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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store




465 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you feel in control of your fetish?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not Sure
  2. 2. Could you "Quit anytime I want too!"

    • Yes
    • No
    • Not Sure

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I like my diapers a lot - love to wear them.

and it IS A Fetish thing for me.

well, but there are times in life when I deem it not "appropriate" or "practical" to participate in that fetish of mine - so I give it for that duration.

So, yes I'm in good control of my DL Side.

and yes I don't see a problem giving it up for an extended period of time.

But I don't know if I could or would like to give it up forever - that's why I voted "not sure".

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I'm definitely in control, but when it comes to quitting any time I want, I'm not sure. This private joy of mine with diapers, baby lotion, and all things infantile has given me such innocent pleasure that I don't see why I should ever have to quit. I guess like others, I may have answered that I'm not sure if I could quit, but in reality, I probably couldn't.

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The great debate. . . I answered 'not sure' for both, because I don't really quite know where I stand, really. I COULD give it all up and walk away if I wanted to, and sometimes, I want to. It's hard being yourself! But I know I'm much happier this way.

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I'm not sure if I'm in 'control' or not. There are times (oops, like now!) when I should be doing other things and I'm focused instead on diapers and alike.

As for being able to quit if I wanted to...strange question. If I REALLY wanted to I think I could...I just don't want to!

Just the other day I started thinking about retirement (a LONG way off for most of you, but not so far for a guy who is ancient like me)... it occurred to me that not only will I retire, but my wife as well...since she is not even aware of my fetish and I'm SURE would not approve of it... I'm looking at a sort of time-line where at some point I've got to get out of diapers (unless of course my physical needs put me right back in them!). It hit me rather hard to realize this and I also would hope to prevent the situation of my kids pawing through all my stuff (normal stuff and ABDL supplies) after I'm dead and them having to cope with a realization of something they probably wouldn't find very appealing from their Dad... I'm not particularly feeling sorry for myself - I just don't want to deal with it yet.

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Great questions.

I am in control of my fetish, but I do have moments where I wonder. I said yes, because I have never felt like I *had* to wear diapers.... I just chose to do so. There are times when I don't want to wear them and I don't. I just allow myself to wear them whenever I want, which these days is 24/7 or really close to it. Come summer time, when its hot and muggy, I wear less.

As for could I quit... I put no. I know I could live the rest of my life without ever wearing a diaper, if say, my life depended on it or something. But I don't think I would ever lose the desire to wear one and I would just live through a life long struggle. It was this exact line of thinking (a life long struggle, or not) that helped me make my decision to accept myself a long time ago. I could try to fight it, or I could accept it and just be happy. When I asked myself why not, I couldn't come up with a very good response other than fear of what others might think and stuff about what other people thought. But you know what? Those "other people" they don't have to live my life do they? So screw em.

After making the decision to just go for it, I learned something that I now think is pretty funny. The fact of the matter is that nobody really cares if you wear a diaper anyway. I was all worried about nothing.

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In control? Yes and quitting? It's easy I've done it hundreds of times :D

seriously though as far as quitting...someone in a reply to another topic I think said it best that our little quirks or fetishes are more or less hard wired into us. I have wanted. many times, to quit and told my self that the diaper I just took off would be the last I ever wore yet here I still am. So no I don't think I am able to quit.

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Nice questions really got me a thinking.

As far as do I feel in control, Yeah I do feel in control I can decide to wear or not and not have it interfere with anything though out the day.

Could i quit, Not so sure. I don't really think i could but maybe if i was forced maybe i could go without and eventully call it off but not likly

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As others have said, DailyDi, you have asked a fascinating question. The fact is I am bladder incontinent and consider myself lucky I can control my bowels most of the time. This summer I will have been back in diapers for my wetting 32 years, during which time a whole lot of urologists have not cured my incontinence. So I am sure I have no control over my wetting.

In 1990 I made the concious and informed choice to adopt Adult Baby play as a coping strategy, on the theory: "Since I must wear diapers to avoid soaking furniture I might as well enjoy them." Of course by then I had started my career as an attorney, so I knew I had to set limits how I would behave as a big baby, when and where. This is why I answered yes that I am in control. BTW, for me AB is not a "fetish." I prefer the term "affectation."

I answered no to the question could I give up AB. Even if I were to stop wearing cute AB outfits to bed, I still would be wetting my diaper, so what would be the point in giving up the thing that makes me feel good about being incontinent? I think for me not being an AB would be insane. What could I possibly suck on while sleeping that is any safer than my pacifier? Is there anything better for my health I could drink from a bottle than the water, milk, juice or Ensure I use to fill my Evenflo?

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, I rest my case and ask you to decide in favor of my client.

Baby Angel, aka Angela Bauer

How in control are you?

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I too have limits as I'm required to be the breadwinner.

OTOH, I just have too much fun in my nappy to ever give it up.

And as Angela says, it doesn't hurt anyone really.

As Mr Sea Otter says, nobody really cares, we can get too paranoid.



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I guess I am sort of in control of it as I sort of chouse when thing happen but that is more about being in control of my life, don't feel I am really incontrol of my AB side as I don't decide what I like to do or wear etc.

I do wonder if there would be a split in the resonses of ABs and DLs as I would have thought with being a AB being partly (at least for some) about giving up control in some way they would be more egger to say they are not in control... :closedeyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Am I in control? Yes I believe I am, as I have been into this since I was 4 and although there have been periods in my life (years) where I have worn diapers 24/7 I did so because it was what I wanted to do and afterwards I have gone back to wearing them occasionally.

As for "Could I quit anytime I wanted to?" I'd definitely have to give that one a resoundingly negative. I have tried several times in the past (mostly before I knew about the AB/DL community and thought I was alone and insane) but every time I got rid of my diapers and supplies the desire would always return and eventually I'd end up in diapers again. So I finally decided to quit quitting and accept the fact that I would never give up my diapers.

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im in controll but i dont exercise that controll very much, i wear about half the time and will hapily wear to work and in public spaces even if it is likley ill get noticed. if on the other hand my nappies will cause an inconvinience in what i want to do for the day then i wont wear them, but im not sure that is any form of me exerting controll... since my idea of a nappy is that it is primarily for convinience and fun, if it is not convinient then there is no point wearing one...

as for could i quit any time i wanted :lol: hell no im a hopeless adict and not ashamed to admit it

its not as tho my nappies cause any one else any problems unlike drinking and smokeing!

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General speaking, Im in complete control of what I do in regards to the diaper lifestyle. Like others here, I have worn 24/7 for periods in the past, and have gone back to wearing once in awhile or just to bed. There have been periods of weeks or months where I havent worn at all either because of circumstances, or I just had no real desire to.

On the other hand, Im not completely sure I could really quit completely. I've been interested in diapers since I was really young (7 or so) and have been wearing on and off since my teens. I've "quit" a few times in the last few years, got rid of everything, then got right back involved in the scene a few months or a year later. I doubt I will ever leave the scene completely, but you never know.

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I'm not sure if I'm in 'control' or not. There are times (oops, like now!) when I should be doing other things and I'm focused instead on diapers and alike.

As for being able to quit if I wanted to...strange question. If I REALLY wanted to I think I could...I just don't want to!

Just the other day I started thinking about retirement (a LONG way off for most of you, but not so far for a guy who is ancient like me)... it occurred to me that not only will I retire, but my wife as well...since she is not even aware of my fetish and I'm SURE would not approve of it... I'm looking at a sort of time-line where at some point I've got to get out of diapers (unless of course my physical needs put me right back in them!). It hit me rather hard to realize this and I also would hope to prevent the situation of my kids pawing through all my stuff (normal stuff and ABDL supplies) after I'm dead and them having to cope with a realization of something they probably wouldn't find very appealing from their Dad... I'm not particularly feeling sorry for myself - I just don't want to deal with it yet.

im pretty sure im not in control anymore. I am unpotty trained and i need diapers. I would have to retrain myself and i have not tried and dont want too try at this time. maybe sometime later i might want too, will deal with it then.

I just love the feeling of my diapers and using them as needed. It feels strange the few times i am not in a diaper like when im stepping out of the shower or bath. At this time i would say its beyond a fetish, its part of me every moment of the day and night.

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