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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by fixitboy

  1. Not adjusting or removing your diaper is a tuff one.
  2. I can tell you from experience. IV been skanked a time or few dozon in very wet diapers under my footed pj in the morning.
  3. About an 1hr. Before I'm ready for a change.
  4. The classic finger in the lag hole when wet with short or oneie on.
  5. Who need ideas for a holoween coustom I have a dresser drawer fill of oneie
  6. No surprise their. European are much more open about sex and the human body. Americans on the other hand still hold a Victorian additude about it...... However when it comes to the abdl lifestyle.I can under stand being grossed out by our dirty diapers. But can't stand the automatic connection to child molesters which we are not
  7. I found out that I wasent fulling anyone when I was a teen hideing diapers. My parents at first thaut I was wetting the bed. But figered out I was a DL. But didn't say anything about it. They figgered it could have been a lot worse like drugs. Wish I new they new and could have been more open about it
  8. In this case she out right said it. Last night she was talking to with her girl friends. And they where complying about what their husbands do or don't do. And my wife said "I give my husband a good spanking when he acts up". Of course they all lafed it off think she was joking around. If they only new she was dead serious
  9. Played in a sandbox in wet and poopey diaper under my overall whial suckong my pasdifier
  10. Their are a few out their. But I prefer to keep it private between my wife and I unfortunately there have been many ambassadors of the ABDL lifestyle that have not portrayed us in the best light and have done more harm for a public image than good
  11. When my wife and I got married we never thaut thing would work out the way it has. Me wife never thaut of herself an a dominating wife or I as submissive husbands but that what we discover we are and it has worked out well. My wife all knew I.was a abdl befor we got married. But like most abdl couple out their we warent the first ones where the diapers caused a rift in the marriage. Unbnounsed to me. My wife had grown to resent my love of diapers. She felt like she married a boy not a man and wasent instreaded in taking up that role. So the marriage started to unravale...in response to my wife's disapproval I tried cutting out the abdl stuff, which I fails at miserably. Which just made things worse between my wife and I. Then it happened My wife are I where bickering at each other and she made a comment about me acting like a child again and she was sick of it. As I said "well you yell at me all the time like a child all the time what's next a spanking" well that remark apparently triggered some well let's just say interesting thauts and dreams for my wife.. A few week later I was enjoying a day in diapers when my wife and I finly has a honast disuction about her felling and my what she considered lack of felling and understanding of how I made her. And the hurt she felt and she wished their was a way to just get me to fell the way she felt. Well I jokeing say mabey you need to give me a spanking to get me to fell it then. With that said she then confessed to me that she had several excited dreams of doing just that. So I asked her if she wanted to give it a try to see if it made her fell better. Will my sudjustion would have normaily been innored but everything fell into place that day. Their I was acting childish and dreased in my overalls with a diaper to boot and her annoyed at me enofu that on any other day this would have lead into anouther fight. But today she decided that she was going to take up hers baby husbands offer and give him aspanking. So to my astonishment she said okay since you insinced on acting like a big baby I will give you a spanking then. So I leaned ovér the end of the couch and said okay I'm ready. And she gave me about 10 good sacks on my diapred butt. After she was done. I asked her how she felt and she said supprising satisfieding. But she was I bit worried because allthow we had fought a lot lately we never hit each other. I rubes my butt and told her it was okay. Because I was surprising sattisifed to had had something to think about. And the rest of the weekend went real well with each other for.a first time in a whial.. Well a few days later my wife confeses to me that she expeeances a felling of power then she gave me my first spanking that it scared her and also trigger anouther series of exotic dreams. I told her that she wasn't the only. And it was a very weird but the spanking helped me fell for the first time in yeara. So we decitied we should try it again. And this time it would.be a little more real this time. I also.sudjested she tell me what was Brothering her whial.she was giving me the spanking. So once again I leaned over the end of the couch and she gave me about 5 wacks. Then she started to tell me why she was mad and gave me.about 10 more and I notice that as she let out more grivences the spanks got harder. I told her sorry and it was a meek sorry and she responded with a even herder smack across my butt. That me me give a more sinsrea sorry and that was flowed by a even harder smack because she felt it was just lip service again and she told me that flowed by 2 more hard smcks across my butt and then I yealed I'm sorry almost crying and the spankimg stopped. And my wife said you really are for the first time aren't you. This was out moment of clearitey the moment when my wife realized that I needed that spankkng. We relized that I needed and felt that I deserved to be punishes and that she really like the power and satisfaction of being the domoment partner in the relationship. Soddnly the abdl.side me my made since and to her surprise she was the Dom in a sub dom relationship. Over the year now we have dialed in the relationship and struck a nice balance between the real world and our alter ego sub Dom momey boy role play. Its funny how in the old days she resented my abdl side. But now she enjoys it because when I'm playing my 3-4 diapered tottler boy she's in charge. And she has found she really enjoys the felling of impowerment she get.because if I hand to spend time diapered and playing. She get to be in charge.and I must summit to her demands at that time. A win win because that also make me fell even more like a little boy to. She has also told me that she the prefers give me a good spanking what I'm wearing I'm in a wet diaper and oneies or footed pj s the most because she find it much easier to imagine me as a bad little boy getting his punishment vs her husband. And the same goes for me..... Allthow we do partake in kinky spanking I like prefer need want can't find the word that explains it best so I will use them all. Punishment spanking to be as authentic as possible. We don't do weekly spanking just as you wouldn't give a child a spanking every Friday night. A punishment spanking can only be administered for Ginuwine naughty behavior such as lieing not keeping promasses doing chutes as on and so forth. I genuinely make an effort to avoid them and could go months without ever receiving one and then enter times I could barely go days. It is truly liberated to allow or is givea better word for it. My wife the ability to address problems with a good punishment. It also relives me of any guilt to. As I have payed for my discretions. On my last punishment spanking my wife rembered that I menchened that I still got a bit excited especially as I was being put into position for punishment spanking and was trying to figure out a way to remove that once again in my strive for authenticity. And I haft to say the last time was one of the best non sexual punishment spankings I have received. After taking off a lengthy list the discussions over several weeks my wife has decided that it was time for me to be punish for i had gotten into bad habits and didn't even notice what I was doinginto bad habits and didn't even notice what I was or was not doing. That morning a Saturday I was sleapeing in in my usual night diaper and oneie when she surprised me by coming into the bed room and checking my diaper and seeing that they where Evey wet. Then she changed my diaper and. Made me a very happy boy. Then re diapered me in a nice cleane diaper. Then a few minutes later she added something new. Leg and ankles restraints. At this point I thaut she was going to get a bit kinkey again and I told her I has just come and it. Might be a few minutes befor I was ready again. As and that's when she pounced and said what makes you think I'm getting you ready for that. And for the first time I truly felt genuine dread of what was coming as I realized she wasn't getting kinky I was due for some punishment and there was nothing I could do about it she had succeeded in removing the kink. she had also added something I've always wanted and that was the lack of my corporation. I still cannot adequately describe the feelings that went to my head as she rolled me over and pulled my bonds a little tighter and put me into a true position of submission. to add insult to injury she asked if I wanted to be spanked and I actually said no for the first time. That's when she reminded me. of my fantasies of receiving a punishment spanking unbeknownst and as authentic without the kink as possible. And I must comend her that only has she been listening to me all these years she had figured out a way to do it or as I laid there I was truly in the position to stop what was coming not looking forward to it at all absolutely no sexual come on from it and as I said before I still cannot adequately describe the feelings going through my head when that first smack hit my butt and with the help of a bamboo back scratcher I received one of the longest and truly painful spankings ever then she went through the long list of discussions ranging from lying to deceit plain ignoring our relationship and I must admit she got her. Through and I was listening thoroughly. once again in accordance with my fantasy the spanking would not end until she was thoroughly satisfied that I was sorry for what I've done boy was I after she finished and told me I was forgiven she left me there restrained to think about what I've done for about 15 minutes and I actually spent that time thinking about how I made her feel as my butt throb without the ability to rub it and make it feel better.... It was one of the most unbelievable things my wife has done for me and I don't think I could ever repay her and I don't think going to be doing much bad behavior does she's going to repeat that because I truly do not want to receive a spanking like that again but they're still there in her child just can't help it I rember my wife talking with her girl friends and they where complaining that they where powerless to do anything about their husbons. And she told them that she just puts me overher knee and gives me a good spanking. They thaut it was funny. I wander what they would think if they new she was dead serious and that's exactly what she does.
  12. For the first change. I would do a freshly pooped diaper. Not one that's been sat in. Best to start small.
  13. For the first change. I would do a freshly pooped diaper. Not one that's been sat in. Best to start small.
  14. When I use the shower to cleanup after a poopey diaper. I allways spray it with a bleach base cleaner. Clean and kills any lingering smells.
  15. Ow. Strayjacket. What a good idea that is. Getting a good spanking whial in a stray jacket. And totally helpless. As much as laying their and taking your punishment is a exercise and giving up control. Allways wanted to experience a spanking where you truly are unable to stop it no matter how much you scurm or try to get up and run away. Now that's a true punishment bacause your cooperation is not required
  16. Print at home. But print free are safer for public whereing. If discovered baby theamed diaper could be problummati
  17. Spend a week getting the full ab treatment. 24/7 diaper for everything having diapers check and changed, High chair feeding ,crib sleeping. Mix in the a occasional spanking ( a real one not a play one) for brakeing a rule
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