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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Status Updates posted by DiaperBoy37

  1. Got my first paycheck today. McDonalds sucks since I worked +30 hours and I got paid for 13.67 hours. This like many other things is a ripoff.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WakkoWannaBe


      Your first shift was in the middle of a pay period, the reminder of that time will be in your next pay check

    3. DiaperBoy37


      This is my third week working Wakko.

    4. DiaperBoy37


      Okay it got fixed.

  2. Is it a bad thing I want to play a mind game with someone to just mess with them?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaylaindiapers


      Exactly do on to others.

    3. diaperwearntigger


      Please don't do on me lol.

    4. DiaperBoy37


      Oh no I mean just to overall make their head hurt from thinking too much ant.

  3. What is happening to the website?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. babybabbles


      little green men from mars took over the website

    3. DiaperBoy37



    4. babybabbles


      yea !!! they really!!! they look more like little gray men with big bug eyes and stand about 3 ft tall and have 3 fingers and skinny thumb

  4. Why are my hands so cold!

    1. id0ntknow


      Did you put them in the freezer by chance?

    2. DiaperBoy37


      Nope. I run them in hot water and they will feel frozen guaranteed 10 minutes after I take them out of the water.

    3. Elfy


      Poor circulation maybe? I sometimes get that in my feet.

  5. Dealing with idiot roommate. 

    1. Wannatripbaby


      Wanna talk about it?

    2. DiaperBoy37


      Sure I guess. 

  6. Ready to kill myself.

    1. minachan16


      National Suicide Hotline: 1 (800) 273-8255

    2. repetitivediaperwetter88


      its not worth killing yourself over whatever it is. you need to talk it out.

    3. DiaperBoy37


      Im fine-ish for now... Im still depressed...

  7. I heard creeking from spots in my house Ive never heard creeking from before. Should I be worried?

    1. diaperwearntigger


      It's da potty monster to come and getcha and eatcha! muwahahahahaha

    2. DiaperBoy37


      Thats one windy potty monster then.

    3. Rockies Fan in Diapers

      Rockies Fan in Diapers

      I don't have much experience with houses other than the one I was rushed through my childhood in, but my guess would be not to worry, I think it's just the foundation settling.

  8. One of my favorite cars is the 1935 Hupmobile. Call me old fassion but who cares?

    1. Burp_Cup


      Cool looking car! That's a unique one for sure. Love many cars from that era. especially European coupes. I do love the looks of the '56 Studebaker Golden Hawk though, if we're talking American made. :)

    2. DiaperBoy37


      Im a fan of older cars and feel the modern ones lose their uniqueness very quickly.

  9. I hate my life a lot.

    1. AwakenEvil


      Just remember that people are here if you need someone to talk too

    2. ruuuuuuuuu1


      the people in chat try to help others, try it someday :)

  10. Grandmother is in the hospital again.

    1. DiapermanAl


      Hope she recovers soon.

    2. minachan16


      Hope everything's okay, 37 :(

  11. R.I.P. My frog whos name and gender are still a mystery to me. It lived to be 8 years old and it died last week. African Dwarf Frog from the 4th grade.

    1. id0ntknow


      I'm sorry for your loss.

    2. whirl


      RIP mr/mrs froggy :(

  12. Cutting myself isnt as bad as I thought. Aslong as I only cut my thumbs though.

    1. id0ntknow


      Cutting yourself is always bad.

    2. Shy-Diapers


      Don't cut yourself. It's not worth it, the scars follow you forever and will be a constant reminder of your pain. Believe me, I cut for years, and I regret it.

  13. Got my own disposable diapers! And I grabbed the wrong kind!

    1. DailyDi


      No nervous blind-grabs! Take your time and proudly pick your pamper!

    2. DiaperBoy37


      Lol. They work fine. Its Underwear with adjustable tabs and seemingly easy rip off sides... and with velcro tabs. When I do that the annoying part is getting it to stop stretching. Lol.

      I also had my first wetting too!

  14. "Im setting booty traps. You mean booby traps. Thats what I said booty traps!" I love the goonies.

    1. diaperwearntigger


      DB, that was filmed close to where I live. The rock in the ocean isn't far from me. We go there every summer. I have been to the goonies house and jail, too.

  15. I've been... raped...

  16. Not happy anymore. Just went from good to bad to ugly. MlThe bad was the website the ugly is my my first mommy getting banned.

    1. Dr_J


      If it was unicornmommy, I'm sure it was for a good reason.

    2. Kaylaindiapers


      Why was she banned?

  17. Darnet this week keeps getting worse. I think I have pinkeye again.

    1. Shy-Diapers


      :( I hate pink eye! I'm sorry. Don't touch and get some drops. *huggles*
  18. The website is loading so slow that the browser gives up and puts me to an error. Anyone else experiencing this?

    1. Kaylaindiapers


      Yeah server error

  19. December 7th, 1941. The day Imperial Japan launched a suprise attack against the United States at Pearl Harbor. A day that will be remembered in infamy.

    1. oleman72


      I was two years old when that happened.

      Was station in Hawaii when the Arizona Memorial was built in the earl 60's.

  20. Told someone that worked at an adult toy store that I was ABDL... felt like I got a load off my chest...

    1. LittleMegan


      How did that go?

  21. Expect the worst and things can only get better.

  22. Going to Disney next week!

    1. diaperwearntigger


      Yay! Tell Tigger I said hi!

  23. Upset just cried a little. Ill be ok.

  24. Working at McDonalds! I possibly am not sure if or if not that I will or wipp not eat all the food... maybe.

    1. Padded_Princess


      Congrats that was my first job at 18 too....I definitely stopped eating there after that job lol

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