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  1. It turned out that winter was not so awesome. Surprisingly enough, it turned out that spending weeks inside a stone compound with the same people, with no ability to go outside, could turn pretty maddening after a while. But it was the boredom really. That was the worst part for sure. Oh sure, some of them found things to keep busy. Miyuki pushed herself to her limits everyday. Training, practicing, beating the punching bag until she nearly tore it from the ceiling. It looked exhausting, but Miyuki seemed to enjoy herself. Tali buried herself in her work, inventing stuff and working on tech. She wanted to work on Mr. Happy, but the robot refused to let her near. Rain didn't blame him. Tali was a genius to be sure, but a lot of her inventions had a habit of blowing up. The first few times anyway. Tali also spent some time making medicinal chems like stim-packs. Gabriel was the only one who went outside, his power armor let him roam the outside, through the feet of snow that would burn a person's skin. He would be gone for weeks, coming back with supplies or scrap. When he wasn't outside, he was in the garage fixing his armor, sometimes upgrading it. For the first week or so, Rain thought Miles would go crazy with all the sitting around. He paced about the place like a caged animal, his thoughts a whirlwind. His anger was always bubbling just under the surface. Then one day he just…..stopped. He stopped and settled down and did……nothing. He just sat back and relaxed day after day after day, and that was the most surprising thing Rain had seen. He seemed totally at peace from the outside anyway. Rain was stuck doing nothing. She didn't have the skills to really help the others. As a result she tended to end up getting in the way. Even Tali had “suggested” she find someone else to help. She had read all of her books twice over. She cleaned all the armor and weapons even. But eventually there was nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. She didn’t want to sleep. Her sleep was plagued by nightmares of her shapeless, formless past. So she did nothing. Pulling a Miles is what she called it. The only problem was she sucked at it. She felt like she was going crazy. Then there was Rocco. He sat in his room down the hall and added to her madness. He drank constantly. Maybe he was the only one that cabin fever was affecting more, but it didn’t change the fact that he was becoming a huge pain in her diapered ass. His damn whistling had started up again. Every time he did it, Rain felt like her head would split open. There was something…..something about the tune that filled her with such a sense of dread. And he knew it too. Normally he refrained from doing it, although he would occasionally whistle the song as he was about to finish off an enemy. Rain pulled her pillow over her head, trying to block it out. Why did it hurt her head so much?! When finally she could stand it no longer, she rose from her bed and stomped over to the ghoul’s room. He was in an…..unflattering position to say the least. Clad in only a shirt and boxers, his legs resting upwards against his bed, his back on the floor. It looked as though he had fallen from his bed, and simply not bothered to get up. He lay there amongst piles of bottles of every conceivable type of alcohol. Rocco groaned as he saw her, stopping his infernal whistling. “Puddles! Look everyone, Miss Puddles is here to visit! How’s the winter treating you, Puddles?” Rain clenched her fists and sighed, trying her best to remember that this was the man who had saved her, not just once, but many times since. Still, she hated that nickname. Rocco had thought it up one drunken night and he just loved it. Puddles was not only a play on her name, but also a jab at her condition, as she tended to make….puddles, albeit in diapers. She clutched the side of her head, ignoring the pounding in skull. “You have to stop that whistling, Rocco, you have to stop! I can't take it anymore!” “Oh Puddles! This again? I don't…..get it. It’s a lovely tune, don’t you think? You could use some song in your life, really.” “You know it bothers me. I hate that stupid song! It's like you do it on purpose. Why are you like this? All the drinking, all day, every day. Why?!” Rocco closed his eyes. “Not all of us do so well being cooped up. Too much time….to think. I need action, Puddles.” Rain didn’t know what to say. Seeing Rocco in this condition was just…..sad. “You're going stir crazy, I get it. I am too, believe me. But you can't keep this up. Look at yourself! You're a mess.” Rocco didn’t respond at first. He tried to get right side up, but ended up slipping. Rain sighed to herself and helped him back into bed. He looked like he was fading fast. “My mother used to sing that song to us, me and my brother. We didn’t have a pot to piss in, but we had each other I guess. When she died and I left home, that song was the only thing I brought with me. I can't……I don't remember the words anymore though, just the tune. So now I make sure it's the last thing people hear before I kill them, a little taste of home.” “That's a real sweet story, Roc, but you.......you can’t do it around me. Every time I hear it……my head……hurts. No more, okay?” He groaned again, shoving his face into his pillow. “Fine, whatever. Can you get gone now? I feel like I'm gonna pass out at any…..any minute. I don’t need you around….poking in my dreams, yeah? Miyuki told me…..that's some weird talent.” Maybe she shouldn't have felt hurt, but for some reason she did. “Why? I mean…..I don’t know very much about you and it's been almost a year.” “Because, kiddo…..not everyone appreciates having their dreams spied on. You want to know about me, you can just ask me. Privacy, Puddles….it's a thing.” Rain nodded slowly, but the ghoul was already snoring. She covered him up with a blanket and moved for the door. She headed back to her room a bit glum. At least her head had stopped pounding. She took her skirt off and climbed back into her bed. Burying herself in her covers. The bear that Tali had given her was nearby and she grabbed it and hugged it to her chest. “Mr. Fluffyface……why am I so sad?” She sat up a bit as she felt a faint twinge in her bladder. These were rare, as most of the time she never knew she was wet until it had already happened. She almost got out of bed, sure that she could hold it long enough to get to the bathroom. She reached down and felt the pink diaper attached to her waist, a little disheartened that it was already a bit damp. “What's the point?” She asked herself out loud. She let herself relax and felt a steady stream of urine flow into her diaper. Just like that, she was soaked again. She sighed and got up to go find Tali. She headed down the hall. She could hear sparks flying and glass breaking before she even reached the door. Entering Tali’s workshop when she was working was a bit like walking the wasteland. Any step could be your last. Most of Tali’s experiments were volatile at best, and Tali herself was less than an expert in her field. She tended to cobble things together just to see what happened. Rain walked in slowly, stepping over various metal parts and instruments. Tali was at her workbench, a pair of goggles protecting her face. She was muttering to herself as she worked. Whatever her project was, sparks were flying from it. “No…..damn, which wire goes here? These blueprints are so……no that's not right.” Rain had reached her by now. “Tali? Can I borrow you for a minute? Tali? Tali!” Tali was too engrossed in her project and the workshop was too loud anyway. Rain moved a bit closer and tugged gently on Tali’s jumpsuit. “Tali?” Unfortunately, the contact seemed to surprise her. She jumped and sparks flew once more. All the hair on her head seemed to stand up a bit. It was tough to see in the gloom, but it looked like her clothes were smoldering a bit too. “Oh shit. I’m so sorry! You okay?” Rain asked, afraid to touch her again. Tali turned back to her, twitching ever so slightly. “I think my wiring is off…..that hurt a bit.” Rain looked down bashfully. “I was just gonna see…..if you could help me with um…..my diaper real quick?” Tali blinked, her eyes unfocused. “My wiring is off…..damn blueprints……ugh…..I gotta lay down for minute. Bye for now. Wait. Should I sleep? Duh, Tali it's not a concussion just a minor shock. Don't be silly. Sleep is good for the body……yes…..very good. Night.” With that she sat in an old rusty chair and her chin slowly rested on her chest. Rain almost ran for help, but her caretaker seemed to be resting well enough, even if her fingers did twitch a bit. Rain stepped carefully out of the workshop. Miyuki was her next stop. She passed the garage where Gabriel was hard at work with his power armor, attaching something to it’s back. He kept having to lean so he could see with his only eye, as though he forgot at times he was missing his other. I didn’t notice her and she went on her way. Miyuki wasn't in the training room for a change, and Rain thought bitterly that she had grown too accustomed to having her diaper changed by someone else. She should have just done it herself. Instead, she was walking around in just a shirt and her wet, pink diaper, no doubt looking ridiculous. When she turned around she nearly ran into Miles. He seemed in good spirits, and most importantly, he looked healthier. His skin was less pale, there was more life in his eyes than she had ever seen before. Even if he hated it, the rest had clearly done him a lot of good. “Hey there, Rain. If you're looking for Miyuki, I think she went to clean up after training.” “Oh. Well…..I guess I'm going back to my room.” “The mad scientist too busy to help you?” Rain smirked. “Tali’s sorta…..taking a nap. You….may want to check on her in a bit.” “Wait.” Miles said. He looked around, as if trying to figure out what to say. “You….uh….want to do some target practice with me? I got the range all set up.” “Uh……yeah okay. Why not?” She followed Miles into the adjacent room where as promised, the range was set up with mannequins. She was surprised to be honest. Miles was normally very detached and withdrawn. Ever since she had arrived, he had watched over her, but always from a distance, and always she could feel this…..wall that he seemed to project around him to keep everyone at bay. Tali was the only person she had seen him open up to and that was rare. The weapons were lined along the walls. Miles chose an AK-47, a weapon she had never seen him use before. For her part, Rain never liked automatic weapons. She wasn't great at sustained fire and the recoil always hurt her shoulder. She selected her preferred handgun, a 9mm Beretta. She took her spot next to Miles and took aim, taking a deep breath and exhaling as she fired. She had gotten considerably better at aiming with most of her shots connecting square in the dummies chest. She tried for a headshot, but ended up hitting the shoulder. They practiced for some time. It was loud, so talking wasn’t an option. Probably for the best. Rain didn’t think either of them knew what to say to each other. “Sorry. I don't…..well I'm not a big talker as you know. Plus……I don't know, I guess I've always been better talking to boys. I don’t really know what to talk about. I guess I just wanted you to know how glad I am that you joined us. It's been a great pleasure to see you grow and improve. I mean that.” Rain blushed a bit, completely unsure of what to make of this. Miles had never talked like this before, and there was an awkwardness in his speech, as though he was just as uncomfortable as her. Still, he was trying to establish some kind of connection, that was clear. Why was he acting this way? “Uh…..thanks, Miles. Are you okay? I mean…..is everything alright?” Miles thought for a moment before answering. “I joined the Regulators as a child. The man who took me in, George Maxwell, taught me everything I know. He even taught me how to read, which my real father thought was a waste. I remember loved to read about the old Greek myths. Stories of gods and monsters, of great heroes. When we left and came here, I think I felt like a hero, going forth to fight evil. I think we all thought we were heroes.” Rain shrugged. “That is sort of your thing.” He looked at her with an amused smile. “See though, this whole time I thought that I was the hero, I thought everything I did was part of my story. But when I met you……I began to think differently. More and more I began to think that this isn't my story. It's yours, Rain. There’s something about you. I don’t know what, but I'm not the only one whose sensed it. That's why Lady Oro wanted you. You're special. And I know that you're going to be vital for the future of the wasteland.” Rain couldn’t understand what everyone seemed to see in her. There was nothing special about her, she was utterly normal, boring even. The only thing unique about her was the wound that kept her in diapers. Now Miyuki or Gabriel maybe, they were special, they had skills that set them apart. Or hell, Miles was immortal. What could be more unique or special then that? “Why don't you try this gun?” Miles said, pulling one of his distinctive handguns from it's holster. Jet black, trimmed with gold, in anyone else's hands they might have seemed gaudy, but they were, in a way, symbols of what Miles stood for. She took one of the guns he offered, feeling it's heft in her hand. The leather grip formed to her hand quite well, though the barrel was a good bit longer than her gun, which made it a bit heavier. Miles looked on with interest. “It was custom made for me by an old friend out east. It has a bigger kick than you're used too, but it’s a fine weapon. Give it a shot.” Rain took her time and aimed. The gun had a smooth trigger, making it remarkably easy to fire. The recoil was greater, but it almost worked to her advantage. “Well done. You handle the gun better than I thought you would.” She handed the gun back after some more shooting, and as she did, her finger brushed against his. Her muscles tensed suddenly, her vision blurred, and the world began to spin. * “You sure he'll be here?” A grizzled, old voice asked. Miles smirked and stretched against the wall he was leaning on. “You ask that every time, George. Every time, he shows up.” George Maxwell, leader of the Regulators, shrugged and frowned. He was a serious man, and pessimistic by nature. Despite the dangers of the wasteland, the fact that their informer was late could only mean some horrible disaster. They had arrived at the meeting spot early. Aside from the two of them, they had brought four others who were patrolling the perimeter. Maxwell insisted on arriving early to scout for traps. Smart probably, yet now he paced and fretted like an old woman. Miles couldn’t help but notice how old he looked. His waist was thicker, his remaining hair was white, and…..his hands tended to shake. The day was coming when he wouldn’t be able to lead from the front as he did now. The day was lovely, the sun shining. Even the roars of wasteland beasts that echoed in the distance couldn’t damper his spirits. The Regulators had cut a bloody swath through the raider gangs of the north. Soon……very soon…..the people would be free to choose their own destinies without the constant fear of being raided and murdered. Miles had been hesitant to leave the main force back east, but with the Brotherhood running things, it had seemed like a good idea. With every victory, it appeared the choice was a good one. There were so many people they could help here, and they had only focused on the north so far. Ten minutes later, their informant finally arrived, stepping over the ruin and debris with the ease of someone used to navigating and exploring the wastes. The man looked small, his thin body betraying hard, compact muscles. He wore a long sleeve dark blue shirt, over which he wore black, leather armor. He had a young looking face, despite his scraggly beard, and short dusty blonde hair. “Tobias! Glad you made it. Have some trouble?” Miles asked, clasping hands with the new arrival. Tobias smiled, then nodded grimly. “Got chased by a pack of ghouls, ended up running into a band of Super Mutants as I ran. Almost didn’t make it.” Maxwell stood up, suddenly alert. “You didn’t lead them here did you?” Tobias looked at the old man before cracking a guilty smile. “Yeah…..I made it up. Sorry. I just had to take a shit. What?! It's harder then you'd think to find privacy out here, last thing I wanted was for some mutant to catch me with my pants literally down.” Miles couldn’t help but laugh, but George was less amused. “Miles, find out what he knows and let’s go. I'm gonna check on the others.” “Hey, could you send Aiden over with the cooler?” Miles asked. “Brought some beer with us. Besides, I don’t like him out of my sight.” George grunted disapprovingly at the mention of beer, but didn’t say anything. He gave a disdainful look at Tobias, then walked off. “I don’t think he likes me too much.” Tobias noted. “Ah, he's a grumpy old man. You shouldn’t tease him though.” “Probably. But it is kinda fun. Anyway, it looks like the Crimson Hands didn't give you much trouble. There was a good bit of them too. As always, you fellas are impressive. Cocky ass name, the Crimson Hands. Pah!” “We suffered a few losses, but the element of surprise saved the day. Freed those slaves you told us about too.” Tobias nodded. “Good. I fucking hate slave traders. I…..used to be a slave myself, for about three years. There's nothing worse than having your freedom taken from you. It's better to die in my opinion.” Miles nodded somberly. “No doubt. Ah, there’s Aiden. Over here, bud!” “Mini-Miles! How are you?” Tobias asked cheerfully. Aiden truly looked like a miniature version of Miles. He had the same black hair, the same bright, blue eyes. He smiled back at Tobias like an old friend. “I’m good, sir.” He said shyly. “Sir? You're making him quite the little soldier, ain't ya, Miles? Few years and you'll be taking on raiders beside your dad. What, you're ten….elven?” Aiden grinned. “I'm eleven, sir. I doubt my dad will let me though. He won't even give me a gun.” “You can stick with practice for now, Aiden.” Miles told his son. “There's no need for you to carry a gun otherwise. Besides, I thought you said you didn't want to join the Regulators?” Tobias chuckled. “That's right! You want to be an explorer, right?” “Yeah! Like Raz Ramirez! You know, the guy from the radio?” “Huh. I recognize the name…..I think.” Aiden lit up. “He's so cool! He travels all around, exploring ruins, fighting mutants and stuff. He records everything and plays it over the radio.” He said, with all the excitement of an eleven year old super fan. Tobias nodded warily. “Records everything huh? Interesting.” Miles shook his head secretly. The show was made in a studio, probably written. Either way, it was very much staged. Miles hadn’t had the heart to tell him. Unless this Raz dude had some really fancy technology, there was no way to record and broadcast on the road. Judging by his face, Tobias knew it too. Tobias recovered quickly though. “Yes, well, I have a gift for you, little explorer.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a faded postcard. “Check it! That's what the White House used to look like! Although, I guess you haven’t seen what it looks like now, huh?” Aiden jumped happily. “I have, sir! Dad traded for a picture last year. Look dad, now I'll have my before and after set.” “That's a….kinda grim hobby you got, kid, ain't gonna lie. Whatever makes you happy though.” Tobias said. “Anyway, how about you pass me one of those beers and let me chat up your dad?” Aiden pulled out two bottles and ran off after promising to stay near the other guys. The two sat down on some rubble, ready to talk business. “Is it tough for him? Being the only kid with all of you?” Miles shrugged. “I don’t think so. He wants to grow up too fast I think. He's eager to see the world, explore and all that. Then again, I guess kids can’t be kids these days.” Tobias shrugged and changed the subject. “Well….cheers I guess. By my reckoning you guys only have one more group to take care of, the Nukes. No, I'm not kidding that's their fucking name. Brutal bastards though, real into torture and shit.” Miles nodded. “Where are they and how many?” “Four days west, in an old glass plant, I'll mark it on your map. I don’t have a number, but there's a lot. At least……seventy men.” “Jesus. That’s more than I was hoping for.” “Yeah, I wish I had better news, my friend, I really do. At least they're the last ones. Then the north is free.” Miles frowned. “Tobias….I thought you promised to be honest with me. There’s another group you haven’t told us about. I’m curious as to why. Tell me about Jericho Thorne.” Tobias sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “You didn’t need to know. Look, just….leave him be, okay? He's not a problem.” “That so? The raiders we interrogated said otherwise. They told horror stories about him. Shit, his nickname is Demon of the North. How could you leave that out? We heard he butchered a whole town of people, some stadium.” Tobias scoffed. “A stadium of slavers. They ran a makeshift arena, forced slaves to butcher each other for sport.” Miles nodded. “So he's a good guy? Is that what you're saying? He's not a raider?” The informant blanched. “Call him a necessary evil. He's not an enemy you want.” “We'll decide that. Besides, we aren’t going to leave any evils around, necessary or not. We're fighting to free people from raider gangs.” “Freedom without order is chaos. You can’t just destroy everything and then leave. Thorne is the best chance anyone has here.” “I don't believe that, and neither will George. Trust me, good people will find a way. Are you going to help us or not?” Tobias gave a frustrated look before standing up. “Not against Thorne, I won't. I beg you, Miles. You're making a mistake. Please reconsider. If you go against Thorne, that's it. Trust me when I say you won’t survive it.” “We've handled worse. Like I told you before, the element of surprise can overwhelm even larger groups. I won’t lie though, any info you can give us could save lives.” “You don't get it, Miles! He will see you coming, you won’t be able to surprise him. It’s a fools errand.” Tobias sighed. “I'm getting out of here. You aren't listening anyway.” Miles held out a hand. “Hold up, Tobias, don't leave it like this. Look, I've talked to George…….and all the info you've given us had been legit. Now, the old man may not be your biggest fan, but he knows how much you've helped. You have a place with the Regulators if you want it.” “I…..I'm not sure what to say.” Tobias said. Miles put an arm around him. “Say yes. Aiden would love to have you around. He thinks you're a pretty cool guy, that's a direct quote.” Tobias gave a small laugh. “Nah…..I'm not a cool guy. I appreciate the offer……. But I have……..responsibilities.” Miles nodded and stuck out his hand to the man. “If you change your mind let me know. Be well my friend.” Tobias looked a bit sad as he returned the handshake. “Yeah……you too, Miles. Watch your back, yeah?” * “What are we going to do, Miles?” asked another Regulator. “Every scout we've sent to check out this Jericho Thorne guy has vanished. Now George is gone too. What now?” Miles looked over the map strewn across the table. “Okay……We need to keep everyone inside until we know what we're dealing with. Hopefully someone will make it back. If not……I guess we'll go out in force, find out what's going on.” Aiden came bounding in, goggles over his eyes, toy gun in hand. He crouched down suddenly, his gun raised like Miles had taught him. “What are you doing, bud?” “I'm exploring…..gotta keep an eye out for mutants.” Miles knelt down and kissed the boys head. “That’s very true, but can you take it outside? I don’t think any mutants are hiding here.” “Okay, dad.” Just then, two men came running inside. “Miles! You gotta come quick. There's a goddamn army outside the gates! There’s hundreds of them and they got George with them.” Miles responded quickly. “Take Aiden to the sturdiest building here, the uh…..the storehouse and watch him. Everyone else, to the walls. Aiden, you stay out of sight no matter what, okay. I'll come for you soon.” How could this be? They had been so careful that no one knew where their base was located. The only explanation was that someone gave them up. One of the scouts maybe? Or George? Miles booked it for the wall. It was worse than he feared. The others hadn’t been exaggerating. Hundreds of men and women stood outside, weapons in hand. They were packing some heavy firepower. But it was the man who stood at the head of the horde that surprised him the most. He wore the same armor as usual, but had no shirt underneath now. His body was a tapestry of tattoos. Miles grabbed a pair binoculars to see closer. Monsters of various types decorated his body, fire raced up his arms. It was as though Hell was painted on his body. “I told you not to mess with me! I didn’t want it to be this way!” “What is this, Tobias?” Miles yelled down. Tobias gave a grave look, sighing and looking at the army behind him. “Fellas! What's my name?!” Like a crashing wave, the answer came. “JERICHO!! JERICHO!! JERICHO!!” A beaten and bound, George Maxwell yelled up to him. “It's over, Miles! Just give up. We can’t win against this!” Tobias, now revealed to be Jericho Thorne, shook his head. “It's too late for that, I'm afraid. Look around, Miles! There's a lot of people here you've met before. Survivors of your many raids. And they have a score to settle with you lot. Get ready, cause we're coming in!” * Miles stared defiantly as Thorne approached. His body was broken, blood poured from a dozen wounds. He had tried to force his way to Jericho, but he hadn't gotten far. In the end, someone had buried a fire axe in his back and brought him to his knees. He couldn't even stand anymore. Around him, his fellow Regulators fell one by one. They had put up a valiant defense, but the numbers were simply too overwhelming they were crushed by a storm of bullets. Jericho Thorne, the Demon, looked down on him with something resembling pity. “I meant what I said, Miles. I didn't want this. I had convinced everyone to leave you be, to stay out of your path. I told all the tribes that you Regulators were all done in the north. But……you couldn't listen, could you? You sent those scouts to spy on me, and threw everyone into a murderous rampage. They demanded vengeance…….I couldn't stop them a second time.” Miles could barely laugh. “How many……do you think…..know that you're the one…….the one who……sold them out?” “Doesn't matter now. Once you're gone no one will know of our arrangement, no matter what they suspect. You were meant to clear up the competition, but you got greedy. You wanted to bag the infamous Jericho Thorne and this is the result. What a goddamn waste.” “Aiden……let my…..let….” Miles couldn’t finish. Jericho knelt down. “I'm not going to hurt your son. He shouldn't pay for your mistakes. Tell me where he is, I'll take him some place safe, I swear.” “Storehouse……south side of the compound.” “You got it.” Miles managed to nod. “Just do it then. Just do it already…..or I'll keep coming after you.” Jericho nodded and took a moment to look at the destruction around him. Somehow a fire had started and it had quickly spread to the surrounding buildings. Jericho let out a big sigh. “Goodbye, Miles.” He said before firing a round directly into his chest. Miles slumped down into the dirt, the smoke from the flames was choking him, but he couldn’t breath anyway. Everything was going dark. * “Stay with me now, Miles. Stay with me. We're gonna get you patched up. Don't worry. You'll be back on your feet before you know it.” Miles opened his eyes, barely registering the face looking down on him. He was an old man with large glasses. Miles couldn’t figure out where he was, but he still smelled smoke, so he knew he was still in the compound. “Who are you?” The old man smiled. “I'm the person who's going to save your life. We've been watching you, my associates and I. We're going to help you.” “Why?” Miles croaked. “Because......we want you to keep helping people. True, this venture didn't end well for you, but that doesn't mean you should stop. There are only a handful of people who can stand up and make a difference, a real difference in this world, and Miles, I believe you are one of them. That's why I have a gift for you, to help you stand up and do what no one else can.” “I don’t understand…..I'm not….” The man injected him with something and the world grew dark again. “Sleep now, Miles. Sleep……and when you wake……keep making a difference.” Miles awoke in a dark room. The old man was gone. He was alone. He tried getting up slowly, expecting a wave of pain to force him back down. It never came. He looked himself over and was surprised to find that he was completely fine. His wounds were gone as though they never existed, he didn’t have a mark on him, not even stitches. He got up and walked outside. There was an unearthly quiet as he wandered the ruined compound. There were bodies everywhere. Men and women who he had known for years. Some had followed him from out east, others had been recruited. They had given everything they had in order to try and make the world a better, safer place. In the end, they had given their lives for it. He walked over to the storehouse, hoping for some reason that Aiden would be there, that Jericho would have hidden him or maybe left some clue of where he might be. He walked slowly, being careful not to step on any of the bodies. He didn’t want to inflict anymore disrespect on them then they had already suffered. The building was still standing, so that was a good sign. What wasn't a good sign was the man he had assigned to watch over Aiden. He had been shot more times than Miles could count, the torn remains of his body laid facedown in the mud. Swallowing hard, Miles opened the door and stepped inside. Aiden was laying in the middle of the room. His skin was pale and cold. Miles sank down and gathered him up, holding him like he did shortly after he had been born. He looked him over, finding a small hole in his chest where the bullet had struck. He was too numb to move, too numb to cry or scream. He just sat there, holding his son…..until the sun slowly rose. * Rain gasped and sat up, her head still spinning. The vision had been more clear and vivid than any others she had experienced before. She felt a wave of nausea and turned over on her side and began dry heaving. She felt her hand touch something warm and wet and realized with a resigned frustration that her diaper had leaked. “I wasn’t sure you'd wake up.” Miles said. He was sitting with his back against the wall. When he met her eyes she knew they had seen the same thing. But it didn’t faze Miles. He saw it all the time anyway. Miles gave a sad, bitter smile. “You know what I should have learned from all those stories about heroes that I loved as a kid? Heroes die young. Sometimes too young.” Rain could barely formulate her thoughts. Images kept flashing before her eyes. The destruction of the Regulators, Aiden, and Miles clasping hands with Jericho Thorne. “He was your friend. Thorne. You and he……you were friends?” Miles shrugged. “I thought we were. That mistake cost me everything. It cost my son everything.” They sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Miyuki came wandering in at last, standing slack jawed, unsure of what to make of what she was seeing. “What the hell going on here? Rain, you okay?” Rain couldn’t speak, so she just shook her head. She wasn’t okay. Too much was happening in her head. She just needed things to stop. “Miyuki. Take Rain and help her get cleaned up.” “Is anyone gonna tell me what this is all about?” When no one spoke up, she shook her head and walked over and picked Rain up. “Oh, and you leaked. Well that’s lovely, I just cleaned up. Okay, let’s just get going, okay?” Rain laid her head on her shoulder, her eyes still on Miles. He looked at her and smiled. “I knew you were special, Rain. Now I'm starting to understand why.” He didn’t say anything else, so Miyuki carried her back to her room. Rain didn’t speak, she didn’t respond when Miyuki tried to talk to her. Eventually, Miyuki gave up. She laid her down and got and went to fetch a clean diaper, perhaps wisely choosing one of her thicker diapers. She wordlessly opened the diaper and began cleaning her up. Rain looked at the ceiling, still digesting what she had seen. She didn’t even feel any relief as she felt herself being lowered onto a clean diaper. Once it was on, she just crawled into bed and covered up. “Rain, you got to talk to me. What’s going on between you and Miles? Rain? Hello?” Rain had her face half buried in her pillow. “Could you just……uh…....could you stay with me a while?” Miyuki looked exasperated, but she nodded and climbed under the covers. Finally the dam broke and Rain began sobbing and cuddled into her confused friend. “Rain…..kiddo, I can't help if you don’t tell me what's wrong.” She said, stroking Rain’s hair. Then she gave up and just whispered in her ear. “It'll be okay. You'll be okay. Everything's okay.”
    5 points
  2. 14 - Every Minute Matters Although it was cold, Emily’s face was at least much cleaner now. The chill wasn’t pleasant, but given that she was confined to a chair, it’s not like she could have done much to protest. The lingers of syrup from repeated near-misses and the much more blatant one from Joyce’s phone call had been done away with; from the waist up she was as good as new. It was unfortunate the day had to come to an end so soon, though. Just when things were getting started, that unexpected surprise was announced over the phone...Joyce undid the strap between Emily’s legs, then unlocked the tray after clearing its top and finally released the girl from her confines. Before Emily could slide forward and find her footing on the crossbar however, Joyce’s hands slipped underneath her armpits, and she was hoisted slightly higher than she already was, and then lowered onto the ground. “I could have done that part myself, you know.” Almost poutily, Emily mumbled, despite appreciating the gesture. “And risk having you fall? They call them high chairs for a reason,” She happily poked Emily’s stomach, causing her to jump a little, and in turn earning a crinkle from her diaper. “We’re not taking chances on boo-boos, got it?” Giggling, Emily conceded while she patiently waited for Joyce to finish the remainder of the cleanup. “Looks like I forgot one last thing, though,” Joyce speaking to no one in particular, came back to Emily with such mild momentum, Emily thought she was going to be smothered by her lips like before. Instead, while she was getting herself so worked up Joyce leaned her head past Emily’s shoulder, and she could feel the sliding of fabric beneath her nape and a knot quickly undo itself. Leaning back, Joyce in her hands held the bib Emily forgot was hanging around her neck. With an amused smile, Joyce flashed it back to Emily, showcasing the few stains brandished on the kiddy slogan. “It’s a good thing we used one of these, huh?” Folding it, she set it by the sink. “Maybe you should use them when you’re a big girl too?” Snickering, she also slipped off the band holding Emily’s hair together. “If I remember correctly, you’re the one who got it all over my face!” Defiant, Emily planted her feet firm, and balled her fists at her sides; the kind of defense equivalent to a toddler’s stubbornness. Joyce wasn’t 100% if she knew what she was doing completely, but Emily unknowingly or not was hitting all the right buttons, and she was slowly approaching an all-time high. “Maybe for some of the syrup,” Joyce explained in a motherly tone, obviously trying to downplay the biggest mishap of the morning. “But that doesn’t explain all of it,” She poked her soft cheek. “And I gave you the last strawberry, too! But I know what Mommy did wasn’t very nice...I’m very sorry for making you icky, Emmy.” Almost in a giggle fit, Emily couldn’t find it in herself to put up the front for much longer. She was too preoccupied with extracting as much sweetness from this as possible. It’d be fading fast as soon as they got to the nursery, and attended to the much more adult issues that were suddenly pressing against the glass; expectantly ogling their most private and sacred moments. Selfishly, Emily felt the smallest seed of wanting bloom within her. She felt cheated. “To make it up to you, how about we finish getting you changed?” “That’s fine, I guess...” The act was gone now, and she was back to her complacent self. As she started to walk, she became acutely mindful of the added bulk to her diaper, still warm from recent occurrences...It definitely was a weird feeling, but the cushiness was an enigma, at worst...And thankfully the absorbency had been doing its job, because 'wet' wasn’t the right way to describe how she felt below. Along the way to the nursery, Emily could feel her bunches of hair be played with in the back, methodically brushed by a set of fingers and stroked in a gentle manner. Unconsciously, she must have adjusted her pace just to let the moment last even longer. Even with that, it didn’t take much time until her bare feet were soaking up the thick carpet to her much more age-appropriate room. One sensation was exchanged for the other, because the hands left her head of hair and the dominant figure took the lead yet again. “So how about a new diaper first, then we figure out an outfit for you?” “Diaper?” Emily’s state of pensive thought was suddenly broken, as she stared at the neutral woman with a puzzled expression. “You do want to be changed, right?” Was she...was she really adapting that fast? Quietly, Joyce tried to decipher the girl’s reaction. Getting these diapers regularly was no issue, but even she was a little disappointed at the thought of wasting them over a single wetting...When weighing the facts more heavily than the feelings, they could hold a substantially larger amount of fluid...But again, Emily’s opinion mattered the most, so was she hallucinating? Hearing Emily suggest that so soon? “I thought we were done with the babying?” “What?” Joyce looked like she’d just been told firetrucks were blue; her nearing conclusions had been totally swept away. “W...why’d you think that? Do you...do you want to stop?” The thought was unexpected, and unpleasant to consider. It was completely out of left field, and their time for this was already strained. “N-no,” Emily averted her gaze the slightest bit. “I just thought that because your parents are coming...” “And? They’ll be here tomorrow.” “But don’t we, you know, need to clean up some of the stuff?” The only things Emily had seen visibly outside the nursery were the high chair, bib, and bottle, but she suspected there was much more to be discovered. Stuff that needed to be put on hold. “You let me worry about that stuff,” Casually, she lifted Emily’s pajama shirt and stripped her of it, leaving her in just a bra and diaper. Instinctively Emily almost went to cover herself, but gradually eased her arms back at her sides. “And like I said, they’re coming tomorrow. Why should that have to interfere with today? It’s your birthday, and I’ll be damned if anything’s going to put a damper on that.” “Are you sure?” Respectfully, Emily tried to leave room for doubt. Deep down though, how protective Joyce seemed to be of her had the sensitive feelings inside of her igniting to euphoric levels. “I...I don’t mind if we need to postpone...” She somewhat did, but not being disrespectful toward Joyce’s parents was important too. “Well I do,” Joyce folded the shirt, setting it on the dresser. “I worked too hard to see you this happy, and the chances of doing anything to ruin that are slim to none. Today is your day. Nobody else but you gets a say in that. That being said,” She raised a brow, as if she could see right through Emily, straight to her core, where her undying selflessness resided. “I better not catch you ignoring your own wants. Anything that’s done today is for your sake, and no one else. Got it?” Quietly, Emily replied. “Okay...” It was the one word that put Joyce into a splendid mood, and she was all sunshine and rainbows again. “Perfect. Now, let’s forget about what’s going to happen tomorrow and focus on what we’re doing today!” She ran her hands up and down Emily’s arms. “Now up on the changing table, missy. The last thing we need is you getting chilly because I didn’t put you in something nice and warm!” Her words reached Emily, yet despite turning to the table partway, she hardly moved. Strangely, Emily could feel herself voicing thoughts that’d been considered long ago, and even now. It was enough to even surprise herself. “...Don’t these hold a lot more?” A silent pause was Joyce’s first reaction. It was another one of those moments that had her completely blindsighted. The times when Emily would throw her for a loop were so far and between, which is exactly why it was always so pleasantly jarring. But by now, her flustered posture, hesitation in her words, the tinge of red on her face, the signs were all too obvious, and Joyce knew what she was seeing; a breakthrough. “Well…” Trying to level her own emotions, Joyce started. “They can, but don’t you want a new one?” She tried to play the devil’s advocate; playing to Emily’s initial tendencies so not to seem like she was biased. Deep down she was, and Emily was willingly trying to walk right into it. For the sake of fairness though, she wouldn’t influence the outcome. None of it would matter if it was forced. She needed to know that this was mutual. “Maybe...but aren’t these expensive?” Awkwardly, Emily looked at the diaper around her hips; decorated in the happy Sesame Street themes, containing her bodily fluids and allowing her the excuse to skip out on the much more traditional toilet...It was one less thing for her to focus on, and one more task for her caretaker to manage…”W...wouldn’t it be better if I used it more?” The idea was beyond strange; suggesting she pee in a diaper even more, but objectively...wasn’t that what she was supposed to do? Looking at it objectively, how spoiled could she have been? Wetting a diaper only once, then moving right onto the next? “Emmy, you know you’re not supposed to worry about the numbers,” Lightly scolding, Joyce parted a stray hair from her face. “And you should be making choices based on what you want, not me. But if we’re talking about diapers in general, then yes, they typically are used more than once...Regardless, that standard doesn’t need to apply to you. It’s about what makes you comfortable. I don’t mind either way.” It was a half-lie. She did want Emily to use a diaper more than once, because it was more practical, and it did cut down on diaper consumption...and the thought of finding her in a used diaper stimulated the mommy in her...The most of all though, she wanted Emily to be happy. “I...” The disconnect from her mouth and mind was large, and the request she was trying to process defied who she was entirely. Her idea was akin to taking a hammer to a load-bearing wall. She was obviously taking herself down by a peg, but she was okay with it? Or at least she wanted to be. The demand to please Joyce was even greater than to do so for herself. The thought was surreal; wanting more for someone else than yourself. And even if she framed it as that, she knew a growing part of her would derive a strange kind of satisfaction from it too…”I want you to change me when I need to be...” The words when put together as a coherent sentence was as foreign as a Polar bear in the Sahara. “When you need to be?” They both knew fully well what she meant by “needed,” and a single wetting certainly didn’t classify as that. “Are you sure?” Mutely, Emily nodded her head, still not fully onboard with herself. She was willingly throwing herself deeper down the rabbit hole, yet the whole reason she kept pressing on was because she knew who she’d find at the bottom… “Besides...di-didn’t you say I’m supposed to use them?” The justification was outright strange, considering how she was trying to shift the blame, or cause of the situation. Each word came out shakier than the last. She didn’t know why she was trying to deflect the credit for her own bathroom habits, but it came off as easier to let someone much more capable shoulder the responsibility. “I want you to have more control...” “More…?” “W-well, you know...” Having to be the one who pushed the envelope for these sorts of things was usually Joyce’s job, so of course it made Emily uncomfortable. Given her lack of clothes and the role she was acting, it didn’t exactly seem to make much sense for her to be the one making demands. Then again, the demand was to lose to right to make such. “You’re in charge...right?” The silence went on for a few moments, but what was first to disturb it was Joyce’s small laugh over the blatant irony. “Hey…!” Almost offended, Emily whined as Joyce couldn’t help but laugh over what she was hearing. “No...no, that’s not it. I’m not laughing at you, sweetie.” She wrapped her arms around Emily’s waist and pulled her close; the diaper being squished between the two of them. Obviously Joyce didn’t mind, though. She was far too giddy to mind, and even if she wasn’t already happy, the feeling of her baby girl’s soft, warm diaper was just another sign of a job well done. “I’m laughing at myself! Sometimes I lower my guard around you a bit too much.” “Wh-what? What do you mean?” Emily tried her best to keep cool, but the affection was almost mind-numbing with the way she was dressed, or how she wasn’t. “You’ve just done some stuff before I never expected, that’s all.” Finally, she let Emily go. “Even when it feels like I’m the one in charge, you always seem to be upsetting the pace in such...amazing ways!” Her eyes practically sparkled at the sound. “But, I won’t force you to speak on it, my little strawberry.” This time the laughs were fired in Emily’s direction, but they only added fuel to the fire which warmed Emily all over, more than her diaper, thankfully. More control? A few ideas came to Joyce’s mind, but more importantly the gesture itself had her feeling fuzzy tenfold! The day was just getting started, but the fruits it had borne already were so rich in their senses of positivity, essence, and joy. She felt like they were progressing at such a rapid speed even she might need to hold onto something… “But anyways~!” Finally clearing the fog, Joyce with her hands on her hips, looked down on Emily in a wonderfully condescending way. “I think we’ve kept you in just a diaper for long enough. No more stalling, baby girl.” “Not just a diaper...” Emily tried to correct her teasingly, but with the bra or not, it did little for how she looked. If anything, it was an awkward contrast to the attire of an infant… “Oh? Is somebody suggesting I take the bra, too?” Mimicking crab claws, Joyce rapidly pinched her hands, slowly motioning to Emily’s shoulder straps. “No! No, no, no!” Giggling, Emily backpedaled into the corner, unknowingly crashing into the giant teddy bear behind her. Slouching on her feet, she crouched and leaned back into the fluffy bear, taking his puffy arms and using them as a shield. “The bra stays on!” Laughing through her pleas the whole way, she watched as Joyce closed in on her final stand. “Well, last time I checked, someone told me to be much more watchful of my charge! Apparently I wasn’t taking enough control?” Her obvious allusions already had Emily feeling silly, and she could feel her toes curling into the carpet as Joyce knelt down in front of her; her eyes never losing the high ground. “He might protect you from the mean monsters, but...” Joyce paused for a second, realizing the furry friend had no name. “Mr.Bear,” She quickly inserted a temporary one. “Knows better than to disobey Mommy.” She pretended to look worried. “I hope my little girl isn’t being a bad influence on him?” “No, I’m good! You’re the one that’s bad!” Emily eagerly retorted, as Joyce wrapped her hands around her ankles. “Oh?” She gave an unconvinced smirk. “And how’s Mommy being a meanie?” She dragged the helpless girl away from the clutches of her furry guardian, and now had her sprawled on the floor, with one of her feet in hand, raised in the air. Emily could only giggle nervously as she’d just been locked into a deathly torture device. “You’re saying ‘no’ an awful lot today...What’s got you so cranky?” “B-because you got syrup on me…?” The facade was waning fast in the face of a genuine threat, and her trapped foot wiggled its toes with uncertainty packed into each and every little appendage. “A-and,” She tried to keep the explanation going, disillusioned that the argument would actually save her from certain demise. “And you were gonna eat my strawberry, so--!” As soon as the tickling started, Emily erupted into a shower of giggles, fighting desperately to wrench her foot from Joyce’s hold. Speaking over her laughs and shouts, Joyce continued on, her fingers scurrying across the delicate skin no less. “I think it’s because someone didn’t get enough sleep last night. We’ll have to make sure your nap is extra long today!” “N-no!” Emily managed the same word with un-failed repetition, as her grounds for negotiation had been totally lost. She would have liked to have slept longer, but now that she was up, the impending arrival of Joyce’s parents meant they had to soak up every ounce of time that was at their disposal. “Are you gonna let me get you dressed now?” Her heart melted, watching Emily squeal with glee as she further and further resigned into her role; defenseless in just a diaper and bra in her very own nursery. It was yet again another perfect concoction which led to an indescribable pleasure! It was like living a dream that had been so distant for so long, and Joyce never wanted to wake up. “Yes! Yes!” Emily would have kept shouting it a thousand times over, but her lungs had grown too restless from all the laughing that was being forced out of her. With her magic fingers, through her foot alone could Joyce command and expend troves of energy from Emily’s entire being. Trying her hardest to wipe her involuntary tears from her eyes, she’d keep pounding her fists into the carpet; doing anything she could to express her body’s frustration from the tingling. As much as she was suffering, being at Joyce’s mercy was intoxicating. And finally, the tickle monster yet again returned from whence it came. She could only hope she was starting to build a resistance… “Okay, no more games!” Joyce spoke with mild authority, partly directing the words to herself. “Off your tush, missy!” Like a lazy soldier reporting to their commander, Emily found her shaky footing; still working the tickles out of her. “Now comes the most important question,” Guiding her over to the closed door, Joyce finally opened it, the one that had Emily theorizing since this whole adventure began. Half-expected, it was a small walk-in closet, lined with an array of shelves and two bars opposite of each other for hangers. Emily could already recognize the few things she’d worn before, and maybe a few new tidbits, but it was overall pretty empty. Joyce was painfully aware of this too, but she of course had plans to change that over time…“Are we feeling like today’s a lazy day, or do you want to have a play day?” Her perplexing riddle was mostly lost on Emily, as she couldn’t even begin to imagine what either answer would lead to; how it would affect her appearance. Joyce guarded the entrance to the closet as well, so it wasn’t like she could have gone snooping on her own… “Uhm...” The more she thought, a small warning in the back of her head signed that if she didn’t choose soon, Joyce might for her. Not that she minded, of course. In a way it was preferable, but for once Emily knew how she wanted the day to go. “Play.” She spoke adamantly, earning a warm smile from Joyce. “Okay, then close your eyes for me. Nice and tight!” Shrouding Emily’s eyes with her hand, Joyce held it there for a second until peeking through her fingers to see they were in fact sealed shut. “No peeking, got it? Otherwise I might need to give your tummy a few tickles next...” Anything but that. Emily could feel the muscles in her eyes tighten. This mission had suddenly become do or die, and failure was not an option. Joyce choked down a giggle, watching her visibly stiffen at the sound of the playful warning. Satisfied, she turned back into the closet to collect the piece. “You’re still not allowed to look!” Joyce warned, as Emily could suddenly feel herself being handled by Joyce’s soft, loving hands. “I’m not gonna, but when can I look?” A sudden wave of surprise overcame her when she could feel Joyce work a small bunch of fabric over her head. Despite her most valuable sense being locked away, she could’ve sworn she felt the slightest sway around her hips. Almost like a skirt…? Either way, the shirt she’d been put in was a soft, short-sleeve just from the feel, but what struck her as a heart-racing afterthought was the snug feeling she was starting to feel around her crotch. With the sound of a few snaps, the diaper she was wearing suddenly felt pressed a slight bit tighter to her now; consciously aware of it being encased by something. But her thighs still felt bare? Clearly she wasn’t wearing pants...so then what? Once she lowered her arms, her hands accidentally came into contact with the exterior, which confirmed the skirt theory. It felt like...denim? She became aware of the extra shoulder straps over her shoulders too when Joyce lifted them for a quick adjustment, then set them back in place. “And just to keep your feet nice and warm...” Emily still blind, was much more accepting of Joyce’s hold once she obviously slipped a pair of socks on her feet. Then, for a few uninterrupted moments, nothing happened. The only thing Emily could feel, or think she felt, was her sixth sense picking up on Joyce’s quiet presence. “Come on, can I open my eyes now?” Slowly becoming impatient, Emily’s irrational side considered tapping its foot. “M..mhmm..!” Joyce’s response was odd. As if she were holding something back...Emily didn’t know how to feel about that. Suddenly nervous, she cracked open an eye, starting with her gaze at her feet. Certainly she was wearing a skirt...but it was connected to what was on her torso, and very short. It was a denim dress, and the large pocket sewn on its torso almost had Emily sweating. Oddly, she counted each and every thick stitch she could see around its lining, and where the dress ended up top she could see the pale yellow fabric, encased by the denim shoulder straps, connected to the front of the dress by fat, white buttons. Her cheeks slowly heated as she came to terms with what she was wearing. Before she even looked at Joyce’s reaction, she looked into the full-length mirror. She blinked. For a moment, Emily almost side-stepped, because the reflection that was occupying the mirror clearly wasn’t her. A toddler was blocking it, and as cute as she was, Emily was a little bit more focused on seeing herself, as well as confused by the sudden stranger in the room...But that’s when she froze, letting a small sound of realization escape her, staring into the reflected image. Her own, reflected image...What she saw was something she couldn’t recognize; someone that she couldn’t say with confidence was Emily Sen, of 26--no, 27 years of age. Yet still, the mistake she’d made in her age was almost preferable, given the sight she was suddenly treated to reminded her of someone that was 2 rather than 27...From a mild blush, Emily watched her face rapidly shift in pigment from a pale pink to a mild red, just from seeing herself in the...the strangely alluring, and otherworldly adorable outfit…! But, but who was she looking at right now? From a sliver of the mirror’s view, she could see a taller figure beside who she still had a hard time believe was herself. She looked so familiar, though. She was a lot like Emily; black hair, green eyes, small stature, same outfit, well-acquainted with Joyce...The biggest differences with this person though, was the denim dress they were wearing, and if Emily didn’t know any better, the slight spread in her legs suggested there might be a diaper underneath...Internally, she giggled just from watching the bashful girl trapped in the mirror. Yet, in unmistakable unison the person in the mirror giggled back? The fascination and mild confusion dissipated as quickly as it came, because her memory started to jog, and the person she was looking at became perfectly clear. It was Emily. Emmy. Emmy Summers. She could have likely stood there for a thousand years, trying to come to terms with the transformation she was doing her best to comprehend. How she could have become something she couldn’t even recognize was baffling. She didn’t feel like Emily anymore...she felt like...Emmy. Joyce’s baby girl, and there wasn’t a shred of physical evidence left to prove otherwise. Her body didn’t feel so synced with her thoughts anymore, because as embarrassed as she looked, her mind was busy making complacent observations. As if it were a delicate artifact, she lightly traced her finger along the denim hem, trying to make the distinction between fantasy and fiction. “Do you like it?” After enough emotional overspills, Joyce finally found it in her to keep herself in check. On the surface she was the calm, collected mommy that she needed to be, but underneath was a raging typhoon of ecstasy and pleasure; overwhelmed with the limitless marvel from what Emily looked like right now. What almost had her squeal was when Emily leaned the slightest bit forward, likely inspecting the outfit further, and unbeknownst to the girl a small patch of yellow onesie on her backside peeked from the covers of the skirt. “It’s...cute...” Gradually coming to her senses, Emily spoke as objectively as she could. What probably allowed her to be so honest was the silly truth that she hadn’t even recognized herself for a few moments, and admittedly felt like she was speaking about someone else altogether. She was a totally different person. “H...how did you get this?” Turning from the mirror to Joyce, her skirt swayed the slightest bit, causing the tiniest breeze to brush past her bare thighs. Should she tell her? Joyce in the span of a few moments caught herself in an endless debate; reasoning whether or not it would be the best time to tell her...There was no way she could say it was Amy without Emily being able to put two and two together and realize she knew about the diapers...and likely what they were doing right now. Honestly, it was a mystery why she hadn’t already guessed Amy. Maybe it was something testing Joyce’s truthfulness? Though, who was to say Emily wouldn’t be okay with it? Maybe after seeing just how hard Amy worked to make such exquisite clothes, realize the countless hours of well-intentioned effort each thread was infused with, maybe she could understand? More than anything, Joyce didn’t like the idea of keeping secrets. The sooner these sorts of things were rooted out, the better. Trying to restrain herself from hugging Emily all over, Joyce carefully spun Emily back around to the mirror, holding her wrists, hanging the girl’s arms in front of her skirt. She set her head on top of Emily’s while they both looked into the mirror. “Remember when we went to go see my seamstress? Our seamstress? Amy?” It didn’t take any more than that, as Emily suddenly tilted her head upwards, trying to face Joyce with a panicked expression. “Wh-what?! You told-!” A finger was pressed to her lips. “You have every right to be concerned, Emmy, but do me a favor a look back into the mirror.” Reluctantly, but trying her best to be convinced, Emily turned her head back to their reflection, obviously looking much more troubled. “I can’t even begin to tell you how excited Amy was to make these clothes for you!” Joyce explained in an upbeat tone; encouraging and positive; chasing the negative emotions away. “She wanted more than anything to make you look as adorable as possible,” Joyce deposited both of her hands in Emily’s paw print pocket, minus the thumbs. “She worked very hard to make these outfits for you, and you’ve only seen one!” Emily still shuffled uncomfortably; imagining just how exposed she was to the outside world. They had one golden rule, and it’d been shattered. Joyce had betrayed her! She’d been crossed, and she wanted to be mad, angry, and sad...so why didn’t she? She didn’t feel happy or comfortable (emotionally, at least), but that didn’t extend into any resentment for Joyce. Her mind could only think of the countless, terrible futures where Amy might use this dark secret against both her and Joyce. They were now pawns in any masterful scheme she might wish to exact in the future...Even with that in mind though...being forced to look at her own reflection, the denim dress and yellow onesie she figured it to be all looked splendid...This clearly wasn’t run-of-the-mill, and the effort in it was genuine; evidence that would suggest the opposite of ill-intentions. If there was care, how could it be malicious? “And nothing’s changed,” Joyce explained while she briefly toyed with the onesie’s collar next. “Our secret is still safe, and no one else other than you, me, and Amy to a very limited degree I’ll add, knows. The only thing she knows is that I might like to dress you up a little bit.” “But what about the-!” Emily couldn’t help herself but interrupt, dying with the questions which dictated life or death. “Yes, she knows about those too,” Joyce asserted her verbal dominance yet again. “But so what? Joyce nonchalantly continued. What else is my little Emmy supposed to be wearing? If she didn’t know about the diapers, how else would she be able to make you such cute, fitting clothes?” “You promised, though...” Emily quietly pouted. The sense of betrayal was beyond evident, and to Joyce the disappointment in her voice was like a spear run through her own heart. It’s not like she deserved any less, though. “I did,” Joyce remorsefully spoke. “But, didn’t you say that you wanted to trust me more?” With almost every fiber of her being, Joyce hated using Emily’s own words against her like this, but the only thing that kept her pressing forward was the mutual net gain that’d be on the other side. She’d have to keep reminding herself that this was for them, not just her. “There’s no way Amy will ever tell anyone anything,” She made a point to put heavy emphasis on the two most important words. “Not only does she have non-disclosure agreements with all her clients, but I can tell you something like this is a tiny blip on her map. From the sound of it, she’s handled much more off the wall stuff. Your wardrobe is something she really likes making!” Joyce’s words were reassuring, but Emily knew she was really tripping over herself when it was clear her right to total protest was lost, considering she did surrender more control to Joyce. But didn’t it not count, seeing as this had to have been orchestrated before? Only recently did she start giving Joyce the verbal ‘okay’ on these things...The technicalities were too annoying to consider. Despite the turmoil, her instincts were still unashamedly telling her to be strut along by Joyce. But was there any sense of recourse to this? Did there need to be? All Joyce was telling her about were the positives, and the only negative Emily could find in the room was herself, which she had the power to change. The longer she looked into the mirror, Joyce hanging over her, while she was in a onesie, denim dress, all covering her wet diaper, a small, sudden smirk escaped her. “Oh? Did something about that make you happy?” Joyce nudged, taking advantage of whatever giddy feelings she could spur within Emily. “I know what I did made you feel uncomfortable, but I want you to know nothing bad will come of it. Only good things,” Joyce squeezed a little tighter. “I’m willing to hear anything you want to tell me, though.” “Going to Amy like that without my permission...it wasn’t nice.” Trying to sound glum, Emily spoke truthfully. The thick stitches in her front pocket almost looked like a toothy smirk to her, adjoined by the fat, white shoulder strap buttons like eyes. “No...it wasn’t.” Joyce somberly agreed. “I knew our secret would still be safe, but that doesn’t mean you’d feel the same; regardless of the outcome.” “...Right...” Emily nodded, thinking of how else she could do the proper thing and scold Joyce. She wiggled her hips slightly, watching the skirt move to and fro...She did her utmost to silence an oncoming giggle. She wanted more than anything to be mad, but how was it her place to chastise her own caregiver? “I want you to tell me when you do stuff as risky as that...I want to know what to expect.” “Tell?” Not ask? “You mean you want me to ask before I do stuff like this, right?” Joyce fished for clarification, and Emily could only nervously watch her toes wiggle in their polka dot socks, squirming in the carpet. “N...no. I want you to tell me,” All jitters, Emily confirmed her earlier words. “I...I can trust you, right? You said so?” Through the mirror, she stared into Joyce’s eyes with sincere purity, innocence and complete dependence. She was a frail and delicate little girl opening herself up to the one person who would do anything and everything to protect her. For once it hurt Joyce now to receive kindness in response to her own wrongdoings. She didn’t deserve it, which is why she cherished it all the more. “Of course!” Forcing herself out of such a melancholic state, Joyce by Emily’s waist hoisted her into the air for a few moments before setting her back down. From the angle she lifted her, Emily too could catch the white snaps enclosing the round and padded crotch to her onesie from the mirror. The way the entire outfit hugged her and made her feel was a strange and unapologetic wave of childishness that was already taking root. Emily wasn’t sure how to feel. But Emmy? Emmy was right at home. “But you still want me to take the lead, right?” Admittedly, the dynamic was a bit unorthodox. Emily wanted to surrender her freedoms, but she wanted the right to be aware of what was happening? She relinquished her power to do anything about it (within reason), yet she still wanted to be an attentive spectator… “Yeah, I guess.” From the sound of it, even Emily was aware of her selfish requests; having her cake and eating it too. “If...if that’s okay?” Snickering, Joyce embraced Emily with a small Eskimo kiss, and finally took her away from the mirror. Her laughter was enough of an answer, and Emily didn’t feel the need to press any further. “And there’s one last thing to add...” Joyce rambled on as she turned her back to Emily and moved to the dresser. She opened the top drawer, clearly looking for something among a sea of many things, evident by the sliding of foreign objects. Emily could only watch with curiosity as Joyce’s audible searching came to an end and she came back with two small accessories in hand. Emily stared at it for a moment, unsure of what to think at all. She really hadn’t been thinking of it...but it’s not like this was unexpected. “Is that a...” “Pacifier? Yes, it is!” Joyce resounded in singsong praise, displaying the silicon teat attached to a plastic shield and ring, all proportionate for someone Emily’s size. As Joyce held it in front of her, it was easy to read the girl’s hesitation, but like always she did her utmost to ease her into it. “You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, you know,” Joyce reminded as she dangled the childish item from her finger. “But I think you might be pleasantly surprised if you do~!” The aftertaste of suspense lingered in her words, and Emily the willing sucker she was felt herself being tempted by the bait. As if she weren’t happy about it, looking at anything but the amused Joyce, Emily quietly opened her mouth the slightest bit, her arms crossed like she was in total protest, yet how bad of a liar she could be in times like this… Joyce didn’t give her a chance for second thoughts, and no sooner than it took for Emily to open her mouth, it was filled by the firm, yet squishy material just as fast. Letting the foreign invader sit still for a few moments, Emily ceased all activity as if she were awaiting the big reveal; the surprise Joyce had been dangling over her head. But it was just a normal pacifier? She squeezed her teeth on it curiously. Just as she was about to call her out on her lies though, Emily’s tongue brushed across the nipple, and along the way picked up a sweet, fruity taste...Banana? Her eyes focusing on the pacifier in her mouth, Emily inspected the sensation further; dancing her tongue all around the flavored bulb and receiving equally as pleasant banana-y responses. And the more she worked at it, the more she felt as if it were teetering on the line between not enough, and just satisfying. She loved the taste of banana, and wanted to feel that wave of flavor in full. Suddenly licking the pacifier wasn’t enough, and in a desperate attempt to try and stir a greater yield, the pacifier rhythmically gyrated the slightest bit, shifting to the front and back of her mouth; sucking on it. “I take it that one’s a winner?” Happy to see it working as intended, Emily finally looked from the pacifier and back to Joyce. Blushing heavily over her distractions, she quickly yanked the item from her mouth (Demanded by circumstance, despite her tastebuds crying in protest), and without any real sensible place to put it, she shoved it in the torso pocket of her denim dress. “Why did you stop?” Joyce looked the slightest bit disappointed, mourning for the sweet scene she had just been treated to. “Didn’t it taste good? If I remember correctly, someone can’t get enough of bananas, my little kitty-monkey.” “I don’t know...” Emily aimlessly spoke, knowing exactly why she did stop, as well as why she should know better than to feel so ashamed... “No embarrassment,” Joyce magically pulled the words from Emily’s mind, as she reached into Emily’s pocket and pulled the pacifier back out. “Remember?” Curiously, she gave it a suck herself, taking note of the pleasant taste herself. Needing to repeat herself less and less each time though, the first two words were enough to let the pacifier back into Emily’s mouth. She didn’t seem to suck it as eagerly this time, though. “Enjoy it all you can for now,” Joyce passively warned. “Because if we don’t throttle that thing, you might become too attached.” Laughing at the thought, while Emily only shivered from imagining such a terrible fate. It didn’t seem to stop her sucking, however. “Either that, or it’ll completely ruin your craving for bananas.” Ushering her along, the two went back into the hallway. “You take the lead, missy. Off to the living room we go!” Joyce cheered as their feet stepped over the polished, hardwood floors. Silently, she bit her lower lip, watching Emily’s skirt swish from side to side, and a small crinkle from underneath too. Everything right now was beyond perfect, and it would only get better! Onto the next room, the floor beside the couch had been sanctioned off by a large, decorated mat, sending waves of old, distant memories back to Emily. Almost like a living memory, images of them, sitting on that old blanket, messing with logic puzzles echoed through her mind. Motifs of suns and moons decorated the purple, plush mat, and checkered across it were the many toys and trinkets that would serve as the morning’s entertainment. She recognized a few things from last time, but what had her interested more than she’d like to admit was the return of those logic puzzles, the ones that had her sitting in Joyce’s lap…! More seemed to have joined the scene, and they brought along with them their stuffed animal friends, and didn’t skip out on the thick, picture books. A box of fat crayons freshly unwrapped from their packaging sat on a coloring book as well. Seeing the rainbow gradient illustrated on the front almost had her itching to give it a try… For a brief moment, Emily removed the pacifier from her mouth. “You really didn’t hold back on the stuffed animals, did you?” She giggled, aimlessly nudging a furry dog with her foot onto its side. Between what was here and in the nursery, she couldn’t put it past herself as being the commander of an army of fluffy cuteness. She couldn’t help but snicker thinking about it. “It’s very important my little girl knows that she’s loved very much!” Taking one of the stuffed toys, Joyce like a puppet master animated its movements over Emily’s shoulders. “You have a loving mommy,” She paused just to kiss her cheek. “And on top of that, you have lots of stuffies to make you feel comfy!” The countless inanimate faces all pointed in random directions; mute and lifeless, yet reverberating a sense of warmth, as each and every toy was imbued with a sense of serenity which was tethered back to Joyce. Everything here was an extension of Joyce’s love, and Emily felt herself wanting to be smothered in it. More than she already was. It was all through a childish medium, infantile at that, but beneath the surface layer was the plentiful emotion; honey to a bee; irresistible, intoxicating, loving, and heartwarming sweetness. “I gotta say though, I was almost expecting you to somehow get a playpen...” What an imagination it took to picture something like that. With fences almost as tall as herself, by no means would it have been practical, and it probably would have been jarring considering the size it’d be...It was strange to think about, but how Emily’s undeniable size was an important factor welled within her a strange feeling of sadness. She was small, especially compared to Joyce, but she wasn’t a toddler; far from it. Her words were meant as a fun joke, but suddenly it felt like she was hurting herself more than anything else. “Maybe in the future...” Joyce spoke passively, giving it an actual thought. Turned away, Emily could only sit there in disbelief for it to be actually considered. She couldn’t be serious, could she? Get a playpen for a grown woman? Further and further the line which divided reality and fantasy was becoming an even greater, blurry mess. From Joyce’s perspective though, it was a perfectly viable avenue. It certainly wasn’t usual, but it wasn’t impossible. Well, maybe not for an apartment in the city, at least...Regardless, it’d need to be something she logged away for the books. “That’s something for later, though,” Joyce continued with polite dismissiveness. “Until then, focus on what we have right now, my spoiled little girl!” Joyce sarcastically chided. “I wasn’t asking for one!” Emily countered, slightly grimacing at the idea of becoming rotten from so much glimmer and glam. “It was a joke!” “I know, I know,” Joyce consoled, giving her hand a squeeze. “If my Emmy’s ever spoiled, it’ll be mommy’s fault, and even at that I know you’ll be my good little girl!” She beamed with genuine pride, overflowing with joy at the thought; being able to claim someone else as your own, and have the other party be just as excited. Flustered, Emily started to mumble in embarrassment, in a low, troubled whisper, “Of...of course I will...” Suddenly a convenient excuse to plug her murmurs and nervousness, the banana-flavored pacifier found its way back in between her lips, and the fictitious verbal strain which weighed over her shoulders seemed to have been erased completely. Gently setting her hands on Emily’s shoulders, with a small bit of force she physically commanded Emily to take a seat on the playmat, and Joyce still remained standing. Unfortunately the diaper between her legs didn’t make sitting on her knees the most comfortable. For modesty’s sake, she wished she could have assumed such a position, but it was pretty clear that wasn’t in the cards. Reluctantly, she sat on her bottom (Certainly feeling awkward after the slight squish of the diaper), and with a white and crinkly mass between her legs, they spread the slightest bit outwards. The hem of her dress while standing was enough to cover the onesie’s crotch, but now that her own thighs prevented it from sinking any lower, a small window of visibility was now there. “Okay missy, I have a very important job for you now,” Joyce’s face started to look serious, which started to restrain Emily’s flowery expressions. It took everything Joyce could not to break character however, when Emily gave a small nod and the ring of her pacifier dangled just slightly. “...I need you to find something extra fun to play with, okay?” She gestured her hand to the countless items scattered across the playmat. “I’m gonna go fill your bottle, so until I’m back I need you to be feeling extra happy and funny.” For some reason Emily forgot the pacifier was in her mouth when she spoke. “Ohkahy.” In a muffled, drawn-out answer she spoke, and suddenly blushed just as hard as her speech was impaired. Once Joyce walked into the kitchen, the idea of drinking from a bottle suddenly rung through Emily’s head yet again. She had already been using a sippy cup, but on the maturity meter this was a new low. It was another point of access to Emily’s already limited freedoms she had lost. Emmy’s freedoms, that is. Then again, Joyce regardless of the time or circumstances was often serving them both...In times like this though, the countless things which surrounded her and interacted with in various ways were all designed to service her as well as defer the sense of independence to someone else. The most glaring one was the portable bathroom hugging her hips, and now, there was a highchair to allow someone else to easily feed her, a bottle to prevent her from making spills, pacifiers to keep her soothed and silent, and a crib to keep her where she needed to be for sleepy time...Digesting it all was a little overwhelming, and as if to feel the demand of dependence personified, Emily lightly pressed a finger to the shield of her pacifier. The pace things were moving at was rapid, and at times these situations could feel like Emily was being hit by a truck. That being said, what made it all so comprehensible and possible to digest was because this micromanaged baby lifestyle was all controlled by her most favorite person in the world: Joyce. The woman had proven she didn’t mind seeing Emily naked (Rather, encouraged it), wet herself, use the toilet, and do so many other countless, embarrassing things. She received it all with such happiness and gratitude, and returned an everlasting shower of love and affection for the girl. In some ways being small was nice, and Joyce only made it feel even more special. With a creeping happiness, she licked the banana-flavored silicon in her mouth. A popping noise filled the room when a finger hooked around the ring of Emily’s pacifier gave it a small tug and the teat left her mouth. Clearly she’d been too focused on her own thoughts, because Joyce had re-entered the room with a filled bottle in hand. “You can have it back later, but for now I want you on this.” In exchange for the pacifier, Emily now held an adult-sized baby bottle in her hands, observing the light brown tint to it. It was her coffee drink! “Coffee? But I thought I wasn’t supposed to...” She spoke hesitantly, questioning the rules she could recall from their very first breakfast. Right after the first morning meal, it was straight to milk and juice. “Oh? Does that mean you’d like some juice instead?” Joyce asked, cocking a brow with a smirk. “Well, I suppose since that’s what you want...” As if she were reluctant, Joyce reached for the bottle which Emily promptly turned away with in order to protect her most prized possession. Playfully desperate, she did everything she could to deter her caretaker. “No, no! I was just wondering! This is fine, really!” Following right after she stuck the bottle into her mouth and started to suck. Of course it tasted delicious, and it made her feel even more foolish for even questioning its second coming. Miracles were meant to be experienced, not analyzed. She stole a glance at Joyce who had ceased her advances, and seeing the smile on her face only made Emily grumpy because she knew that she’d given the exact reaction Joyce was looking for. From Emily’s mild annoyance, it only made Joyce laugh as her intentions became quite obvious. Patting her on the head, taking advantage of the much thinner underwear between her legs she sat on her knees. “I think you keep forgetting that today’s your birthday, silly. I always want to make you feel nice and happy, but today I think I can make a few exceptions to our routine...” As she continued to nurse, a small smile escaped Emily as the rhythmic petting continued. “So?” Joyce broke the peaceful silence, rearing her face into Emily’s vision. “Did you find anything here you might wanna play with?” Sheepishly, she shook her head no. She’d been so busy thinking that the time really flew by. In a laughing fit, Joyce pulled Emily in for a hug while her hand scanned the playmat. “Do I really need to do everything for you? I don’t mind, but I’d really like some input here!” It was all in good fun, and the both of them knew it. Still, even Emily knew her incompetence over the most minor tasks was pretty laughable. “Now come on, we have a nice big variety of things we can do,” Still in Joyce’s embrace, Emily was turned to face the greater portion of toys decorating the floor. “We can read a story,” Joyce lifted one of the thick picture books, printed with a happy-faced caterpillar on the front. “Maybe play with a few of those puzzles?” She lifted a logic puzzle Emily hadn’t recognized from last time. It was another mass of pieces that had yet to be taken apart. “Coloring?” She pointed to the box of crayons. “Stuffies?” She lifted countless different soft animals, all looking happy as could be with simple existence, just as Emily was feeling with Joyce. Gently rocking her shoulders, Joyce cooed and urged her to make a decision. “Uhmm...stuffed animals, then!” Finally deciding, Emily threw herself at something blindly just to push them in some direction. It mattered little to her what they did, because she’d likely derive just as much pleasure from it compared to anything else. “And we have a winner!” Joyce cheered as she corralled a handful within reach. Despite the excitement Joyce had spurred in her voice and leaving the iron hot to strike, a pile now lay before Emily and she somewhat watched them awkwardly… Dumbly, Emily asked, “Well...what am I supposed to do with them?” Joyce couldn’t help but snicker at the question, as her cluelessness made her all the more adorable. “What do you mean, ‘do with them’? You’re supposed to play! Haven’t you ever played with stuffed animals before? Dolls? Action figures?” “Well...yeah...” Emily still spoke confusingly, recounting her genuine childhood which felt like light years ago. But now what? Quite frankly she was out of touch with her inner child...Joyce had aroused remnants of it, but this was still very much glued together by the love they had for each other. Finding direct substitutes for that was still very much a learning process. “Let’s do it together then,” Joyce spoke as she’d already grabbed an ovular-looking one. Clearly it wasn’t an animal Emily had ever seen. Nevertheless the smile and two small black circles for eyes was cute in a simple way. It didn’t answer the question as to what Emily was looking at though. There were no distinguishable features on it other than it being white and incredibly soft-looking. Honestly, she could have mistaken it for a small pillow. “This...” Emily tried her best to suppress a giggle, as she pressed her palm on the happy, soft ball. “Is a stuffed animal?” Taking it from Joyce’s hand and feeling a bit carefree at the moment she pressed her cheek into it and was rewarded by a soft and cushy response. “Okay, okay, maybe they’re not all animals...” Joyce admitted as she sat on her own bottom and scooted Emily right into her lap. In Joyce’s arms, Emily seemed like a tiny package of giddiness and pleasant smells. With hair like silk and skin so smooth, Joyce wanted to hug her little girl tight and never let go. “They’re mostly animals,” She corrected herself. “But I thought that one looked cute too...” Joyce explained, trying to excuse her own blunder. “I think it’s cute too, but what is it?” Inspecting, Emily kept turning it all over, looking for some distinguishable feature. Maybe that was its charm? That it wasn’t anything at all? “It’s mochi, if I remember...Haven’t you ever seen them before?” “Mochi? Really?” Emily looked at Joyce as if she hadn’t believed her for a moment, then back to the friendly face in question. Squinting her eyes as if it’d help, she restored her normal vision once it finally clicked. “I guess I see it,” Childhood memories started to return to her head in waves, and her teeth plunging into the squishy outer exterior just to snatch away some of the ice cream hidden inside was coming back to her. Although she was raised in America, her mom brought a good deal of her own culture too. “No, I definitely do.” A toothy smile formed across her face as she continued to poke and prod the squishy figure with her finger. “Well, it can’t just stay as mochi forever, you need to name it, you know!” “Name it? Why do I need to do that?” “Wouldn’t it be hard not to call people by their names? What would I do if I couldn’t call my little girl Emmy?” She pointed her finger to herself, which was right where Emily was sitting. “What would you call me if I wasn’t named Joyce, or Mommy?” Her point was obvious, and factually sound, yet when used as the basis for naming a stuffed piece of dessert it was clear just how much a silly notion was being overcompensated for…“All important things need names, because that’s how we recognize them! Mr.Bear is gonna need one too, ya know.” It’s funny how creativity always seems to be there when you need it the least, and as scarce as fire in an ocean when you need it the most. As Emily stared back at the fake piece of mochi, absolutely nothing dawned upon her. Every name she could think of wasn’t fitting for a squishy and soft piece of sweetness. Sarah, Carol, Alex, Carly, Anna, Amy, Natalie, they were all incredibly basic, which is why she tried toning down the syllables. As countless sounds rambled through her head, one along the conveyor headed straight to the bin suddenly slipped off its track and fell down the hole from her brain to her mouth, which stumbled out into the open. “Pip…?” Even she didn’t sound sure of the name itself, if you could even call it that. But wasn’t that the point of names? Words only had meaning if you gave it to them...Without that, everything anyone ever said was all just senseless babble. As if for confirmation she looked back to Joyce. “How’s that?” “Don’t look at me, silly! They’re your stuffie! It’s not about what I think, it’s only about what you want. But if my opinion did matter...I think it’s a perfect name.” “Pip it is, then.” Almost serious, Emily gave her head a small nod to her new inanimate friend, as if a contract had then been formed. Then with an exaggerated sigh Emily leaned her entire body back into Joyce, who could easily handle the smaller girl’s weight. Doing her best to stare up at Joyce while holding Pip to complete the trio, jokingly she whined, “Playing with stuffed animals is hard. Can we do something else?” “Such a lazy baby...” Fawning over her significant other who had managed to incite such pleasing emotions, Emily’s ability to lose herself to the process was beyond gratifying as was the extent it was being taken to was ridiculously funny. “How about you color a pretty picture for mommy, then? Sound a bit more fun?” “Is there gonna be time for other stuff, though?” “I don’t want to see you looking at the clock, missy.” The countless windows in the house would be a dead giveaway, but it’s not like they’d say much until the later hours...It was obvious this morning’s incident was still having its ramifications, and it annoyed Joyce that Emily was feeling forced to choose her actions based on this. She wanted Emily to feel unrestrained, and unfortunately that total feeling couldn’t be realized. “Now march your butt over to the couch. I’ll get the crayons and coloring book.” Hmm, this one seemed to have taken an extra day or two...or three...Sorry about that! Things have been busy. Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and look forward to hearing your thoughts!
    4 points
  3. Hopefully $500 is helpful ? Wetter is better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  4. Clara yelps in surprise as some kind of restraint straps spring from the table locking down her wrists and ankles before a second set slides across her chest just under her breasts and another a across her waist and neck. The last inflates into some kind of soft pillowie cervical collar. “Moira Doctor Person needs Clara Person immobile for test and procedures. Rapid abrupt motion could make further injuries. Lack of body mechanic knowledge make sedation not possible. Moria Doctor offers condolences and sympathy.” Clara laughs nervously…. “It’s okay just startled me.” A series a colored lights wash over Clara and she’s hooked up to some kind of fancy scifi IV sleeve machine judging by the slight pinch she feels in her arm. “Clara is *searching* query… Word is Biped? In Clara language?” “Yep. You got it. Clara is a human. Homo Sapiens. Which are Bipeds.” Maybe if the translator had enough data it would clear up the weird speech patterns? “So injury is…. Fracture, multiple fragments in primary motor limb. And shallow projectile track through Clara skull and neural tissue.” “I already started based on map data regrowing tissue but more data needed by Moira Doctor on… Human?” Clara nods. “Human function to insure job is proper done. I get good data from circulatory liquid but need other chemical energy data to complete analysis. Scan show symmetry Bilateral. I need examine what called? Digestive function to understand how pharmaceuticals will effect Clara.” “Makes sense to me that you would need to understand more about my metabolism before pumping me full of drugs.” She looked up trying to gauge how much Moira was understanding and was surprised to see that the alien appeared to be smiling. “Clara is smart good human.” She wasn’t how to take being praised like her neighbors corgi but decided to just roll with it and smile back. “Moira have located exit to your digestive tract and will examine and collect sample from lower region. Some species are sensitive about this, please do not be alarmed.” ……. “Oh hell no!! Is this going to turn into some kind of cracked out henta……” Clara could only let out surprised squeal as she felt something soft and slick pressing into her back entrance. Looking down she could see some kind of cable going up between her legs. “I’m getting a colonoscopy from an alien!” This resulted in a fit of laughter from Clara at the shear insanity of the situation which earned her a bemused smile from Moira. Thankfully the scope was retracted after only a minute or so. “I have examined Clara’s gut organism and base on data from your communication device Moira has determined that your biochemistry is standard carbon and your are member of social arboriealist generalist species. Yes?” Clara let’s out a rueful chuckle. “That’s one way of putting it yes…. Order Primates” “I? Is that word for self personal?” Clara nods “I have shutdown nerves in leg that is injured. Clara will feel no pain as I realign leg fragments and inject replacement cells with growth factor…” Clara could only watch in astonishment as Moira used some kind of holographic interface to operated a series of robotic arms which manipulated her leg a series of cables snaked into her skin. She could see fragment’s being moved around on one of the monitors and stuck back together with some kind of adhesive scaffold. But she didn’t feel a thing! When the instruments retracted, she looked up at Moira. “You feel better, yes Clara?” She flexed her leg experimentally and stepped down off the table. “Holy fuck!! I can actually walk!” “Is usable but Clara must not strain herself for next few day.” “Got it doc…” Clara and Moira smile at each other…. After following Moira down a series of twisting corridors Clara found herself in what could only be described as a wooded courtyard with some kind of treehouse like platform and the softest grass she could possible imagine. “This is living space ship fabricated for you based on bio data.” Clara looked at Moira like she had grown a second head. “Your realize I’m not a fucking chimp right?” “Apologies. I left ship to it’s own devices without clarifying. I will analyze data from planetary com networks or what remains to create more suitable accommodations. Will inform you at early part of day cycle.” It was at this point Clara realized just how long it had been since she had last used the facilities…. “Umm Moira?” “Yes Clara?” “I need the bathroom.” She blushes at having to mention this to the giant alien. “Bathroom?” Clara’s face is scarlet and Moira looks confused. “You know eliminate body waste?” “Oh just void as normal.” Did they really just expect her to pop a squat in the middle of the room? “But how the hell do I wipe?” “Wipe?” *Clara makes a circular wiping motion with her hand. “Machines clean room, Clara does not need to. Sleep well and easy on leg.” And with that Moira walked out. Leaving poor Clara alone with her very swollen bladder….
    2 points
  5. I have been a diaper lover for years! but one thing ive always had a problem with is when im laying in bed and wet it goes down the sides and leaks onto the bed. i am a larger person and my penis is honestly pretty small. so i cant just point it down towards the crouch/bum area. Any suggestions or tips? i wear rearz lil monsters so i know it a good diaper. thanks in advance
    1 point
  6. Pt. 3 Brave New World Deciding that it’s pointless fighting the inevitable Clara steps behind some of the shrubbery to give herself some semblance of privacy as a rumbling in her stomach makes another need known. Besides it’s not like she hasn’t done this before while camping…. Grabbing a large stick, she scrapes out a shallow cathole before popping a squat. Sighing in relief as she feels her bladder relax. Watching the yellow hissing and pattering stream as it lands. Groaning slightly Clara feels a soft fart exit her followed by a smooth firm log which curls beneath her. Breathing a little bit harder than normal Clara continues to push out a sizable load before finishing and kicking some artificial turf over the fresh steaming pile. “Now what the hell do I do about the lack of toilet paper? Wait wasn’t there some kind of water feature near the treehouse thing?” Standing in front of it she could see that it was in fact some kind of fountain designed to look like a natural spring with water pouring out of a fake into a shallow pool that looked to be maybe 2’ deep at most. “I guess this is supposed to be for both bathing and hydration? Wow these aliens really go all out with their zoo enclosures….” Stepping into the pool she finds to be cool but not unpleasantly so with the water coming halfway up her calves. After splashing her crotch with a little Clara grimaces as she reaches behind to wash her crevice, desperately wishing she had some soap. She does the best she can by drying her hands off on the grass. After wandering around her enclosure for a couple hours Clara had pretty much seen the entirety of the stadium sized space, so she decided to just head back to the platform and try to get some sleep. After climbing up the ladder Clara was surprised to see that one the roughly 20’ platform was covered in what could only be described as a soft spongy gym mat thing plus a ton of blankets and two some one had left a plate of food out. Feeling her empty stomach rumble Clara wasted no time tucking in. It almost seemed like a steak salad. With chunks of rare red meat mystery meat scattered over a large plate of raw greens. There was also some kind sweet red berry and strong tasting white crumbly substance that made her think of brie or blue cheese. Licking the juice off he hands she decided that she might as well get comfortable for the night as she could the light rapidly deeming in an apparent imitation of a sunset. First, she hung up one of the blankets from the branches to create a kind of lean to. Then she piled the rest into a nest before burrowing and curling up as exhaustion over took her and she faded out…..
    1 point
  7. I act professionally in my business and I expect the same from anyone I'm doing business with. A lack of timely response is unprofessional. It takes almost no effort to acknowledge receipt of a message and to reply that you are not able to respond fully but that you will do that ASAP. Never promise what you aren't going to deliver On the journey to whatever form of incontinence you prefer, just relax and be patient. In time almost everyone can reach their goal, and those who can't are often impairing it by forcing the matter instead of just letting it happen. I always think of incontinence being the more natural state of the body, with there being no need to retain since you're in diapers. Just let it go and in time it will do that all by itself Bettypooh
    1 point
  8. An adult-sized playground would be nice Bettypooh
    1 point
  9. @YourFNF gave me this idea: "I've had this recurring fantasy about a girl who's mommy owns a tech startup and she's basically treated as a Little by the whole office...." and "Like I picture in one scene she's introduced to a new client who turns out to be daddy with his own little boy and is made to me mess herself.." I gathered from the verbiage that this was more than likely intended to be set in the diaper dimension, but I don't fuck around with that place, so I went a slightly different route. I sincerely hope my attempt is good in your eyes. I had fun writing something that someone else pitched, and will be doing it at least two more times in the near future for ideas from @Wannatripbaby and possibly @foofybabykitten, I say possibly because the idea was given on DA and the names are similar but I don't know for certain if they're the same person. Anyway, no one dies in this one, and there aren't any horrible things, just good old fashioned smut! Enjoy and leave a comment if you feel like it, shoot me a PM with story ideas you'd like to see written, I don't do commissions, so any idea you give me is free and such and such. Take Your Child To Work Day By: RambleLamb "This is stupid." Belinda grumped from the passenger seat of the car. "I don't see why I have to do this, I'm not a kid anymore." she added. Her mother sighed and reached over to gently rub her daughter's shoulder as the girl sat with her arms folded across her chest. "No one said you were a kid, Belle, but like it or not, you are my daughter and the head of the company should set an example by participating in things like this." she said. Belinda sighed, her pout turning into a sneer as she turned to glare at her mother. "Fine, but you are forbidden from calling me "Belle" while we're there." she spat. Her mother removed her hand from her daughter's shoulder. "I don't see what the big deal is, you used to love that nickname." she said, more than a little saddened by her daughter's negative attitude. Belinda scoffed. "Yeah, when I was four and loved Beauty and the Beast, mom." she said. "I'm in college now, not preschool." she added, turning her attention out her window to scowl at the world as it passed her by. Diana felt the anger rise up in her. "I think you mean that you were in college, Belle." she corrected. "Typically when you fail out of all your classes and have to move back to your parent's house they stop considering you a student." she added, hoping to quell her daughter's sour mood with a harsh dose of realism. Over the last two months Belinda had been dealing with the shame of having to move back in with her parents after spending too much time partying and not enough time studying and attending classes while away at college. With nothing but time on her hands as she'd been unable to find work, Belinda had more or less regressed to her teenage self, hanging out around the house and accomplishing next to nothing with her time. Her attitude had also taken a severe nosedive, this morning's tantrum just one of many over the last two months. When she'd gotten into an argument with her parents about her lack of a job, she'd told her mother that, as the owner of the small but quite successful tech startup company, she should just give her a job which brought them back to the subject of her failure at school and her mother pointing out that she wasn't going to give her a job just because she was the owner and Belinda was her daughter. When the subject of the "take your child to work" day came up Belinda had rejected the idea, but Diana was steadfast in her decision and offered to treat it as a day long interview, to see if Belinda could handle being a secretary or personal assistant and if she could she'd be allowed to interview for the position with all the other potential candidates and if she truly was the best for the job then she'd have it. Belinda viewed it as a secret way for her mother to give her a job but make it look like she wasn't doing so because she was Belinda's mother, and finally consented to going to work with her mother for the day. The morning had started off on the wrong foot to begin with, Belinda having neglected to set her alarm the night before as her mother had told her to do, and then whining and complaining about how early it was when her mother had come in to wake her while she was getting herself ready for the day. All of this culminated in Belinda rushing her shower, not bothering to wash her hair, and throwing on her favorite t-shirt and jeans without considering that maybe the fact that she'd picked them up off her bedroom floor, but with them already running behind, her mother begrudgingly said nothing to her daughter as they made their way to the car. "Look, Belle, I know you're having a tough time right now, but if you made a little bit of an effort to present yourself as an adult-" her mother had begun to say before her daughter had turned to face her. "Are you fucking kidding me, mom?! How am I supposed to present myself as an adult when I'm sleeping in my old bedroom and having to answer to you and dad like a fucking child?!" Belinda snapped, her eyes wide with anger and brimming with hot tears of frustration and embarrassment. The car pulled to a stop in the parking garage and Diana squealed to a stop in her spot before getting out of the car and moving to Belinda's side where she threw the door open and reached inside to unbuckle her daughter's seatbelt. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Belinda screamed, the cry ringing out in the parking garage. "Something I should have been doing from the start." Diana responded through gritted teeth as she pulled her daughter from the car by the wrist and yanked her to the front of the car where her latent maternal skills came back in full force as she bent Belinda over the hood and tugged her pants down, sighing when she saw her daughter had failed to put on underwear, and proceeded to deliver a dozen sharp swats to the girl's exposed backside, the cracks echoing off the walls and ceiling quickly joined by the desperate and humiliated cries of her daughter. "Fucking stop, mom, what the fuck?!" Belinda screamed as her pants were pulled down, followed by strings of profanity that rapidly devolved into pleading and further devolved until she was genuinely crying. Diana stopped after she was sure the message had gotten through and righted her daughter before throwing her arms around the girl and hugging her tightly. "I hope you realize that that was for your own good, Belle." she said quietly to her sobbing daughter, feeling the motion of the girl gently rubbing her stinging backside. "I told you not to call me that!" Belle whined between sobs, trying to pull free of her mother. Diana broke her embrace and looked her daughter square in the eyes, the younger and, at the moment, far more vulnerable woman trying to look away but having her chin gripped gently but firmly to hold her gaze in place. "I will call you Belinda when you act like my college aged daughter, until then, I think Belle is a very fitting name, wouldn't you agree, sweetie?" she asked, her tone soft and maternal but only slightly covering the seriousness and authority that she was exerting over her daughter. Belle sniffled. "I'm sorry, please give me another chance!" she pleaded as her tears rolled down her cheeks. Diana bent forward and pulled her daughter's pants up for her, the girl wincing and crying out in pain as the denim rubbed across her reddened backside. "If you can prove to me today that you're ready to be Belinda then I'll forget this ever happened." she said. Belle nodded. "Thank you." she said quietly. "But." Diana added. "If you fail to prove to me that you're ready to be an adult and that you're serious about wanting a job then your father and I are going to have to discuss what we're going to do with you." she said. Belle swallowed hard and nodded again. "I'll show you, I promise." she said. Diana kissed her daughter's forehead and went to the glovebox for some tissues to give the girl. "Dry your eyes and compose yourself and we'll head inside, okay?" she asked. Belle took the tissues and wiped her eyes, blowing her nose a few times before she handed the package of tissues back to her mother before they made their way into the office. Unbeknownst to either woman, Diana's parking space was situated right next to a security camera, and unbeknownst to either woman, said camera and the person watching the cameras had seen the whole show that Diana and her daughter had put on. ************************************************************************ "Belle, this is Patty, she's in charge of making sure everyone that visits gets a badge and finds their way around okay." Diana told her daughter as they stood before a girl that couldn't have been much older than Belle herself, though in comparison, Patty in her smart and professional looking business outfit consisting of a long black skirt and a modest blouse accompanying her high heels whereas Belle looked like she'd just rolled out of bed and was on her way to high school. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Belle!" Patty chirped happily. Belle held her tongue at having this girl use her childish nickname and feigned a smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Patty." she said. "I have to get to my office and check my schedule for the day, but Patty will show you around and get you set up and then I'll come find you so we can start your trial run, okay, sweetie?" Diana asked. Belle nodded and watched her mother depart, thankful that she might be able to salvage some of her adulthood without her around. "Okay, Belle, here's your visitor badge." Patty said as she clipped the laminated badge to Belle's shirt without asking. "That badge will let you into any door that has a blue circle above it." she explained, pointing to the blue circle above the door Belle and her mother had entered through. Belle again feigned a smile. "Thanks, Patty." she said. "Anytime, kiddo!" Patty chirped. "Now, why don't we take a quick tour and then we'll get you set up with the other kids." she said. "Other kids?" Belle asked. Patty nodded. "Oh yeah, we've got about seven of you guys visiting here today!" she said as she started walking away, beginning the previously mentioned tour. "First stop is the restroom, I know my other little tour goers needed that before we really started exploring." she said with a warm smile. Belle rolled her eyes. "I think I'll be fine, Patty." she said. "Why don't you just point me in the direction of my mom's office and I'll hang out there until she's ready for me." she added. Patty's smile faded. "No can do, kiddo, all the kids need to stay in room 1A until their parents come and get them." she said. "I'll take you there now if you don't want the grand tour though." she added, her perky tone replaced by one of fake sincerity as she had already had her fill of her boss's bratty daughter mere minutes after meeting her. "Fine." Belle said simply and followed Patty down the long hall to a boardroom, her eyes widening in disbelief as she saw half a dozen or so children inside playing with various toys. The oldest one in the room didn't look like he was more than twelve while the youngest looked to be about three or four, a distinct bulge beneath the stretchy pants she wore beneath her ladybug print dress. "Nope, no fucking way am I going in there." Belle said bluntly. Patty ignored her and ran her badge over the reader, causing the door to slide open and the full volume within the room to come blaring out. "Have fun, kiddo." she said as she gave Belle a small push into the room just before the door slid closed. Belle turned and banged on the door, reaching for her badge and running it over the reader inside the room, getting a sharp buzz and a red light for her efforts. After five more tries she noticed Patty pointing upward and looked above the door to see a green square rather than a blue circle. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." she said. "You said a swear, I'm telling!" a young boy behind her exclaimed. Belle rolled her eyes and turned around. "Go ahead and tell, you little booger eater!" she shouted, causing many of the kids to gasp and the young boy to begin crying. Belle sighed and moved to him, kneeling down in front of him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'm sorry, buddy, please don't cry." she said, less concerned about the boy and more concerned that her mother would find out she'd already failed their agreement. "Leave me alone!" the boy wailed and shoved her hard in the chest. Given her current position, Belle was almost powerless to keep from falling backward onto her butt, the pain of the impact on her still tender backside bringing a cry of pain and a welling of tears to her eyes. "Jeez, you gonna cry because you got pushed by a kid half your size?" the oldest boy in the room asked with a scoff. Belle wiped her eyes. "Shut up, it just surprised me is all." she said, sounding very much like one of the younger children in the room rather than the adult she actually was. The boy nodded. "Whatever you say, crybaby." he said and turned his attention back to his phone. Belle fumed and got up from the floor, marching over to him and slapping the phone from his hands, sending it tumbling across the floor under the table in the center of the room. The boy stood up from his chair and proved to be nearly a head taller than Belle. "Pick it up." he commanded angrily as he stared her down. Belle felt her face flush as she turned to look for the phone, hoping this boy wasn't the type to hit girls when they made him angry. She lowered herself onto her knees and looked beneath the table, seeing the phone a few feet away in front of her and moving on her hands and knees toward it to reach out and pick it up. The door beeped and Patty entered suddenly, the sound of the beep and the door opening startling Belle and causing her to lift up and bang her head on the table, biting her tongue in the process. Yelping in both surprise and pain, Belle crawled forward the rest of the way and found herself looking up at Patty, meeting the standing woman's eyes and looking down as her face went red. "Well, I'm glad to see you're fitting in with the other children so well, Belle." Patty praised, her tone soft and kind, befitting an adult talking to a child. Belle stood up and glared at Patty, the insinuation that not only was she just like the other children but that she was also playing with them annoying her beyond what she could tolerate without speaking up. "Lithen hewe-" Belle began but abruptly stopped, clamping her hand over her mouth in surprise at the childish lisp she'd developed from biting her tongue. Patty covered her own mouth to stifle a laugh at what she'd just heard. "Yes, Belle? You were saying?" she cooed in mock sincerity. Belle fumed. "Thtop tawking do me wike I'm thum dumb kid!" she yelled. "Listen here, Belle, you will not raise your voice to me like that again, if you want to talk to me you can use your inside voice like a good girl." Patty said condescendingly. Belle growled and started to say something but Patty cast an icy stare her way and she instantly quieted. "I think you should apologize for your little tantrum, Belle." Patty told her. "Not just to me, but to your friends as well." Belle's expression soured and she shook her head. "I'm noth apowogizing thoo thum dumb kidth!" she spat. Patty nodded decisively. "Fine, then you can come with me and have a nice timeout to think about your behavior, young lady." she said as she reached out and took Belle by the hand firmly and began to tug her along behind her. "Hey, lemme go!" Belle squealed and pulled against Patty's iron grip, her shoes still sliding on the carpet of the meeting room as she fought against the stronger woman. Patty had had enough and released her hold of Belle sending the girl tumbling backward into the table, the edge hitting the backs of her thighs causing her to roll onto it and over it to the other side where she fell to the floor square on butt, a blinding white flash of hot pain jolting through her body the instant her spank damaged bottom connected with the unforgiving surface of thinly carpeted concrete. Belle wailed in pain, tears forming in her eyes instantly as they began to cascade down her cheeks. Patty sighed and rolled her eyes. "Good grief, Belle, I've seen toddlers that are less crybaby than you." she chided as she went around the table and stood above the sobbing girl with her legs splayed out in front of her and, looking down disapprovingly for a moment before kneeling down and putting her hands beneath the crying girl's armpits to hoist her to her feet. Belle's thoughts were spinning out of control as she was helped to her feet, she couldn't stop crying no matter how hard she wanted to, the pain in her bottom was almost too much to handle. She felt Patty take her by the hand and shuffled along behind her as she wiped her eyes and continued to cry. "Kids, I need to take care of Belle, but I'll be right back with some snacks for you guys, okay?" Patty said to the group of children after scanning her badge and opening the door. "Are you gonna make Belle take a nap?" one of the younger children asked innocently. "My mommy makes me take a nap when I throw tantrums." the little girl added. Patty looked at Belle thoughtfully and then turned back to the room. "You don't worry about Belle, we'll get her calmed down and then I'll bring her back here so she can apologize for being so disruptive." she explained. "In the meantime, thank you all for being so well behaved." she added before leading Belle from the room. As they walked down the hall Belle found it difficult to walk normally as her bottom throbbed and tingled with every step and she found it easier to walk in short little steps, shuffling her feet to avoid the flashes of pain that came with lifting her feet and bringing them down on the floor. "Someone told me an interesting story about you after I put you in the playroom." Patty said as she pulled Belle down the hall past the many cubicles and offices. "They told me that they saw you get quite a spanking from your mommy in the parking garage this morning." she continued, sure that Belle wasn't likely to engage in conversation as she was still sniffling and choking back sobs. Belle's blood ran cold. "Thumwon thaw dat?!" she lisped in a hushed whisper. Patty nodded. "Saw and recorded." she clarified as they reached her desk and she turned to face Belle. "Now, if you want that video to stay a secret, I think you need to work on doing a much better job of being a good girl for the rest of the time you're here." she said. Belle wanted to fight, but not at the risk of a video of her being spanked by her mother finding its way onto the internet or worse, her own social media pages. "I'wl be good." she said quietly. Patty nodded. "A smart choice, but we'll see if you can actually manage it." she said as she gave Belle's head a gentle pat and took the girl by the hand once again and continued on to the break room where she went to the fridge and pulled out a small stack of plastic containers and handed them to Belle. "You carry those and I'll get the drinks." she said. Belle took the containers and watched Patty grab a plastic bag containing a large bottle of soda, a jug of grape juice, and small pink lunch bag and then went to the cabinet and grabbed a small stack of plastic cups. "Now, when we get back to the playroom you're going to apologize to the other children for being a brat and serve them their snacks and once you've done that you'll sit on the floor like a good girl and eat your snacks, do you understand?" Patty asked. Belle blushed and nodded, completely humiliated but powerless to fight, choosing to agree and obediently follow behind Patty back to the playroom, entering the room after Patty unlocked the door. "Kids, Belle has something she'd like to say to you all." Patty said as the door closed behind them. Belle blushed again and looked down at the floor. "Thowwy fo being a bwat." she said quietly. "What?!" the oldest boy in the room called out as he put a hand to his ear. "Speak up, Belle." Patty commanded as she gave Belle a sharp swat on the behind. Belle yelped and almost dropped the containers in her hands as she jumped in surprise and pain. "Pweath fogib me fo being a bwat!" she squealed. The children nodded and all confirmed they forgave her and Patty smiled and patted Belle on the head. "Good girl, now set those down on the table before you drop them and I'll give you things to take to everyone." she said. Belle flushed and set the containers down on the table and stood silently as she watched Patty open the containers and pull out carrot and celery sticks, apple slices, a chocolate chip cookie to place them in a napkin and hand them to Belle. With the snack portion handed to her, Patty poured some grape juice into one of the plastic cups and handed it to Belle. "Juice goes to the little kids and soda goes to David because he's the oldest." she explained and gave Belle a gentle nudge to get her going. Belle moved to the end of the table in her same shuffling baby steps, watching the juice in the cup slosh around, worrying what Patty would do if she spilled any. "Set it on the table, Belle, little ones need to sit at the table for snack time." Patty told her as she prepared another snack and drink combo for Belle to take upon her return. Belle performed her task over and over until all the younger children were seated at the table with their snacks and juice, David, having come and gotten his own, was seated off in the corner looking at his phone while he ate. With her duties complete, Belle returned to Patty and waited for her own snack and drink and frowned when she was handed a cup of grape juice and led to a seat at the table. "Thith ith whath the withle kidth are having though." Belle protested. Patty nodded. "I think that with the way you've been acting today you're much closer in maturity to them over David." she replied bluntly. "Truth be told, I probably should have given you a sippy cup like Athena." she added, gesturing to the youngest girl in the room as she sucked down her juice from the princess themed pink sippy cup. Belle looked up at Patty with a scowl. "I'm not a baby!" she declared, sounding all too similar to a young child arguing their status to an adult after doing something that proved otherwise. "No?" Patty asked. "So, you haven't been a whiny brat all day? You weren't crawling on the floor when I came in here to get you to help me get the snacks? You haven't cried because you fell down on your bottom?" she asked and leaned in to whisper into Belle's ear. "You didn't get the spanking you obviously deserve and probably need a proper reminder of?" she asked. Belle seethed and shot up from her seat, slamming her hands down on the table in rage thinking Patty would finally understand that she'd had enough of this and was demanding to be treated like the adult woman that she was, but as she brought her hands down onto the table, her juice cup bounced toward her and spilled grape juice onto the bottom of her shirt and down the crotch and leg of her jeans creating a small pool on the gray carpet below. Patty sighed and went to grab several napkins,shoving them into Belle's hand. "Clean up that mess, young lady and then you're coming with me, I've had just about enough of your behavior today." she growled. Belle began wiping off the table and soaking up what she could from the floor before Patty grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the door. "David, please watch the kids while I handle this." she asked the oldest boy who had a wicked smirk on his face as he watched Belle awkwardly try and cover her stained pants. "Yes, ma'am, take as much time as you need." he said politely. Once through the door, Patty turned to face Belle. "What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?" she asked in exasperation. Belle tried to look away but had her chin grabbed and her gaze guided back to Patty's. "I-" she started to say but was cut off. "Save it!" Patty shouted. "You and I are going straight to your mother to explain what a colossal brat you are." she proclaimed as she roughly grabbed Belle's hand and began to drag her along behind her. "No, pleathe donth!" Belle protested, cursing the fact that her tongue was still swollen from biting it earlier. Patty turned and faced her again. "And why shouldn't I?" she asked. Belle was starting to cry again. "I'm thowwy! Pweathe give me anotha chance, I'wl do anything!" she pleaded. Patty looked at her watch. "It's time for my lunch." she said. "If I use my personal lunch time to take you shopping for clean clothes do you promise to do everything I say and not argue with me no matter what?" she asked. Belle nodded and wiped her tears away. "I promith." she said. "If you do argue with me, for any reason whatsoever I will not only drag you right back here and dump you off in your mother's office, but you'll also get another spanking that will make the one your mother gave you feel like a tickle party." Patty threatened. "Am I understood, little girl?" she asked. Belle nodded again, cringing at being called a little girl and at the thought of being spanked by someone so close to her own age. "Yeth, ma'am." she said sullenly. "Good, then let's go." Patty said as she took Belle by the hand once more and led her to her desk to get her purse and then to the parking garage to her car. ************************************************************************ In the backseat of Patty's car, Belle watched the world outside, wondering why all of this was happening to her, cursing Patty and her mother for treating her like a child and looking disdainfully down at her stained clothes, angry that the table had been so flimsy that it couldn't manage to keep her drink cup on it after a little bang of her hands. Patty drove them in silence to a big box store and pulled into the parking lot before getting out and opening Belle's door for her, the child safety locks preventing her from doing so herself and took the girl by the hand once more. "You don't need to hold my hand." Belle told her, smiling as she realized her tongue had finally returned to normal and was allowing her to speak like an adult again. Patty stopped. "Strike one, Belle." she said coldly as she grabbed a cart from the nearby cart return. "Get in." she said simply. Belle looked at her incredulously but stayed still. "One." Patty said, placing her hands on her hips. Belle furrowed her brow, not understanding until Patty continued. "Two." Patty said. Belle looked at the cart and then to Patty. "You can't be serious." she said. "Two and a half." Patty continued, the look on her face deadly serious. Belle sighed and climbed up and into the cart, gingerly sitting in the large basket area before Patty took hold of the bar in front and nodded to her before pushing the cart forward to the entrance of the store. "From now on, resistance will be met with further reduction of status and privilege, young lady." Patty said. "I can't spank you here in the store, but I can make sure you understand that your actions have consequences." she added as they drove through the sliding doors and into the store. Belle sat glumly in the cart, avoiding looking up to see the face of people they passed, sure that everyone was staring at her, hoping no one was taking pictures of the grown woman riding in the cart like a child. The cart stopped in the Women's section and Patty looked at the clothes on the rack, modest skirts like hers mostly before Belle took notice and sighed. "Can I just have another shirt and jeans?" she asked. Patty grabbed the bar of the cart and moved out of the area and into the Girl's section to look at shirts appropriate for a high school aged girl. "These clothes are so ugly!" Belle moaned. Patty sighed and drove the cart further into the section, looking at more juvenile styles. "Nothing here will even fit me!" Belle whined as she looked around at the clothes on the racks meant for girls on the cusp of tweenhood. Patty looked down at Belle and just shook her head in disappointment as she pushed the cart to the back of the store and down the aisle dedicated to baby supplies. "Where are you taking us?!" Belle asked loudly. Patty stopped the cart and plucked a package from the little peg hook to her right and ripped it open before going to the side of the cart and pushing the item in her hand into Belle's mouth. Belle reached up to pull the pacifier from her mouth but had her hand slapped away by Patty. "If that leaves your mouth before I give you permission to take it out, you'll be standing in front of your mother when we get back to the office with a diaper on over your blistered butt, little girl." she threatened. Belle looked up at her with wide eyes and found only a stern and serious face looking down at her which made her shudder from fear and quietly suck the pacifier. Patty nodded, tossing the opened package into the cart. "I finally found the solution to my noise problem." she said smugly as she returned to the front of the cart and began pushing it again, turning around and driving back to the previous section to look at the juvenile clothing while Belle fumed with her arms folded across her chest. Several items were put into the cart beside her, Belle looking at the bright colors and prints with growing rage as she bit down on the pacifier bulb and glared up at Patty. The item that sent her over the edge was a light yellow pair of footed pajamas with Belle the princess on them, causing the real world Belle to climb over the side of the cart and spit the pacifier out. "This is fucking bullshit, I'm out of here!" she shouted. In one smooth motion Patty had grabbed her arm and dragged her to where the pacifier had landed, picking it up and stuffing it back into Belle's mouth before dragging her off to the restrooms, the errant woman behind her thrashing against the pull futilely as she again spit the pacifier out and was screaming obscenities at the top of her lungs causing everyone they passed to take notice. Patty led them to the women's restroom and shoved the door open with a loud bang before hauling her charge to the counter and bending her over it where she tugged her pants down and began smacking the still red cheeks beneath with all her might and fury. Patty punctuated each of her words with a smack followed by a yelp of pain from Belle. "You." SMACK "Will." SMACK "Learn." SMACK "To." SMACK "Behave." SMACK "And." SMACK "Do." SMACK "As." SMACK "You're." SMACK "Told." SMACK Belle was a blubbering mess by the last blow, her legs shaky as she bawled and lay with her top half limp on the countertop as Patty shook the sting out of her hand and tried to catch her breath. She knelt down and removed Belle's shoes, socks and pants entirely and dragged the girl to the handicapped stall. "I'm going to finish shopping for you, and you're going to stay right here until I'm done and when I come back we're going to get you dressed and take you back to the office." Patty explained as she took the bundle of clothes with her and left the bathroom, throwing the garments in the trashcan outside before making her way back to where she'd left the cart. Belle stood in the stall whimpering and sobbing naked from the waist down and wishing she could just run away or disappear altogether. Her butt was on fire, the sting causing her to wince each time she shifted her weight when the cold tiles became uncomfortable on her bare feet. The door opened again a short time later and Patty made her way to the stall with two bags in hand and a package beneath her arm. "Alright, Belle, unless you want another spanking you'll let me get you dressed without a fuss." she said as she set the bags down and pulled another pacifier from one and held it up in front of Belle. "Take this and put it in your mouth to show me that you're ready to behave." she said simply. Belle took the pacifier and begrudgingly slipped it into her mouth, sucking it sullenly as she watched Patty retrieve several items from the bag and go to the package on the floor. Belle whimpered when she saw the diaper come out of the pack, its pristine white plastic seeming to glow under the florescent lights of the bathroom. Patty took her by the hand and led her to the baby changing station secured to the wall and opened it to let the table down and laid out a plastic mat from one of the bags, patting it to beckon Belle onto it. Belle climbed on, sure that the table would snap off and send her to the floor but as she lay down she found herself looking up at Patty from her new position, not falling and not hearing the breaking of plastic and bolts. Patty went to work wiping Belle's sensitive flesh, dragging the cool wipe over the red bottom of her charge slowly, bringing soft mewling sounds of contentment from the girl. The diaper was unfolded and slid under Belle's bottom before a flurry of powder began to coat her private parts and the diaper was brought up between her legs and taped firmly around her waist. Helping the girl off the table, Patty smiled and allowed herself a chuckle seeing a girl not much younger than her sucking a pacifier with a bulky diaper peeking out below her shirt. Belle checked out mentally after the diapering began, choosing to escape to a place in her mind where none of this was happening to her and she was having fun with her friends or enjoying her adulthood somewhere rather than having a diaper put on her by a woman she'd met only a short time ago in a public restroom while she sucked on a pacifier. "Arms up." Patty commanded suddenly, bringing her out of her blissful world of make believe and back to reality. Belle lifted her arms and had her shirt lifted off her, followed by her bra, the horrible secret of the secret padding within the cups finally revealed, allowing Patty the opportunity at another wave of laughter at her expense when she saw the flatness of her chest and her puffy pink nipples that she covered with her hands. Patty went back to the bags and pulled out the yellow pajamas Belle had lost her cool over before and unzipped them and helped Belle guide her feet into. Belle smirked despite herself, confident that Patty had wasted her money and would find that the pajamas wouldn't fit and she'd have to go find her more age appropriate clothing, but as the pajamas began to slide up her body she became less and less confident she'd see that outcome, and once her arms went into the sleeves and the zipper began to come up, she felt tears start to roll down her cheeks as she her fate was sealed with the zipper stopping below her chin. She felt Patty messing with her hair and knew after the pink ribbons came out that she was affixing her locks into pigtails to maximize her humiliation. "There!" Patty proclaimed as she took Belle by the hand and led her to the mirror, the rustling of her diaper beneath her pajamas faint but unmistakable in the quiet bathroom. Belle began to cry in earnest as she saw herself, the bulge of her diaper beneath her infantile pajamas coupled with her new hairstyle making her look like an overgrown toddler ready for a nap rather than a college aged woman ready for a life of independence. Patty turned Belle to face her and hugged the crying girl, rubbing her back softly. "Shh, it's okay, Belle, I promise to take good care of you." she whispered and gave the girl's crinkly bottom a few gentle pats. Belle found herself feeling comforted by the hug, and despite her resentment and hatred of Patty, found herself wrapping her arms around the woman and hugging her back as she continued to cry and suck her pacifier. Before they left the bathroom, Patty affixed a clip and tether to Belle's pacifier and clipped it to her pajamas. Grabbing the bags and the package of diapers before leading the girl out of the bathroom and back to the car. ************************************************************************ The stares and laughter from the people they'd passed on the way out to the car had turned Belle into a sobbing mess, adding credence to the belief that she was a little girl in desperate need of a nap rather than a grown woman being humiliated against her will. By the time they reached the parking garage of her mother's office, Belle had mostly calmed down, but was nervously sucking her pacifier at the thought of her mother seeing her this way, but the only thing that kept her from panicking was the shred of hope that her mother would be so irate with Patty's treatment of her that she'd fire the girl right then and there and apologize to Belle for her having to endure such abuse. Belle was retrieved from the car and led by the hand once more, forced to carry the open package of diapers in her free hand, into the building and to the room with the kids where she was unceremoniously nudged in. "I'm going to go have a meeting with your mommy, Belle, play nice until I come back." Patty said through the closing door, leaving Belle in the room with a growing assortment of giggles behind her. "Well, she really did handle you, didn't she?" David said as he got up and walked toward her. Belle was sure that David hadn't been so much taller than her when she'd seen him last, but with him standing in front of her now, she felt like she was the child and he was the adult and all she could do was blush and nod as she sucked her pacifier. David reached behind her and patted her bottom, the crinkle of her diaper seeming impossibly loud in the small room. "Wow, she even put a diaper on you, you must really be a baby." he said with a guffaw. The chant of "Baby Belle, Baby Belle, how bad do her diapers smell?" began from nowhere and reached such a fever pitch that Belle didn't even have time to realize she was crying and had slumped down to the floor before she was looking up at David as he towered above her. "Don't cry, baby." he said and knelt down where he proceeded to start tickling her under her armpits and on her sides as she tried to wriggle out of his reach. Belle hated to be tickled, but her peals of laughter did little to convey that as she fell to her back and squirmed against the stronger boy's assault, gasping for air and giggling as she felt her bladder let go into the thick absorbent material of her diaper making her cry out in despair and begin to cry altogether to which David calmly put her pacifier back into her mouth to silence. The door behind her beeped and opened and she looked up, on her back crying and sucking on her pacifier wearing babyish princess footed pajamas and a still swelling diaper beneath to see her mother and Patty looking down at her. "Belinda May Prescott!" her mother exclaimed. "I didn't believe Patty when she told me that you'd wet yourself and had to be taken to the store for new clothes and picked out the most infantile thing you could fit into, but seeing is believing!" she shouted angrily. Belle looked up at Patty and scowled. "She wyin'!" she said with her pacifier still bobbing between her lips. "Get up this instant!" her mother snapped. Belle did as she was told and yelping as she was grabbed by the wrist and pulled to her mother where she found a hand being pressed into the sodden padding of the crotch of her diaper through her pajamas. "It certainly feels like she's telling the truth." her mother said before unzipping Belle's pajamas and exposing the yellowed diaper beneath. "And it definitely looks like she's telling the truth." she added, poking a finger into the leg gather of the diaper and looking at Belle with disappointment and shock. "So, my daughter flunks out of college and decides she'd rather play baby than accept her adult responsibilities, well, I can't say I'm surprised with the way you've been acting lately, but I'm still incredibly disappointed in you, Belle." she added. Belle began to cry again as her pajamas were zipped back up. "I din wan dis, mommy!" she pleaded. "That's quite enough out of you, young lady." her mother said sharply, shooting a gaze at her daughter that probably would have induced another wetting had she not just emptied herself. "Patty, I am so sorry for my daughter's behavior today, I'll make sure you're well compensated for having to play babysitter instead of being able to do your actual job." her mother said. "It was really no trouble, Mrs. Prescott, a little strange, certainly, but no trouble at all." Patty said politely. Belle's mother sighed. "Well, I'll take Belle into my meeting so you can go back to your normal routine." she said, grabbing her daughter's wrist. "Say thank you to Ms. Patricia for taking care of you today." she commanded her daughter. Belle hung her head. "Fank oo fo tagin' cawe'a me, Mish Patwicha." she mumbled quietly around her pacifier. "Anytime, cutie." Patricia said with wink and a knowing smile as she reached out and pinched Belle's cheek. Belle was led down the hall to her mother's office and told to sit quietly on the floor which she did without question and watched as her mother sat behind her desk and organized some papers on her desk before a knock on the door got both of their attentions. Belle looked at the tall man in the suit with the young boy in tow and gave a quizzical look to Belle before her mother went to him and drew his attention. "Mr. Atkins, welcome, and who's this?" her mother asked as she knelt down to greet the boy. "This is my son, Davis." Mr. Atkins said. "It's nice to meet you, Davis, my name is Diana and that's my daughter, Belle." her mother said, shaking the boy's hand politely and gesturing to Belle. Mr. Atkins smiled politely at Belle. "Is she special needs?" he asked, taking a moment to try and find the most tactful way to phrase his question. Her mother shook her head. "No, she's decided that she'd rather be a baby than a grown woman, so a baby she can be." she explained dismissively as she led the pair to her desk and gestured them to the seats in front of it. "Davis, why don't you go play with Belle while daddy has his meeting." Mr. Atkins said with a gentle nudge to his son in the direction of the overgrown toddler on the other side of the room. Belle stewed as she sat on the floor with Davis. Her mother carried on her meeting like nothing was out of the ordinary and Belle found that her diaper had cooled and was now becoming uncomfortable. None of this was fair, she wasn't supposed to be where she was now, she was supposed to be in college having parties and making questionable life choices, not wondering when she'd be let out of her wet diaper! Her mother had known that the diaper was wet before taking her to her office, yet she hadn't even offered her the chance to change out of it, if she was supposed to be a baby why wasn't she being taken care of like one and having her diaper changed? What if she got a rash? The more she thought about it, the more angry she got, and she decided that if her mother and everyone else wanted her to be a baby then they were going to have to deal with taking care of her needs for her. Belle rose from her seated position on the floor and got into a squat, looking at her mother as she talked to Mr. Atkins with as much defiance and rebellion as she could manage in her footed pajamas and pacifier in her mouth, and began to push, her grunting getting the attention of the two adults and of the younger but obviously more mature boy as they all watched her fill her diaper. ***************************One Year Later***************************** "I'm surprised to see you again, Belle, I hope you're going to be better behaved than you were last time you were here." Patty said sweetly. Belle smiled at her and nodded softly. "Yes, Miss. Patricia." she replied politely. "Good!" Patricia declared. Belle's mother handed the large pink bag with Belle's favorite princess emblazoned on the side over to Patty. "She'll be a perfect angel for you, won't you, Belle?" her mother asked as she gave her daughter's hand a gentle but firm squeeze. Belle nodded again. "Yes, mommy, I be good girl." she assured her mother. Patty took the bag and set it on her desk. "Not ready for the potty just yet, Belle?" she asked the girl. Belle shook her head. "No, ma'am, Miss. Patricia." she said sheepishly, the warmth in her diaper only now registering after a year of being denied access to a toilet. "Well, I'm sure you'll be ready some day." Patricia said warmly as she leaned forward and booped the tip of Belle's nose with her finger. Belle's mother scoffed. "With as often as she needs changing, I wouldn't hold my breath." she said. Belle blushed and grabbed for her pacifier where it hung clipped to the strap of her pink corduroy shortalls and put it into her mouth, sucking on it softly to calm herself. Beneath the cartoon sun decal on the bib of her overalls was a purple shirt with Belle the princess on it. The shirt stretched down beneath her overalls and buttoned over her thick diaper, keeping it from sagging as it bulged under the snaps on the inner thighs of her shortalls. On her feet were frilly ankle socks inside pink velcro shoes with Belle the princess smiling on the side of those as well. Patty took the girl's hand gently and picked up the diaper bag from her desk. "Wave bye bye to mommy!" she cooed. Belle waved to her mother and murmured a tiny "bye bye, mommy" through her pacifier before beginning to follow behind Patty. "After all the trouble you gave us last year, your mother decided that it was probably best to open up a daycare center for everyone to bring their children to." Patty explained as she led Belle down a long hall and through a door with a blue circle on it. "Whewe's mah baj?" Belle asked as she toddled behind the older woman. Patty laughed. "Oh, sweetie, babies don't get badges, that's only for grownups." she chided. "Are you a grownup, Belle?" she asked. Belle thought back to the events of the morning, her father coming into her nursery and giving her a bottle of juice to drink while he changed her out of her soaked overnight diaper and got her into a nice dry one and dressed her for the day before putting her in her highchair so she could eat her oatmeal that he spoonfed her. Once her messy bib was removed she was put in her playpen while her mother finished getting ready, she remembered giggling at the cartoons daddy had put on for her and the silly noises her toys made as she played with them. The ride in the carseat had almost put her back to sleep, but she'd seen puppies being walked outside and had prattled on about them to her mommy the remainder of the trip. Now, with her diaper warming once again, without her knowledge or consent, Belle could only shake her head. "You're a baby, aren't you, Belle?" Patty asked as she opened another door and led Belle into the daycare. Belle sucked her pacifier and began to nod as she bent her knees and began to push, filling the seat of her diaper with her morning mess, the bulk straining against the interior of her diaper and finding room to fit only barely as she grunted softly behind her pacifier. As Patty and the daycare worked discussed Belle and openly mocked the adult woman turned diaper filling infant, Belle decided to toddle over to the play area, fell down, and finished her journey on hands and knees thinking how fun it was as she sat down on her squishy bottom that she could go to work with her mommy.
    1 point
  10. BTW, I think you recently updated the photos on the 19th, but didn't add a post to Latest News. May want to advertise it before you change out the images.
    1 point
  11. Thank you, Cynthia CM and Guilend. I'm working on part II. I'm not sure when I'll get it up yet, but I am hoping to move the story to the point where they have settled in their new town before posting part II. At the moment, I have written them just where they have gotten to the motel, and honestly, not even half as much as part I as yet, so I do want to move it along a little more before I post it.
    1 point
  12. Thank you my friends! It has been a struggle this past week but I am extremely glad I am here for my mom! Trying to figure out all the finances and closing some accounts and paying off loans isn’t really my strong suit but thankfully my brothers have come forward to help with all of that. I know over time things will get better but the hurt will still be there deep down! I just think of all the fond memories (and there are many) we had with him and smile! I like to express myself through music quite often and I don’t know if anyone has heard the song “My Hero” by the Dropkick Murphy’s. He truly was my hero!
    1 point
  13. Startbedwetting.com has not responded to the last 2 inquires I've sent so I gave up with them. I'll just keep at it like I'm doing. It's going to take forever but will be worth it.
    1 point
  14. When can we expect to see the sequel? I’m excited to read it.
    1 point
  15. Thanks ramble *hugs tight* Writing is probably the most constructive way I have of dealing with my sack of cats worth of issues..... ? I'm thinking that there was a "Cuban Missile Crisis" type of event over Taiwan but yeah I admittedly rushed that just to get the set up in place.... ? Pt. 2 An Unlikely Savior “Blerghhh… Eh was? Is so bright ans wa da beeping? Is this heaven? Where Christine? No is hospital? There was….. was…” As the memories come flooding back Clara let’s out a series of heaving, choking sobs, after a few minutes a few things. One she can’t feel her injured leg, two she is much to her embarrassment buck ass naked, and three is some kind of medical facility that looks like it came straight out of one the new scifi movies that was then scaled up for giants….. After an indeterminate wait Christine decided to try and get up. Thankfully the table had been lowered and she able to drag herself along the wall to the window. Dead leg trailing behind her. It was at this point that poor Christine received her second mind shattering existential revelation in less than 24 hours…. Spread out below her was the blue curvature of the earth set against the backdrop of space. She could still see the smoldering fires of the nuclear holocaust that had destroyed her world burning below. Before she could even process this the door opened with a soft swish and a giant walked in. Specifically a 3.6m tall humanoid, wearing no apparent clothing, and completely hairless with smooth bright magenta skin and long hair in a slightly different shade. The raised chest could be mammary glands but there were no obvious external genitalia. Of course Clara was processing none of this and simply stammered as her brain crashed… Before she even realized what was happening the giant alien, what else could she be? Had crossed the room, scooping Clara up and placing her back on the table. “AJGDBKJABVAEBUVBajkv” “I’m… I’m sorry…. What? I don’t know what you want from me!!” Clara stammered in a mixture of panic, confusion, and embarrassment. “AJADBFEUWF&(&&&JWJHG” “WHAT THE FUCK!!??? I’m sorry but I don’t speak crazy pink alien!!” “Apology Translator configure process. standby person, personal identifier not found” Clara yelps in surprise before taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. “My name is Clara. Clara Simon. I was born in Skokie Illinois. I’m twenty-five and I have a wife named Christine…. Please. Please God just tell me what is going on?” “You identifier Clara Simon? Informal Clara?” “Yes!!” “I am person who study universe law and behavior. Detected error word not found explosion on you planet, multiple large. Identifier cannot pronounced by you vocal structure closest is Moira. When came to search? Find? Word is investigate, yes?” “I think so?” Christine can only stare. “I came to land and found life sign, injured.” “That was me I guess?” “Correct person Clara Simon.” “I stabilize worst damage to….. Nerve? Structure. Block pain in leg. But need more work. To do so I must administer chemicals and possibly cut your body to insert instruments. I always need to run test as do not fully understand you species composition. You will feel no pain. Does person Moira have searching please hold, Permission? Consent? Yes Person Clara Simon does understand and consent to test and procedures?” “Your asking for permission to treat me, like as a doctor?” “searching….” “Apparently this translator program has somekind of stock error code phrases?” Clara can only swing her good leg while she waits…. “Yes word Doctor is good title for person Moira.” Fuck what did she have to loose? She was going to kill herself earlier… Might as well let the weird alien doctor do their job…. “Yes… I Clara Simon do consent to receive medical treatment…” “Then we shall begin….”
    1 point
  16. Well diapers do not work so well when lying on your side, no or limited padding. As far as I can tell all diapers work best if they are used slowly in other words if you flood them they have a hard time soaking up your urine. That is why is prefer to use cloth diapers especially overnight for the absorb in any position. Not everybody likes cloth something I can understand, but the next best thing if you would ask me is to put cloth over your disposable. The cloth diaper will catch every leak and aside of that it will help to keep your diaper snug to your body.
    1 point
  17. Rebecca shares what she has learned with her mother. Elizabeth confronts Tim about the incriminating evidence. --- This post has been available on my Patreon page for the last week where you can find all of my stories including ones that aren't posted anywhere else. For $5 a month you can see all my updates a week before everyone else and for $10 you can get access to exclusive stories. There are other tiers and rewards available and you can look at the page if you are interested. It is only with the wonderful support of my patrons that I can write as much as I do https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 A big thank you to all of my patrons whose generosity allows me to write as much as I do: DannyDazzler, Jerry J, Whatsnot, Ali T, Dre, Chris, Sebastian, Camilo H, Jason M, Jon S, Kinkyddlg, Seamus B, Jeffrey G, Adam Y, Charlie S, Martijn de J, Robert D A, Tim, Phantom Sonic, Kristoffer M B, Vivi L, Sith, Mike S, Dr J, Paul F, John D, Archibald B, Bojack D, John, Georgia C, Blipp, Duncan G, Jake W, Tabbi, Anon, Kent J, Brandon G, P74_1986, LuvsSissy, DreaR, Alex B, Malcolm E, Pete W, Cless, Frank S, PatheticABDL, M, Joshua M, NunyoBC, Kim, S Miller, Britnee L, Tim F, WillNotWill, OrionF, Tom H, Sterling W, Ryan, Jens B, Matthew S, Miguel A, Cole S, Bask25456, Jukebox, Miss X, Fernando L, David L, Phantomsmkr528, PF, MagmaLord, Diapering Daddy, Pierry L, Trish C, Wet, Curiosity24, Peter C, VoidofContext, ReiofLight, James K, Lin J, Joe V, Anne Mette B-H, Kirk H, Mikkel L, Eric D, Bruce D, Tim, Alice W, SB1275, John Z, BuffaloBill, Findlay, Rob, Bob S, Nathan, Timothy A W, Erik P, Ben R, Ben F, Steven H --- “Where have you been?” Elizabeth asked when Rebecca came walking through the front door. Elizabeth was sat at the dining table in her dressing gown and eating some toast. “There was something I had to do.” Rebecca replied cryptically as she took her shoes off and walked into the house. “Something so important you left your used pull-up on the floor of your room?” Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips, “And you didn’t even leave a note.” “I was in a hurry…” Rebecca replied quietly as she blushed red. Elizabeth took a bite of her toast and looked at the newspaper in front of her on the table. She quietly turned the page as she scanned all the latest news and developments. Rebecca hadn’t thought about how to bring the subject up but she walked into the dining room and sat in the chair opposite her mother. “I don’t know how to tell you this…” Rebecca said as she pulled out her phone. The video she had filmed was still open and waiting to be played. “Try starting at the start.” Elizabeth replied without looking up. She smiled at her own little joke. “Just watch this.” Rebecca said as she slid her phone across the table so that it stopped in the middle of the newspaper. “What is it?” Elizabeth asked with a frown. “Just watch.” Rebecca repeated as she sat back in her chair and watched her mom’s reactions. Elizabeth pressed the play button and Rebecca watched as the short clip played. She heard Tim’s voice and then the woman shouting at him before the video cut off. For a minute there was silence until Elizabeth played it again. She was expressionless the whole time but Rebecca could feel an air of oppressive tension around the table. “You spied on Tim?” Elizabeth finally asked as she put the phone down, “You snuck out to spy on my boyfriend?” “What!?” Rebecca couldn’t believe that was what her mom was focusing on, “I mean… Yes, I did, but-” “No but’s!” Elizabeth interrupted, “I raised you better than that. You’re grounded!” “Grounded!?” Rebecca exclaimed, “But… Did you watch the video? Tim’s cheating on you!” “It might’ve been taken out of context.” Elizabeth replied casually, “And I’m keeping this. No phone for you for a week.” “Un-fucking-believable.” Rebecca muttered, “Whatever… I did everything I could. If you want that pig to break your heart then I’m not going to stand in your way.” Rebecca stood up quickly and her chair fell over behind her. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at her mother who would rather believe Tim over her own daughter. She turned away from the table and practically ran upstairs in tears. Once she reached her bedroom she loudly and violently slammed it shut. Rebecca paced up and down her room in a rage as she tried to think of what to do next. She considered running away but she was too smart to do something like that. She picked up some of her stuffed toys and angrily threw them against the wall, they bounced off harmlessly but it helped with her teenage rage. Rebecca’s PC was still turned on from the night before and she sat down at her desk and pulled up her instant messenger programme. She scanned the list of names and found the one that she needed to talk to. There was one friend who knew about Rebecca’s nocturnal issues and that was Piper. Despite all Rebecca’s fear Piper had always been there for her and when she had accidentally found out about Rebecca’s bedwetting she had been cool with the whole thing, she hadn’t told a soul about the pull-ups or anything. Rebecca would never forget the kindness of her best friend. “Hi.” Rebecca typed to her best friend. “Hey. You alright?” Piper replied almost instantly. “No. I’m grounded.” Rebecca replied. “What? Why?” Piper replied. “I found evidence of that bastard cheating on my mom and she still didn’t believe me.” Rebecca typed. She found that talking to her friend alleviated some of the pent up anger. “That’s lame.” Piper commiserated. “That’s only the tip of the ice berg.” Rebecca continued to vent as her fingers danced over the keyboard, “He saw us in the store yesterday when I was buying pull-ups and he laughed at me. He made fun of me.” “What an ass.” Piper said. She added an angry emote to her message, “It’s a shame you can’t make him know what it feels like.” Rebecca started writing her agreement when she stopped and deleted all of her prospective message. Maybe there was a way to make Tim feel her pain, she leaned back in her chair and looked out her window in deep thought. A couple of years ago Elizabeth had suffered some kidney stones which had left her unable to function for a couple of weeks. Rebecca distinctly remembered her getting medicine that was designed to stimulate the kidneys and bladder to force more urine through. This had caused the side-effect that she had been desperate for the bathroom quite often. Rebecca had discovered something about her mom at the time. With her mom in pain Rebecca had dashed up and into the master bedroom to find her medicine, she had opened the drawers next to the bed and found a packet of adult diapers. She had ignored the underwear, found the medication and took it down to her mom. She assumed that Elizabeth’s medicine that made her pass a lot of urine quickly could make it somewhat hard to control. She had never mentioned it to anyone. “I have to go.” Rebecca typed quickly, “I’ve got an idea.” Rebecca signed off from her instant messenger before Piper could reply and she ran through the idea in her head. She knew she would be taking a risk but she couldn’t sit around and watch as Tim forced himself on the family, she couldn’t watch her mom get heartbroken again. Walking over and opening her bedroom door Rebecca leaned over the railings on the landing. She listened for any sounds of movement and heard some banging of utensils in the kitchen. Elizabeth must be washing up or something. Seizing her opportunity Rebecca walked quickly down the landing to her mom’s bedroom door. She pushed it open to see the double bed that dominated the room, the window overlooking the street was on the far wall whilst a large closet stood near the foot of the bed. A desk next to the closet had a small television on it as well as a lot of make-up. Rebecca’s target was the set of drawers closest to her. She hurried into the room and barely dared to breathe, if she was caught doing this it would be almost impossible to explain. The top drawer contained Rebecca’s mom’s underwear. The teenage girl cringed as she looked at the stuff her mom wore and quickly closed the drawer again. The second drawer was where her mom kept the various bits of mostly useless stuff she had accumulated. Things like old batteries and safety pins, things that were never used but might be useful one day. Opening the third drawer down brought Rebecca face-to-face with the adult diapers she had found the last time she had been looking through these drawers. The packet was still half full and the large diapers were still folded up and awaiting use. Rebecca wanted to pull one of the disposables out to examine it but as she reached a hand forwards she suddenly heard footsteps approaching the stairs. Quickly closing the drawer and opening the bottom one, Rebecca finally found what she was looking for. The drawer was full of medicine but the teenager immediately saw the bottle of dissolvable pills she was looking for. She grabbed the large plastic bottle and slipped it into her pocket before closing the drawer and hurrying out of the bedroom. She closed the door slowly and had just made it back to her bedroom when her mother appeared at the top of the stairs. Elizabeth said nothing as she walked past Rebecca’s open door and towards her own bedroom. Rebecca let out a deep sigh of relief. She stopped acting casually and closed her bedroom door again. She pulled her mother’s pills out of her pocket and looked at the label. It was certainly the correct medication and it was still in date. An evil smile crept across Rebecca’s face as her plan formed in her mind. All she had to do was wait, revenge would be coming soon. --- Tim walked up the path to Elizabeth’s front door and rang the doorbell. After his busy night he had slept in after the woman he had brought home left. It was already mid-afternoon when he had arrived. “Hello!” The door opened and Tim smiled as he greeted Elizabeth. “Hello Tim.” Elizabeth replied. Unlike the man at her door she wasn’t smiling, she was in fact feeling a lot more serious. She couldn’t shake what she had seen earlier no matter how much she told herself there must be an innocent explanation. Tim walked into the house and took his shoes off. He could already smell dinner cooking and it seemed delicious, it made a nice change from the microwavable meals Tim spent most of his time eating. The house was relatively silent as well, the television was turned off and there was no sound of music from upstairs like their usually was, Tim hoped that meant Rebecca was somewhere else. “So, what’s for dinner?” Tim asked as he rubbed his belly, “I’m telling you. When we move in together you will have to quit your job, your talents in the kitchen are too good to waste!” “Can we talk?” Elizabeth ignored the faintly misogynistic statement as she made the decision to confront her boyfriend head on, “In the dining room?” “Sure.” Tim replied. Tim watched as Elizabeth brushed past him without even looking him in the eye. He suddenly wondered if something was wrong, he checked his breath and how he was dressed but couldn’t see or smell anything wrong. Was there something he said he would do that he had forgotten about? Tim sat down at the table opposite Elizabeth who was biting her bottom lip and staring at the wooden table top in a determined silence. For a second no one said anything or moved a muscle, Tim waited for Elizabeth to get on with it. He hated the way women could beat around the bush like this, he always liked to get to the point. “Look at this…” Elizabeth said as she pulled Rebecca’s phone out of her pocket. “What am I looking at?” Tim asked, “You want me to buy your daughter a new phone?” “Just watch it.” Elizabeth said as she pressed play on the video that she had watched over and over again since that morning. Tim pulled the phone towards him and looked down at the screen. He frowned as he saw all the leaves of the bush covering the screen. “What is this?” Tim asked in confusion, “Is that… Is that my appar-” Tim stopped talking as he saw the woman he had kicked out suddenly appear. The phone was held up and poked between the twigs of the bush to show the woman and Tim himself. He suddenly felt his mouth go dry as he relived the conversation from earlier. The video eventually stopped and turned to a black screen, Tim stared at the screen as he slowly lowered the handset to the table. “What the hell was that!?” Tim exclaimed as he pointed at the phone. “You tell me.” Elizabeth replied, “What was going on?” Tim looked down at the phone again. His face was going red from a mixture of anger and embarrassment at having been caught out, he was always the one doing the interrogating and he didn’t like that the tables had turned. “Would you believe me if I told you she was just a friend?” Tim asked with a shrug. “Just give me the truth.” Elizabeth demanded, “Everyone makes mistakes. I need you to own up to it.” “Alright…” Tim took a deep breath and thought about how to frame what had happened in the best possible light for himself, “I admit it. I went out last night and picked up a girl.” Tim watched Elizabeth look down at the table in disappointment. It was clear she was hurt by the news even if she had been expecting it. Tim felt bad, not for hurting her feelings but because he was getting in trouble for doing something he felt all men should be doing. “Why would you do that?” Elizabeth asked with shimmering eyes, “I thought you loved me.” “I… I do love you!” Tim replied, “But… Look, I know my opinion isn’t popular but I think it’s a man’s right to sleep with other women if he isn’t married or engaged or anything like that.” “That’s… That’s…” Elizabeth was rather speechless. She knew Tim could be an asshole but she never suspected he could do this to her, she was certain she meant more to Tim than some random woman he picked up for a one night stand. “I know we are long term but since we aren’t living together or…” Tim started to say as he continued to try to justify the unjustifiable. “Let’s change that then.” Elizabeth suddenly said. Her face had broken into a smile and sat upright to look Tim in the eyes. “What do you mean?” Tim asked with a frown. “Move in with me and Rebecca.” Elizabeth said excitedly, “Right now.” “Are you crazy?” Tim asked in shock. “Maybe.” Elizabeth let out a little giggle, “But if you are serious about me let’s stop the playing around and have you move in. It makes sense financially, you can sell that old apartment of yours and we can be a proper family.” “I… I…” Tim tried to think of what to say. He hadn’t really seriously thought about moving in before but he now had to make a snap decision on the idea. Tim considered the pros and cons about moving in with Elizabeth. He did seriously have strong feelings for the woman across the table from him but whether he was ready to give up all other women for her was another matter entirely. Tim considered the money he would save from living with these two women. He could sell his apartment or rent it out and make even more money whilst cutting all his bills to zero. Financially it made all the sense in the world and that was a powerful draw for him, he loved money and he would be able to save tons of it like this. Besides, if it didn’t work out he could just move back out and go back to his current lifestyle. Tim looked Elizabeth in the eyes and he could definitely feel a connection. He didn’t know whether he loved her enough to last the rest of his life but he knew he couldn’t let her go. “OK.” Tim eventually said, “Let’s do it.” “Wonderful!” Elizabeth jumped out of her seat and hugged her new live-in boyfriend, “We’ll tell Rebecca the news at dinner and you can start moving your stuff on Monday!” “T-That soon?” Tim was rather taken aback at Elizabeth’s enthusiasm. “Why not?” Elizabeth replied, “We already have most things you will need right here.” “Sure…” Tim said. As Elizabeth hugged Tim and excitedly bounced up and down he was left looking over her shoulder and wondering if he had really made the correct decision.
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  18. Chapter 2. Messy Diapers & Lives. (Continued IV) “My….My…MY….WHO’S DIAPERED TUSHY IS THIS?” Once again this strange and sickly sweet voiced asked before proceeding to pat my diapered behind. WHAT? I had never felt so violated, embarrassed, humiliated and intrigued before. But, no despite how “fun” this might have been, my mind went back to that hotel room, no it couldn’t be like Toronto all over again. Showing off my state to a total stranger. No I wasn’t going to look. I was just going to keep my eyes closed until Lilly came back. “Look at that face, is baby trying to hide or make a BIG LOAD in his pampers?” She knew, well of course she knew I was sleeping in a play pen wearing a onise the store sold along with plastic pants and diapers sticking out of the sides. “Well IF baby isn’t going to answer; maybe I should just CHECK BABY DIAPEE NOW!!!” NOPE “MY DIAPERS ARE NOT POOPY!!!!!!” I shouted back, eyes still closed as I slowly began to open them. A fuzzy image came into view of another woman wearing a “Rearz” T-Shirt except this shirt was much tighter & only came up just above her mid drift, wearing a pair of tight fitting yoga pants and with hair as auburn as a fall day with purple lip stick this girl looked out at me and smiled. “Now, now what a FUSSY baby. I mean you are a baby sleeping in a playpen, wearing a onise and since YOU ARE A BABY. Baby’s poop their pampers, your mommy already said you made poopy once already, plus your such a cranky baby anyways.” I felt ashamed, not because of what I was wearing, no I felt ashamed for how I reacted. “I’m sorry”, I meekly replied. “I didn’t mean to yell at you, my name is Paul and I’m…” “And you just an itty bitty little baby, Pauley. I already spoke to your Mommy and my Boss in the back, they were just going on and on about the cute little baby sleeping in the playpen and I just had to see for myself. My name is Julie by the way, but you HAVE to call me Aunty Julie because you’re just another one of this DUMB-ASS “babies” that come in here looking to get their freak on. It sometimes makes me sick the way they walk in here all normal like buying diapers, but you. At least you had the “baby powdered BALLS” to actually wear them out in the open like a big dumb baby with your “mommy” bossing you around. I bet you get off on that SHIT.” I was stunned and shocked a person with feelings like that worked in a store like this, anything for money I guess. But compared to Laurie anything else was going to be night & day. I lowered my head in shame and even let a small tear roll down my cheeks as I heard Julie chuckle. “Awww, did Aunty Julie truthy-woothy upset baby? Or did baby just make more pee-pee in their pampers and needs a changey? Or I know, baby needs his binky?” With that Julie reached down into the pen and picked up the pacifier that had fallen out of my mouth and then dangled it in front of my face. “Is this what the itty bitty baby wants to sucky? Or does your mommy still breast feed DA BABY?” Once again the laughter was reserved for teenage girls picking on anther; Julie made no bones for her disdain against me but also taking pleasure in the situation as she FORCED my binky back into my mouth with a fake smiled plastered all over her face as I automatically began to suck. “Now there we GO, Aunty Julie made BABY ALL HAPPY….YAY!!!! Honestly I have to admit though you sitting there in diapers, plastic pants and that onise. We should really take photos for an ad campaign or something. OH YES WE SHOULD! You should be our big dumb baby model, YES YOU SHOULD. I wonder if your Mommy would think it would be a good idea. May I should teller her how her big baby wants to smile pretty for the camera and model off all KINDS OF PAMPERS!!!!!!” I stood up in a flash, face red and now pale white at the suggestion of becoming an ABDL model. “No pweashe, i don'th wanth tho be a diaper modew. Pweashew don'th theww mommy...I...umm...Uh-oh" No ,no ,no….THE COFFEE…..the coffee was moving fast and the pancakes…..NO….NO….I HAD TO POOP!!!! “Honestly you even TALK like a baby, maybe you really are one. Maybe I was being too mean, maybe you don’t get off on this maybe you actually….OH….MY…GOD…WHAT IS THAT SMELL? YUCKY!” Just as Julie might have been pondering an apology I let out one of the loudest, wettest and runniest “frats” I ever had. Grabbing at my stomach I couldn’t hold it as I felt my own mess explode into the back of my diapers. I could feel the mess filling the back of my didy with a cacophony of farts, squishes and squelches. I was desperate, trying to clench down, trying desperately to stem the flow of this brown mush erupting into the now bulging seat of my big boy pampers, but nothing I did could stop it. This was BEYOND anything I could have ever imagined good or bad, I don’t know what was going on but I could feel myself regress. Going into “little space”. In that moment, I didn’t care there was a total stranger watching me going “potty” in my pants, what came out of my mouth next are words that echo in my mind every time I go to sleep at night or when I take a nap during the day……. “Pweashe hewp, geth my mommy. I don'th wanth tho mawe poopy in my pampersh.” “HAHHAHAHA……OH MY GOD….YOU ARE A BABY….PEE EWW….A MESSY BABY by the smell of it. Don’t worry hunny I’ll make sure your mommy knows….HAHAHAHA….I wish I had my phone.” Julie replied before skipping, latterly skipping away as I heard her shout….. “Hey Laurie better tell that lady, her BIG BABY IS MAKING NASTY POOPIES IN HIS PAMPERS, CRYING LIKE A CRYBABY FOR HIS MOMMY TO CHANGE HIM….HAHAHAHA!!!!!” Those words echoed off into the distance as a very awkward silence fell, I was actually relived at this point. In more than just one way, my nasty runny mess in my diaper was beginning to set and I had no intention of shifting the mess around and then that’s when I could feel it, I was wetting myself as well. I wasting in a diaper store, in it’s play pen wearing nothing but a wet & poopy diaper. This is where I belonged and that both scared and excited me. However my moment was interrupted as I saw Lilly walking back into the show room……. “Are you going potty?” “Uh huh” I said as Lilly was also joined my Laurie and Julie, Laurie who caught off guard by the smell. I’d rather not try and put pen to paper the foul order that was extruding from my diapers. Needless to say it was enough to gag on. Julie knowing how bad I smelled came in and pinched her nose by saying….. “Oh YEAH, somebody in this room DEFINITELY made poopies in their pants….HAHAHAHA” “Julie!” Laurie replied harshly. “That quite enough, leave the poor dear alone.” “What a good boy!” Lilly said and I felt a hand gently mash the lump under my bottom. “Ok let’s see the front,” she said as she turned me around “Oh my, what a soggy diaper this is,” Mommy said as she squeezed the bottom front of the saturated disposable. “Well mister you are going to need a change RIGHT AWAY….but first” She leaned down with that evil smile and said, “Maybe you should sit down, Mommy doesn’t want baby to get hurt while Mommy gets baby’s changing supplies” Before I could react she picked me up under my arms and slowly sat me down. I could feel the gooey firmness of my mess smear all over my bottom and even squeeze between my legs. The damage was done. I watched as Lilly & Laurie went around the store grabbing a few items as Julie watched from behind the counter, really enjoying my expressions as I tried to sit as comfortable as I could. Desperate to not to spread the mess any further around but my attempts just made it even worse. Minutes passed like hours until finally Lilly came over and said in the most obvious statement EVER made in the course of human history….. “Oh my, I think somebody has a poopy diaper!” she exclaimed. She stood me back on my feet gave another squeeze in the back and peeked into a leg cuff just to make sure. “Does my little boy need his diaper changed?” I nodded. “You can use the bathroom right over there.” Laurie chimed in, now Lilly with an arm full of stuff in one hand my hand in the other walked me over to the bathroom. Trying to keep the mess in one place was a pipe dream as I waddled over to the door as Julie sprang into action opening it, again waving her hand in front of her face saying….. “I think your mommy is clearly doing the right thing by keeping you in diapers, little boy.” She fanned her face mischievously: “Ewww, SUCH a stinky dirty diapered baby. Sombody made LOTS of poopies in their pants. Such a STINKY baby you are” Once again the faintest chuckle could be heard as the door closed behind us, now it was just Lilly & I standing in the middle of a silent bathroom. Almost silent as my soft sobs echoed around the room, looking over at Lilly who’s face melted as she tossed the items aside and imminently embraced me fully. “There, there sweetheart Mommy’s here, Lilly’s here.” In Lilly’s embrace I could feel some of my embarrassment fade away, taking the binky from my mouth I admitted the following….. “Lilly I’m so sorry for making a scene in there, I’m even more sorry I’ve made such a mess….I….(tears continued to fall from my eyes)…..I’m….so disgusting……I didn’t mean to make anther messy diaper…..it just happened and I…I just….I just…..” My words trailed off into more sobs, I was not only legit embarrassed but scared. It was only day two of this return to “baby-hood” and I was wetting and messing diapers. How could I get back to normal? What about my parents? When they came home would they have a big baby waiting for them? Lilly for her part once again tried to comfort me, raising my head and bushing away my tears. “Paul, look at me. I know I scared you and even hurt you just a day ago with all of this. But when I said I wanted you as my baby. Mommy KNEW that meant EVERYTHING that came with an adult baby. I want you know how much it melted my heart when you made your poopies and called out for your Mommy. THIS IS WHAT I’VE ALWAYS WANTED This is what I imagined when we first got together, eventually. I’ve always wanted a baby and Pauley, I think you’re MY perfect little boy. Be you clean, wet or messy, Mommy’s always gonna want to be near you but most of all change you.” Finally Lilly looked at me with those forgiving and fantastic pale blue eyes as I stared back. My sobs subsided and without a word shared between us. We kissed a kiss full of love, passion and understanding. Her lips, I had forgotten how soft they were, how they tasted like fresh summer strawberries. Standing in a woman’s bathroom, wearing a full diaper hardly was the setting for romance but in this moment we could have been in Pairs it didn’t matter we we’re together until…… *KNOCK….KNOCK* “Hello”, Laurie said as she slowly opened the bathroom door as Lilly & I ended our embrace with Lilly still holding my hand. “Hi, sorry we’re we making too much noise? I’m so sorry I just had to comfort my little one.” Lilly replied patting me on my diapered behind, basically pressing the mess up against my butt cheeks. “Still in his messy diapers?” Laurie asked “Yes, this little boy still has his dirty, dirty, dirty diapee’s on for now.” "Then I’ll let you get to it but I wanted to hand this off as a way of getting your little one to calm down.” Laurie handed Lilly an adult baby bottle full of apple juice “Awww that’s so sweet of you, Pauley tell Auntie Laurie thank you for this ba ba during your diapee change.” “Thank you Auntie Laurie.”, I blushed “It’s on the house.” Laurie replied winking as she watch Lilly insert the bottle between my lips as she closed the bath room door behind her. I saw Lilly lock the door telling me to wait as I watched her remove from the pile of item on the counter a large Safari theme changing pad which she spread out on the floor, then turning to me and gently guiding me to sit down. “Now lay that messy tushy now sweetie", Lilly cooed. I was much more hesitant to lay in my mess any further but there wasn’t a choice. I was slowly but first I got to my knees and then slowly lay backwards. With each movement I could feel the cooling mess settle and spread out all over my behind. It was less than a stellar feeling but I was finally flat on my back ready to get this disgusting thing off me. I was watching Lilly who had a big smile on her face looking down at me. “While this certainly is going to be a STINKY diapee change, Mommy can’t wait to show baby ALL the new things Mommy bought for her special little boy. You are going to be SO CUTE & CLEAN” She almost squealed with delight as I drank with anticipation of getting the soiled pamper off of me but also dread what might come next. I watched Lilly as she leaned over and un snapped my onise snaps at the crotch pulling up the flap of fabric. Then gripping the sides of my newly owned plastic pants, Lilly slide them off my waist and now & off my legs & feet. Taking them to her nose she sniffed….. “Hmm, not really too much of a poopy smell, Mommy can put these back on baby after his changey.” Lilly said. However now without the plastic pants the foulest order, even more fouler from before had begun to creep into the room. Lilly wrinkled her nose and held her breath as she ripped off the tabs on my diaper and peeled it away exposing the mess smeared all over my diapered area. It was at this point I closed my eyes, keeping the sight out of memory but I could clearly hear Lilly, as she was humming more “lullaby’s” also whenever she asked me to lift up I was more than willing to comply, more than a few well scented baby wipes were used to clean all over but to Lilly’s credit she stayed on task and with a light slap to the inner thigh I opened my eyes looking down to see I was clean all over watching Lilly grabbing a bottle of diaper rash cream looking at me saying….. “Now Mommy can’t have you getting a diaper rash on this cute little tushy of yours” She rubbed the cream all over my crotch and then my bottom, grinning I could see her getting excited, it didn’t help that her tight shirt was exposing her nipples. Lilly certainly enjoyed every aspect of this motherly role of hers. Taking a wipe and wiping her hands she then got another Rearz Safari diaper which she unfolded and fluffed up before tell me “bum up”, sliding my new diaper under me but that’s when she turned around and had another piece of material in her hand. “Now here comes the fun part baby, Mommy found out these are called boosters and can help Pauley’s diapee hold even more pee pee and give you more of a lovely waddle. So we’re going to try this.” Taking the booster Lilly placed it in the middle of the diaper accompanied by anther shower of baby powder all over. Lilly then doled both the diaper & booster over my crotch and tapped in tightly into place. It was BEYOND thick, while a normal Rearz was thick enough adding this booster expanded the crotch leaving my legs more part than before and the diaper was completely dry. Despite the bottle calming me down, ugh did I just admit as a grown man a bottle of apple juice calmed me down? Anyways with the nipple still in my mouth I said….. “Pweashe don'th mawe wear thheshe diapersh mommy. Everyone'sh gonna shee. They're thoo thhicw mommy.” “Oh darling, your diapee’s HAVE to be thick. After that last messy one, Mommy would hate to think what would happen if baby made leakies if they’re diapee was thick enough for YOUR big boy messes.” Lilly replied as if it was the most normal of conversations. She held out her arms to help me stand, still wearing my shoes I was not used to the thick padding between my legs forcing them more apart than before. I was bow legged like a toddler wearing one too many pairs of pampers. Lilly taking my plastic pants motioned me to step into the leg holes and shimmy them up around my waist. It did take some time but Lilly was able to pull the plastic pants up & over my diaper. “Arms up” I did as I was asked as Lilly removed my onise, “This is a little too stinky baby, and Mommy’s got a NEW outfit for you.” Lilly said clapping her hands as she placed the onise into a plastic bag where I could see my shorts were now. Still sucking on the bottle I watched as she first removed a long sleeve shirt matching the Rearz Safari diaper designs out , grinning. “Now baby is gonna have his animal friends on BOTH his diappe and shirt. Won’t that be fun?” I nodded not out of agreement but out of confusion that I would be wearing something so outright juvenile, AGAIN for the second time today. As Lilly helped me put on the shirt, taking my bottle and setting it on the sink. However while the shirt was nice enough it barely reached the top of my diaper. “Pants?”, I asked. “Of course silly billy, Mommy’s got you something for your diapers. While I wish I could have you walk, oops I mean waddle out of the store in just a shirt and your diapee’s that wouldn’t be very appropriate. So Mommy’s got you THIS”, Lilly replied Turning around and showing me a dark navy blue set of OVERALLS, the overalls were short overalls. The shorts looked long enough but what caught my attention was what was embroidered in the front. The word….. “B A B Y” But the word baby had a bottle helping to spell the “B” and a Pacifier hanging off the “Y” , I looked at it stunned, shocked and scared. I was actually going to wear this? No. This is where it HAD To stop, diapers under normal cloths are one thing, even wearing a onise to a diaper store was another. But Lilly wanted me to wear THIS, this infantile outfit out in the real world. How? How would nobody look at me and just think retarded man baby? “Isn’t this just the cutest? Plus it even has snaps down here on the inner thigh in case Mommy has to do a diapee check of changey too…..Paul?....Pauley why do you have that funny face? Oh no is baby making MORE stinkies in his pants?” “No I am NOT Lilly and frankly I don’t think I can wear THAT. It says baby on it.” I replied “Well what else would it say, now hush. Where’s your ba ba?” Lilly replied and like a mother soothing a fussy baby took the bottle and shoved it back in my mouth, with a look saying it had better stay there. I was already in over my head and I needed to wear something. I watched as Lilly unhooked the overall straps and motioned me to step in. Now luckily the overalls where baggy as my rear was able to fit inside as Lilly then pulled up the bib portion and snapped the straps into place she clapped her hand and took out her phone and snapped a picture….. “SO ADORABLE”, she squealed, “Hmmm but uh oh Mommy’s gotta make her own pee-pee over in the big girls potty. So hunny Mommy needs you to be a big boy and throw away your dirty, dirty diapee.” I nodded as Lilly went into a stall and shut the door. I picked up my messy diaper and threw it away and that’s when I saw myself. Still sucking a bottle and wearing overalls better suited for a one year old. This was even a worse reflection than in the car window, this was total toddler transformation, down to even the dirty diaper I had thrown away moments ago. Then to top it all off I heard a flush as Lilly came out of the stall….. "Awww is my little boy looking at his new outfit thinking what a handsome baby boy he is, because that’s what mommy thinks” I blushed as Lilly washed her hands and then began picking up the changing supplies and mat. Placing them back into the plastic bag, then grabbing my hand before walking out of the bathroom and back into the store where I saw Julie returning with an empty shopping cart and she saw me….. “OH MY GOD….WHAT A CUTIE…..PAULEY IS ALL TAPPED UP IN A FRESH PAMPERS IN THE CUTEST OF BABY CLOTHS.” I blushed and was thankful there were no other patrons in the store today as Julie approached as Laurie waved over for Lilly at the register. “Look at you, you REALLY are a cute BIG BABY, honestly you should model for us. Considering how much money your mommy just spent on keeping your bum-bum in pampers. Well, let’s just say I made sure to pack your diapee’s with extra care.” Julie said before patting my rear and leaving as I waddled over to Lilly at the register, Laurie’s smile was bright. “Really Lilly, you too are the utmost cutest couple we’ve had here in quite some time and those cloths. They are darling on your little boy, I’m sure you’ll be happy with the rest as well.” “I’m sure my baby will love every outfit, but to be honest he and I prefer him in just his little diapers.” “Well with as much as you’ve stocked up for, you baby certainly won’t have to worry about running low on pampers anytime soon. Did you hear that hunny, your tushy’s gonna be diapee’s for a VERY long time with as many bags of pampers your mommy picked out for you today.” Lilly then taking ahold of my hand squeezed gently, motioning towards the door. “Now, Wave bye-byes to Auntie Laurie and Julie and thank them for all your new diapee’s and clothing. Mommy and baby have to get going. “ “Thanw you aunthie laurie and juwie for aww my new diapersh” I said as babyish as I could. I then waddled out with Lilly as we walked back to the car where next to me in the backseat I was staring back at bag upon bag of Rearz Safari diapers along with some Bambino diapers as well. I was in shock. I counted eight bags just next to me, no telling what was in the trunk as Lilly turned around and smiled. “See Pauley, Mommy said you were going to have enough diapee’s for some time, and you will USE ALL OF THEM. Now we have one more stop to make, Mommy has to pick up one VERY important item they didn’t have here.” Grinning Lilly started up the car and we were off, expect the trip wasn’t that long. In fact just ten minutes later we were pulling into our final destination……. “Babies R Us” (Chapter 2 to be concluded)
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  19. This part has been up on ABDLSF for a while; I can't believe I forgot to update over here as well. If you enjoy my stories and would like earlier access updates, please consider supporting me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Cute_Kitten “But first, we gotta drop in on the old battle axe. The Ladies’ Society is having afternoon tea. She won’t refuse in front of all those biddies.” Lili smiled her Cheshire cat smile. Cameron stared at the upscale cafe, The Queen’s Corner, as Lili led him inside. The logo had a crown on top of a teacup. Inside, vases with fresh roses sat on each table and false chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Flameless candles provided ambient lighting. It was the sort of place the upper crust of Mapleton, like Beatrice and her ilk, flocked to. He looked around and wrinkled his nose at the ornamental gaudiness of it all. Catching the gaze of some of Grandma Beatrice’s acquaintances, he immediately dropped his gaze to the tiled floor. Lili led him through the cafe to the indoor rose garden inside the greenhouse. Flowers bloomed all around, carefully tended roses of all varieties. The small cafe tables had been pushed together to form one long one for the Society’s meeting. The ladies, chic in their casual-rich attire, chatted over steaming cups of tea and dainty finger sandwiches. All hushed voices stopped at Lili and Cameron’s appearance. Lili never broke her stride. Cameron could feel their scandalized disdain; he looked up and winced at all the shocked faces. How dare anyone interrupt them, especially these two sideshow freaks! Grandma Beatrice’s smile was just as false as Lili’s, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly when she caught her grandson’s eye. Cameron shuddered, cheeks turning pink and dropping his eyes. Grandma was SO pissed.His heart trembled in fear, drowning out his determination. He fought the urge to cringe and blubber how sorry he was for being such a bad, disobedient boy. His diaper grew warm and his hold on Lili’s hand tightened. He peeked back up at his grandma. At the cold disapproval in Beatrice’s eyes, he stumbled. Lili caught him then urged him forward with a gentle tug. He hid behind her, the crinkle of his diaper filling his ears. “Good afternoon, ladies. I see tea is going ever so well.” Lili dipped her head in a regal nod to Jill and Beatrice’s cronies and sycophants. A few women nodded; most just gawked, put at ease by Lili’s appropriate, normal appearance. In those preppy clothes, she was a dead ringer for Priscilla. Only the spiked piercings under her lower lip and the trembling, overgrown baby behind her ruined the illusion of her being a proper young upper crust woman. “Liliana.” Jill sat poker straight at the head of the table like a queen ruling over her court. Beatrice sat at her right hand like a loyal retainer. Jill’s voice was ice cold. A wardrobe change wasn’t enough to thaw her heart. Her hard eyes silently demanded ‘what the hell are you doing here? Why are you trespassing on my territory? What are you up to?’ Lili strolled right up to Grandma Jill and kissed her cheek. Jill stiffened, barely suppressing the urge to cringe away. “So, Grandmother dear. Miss Beatrice.” Lili’s eyes flicked to each old woman in turn. “One of the students in Cameron’s class is having a sleepover. Cameron here wasn’t invited. He feels left out. We can’t have that, yeah? So, I figured he could have a sleep over at my place. And we’ll have more fun than those mean babies. Whaddya say?” Cameron’s eyes widened. Did she make that up on the spot? Her lie was so smooth, so earnest, he almost fell for it. One of the rules of the Regression Therapy Room at school was everyone got invited to parties, or the invites were not allowed to be handed out at school. Most of Cameron’s out of school social life before Lili had consisted of childish birthday parties for his regressed peers. Beatrice threw him a birthday party each year only so she’d look good to the rest of Mapleton society; she just hired a party planner to take care of it all. Jill and Beatrice appeared stunned at the request. Beatrice automatically looked to Jill, deferring to her. In private, she surely would have said no then berated Lili for taking Cameron out of his nursery. Jill pursed her lips, deciding upon the most socially tactful way of voicing her disapproval. Lili’s smile stretched into a picture of angelic innocence. “You know what a good job I do helping out with dear Prissy. Cameron and I are just gonna watch some Sesame Street, play some board games. Maybe Candy Land, it’s his favorite. You won’t even know we’re there.” Jill glanced at the ladies around her. She had an image to keep up, so she returned Lili’s smile. “Of course, sweetheart. What a splendid idea. What do you think, Beatrice dear?” “Of course, of course. Splendid idea, indeed.” Beatrice echoed. Cameron cringed at that syrupy sweet tone. His diaper crinkled loudly as he shuffled behind Lili. Grandma was so very angry at him; he’d be paying for this later. “Wonderful! Thank you ever so much.” Lili gushed with false enthusiasm. She darted in, quickly pecking Jill’s cheek with another kiss then did the same to Beatrice. Both old women jumped and scowled their displeasure before remembering they were in polite company and had appearances to keep up. They stretched their lips into strained smiles. Lili’s responding smile was genuine; she took pleasure in their discomfort. Cameron bit his lip, smiling softly. He’d always admired her ability to get under the skin of authority figures. With that, Lili turned and strolled out with Cameron waddling and crinkling along behind her. As he toddled along, he felt his diaper grow warm as he peed himself. The relatively dry padding whisked the wetness away. ********************************* “A sleepover? Lili, what are we doing?” Cameron sat on Lili’s bed, looking around her bedroom. All the pink frills and pastel lace was more Prissy’s spoiled princess style than Liliana’s gothic purple and black. With Lili, he expected her bedroom to be dark, with skulls everywhere. Maybe some candles that dripped blood-red wax. Posters of bands with crazy hair, gothic makeup, tattoos and piercings instead of cheerful, peppy boy bands. “We’re getting you out of Beatrice’s clutches and buying some time.” Lili’s voice floated out of her huge, walk-in closet. “Oh. Okay.” Cameron popped a yellow pacifier into his mouth. He knew he needed to be a big boy, but he still felt like such a baby inside. It was easier to act like a big boy when he wasn’t cowering in fear of his grandma. Sucking a pacifier was a deeply ingrained habit; he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to break it. The sucking motion soothed him as much as the thick padding around his privates did. While he waited for Lili, he glanced around the room. A sparkly rhinestone encrusted photo frame sat on the bedside table; a picture of Max and Prissy in their football and cheerleading uniforms. Someone had vandalized the photo with a Sharpie, drawing devil horns and a goatee on Prissy’s smiling face while Max had a Hitler moustache and a penis hanging off his chin. Cameron giggled at the immature graffiti. He almost reached for the photo but checked himself just in time. Good boys didn’t touch things that didn’t belong to them. Not that Lili would care; she was most likely the culprit who defaced it. He flopped onto his belly with a crinkle. Warm pee flowed over his crotch as he stared at the closet, waiting for Lili to emerge. Thinking of Prissy made him shudder in old fear, but that paled in comparison to the terror he felt about grandma sending him away and his father returning home. In face of that bleak future, he didn’t fear Prissy as much as he used to. If he was going to succeed at being a big boy again, he’d have to face his normal peers at school once more. He shivered at the thought. But this time would be different; he had Lili. He knew she’d protect him. Lili soon emerged from the closet, pushing a big cardboard box. Cameron scrunched his face up in silent question; Lili just grinned. “Come here, Cam-Cam. We’re gonna make you a big boy, yeah? We’re gonna show ‘em you’re ready to ditch babyhood. So you need big boy clothes. Time to ditch the baby duds.” She opened the box, revealing dark clothing. Her old clothes. Her cheshire cat grin stretched from ear to ear as she tore through the box while Cameron watched her with wide eyes. She played dress up with him. He was soft and pliant, a living baby doll as she put outfit after outfit on him. He eyed the closed bedroom door, worried someone would come in as her hands stripped away protective layers of clothing. Stripped away his babyhood. He stood naked except for his gargantuan diaper. He sucked his paci and poked the happy teddy bears on his diaper’s front panel, doing his best to ignore, to block out the fact that his burn scars were exposed for all the world to see. Anyone who walked in that door would see his ugly scars. He felt so vulnerable. Lili assured him she’d locked the door, but he was still terrified of being seen. She placated him with little kisses to his cheeks, to the tip of his nose, his forehead. Once she selected the first outfit, she hooked her finger through his pacifier ring. Panic flashed. He wasn’t ready for this. He was still just a baby. But if he didn’t do this, he’d be sent all the way back to babyhood. Permanently. No more big boy thoughts. No more Lili. he shuddered and bit back a whimper when the nipple popped out of his mouth. “Ah!” He jumped, giggling, as Lili blew a raspberry on his scarred belly, just above his diaper. She cupped his face. Their eyes met, her gaze soft and warm with just a touch of mischief. He shivered, feeling all tingly inside. Her forehead touched his, her nose rubbing his in an Eskimo kiss. Just when he started to relax, she playfully nipped at his nose. Startled, he jerked his head back. She buried her face in his exposed neck then blew a raspberry on his soft skin. He laughed, squirming helplessly in her embrace. “C’mon, baby.” Lili stumbled, realizing that calling him baby was not the best move at the moment. He needed to be a big boy, not her soft, giggly baby. “Cam-cam. Cameron. My big boy with the noisy butt.” He giggled at her confusion. Moments later, he found himself transformed into a gothic baby doll as Lili tried outfit after outfit on him. As a baby, he never had any say in what he wore. He had some clothes he liked better than others, but he’d learned early on his preferences did not matter. Even back when he’d tried being a big boy, being mainstreamed in school the first time, Beatrice still had maids choosing appropriate outfits for him. But he was a big boy now. He didn’t need grandma’s approval. He knew now he was never going to get it no matter what he did. Maybe he could , picking out his own clothes? At least offer his opinion….but he just stood there passively as Lili dressed him. He didn’t want to disappoint her. His baby wardrobe was a rainbow of bright colors. Lili’s wardrobe was black, black, and more black. Most of her clothes were scary. Or too revealing. He shook his head at a particularly gory skull with a bleeding heart in its mouth. He stepped back with a rustle of plastic. “What’s wrong, Cam?” Lili’s brow wrinkled in concern. “I...I…” Polite refusal lodged in his throat. In the end, he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t voice his opinion. “You don’t like it? It’s one of my favorites.” He winced. “S-Sowwies.” He mumbled softly. “Baby. Cameron. You don’t have to like everything I do. You’re allowed to say no. It’s okay. We’ll work on that.” She kissed his forehead then hugged him close. He was comfortable with her seeing his horrid scars. She rubbed his back, fingers ghosting over the swirls, bumps, and ditches of his pink and white, boiled flesh. Her hand drifted down to the smooth plastic of his diaper, rubbing his heavily padded bottom. Instead of flat padding slightly swollen with pee, her palm passed over mushy lumps. She stilled. “Cameron. Baby. How’s your diapee?” Cameron frowned at her sugary-sweet, talking to a toddler tone. He was supposed to be a big boy. He shifted, focusing on how inside his diaper felt. It was a feeling he was used to ignoring. “Um…” He scrunched his nose up as he concentrated. His crotch was warm and dmap. He’d peed and his diaper was wet, but not wet enough to the point where he normally noticed he was wet. The back of his diaper clung to his cheeks, which slid together like they were covered in mushy mud. He’d pooped himself. When? He’d never even felt the seat of his diaper filling up. “I poopied?” “Good boy!” Lili rewarded him with a sunny, proud smile. “I’ll change your diapee. Diaper. Change your diaper after we get you changed.” He nodded his head, then let Lili finish dressing him. He ended up in a plain black sweater and faded gray jeans with rips in the knees. He was thin. Where he was just skin and bones, Lili was womanly curves. Her clothes hung loose, except for the crotch. The pants clung tight to his diaper, showing off every lump and bulge. The pant waist only came up to his hips; his diaper flowed out the top. The top of his diaper came well up over his belly button. The loose sweater helped hide it, a little, but his diapered state was still visible to anyone who looked. Cameron poked at the noticeable diaper bulge in his pants. His diaper crinkled; he felt like an overgrown baby playing dress up as a big boy. He scrunched his nose and took his pacifier out, handing it to Lili. He had to leave babyhood behind, unless he wanted to be stuck here permanently. Time for him to become a big boy. A big boy who needed diapers, but they would be big boy diapers. No more paci and no more fun prints on his diapers. “Well? Whaddya think? It’s the least scary outfit I own.” Lili came up behind him. Her arms slid around his padded waist and her chin rested on his shoulders. “I...look like a big boy.” He said softly. His slender hands covered hers. “Now I just need to feel like one.” His voice was barely an audible whisper. A corner of her lips quirked up in a half smile. “Baby steps, my big boy. What’s important is you lookin’ like a big boy. It’ll help people think you are a big boy-” She froze, a light bulb flicking on in her head. “Holy shit. That’s what Asha wanted me to get. Why she’s been making me dress like this. “ Lili snorted, then laughed. “God, I’m so fucking stupid.” She laughed harder at Cameron’s sweetly confused expression. Her knees turned to jello; her weight leaned on him, using him as a support to stay standing. Cameron tried to hold her up, but he wasn’t sued to it. He leaned too far forward and bent his knees too much. They collapsed in a heap. His whole body hit the floor with Lili on top of him, squashing him. The mess in his diaper squished around and wet warmth spurted over his crotch. Lili groaned and staggered to her feet. “Damn. You’re nothing but bones.” She rubbed her side, where his elbow had accidentally caught her in the gut. “Sorry?” Cameron said reflexively. He sat up and waited for the throbbing to die down. “You’re the one who fell on me.” He mumbled soft and hesitant, testing the waters and trying to act like a big boy. “Hey. Guess you’re right. Since your’e already on the floor, let’s get that diaper changed, yeah?” He nodded his assent. “I...I should learn how to change my diapees? Diapers? I...I used to. When….back when I was mainstreamed.” His speech was hesitant, soft, scared and reluctant. He liked having his diaper changed; it made him feel loved and cared for. Especially when Lili. Diaper changes with her felt so intimate, once he’d gotten over the fears of her seeing his disgusting scars. Lili blurred the stringent lines that kept him firmly in his place as a baby. She treated him more as an equal, yet still as a baby. She’d helped him grow. She was a babysitter and friend all rolled into one. “Don’t worry about that now.” Lili stuck her tongue out at him teasingly and made a silly face. He giggled. She looked around for his diaper bag, then looked some more. She searched the entire room, even going back into the closet. His first instinct was to lay on his back and passively watch and wait like a good baby. He stared for several heart beats then awkwardly got to his feet with loud crinkles. The enormous bulk of his diaper hampered him, forced his legs far apart. He waddled over to her, helping her search for the missing diaper bag. “Shit. I forgot the fucking bag in your nursery. Damn it to hell-” Cameron took his pacifier out of Lili’s pocket and stuffed it into her mouth, cutting off her tirade of swear words. He smiled at the look of surprise on her face. “You swear too much.” He gently teased, but his big doe eyes were wary. Any time he acted like this, he was used to being chastised back into perfect, obedient silence. Lili just snorted and put the pacifer back into his mouth. He quietly accepted, not sure if she was teasing or chastising him. He nursed softly and waited for her to make the next move. “Well, I know where we could get some diapers. You stay here and I’ll be right back in a flash.” As much as he was trying to be a big boy, being alone in a strange room in a strange house unnerved him too much. His heart quivered in anxiety. He shook his head. “I-I wanna go wif yew. Peese.” His toddler tone was back and he entwined his fingers with Lili’s in a silent plea. His eyes were big and dark with terror. Lili gazed at him for several long moments, weighing her decision like it was a heavy, important one. He whimpered softly and she caved. “Oh, alright. Lili’s stomach twisted with nerves and her mutilated side burned. She scratched it, distracted, as her feet moved through the halls without her paying attention to where they were headed. Cameron clung to her hand, toddling along behind her, ever obedient. They turned down the corridor to Prissy’s room. She felt sick all over. She never should’ve said yes to this...but he begged so sweetly. So pretty and vulnerable her heart couldn’t refuse him. Once, back when they first met, Lili had planned on reuniting Big Baby Cameron with Veggie-Brained Baby Pissy. What a delicious humiliation that would have been for poor Pissy. Even now, a dark part of Lili thrilled at the thought. But Cameron was terrified of Priscilla, his old tormentor. Once Lili had realized that, she kept putting her plan off. And putting it off until she no longer wanted to risk hurting him. Settling an old grudge with her cousin wasn’t worth it. Cameron- his trust, his happiness, his fragile smile- mattered more. Yet here she was, about to drag unsuspecting Cameron into Prissy’s room. She wanted to tell him, but guilt clogged her throat and twisted her insides. She couldn’t think of any way to tell him gently. Once outside Prissy’s door, she had no more room to run. No more room to think. She turned and faced Cameron. He looked at her squestioningly. She took both of his hands and her tongue nervously played with her snakebite piercings. “Cam-Cam. Cameron. I- look.” She closed her eyes and drew in a deep, steadying breath. “Prissy’s in that room.” His eyes widened, huge in terror like she’d just told him a man-eating tiger was on the other side of the door. Guild twisted her heart. His fingers, his whole body, trembled with his fear, with memories of everything Prissy had done to him. “Cameron.” She squeezed his fingers in reassurance. “You can stay out here. I”ll be real quick- I’m just gonna grab some diaper supplies. You know about her accident, yeah? She can’t hurt you ever again.” Lili’s voice was dulcet velvet, soothing his fraying nerves. He nodded his head, pacifier moving vigorously in his mouth. “Gwamma tawked about it. I overheawd her.” He was taking this much better than she’d anticipated. She smiled to show him how proud she was. She’d expected him to fall to pieces. He’d lapsed into the familiar safety zone of babyhood, but he still held himself together. If he faced Prissy, she feared he’d shatter. If she couldn’t pull him back together, she’d loose him. Beatrice would have him sent away to a regression facility for certain. Lili suppressed a shudder. “So, you stay out here and I’ll be right back.” Cameron shook his head and clutched her fingers so tight, so desperate, his knuckles turned white. “I go wif yew. Peese. I-I a big boy.” His petrified eyes stared up at her. “I..I...I haf ta….have to..be a big boy now. P-please. Take me with you. I’ll be okay.” His voice was barely more than a strangled whisper that grew steadier and firmer as he stealed himself. She stared at him, shocked by his soft words. She’d never expected his bold reaction from him, not even in her wildest dreams. His face was pale; he appeared ready to faint but his eyes burned with determination. It stealed her nerves, too. Made her believe he could handle Prissy. “Please? Lili. I need to do this. If...If I can’t face Prissy, how can I ever handle Grandma? D-Daddy?” That last word ended in a strangled whimper as his courage faltered. She nodded her permission, numb all over. She was terrified of Cameron’s reaction to Prissy, but she couldn’t argue with his logic. He was right; he needed to do this. She turned to face the door; he latched onto her arm, wrapping both of his arms around her one and clutching it to his chest like a teddybear. He buried his face into her shoulder, eyes squeezed tight shut. He looked like he was entering a Halloween horror house. In the back of her brain Lili wondered if he was wetting his diaper out of terror. She fleetingly felt the urge to check his diaper. Instead, she kissed the top of his head in encouragement for both of them, then turned the knob.
    1 point
  20. Being totally honest, this kind of post is far more likely to turn off something looking for a little than create any kind of interest. Just a thought. Little kaiya
    1 point
  21. 14.) "What the hell, Piper! You were supposed to be guarding the damn door!" Lucky didn't swear often. I nearly dropped the box I was carrying, my cheeks still red from my meeting with Carlotta. "I.. I was just..." "Just leaving me without my pants on? Letting anyone who wants to walk in?" "I put a sign-" Lucky crossed her arms with a pout, though she didn't stay angry very well, not for long periods of time and that meant much of it was just blowing smoke now. "Strange bathroom in a strange mall we've never been to and nobody knows where we are, anything could have happened..." A tiny smile crept into her lips, though, and she looked at her blushing best friends cheeks. "What the heck is in the box? Is that what you came here for? Show me show me show me." "It's private," I said under my breath, looking away from Lucky and at the cardboard box with my mom's name on it. I tucked it under my arm and turned on my heel, walking back to the front of the mall. Lucky hurried beside me. "Come on, let's go." "Noooo...." Lucky sighed and rolled her eyes. "I want to buy you lunch, because I feel like you've been really distant this week and if we're skipping school we might as well enjoy ourselves. Plus there's a really nice food court here..." Which Lucky had found when she was looking for her AWOL friend. "I'm not really hungry, though... I just wanna head home..." Lucky frowned and I looked at my feet. I wish she understood to leave it alone, but that wasn't how it worked in our relationship. We always understood, but leaving it alone...? That was another thing. "Fine... something small..." But that something small wound up being a large Mountain Dew at Taco Bell and five tacos between us. The box got its own chair, and it felt as though Piper spent more time looking it than looking at Lucky! "My pants are dry now. I mean, my undies are still damp, but I found another bathroom after the dryer broke and got my pants fixed while I was trying to find you. I wish you could get like... car phones... that you can carry around with you. Probably be too big though... maybe one day..." That was Lucky - always the thinker. "Isaac's phone is pretty small," I said plainly, sipping my Mountain Dew. I didn't like Mountain Dew because I loved Mountain Dew, and it was very hard for me to stop drinking it. Lucky knew that, too... "I thought it would be cooler dreaming about the future all the time, but it's kind of dull..." "You know you're not really dreaming about the future, though, it's just a dream. Like you know how they say in dreams that you can never see a clock? I bet you can't see a clock in those dreams, and I bet you can't even know the date and you just think it's the future because some things are different." Lucky would refill the Mountain Dew before she'd get any for herself, and probably again before they went because Piper would want some to go - it was a tradition, and with the forty minute train trip it seemed like a risky one - city trains didn't have bathrooms, so they'd probably have to stop to get off six times for Piper to go potty! I knew Isaac was a dumb dream, but it was interesting anyway. Still, I was smart enough not to get hung up on it. I sipped more of the Mountain Dew - my second refill - and ate two of the five tacos. I still wasn't very hungry, but it would have been rude not to. I climbed up from the table and emptied the tray into the trash before hesitating over my backpack and the brown box beside it. "I... uh... need to use the bathroom." Lucky smiled expectantly. "I guess it's just you and me, big brown box..." Lucky found herself sitting with the box after Piper went to the bathroom - it was taped shut on all sides and sat ominously, like an imposing obelisk of mystery. Lucky couldn't help herself, though, she picked it up - found it amazingly and surprisingly light, like maybe it was only partially filled, maybe with clothes? And then set it back down. One thing was certain, though, she noted as Piper started back toward the table in her red baby doll dress - there was color to Piper Belle since she got the box. Color in her eyes, color in her cheeks, color in her voice. Color that had been absent all week. It was not a comfortable train ride. I was shaking for most of the second half of the trip and I bit hard on my lower lip. She knew better. Lucky knew better. We'd been over this so many times, and she only ever gave me Mountain Dew as a joke anymore. I couldn't believe she was so naive, today of all days... "We can get off at the next stop and walk..." It would be another half hour walk, though, and school was already out. "We can't. We won't make it home on time as it is, and unless you want your Mom to find out you skipped, we have to make it. Just relax, okay, give me that." Piper took the box off her best friend’s lap and put it on the seat next to her and then took her hand. "Close your eyes. Relax. The more you think about it, the harder it's going to be. We'll be off at our stop in fifteen minutes. You can make it until then." I knew I was fine. I was over reacting. But I wasn't a very big girl, and neither was Lucky. She understood what it was like to need to use the bathroom, and she'd seen me in situations like this on more than one occasion. I almost thought she enjoyed it, the way she smiled. I crawled off the train at our stop and whimpered at the cold September air. I should have brought a jacket… "Bathroom now..." "There's the Burger King down the street that way, but it's opposite direction from our houses... and my place in that way, and closer than your house." It left options at least, and Piper winced and slid her thighs against one another as if it would help, as Lucky held the box - the too-light box was probably too much pressure to put on the tiny girl this close to breaking point. "I hate you," I mumbled, stepping off the platform and nearly falling to the ground. My stomach was aching, now, and I was pretty damn sure the ten minute walk to Lucky's wasn't going to be a thing. I couldn't believe I'd drank that much. I couldn't believe I was that stupid... "No you don't, you adore me. I got you the dress you want to be buried in." Of course that comment would wind up being darkly ironic and a little bit amusing to look back upon when the girls got to the Burger King and found the bathrooms entirely out of order. A few minutes later, and Piper would wish she were buried, because although the black legging she wore under her red dress were dark, they were still only leggings. I was crying. I couldn't move and tears were dripping down my cheeks. I was leaning up against the back of the Burger King, fifteen minutes out from Lucky's now, and knowing full fucking well I wasn't moving from this spot. I was so stupid, so fucking stupid... Lucky knew what had happened probably only a moment after Piper had, and she took no joy in it - she didn't laugh or tease or make a scene about it. She took her best friend’s hand, set the box down, and when Piper was too exhausted to fight it from the tears, she wrapped her arms around her and she held her close. The black leggings were soaked, though the darkness was merciful and it wasn't so clear from a distance, but Piper was so miserable. Lucky played with her hair as she held her, and whispered calm words. "It's okay, Piper Belle, you're okay. We're going to go back to my house, and nobody is home, and I'll draw you a bath and you can soak until you feel clean and you can borrow my skinny jeans that you love and we'll make cookies while your leggings wash. It's not the end of the world, I pinky promise swear..." Lucky was always at her best when Piper needed her. We didn't talk the entire walk home. I wished I could say I hated myself for what I'd done, but the truth was, I didn't. I hated myself for liking it. The warmth around my underwear and the sensation of heat pouring down my thighs... but all that was quickly reprimanded by the chilly September breeze. By the time we'd reached Lucky's, I very much hated what I'd done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like & Comment! Please consider supporting us on Patreon!
    1 point
  22. 9.) There was anguish on the boys face as Elyx watched - something was amiss, something was a stressor, something was a problem. It was frustrating to feel as though he were losing the boy, to know that in short order he might slip into sleep and this could be all be for nothing. So he did something he wouldn't usually; he reached out and took Isaac’s hand in both of his. "Piper. Can you hear me? It's Elyx." I pushed myself down the stairs and into the kitchen. Dad was in the study - probably doing work - but my mom was working on some of the dishes. I marched up to her, only a few inches shorter, and stopped a foot away. "Did you take Suzie?!" Elyx smiled at the words - a soft voice that didn't sound remotely like Isaac, quiet but beyond a whisper. He listened closely; something about his attempts to communicate weren't getting through, but if it could work the other way that was a start. // "Oh, your cousin Sammie was over while you were out and she just fell in love with Suzie. And you're fifteen now, Piper Belle, I figured you wouldn't miss her." "Get her back!" I was fuming. I knew I shouldn't be this upset about a stupid teddy bear, but it was Suzie... "Get her back right now!" "Piper Belle." "No! Don't Piper Belle me, just... get Suzie back right now!" "You're fifteen years old." "Fine, then I'll get her myself!" I stormed out of the house and into the dark. Of course, Sammie lived two cities over... Suzie. Get her back. I'll get her myself. Suzie wasn't a person, then? Elyx pulled out a pad of paper and began to take notes, a rich tapestry forming from the words. // "Piper Belle, you come back inside right this moment, little miss." Her mother stood at the door and the title made the the girl freeze, like it was taking the air out of her lungs. "We let you keep that ridiculous dress that Lucy bought for you, but if you keep carrying on like this, that can easily change." I felt tears on my cheeks that I quickly wiped away. This wasn't fair... that was my Suzie... I pushed past my mom on my way back into the house and kicked off my shoes. "I'm not talking to you until I have Suzie back," I said under my breath, and stormed up the stairs. Suzie is an object, Piper is talking to an authority figure. A parent. Her reactions and word choices conjured a girl somewhat younger than fifteen, but maybe not a child. Fascinatingly, Elyx couldn't influence the sub-personality at all and the life seemed to continue to exist in a dream-state independent of Isaac being asleep or not. Well, Elyx didn't know that without proper testing, but he could infer it. // "She took Suzie? Oh that is not cool!I" Like most houses, there was a phone in the bedroom hallway and Piper had pulled the long corded handset into her bedroom and closed the door, fuming about her mother as she spoke to her best friend. "I don't know what I'm gonna do, Lucky... I can't sleep without Suzie..." I had my head between my legs while I spoke, my eyes heavy with sleepiness. I hadn't slept well the night before either. Birthdays were always something to dread. "I know it's childish and stupid, but it's important... I don't even know if Sammie really has her or if she was just thrown away..." Suzie was a teddy bear that Piper seemed dependent on, something her parents had confiscated for reasons that weren't clear. Next session, Elyx would be certain to have a dictaphone set up to record the session. For now, pen and paper would do, though in a few minutes more he'd be waking the boy up. // "Piper Belle. You are grounded started immediately, off the phone right this instant." The voice came from the hall and a minute later she clicked the lever on the wall mount, hanging up the call. I slammed the phone down, but I didn't say a word to my mom as she took it from me. I crawled into bed and laid there, facing away, until she finally gave up talking to me and went back into the hallway. I rolled over onto my back and looked at the ceiling. It was the first night in eight years without Suzie... "Wake." With three clicks of his fingers, Elyx watched as the boys eyes flickered open, and then he looked around in a start, maybe trying to figure out where he was. "Oh, hey now, it's cool Isaac. You're in my office, you're safe and you're awake." The boy continued to look around, his eyes wide as though he were lost and he frowned, rubbing his eyes. "Shit, I fell asleep... I'm really sorry..." I sat up quickly and kept rubbing my eyes. I couldn't believe I did that, with all the help he was trying to give me, even if he was a bit weird. "I haven't been sleeping well, so... I don't know, I'm sorry..." "I heard a little bit from Piper, Isaac. She's worried about Suzie - that's her teddy-bear, isn't it? Is her Mom keeping it from her?" That was about as much as the boy in the dress had gleaned, but that was enough to evidence that he wasn't making things up. "What...?" Elyx looked at me with a smile and I shook my head, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My vision was blurry, though I'd only been out for a couple of minutes. I didn't understand that... "Suzie is her teddy bear, yeah... she sleeps with it, I think. Why is her mom... wait, how did you..." "You seemed to be having an episode of somniloquy, maybe because I had you in trance-space and you fell through and went to sleep. But you were saying what she was saying, and I took some notes. Would you like to see?" He held out the pad of paper with his painted nails and smiled helpfully. I read over the words - all Piper's words by the looks of it. I tried to walk through it with the boy as well as I could, but I was blanking. Clearly, though, Piper's mom took Suzie - probably because she was fifteen now, I mentioned to Elyx. "I don't remember any of this, though..." "That's interesting - maybe you can observe her, or you can channel her, but not both." There was a bigger issue though - people didn't just dream up entirely distinct and independent lives. Not heathy people. "Isaac, sweetie, I want to talk to you about this. About what you're missing, what you're craving." "Sleep?" I asked simply and the boy's smile was as false as mine was sincere. He put his hands on mine and I looked up at him. He was pretty. I would be okay dating a guy if it was someone like him, I bet. Still, they were sleepy thoughts. "I don't really know what you mean…” "For your head to come up with this... in so much detail, so much that it's like a video playing in the background of your mind... there's usually something missing in your life that you need and can't have. What does Piper have that you don't?" It was probably too broad a question, to be fair, but it had to start somewhere. "I'm not making her up." Elyx looked at me sternly and I did my best to make the same expression back. "Hey, man, listen! I've been dreaming about her for like three weeks now, alright? And I thought at first it was nothing, but it was your friend who got me thinking otherwise. And now I'm here, but she's like... she's like something else. She's like a video, like you said, but I'm not making it up. She's just there. Okay?" Elyx looked at the boy with a concerning look and smiled the sort of bright smile that really typified the sort of bubbly person he was - the sort of smile that could light up a room. "Okay. Okay. Okay. How does she influence you? Your behavior, your every day self. How does she affect you? And have you impacted her in any meaningful way?" "No, not really... she just makes it hard to sleep sometimes, that's all." I rubbed my eyes and let out a little sigh. I was even more tired than I was when I'd laid down in this chair... "I just watch her life, and she just exists in hers. She dreams about me, too, I think. She talks to Lucky about it... but it's not nearly as vivid, from what I gather. Or my life is less interesting..." "She dreams of you? Wait. Wait now. She dreams of you?" Alter personas weren't an uncommon thing in the world that Elyx existed in, but to have a sub-persona so completely removed from the primary to the point where they existed in one-another’s dreams... it was fascinating. "Tell me more about her world." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like & Comment! Please consider supporting us on Patreon!
    1 point
  23. Bump! Tons of new MP3's added, diaper messing in front of ladies and in pblic, public poopy diaper changes, messing at the theme park, messing on the plane, etc. For AB's and some sexy ones for DL's too www.Clips4sale.com/8256 - Just search "audio" to bring up all the audio ones
    1 point
  24. Just ask her what she is willing to try. Are there things she's curious about trying and things that are a set "no" for her. Let her take the lead in deciding what she wants to do, rather then you telling her what you want her to do (unless she specifically asks for that).
    1 point
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