickly tried to rush past Frank. "Hey, what's going on?" Frank asked, but Adrien didn't respond. He just took off running towards his car, leaving Frank wondering what had happened. Frank, worried about what might have gone down, opened the door to the club, scanning the dimly lit interior for any signs of trouble. Everything seemed normal - the DJ was still spinning tracks, drinks were still being poured, and patrons were still enjoying themselves. But it was the sight of Maya storming towards him that made Frank's gut twisted with concern. She looked terrified, her eyes wide with fear as she approached him. She hadn't even grabbed her purse or her sweatshirt. Whatever was wrong must have scared the holy hell out of her if she was about to go outside dressed like that at the start of October. Frank could see Maya glancing back over her shoulder. For a moment, Frank thought he saw something moving behind her—a flash of purple, a glimpse of long black hair, a pointy tall hat. But when he turned to look, there was nothing. Instead, he saw this short lady dressed in gray chasing after her. He had remembered letting the woman in earlier that night. He thought she was a tightwad who just came to the club to blow off steam or pull her husband out. Instead, it seemed like Maya had become the unfortunate center of attention for the evening. Luna tried calming her down, and Dameon stormed after them, frustrated. That crazy tight wad, and the man following suit, was likely her husband. "So much for a quiet night." Frank stepped forward to calm the situation, wrapping his arms around Maya as she tried to push past him. "What's going on, Maya?" he asked, but she just shook her head and tried to wriggle free. Dameon's face reddened with anger while Angela jumped into the conversation, her voice venomous. "You think you can just walk out on me like that? You're just a cheap little whore who thinks you can do whatever you want and get away with it." Marcus stormed forward, his face twisted in anger. "What are you doing here?" he demanded, yelling at Angela. Luna stood her ground, trying to cover Maya's back. "Listen, bitch, you need to back off," she said, her voice firm. "Maya doesn't deserve this harassment." Frank raised his hands, trying to keep everyone from escalating further. "Everyone, just back up for a second," he said, but it was too late. The argument had reached a fever pitch, with all five people shouting over each other and pushing against Frank's chest. Luna shoved Angela, causing her to stumble backward, knocking herself into Frank and sending the whole group crashing through the exit door. They tumbled out onto the alleyway, landing in a heap on the ground. Maya sat up, rubbing her head, and looked around to see where they were. But instead of the familiar sight of the club's parking lot, she saw... a room, it looked like it should belong to the club, but was something she had never seen before. The room was empty, only the floor, four walls, and two doors, the one they just came through, which was shut, and another on the other side of the room, also closed. "What the...?" she muttered, scrambling to her feet. Luna stood up, looking around in confusion. "Where are we?" Dameon got to his feet, brushing himself off. "I don't know," he admitted, but Angela's expression turned from anger to outrage. "How can you not know where we are? You run this club, for God's sake! You should know every room here like the back of your hand, you incompetent idiot!" Angela glared at Dameon, her voice rising. But just as she was about to continue ranting, a low, menacing laugh echoed through the room. The sound sent shivers down Maya's spine. Dameon's face went white, and he took a step back. "What... the... fuck?" Marcus went to shout, asking who the voice was, but it was too late before he could even make a sound. The evil laugh had already stopped, leaving an uncomfortable silence. Maya felt a creeping sense of dread as she looked around at the group. Where were they? How did they get here? Was this even real? "Please, god, let me still be sleeping at my desk, and this is just one really screwed-up nightmare." As she scanned the empty room, a figure emerged from corner in the ceiling over by the new door. It's neck twisted in an unnatural way, it's face was imposing, and the same glowing purple eyes looked over at the group. As if seeing what it managed to catch. "Welcome to my little playground," the figure said, its voice dripping with malice. "You've all been very naughty. Let's see if we can fix that." The voice began to giggle as it slowly retreated back into the wall until it completely disappeared out of sight.2 points
Thursday, June 9, 2016 I was allowed to watch the Warriors last night, but I didn’t make it through the whole game. The game was a blowout, so it sucked. The Warriors fell behind early and never got close. Mom sent me to bed before the end of the game because I got mad. It was still a treat to stay up past 8 o’clock, even if the Warriors lost. I’ve watched every game in my dad’s studio this year, because it’s the best. There is a big television, and it has comfy recliners. It’s better than going to the game in-person. Dad wasn’t home, so I didn’t know if mom would let me watch the game there. He lets me watch games in his studio, except when he is preparing for his show. Mom was giving me a bath before the game, and I asked, “Can I watch the game in daddy’s studio?” I even used ‘daddy’, because I thought it would help. Mom shook her head, “Not tonight. Daddy’s not home, and nobody can watch you.” I whined, “Can’t I watch it alone? I’ll be good, I promise.” Mom shook her head. I stomped my feet and huffed, “But it’s better!” I knew right away that was a mistake and I wanted to take it back as soon as I did it. Mom gave me a stern look, “Are you done whining?” “I’m sorry mommy. I just want to watch the game.” I think my mom knew that it was important to me. She nodded and said, “Okay, you can watch it, but in the living room. I don’t want daddy to get mad at me because I didn’t let you watch. Remember, no whining! If you start to pout, you’re going straight to bed!” It’s been almost a week, and it’s still hard getting used to being a baby. I’m almost never alone, no matter what’s going on. The only time I’m by myself is when I’m in my crib, and there is a baby monitor in the nursery. Sara left me alone for a little bit on Tuesday morning. She was cleaning the house and told me to sit in the playpen, but she used the baby monitor to keep an eye on me. She even tried to make it sound like it was a good thing. “Eddie, I’m going to let you sit in your playpen.” I immediately protested, “Why? I’ve been good. I don’t want to sit in the playpen! You can’t make me.” Sara put a pacifier in my mouth and hugged me. “Eddie, relax. I know that you’ve been good, but I need to clean the house, and I can’t clean and keep my eyes on you at the same time.” I tried to talk, but she warned, “Keep that passy in your mouth. Just be good and play with some toys. It won’t be long, I promise. If you’re good, I’ll ask mommy to give you a treat.” I managed to ask, “Can’t I help?” It was hard to get out with a pacifier in my mouth, and it was hard to understand, but Sara understood. She gently responded, “Oh, you want to help me?” I nodded, and she replied, “I’m sorry honey, but you’re not ready to help. Remember what mommy said. Chores are only for big kids.” That was Monday night, and I thought it was cool at the time. Mom told Emily to take out the trash and Emily cried, ‘But that’s Eddie’s job.” Mom replied, “Not anymore. Little kids don’t have chores. Chores are only for big kids.” As much as Emily loves rubbing this in my face, she didn’t think it was cool when it affected her. She whined, “It’s not fair!” My mom has very little tolerance for whiney children. She rolled her eyes. “Emily, sweetie. If you’re jealous of your brother, we can treat you the same way. Is that what you want?” Emily shook her head, “No!” “Okay, good. So, now you know what you have to do, right?” Emily stomped off but took out the garbage. After that, mom sighed, “Thank goodness; two babies might be a little difficult to handle.” At least I’m getting to spend more time with Sara. When we were little, we played together all the time. Sometimes it was just the two of us. Other times her best friend joined along. We did things that little kids like to do. Sometimes we did girl stuff that I didn’t like, but it was better than being alone. Other times, we played fun things like tag or hide and seek. They even played wiffle ball with me, and they usually won. Unfortunately, once they got older, they stopped playing with me. They just wanted to hang out together and weren’t interested in doing any of the things that I liked to do. Ever since she started middle school, I don’t get to hang out with Sara very much, and I miss hanging out with my big sister. Sara is nice, but she is really strict. If mom won’t let me do something, she won’t let me either. Also, she makes me do everything that mom does. I have to sit in a highchair and use a sippy cup. She makes me take a nap, and she won’t ever let me use the potty. I’m not even allowed to ask about it. That’s probably a good thing; I’m getting used to peeing in my diaper. I’m not sure that I can hold it anymore. I just kind of pee when I feel the urge. I still know when I go, but sometimes I forget that I went. I don’t realize my diaper is wet, and then I get praised because I didn’t whine about my wet diaper. On Tuesday, right after lunch, Sara dressed me in shorts after changing my diaper. That confused me. I thought it was time for my nap, and I only get to wear clothes when we leave the house. Sara realized I was confused and replied, “Mommy wants you to get some exercise, so we’re going to the park.” That meant I was going outside in my diaper, which I didn’t want to do. I didn’t want anybody to see me wearing a diaper. I pulled back and complained, “People are going to see me. I want to stay here.” Sara gently smiled, “Don’t worry. Nobody can tell that you’re wearing a diaper, and if they do see it, they won’t care.” Nobody ever tells me where we are going when we leave. They put me in the car and expect me to follow along. When we got to the car, I asked, “Where are we going?” Sara scoffed, “I already told you. We’re going to the park, now get in the car!” Sara pulled hard, but I resisted the best that I could. “Come on, Eddie. Don’t do this. You know you can’t be alone, and I’m going to the park. That means you’re going to the park as well.” She finished with a firm, “I bet you’ll have fun, and I don’t know why you’re fighting me.” I screamed when I saw the harness in the backseat, “Please! No! I want to sit in the front seat!” I swear to God, Sara said the same thing my mom would! “Eddie, stop! Don’t throw a tantrum. Mommy says that you have to sit in the car seat, so that’s where you have to sit. If she finds out that I let you sit in the front, she won’t let me watch you anymore. I don’t want that, and you don’t want that either; so, what are you going to do? Do you want me to tell mommy that you won’t listen to me, or do you want to sit in the car seat?” I reluctantly got in the car and whined as she buckled me into the harness. “I hate this!” Sara gently kissed my forehead and then said, “I know honey,” then she laughed, “You’re so darn cute when you pout.” I think that was the first time I’ve been in a car with Sara driving while mom or dad weren’t in the car. Sara just got her license in November, and she wasn’t allowed to drive with minors in the car until she turned 18, which was last month. I think she is a better driver than dad, but I wouldn’t tell him that. After she parked the car, Sara put the leash on me. I pleaded, “Please.” Sara shook her head, “I don’t want you to run away.” “I won’t, I promise.” I sounded more like a little kid than I wanted. Sara rolled her eyes, “Maybe when I can trust you, I’ll let you walk free. I don’t trust you right now, so no. I suggest you stay close.” I hope nobody noticed the leash, because I stayed close enough to Sara that it never stretched out. We headed to the skateboard park, which scared me. There were other kids at the park, and I didn’t want them to see me. Fortunately, I didn’t recognize any of them. I wanted to go straight to the ramp, but Sara stopped me. “Hold your horses, kiddo. I need to put pads on you.” I felt like a little kid when I was sitting on the bench and Sara put pads on me, but I would’ve forgotten if she didn’t. I got hurt last time, because I forgot to wear any pads. After she finished, she patted my butt and said, “Go have fun!” I just started skateboarding last year, and I’m not very good. I’m getting better, and I finally can do some tricks. It’s a little intimidating to go to the skate park, because everybody is better than me. However the other skaters usually ignore me, and that’s what happened Tuesday. I was just some little kid who wanted to skate with the big kids. Fortunately, nobody noticed my diaper, and I got to be a normal kid at the skate park. At least, for a little while. It was cloudy and cold all day yesterday, so we never left the house. Most of the day, Sara was the only other person around. Dad left to do his show, mom had a meeting all day, and Emily was at camp. It feels weird that Sara is my baby-sitter, and not my big sister. I don’t know how to talk to her. I want to talk to her like normal, but that’s kind of hard after she changes my diaper and wipes away the poop. We hung out in her bedroom, just like we did on Monday, but Sara got bored. She asked, “Do you want to play a board game?” We used to have family board game night all the time, and it was fun. These were not little kid games. These were games that my dad used to play, and he still likes them. We played a game called Acquire, which is a really fun game, but it’s hard to find. I wanted to know what Sara thought about this, and I could finally talk to her like I used to. I asked, “Do you think I’m a little kid?” Sara looked confused. It was either that, or she didn’t want to upset me. She asked, “What do you mean?” I explained, “I complained to mom about this, and she said that she is treating me this way because I’m still a little kid. Do you think I’m a little kid?” Sara didn’t want to answer, but I don’t think she knew what to say. I broke the silence and said, “Why are you doing the same thing? You’re treating me like I’m a baby.” Sara smiled, “I told you. Mommy is paying me, and I have to do this. If it’s not me, it will be somebody else.” That wasn’t a good enough answer for me. Sara is being nice, but she’s still treating me like I’m a baby. I pleaded, “can’t you just treat me normally?” Sara shook her head, “No! Mommy thinks this is for the best, and she wants me to treat you the same way that she is.” “How is this for the best? Mom--,won’t even let me use the bathroom. I can’t be a big kid if she won’t let me use the toilet.” I was about to say ‘mommy’ but stopped myself. If I start using ‘mommy’, I might as well become a real baby. Sara replied “Mommy thinks you need this. You aren’t ready to be potty trained, and you won’t be ready unless we do this. Don’t worry, I don’t think it will take very long and you’ll be a big kid before you know it.” I asked, “Do you think I’m a baby?” Sara’s answer was deceptive, “Not a baby.” It felt like she was hiding something. I asked, “What does that mean?” “Eddie, you’re not a baby, but you’re still kind of a little kid. It’s because of the way you act, and not just that you wet the bed.” I hate when mom says that, but it’s worse hearing it from Sara. I cried, “I’m not a little kid! I’m potty trained! I just wet the bed. I’m not a baby. Mom didn’t do this to you, and you used to wet the bed.” Sara smirked, “Is that so?” “Yeah.” She smiled, “Eddie, I wore diapers until I was twelve years old; also, mom made me sleep in a crib. You and I were treated the same way as Emily, but I’m eight years older than she is.” I disagreed, “but that was just at night, and she didn’t do anything else. She didn’t make you wear diapers during the day, and you didn’t have to sit in a highchair, or any of this stuff.” Sara shook her head, “That’s not true. She did the same thing to me. It wasn’t exactly the same, but it was close, and I think it worked.” I remember that Sara wet her pants until she was nearly twelve. It didn’t happen a lot, but it happened enough. I don’t remember her ever wearing diapers during the day, and I don’t think she ever sat in a highchair or rode in a stroller after she was a baby. I didn’t believe her, “That never happened, did it?” Sara asked, “Do you remember when we went to England?” “Yeah, kind of. I was eight years old, and mom made me wear a diaper on the plane. I also had to wear Pull-ups in the car.” Sara responded, “I had to wear diapers the entire trip. Mommy didn’t let me wear panties until we got home.” I still didn’t believe her. “No, she didn’t. I would have remembered.” Sara took a deep breath, “trust me, I was there. She did. Mommy changed my diaper in the bathroom when she changed Emily. Emily started to use the potty, so mommy let her wear Pull-ups. I still had to wear diapers, because my diaper was always wet.” I asked, “why?” “Mommy said that Pull-ups were only for kids who used the potty. Do you know how embarrassing that is? I had to wear a diaper, but my baby sister didn’t.” I just smiled; I didn’t need to say anything. Sara laughed, “Okay, that was a stupid question.” After that happened to her, I didn’t understand why Sara would do this to me. I asked, “Why are you doing this to me, after what mom did to you?” Sara explained, “Well, mommy thinks that helped me mature and grow up, and I think she’s right.” “What?” “I didn’t want to be a baby anymore. After we got home, I hid my accidents before mommy could see them.” “What did you do?” “At first, I would hide my panties in the closet when I had an accident. Mommy found out and threatened to put me back in diapers. I cried and told her I didn’t want to wear diapers anymore. Mommy let me wear panties but told me that I had to take care of my accidents. She taught me how to use the washing machine and made me do my own laundry.” Maybe that is why mom gets so mad at me when I don’t strip my bed. Mom yells, “Eddie, you’re too old for this.” I asked, “When did you stop?” Sara had a sheepish grin and said, “It still happens, sometimes. It happens when I laugh, or I wait too long and can’t hold it. I usually wake up at night, so I don’t wet the bed very often anymore.” I cried, “I wish mom would do that with me. Why won’t mom let me do my own laundry?” Sara laughed, “because you don’t. You let mommy take care of it, which is why you’re still a little kid. And that’s not the only reason.” “It isn’t?” “No, I already told you. It’s how you act. It’s hard to explain, but you’re not like a normal teenager.” That made me cry. Sara hugged me, “Eddie, it’s okay. I was the same way. After mommy made me wear diapers and let Emily wear pull-ups, I realized I didn’t want to be a baby anymore. I wanted to be a normal kid who didn’t pee her pants. Maybe this will do the same with you.” I cried, “But I don’t want to be a baby! I’m not a little kid!” Sara smirked, “Eddie, if you weren’t a little kid, we wouldn’t have to do this, would we?” She let me think but didn’t let me reply. “That’s a lot to think about, and I think it’s time for your nap.”2 points
Warning As with my previous stories, this one contains several elements inherent to a break with social normities. These include, but are not limited to: Diapers and their usage for their intended purpose Non-consensual mental regression through various means (Including possible drugs, hypnosis, and/or surgery) References to surgery to achieve various nefarious goals Humiliation Chastity and forced crossdressing Predominantly female domination (some male) Babying of adults Punishments (often unfair, degrading, and/or humiliating) Experimentation on humans Coerced or manipulated actions through possible means of white lies, gas lighting, or incentives Mild language or use of expletives Depictions of death, illness, or handicaps Political themes associated with revolutions or desires of change or freedoms Graphic imagery associated with any of these warnings This story has not been labeled as mature, due to a lack of specific acts to anything overtly sexual; however, some fetishes maybe touched on in this story more than my previous ones. Still, as usual, this warning serves as a 'turn back' point for any readers who do not wish to read about the previous warnings. Lastly, this list here is subject to change during the course of writing this story. While most of the plot is ironed out, more warnings may be warranted later if needed (though may not be added). If I deem any chapters to be too ‘triggering,’ I will issue another separate warning beforehand. Hey everyone! Welcome back to my little story corner on here. As I noted last time, this story is all about a maturity reform center for boys in a sort of alternative future from our own. Everything basically gets explained in the first chapter, so don’t worry there if you might be confused at all about this notion. It’s pretty easy, but for those of you wondering, I’m not going to lie… the phrase ‘girls rule, boys drool,’ is pretty apt for this story. Keep that in mind with this society’s mindset and a lot of things here will make more sense at least. Fair or logical from our own viewpoints may not always be accurate. Moving on, I do have to give credit where credit is due though. I saw this idea from a post that has been long deleted from ‘nomorepantsforme.’ I’m not even entirely sure it was their original idea either, but I want to give the acknowledgement where I can at least, since I really just couldn’t pass up the framework that I saw that day. I would gladly link the website where I originally saw these images posted, but it was a Tumblr account, and well… I’m pretty sure you all know what happened to it at this point. Still, I’ve expanded the story a lot since those initial postings, and everything pretty much takes on a life of its own after chapter three basically. Considering there are at least 36 chapters right now and this story takes place across a period of over three years during the plot, I would say buckle up, but I guess in the case for most of you, maybe get someone else who you trust to do that for you. All joking aside though, this story will take a bit of time to completely finish and put out on here. I definitely don’t have as much time as I used to, and that’s unfortunate, but I will work on this story as much as I can. I’ve already completed several sections, and I’ve got the plot all mostly ironed out by now, so that should make things easier, but I would just ask for your patience at this point. I can’t stick to a schedule, so I would just suggest staying vigilant for further updates. Looking ahead though, I will post another poll with the next chapter for the story you wish for me to write next. While some of you expressed a desire to move on away from the Strawpoll website where I posted the last poll, I think it was just too successful to stop it completely. I am still curious though about everyone’s continued thoughts, so I have left this poll up (which can be found at https://strawpoll.com/05ZdzWkrbn6). All that being said, if any of you wish to privately message me or post directly on here regarding your desires about polling or even my next story, I would count and read those responses/comments as well. Still, improvements to this system can always be made and I’m pretty open minded, so if any of you have a suggestion for polling in a different way for future stories, I’m very open to any ideas. Last but not least and as usual, I hope everyone enjoys the first chapter of this next story of mine! Chapter 1: Departure Day I clicked the recording the device, cleared my voice, and spoke up. “I’m an average guy in an average city who once lived an average life. I obeyed the law, never stood out from the crowd, and minded my own business as much as I could. I followed the rules and stayed out of trouble. For all intents and purposes, I never expected myself to be at the center of a sweeping change and then be asked to talk about it.” I paused and stopped the recording. Shuffling in my seat, a slight crinkle could be heard, but that was just everyday life for me now. I strained and looked back at Laura. “Is that okay? Do you think that’s what they want?” She smiled and nodded. “Of course. The people interested in how this whole thing went down just want to have a record of what happened. Lots of changes and all and your experiences should be recorded for future posterity. With everything that happened, someone is bound to ask questions about it all one day. So, my suggestion… there is no right and wrong. Just say what you think, sweetie.” I smiled back at her, her help through all this a constant in my life still, sighed, and then turned back to the recording device. I knew someone else would already be condensing my thoughts down later. Especially considering what had happened to me, Laura had suggested the recording device rather than me writing everything down. Writing everything down like that was just a bit too hard timing-wise these days… plus how I got here in the first place wasn’t helping matter either. I was already getting hungry for my midday snack... Still, I had to press on while everything was still fresh in my head. So, taking Laura’s advice, I pushed the recording button once more. I sighed again and leaned back into my chair. “Well, I could start earlier and explain a bit, but I suppose ‘Departure Day’ was where everything truly changed for me…” * * * The day is here at last and now there’s no more waiting. I’m 18, graduated from high school, and now it’s late August. Before everything changed a few years back, for someone like me, that meant a job, travelling the world, or college. It was a mark of maturity for everyone in this country or at least a sign that one’s life was moving forward. Now, however, being a guy, this time of year in my life can only mean one thing for me. I’m headed to a center, or what the government calls a ‘Juvenile Evaluation Center for All Males,’ located somewhere within 100 miles of me right now. Each had a different name and even reputation, but my fate to at least one of them was already sealed. And here I was all this time in my life over the past year, thinking that stupid law would be repealed by the time I reached 18 and then hit the beginning of the term in late August of the same year. I think every guy my age hoped the same thing… I mean, forcibly take a bunch of 18-year-old males and test their maturity as a barrier to enter society as an adult, or if they fail… then something else. A law like that in the ‘land of the free’ just had to be repealed. ‘Right?’ Wrong. Apparently fifteen years of a law enacted was just the right amount of time where most were still happy about the perceived benefits of the law, and any who weren’t, could still be told to ‘just give the law some more time to sink in’ and hope that later, it would become more normalized. Anyone told that last part wasn’t holding their breath… including me, especially now on ‘Departure Day.’ See, before fifteen years ago, no one had ever been to one of these centers, but now, every year after a male turned 18, they got sent off to a center and evaluated for their maturity the following August, whether they wanted to or not. Refusal meant an outright failure, so rebels against the law had almost altogether disappeared in the past 15 years. It was a harsh punishment and sentence for even those of us who went willingly, but everyone knew that if the given male candidate could pass, they would leave the center with a wealth of new information, a career path to a near guaranteed success, and a continuance of education or an already lined-up job fitting with the passion or vocation that they had chosen at the center. It was a mighty reward that ensured society’s continued success, here and even all around the world in most countries now, but for the less optimistic, rowdy, or fortunate bunch regarding their fate, they always knew about option B. Like an axe waiting to strike above our necks, option B always lingered there. A sudden breeze jostled through the open window in my family’s modest house located out in the suburbs. My parents, Henry and Emma, had married a year after college and found two successful jobs: a structural engineer for my mom and a landscape designer for my dad. They raised three kids as normally as possible, and we all lived perfectly normally until four years ago; a picture in the hallway still marked that day, which is where I now found myself lost in thoughts. “Are you tired and need a break from your regressed little one…” I quickly blocked out the noise coming from the family room where my dad was watching the last few minutes of the football game, now interrupted by an all-too-familiar commercial of the past 15 years, highlighting just how common the practice was now. I still found it weird that they hadn’t changed it since the law was first enacted, but by now, it was really more of a PSA than a strict commercial to convince people to comply with the law. Still, despite society’s more or less compliance these days and that the law might have even been seen as a common practice these days, it was an almost unmentionable topic in most households that had one son under 18… including this one. After all, the potential regression of a member of the family could be touchy for everyone involved. So, my family never talked about it… well, except for that one time… * * * My older brother, Ben, had gone to the center himself on his ‘Departure Day’ over two years ago. Like before, he had come back from the center to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, but unlike his usual upbeat and positive self, this time, we could all tell he was worried about something. Mom had been pestering him the whole time about his experience at the center, but he had remained continuously tight-lipped about it in front of anyone who dared ask. His face would darken for a moment, he would snap at us, and we would all move on. Two minutes later, it was like it had never happened. Still, I was just starting out in high school and a morbid curiosity burned within me to know more. Seeing the PSAs and the like about what was potentially going on there, I didn’t want to ask too many questions myself out loud. I was going in four years whether I liked it or not and knew I would find out then. Despite the questions buzzing around in my head, I didn’t need Ben to add to them to my steadily growing fears. Right after we gave our usual beginning thanks, we were just passing around the turkey and mashed potatoes, when he asked the question that we had all been dreading since he had first left. “Are you all actually okay with this whole regression law?” Mom’s face went white. Katie, our younger sister, forcibly busied herself with her cranberries, and Dad seemed sad all of a sudden. Again, fearing my own fate, I made sure I took a quick bite of stuffing to keep from saying my own feelings on the subject while also keeping an open ear to maybe slake one of the questions in my head. Regardless of the palpable tension though, no one spoke, so, the room remained quiet for an uncomfortably long period. Already starting to form a bit of an attitude towards these things though, Katie finally spoke up. “I think it can be sad but maybe also a good thing?” I wanted to break every one of her Barbies right then. She was a good kid, annoying, but kind in her own younger sister kind of way. ‘But this?’ She was a girl, which meant she could go and do what she wanted whenever she wanted to do it. The world was her oyster, but for me and Ben… it was a different matter altogether. “I agree with you sweetie,” my mom then interjected. “If it’s done right, and everyone’s happy, in the end, does it matter how?” My heart formed a tiny pencil-width crack. She had always supported Ben, Katie, and I in whatever we did, but now… I wasn’t so sure if she was on our side anymore. If this stupid law went the wrong way for either Ben or I, she would essentially be losing the sons that she and Dad had raised. If the worst happened, anything that had happened before would have just felt more like window dressing… ready to be removed and forgotten about forever when the time came to revert back to how we once were. Hayden down the street was a year ahead of Ben and seeing him as I went to school this year… my fears had started that night. “Darn right it matters!” My dad obviously had an opinion about the whole thing, and I felt a little justice on Ben and I’s side for once tonight in this whole matter, but the room quickly filled with a mounting argument on either side as well. “In my day, you grew one way, and that was toward the sky and then down to the grave. Not this grow up, grow down, then grow sideways business.” No one dared argue with him when he got like this. He was the best dad, but his stubbornness in certain matters was legendary. Finally, though, Ben broke the silence that had persisted since Dad had shouted out his opinion. “Good to know, Dad. Hard to argue with that logic I guess.” Ever the peace maker, I could tell that Ben just wanted the conversation to move on. Still, he then shifted his gaze toward me, “What about you little bro? You seem awfully quiet over there.” Everyone’s gaze suddenly fixated on me, and I shrunk back instinctively. I hated being the certain of attention, but I knew that the sooner I answered, the sooner all this could just be over with. “I… I guess I just don’t know,” I answered, shrugging my shoulders. “I guess if you’re happy with it, being in it yourself, then that’s what matters now. Honestly though… I just try not to think about it. Why worry about something that’s far off in the future for me, right?” I was lying through my teeth, but I didn’t want to admit to my family that I was outright terrified of the day I would leave for the center as well. I think Ben could tell I had just lied, but he didn’t push the matter any further. So, the conversation ended quickly after that, and it took a dirty joke from my sister and scolding from my mother for the family to begin to crack a smile again that night. * * * It wasn’t even the longest of conversations in the family, but that short period of time had lingered in my mind ever since then. It popped into my head every once in a while, but since I had graduated a few months ago, I could barely think of anything else. Even while we were all at the beach last month, it was hard to pull my eyes away from all the guys who had obviously gone through option B. Waddling around and looking no better than… ‘I just can’t say it…’ But I could see them clearly and I dreaded to think that one day, I could be just like them. ‘Shit! Stupid option B. Friggin’ crappy law!’ I tried to distract myself from thinking about that day at the beach again, but in this house, my averted gaze proved useless. Unfortunately, one only needed to view our neighbor playing in the front yard across the street to know just how bad things could get if one failed the program. Fortunately, though, after his three years at the center, my brother had apparently managed to avoid every outcome of option B, left the center, and then had never looked back or even talked about his time there. My mom had asked once for more details once he had graduated fully, but based on his own dirty look, she knew well enough to never ask again. Still, he had graduated. Determined to make the most of his life, since he had graduated from the center, he had taken his training at the center in stride and then took the remaining required courses at college and became a chemical engineer at a major company in the city. He didn’t live with us anymore but would still visit occasionally; like birthdays, holidays, and the occasional pre-planned stop and say ‘hi’, eat dinner with us, quickly catch up on everything, and then leave once more type of visit. My thoughts of my older brother’s success were soon interrupted by a loud screech outside. Knowing that sound anywhere by now, I quickly rushed to the front window. Of course, for Ben, he would also come on specialty days…like today, now commonly known as ‘Departure Day.’ As I quickly looked out into the street where I saw he had stopped and parked his used 2028 blue glow metallic Chevy Trailblazer, I could see him exit his pride and joy once more. Our parents bought that car for him in high school, I think honestly as a way for him to help with errands more than his own amusement at the time, but back then I honestly cared more about riding in the front seat at that point than the logistics of why. Further, I had even saved it and maintained it with Dad for him when he left the center. It was a symbol of hope of better days and its arrival her couldn’t have come sooner. Despite my feelings toward the car, our parents had been worried during those three years that he was away at the center, especially where they had noticed… changes, but through it all, that car stood as a testament to his success and our hope of him passing. So, him coming back, it was a wonderful feeling when he finally pocketed the keys after so long and then took off for college with a noted swell of happiness all around him. Since then, our family had always joked and been curious if he cared more about leaving that place or just seeing his old car again. Still, my thoughts quickly shifted back to Ben today as he trudged through the lawn and wore his usual khakis and button-down shirt, a lanyard now hanging and bobbing off his neck and body with each step from his job in the city. His normally neutral, or at least reassuring face, stood grim and lost in thought. It was an unusual look for him after the center and the subsequent posting to his new job, but I quickly recognized it as his typical reaction to anything to do with the center. Intrigue had run rampant through my mind before with what had happened to him there, but now, being less than an hour from my own ‘Departure Day,’ that look on his face only twisted up my stomach in fear as I opened the door to greet him. Upon seeing me at the door, however, his expression soon changed to the softer and more welcoming expression I had come to know since he had graduated. For today, though I still questioned his previous look, his usual demeanor was a comfort to me in a way I could never fully explain, but gladly accepted, nonetheless. “Hey there bro! You waiting for your older brother to give you one last nuggie for the road?” Not having time to mount an objection from me, he lunged, bolted past the door, and quickly grabbed me, and proceeded to ruffle and give me his usual annoying but loving nuggie to my hair; a tradition of ours since I had at least tried to start competing with him after I entered middle school. “Ah, quit it, you big loaf!” I growled, trying to swat his large hands off me and away from my head. He stood at a decent and even six feet tall, while I had inherited my mother’s side genes and stood just shy of only five foot eight inches without much chance by now of stretching any higher. “What’s the magic word?” he lovingly but mockingly asked. “Please,” I gasped. With his usual chuckle, he let me go and semi-twirled me to face back at him. Sputtering for a second, I tried to motor my way through our greeting to think about anything else other than the center. “It’s good to see you, bro. How’ve you been? It’s been a few weeks now since we last talked. Work? Date? Is she hot? Does she have a younger sister or some younger friends who don’t mind vertically challenged company? Spill. Come on, don’t leave me hanging!” Ben quickly took on a defensive posture. “Woah, woah, woah there. Slow down.” We both grinned at each other. “It’s nothing really. Honestly, it’s just work for me, buddy. I’ve been working on a project for a new government contract, and it’s been taking all my time up lately.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaned in toward me, “I’m not really supposed to tell anyone, but if this thing works, dirty fuel emissions will be knocked down another 30% in a few years’ time and run at least 80% more efficiently without being more dangerous or resource dependent.” “Woah,” I whispered back, reciprocating his lean in. “That’s really cool. Did you find some alien tech or something?” Ben gave me his usual crooked smile whenever I made one of my cornier jokes. My brand of humor annoyed him when we were younger, but ever since the institute, he seemed to not mind as much anymore. “Nah, we just took some of the existing fuel, ran it through a mesh fiber we just developed…” Ben continued on like that for a bit. Science was always his strong suit, even before the center, high school, or even middle school for that matter. He was the kid who asked for a microscope for Christmas and then proceeded to actually use it, rather than just collect dust in a closet somewhere like mine had done when I was ten. Still, despite my lack of scientific talent, I was proud of him for what he was doing, and further on a day like today, it gave me a bit of hope I would be just as successful in my own way after the center, rather than be doomed for option B. “…and that’s it. Nothing else to it,” he finally finished. “Right… simple,” I mocked. “Let me just call Curie or Einstein to translate for me, and we’ll call it simple then.” Ben rolled his eyes. “Haha. Well, maybe you’re right for just this once about what I’m doing lately.” His eyes shifted and his crooked smile returned. “Who knows? Maybe little green men did lend me a bit of a hand this go around.” We both got a good chuckle out of that. It reminded me of how much I missed having my brother around, and maybe it was the prospect of me leaving for three years with few visits to my family in between, but I was feeling his absence more lately. His subsequent return today had elevated that feeling even more. See, I tended to close up around new people unfortunately, but I compensated for it later by usually being far more outgoing with people once I got to know them. It wasn’t always easy, but I never really had to try too hard with Ben. I had always known my brother, and despite a few arguments now and then, I knew I could always count on him and that had been a safety net for me for years now, even when he was at the center. Unfortunately, the back of my mind rationalized that after today, I was about to go to a place where few of those longer-term relationships could even be possible. I knew, especially without seeing my brother very often, I would have to try even harder with anyone I met at the center. “Earth to John. Earth to John. Calling John Clark,” my brother echoed, trying to get my attention and even going so far as to snap his fingers in front of my face. I quickly saw his snapping hand wave in front of my face, and I quickly exited my previous thoughts. I hadn’t realized I had been drifting away so badly. “Huh? Oh… yeah… crud, you say something?” Ben rolled his eyes again. “Nothing really.” He sighed. “I was just seeing if I had lost my brother in some kind of trance or whatnot. I mean, you were really in the zone there for a minute. Where’d you go? Everything okay?” “It’s…it’s nothing,” I shuffled my feet and averted his gaze. My lying game was not on point, and I knew Ben could see right through me… he always did. Still, I didn’t want him to know I was terrified about what was about to happen to me. Luck was never one of my strong suits, and in a place like the center… from what I could find out, I knew you needed a hefty chunk of luck in your back pocket to get through it. “Right… and Dad’s not going to burn anything he puts in the oven this year.” His sarcasm practically screamed at me. We both knew full-well that our dad was infamous for burning anything and everything he ever put in the oven at least. He was a master griller, but at one point, the fire department knew us by our first names growing up when mom ever went on one of her business trips. Despite some of those dinners being ruined, I looked back at that time and by now it was almost comforting to know some things would never change. At the same time though, with his sarcasm, I knew that I had been caught in my lie. “Come on, John. It’s me here. What’s up?” Ben asked, now placing a hand on my shoulder. Again, I didn’t want to show my fear, but I knew that of everyone in this house, Ben might be the only one who actually got what I was feeling and going through today. “It’s… it’s the center.” Ben’s hand dropped from my shoulder and his face clouded over again at the mention of that place, adding further knots to my already twisted stomach. I didn’t want to tell him, knowing that would have been his reaction, but I also knew my time was running out. I almost tried to take it back, but Ben sighed and then took a big breath. “Look, about that place... There’s something you should know...” I leaned in closer. “The heads of the departments, the guy in charge, anyone who can move some minds there… they’re important.” It was an odd way to put that, but I leaned in, wanting to know more. If I could have an advantage going in, I knew I needed to exploit it as soon as possible. “Why? What do you mean, and why them?” “That place is…complicated.” His eyes briefly looked like they were miles away and I wondered what he was thinking back on. “I don’t know which center you’re going to exactly with all the new ones they’ve been building around here lately, but they’re all about the same, at least with their end goals. To get out of there, all you need to do is…” “Eeeeeeee! He’s here! He’s here!” a voice shouted from above us. I didn’t need to see a face to know where that sound came from; I had lived with it for the past 15 years and two weeks. It was my baby sister, Katie, and she still was at least excited to see Ben when he came over. To be honest though, while Katie and I were closer when we were younger, we had both drifted apart during the past few years. I think she was still too immature for me, and I was probably too overbearing for her, but she was still family… which made some of her new views even harder to cope with though. Digging deeper, I knew part of the tension between us had come from her being a girl and me being a boy. That argument probably sounded stupid and even immature, but like I had thought on Thanksgiving, it meant a great bit of difference in the modern age. Those not strictly identifying with one gender or another were given tests in the years leading up to their own ‘Departure Day.’ A few guys even tried to ‘fake’ identifying as girls initially, but after they were caught, they were sent straight to the center and were ‘deemed perfect for one of the punishments there,’ or at least that’s what made the papers from a statement the judge had made at the end of their trial. No one but the accused and their families knew what that meant exactly, but the government had assured everyone that ‘they had gotten what they deserved.’ Regardless though, gender mattered in this new world of ours. “I can’t believe he actually made it!” She sounded so triumphant, and I briefly wondered if she was looking forward to essentially being an only child in this house for the next few years. Being the youngest, she didn’t have it the easiest growing up with two older brothers, but her life was infinitely easier than Ben’s had been and mine was about to be, so I never felt guilty when Mom or Dad took Ben or I’s side when we were growing up. “You think you would have learned some timeliness when you were at the center, huh?” I could hear Ben’s clenched fist crack a bit, but I could also see he was desperately trying to not make a scene with her on my big day. Still, her comment struck me hard as why this whole mess had started in the first place. Simply put, males had been deemed too much of a problem for society as a whole, call it genetics or hunting instincts or whatever, but the government decided that it was best for the new generations to be put through a test of sorts. If they passed, they would be ahead of where they might have otherwise been, but if they failed, society could deal with them accordingly and ‘neutralize the threat.’ Or that’s at least that’s how they justified the law initially. It was a close vote, but the law had passed. Women, like my sister or my childhood crush and neighbor, Laura, could do anything they wanted after they graduated high school. Most ended up in prominent positions and few ever thought of repealing the laws once they were in power. For the men who eventually passed, they had the same opportunities, but oddly, they never seemed to want to repeal the law either. I always wondered why, but being my ‘Departure Day’ already, I knew I couldn’t fight what was coming. “Oh, hush Katie! He’s here and that’s the important thing.” My mom shuffled from the back of the house where she had been preparing cookies for my sister’s bake sale tomorrow and looked at us with a wide smile, as if she was relieved to know we were both still here. I glared at the mixing bowl in her arms, as I felt my sister should have been making her own cookies for the sale, but not wanting another argument with her about her apparent immaturity again, I had simply removed myself from the equation. Instead, I had tried to take the day to try and calm myself down, but with everything ahead of me and all my questions still, it hadn’t worked. “Henry! Henry!” my mom then called out to the backyard where my dad had been the sky, I knew it was likely just had to do with the rain coming later this afternoon. Another person might have gotten upset that the patriarch of the family would grumble about seeing his wife or his children, but it was just on brand for him. He loved us all in his own way, but as he had told us countless times before, rain and gardening were only good together if one didn’t have to weed in a downpour. As if thinking the same thing, Ben and I just scoffed under our breath over his delay in seeing us both, Ben for just arriving, me for leaving soon. Our mom turned back to us. She might have made an excuse if we were other company, but she just rolled her eyes and ran to hug Ben quickly. It was a nice little moment and not even my sister’s entrance and continued distance from both Ben and I, and then our dad’s grumbled annoyance could hurt that. We were all together today, and as my mom pointed out, it might not be like this for a while. I knew I was the reason for that, and my stomach ached a bit in fear over what was coming for me. “How about we take a picture?” Mom suggested. We had done the same thing with Ben, and as if to confirm her reasoning, she pointed to a nearby picture that we had taken on the day that he had left as well. It might have been a bit of a morbid tradition, but most families took one last photo nowadays… just in case. One only had to look outside at our neighbors across the street, the Killian’s, to understand just how much things could change from one’s ‘Departure Day’ to the end of it all. “Alright everyone,” Dad said after setting up the camera on top of the tripod. He liked things old school sometimes, and his 2019 camera was a perfect example of that. Mom always suggested the digital camera on her phone instead, since it was much faster, but he always insisted for moments like these that an ‘actual camera’ was better. “I’ve got a five second delay and… Ben.” Mom and I shot our looks to my older brother. He was playing around with Katie’s hair, clearly trying to get a rise out of her. “You stop that right now,” Mom scolded to him. “You know better than anyone that we don’t have much time today.” Ben’s hand snapped back to his side, and his head drooped down slightly. “Right. Sorry…” Again, I could see that same look of repressed pain on his face. ‘I’d give anything to know his thoughts right now…’ Still, our dad just grumbled a bit and then clicked the photo before running over to the other side of our mom. “Alright. Chins up and smile this time everyone!” Not wanting to waste any more time, we all behaved perfectly and made sure one shot was all it took. Running back, our dad gave a thumbs up and the family dispersed for a moment. Looking at the time myself, I knew the bus would be here soon for my ‘Departure Day.’ I saw it pass by every year, but I knew that today was my turn. So, wanting to make sure everything was packed, I went back up to my room. Not ten minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. “Come in.” I was hoping it was Ben so that maybe I could ask him some more questions like I was going to before our sister interrupted and alerted everyone that he was here, but it was only my mom. “Everything packed already?” she asked, her worried expression coming through clearly. She had already gone through this before and she probably knew the statistics weren’t on my side. It was estimated that at least one of every three guys that went into the program failed it. My brother had passed, and while I could still be the one that made it, my odds weren’t as good now. Zipping my single suitcase, I nodded. “Yeah… I just wanted to check I had everything that was on the list again.” I gestured to my bed where a single white paper was, listing the school supplies and what I should bring or not bring. It was just one of the questions I had for Ben… I wondered why things like clothing had to be kept at home. “Doesn’t seem like much, huh?” My mom had helped me a bit with the list, but I had insisted on maintaining some independence with it and purchased most of the things myself. I could tell that her seeing my packed bag now was already starting to get to her. “Yeah… but it’s not forever, right?” I wanted to stay hopeful for her, even if I wasn’t myself, but my mom’s expression still remained fearful and full of worry. “Right… right. It’s not forever…” She and Ben had gotten closer during his time at the center, and for the first time, I wondered if she actually knew more about his time there than the rest of us. I wanted to ask today again, but when I first did on the day I got my acceptance letter, she had quickly shut me down, calling their moments ‘private.’ She didn’t speak to me for the rest of the night, so not wanting to repeat that, I remained silent. “Well, let me help you bring your bag downstairs at least,” she offered. Seeing it as allowing her to be part of this day in her own way, I let her do that much at least. Downstairs, Ben and Dad were already waiting by the front door and were debating about postage and a forwarding address. “No, he’s going to be the one near Dawsonville,” Dad argued. “No way. I was sent there and that was already a few years ago. There’s no way he would be sent to that one.” Ben seemed supremely confident in his answer, but I knew that neither really knew. “Way more likely to be near Judgeton.” “But that’s on the other side of the city!” my mom shrieked, now clearly listening in, nearly dropping my suitcase from the shock of me being even further away than Ben had been. “Maybe it’s Smacktown,” my sister calmly suggested, flipping through another page of her teen romance novel while sitting nearby in the living room. “I think you mean Smeckton, Katie…” my brother corrected. “Whatever…” Our sister quickly dove right back into her book, not caring if she was right or wrong. “You don’t really think he’ll be sent to that one, do you, Ben?” my mom asked worriedly. Ben hesitated, Mom seemed petrified, and Dad stayed eerily silent. The silence was nearly killing me, and I had enough with the questions already bubbling up inside of me. I wanted… needed to know why everyone was acting so strange about Smeckton. I needed one less question in my head before I left. “Hold on… what’s wrong with that place? Is there something I should know?” Everyone squirmed for a moment, but Ben ultimately sighed and came over to me before placing his hand on my shoulder like he usually did to comfort me. “I’m not sure I should even be telling you this… probably not even going there, but because you asked… the Smeckton center is one of the original locations. It’s far away from pretty much everywhere except the town of Smeckton. It’s…” Ben quickly looked distant as if recalling an old painful memory. “Well, it’s strict.” I could then see the flash of panic in his eyes, and I wanted to know more, but by then, I knew my questions would either kill my nerves or only lead to more questions. Truth is though, no one knew where I was headed until I sent them a letter the first day. For all anyone knew, I could be sent to the center up North by Suttonburg, or the one to the west beyond the mountains in Diana City, or one of the several others within 200 miles of here, the max radial distance as required by law now. Looking down at my feet now, I was reminded by how little I actually knew going into the center. Seeing my single suitcase next to them, all I really knew was that I could pack it and a single backpack with whatever non-banned items, such as the usual cadre of weapons, drugs, and all, that I could stuff in there. Further, no cell phones were allowed, and the school would provide a tablet with a keyboard to be used for the duration of my time there that they would heavily monitor. Normally, if this was some horror movie, that would have been a giant red flag and I would be screaming at the main character to bail as soon as possible, but going to the center was the law now, so my red flags had to be damned. Regardless, I lastly knew that before 1 PM, a bus or van would show up and take me away. Everything else I knew was only rumors, mostly pertaining to option B, and I didn’t want to dwell on those for very long. It turns out I didn’t even have long to dwell on my thoughts even if I wanted to. Just as the clock chimed to announce that it was 12:30, the screeching of van tires could be heard outside. All jokes and conversations going on around me instantly died. We all looked to the front of the house with dread. While my brother’s tires an hour ago now had screeched and seemed to represent a hope or a sense of life and joy, this screech seemed more like the pained echo of the death of all hope, like some wailing spirit from the bowels of all that was bad in the world. Gulping, I went to the window first and pulled back the curtain to confirm that my greatest fear so far in life had now arrived and was waiting to take me away. The tiny bus was white and painted with the official logo for the ‘Juvenile Evaluation Center for All Males’ organization. Like the pale horse of death, it was coming to take me away to my ultimate doom. Though it was never actively talked about, that van was the source of nightmares all around the world for any guy who had just turned 18. With its arrival at their house, the horrors of fate of every guy out there now came as well. Even the guys who eventually passed had to go through this particular gauntlet and whether they admitted it or not… doubt crept into everyone’s minds who stepped onboard. What awaited us on the other side when we eventually exited that van was a mystery to anyone who hadn’t lived it. For those that made it, like my brother, they never talked about it. So, for someone like me, it only made things worse. “It’s here…” My words tumbled out of my mouth like I was announcing that the executioner had just arrived and was ready to lop off my head for committing treason. My family looked equally pained… almost as if they were never going to see me again. Still, our mom quickly launched into me and gave me a huge hug. Our dad soon followed, and even Ben and Katie joined in as well. It was supposed to be comforting, but not even remembering the last time every single member of my family hugged me… it didn’t help my nerves. Finally, though, the bus honked, and everyone let me go. “I guess I’ll see you all at Thanksgiving, right?” I wasn’t even sure about that at this point. Apparently, some didn’t even last that long in the program. “We will, but until then, keep your chin up, John,” my dad said with a swill of pained emotion in his voice. “Listen to them but don’t let them get to you.” “He’s right,” Ben added. “Just follow the rules, and before you know it, it will be done and will just seem like a bad dream.” His old look of pain resurfaced again, and I felt that blasted queasy feeling in my stomach bubble up once more as well. My mom, tears beginning to form in her eyes, gave me a small plastic bag full of homemade cookies. “For the road,” she said, seemingly only seconds away from losing it altogether. “Share them with anyone on there. Try and make a friend early…” she dabbed her eyes briefly. “But we’ll see you soon, okay? We love you.” Not able to form any words at all anymore, I just nodded and turned to my sister. For once in a long time, I didn’t see annoyance in her eyes. I wasn’t sure what I was seeing, but she then finally spoke up at last. “Just make it home again, okay?” Abrupt and not really comforting but caring in her own way. It was something, so not really sure what else to do, I simply nodded again and tuned back to everyone else. I cleared my throat and finally found my words again. “Well, wish me luck and see you all soon… I love you all…” It felt like such a weak goodbye, but I could feel my fear gurgling up in my body already and another honk signaled my need to leave anyways. I needed to keep it together, and by now, even if the driver hadn’t just honked again, I knew that I just needed to get on the bus and leave quickly. Prolonging the goodbye was just painful now. So, I donned my previously packed backpack, grabbed my single suitcase, and headed out the door. I then quickly rushed to the bus handed the driver the pass that had been sent to me in the mail last month along with the checklist of what I could, couldn’t, and had to bring with me. “John Clark?” the bus driver asked gruffly as I stood in front of the open door after giving him my ticket. I quickly nodded my head and kept my mouth shut. “Good.” He then placed my ticket in a bin next to him and turned back to me. “No funny business once you’re on board, ya’ hear? One step out of line and you start the center with one giant demerit.” His eyes glared for a moment and then oddly became softer. “Trust me, kid. You don’t want that. Those who start off with that almost never make it to the end.” I gulped but still nodded. “Y… yes, sir. No funny business from me. I swear.” A small grin appeared on his face, and he used his thumb to point to the back of the bus. “Good. Now, wave bye to your family and find a seat in the back. You have 30 seconds.” Not even thinking, I turned back to my family, all still huddled on the front porch, and gave them one last goodbye wave. I knew that it was the last time I was going to see them until the first holiday break over Thanksgiving. It was the longest stretch of time away from home at the center on average, but still, I couldn’t help but drift away from all that and feel a little strange about not seeing Laura or any of my other friends here to wave me off like Ben’s had. I was comforted in the fact that I had said goodbye to each of them already. I also knew Laura had already headed off to college and per the law, my friends were going to their own separate locations, but all this still felt strange. It didn’t feel like my life or that all this was even real, but as soon as I neared the bus and saw a few passengers already seated there as well… somehow, everything began hitting me all at once that all this was very much my new life and not just some horrible dream. Coming out of my thoughts and seeing my family still, I could already tell that mom was starting to break down and that Ben and Dad were trying to comfort her. It wasn’t the cheeriest of goodbyes, but still, it felt nice when each, even Katie, waved back to me and flashed me symbols of love and luck. It was a nice moment, but with the clock counting down and the bus already humming back to life, I waved one last time and then found a spot in the back. A sputter and a small screech later, the bus was off, and my old life was left in the dust behind me. About 20 minutes later, we had picked up two other guys and were now headed into the mountains to the west of the city. ‘Definitely not Dawsonville then…’ I sat back and tried to put my own fears out of my mind as buildings and main highways soon gave way to trees, hills, and valleys. “Name’s Bill.” The voice seemed to come out of nowhere, but I then saw a red headed guy looking right back at me. I then saw his hand arched back over the seat and extended right to me. “Oh, uh, I’m John.” I quickly shook his head. “Good to meet you.” “Hey,” another voice to my left called out. “I’m Luke.” Bill and I turned over to him. His letter jacket seemed an odd choice to bring, since everything would either be burned or shipped back to our houses, but admittedly, there was a part of me that wondered if it was almost like his safety net against whatever was coming or a reminder of better times. Still, Bill and I smiled and quickly welcomed another into our midst. Likely sharing the same apprehensions about where we were headed, we quickly bonded, though admittedly, Mom’s cookies also helped smooth things along. “So, any guess as to why the roommate agreement we signed said, ‘until graduation or one of you departs?’” I had wondered the same thing myself, but it had been a question I was definitely too nervous to even attempt to ask Ben about. “I don’t know… kind of didn’t want to think about it.” “Fair enough,” Bill noted. “I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. I’ve seen some of the older guys in my neighborhood and well…” Luke and I nodded. We both knew what he was implying. “Same here,” Luke said quickly. “This one guy still wets the bed in my neighborhood. Apparently, his parents still consider him a ‘good’ outcome. How messed up is that?” “Very,” Bill agreed. Both turned to me, waiting for my answer, but I couldn’t help but feel differently… As if fate was stepping in, I quickly saw a sign for products to help caregivers with those who had failed the program and were doomed to option B. It was a cheery and even gaudy display of their products with a guy posed off to the side seemingly enjoying them. It stood in stark contrast to the dark and swirling clouds behind it. “Well, all things in perspective, I think it is actually…” I said, turning back to the two guys who I hoped would be my friends. Unfortunately, both looked at me like I had bugs crawling from my ears. “Still messed up, definitely, but… it could be a lot worse.” “Worse than bedwetting?” Luke seemed shocked, but Bill remained quiet for a moment. I thought back to his earlier reference to the older guys in his neighborhood. I nodded. “Much worse.” I sighed and specifically remembered the Killian’s. “My neighbors… we were really close with them. My older brother, Ben, was about as old as their only kid, Franklin, so they became friends pretty quickly growing up. Got even closer when Ben was there for him when his dad died.” “So, what does that have to do with this whole thing?” Luke asked impatiently. “Well,” I continued, “they went to the center together. Lasted over two years even, but then, one day, Ben came home… Franklin didn’t.” “What happened?” I could already hear the nervousness in Bill’s question. He had every right to be and I suspected that despite his question, he already knew the answer. “Ben graduated,” I said, with a feeling of hope that maybe I could as well, but that hope was also dashed because of Franklin. “Franklin didn’t. And now… he spends his days like any other diaper-filling and drooling toddler out there who went with option B… and that’s on his good days. So yeah… considering what could happen, bedwetting isn’t too bad.” Ben and Luke seemed horrified about that outcome and sat back in their own seats, too shocked to say anything more. I had forgotten that outcomes like those weren’t exceedingly common everywhere, but it was a reality that I knew everyone on the bus would have to come to grips with it sooner or later. As if on cue, lightning thundered in the distance as we rounded a corner, and my eyes turned to the distant rocky peaks and curving road we were now on. Staring out, a sign soon came into my view. It was hard to see at first, but a closer flash of lightning illuminated the wording perfectly; Smeckton – 14 Miles… Smeckton Institute and Juvenile Evaluation Center for Males – 15 Miles. I gulped hard at the realization of where the bus was now headed. My pulse began to race, and I closed my eyes, trying to shut out this new piece of bad news. This blasted program was bad enough, but from the little of what Ben had told me about Smeckton… my odds for passing, if its apparent reputation was anything to go off, had just plummeted. I hadn’t even made it to the center yet and already my luck was turning sour. I couldn’t imagine lasting another three years, but I knew that I had to try at least.1 point
This involves folks getting a little more handsy than I usually write! Drop-In A bright and sunny Saturday morning. A time no better spent than hanging out with friends, doing a bit of takeout, or just lounging around with deep dive videos on autoplay, or a good game to binge… Daniel in particular was not enjoying those weekly rituals, at the moment. Every so often one or two Saturdays were lost to duties and responsibilities that unfortunately superseded the simple pleasures of life. He hopped out of his car and swung the door shut before roofing a hand above his eyes so he could squint past the glaring sun peering just over the roof of his destination. PediaPros Big bold font in a whimsical wave on a curved and arched sign that was proudly posted on the front of the building. It was a clinic nestled in a village of other healthcare services– eye doctors, dentists, physical therapies, and so on. So for that reason, the clinic wasn’t exactly out of place, but… 20-year old Daniel checked the address and referral on his phone one more time, squinting a second time at the building front. “This can’t be the right place, right…?” He muttered to himself, but before he could check the address again, the screen on his phone was overtaken by a final five minute warning for his scheduled appointment. No time to consider an alternative, and at worst the best he could do was clarify the address with someone inside. Screw it. He had to go in; maybe this was the right place somehow… But a pediatric clinic? How the hell could someone his age mess that up? This was going to be awkward… He tried not to imagine the unusual scenario about to unfold, though he couldn’t not consider the weird look he’d get from the receptionist when she realized that the visiting patient wasn’t his kid, but the young man himself, etcetera, etcetera… He tried to shut down both his imagination and his focus… Which is why he didn’t look both ways before crossing the parking lot. HOOOOOOOOOONK! A blaring car horn startled Daniel as an oncoming vehicle became deafeningly louder the closer it got. A screeching sound as a massive machination of metal with high momentum tried to stop on a dime before colliding with a soft body of flesh and mere bones. Daniel saw it all in slow motion: the car attempting to stop, but still barreling forward, the silhouette of a horrified driver just beyond the windshield assaulted by the shining sun. Is this it? Is this how I die? Everything was in slow motion for sure. The eternal honk played out like a video set to a quarter of the original speed, and any movement to turn or escape was like wading through viscous mud mixed with molasses and rubber cement… He couldn’t move, and the car was only a handful of inches away… Shit. His moment for his life to flash before his eyes was over. Time sped up again, and the car sped straight through. Through his dying moments, an odd electric sound rippled through his ears. A hefty thump and scuff played out, and everything was black for Daniel. There was a final screech to tell that the car had stopped, only far too late. Truly, they should’ve kept going. Now they have to see Daniel’s broken and beaten body. “Goodness! That was a close one!” Daniel quickly opened his eyes, seeing he was on his bottom, sitting on the pavement with his arms oddly strung up by the armpits and dangling forward. He craned his neck and turned around to find a woman looking down at him with a relieved expression, sitting on the ground herself, only breathing slightly heavier like she was trying to recover from a sudden sprint. “Are you okay?” the woman asked attentively. The concern on her face was unmistakable, and Daniel simply couldn’t find the words as she looked down at him. His mind was totally blank. I’m not…dead? “O-oh-oh my god…!” A new woman appeared from the road where Daniel just thought he was about to kick it. She had tears in her eyes with both hands covering her mouth. “I-I’m…! I’m s-so sorry! I-I made sure to look, b-but you didn’t ch-check and-and I tried to stop– but I…!” Only now Daniel realized how wide-eyed he was, completely taken aback. One moment it was the end, and now it…wasn’t? “I think everyone’s okay,” the woman behind Daniel said to the other, who seemed to be quickly, but cautiously calming down. “I think it was just a close call– We didn’t look both ways before crossing… Luckily I got to him in time…!” The driver took a long sniff, wiping the budding tears from her eyes, nodding slowly. “S-sorry…” Daniel said, still with adrenaline and confusion. He slowly looked up at the woman. “It…it was my mistake…I was distracted…” “O-okay…” the woman sighed, calming down further. “Just…please make sure to look both ways before crossing from now on?” “Understood…” Daniel answered mechanically, and the driver finally left. “Can you stand?” The remaining woman asked, and Daniel felt himself rising against his will as two supportive hands continued to draw him up by the armpits. There was little strain or effort exerted it seemed, as the woman looked like she had barely broken a sweat in anything just now. Daniel slowly turned around, like he was still getting his land legs back, coming face to face with an armful of ample-sized breasts– He quickly turned his head up. The noticeably taller woman smiled down at him, though harboring a bit of skepticism in her eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay?” she frowned, slightly leaning in. “Y-yeah, uh-uhm…” Daniel murmured. There weren’t any real apt words. His mind was fried from nearly dying, and the adrenaline was still pumping through him. Now an unusually tall woman had just saved him and was drilling him like she was his doctor or it was his checkup– HIS APPOINTMENT! “W-wait, I need to go– I-I have an appointment…” Daniel quickly turned, sprouting a noise of surprise from the woman, who quickly called back for him. Looking both ways this time, Daniel crossed the road and hopped up onto the sidewalk branching into the alcove with the door leading inside the clinic. But before leaving he turned one last time to face the woman and waved his hand. “Th-thank you for helping me!” She waved back and Daniel headed inside, turning the knob in line with his chest and managing the large door only a third of the way open before slipping inside. The main lobby was certainly a pediatrician’s. Pastel green walls with murals of smiling farm animals grazing in the imaginary fields. A corner filled with toys ranging from blocks to crayons and coloring books, plus a sea of empty padded seats for the people (parents) not so inclined to enjoy the toys. A digital choo-choo chimed even as a miniature train track suspended from the ceiling showed a model train chugging around the top. He didn’t even notice the giant funhouse mirror warping and wobbling his figure as he walked past in a hurry to reach the front desk. “S-sorry, I have an appointment?” Daniel slightly huffed, catching his breath. His hands were perched on the edge of the counter, uncharacteristically as high as his shoulders… But no time for that. “It’s for a physical.” The receptionist was looking down on him with a healthy vertical gap between them. Obviously she was sitting in a swivel seat with its height pushed to the maximum, but Daniel still didn’t appreciate having to look up so high. A shadow loomed over Daniel as the woman slightly leaned out, turning her head both ways, like looking for a second person before eventually resuming her typing. “Name, honey?” An adult clinic wouldn’t speak to me like that… Daniel quietly thought. Not as a slight or displeasure, but a simple observation. “Daniel Myers.” “Can you spell your last name nice and loud for me, please?” “M-Y-E-R-S.” Maybe Daniel misheard her, but he couldn’t help but pick up on a quiet murmur, “Good job…” before speaking clearly again, “Okay, yup. I have you here for a 2:00 appointment. Do you know what time it is right now?” “Huh? Wait–am I that late?” Daniel quickly remarked before checking his phone in a hurry. “2:02…” he muttered. “Thank god. Yeah, sorry about that– traffic was crazy and something just happ–” “Let’s learn to be on time in the future, okay?” the woman, who couldn’t have been more than 10 years his senior, smirked at him with a mightier-than-thou grin. The pleasantries were quickly leaving Daniel’s face, though not wanting to make an argument, responded a bit coolly in turn. “Yeah, sure…whatever.” “So it’s just you today?” the receptionist asked, swiveling around in her station to go for a filing cabinet. She was in a set of flowery-printed scrubs, though Daniel saw her in full view now, seeing that the chair didn’t look particularly cranked… Or rather, her feet clearly and comfortably touching the floor. Another tall woman…? Not that they were unicorns, but still an unusual sight for two in one day… “Yeah, just me,” Daniel said as she slid a lime green translucent plastic clipboard forward. It had a single medical sheet with a pen dangling from the board by a chain of tiny metal ball beads. “Alrighty then, just make sure to fill out as much as you can,” the woman dropped her finger on the page multiple times. “If you have any questions on anything you can just ask. I’ll give you a few minutes before calling the nurse.” “Got it, thanks…” Daniel took the slightly large board and paper with one hand and took it back to one of the seats, hopping up into place, quietly noticing the slight hover his feet had over the floor. Were the chairs just unusually big, too? He shook his head and focused on the medical sheet, looking over the basics like filling out his name, address, age, date of birth, and so on… and… He stopped. “Excuse me?” Daniel was standing back at the front desk, sliding the clipboard back onto the counter. “Is this the right form that I’m supposed to be filling out?” “We only have one kind of form, sweetheart,” the woman casually said, but peered over the page. “What’s confusing you?” “No– nothing’s confusing me, or–” he bit his tongue, not enjoying the way she phrased the question. “It’s this,” he pointed at the name fields. “There’s one for the child-slash-patient, and the other for the parent-slash-guardian.” “...Uh-huh,” the receptionist was quiet for a moment before nodded in agreement, but without any kind of inflection that said she understood his point. She was waiting for him to explain more. “I’m…20 years old…” Daniel explained, like it was obvious, but he was trying to be subtle. “I’m filling this out, but it’s structured like there’s two people here, so…?” “...Well, we only have one kind of form, honey,” the woman explained. “Just fill it out as best as you can, okay?” “...” Daniel debated arguing further, but the fact remained that it wouldn’t get him a different kind of information form. “Sure, okay… So I’ll just put my name in the parent-guardian section, then?” “Oh– no, no. Nope, you want to write your name here,” the receptionist clearly pointed to the left hand side. “Right where it says child-slash-patient.” “But…” Daniel slowly started, though she quickly shut him down. “You’re a patient, right?” the receptionist asked, like it was obvious yet needed a soft reminder. Quietly, Daniel slid the clipboard off the top, not particularly pleased with the result. “Yeah, I am.” “Just come back over if anything else is confusing you!” Daniel resigned himself back into his seat, feeling his pride somewhat slighted by his scribbles. CHILD/PATIENT: DANIEL MYERS He continued filling out the rest of the essentials, though suddenly mindful of all the wording. The questions were personal with regards to developmental or medical issues, but they were never addressing Daniel directly. It wasn’t “Do you have trouble sleeping at night?” but instead. “Does your child have trouble sleeping at night?” Ultimately whatever, but the semantics still bothered him… The next question made him turn his head. “(If child is over the age of 18 and biologically MALE) Does your child still wear diapers?” And a subsequent question… “(If checked YES to wearing diapers) Do you plan to potty train?” “Wh-what the fuck…?” Daniel murmured. “Daniel?” A new female voice called from the end of the waiting room. Another woman in scrubs waited patiently by the doorway where a half-gate was swung out. With no one else in the waiting room, she had no choice but to stare directly in Daniel’s direction, although smiling patiently, but still clearly waiting on him. He glanced over at the nurse, still bewildered by what he certainly must have misread. He glanced down at the page again, trying to find the questions once more in a frantic hurry. “Sweetheart, the nice nurse calling for you!” the receptionist beckoned him over from his seat. “Y-yeah, I know, but I…” he awkwardly stumbled down from his seat, heading straight for the receptionist. “A-are you sure this is the right form? I just saw something that–” “It’s okay if you don’t know all the answers,” the receptionist cut him off. “Just do the best you can. Now let’s not make the nice nurse wait any more. You can take that with you into the room.” “But…” Daniel huffed, annoyed by being cut off and dismissed, as if he really were an ignorant child. But with little left to say, he finally approached the nurse patiently waiting by the gate. “You must be Daniel!” she cheerily said, and Daniel once again found himself looking high up at another woman towering over him. “Yeah, that’s me,” Daniel awkwardly replied. He stood there for a second, waiting for her to lead the way, but her expression shifted into peachy confusion as she scanned the rest of the room. “Is Mom in the bathroom?” “Sorry?” Daniel blinked. “Oh! Are you with Dad today?” the nurse concerningly tilted her head. “What? No…” Daniel shook his head. “It’s just me,” he sighed. “I’m the patient. I’m my own guardian.” This was the last time he ever made the mistake of scheduling with a pediatrician… “Oh…okay…?” the nurse answered in a long, drawn-out type of voice, like Daniel was being the weird one. “But wait– hey, could you take a look at this for me?” Daniel quickly said, scanning over the medical form. “What are some of these questions about? I just read this weird one and– hey!” The clipboard was gently taken from him as the nurse pulled up from her mid-squat to look over the page herself. “No guardian, huh…” she quietly commented, then turned back on her friendly-nurse expression when addressing Daniel again. “Don’t worry about this! I’ll take care of some of this, then the doctor’s gonna fill out the rest for you. Sounds good?” “Y-yeah, but…” Daniel said at a loss. “Now let’s not stand around for too long!” the nurse nodded her head, gently guiding Daniel in with a hand on the back of his head. Promptly the wooden gate swung shut with a click, and Daniel watched the nurse re-do the chain-link latch high above Daniel’s own head keeping it closed. He followed her to one of the rooms; each door a different color between red, green, orange, blue, and purple. Inside the green room was a small doctor’s office, set with a sink, a couple cabinets, an empty chair, and examination table spanning the width from one wall to the other. On top of that, more cutesy designs filled the room between splashes of primary color paint and smiling and laughing buckets of paint and brushes up to no good all over the walls of the room. “I’ll put this here…” the nurse said while she dropped the clipboard on a high shelf reserved for physician tablets and computers. Impossibly out of Daniel’s reach, then walked by Daniel and over to the cushioned counter, whisking out an unending sheet from a sturdy spool of wax paper bolted into the end of the examination table. “Can you get up all on your own?” the nurse stood back, asking before using her white sneaker-wearing foot to nudge a footstool in front of the table. “Y-yeah, I’m fine…” Daniel said, approaching the table without intending to use the stool, but… He felt his neck craning the closer he got, so he awkwardly stepped up onto the metal stool, swinging his leg up and making contact first with his knee, then pulling himself up the rest of the way. The room loudly crinkled and the wax paper beneath him rustled, folded and cracked as he settled in, only barely being at eye level now with the nurse. “Okay…!” the nurse said with a smile, strolling back over to the clipboard, taking the pen attached to it. “Uhm– sorry, excuse me?” Daniel spoke up. “Mhm?” the nurse attentively nodded. “Is…is everything here just…big?” “Big?” the nurse repeated in confusion, but smirking. “Yeah…uh, big. It just seems like everything is…well, big.” From the rooms to the chairs to the people here themselves. Everyone but Daniel… “Well, I guess you could say it’s all big, yeah,” the nurse nodded with a giggle before going back to the paper. Obviously they weren’t on the same page… “Okay, Danny, we’re just gonna check some simple stuff before I call in the doctor, okay?” “Yeah, sure, that’s fine,” Daniel sighed, simply wanting this odd experience to be over with. “Great,” she said, then started sampling tools from the counter with the sink. First she checked his ears with a plastic nozzle probe. He could feel the warmth radiating from the light in his ear. “This ear looks good…” She gently leaned him to the other side by the shoulders, then checked the other. “This one too…” Daniel quietly obeyed, letting her even go through the process of checking his blood pressure. “Has Summer been fun?” the nurse asked, and Daniel blinked out of his trance. “Sorry? Summer?” “Yeah, Summer!” the nurse chuckled. “Got a lot of freetime, don’t ya? Trips to the park, maybe late night video games…!” “Well, maybe over the weekends…?” Daniel shrugged, ignoring the growing pressure on his right bicep. “Mostly work, though.” “What?!” the nurse exclaimed with a laugh, like she was humoring a reaction to something outrageous. “What do you mean work? It’s Summer! School doesn’t start up again for a whole more month!” “School…?” Daniel frowned. “No, I’m not in college– I work full time.” “I didn’t think you were in college either, silly,” the nurse chuckled. “All I’m saying is that you should probably be focused a lot more on having fun! Summer’s only once a year!” She undid the strap over his arm and walked back over to the form to fill some more information out. “Danny, can you please hop off the table for me? I need you over here.” Daniel complied, ignoring the liberal use of his name, and saw waiting for him around the corner of the sink counter was a weight and height scale. The ruler measuring his height was bright yellow and dotted with orange spots, wiggling and waving as the scale extended and the overhead ornament used to level with the patient's head was a smiling giraffe… “Oh! You can take your shoes off first,” the nurse quickly held him back with a hand over his chest before he could step on. Daniel complied before stepping back on. “And no tippy-toes, please!” the nurse advised while guiding Daniel’s posture to stand up straight. If there was anything sane or “normal” to come out of this entire endeavor, it was at least the numbers reported on the scale. “Five-foot-nine… One-hundred-thirty-nine pounds…” the nurse mumbled as she jotted down the information. “Okay! You can step off.” At least Daniel knew who he still was. It truly was just a strangely massive clinic. Was it a specialty one catering to unusually tall people? He had no clue, but all the desire to get out of here. “Okay, Danny, I think that I’ve got mostly everything here…” the nurse summarized, checking between her own notes and the odd patient form that Daniel started with. “One last bit, though! There’s this bit at the top of the sheet that tells us the name of the parent or guardian who should be filling this out for you,” she looked up from the page. “Do you know Mom’s full name so I can write it down?” “What?” Daniel blinked. “N-no, that’s… That’s what I was trying to figure out with the receptionist or whatever. I know it’s a little weird that I’m coming here at my age, but I’m twenty years old– I don’t need any guardian.” “Oh wow!” the nurse awed, but to Daniel it sounded like a babysitter humoring her kid of the night’s pretend play. “That’s a big number! Well, Danny, I can tell you that I know plenty of other 20 year old boys your age don’t know their mom’s full names either, and that’s okay!” She set down the clipboard, leaving Daniel at a loss for words as she put her hand on the doorknob. “Dr. Elina will be in here in just a few minutes, okay? Can you be a big help by getting down to your undies for her, please?” She waved one last time before leaving the room. “What the hell is up with this place…?” Daniel sighed, climbing back up to the examination table with a huff, then lifting one foot at a time, undoing the laces and kicking off his shoes. At least his age, weight, and height were consistent… Asking him to take his clothes off were too… Nothing was necessarily wrong with what the nurse did either, per say, and yet… Everything else around it was what he found off putting… How long had he been here for, even? Daniel stopped to pull out his phone, tapping the screen to bring it to life. “Half an hour already…” Daniel sighed, just about to put his phone away before noticing an unfriendly icon pinging on the corner of his notifications. No bars, or any kind of service for that matter. He frowned, checking for any kind of internet connection, of which he had none of, apparently. Knowing full well that his bills were freshly paid, he looked around the room and its generic popout tile ceiling with as much skepticism as he could imagine for a normal medical building, but of course it didn’t add up. What normal clinic in the middle of a busy complex in the heart of a city had trouble with phone reception? There was a brisk knock on the door from the outside, lasting only a second before a new figure stepped inside the room. “You must be Danny?” A soothing voice spoke before she could even close the door. The doctor wearing glasses and sporting a blonde bob haircut gave him a friendly smile as it clicked shut. She was a refreshing escape from the florals and pastel colors. To a small degree she was in fact out of place here– looking almost too doctorly. A white coat and muted color shirt underneath. She was in slacks and simple flats. Those along with of course the signature stethoscope draped around her neck. “Uh, yeah…nice to meet you…” Daniel said, going quiet as the doctor set herself up. “And this is…your patient form,” Dr. Elina commented simply, scanning over the page with a resting smile. With her other hand holding a tablet and small lunchbox-sized container, she set her own items aside. She turned her head to face Daniel. “Are you nervous at all? Everything okay?” The question felt strangely targeted but also out of left-field. Daniel gave her a weird look. “Uhm…I think I’m fine? …Don’t know why I wouldn’t be?” “Okay,” Dr. Elina nodded, smiling. “That’s good! It’s okay if you were nervous; sometimes boys can be a little worried about meeting the big old bad doctor!” she chuckled, and Daniel took too long to debate whether he should laugh back. “So this is for your yearly physical, yes?” “Uh yeah, that’s correct.” Daniel nodded. “Mhm,” Dr. Elina nodded again, busy sifting through her tablet. “Mhm…and…okay. Good. Good!” She looked at him again. “And sweetie– can you take your pants off for me? Do you need help?” The question was blunt, and admittedly a bit condescending the way it reached Daniel’s ears. He made a face. “Uh, no…I can take them off…” Daniel said, slowly undoing the button on his jeans. “Good job,” Dr. Elina commented, like it was customary to praise a child for doing something so simple. “Shirt too, please?” Daniel did the same, until finally he was naked save for his briefs. “Now Danny, I’m going to–” Daniel interrupted, and Dr. Elina stopped on a dime. “Uhm, sorry, but maybe if I could just check something first?” Dr. Elina paused, then morphed into a smile. “Of course honey, what is it?” “I know I might look…small, or whatever, or that this place is just weirdly big, but– I just wanna clarify that I’m 20 years old.” “Uh-huh?” Dr. Elina nodded understandingly. “Yeah, so… So I know it’s a little weird of me to be coming to a pediatrician like this…” “Oh, honey, it’s nothing weird at all?” Dr. Elina refuted with a concerned frown. “It’s…not?” Daniel asked confusedly. “Of course not!” Dr. Elina chuckled. “Do you have a sister?” “A sister? No, I’m an only child…” Daniel said. “Oh, then in that case, maybe a friend who has a sister–” the doctor said, then continued. “20 is definitely that age where boys start to wonder why they keep seeing the same doctor since they were a little bit younger, but it’s perfectly normal. Yes, it’s typically around 18 or so that you might start seeing young women around your age moving on to grownup doctors, but that’s because we know that boys and girls aren’t the same in a lot of ways, right?” She paused like a kid’s cartoon waiting for their viewer to talk to the screen. “...Right,” Daniel answered. “Right!” Dr. Elina nodded encouragingly. “So there’s no need to be worried or concerned about if you’re in the right place, sweetheart. We deal with plenty of boys your age, and also quite a bit older!” “Okay…but uh, maybe at the end of this I could get some referrals to a…grownup doctor? Just in case?” Daniel asked. “Well…” Dr. Elina’s mouth went a bit sideways. “We can figure that out after your checkup, okay?” “Yeah, sure…” Daniel sighed, not exactly enthused over having another one of his concerns deferred. “Oh, and Danny? One other thing,” Dr. Elina started, “Just so we both are on the same page, I know this sounds silly, but– Can you tell me the name of this place?” Daniel frowned once more. Was this some kind of minimum cognitive function test, or something? “Uhm…yeah? PediaPros?” Though he omitted the part where he questioned the “pro” part of the name… “That’s the name, isn’t it?” “...Yes it is!” Dr. Elina nodded, smiling down at her tablet as she continued scribbling. “Thank you for answering that! Okay. Let’s get started then!” Dr. Elina hummed as she approached Daniel, taking off her stethoscope and fixing it on her ears. Only now was her massive chess hiding behind her shirt and jacket coming into full view for Daniel. Another giantess drawing her breasts right up to his eyes as the cold suction-cup like pad was pressed against his chest. “Can you take a nice deep breath for me, please?” Dr. Elina asked, and Daniel complied. A couple seconds went by. “...And deep exhale.” All the air left Daniel’s lungs. “Good job,” Dr. Elina calmly remarked. “Let’s try that again.” So they did, until Dr. Elina swapped over to his back, repeating the same with acceptable results. “Breathing is nice and healthy. I like the sound of those lungs,” Dr. Elina commented. “Uhm…thanks?” Daniel said back awkwardly, earning a small chuckle from the doctor. A few more rudimentary tests went on, from tapping his knees for reflexes and checking the inside of his mouth, and so on… “Okay…” Dr. Elina finished writing a few more notes. “Now Danny, I’m going to move on to a few more very important tests, okay?” “...Yeah, okay?” Daniel nodded. “Does it change when you turn 20, or something?” “Not quite,” Dr. Elina said, “when you turn 18. But I imagine your previous doctor didn’t do these kinds of tests. It’s not uncommon for boys from your background, but luckily you’re here now so we know what to look out for!” “Right…” Daniel nodded, still unsure. “Now I don’t want you to be nervous, but I’m going to need to check your big boy parts, okay?” “Oh, yeah…” Daniel already started laying down on the table. Something he wasn’t ever really enthusiastic about when it came to these check-ups… Something about having a male doctor in a way made him feel less uncomfortable, or at least, not as… A shadow of hanging breasts strained in a shirt coupled with a female doctor’s smile loomed over him. There was a slight tingle in his crotch. Aroused… Dr. Elina was deliberate, slow, and delicate. She gingerly slipped her gloved fingers beneath the waistband of his underwear, lifting his hips ever so slightly off the table as she rolled his waistband down, tugging his underwear down and down… Down and down… “Uhm…” Daniel nervously spoke up. He was used to a “flash” or quick check– not a full-on strip search as far as this part went…! “Don’t worry, everything’s fine,” Dr. Elina assured, and by this point Daniel’s full crotch was exposed, dick, balls, and all. His briefs were bunched and gathered down at his thighs, leaving him totally exposed and uncovered. The only partial shroud he had was his pubic hair… “Mm…” Dr. Elina commented, staring and studying his genitalia intently. Daniel watched with a nervous heartbeat as he tried to keep himself composed, and especially remain limp… But an electric tingle gave him goosebumps when Dr. Elina’s latex finger lightly brushed a few of his curly hairs. “Danny, do you know what the term H.A.C.K. means?” “Like…computer hacking…?” Daniel asked with an unsure look. What was she even talking about? “Not quite,” Dr. Elina chuckled. She gently patted his bare chest before stepping away. “Just lay right there for me, okay? I can explain.” Daniel did as he was told, although he watched Dr. Elina rummaged through the top cabinets above the sink, pulling out a few different items. One however was a tall metal can with a head like a soap dispenser. He watched a mint green foam-like cream pile into her hand, almost like a mix between shaving cream and foamy hand soap. She came back over, and Daniel was expecting some kind of prompt, but he lurched forward out of reflex the moment she smothered his crotch in the lukewarm cream. “It’s not cold, is it?” Dr. Elina asked him casually as she sensually and carefully rubbed the cream around his privates, only brushing against his penis lightly and circling away at every moment they came into contact. “It…it’s not…but…” Daniel murmured, trying to suppress an erection. “Wh-why are you doing this– e-exactly?” “Well, Danny, the term H.A.C.K. actually means a few different things, and the first is H for hygiene, or hair,” Dr. Elina explained, continuing her general rubbing motions. “It’s not uncommon for boys your age to have pubes, or hair that grows around the penis and balls. It’s perfectly natural, but it can also be a bit problematic.” “Problematic…?” Daniel asked, trying to ignore the brushing sensations near his dick. “Yes. Pubes tend to shed or fall off like normal hair on our heads in day-to-day life, except pubic hairs are a little less hygienic because they grow around the spots where you pee-pee from, and also where some other grown up stuff can come out of your penis. It’s also trapped in your undies all day where sweat can accumulate, and may not be washed as properly like the hair on your head is during a shower or bath. Sometimes it can be itchy for boys down there too, making them scratch spots where their hands really shouldn't be, as well as allowing odor to accumulate.” Daniel watched Dr. Elina tug a wipe from a nearby dispenser, slowly combing across the foamy mess on his crotch. Then he looked increasingly concerned as he saw the results left over. “So that’s why the H in H.A.C.K. stands for hair removal.” “W-wait! My pubes!” Daniel shouted in shock. Every speck of cream had been wiped away, but so too was all his hair…! He looked spotless! Like there was never a follicle to begin with…! “Nice and clean!” Dr. Elina remarked with a smile, balling up the wipe now that Daniel could see was stained in cream but also covered with likely hundreds of squiggly and curly hairs…! “That should last you for about half a year before we’d need to apply any cream again.” “Wh-what the fuck…?!” Daniel spoke up in an outrage, immediately sitting back up. “Ah-ah!” Dr. Elina tutted, forcing him back down. “Danny, let’s behave, okay? I’m sorry if I surprised you like that, but I can promise you that this is perfectly normal, okay?” “What doctor gets rid of my fucking pubes during a physical?!” Daniel shouted. “A doctor who cares about your wellbeing very much,” Dr. Elina insisted. “I promise that I won’t do anything to hurt you, Daniel. I’m sorry if you feel upset, but that’s a perfectly normal reaction. Is it okay if I continue?” “What– are you gonna shave my head next?!” Daniel spoke defensively. “I promise you I will do no such thing,” Dr. Elina assured him. “Are you okay now? Can we continue?” What the fuck was wrong with this place? And this doctor…?! “This is insane…” Daniel openly muttered, forgetting any sense of subtleties. “Wait just one second,” Dr. Elina said, leaving the table for another moment. Daniel watched her like a hawk this time, trying to discern danger so he could make for a sprint to the door at a moment’s notice. She was crouched this time underneath the sink and pulled out a plastic cube containing a…teddy bear? “Here he is…!” Dr. Elina smiled, pulling the bear out of its container. “This is a very special helper of mine. His name is Mr. Disty.” “I’m not interested,” Daniel said, faintly hearing her fiddle with a zipper on his back. “That’s okay, but if it’s alright, I’d like it if he kept me some company,” Dr. Elina said, setting the bear right between Daniel’s head and the wall. “But if you’d like, you’re more than welcome to hang on to him for me?” “I’m fine,” Daniel said firmly, crossing his arms. “Can we get this over with already?” “...Of course we can,” Dr. Elina answered kindly in turn. “Now the A for H.A.C.K. stands for arousal. Do you know what that means?” “Yeah, like having an erection…” Daniel sighed, finding it not so hard to suppress an erection when he was rightfully pissed. “That’s correct!” Dr. Elina praised, and Daniel sighed, closing his eyes and listening to the quiet hum in his head. “This next test is another very important one. It’s conducted at every boy’s yearly physical once they turn 18. It’s called CARE for short,” Dr. Elina explained as she put on a single odd-looking glove, leaving the other hand bare. They looked latex or rubbery, but covered in…tendrils? Malleable nubs similar to the texture of a dusting glove or something similar… “That's what the C is in H.A.C.K. Kind of silly, but it’s an acronym within an acronym. It stands for: Controlled Arousal Response Evaluation. A bit fancy, but all you have to do is relax, okay?” “O…kay…” Daniel answered strangely, now watching the doctor. She produced another bottle and squirted a liberal amount of see-through gel into the glove. It was a runny substance that quickly seeped and dripped down and through the tendrils. He watched her one-handedly fish out a phone from her pocket with the ungloved hand and tap through her screen. Daniel’s eyes started to wander, landing back on the woman’s large chest…thinking about her naked breasts…wondering maybe…what kind of underwear she was wearing underneath? What color was her bra…? A lukewarm, textured grip suddenly had him by the dick. He gasped as he turned his head and saw Dr. Elina’s gloved hand envelop his penis entirely in a slimy, bumpy and wriggly hold…! “Do the best you can…okay?” Dr. Elina said with a simple smile, slowly starting to lift with her snug squeeze, stretching and taking Daniel’s dick along with it, until… squirt! A wet squelch as she quickly and suddenly pumped her hand back down…! A jolt reached his heartbeat, a pump of blood ran through his check, down through his arteries and straight into his crotch…! “Just like that…” Dr. Elina whispered, and Daniel’s breathing went heavy as the tugged and lifted– squelch! Back down again. Wet, slimy. Frictionless. Squeeze, hold, hug… He was rock hard before he even knew it. The squeeze, the pressure, the tightness..,! Up! Down! Up Down! The doctor’s hand moved like a machine and an uncontrollable urge to burst and unload was hitting Daniel’s dick at a frightening speed. Dr. Elina’s pace with her hand was irregular– unpredictable. First it was slow, then it was fast. Then it was medium– until it was fast again. Faster…faster…faster…! Fast–! A small gasp erupted from Daniel as he felt it all unload. His face went flush the moment he ejaculated into the doctor’s glove, adding more slime and substance to the sticky and wet mess that his deflated penis was now sandwiched in. “And time~!” Dr. Elina calmly remarked, tapping the screen of her phone. “That puts you at…almost 30 seconds!” Dr. Elina nodded affirmatively at her screen before letting go of Daniel’s dick covered in his own fluids and the translucent gel. She carefully took off her glove and set it in a designated waste bin before entering information on her tablet. “Wh…what…” Daniel tried to catch his breath, unsure of what to think or how to feel, “What does that mean…? Is…is that good…?” “Good?” Dr. Elina repeated from her screen, sounding uncertain of the question. “Mm…Well, sweetheart, everyone goes at their own pace, right? Everyone’s different, so don’t worry about that, okay?” “R-right…” Daniel sighed, winded and looking up at the ceiling, drowning in the sound of the hum. Did…did my doctor just jack me off…? “Now let’s get this little buddy all cleaned up…” Dr. Elina used a few more wipes to clean off Daniel’s crotch and make him dry once again. Not once did he speak or complain. He was totally resigned, feeling weak and limp. Tired. “Oh?” Dr. Elina quietly remarked. Without asking, Daniel shivered the moment he felt a new latex glove gently inspect his balls, gently massaging and moving them, and lastly lightly pinching or gripping the upper end of his shaft, brushing the head and tugging a tiny bit. “Mm… Danny? Are you still awake, honey? You don’t have to open your eyes, but can you hear me?” “Y-yeah…” Daniel commented, curling his toes. He stretched his arms out and brushed against something that felt soft and cuddly. Instinct compelled and his left arm snatched a soft body nearby, bundling it against his chest. “I just cleaned up your penis, but it seems like there was still a little leftover that still needed to leak out. Now can you be very honest with me? Sometimes when you go pee-pee on the big boy toilet, do you not always get it all out? Maybe you dribble a little bit in your undies when you stand back up, or a little bit later?” Dribbles…? Yeah…maybe a tiny bit… “Mhm…” Daniel nodded, snuggling against the cozy, furry friend. “Okay, thank you for being honest with me. That was very responsible of you.” He listened to the hum, snuggled the teddy bear, and kept his eyes closed as the faint sounds of Dr. Elina working around the room occasionally reached his ears, and soon he heard her come back to the table. “Now Danny, I don’t want you to think that you failed the CARE exam, okay? Every boy does differently, and all that means is we just need to react accordingly. The time you lasted is well within average expectations, meaning that your arousal levels are perfectly expected for your age. That also means however you qualify for what’s called an arousal modulation device.” “Uh-huh…” Daniel answered with his eyes closed. “I’m gonna put some gel on your privates that might feel a little cold for a few seconds, but it’ll go away real fast, okay?” “Yup…” he said through a yawn. True to the doctor’s word, the gel was cold, and Daniel did open his eyes. He watched her fiddle between his legs, pinching the excess skin around his balls, which he certainly felt for all of half a second before it felt like…nothing. He felt pressure, so to speak and the activity between his legs, but in terms of direct feeling he registered nothing as he watched Dr. Elina squeezed not only his balls but also his penis through a snug green ring. Her gestures again were surgical as she tested and checked the fitness of the ring that was as far back as it could go– to the base of his dick and stem of his testicals. All the while, Daniel’s entire nether region felt completely numb. Nonexistent. “Now this might feel a bit snug at times, but it’s something you’ll get used to, okay?” Dr. Elina explained with the next piece. Another green item that looked like a hollow sphere that was cut in half, dotted with holes along the dome and a vertical slit down the middle. He watched her grab the base of his penis and place the green shell against it like it was a helmet, funnily enough. Then he watched curiously as she slowly compressed his limp dick, further and further until meager length changed into moderate width, turning into a compressed and packaged nub, totally captured by the green shell that met with the green ring. It was like watching a different body, as he couldn’t feel a single thing down below. Was that this dick? Could it really fit in a space so small and tiny? “Then we hold it all together with this…” Dr. Elina explained as she produced a small key with a cylinder attached to the end. It conveniently slid perfectly into a single long hole formed by the perfect alignment between the shell covering Daniel’s dick and the ring behind his balls. The kid and cylinder went in perfectly, and Dr. Elina turned the key, smoothly pulling it back out, but leaving the metal cylinder behind. Her other hand let go of the shell of the cage, but the green nub didn’t fire away. His dick didn’t uncompress and push it off. Or maybe it’s just that it…couldn’t? The ring didn’t budge either. Curiously, Daniel’s hand wandered and drifted to the green device affixed on his crotch, feeling the hard and rigid smooth shell covering his privates that’d now been miniaturized. It was almost like a…cage? “Does it hurt?” Dr. Elina asked, smiling as she fixed a small chain around her neck, slipping the key that dangled from it beneath her shirt. “No…” Daniel shook his head. Was he missing something? Was it supposed to hurt? When was the numbing gel supposed to wear off? He squeezed Mr. Disty. “Good!” Dr. Elina nodded approvingly. “It’s perfectly normal for boys your age to need an arousal modulation device, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. And a year from now we’ll do another CARE test to see how things might have changed.” “A…year…?” Daniel asked distantly, but Dr. Elina was gone again, but not far away. She was this time crouched right in front of the examination table and going through the cabinets underneath. “And lastly…K,” Dr. Elina stood back up with a white rectangular bottle, and a patterned square covered in multicolored polka dots. Daniel watched quietly as she set the items aside, first tending to Daniel’s underwear still bunched around his thighs, snaking them off him completely. “Now because of what I observed after administering your CARE exam, and you also mentioned that you’re dealing with dribbles after going potty,” Dr. Elina explained as she unfolded the rectangle– a cushy-looking diaper, “it sounds like you’re experiencing common symptoms from another common case from most boys in general known as UBS, or underdeveloped bladder syndrome. It’s nothing to worry about, but in general this can mean that the muscles in your pee-pee aren’t quite where the rest of your body would like them to be. That means you can be prone to leaks or letting out a little bit of extra stuff you either didn’t get out of your system, or couldn’t hold back long enough in order to reach a toilet. That’s where these guys come in.” “A…diaper…?” Daniel asked. He was feeling lucid enough to understand the strangeness in his doctor, currently lifting both his legs in the air by the ankles, but not aware enough to actually be pushing back. Instead, he simply registered the crinkle and soft cushion his bottom was lowered onto. “That’s right, honey, a diaper,” Dr. Elina nodded. “Typically boys in this world aren’t potty trained. Some are– though most don’t make it, or the few that do are likely to relapse. So color me surprised when I saw you with your very own big boy undies!” Dr. Elina suddenly cooed, lightly tapping Daniel on the nose. And the touch made him feel…funny? Giggly? “Oop– and let’s say bye-bye to Mr. Distractions, okay? I think that I left him on for a bit too long…” Dr. Elina said to herself, gently disarming Daniel and fiddling with the bear again before putting him back away. Daniel was all relaxation as Dr. Elina sealed the deal by drawing up the front of the diaper and taping it into place, packing his privates in even further, leaving a slight pressure that the numbness persisting below wouldn’t allow him to fully register. “There we go~!” Dr. Elina smiled over him. “Does that feel better now? Huh? Does Danny feel all good now?” “Mm…yeah…” Daniel nodded, stretching his legs with a rustling crinkle that came from more than just the wax paper. “Good!” Dr. Elina chuckled, strolling back over to her tablet and the green clipboard. The humming Daniel was listening to was gone, except replaced by a much more organic tune– Dr. Elina’s hums by her workstation. Just as Daniel was sitting up, feeling a fog slowly starting to clear in his head, Dr. Elina came back over with the clipboard in hand. Once she reached the table she turned around in place and carefully sat up on the table with Daniel, then set the clipboard aside for only a second so she could gently deposit him into her lap. “Danny, could you please take a look at this for me?” Daniel watched Dr. Elina pulled the clipboard back into view. It was the form that Daniel had started with, only now it not only had his penmanship on it, but also the nurse’s, and now Dr. Elina’s doctorly scribbles too. “Can you read that name at the top for me, please?” Dr. Elina asked. “Uhm…” Daniel scanned the top of the page, but a slight warmth forming between his legs was a little distracting. “Pedia…Pals?” “Ope– uh-huh, that does say PediaPals,” Dr. Elina nodded with a chuckle. “But nope! Can you read…this for me, please?” She slowly traced her finger from the field with Daniel’s name, all the way over to the right where the other blank one– or…no, where the one with a name written on it was. “Joeanne…Elina?” Daniel read the name, though the significance of it wasn’t exactly striking him. “Uh-huh!” Dr. Elina said in an elated voice, squeezing Daniel in her lap. “And you know, Danny? That’s the end of your physical!” “Finally…” Daniel sighed, rubbing the front of his head. Wait…what did he just read again? “Now let’s go bring this back to the nice lady in the front room, okay?” “Sounds good…” Daniel went along with the same idea he was having in his head. He expected to hop down and walk his way out, but as Dr. Elina stood, so did Daniel, in a way, being glued to the doctor’s hip. They were going together? He lightly squeezed his legs and felt a fresh warmth heat the in-betweens of his legs. A potent nursery scent tickled his nostrils too. But between the sound of the examination room door opening and closing, he heard one last joyful remark underneath Dr. Elina’s breath. “And to think he’d be a Drop-In!” Find more fun story, DD lore, games, and art on my SubscribeStar! Otherwise, see you next time on here!1 point
1 point
@UsuallyDiapered Thanks for the picture - your flanges look very like mine although we obviously executed them a different way; yours is placed in the same position as my inner one (and on the same type of cath). I *think* the diameter was 1mm - I'm not sure you could find a needle with a big enough eye to accommodate more than that. I don't know about allergic reactions - O rings are (I presume) made out of a latex similar to that used in catheters? But if it doesn't work for you then obviously that's something not to pursue. It hasn't caused me any problems but we're all different. @Spargano It did need a lot of experimenting - over the years I've made at least 30 stents so there's certainly been a lot of trial and error (especially error). I honestly think that O rings are far less likely to scratch than aretrieval line - they're manufactured to be completely smooth and at 1 mm diameter they're are no sharp edges, whereas someone once compared a retrieval line to inserting a cheese wire - a bit counterintuitively, the thinner it is, the more likely it is to cause damage. Each to their own of course! Like you I got to where I am after a lot of experiments ...1 point
So my laptop broke. I didn't know a hinge could break and rip a laptop open, but here we are. I found someone that can fix it, and I will be back to writing late next week! (Hopefully!)1 point
It's been several months now since the 2nd surgery. I assume you're totally healed up? If so, it would seem reasonable that your current level of incontinence will remain forever, unless you develop another stricture. You mentioned above that you go thru 3 or 4 diapers everyday. When you were starting your journey towards incontinence, did you think you'd be using this many diapers per day? Does your budget allow for 120 diapers per month? Of course, if that becomes a burden, you could go with cotton diapers and plastic pants at home and for bedtime. They cost more up front, but last for years. I understand that you're still mentally coming to grips with your new reality of being incontinent and truly diaper dependent. But we're here when you need vent, and talk things out.1 point
Thanks for your compilation of information , I learn from this site more than other places, when you search the Google for bladder stuff, all you find is how to get control Back. I as others don't want that. I agree everyone is different , I had read I think 🤔 on here that your bladder will shrink from non use? but no proof . so you're saying more mental?? I have been 24/7 since 2013, I had some rare dribbles back then, and that gave me the excuse , so my wife would not fight it as much . She knew because I had told her I liked diapers etc. So it was still a hard sale. But I have tried soo many things over the years I have just in the past year figured out that if I stare at anything and just relax like if you were in a trance? and for me it relaxes me, and I pee sometimes over and over in a few minutes . I like it that we all share our trial's and errors ..1 point
Aww, I think the whole interaction between you and your wife was adorable. She is a keeper for sure and no more hang ups about wearing cloth diapers at home too.1 point
I was testing the waters with my wife again, over how "normal" and, maybe, "incontrovertible", my wearing diapers is these days, by opening up a discussion I've had here in a couple of places recently. This line of conversation had its dangers, but I was drawn into it by the slightly titillating feeling of just openly discussing the fact that one of us wears diapers, as though we were discussing which shampoo to buy. I'd just had a case of diapers delivered, and interestingly, my wife remarked on the fact that she had noticed, correctly, that fewer cases were being dropped off, generally, than had been the case. I still have an inventory that occupies two full shelves in the basement, which, in her eyes, is one shelf too many - she had cleared a shelf for me, expressly for diapers, and seemed to expect that the diapers would politely stay in their assigned territory, but we had other shelves in other places that were not well organized, so I easily transplanted the Christmas decorations, and annexed more territory, in response to a tempting sale prices. So, I assume that she has not concluded that I use fewer diapers, it just seems that I've been buying fewer of them. I expected this to please her. "There just haven't been any good sales for a while, so I'm burning through what I stocked up on, back when 25% or 50% off sales were happening a few times a year, at my preferred suppliers. I suppose I'll have to relent eventually, but I just can't abide by a dollar cost average of, say, $4 or $5 a diaper, when I use two or three a day, every day. I need to occasionally score a screaming deal on a few cases, to drag the average down to something like $3, which I can live with. I'm allowed to have a $10-a-day discretionary habit. You spend that much on coffee and bubble tea." Her response was interesting. I am paraphrasing here (as I did above), but it went along the lines of: "I've been trying to make more coffee at the house, because everything has gotten more expensive... Hmmm.. you say you use two or three diapers a day, plus, you also use one overnight, right?" Me: "That's included in the total, most days. I wear two or three diapers in 24 hours." Her: "Okay, still. If they're not going on sale anymore, than is there any way you can cut back?" This was an unexpected and unwelcome direction for the chat. I was not looking for ways to cut down on my diaper spending, just looking for ways not to increase it. It's not like she doesn't go drop the same amount of money on whatever she wants to - I don't audit her discretionary spending, but I know that miracle hair elixirs and age-defying creams made from seal fetuses make their way into the house, and that they are not cheap. Me: "I'm cutting back mainly by buying better diapers - they last longer. I've spend the occasional day entirely in one diaper, if we have nowhere to be and nobody coming over. But they're bulky diapers so I can't wear those all the time. I can't cut back how much I use them, unless I want to cut back on drinking, which I do not." Her: "Hmmm... what about cloth diapers? I know you have some. Why don't you wear those more?" I could feel my face reddening, as I considered what she'd said, and my response. "Well, I do have cloth diapers - only a few. They're a bit more work, but also, if I'm going to be totally honest here... I'm kind of embarrassed about wearing them. I feel like you maybe roll your eyes a bit more when I'm in plastic pants. And they're kind of big and obvious. And there will be diapers in the laundry stream..." "I wash and fold your baby shirts. I don't care if there are cloth diapers mixed in there, as long as they're, uh, fresh, when they're done. And I don't know where you get the impression that I think any differently about cloth diapers than I do about any other kind of diapers. Diapers are diapers. Are you telling me that a cloth diaper is more embarrassing than the daycare prints on your Pampers?" Now, my cheeks were burning - they're burning again, even as I type this. She made reference to baby shirts and Pampers, in one sentence. And, "daycare prints" - she's invented a new term. Then, dear reader, this went even further in an unexpected direction. I felt like I was being asked to unexpected star in a soft-core diaper video. I'd just come home from spending the night at a buddy's place and drinking whiskey at 2 AM, and I was in a pretty wet BeDry that I was contemplating changing, but maybe after I cut the grass, since leaks on the lawnmower in clothes I'll be washing anyway, are consequence free. Her: "Were you about to change your diaper?" Me, not wanting to admit that I might have been fine with staying in my yellowish, slightly saggy diaper: "Yeah, probably." Her: "And what are you doing today?" Me, warry of a trap, but not the kind of trap I ended up in: "Cutting the lawn, cleaning up the garage - I have stuff on the agenda. I'm not looking for an assignment." Her: "Well, put on a cloth diaper." Me: "Now?" (heart beating a little faster...) Her: "Why not? I'll wait here. You can come and show me." Me, cheeks burning red, unsure if I wanted to be told what to do in this regard, but also compelled to comply, just because she was engaging me so much on the topic, which is very, very rare. "Okay..." So, I did it. Under her gaze, I went to my other diaper drawer, the one with my "baby shirts", cloth diapers, and plastic pants in it, and I pulled out a white prefold cloth diaper, and my least absurd, blue-themed nursery print (daycare print...) plastic pants, and I walked over to the bathroom, closed the door, and diapered myself. Heart pounding, I opened up the door, carrying my balled-up disposable, and waddled over to put it into my diaper can. Her: "See? No reaction. I think your baby pants are cute. Wear those more, okay? Whenever you feel like it. And I'll try and make more coffee at home." With that, she gave me a swat on my plastic pants and walked out of the room, leaving the door open behind her. I don't know what I was expecting - it surely wasn't going to turn into a romantic interlude - but I felt like we'd been on the cusp of something. I pulled on some shorts (I refuse to acknowledge that the shorts weather is largely behind us...), and now here I am, in my cloth diaper, mostly dry, typing this, and then I'll figure out if I want to cut the lawn, or if I should rake the leaves into the middle of it first, for better mulching. AND, I saw my neighbours out on their lawn, so I'll be saying high to them at some point, too. In this cloth diaper. So, no raking. Better to wave to them while seated on the mower.1 point
My family didn't hide it, either. My parents were pretty matter-of-fact about it - the treated it like I needed a bandage or, I don't know, cough syrup - it wasn't about punishment, but it also wasn't treated like a big secret, inside of the house. My sister (4 years older) and brother (3 years younger) know I was in diapers - I used to get changed on my brother's bed, because he had the lower bunk. Once they started letting me stay up later than him, I had to be diapered before he went to bed, so I spent many a night sitting on the couch in Pampers, watching the 7-9 PM TV shows. (The alternative was to be diapered in the living room, which happened sometimes for whatever reason, but was much less preferable to me. Away from the house, my parents showed a bit more discretion, but there was no negotiation, it didn't matter if I was having a panic attack about my cousins seeing or hearing something, the diapers went on at the appointed hour.1 point
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Arrrrgh Matey! Got your pirate booty too? Or would that be booties?1 point
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I agree with the above not just 100%, but infinite %. I will not do it at all. Yiu never know what may be out into that breast milk. It may be drugs that will kill you in minutes, Not worth the risk. Albert me-1701@proton.me1 point
This would fit in line with my experience according to your timeline. Only recently have I found that I'm at the point where I sometimes pee myself not knowing whether or not I'm diapered. I've "aired out" a number of times over the last few months and I find that if I'm not 100% aware that I'm not diapered, I wet myself anyway. I have recently coined this as "mindlessly voiding," and is wholly inline with my experience. After this long with untraining, I can no longer trust myself to know if I'm even diapered or not, without conscious effort. In my estimation, this is what our untraining really leads us to more than anything: a retraining of our conscious and subconscious minds. I think this is the same as untraining urinary control. Keep at it, and mindlessly void #2 and you'll eventually find yourself in the same situation. It's kind of all about habituation at this point. Just know that you won't lose 100% of your control, but you're untraining to just void whenever possible. It will stick and unexpectedly happen eventually. I couldn't agree more. Is it that the desire is less strong? Or is it that you've accepted the normalcy of wearing and using your diapers as normal that has predominantly taken over? I'm willing to bet it's the latter, just based on my experience alone as well as what others say. I suspect that if you weren't diapered, it'd drive you absolutely crazy as it would the rest of us, myself included.1 point
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Enjoying the slow pace. When the destination is clear, best to enjoy the journey.1 point
Another short story just out of a situation I thought of! None of the stories I write re connected, just their own little things. Enjoy! -------------------- "So that's how the Russian conter-attack of the German invasion turned the tide on the Second World War..." the old, sniffly University lecturer slowly said as he addressed the tired and uninterested group of university students. Sat two rows from the back of the room, Max tried his absolute hardest to keep is eyes open in as he rested his head on his left hand propped up by his elbow on the table. He kept glancing at the clock waiting for it to reach eleven o'clock so he could finally leave and head back to his dorm. "I think that wraps up todays lecture everyone, you are dismissed" the lecturer announced as he began to pack up his bag. 'Thank god' Max said to himself as he sprung to attention. He grabbed his bag from underneath the table as the students began to flow out of the back doors. As he pulled his bag onto his back he saw his water bottle fall out of the side pocket and land just infront of his feet, and without thinking he bent over to pick it up and put it back in his bag. As Max left he thought about what he could do to occupy the rest of his day. He didn't have any more lectures or social plans for the rest of the day, and at first he thought about doing the responsible thing and going to the library to study but instead he was leaning towards going back to his dorm and just having a lazy day. Max strolled across the university campus but he heard some quick steps behind him that caught his attention. Before he knew it he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hey man, I was just in the history lecture. You dropped this!" a blonde haired student said as he held out an iPhone charger. Max instantly recognised it and realised it must've fallen out his bag with his water bottle. "Ah thank you, must've fallen out of my bag" Max replied as he took the charger and stuck it back in his bag. "That was such a boring lecture. I'm way behind on my second module work and I don't mean to encroach on you but I really could do with brainstorming ideas with someone. I'm Ross by the way" he said. "Oh, well I've not got anything else on today so I could help for a bit I guess. I'm Max" Max responded as they shook hands. "Thanks man I really appreciate it! There's a pub just down the road if you wanted to set up in there?" Ross suggested. "The King Charles? Yeah sounds good that's a nice pub!" Max replied happily. Max and Ross both made their to the pub and the walk was slightly awkward although they soon realised they were in the same university halls. It was a short walk and soon they were sat in a quiet corner of the pub with a beer each and they began working on the second module Ross mentioned. Max thought to himself how nice Ross seemed and how similar they were and he could very easily see them becoming good friends. "Hey Max thanks for doing this I really appreciate the help. Can I ask you something though?" Ross said as he finished the last sip of his beer. "Yeah go for it what is it?" Max replied. "Oh okay well i'm just going to say it. Are you wearing a Goodnite?" Ross said nervously. Max went dizzy at the question, and totally mortified. His mind left his body as he realised Ross must've seen the top of his black Goodnite over the waistband of his baggy navy joggers as he bent over to pick up his water bottle in the lecture. "Hey hey hey Max it's okay don't panic. I won't tell anyone" Ross said as he put his hand on Max's back to help him stay calm. Admittedly it did help and max tentatively opened his mouth. "Umm, oh, so... you know what they look like?" Max asked tentively. "Yeah. To let you in on a secret" Ross said as he leaned into Max. "I like to wear them too, I'm an ABDL". Max was shocked. What were the chances? a fellow university student staying in the same halls as him who he got along with also being an ABDL. He was still nervous, but also counted himself lucky and he had to admit he found it exciting. Max thought about what he was going to say next, not wanting to fully reveal his hand but he was also curious. "Oh. So am I. I sometimes like to wear Goodnites under my clothes" Max admitted. "So... do you wear them as well?". "I have done in the past but they are a bit tight on me. I usually wear either ABU or Cuddlz." Ross explained. Max was aware of those brands but had never plucked up the courage to buy them. He realised he was in the presence of a more experienced ABDL than him. "I've never tried those!" Max said. "Would you like to? You know what I think I've got a few back in my dorm?" Ross asked. Max was hesitant about going back to someone else's dorm but at the same time what other chance would he get to meet another ABDL? He was a shy person and could never bring himself to go on websites like Fetlife. "Yeah go on then. You promise you won't tell anyone though?" Max asked. "Your secret is safe with me man, promise. Shall we head back to the halls?" Ross suggested. Max grabbed his pint and finished off his beer. "Let's go" he said. They both packed up their bags and headed straight back to the halls they both had dorms in. The walk was near on silent, with both being clerly nervous by what was about to happen but both were also secretly excited. It was a 15 minute walk back to the halls and soon enough they had arrived. As they entered the lift Ross pressed the button to take them to the second floor, two floors below Max's dorm. As they left the lift Max's nerves began to increase while Ross made a beeline for his dorm. "Here we are. Don't know about you but I'm one of the lucky ones that got an en-suite" Ross said as he unlocked the door. "Oh so have I, wouldn't have moved into halls without one!" Max replied. Truth be told he wanted an en-suite so dealing with Goodnite changes was easier. Max stepped into the dorm to see an impeccably tidy room complete with a television, games console and a huge Mac desktop computer. He couldn't believe the situation he was in, he'd met another ABDL on the off chance - a taller, cool and fashionable fellow student with a blonde mullet. He was a shy scrawny boy with a brown mop haircut and baggy clothes from Primark. "Cool, so you want to do this?" Ross said as he opened his wardrobe. "Do what?" Max panicked. "Oh you mean the nappies. Yeah I do if that's okay". "Of course! Here we are" Ross replied as he retrieved two ABU Little Kings nappies from his wardrobe. Max had never seen one before and was so excited to strap into one. "But before we get padded up, can I see your Goodnite?" Ross asked. Max's face went red. "Ummm yeah sure, of courrse yeah" he said nervously. Max then took off his bag and placed it on the floor next to the door and then looked down and began pulling down his joggers. After a few seconds the waistband met the top of his knees and he held them in place revealing his dry Goodnite to a complete stranger he met only a few hours ago. "Cool man they almost look like pants! Is it wet?" Ross asked as he walked over and inspected the Goodnite further. "Oh no it isn't it's dry" Max responded. "Fairs. So, shall I go into the bathroom and get this on?" Ross said as he held up one of the nappies. "Go for it" Max said. Ross nodded and chucked the other nappy at Max as he went into the bathroom and he caught it, simultaneously dropping his joggers to his ankles. This was the first time he'd felt an ABDL nappy in his hands and it felt amazing. For at least a minute he just held it and stared at it until he was disturbed by Ross exiting the bathroom. Max's attention was immediately caught by Ross' midriff, and he saw his blonde haired legs complete with a nappy. He looked incredible and it immediately made Max jealous. "What do you think?" Ross asked? "Yeah cool" max said awkwardly. "So, you want to get that on too? I know you said you've not worn one before so will you be okay putting it on yourself?" Ross asked helpfully. "Oh yeah I'll be fine" Max said as he lifted his feet out of his joggers and stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. Max then puffed out the nappy and opened it up, amazed by it's size. He then carefully stepped out of the Goodnite and then paused for a second to think about how he'd got to this point. He was in another students dorm room about to put on a nappy. No going back now was his first thought. Max lied down on the floor and sat on the open nappy before expertly taping it up over his penis. Even though he'd never worn one before he'd seen plenty of videos of other people putting them on and therefore was basically a pro. Once the nappy was on he slowly stood up and marvelled about how thick and soft it was. He looked in the mirror and saw himself in a grey hoodie and nothing but an adult nappy which basically looked like pampers. He was in dreamland. He paused for a second before opening the door and facing his new friend. He re-entered the room to see Ross turning on his Playstation and holding two controllers. "Hey looking good man! How does it feel?" Ross asked. "It feels great, it's so thick" Max said as he felt the top of the nappy and gave it a good look. "That's the best thing about them. They hold so much too that's why!" Ross explained. "How about a couple of games of FIFA? Do you like football?. "Sounds great I love FIFA" Max replied as he grabbed one of the controllers and they both sat on Ross' bed facing the TV. After one or two games of FIFA both Max and Ross opened up to eachother getting to know their backgrounds and interests, before eventually getting onto their fetishes. Ross explained that he was a bedwetter as a teenager and developed a love for nappies from wearing Goodnites and loving how they feel. He was more adventurous than Max and had been into wearing ABDL nappies for a few years. Max told him he'd always loved the idea of wearing nappies but had only started indulging in it since the start of university. After the end of the third game he saw Ross fidgeting around slightly and switched position from having his feet planted on the floor to being cross-legged on the bed. “You okay?” Max asked inquisitively. “Yeah I’m good, I just kinda need to pee” Ross replied as he touched the front of his nappy. “Do you mind if I go now?”. “Umm yeah okay, I guess you mean in your nappy?” Max asked despite knowing the answer. “Yep, do you want to watch?” Ross said. “Okay that’ll be fun” Max said. He then turned his position to face Ross and sat on the back of his legs in a kneeling position so he could clearly see Ross’ nappied crotch. “Here we go, usually takes me a few seconds” Ross replied as he lifted his bum slightly and put his arms straight so his hands were on the bed. Max watched keenly as he heard a feint hissing sound and a lightly pale yellow patch formed right on Ross’ crotch. “Ahhhhhh” Ross whispered. Some time passed and the yellow patch grew bigger until it was covering most of the front of Ross’ nappy. Max was astonished by what he had seen. He’d seen people wet nappies in videos online hundreds of times but never in the flesh. “Cool” Max said as he looked at Ross. “That feels so much better, it’s so warm! Do you want to feel?” Ross asked. After a few seconds thought Max nodded and then slowly moved his right hand downwards until it cupped Ross’ crotch. He instantly felt heat and could smell a very feint whiff of urine. “You are right it is warm!” Max said. “You know what, I think I need to pee too, can I go as well?”. “Sure man! Why don’t you stand up and do it” Ross suggested. “Okay” Max said as he got off the bed and stood directly infront of Ross and separated his legs apart. “Whenever you are ready, let the floodgates open!” Ross said as he sat up. Max shut his eyes and tried to focus on peeing. He was nervous doing it infront of someone for the first time and admittedly it was impeding his ability to let go. However after about 30 seconds he felt a small dribble soak into his nappy. “Ah it’s coming” Max said quietly. The dribble soon turned into a flood as his nappy became warm and it soaked between his legs. It was a euphoric feeling and somewhat different to wetting a Goodnite. It didn’t cling to him as much and he was surprised by how quickly it dried on his skin. “Good work man you are soaking it!” Ross encouraged. Soon the well was dry and Max’s nappy was wet. He let out one final sigh and opened his eyes. As he opened them he could see Ross reaching towards his nappy and prodding the front. “That’s so wet, you are a pro!” Ross cheered. “Right couple more games of FIFA? I’ve got all day!”. “Sure let’s do it!” Max said as he sat back down on the bed and picked up the controller. They continued to go about playing like nothing had happened. Max could feel his nappy was bulkier but he loved the feeling. It was so nice to sit in a warm nappy. As one of their games entered stoppage time, Max was concentrating on seeing out a win when suddenly the competitive silence was broken by a loud fart. It didn’t sound like a normal fart, but one that was muffled slightly by a nappy. The smell instantly hit him. “Eww Ross did you just fart? Are you trying to put me off?” Max teased. “Haha sorry better out than in I always say!” Ross replied as he lifted his left cheek off the bed and let out a second, more high pitched fart. “Stop it they stink!” Max laughed. “Sorry man” Ross said as he paused the game, put one hand left the controller and rested on his stomach. “Oh god my tummy is aching a bit, I think I need to go”. “Oh what but we’re nearly at the end of the game?” Max said. “I don’t mean I have to go, I mean I have to go” Ross said cryptically as he pointed down to his nappy. “Oh right, got to be honest Ross I’ve never done that before. Do you usually go number two in your nappies as well?” Max asked. “Oh of course, it feels so nice!” Ross explained. “But it’s a big step I guess for someone who’s never done it before. But I really need to poo do you mind if I do it right here? I can take the nappy off and go to the toilet if it makes you uncomfortable?”. Max pondered. He’d never tried it but he was kind of intrigued, but it would be pretty weird to watch someone mess themselves right infront of him. He carefully considered. “It’s okay you can do it if you want” Max confirmed. “Oh great, because I feel like I’m about to explode! You can watch if you want” Ross said as he shifted position once more and got on all fours on his bed, with his bum facing the TV. Max sat down beside him and leaned slightly so he could catch a glimpse of what was about to happen. Max heard a few quiet grunts from Ross and quickly set eyes on the back of his nappy. After a few seconds he saw movement at the back of the nappy as it ballooned slightly with a crackling sound before it fell slightly into the padding. “Ahhh that’s better” Ross said as he let out a very quiet fart signalling the end of his bowel movement. The smell of his poo immediately assaulted Max’s nostrils. “Sorry man but it’s a bit of a smelly one, must’ve been that Chinese I had last night!”. “Phew, yeah it’s okay don’t worry about it. How does it feel?” Max asked as he scrunched his nose. “It feels good. It’s like having a warm lump of mud on your bum” Ross said as one of his hands reached behind him and felt the load. “Your nappy is holding a lot!” Max said as he inspected further. “These nappies can take much more believe me!” Ross explained. “This is going to be a big clean up operation though it already feels super messy”. “Damn that must be the hardest thing, I probably should get going it’s getting on and I don’t want to intrude on your cleanup” Max explained as he looked at his watch. “Sure man that’s sound. Do you want to change your nappy here?” Ross asked as he slowly stood up, no doubt squishing his mess further. “You know what I’ll do it back at my dorm, I’ve got supplies” Max said. “Cool. You know what take these” Ross said as he waddled over to his wardrobe and handed Max a few different ABDL nappies. “Oh no these are expensive please” Max rejected. “I insist, also give me your phone and I’ll stick my number in. If you want to do this again just drop me a text” Ross said as he took Max’s phone from his hand and typed his number in as a new contact. “Yeah definitely. I’m just going to put my joggers back on and I’ll be out of your hair” Max said as he walked over to his bag and slid his joggers back up his legs. He glanced in the mirror next to him and could see his big wet nappy made his bum look very flat and big. “Don’t worry no one will be looking, unless they are one of us of course” Ross winked. “It’s only a short journey anyway” Max explained. “Damn it really does stink in here man, how do you deal with that?”. “It’s nothing Febreeze can’t fix!” Ross joked. They both laughed. “Good one! Right I’ll see you around I guess” Max said as they both shared a dap and Ross opened the door for him. “Yeah definitely see you later Max!” Ross waved. Ross watched Max walk down the corridor with a slight waddle. Max smiled as he let out another spurt of wee into his nappy while walking.1 point
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Part 36 It didn’t take long to figure out why Kate wanted one last moment alone with me. Just like the last few times, she just took the opportunity to remind me about all the things we had already gone over. My age. My attitude. Nothing new, and I made a point to give her my brightest smile and girliest giggle near the end of the explanation. As in, ‘Yeah. I get it.’ We didn’t need to keep going over the same thing. Kate just pinched my cheek and gave me a wink. Making it seem like we were in this together, despite how I was only going along with it because it felt like I needed to. “You are the cutest little sister,” she gushed. Then she took my hand and tugged me towards the entrance, “Come on, Annie!” By the time we made it inside, the twins were already waiting with mini golf clubs and a score card. They gave Kate a red ball and matching club they had picked out to match her hair, and I was handed a pink set since they had been told it was my favorite color earlier. As much as I hated the childish outfit my sister had stuck me in, I still would have been happy with blue equipment to go with it. At least, that’s what younger me would have done at a place like this. Instead, I just had to smile and politely thank the twins for the girly choice. For paying as well, when Kate had asked how much we owed. We were guests, and family, and they didn’t mind at all. Of course, Kate said we’d figure out a way to make it up to them anyway. Great. The four of us walked together to the first hole a few yards from the outdoor sign-up desk, and my sister was quick to suggest that the youngest should go first. Our cousins happily agreed. “Go on, Annie!” Lilah said. Inwardly sighing to myself, but pushing a smile onto my face nonetheless, I stepped up to the first tee. It was going to be a long eighteen holes. Dropping the pink ball by my feet to avoid having to bend over with the awkward bulk I was still dealing with, I used the club to set the ball where I wanted it. However, the pull-ups ended up being a problem anyway. When I bent at the knees and positioned my body to take my first swing, the mess sagging between my thighs shifted just enough to make me blush and worry that the twins might notice something. Swinging without even thinking, I snapped myself back into a standing position and my cheeks darkened as the full pull-ups shifted again. The first hole was a short one, probably designed to be a warm-up, and my golf ball sped to the end and popped out of the green area entirely when it hit the small border at the end. “Oh my God!” I exclaimed. Knowing full well that my blush would be noticeable, I thought quickly and tried to shift it towards embarrassment about something besides my mortifying underwear situation. “I’m, like, so bad!” “It’s okay, little sis,” Kate said. A flicker of a smirk appeared on her face, but she managed to soften it to more of a smile by the time the other two looked her way. “We’ll give you a pass on that one. Go get your ball; you can try again!” This time, I didn’t have a choice. After going to find the pink ball that had rolled farther away than I would have liked, I decided that bending was too much of a risk in terms of the shortalls hugging the doubled up pull-ups and giving away what I was wearing. Instead, I squatted down and winced at the uncomfortable sensations that were caused both as I lowered myself and then as I stood back up. God, and that was going to happen almost twenty more times throughout the course. Making sure to plaster the fake smile back on my face before I turned around, I went back to the girls at the starting area who had each taken a swing in my absence. Good. The quicker this game went, the better. “Here, Annie,” Kate said, “Let me show you.” As I set myself back up for another start, she came over and positioned herself behind me. I flinched right away, but she smoothly placed her hands on my shoulders and muttered just above a whisper that I was supposed to behave. In this case, clearly that meant letting her be a ‘helpful’ older sister. Like we were a cutesy couple, she slid her hands down my arms and guided my hands into a proper grip. “Now, this is how you putt,” she said, this time loudly enough for the twins to be included in the conversation, “Nice and easy. Like this.” She had us slightly wind the club back together, then guided it forward for a gentle swing. “Now thank me like a good little girl,” she whispered, once again just for me. Annoyingly enough, the pink ball actually landed mere inches from the hole. As Kate stepped back, I smiled and giggled. “Thanks, sis!” I went to brush back my hair out of awkwardness, only to be reminded that it was braided into those stupid pigtails. Lowering my hand and feeling the blush creep back in, I asked, “Like, now what?” “You go again, Annie,” Luna said, “Whoever’s closest to the hole.” Thankfully, Kate didn’t insist on another lesson. Even with my nervousness about the golf stance potentially showing off my padded rear, I managed to succeed in not missing. My sister and cousins cheered for me, and it was all I could do to give them a meek smile as I continued the twelve year old charade. They counted it as two strokes for me, repeating how my first one was just a practice swing. Honestly, I didn’t care. Though a lower score meant being done more quickly, I wasn’t really in the competing mood. We continued to the second hole after the other girls sunk their golf balls, and I gradually found a rhythm that kept Kate off my back. Whenever I did well, I’d smile and giggle and act overly cute in an effort to show her that I was doing my best to play the role. On top of that, there was the quota she had imposed on me. I was supposed to say ‘like’ at least five hundred times before we got back to the house, and failing to do so would easily give her an excuse to delay a much needed change. But that was a LOT of filler. I tried to keep track as we played, but just getting halfway to that insane number was going to be difficult. “Hey, Lilah? Like, who’s winning?” I asked after the ninth hole. “I mean, like, is it close?” While I still didn’t care about the score, it was really getting to the point where I had to speak up in order to keep adding to the count. Unsurprisingly, I was losing. Even with a few more grace points they allowed me here and there, as apparently this wasn’t my best sport, I had a hidden handicap that kept me from standing and swinging properly. On top of that, it also wasn’t the most fun to walk around in sagging underwear, but I couldn’t exactly complain. The twins didn’t know, and Kate wouldn’t care. All I could do was pout a little bit about the score, throw in a few more immature filler words, and continue the tween act during the second half of the game. By the time we wrapped up the eighteenth hole, a few of the recent habits had taken more than the repetition at the house had made them stick. My gut reaction to anyone talking to me, including the desk girl afterwards, was to smile and include ‘like’ somewhere in the first sentence I spoke. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was well aware that I had definitely been more mature than this when I really was in middle school, but I was in too deep to shift gears at this point. Bubbly little Annie was the only one who could get me out of the mess I had let myself get into. And she was doing a good job, it seemed. Once Kate had secured me back in the car seat, along with another one of those friendly winks that implied we were on the same team after everything she had put me through, she hopped in the opposite seat and spoke up after Lilah started the car. “Hey, can we stop by a pharmacy on the way home?” she asked. Briefly turning to me with a knowing smile before focusing her attention up front, Kate said, “Annie and I have a thing or two to take care of.” ------------------ Check out my website: www.ladyluciastories.com And read more of "The Road Trip" (95+ parts) and other stories on my SubscribeStar: https://subscribestar.adult/lady-lucia1 point
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Part 6 Despite everything going so well Catherine had a concern – she wondered why Elliot was now continually wetting himself and appeared unconcerned about doing so. In a quiet moment she called his sister over for a private chat. “Jenny, I was just wondering if your brother has said anything to you.” “About what aunty?” As always Jenny was keen to help her aunt whenever she could. “You know, his constant wetting, erm, is he worrying about anything in particular or having bad dreams or anxiety about...” Jenny had herself been wondering about how incontinent he’d become and had discussed it with her cousins. “Well aunty, we’ve been giving it...” “We?” she interrupted and looked suspiciously at her niece. “Yes, me, Dionne and Dusty have thought about it and we think...” “Yessss...” she wondered just what the girls conclusion had been. “That he’s now enjoying all the extra attention he’s getting.” “Really,” she paused in thought, “hmmmmm.” “You know how badly he reacted when his wet pants were first discovered and how badly he took it when he messed? But now, well, he seems more than happy to just let his nappy deal with it. After all, it’s what it’s there for” ‘It’s what it’s there for’ had been the constant refrain by Catherine to Elliot so that he wouldn’t worry about wearing one and using it. She had hoped that it would lessen the impact of him having to cope with such a childish issue but was equally determined that he would wear one until she was sure he was over his incontinence. “Mmm, yes, well, erm... that actually makes sense... thank you Jenny, you’ve made me think.” “Glad I could help aunty and let’s not forget the anger he used to have about being changed... not so angry now.” She observed, “In fact, despite his occasional wobble for independence, I’d go as far as to say he loves to be changed now. Well, that’s what me and the girls have noticed, haven’t you?” With her putting that thought back at her aunt, making her feel that she should have noticed the big change in Elliot’s attitude, she felt a bit guilty that it was being pointed out to her. “Of course aunty,” Jenny went on, “you’ve been so busy with everything else we’ve done most of the changing so...” “Yes, well, yes, erm, well thanks again Jenny... erm...” Catherine felt suddenly accountable and wondered was she doing enough or simply let things slide, relying on the girls to do most of the dirty work? “Aunty, you’ve been brilliant. You’ve let him find his own level of comfort and he rarely kicks off if he’s given some of the Dusty’s old clothes. No, I think you’ve given him a whole new start and I’m sure it’s one he’s very happy with. Just to see him now, I don’t think he’s ever been happier.” It was true, since they were all pitching in on the farm Elliot had changed from a spoiled brat into a lovely little lad doing his bit; even if he did look infantile as he scampered around the place in just his protection. It was also true that over the hectic few weeks he didn’t seem as bothered as he used to be when her daughter’s old clothes were offered for him to wear. He only baulked a little at the more girly stuff though in general, the outbursts and tears had all but subsided. A shrug or shake of the head was all he offered now. The point that Jenny was perhaps not so subtly trying to get across was that her brother was now unfussed about wearing what he was given. “Was he... hmmmm?” Catherine contemplated just how happy the lad actually was. Jenny wandered off knowing she had her aunt thinking more positive than negative about Elliot’s current state. Well, a little bit at least, and although it wasn’t a complete lie (she’d just thought up what she’d said on the spot and assumed being unfussed applied) was happy for things to stay as they were. The girls were enjoying seeing Elliot just the way he was, it was after all what they hoped to achieve at the beginning of the summer break. Meanwhile, Catherine thought her niece might have a point and maybe the nappy had given Elliot permission to retreat from his boyish, bullish attitude. Maybe, she considered, this was him asking to be loved or maybe, as his sister inferred, this was now his only way of getting the attention he perhaps craved. Whatever the reason, there was absolutely no denying that the atmosphere at the farm had changed for the better - so that was a good thing. In fact, she began to congratulate herself that a self-absorbed little boy was now a contributing part of the ‘family’ and if it’d taken a wet nappy and a few girly clothes to produce such a glorious change, maybe it was worth putting up with the slight damp inconvenience. However, as far as she could see, it didn’t appear that much of an inconvenience to anyone... so everyone was happy. # The one thing that Jenny hadn’t mentioned (because she didn’t know), was just how much Elliot had become weary of his aunt’s use of the dreaded wooden hairbrush which Dionne had said she’d utilise if he was naughty. This had made a huge impact on the boy and had pulled him up on several occasions when he was about to argue or throw a tantrum. He had no idea that Dionne had said what she did to get his attention and offer it as a threat although it was something her mother didn’t possess – well she did, but it was used as a hairbrush not an implement of punishment. Although it hadn’t been mentioned since that day it was something to take into consideration whenever he wanted to protest about the way he was being treated. In many ways, that threat had been the first, no second thing that had ‘settled’ him down (the first had been when his aunt spanked him on that first day), as he’d never had to worry about such action from his parents. So, although he wasn’t happy about having to wear a nappy and the clothes he was given the prospect of what might happen if he didn’t was also something he worried about and that had a knock-on effect which made him need a nappy. Of course, Catherine had no knowledge of this implied chastisement, Dionne had no idea her threat had such impact, whilst Dusty and Jenny were just enjoying the spectacle of having Elliot wear such babyish outfits. It probably didn’t even occur to him that was part of the reason why he wet so much though perhaps didn’t explain why his overnight padding was always so soggy. However, what the nappy had offered him was no embarrassing stains on his trousers and no need to hide any wet undies. He’d been given permission to wet and not worry too much about it. So it was inevitable, mentally at least, that option was the one he took, even if he was unaware he was doing so. # With the party rapidly approaching, and the clamour for more produce only slightly dipping, work on the ‘party’ barn had to be left until the last minute. Dusty and Jenny had suggested that to make it more fun perhaps it should be fancy dress. Dionne thought the idea of a themed party was quite good but Catherine wondered if putting pressure on guests to ‘dress up’ was really the way to go to get them all to enjoy themselves. Elliot was in bed asleep; it had been a particularly busy day and he was exhausted. Catherine had kept to his bedtime of no later than 9pm and he’d eventually settled into that nightly routine. He never said a word as Dionne and his sister came up and helped him into his night time nappy and appeared content when his cousin kissed his cheek and wished him a lovely ‘night-night and bless’. They were even more delighted if he took his dummy to nurse on. So, when the party was being discussed without his input everyone was of the opinion he’d go for the fancy dress option if asked. In the end ‘fancy dress’ was agreed upon as something extra for the group of invited kids to enjoy, but no restrictions to be placed on anyone who didn’t want to take part. All would be welcome... well, everyone who’d been invited. Later, when Dusty and Jenny were in bed and still excitedly discussing the party, Dusty mentioned her lovely Satin Princess Party Dress and told her cousin the story. She went to her wardrobe and showed her just what a pretty item of party-wear it was and how much of a shame that it wouldn’t get used again. Jenny thought it was a bit ‘too much’ all that shiny material, bows and frills but, as a dress fit for a Princess, it certainly fitted the bill. “Shame it hasn’t really had the wear it deserves,” Dusty shrugged. Jenny wasn’t sure, as she couldn’t see anyone in this day and age wanting to wear something so spectacularly juvenile... unless they were a five year old. “I’ll tell you what,” Dusty cheekily confided to her attentive cousin, “I bet Elliot would look sensational in it... and it would fit him... no trouble.” “What?” Jenny said in surprise. “Yer, I suppose you’re right... we’d never get him to voluntarily wear it... would we?” When the light was turned off both girls settled down to wonder... maybe? # In the morning, as the girls rested a while after their initial burst of enthusiasm for getting the work done, they discussed the songs they wanted to sing at the karaoke they’d planned for the party. Of course Elliot was in one of the poly-tunnels picking his daily herbs and fruit and, because Catherine had got him ready, was wearing the flowery sun suit over his fresh nappy. “What do you think we should get Ellie to sing?” Dusty enquired but already had a plan. “Does he have a favourite that you hear him singing back home?” Dionne wondered. “Not really. I mean, he rarely sings any of mummy’s songs but... ermmm.” She said pausing to let what she said next appear a spontaneous thought. “Well, although he’s not one for singing we watch a lot of movies and he liked stuff like UP and Frozen and the Incredibles... you know... stuff like that.” Jenny answered but she was already in with the plan. “Oh, oooo, do you think he’d sing Let It Go?” Dionne excitedly added. “I suppose we could teach him it,” Dusty enthused and burst into a quick chorus. Oddly (?) they knew the words and before long the entire song was being sung with gusto by all three in pretty good voice. They chuckled as the song came to an end with the big finish. They’d had the karaoke machine and screen for over five years and it was a great addition to the family entertainment brief – to entertain themselves. Catherine made sure the catalogue of songs was kept up to date and a quick check showed that the song was on the list. “Wouldn’t it be great if we could get Elliot to sing that, but, how can we go about it?” Dionne wondered. “Well,” Jenny spoke up, “we can go around singing it and try and entice him into giving it a (Let it) go ha-ha... but it might be best to tell him that the song has been chosen by mummy as one she’d love to hear him sing it.” “Would that work?” Dionne wasn’t so sure. “We can but try,” said Jenny, “and besides, if we tell him he’s to be the star performer I’m sure he’ll step up to give it a go. He always loved it when mummy praised him when he sang whatever song they’d learned at nursery or in the infants class. He has a nice voice, or so the teachers thought, but he never seemed keen to use it too much. However, once he received praise there was no stopping him so our job should be to encourage him, help him learn the words and see what happens.” “That sounds like a great idea,” smiled Dusty but there again, this had been her plan all along. Her main concern though was to get him to wear her Princess party dress to sing it in. It wasn’t quite what Elsa wore but it was perfect for a little nappy-wearing boy she still secretly wanted to humiliate. Jenny also wondered what her brother would look like in such a pretty dress and was almost as determined as Dusty was to see it happen. Meanwhile, the two younger girls kept their plan secret from Dionne. They had offered to make a surprise ‘special outfit’ for him but it was to be kept secret to the grand unveiling on party night. This had got Elliot very excited and he loved the idea that the party would be fancy dress. However, they’d noticed that on a few occasions Dionne was taking her ‘babysitting duties’ that is, changing Elliot’s damp nappies, with a degree of sympathy and understanding. They’d decided that she couldn’t be trusted not to say something to him and for him to then refuse. # Late Friday afternoon, just as they were returning from a trip to Mason’s the radio confirmed that Groove Divas International had the top three spots in the singles chart and were Number One for the fourth week running in the album chart. A live video link from the Radio 1 DJ who announced the weekly charts to the Divas on tour in Malaysia congratulated the girls and confirmed there chart dominance. In return, all four sounded happy and suitably grateful to be on tour and offered a huge THANK YOU to all the fans who’d made their current output such a huge success. Unfortunately, that little tit-bit of information, and Annie saying how much she was missing her “precious children”, had been missed by a car full of kids singing ‘Let It Go’ to a little flowery-clad boy who was desperate to remember the words. He’d been told he was to star in the fancy dress karaoke party and, as discussed, that his mother had chosen the song for him. It hadn’t taken much to convince him to take part once he’d been told he would be the centre of attention. Also, and he wouldn’t admit it out loud (although his sister already suspected), Frozen was his most favourite movie... and he loved that song. Since being told of that decision and that it would be fancy dress for the party, he’d wondered what to wear but Jenny had inferred that the girls were working on something spectacular for him that would look great under the spotlight. He was very excited at the prospect; would it be Snowman Olaf, or the wonderful Iceman Kristoff... or maybe the Evil Prince Hans? So, because of the way they’d all been getting along, he didn’t suspect a thing. All through the house they could hear his voice trying to get the right emphasis on certain parts of the song. It was surprising that he had quite a nice pure voice but perhaps lacked the power of Elsa’s delivery and this was what he was practicing. Later in the evening before the party they set up as much of the barn as they could but mainly it was the karaoke machine and organised the list of available songs but first they all wanted to rehearse their own number. Catherine excused herself from contributing because of her self-proclaimed ‘awful voice’ but of course, since her daughters knew her so well, also knew that she could be enticed (and not too reluctantly) to belt out her favourite - Son of a Preacher Man. Meanwhile, the girls were quite impressed by the way Elliot had taken to the task and made a pretty passable version of his song. There was no doubt about it that his small frame, thick padding and what the girls had planned for him to wear, he was undoubtedly going to be the ‘talk’ of the party. # Elliot kept practicing but although he was okay, the girls had hoped he’d master the tune a little better. They were even teaching him where to add emphasis to various parts in the song but much to their upset, he wasn’t very good. Still he was giving it a go and they were sure the rest of the party goers would be happy to see a little lad in a dress trying to sing such an iconic song. Saturday morning they set off early to make all their deliveries so they had time to get the barn up to scratch. They’d already fished out Christmas fairy-lights and assorted strands of colourful electric bulbs, the bales of hay were set about and a little bar was organised at the end of a long trestle-table that would later be trembling under the weight of snacks that Catherine had already prepared. Of course many of the neighbours had pitched in and the Derby’s from a nearby cattle farm had helped to dig out a pit for a barbeque. Catherine was unsure of just how many guests would turn up but was catering for more than the fifty originally estimated. A bunch of bales and a few pallets made for the stage and the karaoke machine was placed ready for people to list the songs they wanted to sing. They’d mounted a spotlight up in the barn’s Mezzanine level which gave the stage a lovely focal point. A string of flashing fairy lights were draped around the edge to give the performance area more definition (Dionne’s idea), whilst more lights were strung outside. Once it had all been completed the entire farm looked very festive and inviting. Everyone had pitched in and by six Catherine and the girls had gone off to get themselves ready for the night. Elliot was made to wait until they’d all finished using the bathroom and getting their outfits together. Dionne had decided to go as Wonder Woman, whilst Dusty and Jenny had argued over what to wear but in the end had settled on two of Disney’s favourite (but different) princesses – Snow White and Moana. They thought it would help Elliot with their decision for him being dressed as Elsa. # Meanwhile, Catherine overheard the two fourteen-year-olds whispering about the prank they planned pulling on Elliot where, at the last minute, they’d force him into Dusty’s party dress for his song. She was a little unsure as to whether this was something Elliot might like because, since he’d been made to wear their old clothes, he’d stopped complaining and simply, like wearing a nappy, got on with it. However, she found her nephew in his room excitedly waiting his turn for the bathroom where the ‘special’ outfit the girls had promised him would be unveiled. “Are you looking forward to the party Elliot?” She enquired letting herself in to his room with an encouraging smile. “Yes aunty, it’s going to be fantastic. I have a new get-up to wear and... and...” he was bouncing up and down on his bed in eagerness but at that moment only wearing a fresh nappy and glossy blue plastic pants that Dionne had already changed him into. Catherine guessed the party dress Dusty planned on making him wear would go well with his shiny pants. Over the past few weeks Elliot had gotten used to his new situation and, as he now woke up to a wet nappy just about every morning, was also used to either his aunt or one of the girls changing him into a fresh one whenever needed. The tears and tantrums hadn’t worked so now he simply put up with whatever the girls thought was for the best. He’d even gotten used to wearing some of the more juvenile clothes and didn’t particularly worry who saw what. This was down to his aunt insisting (and him finally accepting) that as it was all just for playing out in so it really didn’t matter what he wore. Elliot had found his place on the farm and despite his initial negative reaction to everything, his aunt had been understanding but very firm so now he simply complied. “Do you know what it is yet?” His aunt queried. “No but I suppose, because of the song, it will be something from Frozen.” “What would you like it to be?” “The prince or Kristof maybe even Olaf... they’re the main characters.” “What about Anna or Elsa who sings your song... don’t you think that would be good.” He turned to his aunt with a look of doubt. “I don’t want to be seen as a girl.” So he was still a little worried about that side of things thought Catherine. “Really sweetheart,” she tried to reassure him, “I thought because of the song you’d chosen, and, as it’s a fancy dress party, that you’d want to look like the main character to deliver it, you know, like your mother would have... all sort of showbizzy.” The sudden thought that might be exactly what had been planned dawned on Elliot and his enthusiasm could physically be seen draining from him. A tear formed in his eye as he realised just what it might mean. Seeing him so obviously overcome Catherine rushed in to give the boy a hug. “Oh sweetheart, you’ve been such a brave boy since you’ve been here and achieved so much, don’t cry.” “But, but why would I want...” “Do you know what I think Elliot... you are a much more confident boy these days. You have your mummy’s determination to just get on with things and not care about what others think because you have a forceful personality.” The thing is, he thought of himself as having a forceful personality, though in fact he’d just been made to accept the decisions and opinions of others. However, that wasn’t the way his aunt approached this sensitive moment, she wanted him to feel in charge. It was true, over the last few weeks, helping out on the farm and being involved in the day to day activities he’d not once mentioned his PlayStation, or indeed any of the other things he’d been so careful to pack when the trip had been organised. Even the way he was dressed didn’t seem important now he had things to do. The eight-year-old had adapted pretty well and seemed to be enjoying his status, even if it was as the baby of the group. He was never called that out loud, although the rest of the family knew that’s just what he was. He might not have been too aware of it but his sister and cousins thought of him as a little kid who needed looking after... even if two of them at least wanted to have their fun whilst doing so. Anyway, Catherine kept this line of positive reinforcement going for quite some time and by the end he was no longer sniffling or worried because he’d decided that perhaps it would look better (and be a brave move) if he was wearing a dress like Elsa to sing her song. In fact, his aunt had him questioning himself as to whether or not it had been his intention all along to show he was taking after his mother and be equally ‘showbizzy’. Being ‘showbizzy’ certainly appealed to the youngster... and, as his aunt had highlighted, it was a fancy dress party anyway. With Wonder Woman, Dionne acting as greeter to the early arrivals it was down to Jenny and Dusty to present their fait accompli and sniggered as they pulled their secret weapon from the wardrobe. Dusty was so excited by their subterfuge and what they were about to force Elliot into, she peed into her own panties. However, that wasn’t something she was going to admit to when she eventually noticed. Conversely, once Catherine had him on board and had filled her nephew with enthusiasm, it was anti-climactic when the girls came in carrying the pretty dress. His eagerness to put it on took the wind completely out of their sails. They tried to pretend this was what they expected but in truth they were miserable that their plan to humiliate him had failed to materialise. They even had to help him on with it and he insisted on a plastic tiara be added so he’d be a real princess. As Catherine left and saw the disappointment on the girl’s faces she whispered “That will teach you to be nasty... I’ll deal with you two later.” A sudden ripple of apprehension hit the girls - perhaps their plan had been ill-conceived. Dusty’s soggy knickers making her feel ridiculous at that moment. # With the tables groaning under the amount of food, the smell of barbeque in the air, the bar well stocked and the party-goers eager to party... everything was set for a brilliant night of fun, food and eventually... song. Elliot was nervous about being seen in the dress before his song so, once the majority of guests had arrived, the karaoke machine was set up, the spotlight focused centre-stage and Catherine welcomed everyone to the barn. “Tonight friends we’ll be having a night of entertainment... which you’ll supply by adding your name to the list that our MC for the evening, Wonder Woman, is taking care of... please add your name and the number you’d like to sing and she’ll announce you as and when.” Cheers from the rather larger than expected crowd who’d gathered in front of the stage. Dionne had already collected quite a few names who were keen to show off their musical and singing talent and were gearing up for an extraordinary collection of singing styles and musical genres. “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and all our lovely friends... to start off the entertainment for this evening... please give a huge welcome to my wonderful nephew, eight-year-old Elliot Lawrence.” Huge applause and the music started but he didn’t appear. People looked a little worried until he started to sing off stage. Slowly, as the song got going he swept onto the make-do pallets and with the timing of a professional belted out LET IT GO. It’s safe to say that the volume and tuneful delivery was not what anyone was expecting. The shy rehearsals, the unsure lyrics, the occasion itself, all appeared to be forgotten as he belted out a song that had driven many adults mad with its repetition as kids rewound their favourite bit from the movie. However, several people had their phones out to record the event because the power of Elliot’s vocals belied the fact he was only eight. He was sensational. People had cheered when they saw he was wearing a dress Elsa would have been proud of and as the song came to an end with an emotional Elliot all but vocally spent... the crowd erupted in well-deserved applause. Hoots and cheers filled the barn and left one or two volunteers who’d already put their names down to sing next, wondering if they could top what the boy had just delivered. He took three bows and the crowd wanted more but he had only practiced the one song and the requests for him to repeat it had been a shock to the lad. However, with the promise that maybe a reprise would come later, Dionne welcomed the next singer to the stage. Elliot was definitely going to be a hard act to follow. Meanwhile, as he joined the rest of the party-folk, he was clapped on the back, high-fived by just about everyone and praised for not only singing so well but delivering it in a lovely dress. Several guest commented on the fact that he looked fantastic and what a brilliant performance. Elliot was feeling on top of the world and the fact he was in his cousin’s satin party dress was not thought of as girly but as part of the show. Everywhere he went he was showered with acclaim over and over again, even by kids he’d never met before. He was so pleased his aunt had said what a good idea it would be to dress up for the song, it had worked a treat. However, what his adoring public didn’t know - it was just as well he was wearing a thick nappy with plastic pants as he’d nervously peed into the thick fabric as soon as the music started. Perhaps strangely he was thankful that he now wore them all the time because he never really knew when he’d leak and they prevented anyone knowing how often this happened. Nevertheless, though he could feel his nappy squish with each step he was enjoying this moment of fame too much to be worried by that soggy fact. # Still glowing in the aftermath of his stunning performance Elliot was amazed at how many other local kids who’d been invited to the party wanted to know him. There had been one or two visitors to the farm since he arrived but they mostly just talked to the girls and left him alone. So with many new friends and offers of play dates and outings all came as a bit of a surprise. As did the many photographs he was included in because everyone wanted a shot with the ‘star’. He even overheard someone say that he would probably grow up to be as big a star as his mother. He liked that. His success had put both Jenny’s and Dusty’s noses out of joint, they’d hoped to humiliate him but instead he’d flourished. Even their friend Julia made a beeline and stayed close by him for the rest of the night bathing in his reflected glory. Meanwhile, the karaoke continued but they all had a pretty hard time matching the opening act. Still it was a fun night but by ten o’clock Elliot was flagging – mainly due to a bubble machine that had nearly everyone chasing and bursting them around the farm. Catherine gently steered him away and up to his room where she helped him out of his ‘costume’ and checked his padding. “Sweetheart, your nappy’s soaked... you should have said something.” Catherine pulled down his glossy plastic pants and released the pins on the sopping material. “It’s all been so exciting aunty,” he was still beaming even as she pulled the fabric away and started to wipe him clean. “They liked my song... and I loved, I mean they loved the way I looked.” Catherine was a bit surprised at this announcement but kept up an even stroke whilst drying her nephew. “Really love, well that’s good because you really sold the song wearing it. Everyone was impressed and you sung it so well. All that practice really paid off.” “Yes I’m glad I decided to wear it I think it added to my performance.” He wriggled in happiness as she rubbed in some Sudocrem. Catherine couldn’t help but smile at the way he was taking credit for all that had happened, but it was nice to see him so positive. “Well yes of course, it was a great idea and one you pulled off to perfection. Now, I know you’re still a little bit excited so once I’ve got you in a nice fresh nappy, why don’t I get you a lovely warm milk to settle you down, mmm?” “Thanks aunty, you’re the best.” He hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Well thank you too sweetheart, you’ve been amazing yourself working and helping around the farm so, you deserve the praise from tonight... and of course, a big thank you from me.” She gave him one of those hugs that makes you feel wanted and loved, Elliot was happily overwhelmed. He grinned as he lay there clean but naked and she searched the pile of clean nappies stacked on his dresser. “Do you think mummy and daddy will get to see it?” He asked hoping it might be possible. “Well I know there were several people who recorded it on their phones so, why don’t I ask them all to send those to us and we can select the best, mmm?” “Yeah!” He responded with enthusiasm. Catherine pulled a thick terry nappy from the pile and wriggled it under his bum. Without argument he lifted up and made no comment or pull free as she shook a load of baby powder over him and then, after a booster pad had been included, pulled the material together to form a tight comforting seal. Once all happily changed it was like the excitement of the day had suddenly been drained as he lay there content but exhausted. She thought she’d never get him to rest after all the excitement but he was yawning so that was a good sigh. Without thinking she grabbed the nearest pair of plastic pants, which just happened to be the same pink ruffled ones Dusty had tricked him into wearing before. Again, without so much as a frown he allowed them to be pulled into place. One of his cousin’s old pink t-shirts followed but Elliot seemed past caring or just too tired to offer up any objections. Soon he was all nicely ready for a good night’s sleep. “Okay sweetheart,” she patted his slinky, bulky bottom in a loving way. “Get into bed and I’ll get you some warm milk and I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Even in the dimmed light of the bedroom she could see how sweet he looked now he was all padded up and crawling under the sheets. The ruffles bringing back memories of when Dionne and Dusty were babies and how it was always such a pleasant event once ‘the kids’ were packed off to bed. Despite the noise and music of the party continuing in the distance Elliot settled down, the warmth of his fresh thick nappy hugging him tightly and the thick leg cuffs and waistband of his shiny smooth vinyl pants making sure that any accidents would, as usual, remain contained. He pulled over the blanket and surprisingly, with a happy sigh and wiggle, almost immediately fell into a doze, the adrenaline from his success having eventually drained from him, quite likely ending up in his fresh nappy. # Thinking it might settle his excitement, Catherine had brought the warm milk up in a baby’s bottle. The idea wasn’t new, she’d thought about it a few times hoping that letting him nurse would help him to relax. It had recently worked with the dummy so she wondered if this might have a similar effect. She remembered when Dionne was younger, probably a bit younger than Elliot, and was finding sleep difficult, a ‘magic’ bottle seemed to work. It was the gentle rhythm of the sucking that seemed to lull her to sleep. Catherine wondered if, after such an exhilarating day, the same might happen for him. She thought it worth a try and see if he took to it. Testing her sleepy nephew, she gently pushed the rubber teat against his lips and let a few drops of milk glide between them. She was astonished when he opened his mouth and let the teat slip in, and, as if on automatic pilot, began to suck. She held it for him and was amazed when he finished the lot without waking up. The thing was, she knew that at his age he shouldn’t be treated like a toddler, but there was no denying the fact that he wasn’t objecting and he looked so cute it just seemed to fit. That was yet another of Catherine’s problems – these days everything about Elliot screamed he was really just a tot and should be treated as such. However, she knew that come the morning they’d be dealing with one very wet boy. She didn’t mind, getting used to wearing a nappy had helped him come to terms with his wetting problem. The angry and defiant little boy now looked so peaceful and content... like any toddler should be. In some ways Elliot had developed a little independence as he worked around the farm and yet seemed more than happy to rush to his aunt for cuddles and not make a fuss when put into his regular thick cotton nappy (usually with at least one extra soaker pad) and a pair of tough plastic pants. Catherine wondered if Elliot dressing up was some kind of turning point. She realised that although he was eight, in many ways he’d become younger, the need for nappies being the main clue but, as she thought, and not for the first time, does the little lad have any feminine leanings? Of course this might be reading too much into the situation, after all it had been circumstances that led to him having to wear his cousin’s hand-me-downs. However, he’d fought about wearing such stuff at the beginning though now seemed settled into it. He’d clashed on the colour of plastic pants but now didn’t seem overly concerned. And, after his performance in a rather girly satin party dress, which he said he liked wearing... well, what else did the boy ‘not mind’? Obviously it could have been a slip of the tongue and Elliot was just caught-up in the moment and the dress meant nothing more than a prop. Alternatively, it might have meant loads but even so, was it anything to think about, never mind worry about, for such a young lad. Shouldn’t he be allowed to just wear whatever, without scrutiny? He had no clothes of his own and this is what they’d given him and, on top of that, hadn’t everyone told him it didn’t matter? There were other things; like he was more loving, certainly enjoying more cuddles and spending time snuggled up against Catherine and, as it turned out, sitting on Dionne’s lap. When out doing chores on the farm he didn’t mind wearing Dusty’s old pink and blue wellington boots in the muddier areas, or the girls patting his padding checking if he’d wet. In fact, in general, the nappies, the clothes, the whole atmosphere in the house had changed because little Elliot was fitting in and appeared to be thoroughly enjoying life ‘down on the farm’. Certainly something at the beginning of the visit no one expected to see. He’d proudly present the eggs collected in the mornings, or the herbs he’d been assigned to harvest. Wearing mucky wellies and dirty plastic pants he’d collect a batch of mushrooms, some for his aunt’s pasties and chutney, others for their customers. It was fun crawling about in the dark moist soil choosing the best rhubarb to pick. When out delivering he didn’t baulk at the occasional way little old ladies treated him as one of the girls. He savoured the cookie Mrs Wainwright offered and made a point of making sure her order was correct. Yes, quite a number of things had changed and despite some doubts, Catherine was reasonably content because the boy seemed to be blooming in ways never envisaged at the start of his stay. # tbc #1 point
Chapter 20! Yay! --- “We’re shooting a commercial?” Alicia exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “Well, it’s more as PR for their company’s website, also, I’m pretty sure I told you to check it out if you were interested, Alicia.” Sofia claimed. “You would have known what to expect if you did.” Alicia exhaled heavily. She hadn’t thought it would be important at the time. She’d just pretend to eat some mushy food, smile and collect her paycheck. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard footsteps behind her. “Oh hello,” a warm voice said. Alicia looked up to see Heather had made its way towards them. “I’m Heather, and you must be Alicia? Glad to make your acquaintance,” she said and held out her hand. Alicia looked at it apprehensively, but shook it nonetheless. “Um, yeah, hi…” Heather looked at Sofia. “She’s just as adorable as you said, Fia.” Alicia frowned a little at the revelation. Apparently, Sofia had talked to Heather about her before. Sofia noticed Alicia’s apprehension. “Heather is a professional, Alicia. You have nothing to fear.” “Oh yes, please be assured that I would never disclose anything about my fellow co-workers,” Heather said. “I totally understand that you’re merely performing a role, Alicia.” Alicia grumbled a little but nodded. To her it felt like the lines of that role had been blurred since the day she started working at the agency, but she felt comfort in Heather’s words. “Yeah, you’re right. My work does not define me.” “Exactly!” Heather agreed. The atmosphere was interrupted by a tell-tale squee coming from Nora in the doorway. She had to look away as she saw Alicia dressed in the shortall and diaper, biting her lip to avoid causing more noise. Yep, doesn’t define me at all…Alicia thought as she took a couple of deep breaths. Eventually, Pamela and Claire joined them, with Claire dressed in the pink shortall Alicia had shunned. Pamela and Heather exchanged pleasantries and soon they were ready to start filming. “Sofia?” Alicia said as she saw the prepared bottles filled with formula and mushy food in jars. “Aside from me, isn’t Claire a bit too old for this?” “Typically we’d have children no older than two for these promotional video, but First Bites has an initiative where it also caters to children with special needs. We needed ‘older’ models as well.” Alicia sighed. “Of course you did.” “Once again, you don’t have to actually eat it, Alicia. Just make it look good,” Sofia assured. “Yeah, yeah,” she said dismissively and stretched her arms out to Sofia. “Ok, lift me up.” Sofia raised an eyebrow, but complied and held on to the little girl. “I’d probably hurt myself if I tried to climb into that monstrosity,” she said and pointed to the white highchair. “Good point.” Sofia carefully lowered Alicia down, making sure she fit nicely, then she wrapped a bib around her neck. “Just in case.” She winked at her. Pamela did the same with Claire, and soon there were bowls of semi-solid ravioli and pasta wheels covered in sauce at their trays. The camera started rolling and Heather made it a show of taking out the jars from the fridge, heating them up and presenting them for the camera. She didn’t talk at all during the process, but Alicia figured it would probably happen in editing later. Sofia directed as usual, and Alicia apprehensively sampled a spoonful of the toddler meal. It tasted mostly like spaghettiOs with meatballs, it wasn’t bad per se, but nothing Alicia would consider fine dining. Claire, however, greedily ate from her bowl, like it was the first thing she had eaten today. She smacked her lips and looked content for the camera. Alicia caught a look at Pamela who was smiling at her daughter. Then she turned towards Alicia and smirked, almost like she knew that Alicia wouldn’t perform as well. Something snapped inside Alicia as she felt Mrs. Botox condescend her, and she looked down at the bowl. She remembered the text Sofia sent her, that she’d get a sizeable bonus if her performance was good. She surmised the same was true for Claire. Alicia smirked. She wasn’t about to let Pamela have all that money. Alicia swallowed her pride—along with some more pasta—just to spite the detestable woman and started digging into her meal, smiling and tapping the plastic spoon on the tray in feigned delight. Fueled by her animosity for the woman and that sweet cash-money, she finished the bowl, making sure she looked like she enjoyed every last bite. She even let out a tiny burp to accentuate her acting. Alicia turned back to Pamela who looked like she had swallowed a few dozen bees, red as a tomato. Alicia felt triumphant, until she was presented with another bowl of toddler food. This time it was chicken parmesan ravioli. Guess I won’t be needing that lunch after all, sorry mom, she thought as she raised another spoon to her mouth. As Michelle handled the cameras around the studio, Alicia paced herself a bit better this time. The flavor was alright, but again, the texture was just a bit too pastelike. Time passed and after going through another bowl of mush, Alicia started to become a little full. Luckily, they stopped for a break and she was let out of the highchair. She relaxed in one of the chairs in the studio for a bit, but her rest was interrupted by another chair being put down next to her. Nora looked at her intently. “Can I help you?” Alicia asked expressionless, wanting very little to do with the girl. “Just to say that I’m sorry again for how I acted,” she said and held out her hand. “Truce?” Alicia pondered whether she really wanted to forgive the girl. She didn’t have to be friends with the girl, but she had promised Sofia she would make an attitude adjustment. “Fine, truce,” she said and shook it. Time would tell if Nora deserved it. “Soo…how did you get this job?” Nora asked. Oy, not wasting any time are we? Alicia thought, but relented and gave her the summarized version. “Tried normal jobs, didn’t stick, saw an add for a model, didn’t read the details, got a contract, didn’t fully read that one either, boom! Toddler model for at least six months.” “You didn’t choose this then?” Nora asked. “No? Well, I suppose it was partially my fault, and a series of misunderstandings leading up to this point,” Alicia said. “You seem to have…adapted though? It was quite a cute show you put up on there,” Nora said. Alicia raised an eyebrow and looked into Nora’s eyes. “The money is amazing, what can I say? Hopefully I’ll have saved enough after six months to start studying,” she said sincerely. “Oh, exciting. What are you considering?” Nora asked. “Haven’t thought of it yet, just taking one day at a time for now,” Alicia said. She had no idea what the future would hold her for now, and she was busy enough making sure she made it through each day. “Makes sense. You got time to figure it out,” Nora nodded. “By the way, you put up all this?” Alicia gestured to the set as a whole. “Oh, no, earlier there was this handsome handyman who set up the larger props. I selected the furniture, arranged the decor and mostly just created the visual concept of a kitchen,” Nora said. Ah yes, Nick. Glad he’s not here to see me right now.. “That guy was really cute though, I wonder if he has a girlfriend?” She said as she got a dreamy look on her face. Nora appeared to be a girl that wore her emotions on her sleeves. Alicia snorted at the thought. Lily would probably have a thing or two to say if Nora tried making a move on Nick, but before she could dissuade Nora, Sofia called out. “Alright everyone, break is over. Nora, please look over the props to see that everything is in order.” “Right away, Ms. Sofia!” she said and looked at Alicia. “Talk to you later?” “Sure,” Alicia nodded as Nora went up to check on the set. Her gaze then fell on Pamela who seemed busy fussing over her daughter. Poor girl, she can’t have it easy, she thought as Sofia came over and lifted her up into the highchair again. The cameras started rolling and Heather acted out heating up formula in baby bottles. Alicia soon had a warm bottle on her tray and she dreaded having to drink from it, even though she’ve had bottles before, doing it with a video in mind filled her with anxiety. It will be worth the look on Pam’s face though! She thought as she lifted the nipple to her mouth. A few droplets hit her tongue and she started nursing it slowly. The mildly sweet formula hit her belly and warmed her up. She started gaining a rhythm and found that it wasn’t all that bad. Soon she had drained the bottle and managed a content sigh. Another low squee came from across the room and Alicia rolled her eyes as Nora had to calm herself down again. Even Heather seemed to smile as another bottle was soon placed down on her tray. Alicia felt an ache in her bladder, and shortly it started to become urgent and she almost asked for a toilet break. She looked at Claire again, the girl was also in the moment of draining her bottle of formula. She wouldn’t let up to ask for the toilet, well, Pamela probably wouldn’t let her…Alicia thought. She hadn’t deliberately wet her diaper before a crowd, but her needs started exceeding her willpower. The thoughts of her big bonus echoed inside her head again, and she felt herself relax despite the onlookers. Alicia closed her eyes and released the contents of her bladder into the waiting diaper. It started to swell slightly, bulging against her shortalls, but easily caught it all. She sighed in relief as her bladder emptied completely. Gaining a second wind, she started sucking on her second bottle of formula, feeling herself warming up again. During their next break, she looked sheepishly at Sofia. She fidgeted as her waddling was very pronounced, indicating the need for a diaper change. “Hmm? What’s this,” Sofia grinned. “We got a soggy royalty?” “Just change me, please,” Alicia whispered. “Sure thing, Alicia. Do you want a ride?” Alicia blushed. “No, I can walk.” “Suit yourself, come along,” Sofia said and they headed over to the changing area, Alicia waddling due to her sagging diaper. Sofia hummed as Alicia laid on the changing table, making sure she had all the items available to her. She untaped the diaper and started wiping her clean. She unfolded a new diaper and slid it under her bum before applying a rich layer of powder. Once she was done, Alicia sat up, her legs spread slightly apart due to the thickness. “I’m proud of you, Alicia,” Sofia said suddenly. “What? What for?” Alicia asked. “You’ve become a lot more mellow. You promised me that you would adjust your attitude and you have,” Sofia said. Alicia could feel her heart swell. “I can endure it because of the money, Sofia,” Alicia said, trying to sound sincere. She wasn’t about to admit she had a growing affection for the infantile garment. “Whatever you say, my lady,” Sofia said. “Still, you’ve done well.” “...Thank you, Sofia.” They headed back to the studio. This time, thankfully, she only had to eat some grain bars. She took her time with them as she sampled some apple cinnamon and strawberry banana. The promotional video concluded and soon Alicia was out of the highchair. Heather approached her before leaving. “Hey, good job today. You really sold me on the idea of those products, might even have to get some for my own children.” “Eh, thank you? Nice working with you as well?” Alicia said. “Maybe we’ll have more opportunities in the future, but for now I must be off, have a good day, Alicia,” Heather said and walked out. Michelle and Nora was busy retrieving the cameras and restoring the set. It seemed that there were going to be some more filming later that evening with some other models. They finished quickly, mostly leaving things as they were for later. Nora skipped over to Alicia as she made it to her locker, grabbing her stuff as the blonde girl held her phone out. “Hey, I was thinking…maybe we could exchange numbers? I still feel bad and I’d like to make it up to you.” Alicia sighed. “Listen I’m sure you’re a nice person bu—” She didn’t get much further as she witnessed an award winning puppy-eyed look. Nora must’ve perfected the art, because it even made Alicia feel bad. “...Fine, give me your phone,” Alicia said and they swapped phones to put in each others numbers. “Yay! Thank you, Alicia. You won’t regret this!” She leaned down and hugged the little model. Too late… “Alright, I’ve got to bounce now. Aunt Barbara’s taking me out shopping!” she cheered. “Take care,” Alicia waved dismissively. “You too, new bestie!” Nora said and waved as she walked down the hallway. Alicia grabbed her backpack with her supplies, and waited for Pamela and Claire to be done and leave the agency. Sofia helped her undress and clean up before leaving to take an important phonecall. Alicia dressed herself in her usual clothes and headed for the exit. As Alicia exited the doors to the agency, Pam blocked her way to the streets. Claire was at the side wearing headphones, engrossed in a cartoon on her mother’s phone. Alica saw the contempt in Pam’s eyes and she felt even smaller than normal, like being stared down by a predator. “You think you’re so clever, huh?” Pamela said in a sickly-sweet voice and leaned down. “I don’t know how you convinced Sofia to let you work here, but you’re kidding yourself if you think you can just waltz in here and grab what’s rightfully mine.” Pamela had finally caught on that Alicia wasn’t a real toddler, and she bared her teeth at the girl. Alicia gulped. “I-i didn’t—” “Be quiet, little girl,” she whispered menacingly. “You don’t belong here.” Alicia quivered at Pam’s harsh words. It’s not like she had a choice, she was under contract! Her stomach groaned forebodingly as the dark pit of unease grew inside her. Pam continued. “You better watch yourself, you fraud. If you try to outshine my princess and cause her to lose me money, I’ll make sure people know you’re a disgusting freak who pretends she’s a child.” Alicia tried to stammer out a reply, but she was too afraid of the woman and her mind started racing about what Pam could convince people about her. At the thought, her body and intestines shook wildly, trying to process the baby food she’d eaten during the shoot. Alicia’s body betrayed her as she let out a low fart. She got even lower and glared at Alicia. “And if I get wind you talked to someone about our conversation, it’ll happen a lot quicker than you think.” She poked Alicia in the chest with a fat finger. “So. Know. Your. Place.” Alicia stood paralyzed as tears started forming in her eyes. Her stress-levels hit a new high, accumulating into an uncontrollable pressure in her abdomen. She let out another fart, undisguised by her padding and with a slight groan, she started filling her pull-up. She was too shook up to stop the upcoming wave,and bend her legs as a veritable mudslide streamed into her training pants. The pressure on her bowels caused her bladder to release and soon it joined in and warmed up the front of her pull-up. Pamela looked at Alicia with disgust and grabbed hold of her daughter. “Ugh, goddamn freak, maybe you actually belong in diapers.” She turned around and left, dragging Claire behind her. Still as a mouse, Alicia continued to expel mushy feces into the back of her diaper, tears rolling down her cheek. Unfortunately for the little model, her pull-up wasn’t made to withstand such an onslaught and soon started overflowing, urine and stool slowly flowing down her legs staining her cargo pants. Alicia sobbed as she felt her accident down her legs. After a moment she managed to find enough strength to go back into the agency, dragging her backpack behind her. She couldn’t walk home in this condition. Inside, Sofia had wrapped up her phonecall and witnessed the crying girl. She rushed out. “Alicia, what’s wrong?” she said concerned, and then scrunched up her face as the smell hit her. “Oh sweetie, did you have an accident?” She said genuinely worried, but it only made Alicia wail harder from embarrassment. She waddled up to Sofia and hugged her legs, bawling her eyes out. Sofia leaned down and picked up the little girl, trying not to smear her accident any further. “Hey, these things happen sometimes, it’s okay,” she spoke softly in her ear, like she would a small child. Alicia was unconsolable, and Sofia had to take matters into her own hand. She carried her to the changing room and put her on the changing table. She took out the usual supplies and carefully removed the stained cargo pants. Fortunately, Alicia’s blowout wasn’t as bad as her previous one and her shirt remained clean. Still, the pull-up was absolutely decimated, and Sofia meticulously ripped it and started cleaning Alicia. Alicia let it happen, too distraught to care that Sofia wasn’t obligated to clean this mess up. She wanted nothing more than to be clean and to know things would be alright. She felt herself longing for her mother’s gentle embrace, which caused her to cry louder. Sofia went through several wipes before she felt her little model was clean enough. She almost unconsciously took out a Stars diaper to put on Alicia, but she riffled through the girls’s backpack and produced another pull-up instead. She slid it up the now hiccuping model and gently lifted her into a hug. “There you go, Alicia. All clean now, no more messy bum,” Sofia said, holding her tightly. Alicia sobbed into Sofia’s embrace, trying to calm down. Her manager suspected that she wasn’t just crying just because of her accident. “Hey, what’s wrong?” she said softly. “Did something happen?” Alicia tried getting her bearings and tell Sofia what had transpired, but the malicious voice of Pam echoed through her mind and she felt her throat seize up. The threats of being exposed overpowered her, and she found herself lying to her manager. “N-no, j-just didn’t make it in t-time.” Sofia raised an eyebrow, but just held onto Alicia until the girl’s breath started becoming less labored and calmer. Alicia breathed in Sofia’s scent once more, triggering a feeling of trust and security and eventually she stopped shaking. “Do you want me to call your mother, Alicia?” Sofia asked. Alicia shook her head again, still clinging onto Sofia. “N-no, I can make it home…but I need my spare pants from the locker.” Sofia couldn’t just disentangle Alicia from her embrace to get the pants as Alicia didn’t want to let go. “Okay, let’s go get them,” she said and carried the little girl out into the hallway and to her locker. Thankfully it was only the two of them, so Alicia didn’t fear having her pull-up exposed. Sofia opened the locker and found Alicia’s spare pants in the duffel bag, helping her to put them on. Sofia looked like she knew things couldn’t be as simple as an accident, but she seemed to respect Alicia’s wishes and didn’t press the issue. She stroked the girl’s hair tenderly as she sat with her until Alicia slowly let go by her own. “You sure you’re okay to go home by yourself?” Alicia nodded. “I-I’ll be fine, Sofia. Just a bit tired is all.” “Very well, but text me when you’re home, okay? I want to make sure you’re safe.” Alicia might have been offended by such a statement in the past unless it came from Emily or Lily, but Sofia made her feel secure, perhaps even loved? It reminded Alicia of her mother. “O-okay, I promise,” Alicia said. “Good girl,” Sofia smiled and followed her to the doors, watching as Alicia walked down the streets back to her house. The pants had been wrapped in plastic bag and stuffed into Alicia’s backpack. At home, Alicia retrieved her soiled pants, finding them ruined. They reeked with her earlier accident, which made her tear up slightly. She sighed and put them back in the plastic bag, wondering how she would explain it to her mother. She sat down on the couch and messaged Sofia that she was home safely. Then she curled up and sobbed quietly. Soon she collapsed on the pillow, exhausted.1 point
Chapter 27: As Charlie sat in the chair beside Jacob’s bed, the conversation slowly shifted from small talk to something more personal. Charlie leaned in a little, his voice dropping to a softer tone. “So, I moved out about two years ago,” Charlie explained, glancing down at his lap as if recalling the details. “Mrs. Williams set me up really well. Found a new place for me and everything. But… well, I’m not exactly living on my own.” Jacob raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “What do you mean?” Charlie gave a sheepish smile. “I moved in with someone Mrs. Williams knows. A family friend. Her name’s Mrs. Turner. She’s… well, let’s just say she’s a lot like Mrs. Williams. She takes care of me the same way.” Jacob blinked, still trying to wrap his head around everything. “So, you’re still…?” “Yeah,” Charlie said with a nod, clearly not embarrassed by it. “I’m still in diapers, and Mrs. Turner handles all the rules. Diaper checks, changes, everything. It’s just like it was here.” Jacob couldn’t hide his surprise. He had assumed that once Charlie left Mrs. Williams’ care, he would have gone back to a normal life. But now he realized that this treatment wasn’t temporary—it was something that followed Charlie to his new home. Charlie shrugged, sensing Jacob’s thoughts. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. You get used to it. Honestly, it takes a lot of the pressure off. I don’t have to worry about, you know, accidents or anything. Mrs. Turner’s really kind, like Mrs. Williams.” Jacob was about to respond when he heard the soft footsteps of Mrs. Williams returning. His stomach twisted slightly with nerves, remembering her promise to check on him. She entered the room with a smile, carrying the thermometer in hand. “Alright, Jacob,” she said sweetly, “let’s see how you’re doing.” Jacob’s face immediately flushed. He shifted uncomfortably under the blanket, fully aware of what was about to happen. Mrs. Williams didn’t seem to notice—or, more likely, she didn’t care—as she moved toward his bed. Charlie, sitting beside him, didn’t even flinch. He had clearly been through this before, and it didn’t faze him. Jacob, on the other hand, felt his heart race with embarrassment as Mrs. Williams pulled back the covers and rolled him onto his tummy. “I’m just going to check your temperature again, honey,” she said in her usual soothing voice. Without hesitation, she pulled down the back of Jacob’s diaper, exposing him right in front of Charlie. Jacob squeezed his eyes shut, mortified. He could feel the cool air against his skin as Mrs. Williams inserted the thermometer, holding it in his bottom as she hummed softly to herself. Charlie, meanwhile, remained completely unfazed. He didn’t look away or act awkward. In fact, he started talking as if nothing unusual was happening. “So, last night…” Charlie began, looking at Mrs. Williams. “I, uh, had a little trouble following the rules. Mrs. Turner had to punish me.” Mrs. Williams glanced up from where she was holding the thermometer, her expression concerned but not surprised. “Oh dear, what happened?” Charlie shrugged, his tone casual. “I didn’t come home on time after class. Mrs. Turner gave me plenty of warnings, but I was late anyway. She wasn’t too happy about it.” Jacob lay there, feeling the seconds stretch on as Mrs. Williams listened intently. The thermometer beeped softly, signaling that it was time, but Mrs. Williams didn’t pull it out right away. She kept her focus on Charlie as she spoke. “And how did Mrs. Turner handle your misbehavior?” she asked, gently sliding the thermometer out and patting Jacob’s bottom before pulling his diaper back up. Charlie shifted in his seat, clearly not embarrassed to talk about it. “She spanked me on my bare bottom same as you used to. Pretty hard, too. But I deserved it.” Mrs. Williams nodded approvingly, finally turning her attention back to Jacob as she read the thermometer. “Good for Mrs. Turner. You know that kind of behavior needs consequences.” Charlie agreed, his voice calm. “Yeah. I felt bad afterward, but honestly, I was grateful for the spanking. It helps me stay on track.” Jacob, still lying on his stomach, couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Here was Charlie, casually talking about being punished like a child, and yet he was… grateful? It was surreal. Mrs. Williams smiled warmly at Charlie. “I’m proud of you for accepting your punishment, Charlie. You’ve always been such a good boy when it comes to following the rules.” Charlie smiled back. “Thanks, Mrs. Williams. I’m trying.” Jacob, on the other hand, felt utterly humiliated. The fact that they were having this conversation while Mrs. Williams had just taken his temperature in such a personal way made the whole thing feel even more surreal. “Well,” Mrs. Williams said, turning her attention back to Jacob, “your fever’s going down, sweetie. That’s a good sign.” Jacob nodded weakly, still red-faced from the entire situation. Mrs. Williams tucked him back in, smoothing the blanket over him with a tender touch. “You boys stay put while I get some more tea,” she said cheerfully, leaving the room with a soft hum. As soon as she was gone, Jacob let out a long sigh, feeling a wave of relief now that the moment was over. Charlie, however, looked completely at ease, as if nothing strange had just happened. “See?” Charlie said with a small grin. “Told you—you get used to it.” Jacob gave a half-hearted laugh, still feeling mortified. “I don’t know if I ever will.” Charlie chuckled. “Trust me, man. You will.”1 point
A quick announcement: I've changed my username from MinnesotaWriter to AB_DeLane. A.B. DeLane is the pen name I use for my books on Amazon, and, as it's what I'm using every else I post, I figured it made sense to finally get it updated her as well. Chapter 41: Of Course There was no way this was actually happening to me. I stood, frozen in place, my mouth slightly ajar as I watched all of my carefully laid plans tumble to the ground like I had just pulled the wrong piece out of a Jenga tower. Three long, painful years of longing. Months of careful planning. All the humiliation and embarrassment I’d allowed myself to endure to get to the point of having pull-ups of my own. All of it completely unraveled because, of course, I had to run into Hannah again at the worst possible moment. There was a look of recognition in Hannah’s eyes that signaled something far more than just recognizing a friend of her cousin that she had met once before. She knew. She knew exactly what this cabin was for. She knew why she had been assigned to it. She knew why every other girl in the room was here rather than in any of the dozens of other cabins in these campgrounds. Hannah knew that I was a bedwetter. My mouth felt dry as her eyes flicked down to my bag, then back up. She probably even knew that there was more than regular underwear tucked away inside my duffle bag. My mind raced through all the possible excuses I could make for myself. What if I pretended that I must have been assigned to the wrong cabin? I could deny being a bedwetter and just keep the pull-ups out of sight all week long. But that wouldn’t do. I had to imagine that this news would find a way of getting back to my parents. I couldn’t see any way of talking myself out of that situation. “Oh, my goodness. Maddy!” Hannah raced across the cabin to me, and without asking any permission, she flung her arms around me in a big hug. I responded by giving her a tentative pat on the back before slithering out of her grasp and taking a step backward. As I gave myself a tiny bit of breathing room from Hannah, whose face was still beaming with excitement, I caught a brief flash of purple sticking out of the top of her shorts before her shirt shifted back down again. The three other girls who had arrived before me, who hadn’t paid much attention when I had first entered the cabin, were all looking up and staring at us now. The only person who didn’t seem to care was the counselor, Amy, who was staring disinterestedly at her cell phone as she waited by the door for the remaining campers to arrive. “Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.” The girl closest to us had stood up from where she was seated on a bed on the other side of the room. Both of her hands were clasped across her face. She looked back and forth between Maddy and me, her long French braid waving rapidly from side to side. “Like, you guys know each other? From, like, outside of camp?” “Yes!” Hannah exclaimed a little too loudly. Know was a bit strong of a word for me and Hannah, in my opinion. I’d only met her a couple times, and only because she was a cousin of one of my friends. The girl looked back and forth between us again. “And you both know what this cabin is for, right?” I looked down at my feet. “It’s for soccer players,” Hannah ventured. The girl just started laughing. “Like, you guys seriously didn’t know about each other before this?” I remembered that I wasn’t actually supposed to know that Hannah was a bedwetter. I’d caught a glimpse of the pull-ups she wore during the day – the same as the ones I wore at night – when Hannah had come with me and my friends to the park. Her cousin, Emma, had then explained to me about how Hannah still wasn’t fully toilet trained – a fact she attributed to her cousin’s autism. It was only later that I noticed the diaper in the garbage at Emma’s place. I then discovered the plain white diapers that Hannah wore to bed each night when I discreetly rummaged through her suitcase. I looked up at Hannah. The confused expression on her face made me wonder how much she actually understood about the situation. Clap. Clap. Clap. I turned to look at the corner, where another girl was slowly clapping her hands together. “It’s because we all still piss the bed at night. Yippy Ki Yay,” the girl said sarcastically as she let the clapping come to a stop. “And now you know.” “Oh, shut up, Maya,” said the girl on the bed next to her. “You’re only mad because you lost the bet we made that you wouldn’t be back in this cabin again.” “I’m not doing it,” Maya said as she crossed her arms. Our counselor finally chimed in, though she didn’t even look up from her phone. “I seem to recall you making a pretty big deal about it last time.” “I don’t even care about pissing the bed. I was just hoping I’d be rid of you this year,” Maya retorted. “Well,” the counselor said, “judging by what I saw you unpack, I’d say you are still very much out of luck. Stuck with me for one more week.” “So what,” Maya said. “I get to graduate from this cabin at least, unlike you.” I was so caught up in the feud – I wondered what the terms of that bet had been – that I nearly forgot about Hannah for a few seconds. I turned to face Hannah again. Her eyes were wider than I thought was humanly possible. “You... wear diapers?” Hannah whispered, her eyes wide, voice trembling with awe. “Pull-ups,” I said tartly. “They are pull-ups, not diapers.” I paused, wanting to make the distinction between myself and Hannah clear. “And I only wear them at night.” “Aww, is someone embarrassed?” the girl who had won the bet with Maya said. She had gotten up from her spot in the corner and walked up to Hannah and me. I just glared at her. “Chill,” she said. “I’m just teasing. We’re in the same boat, after all.” “Boat?” Hannah asked. “This is a cabin.” I grit my teeth together. The thought of spending an entire week trapped in this cabin with Hannah twisted my stomach into knots. The girl rolled her eyes. “The camp doesn’t know what to do with us bedwetters, so they just toss us together in one cabin for the week. “Oh,” Hannah said. “I’m Chloe, by the way,” she said. “You guys all wet the bed at night? And you wear diapers?” Hannah blurted out before I had a chance to introduce myself. My face burned again at her insistence on referring to pull-ups as diapers. I was really ready for the topic to be dropped until tonight. I was not nearly as prepared as I thought I was to be talking about bedwetting amid a bunch of strangers, especially now that I had to be much more careful about my answers with Hannah around. “Duh,” Chloe said. “It would be kind of weird if I was assigned to this cabin and didn’t wear them.” “I wear them during the day, too,” Hannah said excitedly. Chloe raised her eyebrows at Hannah’s sudden, unprompted confession, but Hannah continued on, completely oblivious. “Do you wear them... like... during the day, too?” Hannah asked, her voice rising at the end as if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “No,” Chloe replied, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Wait, you seriously do?” “Yeah,” Hannah said. “Sometimes I don’t notice that I need to go to the bathroom.” “Ok, yeah, that’s…” Chloe’s voice trailed off into an awkward silence. I realized belatedly that I probably was supposed to appear surprised by this revelation as well. Hannah didn’t know that I had gotten a glimpse of the pull-up under her shorts that other day or that her own cousin had spilled the tea on her condition. I made a show of looking down at Hannah’s waist and back up at her. “Wait, for real?” “How did you not know about each other?” the girl with the French braid asked, joining back in on the conversation. “We’ve only met a couple of times, actually,” I said, rushing to answer the question before Hannah could. “She’s a cousin of one of my friends.” “I see,” the girl said. “I’m Hailey.” “Maddy,” I said. Hailey looked expectantly at Hannah for a few seconds. “And you are?” “Hannah.” <><><> What followed were a bunch of introductions as I desperately tried to steer the topic of conversation to anything other than diapers. Maya and Chloe, who had lost the bet, were both entering eighth grade like me. This was Maya’s third year at the camp, while it was Chloe’s second. I tried to ask what it was that Maya had to do since she lost the bet, but she only scowled and refused to answer me while Chloe was reduced to giggling excitedly. When Chloe finally managed to stop laughing, she assured me that I would find out by the end of the week. Hailey, a soon-to-be sixth grader who was tall and skinny for her age, was a first-timer like Hannah and me. What annoyed me was that I couldn’t seem to shake Hannah. She followed me everywhere around the cabin, standing at the edge of every conversation I was having, hovering just off to the side of me. It was like she couldn’t stop talking about it — every conversation with Hannah circled back to the same embarrassing question. “Are you a bedwetter too?” It was as if she had no sense of discretion, no understanding of how horrifying it was to hear that question aloud, especially in front of others. Each time she said it, my body tensed, a fresh wave of embarrassment coursing through me, my cringe almost painful as I braced myself each time. What ended up saving me was her noticing that Hailey had a Gryffindor pin on her backpack. I slipped back to my bed as soon as Hannah started chatting away about Harry Potter, leaving Hailey stuck in that rather one-sided conversation. I knew I would need to unpack my stuff eventually, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it yet. I suddenly felt rather self-conscious about my pull-ups, but not for the normal reasons a bedwetter might feel that way. I stared at my duffle bag, the childish designs on my pull-ups swimming in my mind. They were cute... but not in a good way. Not in the way I needed them to be. Compared to the plain white diapers Hannah wore at night, mine looked like they belonged in a daycare. What if everyone else had something like hers? Something neutral, something that didn’t scream that I’m still a kid. I took a deep breath as I pulled out my phone and sat on the bed I had claimed. I wasn’t really planning on doing anything on the mobile device. I just wanted to look busy enough to not be bothered while I collected my thoughts. I hadn’t counted on running into anyone I knew. I had pondered the then worst-case scenario of meeting another girl I had played with or against in years past in the bedwetter cabin, but I had figured my secret would be safe under those circumstances. After all, we both would be mutually motivated to keep silent. But Hannah? How could I possibly be expected to entrust a secret of this magnitude to her? Was she even smart enough to do so? Besides, both my friends were already aware of Hannah’s need for diapers at night. I couldn’t use that leverage to keep her quiet. There was one factor going in my favor. I was fortunate that I had met Hannah earlier this summer. If camp had been our first meeting, and I hadn’t realized she was Emma’s cousin until later on, that would have put me in an even more precarious position. I shuddered at the thought of that scenario. All my worries about how I would handle being around a bunch of other bedwetters seemed miniscule in comparison to the question of how I would handle things when Hannah’s family moved into my neighborhood. What would Hannah say about me? Would she be willing to keep my secret? And even if she was willing to do so, could I trust her not to accidentally let it slip? The remaining three campers arrived in the next fifteen minutes, with Isabell, Olivia, and Lily bringing the group of bedwetting campers to eight. Like Hanah and myself, Isabell and Olivia were both first-timers at the camp. Neither appeared to be surprised to have been placed in Cabin B, as Amy kept referring it to when she checked the new arrivals off of her list. The last arrival at our cabin, Lily, like Maya and Chloe, had been coming for three straight years. I watched as Olivia unpacked her suitcase full of clothes by unzipping it and unceremoniously dumping all the contents out on top of her bed before stuffing them haphazardly into the dresser. I tried to avoid staring as Olivia rummaged through the pile of clothes on her bed. I was sitting on my own bed, pretending to be distracted by my phone while actually attempting to get a glimpse at what sort of nighttime protection Olivia might have brought with her. My eyes gravitated to Olivia’s bed as she unpacked, my breath catching when I glimpsed something white and crinkly in her pile of clothes. I strained to see more, my heart thudding in my chest, but Olivia shifted, blocking my view. Was that... another diaper? Or pull-ups like mine? My curiosity buzzed, but I forced myself to look away, acting nonchalant, even as my stomach churned with nerves. From outside, I caught a few words of some announcement that was playing on the loudspeaker. “Alright, everyone,” Amy said. “We can finish unpacking later. We’ve got orientation, dinner, and some games to play.” Amy looked over at Hannah. “Make sure to grab anything you need since we won’t be back until it’s time to get ready for bed.” I tucked my phone in my backpack after getting up from the bed. This pair of shorts didn’t have any pockets, and I didn’t think I’d need it for anything. No sooner had I done that then Hannah was right back beside me. She was wearing a small drawstring athletic bag on her back and was holding her noise-reducing headphones in one hand. Everyone else was out the door when Hannah turned and asked me a question. “We’re friends, right?” Hannah asked, her voice small, her hands fumbling awkwardly with her noise-reducing earmuffs. For a moment, I hesitated, forcing my lips into what I hoped was a sincere smile. The beginnings of a new plan were forming in the back of my head, a way in which I might actually manage to salvage this situation. My secret had to be kept, and I was willing to do anything to keep it. Even if that meant having to pretend to Hannah that I was her friend. “Of course.” --- Links to all my stories can be found at https://abdlwriter.wordpress.com/1 point
Congrats, @Babyhawkeye - four years is a major accomplishment. You are well past the experimental stage - this is your life now. I'm in a similar place to you with respect to wetting - I am definitely not incontinent, I have to initiate events, at least while I am awake, but I don't remember doing it sometimes, because I'm doing it like every 20 - 45 minutes. I don't push, I just release, and sometimes it can be hard to tell when the "event" has ended - I seem to be able to dribble for a while. At night, I wet the bed sometimes, but it's inconsistent - more often than not, I wake up and allow it to happen, but then a couple of times a week, I wake up wet with no recollection of how it happened. I've soaked the bed before when in a bad position - cloth diapers are better overnight than disposables. Constrained supply is a nightmare that I don't wish on anyone. I am fortunate in that I have been able to stock up during sales, although sales are less common up here in the Soon-to-be-Frozen North (Canada); I see with Envy the 75% off Bambino emails, but Bambino doesn't ship up here right now (they have before). Rearz used to do a couple of really good sales a year, buy one get one half off, that kind of thing, but lately they only run sales on discontinued products or clothing and accessories. I am hoping that their Black Friday sale is significant enough to make it worth stocking up. Cloth diapers are a great way to stretch a budget, and some people here have had success with thrift stores, although you don't get much of a choice with respect to brands, and it definitely helps if you are a common size. I wish you all the best and I will follow your journey with interest, my fellow Diapernaut.1 point
Sounds like you found the man of your dreams which is fab - but you shouldn't purely base your relationship on his acceptance of your diaper fetish. Seems he is open to accepting your kink but it's not something he's into (at least at the moment) - which is understandable. And you have to consider the possibility this is a part of you he'll never want to be a part of. And if that's going to be the case, it's likely to put a real strain on the relationship at some point. AB/DL play is an important part of who you are and you need the freedom and confidence to express that openly with a supporting partner. Of course, you need to respect their boundaries such as dressing and changing you - but if they tell you it's something you'll need to do in private when they're not around, it's not going to work. It's not guaranteed to succeed, but you need to really open up to him, educate him on what diapers mean for you and why, and give him time and space to think, reflect, and respond. Plus, at the same time, try to immerse yourself into supporting his needs, whatever they may be. Wish you both all the best and hope it works out.1 point
Perhaps there is one additional criterion to check before opting for incontinence surgery: Do you like being embarrassed or do you enjoy public humiliation?1 point
Hi and welcome to DD. Can’t blame you, for taking time before really jumping in here. But it really is a good place, with lots of good likeminded people. We are all a kinda work in progress. Come in, and make yourself at home. If any questions, just ask. Relax, have fun, and enjoy! Love the very cute dress, by the way, and your hairdresser does fine work.1 point
Hey everybody! First time poster, longggggg time lurker (and I DO mean LONG. Like, 15+ years at least). Here is a little story I have been cooking up. It’s your standard fare “be careful what you wish for story”. Not meant to revolutionize the ABDL fiction game or anything, but just some nice, hot material for those who want it. It started out as prompts for captions I was planning to make, but ended up 6,000+ words, soooo...oops! Anyways, enjoy! Feedback/encouragement is always appreciated. Love our community- love you all! Stephanie’s Descent Stephanie was a beautiful, petite young lady of 26 who seemed to be grabbing the world by the horns. She had a job in an office doing clerical work while she was in school to become a lawyer, and had a sexy boyfriend named Mark. Sure, she felt insecure in her mature office suits, looking up at one well-dressed man or woman after another from her small stature with her girlishly cute looks. And sure, she had her suspicions that Mark was being unfaithful to her with another friend of hers. Yes, the schoolwork was intense and difficult, and despite her being so charming, this caused her on more than one occasion to be snippy or bratty to her other classmates. But Stephanie did not worry about this. Things would work themselves out. They always seemed to for girls who had it all, like her... One rocky living situation after another led her to have ask her mother if she could return home while she continued to work and study hard. It was a blow to Stephanie’s ego, but her mother Karen was secretly ecstatic. Karen supposed she should be happy for the strides in adulthood that Stephanie was making, but at times she would be so mad about the passage of time that she would do anything to get her little girl back. She would shake these thoughts from her head, as she already had an 18-month-old chubby baby girl to contend with named Lily. Lily’s father quickly left after Karen gave birth, making Karen all the more protective of her girls. She would use this time to impose motherly control and rules on Stephanie, whether she liked it or not. Plus, she could use a helper with Lily, so Stephanie added “caregiver” to her growing list of responsibilities... Stephanie stared down at Lily sleeping in her crib. She smiled and took a deep whiff of the smells of her baby sister’s nursery. Baby powder, baby wipes and the distinct smell of Pampers danced around her nostrils as she sighed, looking around the pink nursery adorned with infantile motifs of baby Disney characters and Winnie the Pooh. “I wonder what it would be like to be a baby again.” Stephanie wondered out loud as she headed over to the changing table. “No adult responsibilities- just toys, and baby shows and....diapers.” She felt a tingle shoot through her as she caressed the crinkly padding piled high under the changing table, imaging herself wearing it. “Oh sure, it would be SO embarrassing, but it might be kinda fun.” Stephanie bit her finger and looked around nervously. Her little shaved pussy throbbing and juices dripping into her panties, she took a breath and yanked her pants down. Then came her now soaked underwear. And now she stood in her baby sister’s nursery, naked from her bellybutton down, except for a cute pair of socks, ready to do something girls her age should not even be considering... Stephanie grabbed one of Lily’s diapers and a bottle of baby powder and placed it deliberately on top of the changing table. She took a big breath, unable to believe she was about to do what she planned to do and hoisted herself up onto the white padded surface. The cool, slick plastic of the changing surface caressing her bare bottom and privates sent another jolt of tingles through her body. Lying on her back she opened the thick diaper and gently fluffed it out to ready it to wear. Just like she did for her baby sister countless times. “If everybody could see me now! I wonder what they would say.” Stephanie again wondered aloud, this time with a chuckle. She bit her lip, lifted her small, perfectly smooth butt and slid the Pampers underneath her. She plopped her tushy down on the waiting, thirsty padding and shuddered as she began to feel more and more like a baby every second. She shook out a liberal amount of sweet-smelling baby powder over her already somewhat infantile looking, perfectly shaved crotch. Her heart was pounding as the mix of nursery aromas and baby sensations brought back feelings of helplessness and memories of daycare. She pulled the diaper up snugly in between her legs and taped it shut tightly against her. She knew from countless shopping trips previously that baby Lily wore the biggest size Pampers available on the market, being a chubby baby and all. The baby diaper fit Stephanie’s slender frame like a glove. She nearly spasmed as she looked down to see Sesame Street characters smiling up and waving at her from the top of the diaper. No, it was HER diaper now. The padding was thick, and almost oppressive, as it pressed securely into her most sensitive areas. The sensation was undeniably babyish. Even slight movements of her butt or legs caused a tell-tale crinkle to emit from her new infant underwear. Her powered pussy encased in her Pampers was dripping with a level of excitement she had never felt before. She was in pure baby bliss. She hopped off the changing table and waddled up to the full-length mirror near Lily’s crib. She was unable to stop herself from toddling, the thick diapers forcing her legs apart and causing an embarrassingly cute cascade of crinkles to follow her as she moved. She looked at herself in the mirror, her large puppy eyes and small figure complimenting her new choice of babyish undergarments. She giggled innocently and smiled as she examined her diapers from all sides. Caressing the outer padding and pulling them up tighter between her legs, she checked out her butt while moaning. Every touch and every movement cause the soft insides of her Pampers to further stroke and rub against her now incredibly sensitive clit, making her purr with pleasure. She looked to her right and glanced down at her still sleeping baby sister. Her gaze shot back to her reflection in the mirror, she popped her thumb in her mouth and in the most babyish voice she could muster exclaimed “More!” She giggled, twirled her hair and began bouncing in place. “More! More! More!” She chirped as she set about the nursery to further enhance her naughty, but incredibly pleasurable experience. Stephanie practically skipped over to Lily’s Winnie the Pooh dresser and threw open the drawers to rummage for more goodies to complete her immersion into babyhood. She practically ripper her halter-top off and unhooked her bra in an instant, letting her pert little breasts bounce free as she did so. She pulled from the dresser the biggest shirt she could find- a nursery yellow My Little Pony shirt featuring cartoon ponies hugging each other on the front. The immature shirt clung to her tightly, barely stretching down to her navel, and holding her small tits close to her chest, making her look flatter than ever. From the top drawer she pulled a small hairbrush and two hair ties with two bright pink plastic balls attached to them. With a sense of urgency, she deftly secured her brown hair into two high pigtails on top of her head. She fished around in the top drawer for a little while longer until she found what she sought, an all-white pacifier with a pink ring on the front of it. She popped in her mouth and almost bit down on the nipple with the surge of pleasure she felt from debasing herself even further from her adult self. She crinkled back up to the full-length mirror with a waddle and gasped at the reflection greeting her. From head to toe she looked every bit a baby- not a day older than her sister Lily. Gone were the fancy suits she wore in the office. Gone were the trendy clothes she wore to stay noticed in college. Gone were the date night dresses she donned to look sexy for her boyfriend Mark. Here she stood completely raw and infantilized for the world. She looked so cute and babyish it was humiliating. She blushed at her appearance and her rosy cheeks only served to make her look MORE like an infant. She looked down and felt her body to make sure it was really her she was looking at in the mirror. She had never felt more infantile or embarrassed. The butterflies in her tummy and the warmth wetness she felt in her private parts signaled to her only one thing...she loved this. End of part 1. I will most definitely be posting more!1 point
The day that changes everything Chapter 2 As the new day dawned, Alex made his way to work. The office was peacefully quiet as he walked in, only to find the lights switched on, signaling that someone else had arrived before him. Not giving it much thought, he signed in, returned to his desk, and hung his jacket. Something caught his eye as he sat down to log in on his computer. An animated pink bag lay on the floor beside his desk. Intrigued, Alex leaned in for a closer look, only to realize that it wasn't just any bag – it was a diaper bag! The perplexing sight met his eyes - a strange and embarrassing presence staring directly at him. At that exact moment, Bea arrived, adding to the already bewildering situation. “Hello, my little friend. Have you been a good boy and remember to put on your soft, comfortable nappy today? Remember what we discussed about keeping clean and dry?" Bea said in a baby tone and with a wide smile. Alex's eyes widened in surprise, and his face flushed with embarrassment. "Listen, Bea, we need to put yesterday behind us," he said earnestly. Bea responded with a gentle smile and a reassuring hush. “Now, don't worry, baby. Can you put on a diaper yourself, or do you need help? Also, please don't insist that you don't have a diaper here, as I discovered your secret storage in your office yesterday.” Bea spoke gently and affectionately. Alex's face twisted into a mask of nervousness as he glanced at her, unsure how to react—time seemed to slow as Bea reached for one of his diapers and placed it in front of him. The weight of the situation intensified as a creeping fear of being caught washed over him. He grabbed it and concealed it under his sweater before vanishing from the room and entering a bathroom. Alex unbuttoned his pants and let them fall, pulling down his panties before unrolling the rustling nappy onto the toilet and sitting down on it. He pulled the fabric tight, adjusted the diaper, and secured it with the tapes. Standing up, he examined himself in the mirror and felt embarrassed as he noticed the redness on his face. As he glanced down, an indescribable sensation flowed through his body when he saw the diaper peeking out from the edge of his boxer shorts. Before pulling up his pants and putting on his shirt and jumper, he couldn't resist the urge to run his hands over the front and back of the diaper, carefully checking to ensure that everything was properly in place. When he returned to the office, Alex found Bea waiting patiently in his chair. Her enchanting smile stretched from ear to ear as she provocatively nibbled on her finger. The alluring sight and her suggestive gaze left Alex captivated, unsure how to react. Bea flashed a mischievous smile, rose from the chair, walked over to him, and delicately patted the back of his pants, producing the familiar rustling sound. “Good boy, see you later, little one,” Bea said as her beautiful hips moved out of the room. Alex diligently worked through his tasks, focusing on the paperwork awaiting invoicing. Despite his efforts, his gaze wandered to the pink diaper bag on the floor. It sparked a mix of curiosity, excitement, and unease within him. The bag remained untouched, yet its presence continued to captivate his attention, distracting him from his work. His eyes were fixed on the diaper bag, and Bea's eyes passed by with a big smile. Alex's face turned red, and he continued working. He struggled to hold it in, but before long, the familiar urgency to pee set in. Desperately trying to control it, he eventually succumbed to the pressure, feeling the warm release as he remained seated and worked on it for a while. As time passed, Alex walked around; he felt discomfort in his now swollen diaper, although it wasn't that noticeable to others. The pain persisted as he engaged in conversations with his colleague, and then Bea approached from behind and touched him in that swollen area. Alex could feel the sound of muted laughter, although no one else seemed to have noticed except for him, as her lips were at his ear. “So lovely conversation you have with our colleagues. While you are having such a nice conversation, wet yourself again,” said Bea in a detriment but silent tone as her hand was still Invisible between his legs. Her small hand tightened, exerting gentle pressure, while her head nestled against his upper back, giving the illusion of resting on Alex's shoulders. As his nerves trembled, her grip intensified, seeking reassurance. Alex finally released the pressure as it started to flow, and the diaper swelled again. Her whispering sound returned to his ear, “Good boy,” before she disappeared. In front of his colleagues, with whom Alex shared a strong bond of friendship, he stood nervously and allowed his emotions to pour out. He quivered with the fear that his wet diaper would be exposed, but at the same time, he experienced a sensation that sent tingles down Alex's spine, something he hadn't felt in quite some time. As he made his way back to his office, he encountered Bea. Delicately, Alex invited her into the office, portraying a facade of normalcy. "Bea, I cannot continue wearing this wet diaper; it's full." Her gaze intensified as her lips stretched into a broader smile. Slowly, she advanced a few steps nearer. "Yes," she said with a smile, "I can feel it swelling and getting thicker. That's a good sign." Bea said. Once again, Alex's gaze was drawn to the pink diaper bag on the floor. He felt himself flushing as he met her gaze in return. Bea fixed her gaze on the nappy bag, her eyes lingering. "Your eyes keep falling on the nappy bag; why do you fear it so much? Are you curious about what's inside?” she asked, her expression filled with curiosity and a smile. Alex's eyes widened in fear as his hands shook uncontrollably. "Why is that pink, thick diaper bag sitting there? Is it meant for me?" Bea's lips curved into a gentle smile as she met his gaze. Her eyes then drifted down to the bag resting at her feet. With a delicate touch, she raised it, running her fingers along the smooth fabric. The fear in Alex's eyes was once again unmistakable, and his whole body quivered with an unspoken fear. "It seems you fear it so much; why?” Bea said with a questioning look. As Alex gazed at the bag, a rush of fear and curiosity enveloped him, seemingly bringing time to a standstill. The burning question lingered in his mind, "What could be inside? Is it meant for...?" As her eyes widened with surprise, a gentle smile spread across Bea’s face as she observed Alex's complex mix of fear and excitement. With deliberate care, she lifted the bag, slowly began to open it, paused, and then closed it again while maintaining her smile. “It's beautiful, don't you agree?" Bea smiled, her voice filled with laughter. With those words, she turned away with the bag and continued to walk out. Feeling increasingly nervous, Alex reached out and gingerly touched her shoulder. At that moment, she abruptly pivoted around to face him. Her intense eyes locked onto his, piercing him like bullets. Alex experienced a fierce wave of desperation that gradually turned into pure horror. "Bea, I need to change right away. I can't imagine driving back home in this wet diaper." "That nappy stays on; you won't be allowed to change it before I say so. Do you understand that!” she said, her voice firm and her gaze unwavering, conveying a clear message with authority. Alex's expression turned into a frown as he contemplated his options. He couldn't possibly go home looking like this. "What if someone sees me when I arrive home?" "I don't give a shit if your wife sees you wearing that diaper. It's your fantasy, your wish. You will keep it on, but I'll let you take it off when you get home because I feel generous today. I want a photo of you showing me that the diaper is still on when you come home. Enjoy yourself, my dear little one. I'll see you tomorrow," Bea said with a warm smile as she walked out.1 point
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