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this is mainly a problem with us boys and our private parts.

So I've been trying to wet while lying down in bed for a long time now, with just a little bit of success so far. Last night, I diapered up with a couple of boosters but instead of pointing down I decided I'd point up for a change and went to sleep. I ended up waking in a middle of the night due to some uncomfortable tightness in my crotch, evidently having a night time erection while sleeping made it too awkward for me to sleep soundly. So I took my time I relaxed a little bit till my erection subsided almost completely, a feeling which was accompanied a sudden urge to pee so I decided to see what would happen. I felt myself relax slightly and then let go, the problem was that the front of the diaper absorved part of the pee but then it started overflowing by the right side of the diaper, it really sucks to stop the feeling of relaxed peeing just because you're afraid you're going to completely flood your bed, so I got a little bit pissed off (no pwn intended) and run off to the bathroom where I kept on peeing while standing (my bedroom has a wooden floor so I couldn't risk it leaking all over). So, although wetting while "pointing up" resulted less difficult than when "pointing down" it involves uncomfortable sleeping and most likely leaking all over your bed, at least thats what it turned out for me anyway.

So choosing between the up and down position kinda seems to be a choice depending if you are going to bed or going through your daily routine.
Of course I'm leaving out the option of repositioning your penis (ineither position) after wetting because sometimes its kind of yucky :(

Say you go to sleep, you point down, which shouldn't bother you, and your night time diaper is not that wet when you wake up. So you don't really want to throw it out and want to continue wearing it throughout the day. However, the front of your diaper will most likely go unused, thus wasting a good chance for a nice wetting.

But then if you go to sleep, you point up, you may get uncomfortable, may leak. However the front of your diaper will be used. The night time diaper may be a little bit wet when you wake up, but fully prepared to be used during the day. Since all the new pee you release in front of your diaper will most likely go to the bottom and maybe partially to the back part of it making the most out of each diaper.

I guess girls have the luck not to face that kind of choices :lol:

So, what position do you usually choose? and why?

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Awkward topic, but an important one for boys. I wear day and night, and I always wear it down. The diaper is just much more effective that way, especially when sleeping as You figured out :) . When I was a kid it didn't seem to matter what position it was in, but as I got older, any other position but down would result in leaks at night, and even while sitting down at times.

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My situation is a little different - I wear my plastic panties next to my skin, and don't pee in them. I find it works best to point up, because I'm bound to have an erection at some point during the night anyhow, and that makes for a lot more comfort.

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For the front of the diaper thing... as a girl I am always 'down' I guess, but the front does get used if you are wearing good diapers. Normally the liquid will wick out to the dryiest part of the diaper, following gravity to an extent. As the gel stuff fills up, it goes to the plastic coating (this is why clothing coatings get damp) and then spread in the easiest direction, with the gel slowly absorbing it.

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A good diaper has good wicking. Pointing down won't waste the front of the diaper, especially if sitting during the day. I always point down and will adjust periodically to stay that way. I usually don't have an issue wetting while laying on my back or tummy this way. If I do, then I will sit up or slide my lower half off the bed so I'm on my knees to wet. That is not often necessary but can be if the pressure is too great and I'm too excited.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried up; not bad feeling but not ideal for using the capacity of the diaper. Disposables swell at front first, so even in pointing down, a small part on the

Edited by DiapersOfTheStorm
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In this topic, I always point down as munkey stated it does decrease the chance of leaks, and I think it is simply more comfortable to wear when its folded down and not up.

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I am also very small and never get an erection anymore so I just point out. Seems to work better that way when I wet. The one advantage us small guys have when wearing our diapers.

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Point down most of the time, sometimes up if I'm feeling risky. I also wear chastity when I get padded up sometimes, which gives me only the option of down, hehe.

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