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Everything posted by diaperguy85

  1. I'm sure most people on here would fully agree with that statement
  2. it will take time, it will never be an overnight thing. progress has still been made, however. but as you said, it will still be quite a while until it's an accepted lifestyle/fetish
  3. yes, we're still in the shadows, but the light is changing. ever so slightly, but it is
  4. i think so, honestly. i don't think it ever left me from when i was potty trained. it waned a good amount for many years, but it never really went away. for me, i felt happier after i discovered that i wasn't alone in my interests (thank you, internet!) before i found out about this all, i think i was kinda down on myself for liking diapers. not in a real hard, self-loathing kinda way, but more of a "i don't know why i like diapers... is this right?" sort of way, more sort of confused and unsure, really. then i stumbled onto this whole thing one day in college while looking for adult diapers and it was like an entire new world was shown to me. i no longer felt alone, i felt some encouragement and reassurance that i wasn't so odd (in that aspect, anyway lol), that liking diapers was ok, and life is good.
  5. recently my pjs have been a larger t-shirt and boxer briefs, mostly because i needed to do laundry lol usually i wear a long night shirt that goes down past my knees, quite comfy when diapered, i wear my night diapers (either a boosted betterdry or a magamax), plastic/PUL pants, and either my night shirt, my larger shirt or sometimes a onesie, varies on my mood
  6. basically your body, brain and muscles have been potty trained- the muscles and nerves don't let go unless they are stimulated in the way they were trained to. think pavlov and his dogs, but with your anatomy. your brain and body have been trained for nearly 30 years to only release in the bathroom (and perhaps outside by a tree or shrub). the act of going to the bathroom, the feeling of cool air, etc etc are the triggers that rings for your bladder and sphincters to release and pass urine. it sucks, but you're going to have to go against all that training and muscle memory. when i started wearing, i could only easily go in the bathroom. i read somewhere (i honestly forget where, sorry, it was so long ago) that you just have to train yourself to be comfortable to wet anywhere. i remember the article said to (obviously) start by going in the bathroom and wetting there infront of the toilet. then when you're good with that, go to the bathroom door and wet there. then other places (if possible), i recommend with where you spend the most of your time (couch, bedroom, hobbie table, computer desk, etc). you won't be able to easily wet sitting or laying down, but in time. once i was able to wet anywhere besides the bathroom, i still had to stand up to wet. eventually, i worked past that block and was easily able to wet sitting and eventually laying down, but that one got difficult again since i didn't wear often to bed (and still don't). also you just have to let go of control and have complete trust in your equipment. and by that, i mean your diapers, and possibly plastic pants. PP's have saved me from some good leaks on the couch and bed in the past, and i recommend them. if you just have some lesser quality diapers, odds are you'll leak. and leaks will set you back mentally. the more you trust your diapers, the easier it'll be to go.
  7. the longest i've stayed in 1 diaper is maybe 20 hours, perhaps a bit more. i believe it was a boosted megamax, and the g/f had work the next day. so i had plenty of time to be padded and enjoy my diaper to the fullest, literally. the longest i've stayed diapered was i think 5 days. i think it was a three day weekend that i took off two more days from work. definitely fun, loved it, and would do again and for longer if the opportunity presents itself. also the first time i made the observation that wet diapers build up rather quickly and i had a few heavy bags to haul to the curb that week. i used higher quality diapers like seni quattro betterdry and megamax, but it was still alot of diapers.
  8. :bump: anything more? i must know where this goes!
  9. i like to put all i can into my diapers without any leaking out onto the couch or into my pants. i spend good money on my diapers and i want my money's worth, damnit! lol plus i just absolutely love the feeling of a fully saturated diaper! so wet, heavy, bulky, and kinda chilly.... and then the change into a fresh, dry, fluffy and warm diaper is truly a magical transition. at least to me, anyway.
  10. hmm.... sounds interesting. i'd love to see where this one goes. keep it up! good start!
  11. i like to go 24/7 on weekends and especially long weekends and vacations. here's some things i've picked up, discovered and figured out. - use a good barrier skin cream, powder and wipes. i like calmoseptine cream, j&j powder and assurance disposable washcloths (just larger sized wipes, simply my preference) - disposable gloves are a must! calmo is really sticky and hard to get off where you don't want it, also cleaning up after messing they are indispensable. of course, always wash your hands after, regardless - small scented trash bags for discrete enough disposal. old diapers smell/stink (obviously), and the bags help alot. also don't be afraid to double and triple bag things. also get heavy duty black-out bags to hide that you're tossing dirty diapers. plus full diapers are heavy, you don't want them spilling everywhere on trash day, a little courtesy for your trash man - plastic pants are good to have. leaks suck to clean, and messy leaks are even worse! plastic pants contain any mess that squishes out and are alot easier to clean and disinfect than pants, onesies, the couch, etc - don't stay in messed diapers for too long, you'll likely get a rash. i stay in them for less than 3 hours at longest - shower afterwards, if possible. or at very least use as many wipes as needed to get clean. but a shower is the best way to get fully clean - enjoy yourself! don't forget to do that!
  12. i put "yes", mostly because of outer wear, but also frequency changes a bit, i think. in warm weather i usually go around with a onesie or a t-shirt, gym shorts and diaper. in cooler weather, onesie/shirt, thick socks and fuzzy warm lounge pants. and in cold weather i bust out my fuzzy footie jammies! but they have no foots, because my feet fluctuate. generally, fuzzy socks and my slippers are plenty enough to be comfortable. i kinda call it my flight suit, since it kinda reminds me of what fighter pilots wear lol. as for frequency, i think i wear more in warm weather, but in cold weather i think i enjoy wearing more, because of my flight suit and fuzzy pants. also during the cooler/cold months, i wear less because of holiday activities from mid-october all through easter. preparing/decorating for holidays, having the holiday itself, clean-up and recovery from said holiday and then prep for the next holiday! plus, there are a bunch of birthdays thrown in the mix as well, so that all adds to the fun. i sometimes diaper up on the recovery weekends, but usually those days involve cleaning of some sort and prefer to relax and enjoy my diapers without running around.
  13. diapering for a concert seems to be the only way to go! at the arenas i've been to for concerts, the bathrooms are always a bit of a walk from where i'm sitting, then the lines when you get there, then finding your way back in the dim lighting is tricky too. next concert, i'm going diapered!
  14. ::sad trombone:: well played, june, well played lol
  15. welcome! my mom said i was a pain in the butt to potty train, too! but i'm pretty sure i was at least absorbent underwear free by the time i started school. enjoy yourself here!
  16. i don't really know exactly lol. but i think it's supposed to be your subconscious that picks it up and puts it into effect. hypnosis is a funny, weird sort of thing. it works only if you believe/want it to, or something like that. i'm sure if you keep it low in the background, it'll have the same effect. of course, the "best way" is to go fully into trance and listen that way, but i don't often have time/ability to do that. i cut the induction and wake-up off and just play a few files in a repeating loop for a few hours, usually while spacing out with youtube videos, articles, other tv shows, dozing off, etc etc. i haven't yet tried to have the files play in a loop while sleeping, vanilla non-abdl g/f sleeping next to me and all lol.
  17. i've had mixed successes with files from warpmymind.com they have a huge selection of varying degrees of diaper dependence, from starting at "you love diapers" to "sissy diaper training" and going all the way up to "total and complete loss of continence". i usually opt for the "loss of control while diapered" files, as well as some acceptance ones, and some others. i've read through their forum a bit, and several people have mentioned major successes with the diaper/incontinence files, including complete loss of control. i've experienced some success, personally. after some subliminal listening (with headphones, playing it on the lowest volume while watching videos) and wearing diapers, i started easily and almost unnoticeable wetting in small spurts here and there for the rest of the day.
  18. hey! the reactor is a thing! you can find small ones like the ones they launch into space and put on subs and aircraft carriers from the government and other places. they have some that are on the backs pf semi-trucks and they power a small town out about 150 miles from the middle of nowhere in places like canada and russia. personally, for the ease of mind for endless power, the little reactor is your best bet lol yea, on your own for power, water, etc is off grid, yes, but it isn't self-sufficient unless you grow/raise/hunt/gather/make/build everything you need/want to live. personally, living without having to pay companies for utilities and have easy enough access to go and get a slurpee and a hot dog after i clean the chicken coop works for me
  19. totally off the grid is a pretty lengthy undertaking, that's 100% self sufficiency from within the family group and some surrounding neighbors, if you have any a reasonable distance away. people have done it in recent years, there are many youtube channels about homesteading, living off the land, and primitive living. seems like alot of work, planning, more work, work some more, but at the end of it, incredibly rewarding. with new modern tech, odds are you'll have electric, web access (most likely limited to an extent), heat, clean water, flush toilets (if you want, diapers and all), and many, if not all the comforts of home, albeit with a bit of a learning curve/creative and reverse engineering. do a bit of research and digging- the biggest thing i've discovered about homesteading: it's not for everyone! personally, i'd opt for a partially-off-grid living. i'd prefer to have the means for my own electric, water/septic, web access, and some food stuffs. solar panels, wind turbines, small nuke reactor, what-ev's, plus a large garden, a few livestock critters perhaps, plus hunting and fishing for meat. a green house or three, learning how to can, preserve, smoke and cure veggies and meats, an actual root cellar, wood stoves in bedrooms and the main room, passive and active solar for water, heat and power. i don't know, sounds pretty nice to me
  20. righty, light bedwetter for a little while (hated waking up wet then having to get mom or dad), and DL for much of my life. two of my siblings are lefties, light to average bed wetters, i'd say, were potty trained easily and quickly enough, and i don't believe either of them are abdl. i've never directly asked them, but they seem like they wouldn't be into this.... but you never know! lol but no, i never asked, and probably never will, and i'm 100% ok with that. stranger things have some left/right correlation, but i don't think abdl tendencies are one of them.
  21. (in no particular order, because they are for different times and lengths of time) 1: northshore megamax - overnight/long afternoon/evening, often boosted, easily 12+ hours even when not boosted. very comfy, VERY absorbent, love 'em! 2: betterdry - long afternoons and evenings, 10+ hours. also very comfy and absorbent, can be worn out and about, but they swell up 3: seni quattro - favorite for out and about, easily concealed. also nice for shorter term wearing, 4-8 hours, maybe more. very soft and comfy, quite absorbent, often boosted and incredibly quiet 4: abena L4 - new potential out and about favorite, very comfy, very absorbent, 4-8 hours or so, easily boosted, quite quiet and easy to conceal 5: dry 24/7 - old favorite, haven't bought in a while, trying to streamline my inventory. very absorbent, up to 10 hours, best for boosting, kinda loud honorable mentions (may not be diapers, but some favorites anyway) - total dry boosters: add easily another 500mL to 1000mL+ to most any diaper - abri-flex premium L3 pull-up: not a true diaper, but absorbent enough. comfy, silent, but good for only about 4 hours, probably more, perhaps less, more research is needed - abu simple ultra: a great diaper, incredibly similar to the northshore megamax, but perhaps slightly better at wicking moisture throughout the padding. but kinda expensive at about $4/diaper
  22. to quote some beach bum singer and a crazy georgia boy.... it's five o-clock somewhere!
  23. it was mentioned on here before, but scented trash bags do work wonders. i prefer the draw-string variety for ease of tie-up. i technically have three sizes. the smallest, 5 gallon i think, perhaps smaller, for individual or a couple of diapers, 8 gallons for multiple diapers and 5 gallon bags, and the 13 gallon (blackout, so no one can see the contents) size is for the kitchen trash can and to the curb. sometimes i even put that bag into a standard big black hefty trash bag, depending how heavy the other bags are or how many diapers i'm putting in there. related tangent: one thing i've found out over my experiences, buy quality trash bags! hefty is my preferred brand. i've tried store brands, off brands, bargain brands, and they tear, rip, come apart, leak, and are generally more of a pain in the butt than they are worth in the $1.49 you saved. one time i was taking out the kitchen trash, and the top of the off brand bag ripped off, luckily still in the can. so i put everything into another bag.... which also ripped. tried once more to get everything in another bag and that one ripped too! finally i just put everything in a big black bag, including the rest of the bags and never looked back!
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