Jackk Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 I'm asking this because I've done this before and will do so again. Has anyone else done this and if so what are your experiences. 4
rusty pins Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 I say it all depends on the situation and how you prepare ahead of time. For example, if you are on a crowded bus or the middle of a lot of people in a store and decide to drop a load in your pants or diaper on purpose, it's not fair to subject all the people around you to the smell of your messy pants. It's different for someone who may be incontinent who has an accident and someone who purposely fills their diaper for their own thrills. There can be some exceptions. It can depend on your definition of public. You can be out for a walk along the trail in a park or the beach where there may be people around and load your diaper, but those people may not be close enough to smell the deed or notice. That would be a lot different that loading your diaper in a confined place with people all around. It also depends on how smelly your mess is. Many people with actual incontinence use products like Nullo to reduce the smell. If you are one who prepares ahead of time by taking Nullo to prevent any smell, that makes a difference. Personally, I think it all depends on the odor. If you mess your pants and you can smell it, probably not a good idea to do it around people who can also smell it. If you mess your pants and there is little or no odor, then I think that would be more acceptable in public as long as people around you can't smell it. I'm not talking about a fart smell that people may notice that dissipates, but a constant smell of poop that doesn't go away. Have your fun but please be mindful of those around you. Think about a situation you yourself have been in where you had to smell something bad that you couldn't stand. A road kill skunk, someone who vomited, burned microwave popcorn. Things like that. You can't stand those smells, people also won't like smelling your poop in public. 4
Little BabyDoll Christine Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 You are carrying around a dangerously septic material in a containment system that is not medical grade reliable by choice. In so doing you are imposing your lifestyle on others and possible generating a nuisance, willingly where it can be reasonably presumed that 75% of the persons you are inflictiong this risk on are unwilling. What could POSSIBLY go wrong; right Murphy? and how is any of this all right? Again, the anti-drunk driving PSA; "your lifestyle is your business, but when you take it on the road, it's everybody's business". Just being over 10 years old and asking the question shows that you have a pretty good idea of the answer 3
Elfy Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 Not if you can help it. There have been times when I've done it on purpose but it was done when only a minute's walk from home or my car and in quiet areas. I would never mess intentionally where there was a risk of others being inconvenienced. 1
Jackk Posted January 27, 2019 Author Posted January 27, 2019 59 minutes ago, rusty pins said: I say it all depends on the situation and how you prepare ahead of time. For example, if you are on a crowded bus or the middle of a lot of people in a store and decide to drop a load in your pants or diaper on purpose, it's not fair to subject all the people around you to the smell of your messy pants. It's different for someone who may be incontinent who has an accident and someone who purposely fills their diaper for their own thrills. There can be some exceptions. It can depend on your definition of public. You can be out for a walk along the trail in a park or the beach where there may be people around and load your diaper, but those people may not be close enough to smell the deed or notice. That would be a lot different that loading your diaper in a confined place with people all around. It also depends on how smelly your mess is. Many people with actual incontinence use products like Nullo to reduce the smell. If you are one who prepares ahead of time by taking Nullo to prevent any smell, that makes a difference. Personally, I think it all depends on the odor. If you mess your pants and you can smell it, probably not a good idea to do it around people who can also smell it. If you mess your pants and there is little or no odor, then I think that would be more acceptable in public as long as people around you can't smell it. I'm not talking about a fart smell that people may notice that dissipates, but a constant smell of poop that doesn't go away. Have your fun but please be mindful of those around you. Think about a situation you yourself have been in where you had to smell something bad that you couldn't stand. A road kill skunk, someone who vomited, burned microwave popcorn. Things like that. You can't stand those smells, people also won't like smelling your poop in public. In answer to this I do always prepare ahead of time. I make sure I'm in a place that has suitable toilet. I've always found that my poo doesn't smell that bad compared to other people and that I'm quicker than most people. I know that it sounds but I enjoy going in public as I like role-playing scenarios in which someone could have an accident (I do wet them in public as well) so I've used nappies in a variety of different places, as I mentioned before I make sure I'm close to a suitable toilet (this will normally be a completely closed room, with just a toilet sink and a bin) this way there is no risk of being caught whilst changing. 3
Smash-N-Dash Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 It’s a tight rope to walk, honestly. I would say unless you 100% have to, or have a good plan in order to do so, you’d be best off not messing in public. The big thing is you don’t want to offend anyone, and you really shouldn’t make your fetish or lifestyle choices a part of someone else’s life like that. 2
Nat Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 I wouldn't do it in a store or in a crowded area. If it happened when you were incontinent or because you have a weak bowel system or because of IBS or Crohn's disease, that is different. Now if you did it on a sidewalk while walking in your neighborhood or did it in a parking lot and you were going home, I think that is fine. If you did it while hiking and you were alone or with your partner, that is fine. I've only had it happen when I would be commuting home and the urge to poop would hit me and there was no toilet nearby and if I had missed my train while going back to use the toilet, I would have had to wait around 20 minutes for the next one and this was Sunday night. So I held it and the feeling was so uncomfortable, I just let it loose. Now I was standing in a messy diaper by myself and had to get on the train. Luckily I didn't smell anything. I did try to sit and stand away from people as possible. I was going home anyway. I had had this sort of thing happen several times but it's not often and I was going home each time luckily. One time it was because I was sick and trying to old it is was making me sweat buckets and it was very painful so I let it loose and I felt better but I was still dripping sweat. It was a bug I got at work I caught from my kids. And Nullo is expensive and I would hope the medical insurance pays for it if someone can't afford to take it as directed. You have to take 1-2 capsules up to 4 times a day daily, that is a lot of pills to go through and I can't imagine how quickly you would run out. Doing the math, that would last you less than two weeks so about two bottles you would go through and this is on if the bottle has 100 capsules. To those that can't afford it probably deal with the humiliation and they get used to it but then they change when they can. They always keep a spare with them in case this happens so they wouldn't have to go home or be stuck in a messy diaper. And just because you think your poo doesn't smell as bad as other peoples doesn't mean it doesn't smell as bad, we are all immune to our own smell and we don't smell it as strong. How many smokers out there think other smokers smell worse than them or people out there who have BO problems think others with it smell worse than them? 1
le Hollandais Posted January 27, 2019 Posted January 27, 2019 I don't think I would. At least, not in a public space like a store, or movie theater. Out walking by myself, a block or two away from home? That might be different. Even then, I might not risk it.
Cruiser 03 Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 I F you take reasonable precautions like hullo and you wear good plastic or rubber pants ( these give you extra time before any odor can escape .when I am going to spend a day in public riding busses , i will taper my medication to avoid the experience ,as soon as get home I will take two doses 45 minutes to an hour apart that will "jumpstart" the system and yes i will spend the night filling my diaper ,but i am sleeping i dont much care ,the following day i will take it like normal ( the goal is once you gain "control" you keep control), control for me is filling about 4 diapers a day , otherwise it remains in me getting impacted and harder to evacuate everyday , so yes there are times when i am in public it happens its not planned or intentional ,if i know i am going to be in a confined space with densely packed humanity being impacted for a few days is my choice to not subject others to it , you may think it sounds great or fun to try ,however i will warn you it does unless your extrodinarily not human , it will activate your fight or flight response , there are 100's of years of condintioning that humans avoid contact with excrement it will activate your fight system , so immediately after you are going to want to "escape" be it to change or you will have escalating anxiety until you do , its not an adventure after it happens its an "emergency" to your mind due both to human conditioning that is geneticly hard wired coupled with the embarrasment and shame you gained from potty training. Much like gamblers who wear hats and glasses and stiffen themselves to avoid any one being able to read there "tells" or body language , many of us IC had to learn to lose those physical or psychological manifestations of what was occurring in our diapers (which is ultimately a private thing because it's happening withing our diapers, but because ever since potty training we associated with those activities as happening in the bathroom ,it will cause an uneasiness that telegraphs to the people around you. The smell of a BM puts people's head on a swivel looking for a baby, due to conditioning and experience people associate that smell in public as baby, no baby they look for a person with disability anything from physical to developementtal going down the mental checklist until they realize all the acceptable excusable reasons that they should not make a scene about aren't present. when they get to somebody just shit there pants , then they generally start with the rude one liners not very loudly but enough that those nearby who are imature or uncouth can join in till everyone is feeling offended/ uncomfortable for the person or persons involved. Being in a power chair I have gotten the evil eye more times than I can count from someone who assumes it was me erroneously, once on train a stupid woman had a baby with diarrhea took it to the bathroom to change and tried to flush the diaper in the toilet ( yup crazy? ) so the diarrhea mixed with overflowing toilet filled the car with an unmistakable aroma every one else migrated to other cars to escape it ( only certain train cars can take power chairs , my station doesn't even have an elevated platform so I drive onto a palette that gets picked up with a front loader and put into the train , so there I sat all alone unable to get away for the reaming hours of the trip. So you may think it sounds appealing but be forewarned with the presidunce who has made bullying and worse acceptable to his swallower's, you could in fact be targeted and ridiculed if you are "caught", if this is something you must do to fell complete .1. buying and using internal deoderizersers ( they are fairly expensive 2. Buying and using plastic pants with a premium diaper 3.over prepare a bag ( until you have had a blow out failure in public ,it may seem strange to carry complete change of clothes multiple diapers, creams, wipes, plastic pants , changing pad or Chux, vinyl gloves, multiple garbage baģs. 4. Do a practice run around friends or family who know you ( these are the people who will point out your "tells" or any changes in behaviour that can announce you ( some people are better at noticing when someone is behaving "differently or oddly" in any given situation ) if you have ever seen underwater films with schools of fish or birds as soon as one detects trouble and gets weird they all take off in different directions , the human equivalent is our "fight or flight" system .5. Choose the location well in advance so you know how and where to get to fresh air or to a bathroom to change ( Google play store or Coloplast company website you can download an app called "wheelmate" it will tell you everything you want to know about the closest known public facilities to your GPS position , you want to make sure the place your going to do this bathroom is not closed or out of service ,or if it is have an alternate place to change , in today's surveillance state the old standby isn't a good idea ( if I needed a change and the bathroom couldn't be used at like a mall my aide and I would duck into a back hallway usually used as employee shipping and receiving and fire exits but with the proliferation of cameras it's dicey as to "are you alone" i am changed right in my wheelchair ,so if interupted throwing a blaket on my lap solves the problem ,but last thing you need or want is to be video tapped changing your diaper . As has been said don't make anyone else a uninformed participant of your fetish, I am Legitimately IC so I have documentation going back 26 years to shutdown any grief I may get from anyone looking to make a problem ,without that tread lightly ,because if somebody wants to take issue , you have no choice but to let them. If you are going to go thru with this , plan it prepare for it ,and most important of all is to know how you are going to react , if you can't act like it's just another day in the life before and after , it's best not to even attempt it . Dare I say " normal" people don't do these things, and those people who don't have a choice because its generally a surprise for them are prepared and have mitigation strategy to fall back on planned way in advance ,so when it does occur things run like a well oiled machine . Nothing about what you are contemplating is illegal ,immoral or fattening ,but social norms don't apply to infants, toddlers, or those that can't help it due to physical or mental challenges ( i am a person who believes wether it's a physical or mental need for diapers ,it is a need and should be addressed) the feeling of defecatating in public is an unusual want , not a need. Another step in preparation is to buy a good barrier cream ( rash cream is not the same thing) rash cream is to help heal a rash , a barrier product is meant to prevent or stop circumstances that lead to a rash ,the acids that meet in a diaper from urine or feces are pretty bad jointly they are very caustic a barrier product seals your skin so those acids don't have a chance to attack it , they can be purchased as stand alone products all the way to 3 in one products that clean,deodorize, moisturize and protect all at the same time.this is a must have product in any diaper bag or supplies closet of double IC or those who wish to try it . 1
thickdiaperedbaby Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 There are those that are Holier than Thou, and I'm sure that they will surely chime in here, telling you that you should never poop your diaper in public. AFAIC, there are many odors that are offensive that seem to be tolerated, BO, cigarette smoke, marijuana, perfume, cologne, etc. To me, I say go on and poop your diaper. If somebody else doesn't like it, they can go somewhere else or move on with their life. I'm tired of society dictating what is "acceptable." 2 1
Needingababysitter Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 I'm guilty of pooping my diaper in public, and I don't do it that often. I try and respect others around me, and also to my fiance who has to change me while out in public. It does take a little longer to change a messy diaper vs a wet diaper. At home is a different story if I need to mess my diaper I do it freely without hesitation. 1
Cruiser 03 Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 There are those that are Holier than Thou, and I'm sure that they will surely chime in here, telling you that you should never poop your diaper in public. AFAIC, there are many odors that are offensive that seem to be tolerated, BO, cigarette smoke, marijuana, perfume, cologne, etc. To me, I say go on and poop your diaper. If somebody else doesn't like it, they can go somewhere else or move on with their life. I'm tired of society dictating what is "acceptable." I quit smoking about 5 years and now it's amazing someone can walk past me without a cigarette and I can tell they smoke because they smell like ass .Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
fillemup Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 I do not find pooping in my diaper in public acceptable in any way shape or form. It has happened to me several times recently and I am absolutely embarrassed and humiliated when it happens. I cannot control it as I am partially bladder and bowel incontinent. I would not wish this issue upon my worst enemy. If you have legitimate control over your bodily output, please keep it in the privacy of your home. Unfortunately I don't have that option.
willnotwill Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 Risk? Unless you have a diaper blowout and feces oozes from your pants and somehow comes in contact with another, they have more risk walking into a bathroom. You're going way off the deep end. The smell is obnoxious but not medically risky. In fact, the major component to the smell, might actually have some beneficial effects. I try not to be obnoxious to others. 1
Little BabyDoll Christine Posted January 28, 2019 Posted January 28, 2019 "Acceptable" does not mean to the person contemplating the act. It implies some form of community standards. I would say conduct a random sample of the general population and see what you get if you ask "Do you think it is all right for person to willingly crap themselves in public?" and see what you get. How many times have you heard screwing up big time referred to as "soiling oneself"?
Moochie Posted January 30, 2019 Posted January 30, 2019 I have messed my diapers in public on occasion. I support and agree the comments that we should be respectful of others and not subject them to either our fetish or disability (if at all possible). When I have messed in public I take the following precautions to not subject others to my "messy pleasure": 1) avoid close encounters such as elevators; 2) keep moving, don't stay in one place; 3) act normally; 4) I don't use Nullo but use a few drops of scented oils in my diaper. I have never had a suspicious look. In stores there are many ambient odors, and by following my suggestions; I believe soiling your diaper in public can be done discreetly and respectfully of the general public. 1
Cruiser 03 Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 I have messed my diapers in public on occasion. I support and agree the comments that we should be respectful of others and not subject them to either our fetish or disability (if at all possible). When I have messed in public I take the following precautions to not subject others to my "messy pleasure": 1) avoid close encounters such as elevators; 2) keep moving, don't stay in one place; 3) act normally; 4) I don't use Nullo but use a few drops of scented oils in my diaper. I have never had a suspicious look. In stores there are many ambient odors, and by following my suggestions; I believe soiling your diaper in public can be done discreetly and respectfully of the general public. You may have hit a "winning combo" in the scent department but as a "pro" i can say be carefull , we wash our diapers in unscented soap , because there fragrance and your emissions might produce an unholy stench worse then a BM in an elevator ,although i used to use an odor neutralizer that was pine based cant remember the name of it, got it in the hospital ? It worked amazingly well . Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
MegaChar Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 Yea if your like 3 years old or your incontinence. If your not eather of those then forget it.
rusty pins Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 Also since people will bring up the fact that babies mess their diapers in public, remember the amount that a baby will expel in his or her diaper won't come close to the huge load an adult can produce in his diaper. Sure, both will smell, but you can smell a large pile of garbage (such as a landfill) from a much farther distance away than you can a pail of garbage in front of your house. Bigger humans produce bigger loads and bigger smells and frankly, I wouldn't want to smell a baby's messy diaper any more than an adult's messy diaper.
Little BabyDoll Christine Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 To say it is all right for adults to do it because babies do invites the "Be careful what you wish for..." If you want to do as a baby does, do you want to be treated as a baby, like laid down and changed in front of whoever is there, as I have seen done with babies as a matter of course for 68 years? or have your movements circumscribed like those of a baby because "you don't know better". How many times have you complained about being "treated like a baby"? If you want something, be prepared to take what goes with it. How about being spoon-fed in front of everybody or having someone else decide what you wear? And if you, as an "adult baby" say "Yeah! Bring it!", what happens when you get tired of it, which will happen a lot faster than you think is even possilbe. Oh BTW, babies cannot post on forums; they cannot read or type; remember? Is not integrity wonderful? Would you care to rephrase that, Laddie? "Your lifestyle is your business, but when you take it on the road..." 2
incondl Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 It's perfectly fine to do it in public as long as you do not offend others. Using some type of internal deodorant is the key.
Little BabyDoll Christine Posted February 1, 2019 Posted February 1, 2019 2 hours ago, Little Christine said: To say it is all right for adults to do it because babies do invites the "Be careful what you wish for..." If you want to do as a baby does, do you want to be treated as a baby, like laid down and changed in front of whoever is there, as I have seen done with babies as a matter of course for 68 years? or have your movements circumscribed like those of a baby because "you don't know better". How many times have you complained about being "treated like a baby"? If you want something, be prepared to take what goes with it. How about being spoon-fed in front of everybody or having someone else decide what you wear? And if you, as an "adult baby" say "Yeah! Bring it!", what happens when you get tired of it, which will happen a lot faster than you think is even possilbe. Oh BTW, babies cannot post on forums; they cannot read or type; remember? Is not integrity wonderful? Would you care to rephrase that, Laddie? "Your lifestyle is your business, but when you take it on the road..." But then too, it will not matter since you will only have an attention span of about 40 seconds and you will be distracted to something else so I guess it will all work out in the end
Evelyn Dellcerro Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 I never really paid any mind to whether its acceptable. I am wearing a diaper and intend to use it. I do it in public so often I never had time to worry about it. If in a store I walk where there are parents with toddlers, and blend in. I never stay long enough in one place to really be noticed. Many men have tried looking up my skirt if I am on an escalator. Those men I would give a quick show, just to watch the double take, and make my exit stage left. I really don't care much for pleasing the public. A big plus is living in the city. People mind their business and life is so much better. The ones with the loud mouths and talking poop don't really last long in a city. I just poop for my own pleasure and keep it at that.
Cruiser 03 Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 To say it is all right for adults to do it because babies do invites the "Be careful what you wish for..." If you want to do as a baby does, do you want to be treated as a baby, like laid down and changed in front of whoever is there, as I have seen done with babies as a matter of course for 68 years? or have your movements circumscribed like those of a baby because "you don't know better". How many times have you complained about being "treated like a baby"? If you want something, be prepared to take what goes with it. How about being spoon-fed in front of everybody or having someone else decide what you wear? And if you, as an "adult baby" say "Yeah! Bring it!", what happens when you get tired of it, which will happen a lot faster than you think is even possilbe. Oh BTW, babies cannot post on forums; they cannot read or type; remember? Is not integrity wonderful? Would you care to rephrase that, Laddie? "Your lifestyle is your business, but when you take it on the road..." Christine makes a valid point that few realize that what you look at as a gift today becomes your prison tommorow . There was a time not that long ago that i had a bib tied on me before every meal , as someone fed me as I got better at doing it myself , it was joyous ( i voluntarily wear an adult style of bib when I eat on the road ,it sucks showing up someplace looking like a disaster on wheels . Few people can imagine what an ass pain it is to hibernate for winter or not having the ability to hop in the car and go pick something up , i think alot of people who are in the "baby likeing" category don't have a grasp on is the long term complications that a personal loss of autonomy has on person ,you may like being "babied" now and again for a period of time that you can choose is totaly different than having life ram it up your ass and saying deal with it , it can be excruciating ,now right now I do well at handling myself and my life ,i am constantly degenerating and one day if I live long enough I will be "locked on" not able to even blink my eyes let alone choose whats on tv or what the lights do because right now what i lack physicaly can be compensated for by telling the computer what i want ,what happens when you cant speak ? When you can cry silently and your caregiver has to figure out whats bothering you aside from not being able to do, say or express anything there's nothing more baby then that , so for real before you think what a great time you'd have , think long term & about what fun you'll have when your aide is having a bad day and shit rolls downhill intended or not .sometimes you have to be the adult in the room and defuse the mess your aide has gotten into by being young and dumb ,but babies and sometimes adults cant do that , ever think about shaken baby syndrome as an adult or filicide when someone gets tired of caring for and about you , before you think about lifetime "baby status" think about the privileges not afforded to babies and the consequences , would you know the difference between fed a bottle and put down for nap & fed a bottle that puts you down for a dirt nap it happens everyday to babies and adults without a choice , or consider the DNA dragnet going on in Arizona for a man who worked in a care facility and raped a woman in a Coma, the dragnet began when staff noticed her moaning and moving her body was giving birth from the rape that was done to her when some lowlife couldn't keep his hands off someone who not only couldn't consent she couldnt object to it happening ,just like a baby . Think all this thru before you play baby ,what happens if the adult isn't done when you are , how many serial killers have played adult and put someone at ease to drink something to later wake up in handcuffs not fully restrained yet that daddy wasn't expecting and they bolted out of there ,only to be picked up and returned to said serial killer by the police who thought like mr.serial killer was telling the truth and it was nothing other than a harmless drugged kinky sex misunderstanding , thats a true story we however dont know what that drugged victim might have endured before they got murdered and mostly eaten . Is Ted Bundy your idea of a fun daddy,or maybe you prefer the Guyana method anyone who couldn't or wouldn't drink the kill aide were held down an injected (no matter what you do contact with cyanide be it drank injected or rubbed on your urethra it will be the most agonizing 7 minutes of your life before it's over. You never know someone until your helpless as baby diapered and restrained for there pleasure not yours , until there done with you . Are they feeding you dinner or are they making sure you fill your diaper because where possible before you kill something for dinner you clean it out ,even better if it wants to voluntarily take a cathartic be diapered and restrained to a carving table get all that nastiness out of there GI tract in a simple couple of controlled explosions in diapers before carving you up .we all know that we lose control of bodily functions when we die but so much the better when baby wants to help you with no after dinner mess.is that what you all are looking for ,was there a safe word in the hearts of dark mommies and daddies , or it only in the good ones. Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk
Little BabyDoll Christine Posted February 2, 2019 Posted February 2, 2019 10 hours ago, Cruiser 03 said: Christine makes a valid point that few realize that what you look at as a gift today becomes your prison tommorow . There was a time not that long ago that i had a bib tied on me before every meal , as someone fed me as I got better at doing it myself , it was joyous ( i voluntarily wear an adult style of bib when I eat on the road ,it sucks showing up someplace looking like a disaster on wheels . Few people can imagine what an ass pain it is to hibernate for winter or not having the ability to hop in the car and go pick something up , i think alot of people who are in the "baby likeing" category don't have a grasp on is the long term complications that a personal loss of autonomy has on person ,you may like being "babied" now and again for a period of time that you can choose is totaly different than having life ram it up your ass and saying deal with it , it can be excruciating ,now right now I do well at handling myself and my life ,i am constantly degenerating and one day if I live long enough I will be "locked on" not able to even blink my eyes let alone choose whats on tv or what the lights do because right now what i lack physicaly can be compensated for by telling the computer what i want ,what happens when you cant speak ? When you can cry silently and your caregiver has to figure out whats bothering you aside from not being able to do, say or express anything there's nothing more baby then that , so for real before you think what a great time you'd have , think long term & about what fun you'll have when your aide is having a bad day and shit rolls downhill intended or not .sometimes you have to be the adult in the room and defuse the mess your aide has gotten into by being young and dumb ,but babies and sometimes adults cant do that , ever think about shaken baby syndrome as an adult or filicide when someone gets tired of caring for and about you , before you think about lifetime "baby status" think about the privileges not afforded to babies and the consequences , would you know the difference between fed a bottle and put down for nap & fed a bottle that puts you down for a dirt nap it happens everyday to babies and adults without a choice , or consider the DNA dragnet going on in Arizona for a man who worked in a care facility and raped a woman in a Coma, the dragnet began when staff noticed her moaning and moving her body was giving birth from the rape that was done to her when some lowlife couldn't keep his hands off someone who not only couldn't consent she couldnt object to it happening ,just like a baby . Think all this thru before you play baby ,what happens if the adult isn't done when you are , how many serial killers have played adult and put someone at ease to drink something to later wake up in handcuffs not fully restrained yet that daddy wasn't expecting and they bolted out of there ,only to be picked up and returned to said serial killer by the police who thought like mr.serial killer was telling the truth and it was nothing other than a harmless drugged kinky sex misunderstanding , thats a true story we however dont know what that drugged victim might have endured before they got murdered and mostly eaten . Is Ted Bundy your idea of a fun daddy,or maybe you prefer the Guyana method anyone who couldn't or wouldn't drink the kill aide were held down an injected (no matter what you do contact with cyanide be it drank injected or rubbed on your urethra it will be the most agonizing 7 minutes of your life before it's over. You never know someone until your helpless as baby diapered and restrained for there pleasure not yours , until there done with you . Are they feeding you dinner or are they making sure you fill your diaper because where possible before you kill something for dinner you clean it out ,even better if it wants to voluntarily take a cathartic be diapered and restrained to a carving table get all that nastiness out of there GI tract in a simple couple of controlled explosions in diapers before carving you up .we all know that we lose control of bodily functions when we die but so much the better when baby wants to help you with no after dinner mess.is that what you all are looking for ,was there a safe word in the hearts of dark mommies and daddies , or it only in the good ones. Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk You have just explained the reason why 70% of low-vision and blind persons are unemployed, especially with the part about "hop in a car..." and hinted at more. Low-vision adults have the same level of consciouness (awareness and metnal functionality) as anyone else. along with the development arising from the need to wring every scrap of information from what they perceive to a degree that most need not given fully-functional eyesight. For the last half-century it has been held by social scientists that driving is a necessity. So ficure it out from there. In the non-fetish world, persons who are deprived of that level of autonomy are said to be "infantilized". In connection with that read this entry in my blog and it will explain much
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