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Do You Think Any Of The Girls Noticed My Diaper

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It seems to be hard to get people to notice or maybe they do notice but dont say anything. I wear bambino classicos under my jeans, on my college campus. I have also lifted up my shirt so the waistband and everything would show when I am right next to a girl, and they dont seem to notice. Also this one girl talked to me and was close by and I had my shirt lifted up with the waistband showing. Another time I actually had a bambino classico diaper in my hand and was in the elevator with a girl and she didnt sya anything. I also have had a girl standing right next to me and saying hi to me, and tucked my shirt into the diaper so that the waistband and part of the diaper was clearly showing. No one said anything. So do you think no one noticed or they did and just didnt say anything?
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Why is it that so many AB/DLs go around flashing their diapers in public trying to force the fetish onto innocent bystanders?

I agree. That is the same thing as flashing your underwear. No one will want to associate you if you are flashing them. Best to build a regular relationship and let them in on this after a little while by telling them about it.

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It seems to be hard to get people to notice or maybe they do notice but dont say anything. I wear bambino classicos under my jeans, on my college campus. I have also lifted up my shirt so the waistband and everything would show when I am right next to a girl, and they dont seem to notice. Also this one girl talked to me and was close by and I had my shirt lifted up with the waistband showing. Another time I actually had a bambino classico diaper in my hand and was in the elevator with a girl and she didnt sya anything. I also have had a girl standing right next to me and saying hi to me, and tucked my shirt into the diaper so that the waistband and part of the diaper was clearly showing. No one said anything. So do you think no one noticed or they did and just didnt say anything?

DUDE. Not cool. They're probably ignoring you because that's a VERY pervy and unclassy thing to do, ESPECIALLY for the sake of getting your rocks off. Don't do it!

~ moogle

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Perhaps you should get to know some girls one on one in a regular manor, friends or maybe dating a few without flaunting your diapers. With any relationship, it's the relationship first, then the diapers later. Establish a regular friendship with someone and if things are going good, you are good friends, then you might see how they react to telling them that you wear diapers. You first have to get to know someone. Just flaunting your diapers at them might be a major turn off unless by some very odd chance they may be one of the very few who also like diapers. That would be quite a coincidence! Even if you should become friends with a few girls, that dosn't mean they still won't be turned off when they find out that you like diapers! Perhaps if it was an "incontinence" thing that you explained and they asked you questions about your diapers or showed an interest in them you might find what your looking for, but just flashing women your diapers is not cool and obviously is not getting you the reactions that your looking for.

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Hope those young college women did think this was a fraternity stunt. Think what would happen if they reported you aa a pervert to the local police?

Would you really want to enter the justice system over flashing a diaper? That could end you college career.

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Ahh youth. As Judge Judy always says, they aren't fully formed yet. Go easy on him. Leaving his waistband showing or carrying a diaper isn't that big a deal. There's really only two possible responses "Ewww" or "poor guy." The kid is never going to get the "That's hot" response he is hoping for.

That being said. Cool it kid. You want the thrill, hire an escort or nanny/mommy. Or hit the personals for playmates.

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Amen to that.

Running around in public wearing an obviously adult-sized baby diaper and showing it off is exactly what our community does NOT need in publicity. You wanna run around ostracizing yourself from the college community, that's your business, but at least do us all a favor and leave the diapers out of it.

I'd venture to guess that at least half of the bad PR our community gets in the world is from horny guys running around trying to expose as many people as they can to this fetish in the hopes that one of them is going to go o.O That's hot, can I change you? Which undoubtedly will never EVER happen to you. I mean for example if you did happen to flash your diaper to someone who was into this fetish. They have no idea if you are as well. For all they know you have a medical condition. So they aren't going to risk exposing their desires to you just because they caught a glimpse of a diaper under your jeans.

And please some of you guys who can back me up on this, do so... I think most of us who have had girlfriends who accepted and/or participated in this fetish with us will tell you here that we did not meet them because of it.

In my lifetime (I'm 25 now) I've had 5 girlfriends who both accepted, tried, and liked this fetish. However when I met them they had no idea what this was, or that I was into it. You need to leave the diapers out of the equation, and go meet a nice girl who likes you for who you are man. Then once you've been together for a while and you know your relationship is going to last, find a way to tell her about this. And if she's open minded enough to try it out, then great. If not then you'll have to decide at that time if you care about her for who she is, or if you have to have someone who will get into diapers with you. And if you choose the latter I'm sure you'll look back one day and kick yourself in the ass, so choose wisely.

Ultimately, you're not going to meet a girl in public, in college, in a bar, at a concert, in a coffee shop, etc etc who's going to see your diaper, whisper something in your ear, take you into the bathroom to hump your brains out and change you, and follow you home to marry you. That's what FICTIONAL stories are for lol

Go find a nice girl, get to know her, and a few months to a year down the road when you feel like you can trust her, find a way to break it to her. That's the only way you're going to get what you're after my friend.

Best luck to ya, and please chillax out with the public diaper flashing. It's hard enough for all of us as it is.

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and then when enough girls dont notice ths his behavior escalates to more obvious forms of 'flashing' and exposing and eventually you end up in jail or even on the sex offender registry..

I'd suggest seeking help as to why you feel the need to do this exhibitionist behavior before it escalates and getrs out of your control.

sides its just creapy!

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And please some of you guys who can back me up on this, do so... I think most of us who have had girlfriends who accepted and/or participated in this fetish with us will tell you here that we did not meet them because of it.

I certainly didn't meet my girlfriend(now fiance) because of diapers.

I met mine in a college course we were both taking. We hung out a few times, went out on a couple dates, and, as they say, the rest is history. :PB)

If you want to have a girlfriend that is into diapers, this is NOT the way to do it. Find a girl that you like that is in one of your classs(as I did), and go from there. Don't mention diapers until you know what she likes and dislikes. For example, ask her if she has any kinks or something similar.

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You really shouldn't be doing that. Foolish, silly, unnecessary.

What are you getting out of that, anyway? I mean, it's fine if you are only wearing normally, but intentionally exposing it, particularly if you are worried about the repurcussions, is idiocy.

Exhibitionism is tricky because although you could probably manage it, some counselling is definitely in order for a lot of cases.

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I agree with all above in that this community does not need people running around flashing their diapers to the public. You suck. The AB/DL community could almost be considered a secret society and the vast majority of us do not want it to become public under these circumstances.

Think about this for a minute, you get arrested because of this and go to jail and all the inmates know it was because of the diapers, you are in for a world of trouble.

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And he would get arrested because?

For letting his waistband show? He wouldn't. Although pushing his fetish on strangers is most decididly a no-no, he didn't really do anmything that every incontinent person on earth hasn't done accidently or by need. (IE public restrooms, Doctor's offices, gym locker-rooms, etc.)

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79 posts ....ehhh..but member here since 2006..I don't vote him as "Troll". I don't condone his actions for what they are, but Concur with DD. As a incontinent person I'm quite sure I have "flashed" others inadvertently around me through the years. The worst part is if I do have juvenile garb on such as print plastic pants. No one has approached me as a result of these incidences though at least not at that point. Most of my peers know of my condition, some of the AB thing as well. No Biggie, I actually liken it to the "nasty" girls with the thong hanging half way up there back with low rise jeans and short top, that to me is pure exhibitionism. And I must say for me totally uncalled for, but hey I'm old school, don't like the kids with there pants down to there knees either. ;)

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Wisdom comes mostly from age; but it never hurts to listen to your peers. I concur with the observations of other posts. This is YOUR fetish, not that of casual acquaintances.

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i've accidentally spilled a drink on someone before.. it happens, but if i intentionally spilt a drink on a person, and told people about it, i think a lot of people would be like.. dude why did you do that, thats just rude.

we've all 'accidentally' exposed our underwear...

however for hte poster diapers are clearly not 'underwear' but a tool to gain pleasure.

and he is clearly not 'accidentally' exposing his diapers, he is intentionally exposing a fetish item he uses for sexual gratification.... there is a difference.

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