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Doubling Up?

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Wanted to try putting one diaper over another for a while now cuz I've had friends say it's really good, but I'm just leary to because like how would that work? If both the diapers are the same size wouldn't you just end up using the first one until it leakd and then like maybe a tiny bit seeps over into the second one? How would I go about doing it properly >.>

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Like Cruiser already said, putting holes or slits in the backing of the first diaper. I've never tried doubling my diaper, but I imagine all that extra bulk would be nice. I've used diaper boosters frequently and they do add some nice bulk and absorbency to a diaper.

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1 hour ago, Cruiser 03 said:

Stab holes in the diaper back sheet that’s next to your body , the holes allow the wetness to pass thru the back sheet to the second diaper .

16 minutes ago, Cute_Kitten said:

Like Cruiser already said, putting holes or slits in the backing of the first diaper. I've never tried doubling my diaper, but I imagine all that extra bulk would be nice. I've used diaper boosters frequently and they do add some nice bulk and absorbency to a diaper.

That actually makes a lot of sense yeah, cutting the diaper didn't really occur to me x) I wanna try booster but I'm waiting until Tykables releases their dubblers because they apparently hold a lot, they should be releasing sometime this month apparently but I need the bulk now >w>

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That is one of the advantages of cloth since you do not have to mess around with cutting away part of the backing and all that junk

Muktiple diapers is an old tradition and why 1940's and early '50's rubber panties where so ful-cut. Back then, before prefolds, 2 or 3 fdiapers would be laid out, one atop the othe and folded and pinned as one unit

The originals from which the BabyDoll was derived could aslo be doubled and by the time Linda and I were 8 and gotten ready for bed, they were doubled up


This lasted about 14 hours between changes. The BaDoll equivalent lasts a good 16 hours on average. However, the idea was to have the diaper very damp when it was removed, not soaked to the bone. For us, that would mean about 12 hours for 8 pm to 8 am the next day without having to rush to remove them

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if your budget can go with it get a bag of your normal size then another bag of the next size up.  Then the normal size like all above said poke holes in it and then put the xlarge over the other one and you get a better and thicker diaper.

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12 hours ago, waynecook52 said:

Now Christine you dont have to cut away part of the diaper.Its like they said you just put holes in them.It works great.

Well, DPF used to recommend removing some of the backing, Either way, it is still more work and I wonder if it works since throw-aways work by converting liquid to a gel and keeping it in place so just how much gets to endter the second diaper I do not know

Actually, it would seem better if they did not include the waterproof cover on each unit and relied on wetproof panties. That would; 1. eliminate the high concumption of plastics, 2. make it less complicated (hard to make, faailure prone, expensive) and 3. make it easier to double up if the backing were non-wetproof

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If you want to wear two diapers at once, do as people say and cut slits in the first diapers backing, put it on and then put the second diaper over it.  When you pee and the inner diaper gets wet, it will seep into the outer diaper and you will feel really wet but protected. You can also use two different sizes or even different brands.  Put on a medium size inner diaper and a large size outer diaper.  You could also put on a lighter absorbency inner diaper not quite as thick and then a thick heavy absorbent diaper as your outer diaper.  You have so many options to experiment with.  Personally, I don't like really super thick diapers so I wear one at a time and change it when it needs it.

Before I started buying premium diapers for special use, I would wear store type diapers from Goodwill, ones that would last 3 to maybe 4 hours.  I would double diaper without cutting slits in the inner diaper when going out of town Christmas shopping for the day.  When I got wet and needed a diaper change after 3 to 4 hours, I didn't have to worry how I was going to carry a fresh diaper into a store to use their restroom.  I always pick stores I know have a one at a time restroom with an outer door lock.  I would just slide the outer diaper down like underpants, remove the inner wet diaper and I would already have a dry diaper on to pull back up and go about my business.  Plastic pants over the diapers also added to my security of no wet pants.  Now days I just use a Betterdry diaper for the day and don't have to worry about having to change diapers.  

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Roughly 30 years ago, I found some old Attends, size small for just a coupe dollars. Small was too small for me, but the price was right. I ended up taking a large baby diaper and placed it into the small Attends, which was then placed into a medium Attends, which I put on and got taped. But I wasn't done, I added a Large Attends over everything and secured with a bunch of tape. The inner diapers were all punctured and I could barely walk in the whole thing. 

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Update, Iunno if I didn't poke enough holes or if the holes weren't big enough, but no matter how much I tried to wet nothing would leak through to the second diaper, so do my holes need to be bigger I'd assume? Never done before >_>;


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12 minutes ago, RickyTheRacc said:

Update, Iunno if I didn't poke enough holes or if the holes weren't big enough, but no matter how much I tried to wet nothing would leak through to the second diaper, so do my holes need to be bigger I'd assume? Never done before >_>;


@RickyTheRacc take a box cutter and slice it down the middle one or 2 times and you will be fine.

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I wear 3-4 diapers inside of an XL cheapest I can get. I trim off al of the tab paper on the front and back of each of the inside ones, I then just lay them down, I take one at a time and use sharp good pair of sizers and cut 2" slats down the bottom middle of each , just leave a 1" of diaper backing between each cut. And one by one stack them up, and I do add a very thin cotton cloth, (I use a 24" square thin baby blanket ) and make this be the top layer of the diaper. And it will be heavy , so when you get it taped up and  on, I use girlly tights and thin almost see though mens underwear with a good elastic top, its to help hold it all up after a 12 hr night of peeing and peeing, it will weigh 5 pounds or more in the morning . I keep doing experiments and welcome any ideas to help hold it all up when I get up and try walking around in the morning , I Love it its a natural leg spreading diaper, and GOOD and Smelly when you take it off if you love the old diaper smells you will love it after 10-12 hrs.

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Everyone has already detailed the how aspect of wearing two diapers, but I would add that doubling diapers can lead to unexpected failure modes. The leg gathers and leak guards were not designed to be stacked up, so the whole can end up being less than the sum of its parts - two diapers tend to give you the range of about 1.5 diapers. Sometimes you get weird unexpected leak paths. 

My primary constraint tends to be the reality that I usually can’t go 18 or 24 hours without having to go somewhere or do something, so, wearing a doubled-up ensemble that could theoretically last for 36 hours, but that is also visible from space, isn’t practical most of the time. 

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I do not have those problems. Two words: "Rubber panties"

Back in the day, before prefolds, not only was doubling up done, but even tripling up with babies and toddlers for the night

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21 hours ago, Little Sherri said:

wearing a doubled-up ensemble that could theoretically last for 36 hours, but that is also visible from space, isn’t practical most of the time. 

@Little SherriNow that is funny!  But that is also visible from space!  My brothers Ass you can see from Pluto on any given day!  LOl

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I am thinking that "un-dou8bling" might have some advantages. While a "Frnench BabyDoll" can count on 14-16, occasuionally 24, hours, under some conditions, I have gotten 12 hours with a  Patite Babydoll, with a little capacity to spare. 12 hours is a good target as it means two changes per day; one in the morning and one at night. I just need to see if this diaper will go for 12 hours during the day. Rather than doubling up, I am planning to add a 1/2 as thick booster to the Petite BabyDoll. Because, kusing the stay-dry liner, the BabyDoll wets from the outside in. I should be able to get AT LEAST another 3 hours, meaning that the new iteration of the BabyDoll diaper will  COMFORTABLY have a 12 hour capacity. This will double the number of available Diapers. With a capacity for 16 yours, the new diaper will equal the normal time of the doubled version. The booster would be as long as the part of the diaper that goes between the legs and half as thick so it should add substantially to the capacity and ensure a half day between changes

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Cut holes in the first diaper so it "leaks" directly into the second.

However, normally if I am going to do this, I will use different kinds. "Inside" diapers are usually smaller, and more likely to be plain white, so I'm not wasting extra money for fancy printed ones I cant see. Occasionally I've even gotten the cheap store bought ones as stuffers, which works fine

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I made a comment on this thread a few days ago But some of the comments I read gave me more Ideas , so I thank you. This is why we do all of this. Us old farts can learn old new tricks. See. I got soo used to my second hand stuff, that I was cutting off the trim and trusting one XL diaper to hold up all of my several layers . Well since I do have a large assortment of LG and MED, I am able to tape them up one at a time, and I have soo much less problem keeping it all up when I am soaked and 5 pounds heavy a diaper in the morning . 

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