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Shy Bladder


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So I've always had a shy bladder, and it seems to have gotten worse the older I've gotten. 

The reason I'm bringing it up now is I've worked on various ways to help me pee in public places, but I have a daddy who comes by from time to time and expects me to use my diaper in front of him. All my tricks to help me go normally don't work while in front of him, it's not a big deal, since I'll scamper off in the next room and go, but I'd love to be able to pee while he watches. 

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You worry too much.

Gravity Works.... but Mother Nature WINS EVERY TIME. Patience my young Padawan. 

As someone who was DL for 40+ years and then contracting MS - BE CAREFUL what you wish for... I am now urinary incontinent 24-7 since most of 2016

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I have found that having something to drink, triggers the urge to pee almost immediately, and if you give in to that, it starts to become more and more automatic over time. It helps me when sometimes I just feel like I'm not letting go, but I don't want to force it.

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10 minutes ago, beallucanb said:

None of the methods you mentioned worked for me,  this is a condition I have had forever.

I'm OK in a public restroom if I am alone, otherwise I wait until I get home to go.

If you work on training yourself to go in association with these or other triggers, while you're somewhere private, that should help it become more automatic over time.

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On 11/26/2023 at 12:01 AM, alwayslittle said:

So I've always had a shy bladder, and it seems to have gotten worse the older I've gotten. 

The reason I'm bringing it up now is I've worked on various ways to help me pee in public places, but I have a daddy who comes by from time to time and expects me to use my diaper in front of him. All my tricks to help me go normally don't work while in front of him, it's not a big deal, since I'll scamper off in the next room and go, but I'd love to be able to pee while he watches. 

While you're alone, try peeing everytime you stand up in whatever room it is that you would be in with you daddy. It doesn't matter how much, just get used to peeing when you stand up. Also everytime you need to pee stand up first. Eventually you'll be so used to peeing when you stand up, you'll go without thinking about it.


Alternatively take your bladder out for a few drinks, and introduce it around, get it to know a few people. That should help with it's shyness. 

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On 11/26/2023 at 5:38 PM, Little Sam said:

If you work on training yourself to go in association with these or other triggers, while you're somewhere private, that should help it become more automatic over time.

Time?      I'm 75 I don't expect I have that much  time left.

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Shy bladder is a real condition, people have actualy suffered injury from it in the past. Yes, it is mostly phycological, does not mean its not a real effect. Took me years to get over it myself, but, I had no choice, considering work and such at the time. Mostly what worked for me is that I stopped careing what others might think, made it a lot easyer to just go. Oddly enough, starting to wear diapers when I could actualy helped a lot with it as well, so long as I could trust the diaper. First few times, I would put the diaper on the closed lid of the potty, pee on it, then put it on, so I could enjoy my wet diaper. Only had to do that a few times before I was able to start using my diapers, and over the years I have grown more and more comfortable with wearing and using. Hell, would probably be 24/7 if I could aford it.

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I have a hard time peeing in any restroom even at home. It has has gotten worse with age in the past 5 years . I just have learned to make sure I have one of my nite rated pull-up on most every day, and carrying extra diapers. I am going the way I want as to peeing in my diaper when my inside is ready, and I don't have any notice of it, I just have to try to regulate the flow,,,,,, so I don't have a flood.. So I do say I have had shy bladder all of my life , as even yrs ago I would do my best to wait till I got home to pee. But back then I could hold my pee....

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I found that when wearing pull up at work, I can hardly pee at the urinal.  

Days when I don't wear, I have pretty good flow.  It's a difficult balance as I try to keep what I have.  Drink water as the humidity is 0%.

I found that jerking off kind of makes it worse.  Though, it kind of relaxes those muscles, so the succeeding days I may feel better and get better flow.  



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ive always had a shy bladder in public. probably the trauma of going to a trough at a baseball park when i was a kid. i HAVE to be in a stall and often sitting. i cant even use a urinal unless i know im the only one in the BUILDING let alone just being alone in the bathroom. this is all strange because if im diapered i can pee litterally anyway lol

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On 11/28/2023 at 11:05 PM, foreverdl said:

I have a hard time peeing in any restroom even at home. It has has gotten worse with age in the past 5 years . I just have learned to make sure I have one of my nite rated pull-up on most every day, and carrying extra diapers. I am going the way I want as to peeing in my diaper when my inside is ready, and I don't have any notice of it, I just have to try to regulate the flow,,,,,, so I don't have a flood.. So I do say I have had shy bladder all of my life , as even yrs ago I would do my best to wait till I got home to pee. But back then I could hold my pee....

For many mean the older we get the harder it is to have a full stream pee. And when I go I don't fully empty my bladder. I've been diagnosed with an underlying muscle condition thats probably the cause. Sometimes I get up two or three times during the night and even after trying to go I still feel like I have to go which is really irritating. I go back to bed and pee in my sleep sometimes.

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10 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:

For many mean the older we get the harder it is to have a full stream pee. And when I go I don't fully empty my bladder. I've been diagnosed with an underlying muscle condition thats probably the cause. Sometimes I get up two or three times during the night and even after trying to go I still feel like I have to go which is really irritating. I go back to bed and pee in my sleep sometimes.

@rubbersheetmike: If you haven't yet, get your prostate (size) checked....  Probably along with your PSA (and possible Free PSA) number(s).

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7 hours ago, zzyzx said:

@rubbersheetmike: If you haven't yet, get your prostate (size) checked....  Probably along with your PSA (and possible Free PSA) number(s).

Thanks. I had it checked. The problem turns out to be a rare muscle disorder that affects many of my other muscles as well including reducing my mobility. My muscles are spastic and contract and release on their own. At first they thought it was MS or palsy but eventually they found out its a rare gene condition. I take a powerful med to counteract it but its not entirely effective.

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13 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:

Thanks. I had it checked. The problem turns out to be a rare muscle disorder that affects many of my other muscles as well including reducing my mobility. My muscles are spastic and contract and release on their own. At first they thought it was MS or palsy but eventually they found out its a rare gene condition. I take a powerful med to counteract it but its not entirely effective.

@rubbersheetmike: Thanks for the response.  Looks like we are both having "fun" from different (genetic based) conditions.  Best wishes.  Take care.

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Funny thing, in high school and in the service I never had a shy bladder, but around in my thirties it got to where I couldn't pee if anybody was in the restroom with me, even my wife. I once held it so long my kidneys hurt. After having my prostate removed when I was sixty solved that problem, I can now pee anywhere any time, and most of the time leaking into my diaper.

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