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Storing Diapers At Work

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So last week I was off on Friday and headed down the coast for a wedding. I was thickly diapered for the 4 hour drive. I am about 40 minutes out of town when my co-worker calls me. He asks about this file that had some important info for a Saturday event he was supposed to run. It is a large file so there were only 4 or 5 places in my office he could look. He looked through the first drawer with my permission and was about to search through the other drawers when I lied and told him I was still in town and would stop by to grab it for him. Why did I lie? I remembered that I had two Abena X-plus diapers in plain view in one of the drawers and was afraid he would look at it. I flipped a U-turn and drove like hell back to the office (cursing myself the whole time). I arrived in about 35 minutes (I drove like hell!!!) I raced into my office (thickly (2 Abena with a soaker)diapered with only basketball shorts on) and was able to find the file stored safely next to my diapers. I twirled my keys in my hand to muffle the noise of my diapers as I am usually more discreet about my diaper wearing at work and gave the needed file to my co-worker. As I walked out I quickly stuffed the diapers in my desk into an old briefcase and left. Made a day of easy travel a lot longer and a lot more stressful. Needless to say I will only keep my diapers in locked briefcases when at work from now on.

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well heres a novel idea

how about not storing personal fetish items in work property. a desk atwork belongs to the company...

and if we are going to go the 'its an underwear choice' route.. how many co-workers do you honestly know who keep their underwear in the same drawer in their desk as their important files? or for that matter in any desk?

if you feel you must engage in diaper wearing in a professional setting, use a backpack you can keep far under your desk, and take home with you at the end of the day.

even watercooler rumours can severely damagea career.

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So last week I was off on Friday and headed down the coast for a wedding. I was thickly diapered for the 4 hour drive. I am about 40 minutes out of town when my co-worker calls me. He asks about this file that had some important info for a Saturday event he was supposed to run. It is a large file so there were only 4 or 5 places in my office he could look. He looked through the first drawer with my permission and was about to search through the other drawers when I lied and told him I was still in town and would stop by to grab it for him. Why did I lie? I remembered that I had two Abena X-plus diapers in plain view in one of the drawers and was afraid he would look at it. I flipped a U-turn and drove like hell back to the office (cursing myself the whole time). I arrived in about 35 minutes (I drove like hell!!!) I raced into my office (thickly (2 Abena with a soaker)diapered with only basketball shorts on) and was able to find the file stored safely next to my diapers. I twirled my keys in my hand to muffle the noise of my diapers as I am usually more discreet about my diaper wearing at work and gave the needed file to my co-worker. As I walked out I quickly stuffed the diapers in my desk into an old briefcase and left. Made a day of easy travel a lot longer and a lot more stressful. Needless to say I will only keep my diapers in locked briefcases when at work from now on.

You would make a pathetic crack head :D And that's saying ALOT!

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Obviously I have learned the error in my ways the hard way(80 extra miles and 1.5 hours out of my day). If you actually took the time to read my story you will see that I realized it was stupid but the reason why I had diapers at work in the first place is that I do wear and use diapers at work. I do it discreetly (would never dream of subjecting my co-workers to anything that personal (that is why I was so freaked out because it was a stupid act)) and we have several single occupancy bathrooms where I can change without worrying about being caught. I don't even think I will chance taking them to work in a locked briefcase in the future, I will leave them in my car and go grab one from my car when I need a change.

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Nobody will bother you. The Americans with Disabilities Act would leave things open for civil litigation.

So last week I was off on Friday and headed down the coast for a wedding. I was thickly diapered for the 4 hour drive. I am about 40 minutes out of town when my co-worker calls me. He asks about this file that had some important info for a Saturday event he was supposed to run. It is a large file so there were only 4 or 5 places in my office he could look. He looked through the first drawer with my permission and was about to search through the other drawers when I lied and told him I was still in town and would stop by to grab it for him. Why did I lie? I remembered that I had two Abena X-plus diapers in plain view in one of the drawers and was afraid he would look at it. I flipped a U-turn and drove like hell back to the office (cursing myself the whole time). I arrived in about 35 minutes (I drove like hell!!!) I raced into my office (thickly (2 Abena with a soaker)diapered with only basketball shorts on) and was able to find the file stored safely next to my diapers. I twirled my keys in my hand to muffle the noise of my diapers as I am usually more discreet about my diaper wearing at work and gave the needed file to my co-worker. As I walked out I quickly stuffed the diapers in my desk into an old briefcase and left. Made a day of easy travel a lot longer and a lot more stressful. Needless to say I will only keep my diapers in locked briefcases when at work from now on.

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ADA only covers you if you have an actual disability.. just 'liking' diapers.. not a disability.... and while many people if you mention ADA will back off in most fights, if you actually pursue litigation you are going to have to have proof of a medical need for diapers.

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I can see if it was a situation where people at work already know that you wear diapers for a medical reason. Then it wouldn't be a shock if they noticed a few spairs in your file cabinet. At least the co-worker called you and asked if he/she could look through your file cabinet. It's obvious that no one is aware of the OP's diapers from the posting he made, therefor I agree that stashing them in a file cabinet at work was not a great idea. He obviously realizes it too after his close call. I'm kind of surprised that no one noticed his diapers when he came back to the office since he said, "I raced into my office thickly (2 Abena with a soaker)diapered with only basketball shorts on)". It seems to me that the bulk of 2 Abena's with a soaker would be obvious to anyone around. Anyway, I'm sure he realizes he needs to be safer in the future. A briefcase (or maybe "diaper"case is a more appropriate name) to carry a few spares around in would be much better, but only if he takes it home every night and keeps it locked when at work.

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Reminds me of the time a couple of years back, before my wife knew of my DL fetish, that I would order my 'supplies' to be delivered to me at work. Characteristically, packages are delivered unopened. Well, I'd had a small order of three plastic pants on order. Sure enough, I came in one morning and the package was in my in box, opened. I've never heard from anyone about the contents, nor have there been any suggestive conversation. I'm discrete about wearing and dont generally do so during the work day. (the past three days, excepted. I'm trying the tena men's pullups with plastic pants until I confirm the holding capacity - and not leak). I think most co-workers are savvy enough to keep this sort of knowledge to themselves, as 'regular' folks would assume that it is a medical condition that required the waterproof clothing. But, I'll bet there was some whispering going on behind me.

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well heres a novel idea

how about not storing personal fetish items in work property. a desk atwork belongs to the company...

and if we are going to go the 'its an underwear choice' route.. how many co-workers do you honestly know who keep their underwear in the same drawer in their desk as their important files? or for that matter in any desk?

if you feel you must engage in diaper wearing in a professional setting, use a backpack you can keep far under your desk, and take home with you at the end of the day.

even watercooler rumours can severely damagea career.

I agree.

Use a backpack or locked breifcase. You only need 1-2 changes anyhow and if you are being half responsible you will have one and powder/wipes. No sense in creating an extra liability like this.

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Back when I was wearing to work, I brought diapers with in my backpack and kept them in there along with my wipes. I don't remember if I left any in my locker or not.

I wonder if one co worker knew because we were talking last year and I said something about the bathroom and she said "You don't use the bathroom." I wonder if that hinted she knew I wore but never said anything but what's funny is I have gone in the bathroom when she be in there because I had to go number 2 so of course I use the bathroom. Maybe she didn't know it was me in there.

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Ever since I was promoted to partnership in my law firm I have had a private office which locks. All my file cabinets are similar to DOD document safes. In addition I have my own lav and several cabinets with locks.

Once a week I ship a carton from my home to my office. This contains enough of the three styles of disposables I use, plus wipes and baggies, to maintain my stock at the levels I desire. Each day before leaving for my office I make use my brief case as both disposable slip-in pads and briefs. Before I leave my office for court I restock my brief case.

Nothing about any of this would suggest ABDL to an outsider. Within my law firm it is no secret I am profoundly urinary incontinent.

My suggestion to others is to carefully read the material provided by your HR department about medical conditions. Local laws vary.

In the USA there is no case holding that urinary incontinence is a condition covered by the ADA. However other provisions of state and Federal labor law requires the employer to make accommodations. It could be a problem to claim you are incontinent without some medical records. My experience with judges and regulators is they will not accept the story "I am too shy to discuss my incontinence with my physician" As far as I know none of my corporate clients have had a situation involving incontinence or diapers at work.

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What three kinds would those be, if you don't mind my asking, Angela?

She goes through that whole explanation and all you can do is ask what three kinds??? You gotta be kidding! :bash:

Angela, thanks for the background. People ought to know what the ADA will cover and what it won't.

It seems to me anyway, that while the ADA is law, it can't dictate small minds and prejudice. And if you are trying to keep your diaper wearing private - if not secret, threatening ADA on being found out isn't going to be much help in your efforts, anyway!

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Although because of being profoundly urinary incontinent I have no sensation of wetting, years of experience lets me predict how much I will wet over a given time span. Thus normally I wear slip-in disposable pads which are small and very quick to change discreetly. What is less discreet is that several years ago I found the most effective and also the most comfy pad starts out as a Pampers Cruiser size 4. For which reason I am careful to keep those out of sight to the extent possible. Those hold over 3 hours wetting but I generally change them sooner. If I am less sure how long I will have to wait to change I wear Attends Breathable EA Small. They are not so babyish and not overly thick, probably because they are for incontinent people. I have never soaked one and change mostly because my own sweat is bothering me. The third style disposable I keep close to me is the Attends Youth Brief, which was originally called Small. This is a classic poly-plastic style with 2 sticky tapes per side. I find those work best of all if I get sick and have difficulty controlling my bowels.

Normally if I am that sick I do not go to my office, but just in case I get sick during the day I keep a few in my office and I always have one in my brief case. As soon as I do feel that sick I ask for a continuance if in court or at the office I ask my assistants to put my schedule on hold and order a car to take me home immediately.

What three kinds would those be, if you don't mind my asking, Angela?
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and please people can we remember DIAPER LOVER is not INCONTINENT.. so someone who chooses to wear diapres to work is NOT covered by any medical disability law if there IS NO MEDICAL CONDITION in the first place...

if you dont need to wear and chose to wear, and something happens... well you made a choice now didn't you.

if you need to wear for a medical need and something happens then those other people need to be slapped.

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She goes through that whole explanation and all you can do is ask what three kinds??? You gotta be kidding!

Because the rest of her text was thorough, the post didn't really prompt any other questions, diaperpt. I was simply curious whether she meant brands, absorbency levels, or pad types. And I thought I asked rather politely, thank you. While she could have easily refused or simply ignored it, Angela did answer my question straightforwardly, so I gather she wasn't annoyed by my asking it.

By the way, I've "known"* Angela since way back in the #DPF days, so if I was being rude or bothersome, I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to let me know it!

* meaning I've been acquainted with her as a well-respected peer in the AB/DL community, and have conversed on occasion in various forums.


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Because the rest of her text was thorough, the post didn't really prompt any other questions, diaperpt. I was simply curious whether she meant brands, absorbency levels, or pad types. And I thought I asked rather politely, thank you. While she could have easily refused or simply ignored it, Angela did answer my question straightforwardly, so I gather she wasn't annoyed by my asking it.

By the way, I've "known"* Angela since way back in the #DPF days, so if I was being rude or bothersome, I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to let me know it!

* meaning I've been acquainted with her as a well-respected peer in the AB/DL community, and have conversed on occasion in various forums.


I didn't mean to come across as overly serious...I just found your reply amusing. ...and all the more understandable with your explanation. I've come to have a lot of respect for her in the time I've been reading her comments here. While I wasn't thinking your question was offensive in any way, clearly neither did she!

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