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Diaper photos

Diaper photos  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. What condition do you like diapers to be in a photo?

    • Clean
    • Wet
    • Messy

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If it's a in real life photo, I prefer it to be clean, just because it looks more babyish that way I think. But then again, I also like seeing a wet diaper as well.

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@Permanently Pampered

I don't mind dry or wet, but the one thing that is a turn off is to see a SEVERELY MESSY diaper where looking at it would make me probably lose my lunch to see that.  I don't object to a messy one when you can see that it has been used and you can see it.  To have a diaper that is so severely dirty that it makes me lose my lunch, well, that would  be a problem, as you are NOT supposed to post scat pics - If @DailyDi sees one of these, he'd probably delete it.  I've seen a couple, and luckily I wasn't eating at the time.......


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Dry or wet diapers are ok.

But even though I love to make poopies in my diapers, I don't like seeing pictures of dirty diapers.

But the most important thing to me is the person wearing the diaper. She/he must look cute and act natural (not act like a model flirting or playing a role).

Badly fitted diapers or people who can't figure out how to properly suck on a pacifier - and the worst one are the pictures where the model has a baby pacifier in her/his mouth - it looks ridiculous.

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I don't mind seeing photos that show the bulge of a poopy diaper but don't need to actually see the inside of it. That is gross


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On 3/31/2024 at 2:38 PM, WeaselDiaperBoy said:

I like clean or wet. I don't mind messy, as long as I am not looking at actual fecal matter. A lumpy diaper where one is free to assume it is messy is fine.

This pretty well sums up my opinion and feelings, too.

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I chose wet, but not to the point of leaking. Dry is good to, but I agree with others poopy doesn’t do it for me. 

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