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Hypnosis that works for incontinence

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I’ve tried hypnosis but I never got it to work. I blame it on the fact that they were all spoken in the English language which is not native to me. I never found any hypnosis tracks which would cause incontinence spoken in the Dutch language, I would have tried it if they existed.  

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Baby pants has some I wanna say.


I agree that it isn't a magic pill. You have to really be serious about making it happen. That said, if you are all in, it can help. If nothing else listening over and over (as is needed) will help reinforce your subconscious that this is something you really want, which is what is really needed.

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I can relate to hypnosis being overrated and in itself won't provide miracles. At best they can help you get your mindset in the right direction. But from my experience in my endeavour in unpotty training, and note I have been on this journey, for more than five years. True I have come a long way, and have achieved some objectives, just not all of them, like bedwetting for instance.

Daytime wetting here I have achieved approx 70% success, because here it's more the conscious mind, which decides. Ok. I have introduced a sort of timed voiding mechanism. Once every hour I must wet myself, also if I sense my diaper is near capacity. I may have wet in larger volumes...It happens still.

However for me, the holy grail has always been genuine bedwetting. As that alone in my mind would signal me, that I truly need diapers.


Dwelling on bedwetting, to me regressing back to nightly bedwetting means I have succeeded in convincing my subconscious mind, that wetting in my sleep is perfectly ok, in fact it's a desired action, and something that must happen every night.

So far, it has only happened a handful of times, hence I have Not been successful, and / or my subconscious mind rejects the thought of bedwetting being a positive thing.

Here I suppose conditioning takes over, meaning doing things over and over again, creates a new habit. Going back to bedwetting, conditioning here means one must pee while they are in bed, regardless of being diapered or not.

Maybe listening to affirmations together with conditioning may speed things up.

I known of at least one person who untrained successfully, and is now a genuine bedwetter. Here it was positive affirmations and conditioning.

If the subconscious mind, is not aligned with your wishes, no matter what you do, it won't happen.

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i've had mixed successes with files from warpmymind.com

they have a huge selection of varying degrees of diaper dependence, from starting at "you love diapers" to "sissy diaper training" and going all the way up to "total and complete loss of continence". i usually opt for the "loss of control while diapered" files, as well as some acceptance ones, and some others. i've read through their forum a bit, and several people have mentioned major successes with the diaper/incontinence files, including complete loss of control. i've experienced some success, personally. after some subliminal listening (with headphones, playing it on the lowest volume while watching videos) and wearing diapers, i started easily and almost unnoticeable wetting in small spurts here and there for the rest of the day. 

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On 10/14/2019 at 1:15 AM, diaperguy85 said:

i've had mixed successes with files from warpmymind.com

they have a huge selection of varying degrees of diaper dependence, from starting at "you love diapers" to "sissy diaper training" and going all the way up to "total and complete loss of continence". i usually opt for the "loss of control while diapered" files, as well as some acceptance ones, and some others. i've read through their forum a bit, and several people have mentioned major successes with the diaper/incontinence files, including complete loss of control. i've experienced some success, personally. after some subliminal listening (with headphones, playing it on the lowest volume while watching videos) and wearing diapers, i started easily and almost unnoticeable wetting in small spurts here and there for the rest of the day. 

How can they still work when on the lowest volume it's near impossible to hear it?

I have impaired hearing so i lust turn it up a bit to hear it but i always listened to them with normal volume, never on low and doing other things.

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3 hours ago, kincaid said:

How can they still work when on the lowest volume it's near impossible to hear it?

I have impaired hearing so i lust turn it up a bit to hear it but i always listened to them with normal volume, never on low and doing other things.

i don't really know exactly lol. but i think it's supposed to be your subconscious that picks it up and puts it into effect. hypnosis is a funny, weird sort of thing. it works only if you believe/want it to, or something like that. i'm sure if you keep it low in the background, it'll have the same effect. of course, the "best way" is to go fully into trance and listen that way, but i don't often have time/ability to do that. i cut the induction and wake-up off and just play a few files in a repeating loop for a few hours, usually while spacing out with youtube videos, articles, other tv shows, dozing off, etc etc. i haven't yet tried to have the files play in a loop while sleeping, vanilla non-abdl g/f sleeping next to me and all lol.

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I've found the one's from baby-pants to be some of the best. You can also edit the file with free audio editing apps to remove the induction and end portions leaving the suggestive segment. Playing the suggestive portion over and over again on loop in the background will act as a subliminal tape and further reinforce. I further agree, it's not a magic pill, but it definitely reinforces the behaviors your working towards. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

On my bowel incontinence journey several years ago I tried hypnosis & had no luck. I guess I was just looking for a quick easy way and found there is no easy way. I found that early on you just need to keep telling yourself that this is what you want and just keep working at it. That’s exactly what I did. Day after day no matter where I was or what I was doing when the feeling struck I just let go. Over time it just started happening completely on its own. Today I hardly feel it coming on until after it’s started or done. There is no easy way other than constant training. That’s what worked for me at least.

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I really just like looking for and finding abdl type hypno files around the Internet. You tube has plenty of them.  I dont necessarily think I can be completely transformed, I do believe it has led me to release with almost no effort, no mental resistance. 

One time I was tired on my lunch break, I went to my car, to listen to a you tube selection. I fell asleep, and it continuously played a few files in a row. I woke up, and was surprised I had been asleep for about an hour.  I didnt even think about it and just started wetting.  I was surprised, happy and a bit worried at that point.  I returned to work, made sure I was diapered for the remainder of the day. I still had my normal level of control, and just released consciously as necessary.  

I think that's the type of e experience I might be looking for with these hypno files.

I found others that I like listening to, that dont really work. But they do get you to a state of relaxation.  


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On 10/19/2019 at 5:28 PM, sweetlilone said:

I've found the one's from baby-pants to be some of the best. You can also edit the file with free audio editing apps to remove the induction and end portions leaving the suggestive segment. Playing the suggestive portion over and over again on loop in the background will act as a subliminal tape and further reinforce. I further agree, it's not a magic pill, but it definitely reinforces the behaviors your working towards. 

I've been having problems with baby-pant's site. I paid for some hypnosis files but never received them or a link to download them. I'm also getting HTTP 500 errors whenever I try to just look at my account. I've reached out to them, but haven't received a response.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Check out mylittlelullaby.com .  There are 4 free files and for me, they help.

WMM seems like garbage in general.  There may be some good one's but I can't find them and don't care to dig for them.

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on WWW, a few popular hypnotists are MindMaster, Sarnoga, EMG, and wohermiston. That site has a lot of files, so you have to sift through, and results will always vary from person to person. You can also search by ratings. 

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Thank you so much for the link to Little Lullaby. I don't believe in hypnosis, but the files over there are astonishingly well made and I love the little legend the narratrix has build on the website. It's of course a rip-off, overpriced; whatever. The actual content of the files I checked is only about ten minutes or so, but it's very immersive, maybe because of the lengthy prelude.

It's maybe more like an audio story with an irrational promise attached to it. That's fine, didn't expect more, but was enchanted by the free files. I really could let myself fall in the narration. More like in a weird combination of meditation and being aroused, but still.  So if your interest is less in being really hypnotized, really becoming incontinent or whatever and you just want to entertain your fantasies (your desire)-- well, check out the free files yourself, they have the same quality as the one I bought. The description is point on, too. Also, I haven't felt so much at ease with wearing diapers as I was yesterday as I listened to the files. Yeah, this is not an effect of hypnosis. It's an effect of someone (that seems to care; as silly as that is to say of a recorded voice) telling me: "It's okay" . Humans are for sure strange animals :D.

PS.: Would love it, if anyone could point me to similarly well made free material. Im far too broke for the purchase I've made already. Also, would like it if you know of any theoritcal discussion of these hypnosis stuff as a genre of erotica. Seems to me be similiar to ASMR in its staged immediateness (in the literal sense).

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1 hour ago, aaah said:

Thank you so much for the link to Little Lullaby. I don't believe in hypnosis, but the files over there are astonishingly well made and I love the little legend the narratrix has build on the website. It's of course a rip-off, overpriced; whatever. The actual content of the files I checked is only about ten minutes or so, but it's very immersive, maybe because of the lengthy prelude.

It's maybe more like an audio story with an irrational promise attached to it. That's fine, didn't expect more, but was enchanted by the free files. I really could let myself fall in the narration. More like in a weird combination of meditation and being aroused, but still.  So if your interest is less in being really hypnotized, really becoming incontinent or whatever and you just want to entertain your fantasies (your desire)-- well, check out the free files yourself, they have the same quality as the one I bought. The description is point on, too. Also, I haven't felt so much at ease with wearing diapers as I was yesterday as I listened to the files. Yeah, this is not an effect of hypnosis. It's an effect of someone (that seems to care; as silly as that is to say of a recorded voice) telling me: "It's okay" . Humans are for sure strange animals :D.

PS.: Would love it, if anyone could point me to similarly well made free material. Im far too broke for the purchase I've made already. Also, would like it if you know of any theoritcal discussion of these hypnosis stuff as a genre of erotica. Seems to me be similiar to ASMR in its staged immediateness (in the literal sense).

I can help you out. PM me for more details.

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4 hours ago, Eido said:

I'm not gonna lie, it kinda makes me giggle that on one side you're saying that you don't believe in hypnosis, while on the other you acknowledge the effects it can have. I don't at all mean that in a negative way and I hope I don't offend by saying it! It's just...It's funny to me because it's the exact same way that I came around to hypno ? That personable feeling you get from listening to someone who accepts you and wants to encourage you into the things that you want is exactly what it's supposed to do. It's more about trust and accountability to someone than it is tapping into any voodoo mystical junk. As mentioned previously, it's not a magic button that suddenly makes you compliant and drone-like, but more like a dom recording a training guide or list of rules for you to listen to until you've internalized it all. Still your choice to obey, but the idea to do so will be there.

An audio story is an excellent analogy, honestly, as when I listen to audio books I pick up various slang and ways of speaking from the author and characters. Read or hear something often enough and it kinda gets in your head ? The promise is only irrational if you perceive it that way, though. You should try training on a single file for a month or so, doing your best to suspend your disbelief (as you would while listening to an audio book, I might add), and see if you feel the same way afterwards ?


There are some very interesting points in your post. You are right in pointing out that judging hypnosis "irrational" is too broad. I just meant it as a term to catch the expectation of "this recording will change me". It wont. This is an irrational expectation. But that stories that you believe in can change something, is of course true. Historically, psychoanalysis developed from hypnosis. If psychoanalysis is about working on your self in a mediate way (because you can't directly access the unconscious or, quite possibly, your self in general), and largely working because of the relation between client and therapist (as some argue), there are quite a few similiarties to hypnosis. However, isn't it still somewhat irrational, because you believe that the recording voice is in a relation to you? Or is that just a wrong, essentializied assumption (as if true relations are only that between people). A real person can do things, you don't expect them to do. There is the chance of being surprised (in possibly any way) and thus you need to learn to trust them. In a recording, you know what happens. So I guess the question boils down to: Can you trust a recorded voice? Can you have a trusting relation with a recording? (This, I think, is what Little Lullaby is so good in doing (for me)) In a strong sense, rationally you can't trust a recording. There is no real relation to the person recording. It's a pseudo relation, maybe something one could call parasocial.  But that doesn't meen that it feels as if you could. This distinction was the point I wanted to make with the comparision to stories.

Sorry for the ramblings, don't know if anyone even understands what I'm trying to say with my garbled grammar :D

Tried to repeat the experience yesterday, but it didn't work. Maybe I was too tired. Will try again.

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I believe that one of the largest benefits to hypnosis, specifically the recorded files is that it helps put the mind into a more suggestible and receptive state. This, at the most basic level is like a guided meditation. It can bridge the conscious and subconscious and allow those mental blocks to come down. Essentially allowing you to get out of your own way.

Hypnosis is a very effective way to fascinate a goal or experience that you could not achieve on your own. It of course has the benefits of normalizing a goal and that dopamine hit can be extremely relaxing, and the feel good feeling the dopamine provides can get easily associated with the goal your working on; bringing that dopamine hit into your daily life outside of the recording. This can be an extremely effective combination. Normalization, getting out of your own way, and a feel good dopamine hit, rather than guilt and shame, when you are working on that goal in the other 23 hours of your day. For some people that can be enough to tip the balance into self acceptance and sticking with it.

Side note: the placebo effect is not, not nothing. It is in fact a very measurable indicator. The placebo effect is also known to be effective even in open trials; that is where a patient is told that the rx they are being given is a sugar pill, and to take the sugar pill every morning for said condition. One hypothesis states that this is do to the ritual effect of not only the sugar pill being taken daily at a certain time, but also the relationship between doctor and patient. The belief, trust, and really the validation from another person in combination with a bit of showmanship and the ritual of actually spending time with an empathetic human being is enough to allow the body to do what it needs to do in order to heal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey you all hypno enthusiasts, 


I am looking for a file, that can help with my unpotty training. I am wearing diaper 24/7 now for many many years and would like to take the next step and make myself more diaper dependant. So I am doing all the usual stuff that is recommended in the 12 month program. But I am still looking for the right hypnosis file to support this. Maybe someone of you has a tipp for me. 

I am struggling with all the files, that just say "you are in trance now, you will wet yourself unconsciously"; because, well .. I still feel my bladder very strongly and I simply cannot trick my mind that this will go away magically. So this really isn't working for my mind. 

I am looking more for a reassuring file that is working on two levels: 

  1. reassuring that i do identify myself as incontinent with all the consequences;
    e.g. I always say to myself, if you feel the urge to pee, when you are not wearing a diaper(like after the shower before diapering), you have to still keep your sphincter open and just pee on the floor. YOu are incontinent, so you will always keep the sphincter open, you will always wet yourself, even without a diaper. But there is still a psychological barrier that is holding that back, until I am safely diapered again. As soon as this is the case, I start wetting almost automatically. So it would be great to have a file, that is supporting me with just wetting wherever I am, wether in a diaper or not. 
  2. focussing on the physical aspects of the unpotty training. 
    I try to keep the sphincter open at all times, but sometimes this is hard,sometimes at the end of a pee, I cannot help but to clench, unconsciously. And I would be looking for a file, that is focussing on that sphincter area, and let me focus to specifically relax this area, encourage me to keep it open all the time, and tell me something like "you cannot not control your sphincter, so just leave it open, you dont even have to try to control your sphincter, because it will not work. So just relax". I think something like this would really help me to advance with my training. 

I hope that anyone of you knows files that go in this direction. I would be hugely thankful. 

I have some files from wohermiston that go in this direction, like the Bladder relapse file. I quite like this, and even though I listen to it regularly, I feel it doesnt fully do the trick for me.






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