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22 hours ago, BobbyDrago said:

Writer can't be mean to me I'm not in your story.

You're not, but I could go back and edit to mess with your 'prophecy'... ?

...too bad everything is pretty much set in stone now, especially with only 8 chapters for me left to write.

17 hours ago, YourFNF said:

Called it!


13 hours ago, AdultInnocence said:

I'm trying to recall when Sarah was taken without going back... ugh the brain muscle must be exercised.

I was a little nervous reading that chapter and the next one. I also wonder if there could be something in the perfume by chance, or if I'm just being overly cautious of all the little details. I too am curious about Dylan now.

Chapter 11 was when Sarah was taken from Liv's shop.

Not long left to wait. Probably going to be editing and posting the chapter a bit earlier in the day than I usually do because I've just had my first vaccine and don't know how bad the side effects are going to be later. And I don't want to make you all wait until tomorrow for the next chapter!

Because I'm so nice ?

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12 minutes ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Chapter 11 was when Sarah was taken from Liv's shop.

Not long left to wait. Probably going to be editing and posting the chapter a bit earlier in the day than I usually do because I've just had my first vaccine and don't know how bad the side effects are going to be later. And I don't want to make you all wait until tomorrow for the next chapter!

Because I'm so nice ?

I’m not trying to get you to not post sooner, mostly because I’m going to sleep soon, but I was only tired after my first vaccine and just had a sore arm from the second. I hope the same goes for you. 

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Chapter 32: Sarah

It was Sarah.

My best friend.

The one who had been taken from the shop over 6 months ago.



“Oh my god it really is you!” I quickly toned down my voice so as not to alert the others in the other room.

We hugged each other as hard as we could. Tears started streaming down both of our faces. We stayed there, holding each other for a good couple of minutes before Sarah backed off.

“What... wha are you doing hewe?”

I could notice the slight lisp on her voice and the babyish words. Charlie’s parents had obviously done some modifications. But she was with it, or so it seemed, so Eve should be able to reverse it all. Eventually.

“Here to rescue you, dummy!”

“Me? Buh how did you know I was hewe?”

 “You were adopted in the shop six months ago, and I never stopped looking for you. But there were no leads. We couldn’t find you anywhere!”

Six months?

“Yeah, sorry. But you know that Amazon I asked out?”

“Uh huh?”

“Well we ended up together. That’s her.”

“Me happy for you, buh why... dis?” she said, pointing to my babyish apparel.

“I... I’ll tell you later. But basically the ones who took you are Charlie’s parents. They don’t talk much. But they heard Charlie had adopted a little and wanted to meet me.”

“Buh you’re not?”

“No, I’m not actually adopted. We just pretend. She didn’t want to come, but they promised they would let their new little go if we just had dinner with them.”

“So you didn’t know it was me dey adopted?”

“No, sorry. But oh my god I am so happy it is! Once they’ve finished in there, Charlie is going to take us both back to the shop. I have an Amazon friend, she’s going to take care of you.”

I could see the fear in her eyes.

“No, Sarah, not like that. She’s a doctor. She’s an ally to littles. And a friend of mine. She’s going to take you in for a few months and she’s going to fix you. Any modifications these bastards have made, she should be able to reverse.”

“Dat’s... possible?”

“It is. Although I warn you, it’s still experimental. But I trust Eve with my life. I hope you trust me enough to go with her? I’ll always be a phone call away. She already looks after one little who is recovering really well.”

Sarah started to tear up.

“Fank yoo Wivia.”

“Hun, you are my best friend. I’m just sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

“You’re hewe now, dat’s all dat matters.”

I hugged her.

“You... poopy?”

“...Milk.” I sighed.

“Again? Jeez Wiv, you weally get yourself into some... messes!

She paused. I didn’t want to give her a reaction. But... she deserved it after all this.

“Yes. I suppose I do.”

She started laughing, which was nice to see from my friend after being like this for 6 months.

“So we jus pway for a bit, den I fwee to go?”

“Yup. Just gotta put up with her parents for a bit longer, then we’ll get you out of here. Sounds like you put up quite the fight, Moira was really happy to be getting rid of you.”

“You know me; I won’t go without a fight.”

“That’s why I’m glad we stayed friends.”

“Hey, I supported you through everyfing when we first started dating. Den once you finished your fing we decided to split up as I wanted other fings. But my feelings never changed, I still cawe about you Wiv. Although I guess I was right when I told you that fing back den, you do look much cuter as a ickle baby girl.”

I blushed. If anyone knew me the most, it was Sarah. She had been through everything with me. She knew things about me even Charlie or Malcolm didn’t know. One day I’d tell them, when I was ready.

“So I trus you.”

“It’s going to be okay Sarah. You’re safe now. We’ll get you a new life, away from these monsters. Hopefully I won’t ever have to come back here.”

“It howwible.”

“I bet. So what modifications have they made?”

“Wegs. Can’t walk. Added wisp to my voice. Wost all contwol of potty twaining. Twied obedience buh dat didn’t work. Obviously.”

“Of which I’m glad. But I think it’s safe to say, Eve should be able to recover most of that, except maybe your potty training. At the most you’ll graduate to pull-ups, but you may never regain full control. But never say never, Eve’s perfecting her process and it keeps getting better!”

“Fuck, if I can jus get my wegs and voice back, and my adult wife, I’ll be happy.”

I giggled.

“Wha yoo laffin at?”

“Sorry, it’s just that the lisp made you say ‘wife’ instead of ‘life. Which is just funny with you being straight an all.”

“Shuh up Wiv! Or I’mma squish dat icky nappy of yours.”

“Don’t you dare!” I laughed.

She moved her arm, teasing me, but quickly retracted it with a grin on her face.

“So, dis Charwie... wha she like? Suppose at dis point she my big sis.”

“She’s... perfect.  Honestly I’ve never felt so safe or happy before.”

“I can see dis on your face.”

I blushed, not realising how much I was fangirling over Charlie.

“I happy for you Wiv. Buh I hafta ask... how does... ‘it’ work? And more importantly, how her parents know she adopted someone?”

“It’s difficult, but we make it work. And that’s all you’ll get from me, gossipy bitch.”

She laughed at me.

“And as for the adoption... well... It’s hard to explain.”

“Well, we gots time.”


I filled her in on all the details of our relationship and arrangement. I knew I could trust Sarah, she was my best friend and had kept my most important secret for ten years now.

“Oh wow. You actuawwy enjoy dis?”

“...a bit. I promise you, it feels a lot different when it’s consensual and not full time. I find it relaxing and it satisfies a part of me deep inside that needed looking after. And you know the childhood I had, I didn’t get to experience it as I grew up too quickly so this is a kind of way to relive it.”

“I dunno if I’ll ever understand Wiv, buh it makes you happy and you twust her. So I twust her. Buh if she does anything...”

“What, you’ll throw your dirty nappy at her?”

“Hey! I no... oh.”

“Yeah sorry, I kinda noticed. Guessing that’s a part of the modifications?”

“It must be. I never know when I’m going or already gone.”

“We’ll get that fixed if we can Sarah, don’t you worry.”

The doors to the playroom opened and there stood Charlie.

“Hey there baby, how is she?” she leaned down and asked me.

“Charlie, it’s Sarah!” I told her excitedly.


“My best friend that got adopted around the time you asked me out!”

“Shhhh Liv!” she said, quickly turning around to see her parents looking at her with frowns on their faces.

“Charlotte Williams! What on earth is she talking about?” snapped her mother.


Charlie looked at me with a mix of concern, love and an overall feeling of just being done. She calmly stood up straight and turned around, taking a deep breath before I saw the fury and passion in her face return.

“You know what? Fuck it. Olivia is not my adopted daughter! She’s not even adopted! She’s my fucking girlfriend! Congrats, now you know not only am I gay, but that I’m dating a little!”

‘Well I wasn’t expecting that.’

Charlie lifted Sarah up and placed her on her hip. Then she grabbed me and placed me on the other.

“You’re... a lesbian?” her Mum asked, confused and hurt.

“THAT is the bit you’re concerned about? Wow Liv, looks like we’ve been worried about nothing, turns out they’re more homophobes than they are anti-littles.”

“And you’re dating her? The one dressed like a toddler?”

“Well we had to get you to give over Sarah here.”

“But that’s absurd!” her mother screamed.


The bellowing voice shut the entire room up. Her Dad obviously had something to say.

“Moira, shut the fuck up! I’ve played along with your twisted fantasies but your daughter just came out as gay to us and you react like... this.”


“No buts. No. I watched you destroy poor Dylan, you’ve done nothing but judge Charlie her whole life. Constantly bitching about her behind her back. You were a terrible mother. And I did nothing to stop you, making me a terrible father. But not anymore.”

He turned to Charlie, walked up to her and reached out his hands, cupping her face in them.

“Charlie, you are the best thing I have ever created. I am sorry for being a terrible father this whole time, and I am sorry for your mother’s behaviour. I am so proud of you for coming out to us, even if it was like this. I wish it could have been under better circumstances.”

Charlie started to tear up.

“Thank you... Dad.”

“And I’m not going to judge you for dating a little. I see the love in your eyes for her, and it’s more than just motherly love, it’s the connection I used to have with your mother, before she became... this. Olivia clearly makes you happy, and she trusts you enough to bring her here dressed like that, so she must be a good person. I trust you and I wish you all the happiness.”

He turned away, tears rolling down his face. Charlie placed me and Sarah on the chair I was on before and hugged her father.

 “I love you Dad.”

“I love you too babygirl.”

Her Mother just stood there, half in shock.

“Look Mum, if you don’t accept me as gay, or if you don’t accept that I can date Olivia, I don’t want you in my life. But I still believe people can change. Maybe one day you’ll learn not to be a spiteful, bigoted person.”

Her mother walked off, out of the living room, running upstairs and locking herself in her bedroom.

“One day she’ll come around, but until then, you’ll have me sweetheart. I’m sorry for everything. I will be a better father from here on out. Now, can I meet your... girlfriend?”

“Liv, that okay?”

I nodded.

Jacob knelt in front of me and reached out his hand. I shook it and smiled.

“Hi there Olivia, it’s nice to meet the real you. I’m sorry for my wife’s behaviour.”

“Hi there Mr Williams. It’s nice to meet you. And don’t worry, I’m used to it from Amazons.”

“Well that’s depressing.”

“You don’t know the half of it. Charlie had a little idea of what we littles go through, but after I told her everything, even she was shocked.”

“Well I want to learn. So please, I would like to visit sometime soon and maybe you could teach me?”

“I would be happy to sir.”

“And you love my daughter?”

“I do. More than anyone in my life.”

Sarah looked at me, part sad but part happy.

“Sorry Sarah.”

“It otay, we much better fwiends den we were partners.” She said, hugging me.

“You... you two know each other?” Charlie’s dad asked.

“Yes Sir, she’s been my best friend for about 10 years now, since we broke up. I was so worried when she disappeared out of my store.”

“Your store? I thought you just worked there.”

“I own it with my business partner.”

“Clever, well mannered, AND runs a successful business. Charlie, she’s a keeper.”

“I think so too Dad” Charlie said, smiling at me.

Her Dad looked at Sarah.

“Sarah, please accept my apology for enabling my wife and never doing anything to help you. I can’t give you back the last sixth months, but I promise you I will do anything to help you get your life back.”

“You were always deh one to change me when I needed changing. An you were always deh kind one. It may take a while, buh I fink I could learn to forgive you.”

“That’s all I ask. Again, I’m sorry, and I hope you find happiness. I wish I had done this back with poor Dylan, and then maybe you would have never been adopted by my wife.”

“I miss Dylan.” Charlie said, still crying.

“Me too poppet. Me too.” Said Jacob, pulling his daughter in for a hug whilst still on his knees.”

As I sat there with Sarah on the chair, both of us dressed up like babies, I couldn’t help but look at Charlie and her father. He was genuinely sorry for what he had done and wanted to make amends, and I was so happy for Charlie, she could finally have a good relationship with her father at least. Sure, her mother may be a while off yet, I doubt she’ll be back down whilst we’re still here, but maybe she can change too.

I smiled, looking at my girlfriend as she looked at me from her father’s shoulder.


Poor Dylan. They must have cared about him. I looked to the table, picking up the picture of him and looking at it closely.

‘Wait... no... NO! OH MY GOD!’

“OH FUCK.” I blurted out.

“Language babe, what’s up?”

“Charlie, I know where Dylan is!”




Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone enjoyed the latest chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I really love reading everyone's comments and feedback and theories!

Because I'm so close to finishing the writing for this story, and because I'm getting really into writing my second story, and because there's one chapter left of this little dinner with parents arc, and because I'm in a good mood, and because you're all so lovely with your compliments and comments and everything...

I'll post a bonus chapter tomorrow if this chapter gets... hmm... 20 likes? So that'll be 4 days of chapters in row in total! Today, Sunday, Monday AND Tuesday! If not, it'll be Monday.

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Charlie’s dad needs to give his wife a good spanking and some diaper punishment. 

realy? A cliffhanger? LIKE THAT????? You’re evil ? 

I’m glad at how it went. I’m used to someone else’s stories and if she was writing it, it would’ve turned a little dark right there ? 


  • Haha 1
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1. it was a bit foolish to tell the mother the truth. This woman is evil I hope this will have no consequences, oh shit who am I kidding of course I want this to have consequences. 

2. at least the father now sees that his wife is evil. Much too late but at least.

3. it was clear to me that Liv knew Dylan. I'm still betting on the computer expert from her liberation unit.

4. to all those who read this and have not yet read it: COME ON IT'S NOT THAT HARD WE ALL WANT A BONUS CHAPTER TOMORROW AFTER THIS CLIFFHANGER.

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1 hour ago, Guilend said:

Charlie’s dad needs to give his wife a good spanking and some diaper punishment. 

I absolutely agree! Might help her in the long run



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Loved this, but I am not sure I understand Charlie's motivation for coming out with the truth, and even less Liv's, which I agree seems like a dangerous confession...

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6 hours ago, Guilend said:

Charlie’s dad needs to give his wife a good spanking and some diaper punishment. 

realy? A cliffhanger? LIKE THAT????? You’re evil ? 

I’m glad at how it went. I’m used to someone else’s stories and if she was writing it, it would’ve turned a little dark right there ? 



I'm happy you liked it though.

6 hours ago, Moon3ye said:

1. it was a bit foolish to tell the mother the truth. This woman is evil I hope this will have no consequences, oh shit who am I kidding of course I want this to have consequences. 

2. at least the father now sees that his wife is evil. Much too late but at least.

3. it was clear to me that Liv knew Dylan. I'm still betting on the computer expert from her liberation unit.

4. to all those who read this and have not yet read it: COME ON IT'S NOT THAT HARD WE ALL WANT A BONUS CHAPTER TOMORROW AFTER THIS CLIFFHANGER.

Thanks for the comment. I'll see tomorrow evening if it's got enough to post a bonus chapter or not ?

4 hours ago, therende said:


Haha why do I feel like a lot of you want Charlie's Mum to face some sort of regression punishment? ?

3 hours ago, YourFNF said:



3 hours ago, TerranV said:

Well I wasn't expecting that! I'm glad Charlie's dad is so cook with everything  but her mom...

It seems like with every ally they make an enemy comes along with it.

It does seem that way, doesn't it??

32 minutes ago, kerry said:

Loved this, but I am not sure I understand Charlie's motivation for coming out with the truth, and even less Liv's, which I agree seems like a dangerous confession...

Look at it from Charlie's point of view. She's been pushed and criticised her whole life by her mother. Moira can't even be nice after Charlie 'adopted' a little, something she has always wanted her to do. That alone would be enough to push Charlie over the edge. It'd be enough to push me over the edge like that.

Plus remember Charlie is well connected and very wealthy. She's not scared of her parents, and now she's got something (someone) to fight for.

Plus they've got Sarah now, they know where she is. They had dinner. Deal was done.

Liv didn't reveal anything specific about Dylan. And only revealed she knew him after Charlie and her father had reconnected.

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11 minutes ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

Liv didn't reveal anything specific about Dylan. And only revealed she knew him after Charlie and her father had reconnected.

I meant when she spoke openly about owning the store.

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3 minutes ago, kerry said:

I meant when she spoke openly about owning the store.

OH! I didn't see that as a big reveal ? I think at that point, with Charlie coming out and saying she's dating a little, a little thing like Liv co-owning a store didn't seem like a big deal to them.

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2 hours ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

OH! I didn't see that as a big reveal ? I think at that point, with Charlie coming out and saying she's dating a little, a little thing like Liv co-owning a store didn't seem like a big deal to them.

OK. I was just concerned b/c she had let Charlie's mom know, and Charlie's mom is an a**hole Amazon. ?

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Hmm... I really need to re-read this as I'm sure I remember Dylan has to be somewhere in there. Good chapter, hope everyone bows before your need for likes so we can continue! ?

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6 hours ago, kerry said:

OK. I was just concerned b/c she had let Charlie's mom know, and Charlie's mom is an a**hole Amazon. ?

Charlie's mum had left the room at that point, it says she had locked herself upstairs. ? she was being a bit of a brat and stormed off.

2 hours ago, SGTbaby said:

Love the cliffhanger!

Thank you!

1 hour ago, BabySofia said:

Hmm... I really need to re-read this as I'm sure I remember Dylan has to be somewhere in there. Good chapter, hope everyone bows before your need for likes so we can continue! ?


Only a few more likes!

...although I already see myself just giving in and posting the next chapter tonight anyway ?

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I just got the chance to read this. The advantage to reading it so long after being posted, the next chapter doesn't seem that far away!!!

That is the biggest cliffhanger of all of them so far. That was evil!

As far as coming out and the risk, in a way she probably figured she would have an ally in her dad if he would finally give in and not just sit back and let things happen. He may be able to help bring her mother around, as people have changed in this story. Just look at the store in the mall.

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38 minutes ago, AdultInnocence said:

I just got the chance to read this. The advantage to reading it so long after being posted, the next chapter doesn't seem that far away!!!

That is the biggest cliffhanger of all of them so far. That was evil!

As far as coming out and the risk, in a way she probably figured she would have an ally in her dad if he would finally give in and not just sit back and let things happen. He may be able to help bring her mother around, as people have changed in this story. Just look at the store in the mall.

D'awwww! We're only half way through the story. Plenty of cliffhangers to go, you've seen nothing yet! ?

And yeah, most people can be redeemed. It's just whether or not they want to be. People will have to wait to see if anyone even wants to be redeemed.


Also yay! 20 notes reached. Thank you! I'll post the chapter later today! Ideally when I've stopped feeling so ill, feeling some side effects today! ?

Going to try and get some writing done today too, I've got 7 1/2 chapters to go with writing this story and I'd like to carry on my next story soon before I lose my focus on the story and writing style.

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20 minutes ago, LittleFallenPrincess said:

D'awwww! We're only half way through the story. Plenty of cliffhangers to go, you've seen nothing yet! ?

And yeah, most people can be redeemed. It's just whether or not they want to be. People will have to wait to see if anyone even wants to be redeemed.


Also yay! 20 notes reached. Thank you! I'll post the chapter later today! Ideally when I've stopped feeling so ill, feeling some side effects today! ?

Going to try and get some writing done today too, I've got 7 1/2 chapters to go with writing this story and I'd like to carry on my next story soon before I lose my focus on the story and writing style.

Yay so close! I need to get my second dose. The first one only gave me a sore arm, so hoping 2nd one doesn't hit me too bad either. Suppose I should get some sleep then so I can wake up and be refreshed in time for the next chapter.

Will be looking forward to reading your next story too. This one continues to be a fun read.

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So instead of writing I figured I'd do a bit of artwork. Meet Liv and Charlie!

I really need to look into commissioning some artwork of the two of them. But hey, I can update the banner now!

Now to actually get started on writing and editing.

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Chapter 33: Dylan

“What do you mean you know where Dylan is?” her father inquired, looking at me.

“Yeah Liv, what do you mean? Do you know Dylan?” asked Charlie.

“Can... can I get my phone, Charlie?”


“Just... please.”

Charlie rooted around her purse and pulled out my phone, handing it to me.

I quickly scrolled through my phone and called the number I was looking for.



“Hello? Liv? What’s up?”

“It’s you isn’t it?”

“Yeah it’s me, you called me. What do you want?”

“I mean... you knew the whole time didn’t you?”


“About Charlie. You knew Charlie.”

“Oh boy. I guess you figured out the truth. Well done Liv. Does she know?”

“No, but she knows I know. I’m at her parent’s house right now.”

“Oh shit, Liv, get out of there!”

“No no, don’t worry, her Dad has come around. She came out to him and told him we’re dating.”

“She came out to him? Damn, I’m proud of her.”

“But yeah, I said I recognised ‘Dylan’ and knew where he was but I thought I’d call you before telling them anything.”

“Well thanks for that. Is Charlie there?”


“Can you put her on please?”

I handed my phone to Charlie and she pulled out some headphones to plug in so she could use it.


“Hey Char. Been a while.”


“Haha, it’s good to hear from you. How’s my big sis?”

“Big? You were always older than me!”

“Well, biologically yeah, but you were always taller and your parents always made sure I was younger. By a lot.

“Yeah well my Dad’s apologised and is sorry for everything. I’m sorry for everything.”

“Hey, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for, you were the best big sister. And I’m glad your Dad finally came around, he was always nice to me. What about your mother?”

“Not yet. She wasn’t happy I was dating a little or that I’m gay.”

“Figured. Anyway, I’m sorry I kept you in the dark.”

“You’ve known about me and Liv for a while, haven’t you? Why did you never come forward?”

“I was a coward. After I escaped from your parents, I got help and I managed to recover some of the damage they did to me. I’m still not back to my younger self though, I probably never will be.”

“I’m so sorry. But you don’t have to be scared now. I’d love to meet you.”

“Hmm. Sure. But only you and Liv. As much as your Dad has changed, I still don’t feel comfortable around him. When do you want to meet up?”

“Well we’ll be at Liv’s shop in about 30 minutes, want to meet us there? Do you know where that is?”

“I sure do, I can meet you there. Oh and Charlie?”

“Yeah Dylan?”

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”


Charlie hung up the phone and put it back in her purse.

“So... you?” she asked me.

“Yup. I recognised the photo here. I met him years ago.”

She motioned me to zip my mouth, obviously not wanting her Dad to hear about the rescuing littles part.

“Dad, we need to get going.”

“It’s okay baby, I’m just happy to hear that Dylan is okay. He is okay, right?”

“Yeah he is.”

“I hope over time he can learn to forgive me.”

“I’m sure he will Dad. But we better be going. Sorry about tonight.”

“Oh sweetpea, you shouldn’t be sorry about anything. I’m the sorry one. But I’m glad you came out to us, and I like Liv, just... be careful okay? The world isn’t ready yet for that kind of love. And I don’t want anything happening to you.”

“Thanks Dad, we’ll be careful. And I’ll give you a call about visiting sometime, there’s a lot for us to catch up on, and you can meet Liv properly, when she’s not dressed as a baby.”

“I’d like that. Sarah, again, I’m sorry. And Liv, please continue to make my daughter happy.”

Sarah and I nodded in unison.

“Okay, that was adorable girls.” Charlie said, her face lighting up.

Sarah and I then blushed in unison.

“Right, I’ll help you get the girls into their seats. How about I take my daughter’s girlfriend and you take Sarah?”

I think Sarah appreciated not being handled by her captor anymore than she had to, and I didn’t mind being carried to the car.

“Thanks Dad.”

The two Amazons carried us out to Charlie’s car and placed us in the car seats set up in the back.

“That’s a nice car sweetie, how’d you afford that?” Charlie’s Dad asked.

“Maybe I’ll tell you when you come visit.”

They hugged each other and he waved her off as she got into the car.

“Ready girls?”

“Yeah.” We said in unison.

“You need to stop doing that, otherwise I’ll have to keep you as twins.”

“Sorry Mummy!”

Sarah looked at me with shock.

“Relax Sarah, I told you.”

“I know, buh it still weird!”

“You’ll get used to it.”


After driving for a while, I was starting to feel drowsy. Looking over at Sarah in the other car seat, I could see tiredness had already overcome her and she was fast asleep.

“You okay back there baby?”

“Yeah, Sarah’s asleep.”

“She’s probably used to a baby’s sleep schedule. It’s okay, just let her rest.”

“Are you okay Charlie?”

“Not going to lie, wasn’t expecting a lot of today. Sarah, Dylan, my father, coming out, everything. It was a lot, and I’m still a bit out of it right now to fully process any of it. But I think some snuggles at home will fix that. Don’t you agree babe?”

“I do. Are you nervous about seeing Dylan?”

“I am. I’ve always worried about what had happened to him. I’m just glad he’s okay. You... you rescued him, didn’t you?”

“I’ll tell you everything back at the shop. But yes.”

“Thank you Liv. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”


We arrived at the shop; the lights were on still despite it being closed.

I opened the door and walked in. Charlie followed, carrying a sleeping Sarah.

The first friendly face I saw was Eve, who was stood next to Malcolm. She was resting on Zoey’s stroller, who was fast asleep at this point. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but it must have been pretty late at this point.

“Sorry for keeping you up. We got her.” I said.

“It all go okay? We were told she knows all about him. He’s waiting in the back.” Eve nodded over to my workshop door.

“Yeah. I’ll tell you later. Can you take Sarah whilst I go in with her?”

“Of course Liv, I’ll help her as much as I can. Is she far gone?”

“Nah, probably better than Zoey was to begin with, so you shouldn’t have a problem. I’ll let her tell you the specifics, just be prepared, she’s got the cutest lisp.”

“D’aww. Well I’ll let you wake her up before I introduce myself. You two go off and see him.”

I nodded to Eve and then nodded to Mal, who nodded back but didn’t say a word.


I walked into the workshop with Charlie, watching her face as she saw her ‘baby’ brother smile back at her.

“Charlie, this is David.”

David?” she asked, confused.

“You know, computer expert David. David who I saved all those years ago, the one who escaped and recovered and now helps me free other littles?”

“Wait, David is Dylan?”

“Yup!” said David.

“So you knew I was with Liv the whole time?”

“Yeah... sorry about that.”

She rushed over to David, getting down on her knees and giving him the biggest hug ever.

“Thank you so much Liv. I’m so sorry Dylan!”

David was going to correct her, but instead he just rested his head into her neck.

“I’m so glad you’re okay. I never thought I’d see you.”

“I’m glad you’re okay. And I can’t believe you finally came out to your parents! I’m so proud of you!”

David and Charlie hugged some more, then I left them to catch up as I went back into the front of the store.


Malcolm was the first to speak up.

“So David was Dylan the whole time?”

“Yup. Can’t believe we saved Charlie’s adopted brother all those years ago. I thought they’d want some time to catch up a bit.”

“Good thinking Olivia.” Eve spoke up.

“Thanks. How’s Sarah?”

“She’s still fast asleep. Maybe you should wake her up first so you can introduce us.”

Eve placed Sarah on the counter and I climbed up and shook her a bit, trying to wake her up.

“Sarah... you there?”

Her eyes started to open and she grumbled a bit before sitting up in a jolt.

“Wha? Where?”

“It’s me, Liv. Remember? We just got you free.”

“Wiv! Oh fank fuck. Bad dweam. Sowwy.”

Sarah looked around, seeing two Amazons, one with a little in a stroller. She started panicking.

“Sarah, this is my friend Mal, remember? And this is my friend Eve, the one who is going to care for you and help you recover. I trust them with my life, so I hope you learn to do the same.”

“I... I... it nice to meet you Eve.” Sarah said, nervously.

“Likewise Sarah, this is Zoey. I’ll be taking care of you and if you don’t mind, you’ll be my second test subject when it comes to the recovery of regressed littles.”

“Onwy second?”

“Well, second when it comes to this new treatment. David back there was one of the first, but that was a different treatment. This one is much more effective and should get you mostly back to how you were. But be prepared, it will take time.”

“As wong as I get my adult wife back, I be happy.”

“And I’m happy to hear that. I am no Mother, I do not want to adopt littles. But I adopted Zoey to help her. When she is ready, I will help her pass her maturity tests and she can move on with her life.”

“An me?”

“Well you’re not actually adopted. But I think we’ll take a page from Liv and Zoey’s book, you may have to act like a baby in public if we ever go out anywhere. But back at home or somewhere private like here? You’re free to yourself, treated like any other adult.”

“It works, or at least it has so far!” I added.

“Otay. I trust Wiv, and if she truss you... Jus... can we get some proper food before I go back to sweep? I starving and I eaten nuffin but baby food for six months.”

“We’ll grab a burger or something on the way back home.”

“Otay Wiv... I wike her.” She grinned at me.

I smiled at the pair of them as Eve positioned the stroller towards the door.

“Right, you ready Sarah?”

Sarah turned round and looked at me, waiting for me to give her the okay. So I nodded and smiled.


“Bye guys. And good luck Sarah. You need to visit as soon as possible, and call me tomorrow!” I smiled.

“Will do! Bye Liv! Bye Mal! Oh and say fanks and bye to the other two!”

Eve picked Sarah up and used one hand to hold her, whilst using the other hand to push Zoey in the stroller. They left the store and everything went quiet.

“You’ve done good kiddo.” Mal said, trying to break the silence.

“After this I need a drink. It’s been a stressful week.”

“You’ve been off work quite a bit lately. You sure you want to come back? You could always do the work at home and send it in. I can run the store.”

“...we’ll see. I still like working in my workshop. Maybe in the future. But for now, I want to keep working here. And I’ll see you Monday. Then I’ve got a playdate after work.”

“D’aww! Does wittle Wivie have a pwaydate?”

“I’ll shove your head in the sewing machine if you’re not careful Mal.”

“You know I can’t resist it, especially when you’re dressed like that.”

I crossed my arms and pouted.

“You’re not making your case any better Liv.”

“...Shut up.”


Malcolm and I had just caught up on what had happened at dinner, when the door to the workshop opened, and out walked David and Charlie.

“Everything okay guys?” I asked.

“Never better!” said David.

Charlie looked down at David and smiled.

“I’m so glad you’re okay Dylan. And remember, I’m always here. It was really nice catching up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take my girlfriend home and tell her thank you.”

“But you already did?” David asked.

“I think she means she wants to ‘show me’ how thankful she is.”

It took a second for David to figure out what we were talking about.


“Then it’s okay, you’re not invited.”

Charlie ran over to me and grabbed me, lifting me up and snuggling me closely. She kissed my face all over and waved goodbye to Mal and David.

“Bye Mal. Bye Dylan. Don’t be a stranger. Your big sister is always here if you need her.”

“Thanks Char. Love you.”

“Love you too little bro.”

I had only seen Charlie this happy a few times before. But after today, with her Dad coming around, her coming out, finding out her adopted little brother was alive and okay, and managing to save a little, I think today was a big win for her. She deserved to be this happy.

And I had no doubt she was going to do all sorts of things to me as soon as we got home.




Thanks for reading, and I hope everyone enjoyed the latest chapter! Please leave likes and comments and all that fun stuff, I really love reading everyone's comments and feedback and theories!

Well the last chapter got over 20 likes so here is the bonus chapter for the week. Next chapter tomorrow, then you've got another Tuesday! I spoil you ?

Just finished writing 2 chapters that I was reeeeeally excited for. I've only got 5 more chapters to write now! But those 2, editing this one, AND drawing Charlie and Liv earlier... I've been super busy and I think I deserve a break for tonight.

Also yes, a couple of you called it with Dylan.? Have a cookie ?


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To the picture of Liv and Charlie I must say really nice also the hair color of Liv interesting. 
What annoys me about it is that she with 5.10 feet is actually quite a bit taller than me with my 5.4 feet. 
But the topic I had already times in another story my size and the fact that I can not keep my mouth shut even if it would go to my life would make the DD very dangerous for me.

I like that I was right about Dylan/David. I can also totally understand that even if he knew, he didn't tell. Fear and trauma can never really be overcome.
It did scare me a bit how quickly Charlie went into that sister mode. Of course it could be because she had to deal with so many Littles today and other stresses that the hormones just ran through her body.

I'm really curious what the next chapters bring and when the long-awaited catastrophe will be and when it comes.


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I think her going into big sister mode was mostly because for many years David was her baby brother and interacted as such so it was mostly due to automatic mode then anything else I imagine. 

charlie is going to thank Liv over and over again, probably going to thank her most of the night. ?

What would be funny is if Liv made one of her little girl dresses big enough to fit Charlie and give it to her as a prank gift ???? Liv can say that since she loved them so much she thought she’d love one in her size ????


Now that’s out of the way I do wonder how Charlie’s friend is doing and if her two ex friends actually left her alone. I can see them going over there at some point and punishing her for siding with Charlie and not doing as she was told  and of course Charlie would jump in afterwards and save the day


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17 minutes ago, Guilend said:

What would be funny is if Liv made one of her little girl dresses big enough to fit Charlie and give it to her as a prank gift ???? Liv can say that since she loved them so much she thought she’d love one in her size ????

Jo @LittleFallenPrincess you said you still have 5 chapters to go. Can you include that then both are in a partner look dress. SO really extreme and as "bad" as Liv could make it, so bad from a Little's point of view. Can someone paint that then. Oh god I think the idea is so good.

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