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House Is Robed, Diapers Exposed And Im Out Of Town : (

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While working out of town i get a call from a friend who says my window is broke and my door is wide open. I dident care what was taken as much as i cared about my diapers being pulled out. Sure enough my brother says, "they opened your trunk and there is a collection of diapers in there". My heart sank and i knew i was fucked, so many long years of secretcy came crashing to a halt. I cryed a lot and tryed to explain it the best i could over the phone which is all good because me and him are close and he took it well. Im still gonna sit down with him and explane the whole infantilist thing but it just sucks! I could of gone without all this. On top all that they got my camera and my laptop which both are broken, hope they enjoy.

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I think I would rather be embarassed because my diapers and plastic pants were found than to have walked in on the robbers and been injured. I am glad thay you are safe and not hurt.


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It sucks to be robbed, there's no doubt of that. Hopefully you have insurance to pay for the broken and stolen items. As to your brother, I don't know what to say. Family, sometimes, is understanding, and I hope yours will be, too. Being outted is a very difficult thing. My mother knows about my baby girl side, and we can talk about it, but she's only semi-understanding. She isn't judgemental, though, so that makes it easy.

My step father found out about my trans side quite by accident, and considering his background, I'm surprised he didn't freak, but he didn't. He doesn't know about my baby side, and I'm not sure I want him too.

Good luck with your brother.


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I wouldn't worry about it. Nobody has ever given me a rough time about my diapers. "Depend" commercials are everywhere.

Seeing them in a foot locker is one thing. They wheeled me into the operating room while I was wearing nothing but a diaper.

Chill out. Your life is not over.


While working out of town i get a call from a friend who says my window is broke and my door is wide open. I dident care what was taken as much as i cared about my diapers being pulled out. Sure enough my brother says, "they opened your trunk and there is a collection of diapers in there". My heart sank and i knew i was fucked, so many long years of secretcy came crashing to a halt. I cryed a lot and tryed to explain it the best i could over the phone which is all good because me and him are close and he took it well. Im still gonna sit down with him and explane the whole infantilist thing but it just sucks! I could of gone without all this. On top all that they got my camera and my laptop which both are broken, hope they enjoy.

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It's kind of funny how robbers like to break in through windows and glass doors when they could pick a lock a whole lot easier. I just bought a lock pick a few months ago and I can now pick most locks in under a minute. It really makes for a nice hobby and helps a lot if I forget my keys to my apartment. Basically in reality locks are just a false sense of security. If you want security, get surveillance devices to keep an eye on things and to sound an alarm when it detects movement when there shouldn't be movement.

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Guest diamondback688

man, that sux. was anything else taken? he is right, locks are basically a false sense of security. i can pick most locks in under a minute. its better than booting the door in.

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I always wanted to catch a burglar after giving him a good dose of pepper spray, working him over with my cattle prod and handcuffing him. I like the idea of putting a diaper on him then calling the cops.

let him explain why he was wearing a diaper to the cops. ha ha

PS for the lock pickers out there. use a high low pin set up with mushroom pins. That can only be picked by the best of pro locksmiths. And put a keyed outside and inside deadbolt lock for when you are not home. Then they can not take any thing out the door and will have to go back out the window. Also use fake alarm and video security warning signs on your windows

Most burglars will go to someone else's house before trying a home with a alarm and video security system.

I am a retired lock, alarm and security tech

and a ex military policeman.

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While working out of town i get a call from a friend who says my window is broke and my door is wide open. I dident care what was taken as much as i cared about my diapers being pulled out. Sure enough my brother says, "they opened your trunk and there is a collection of diapers in there". My heart sank and i knew i was fucked, so many long years of secretcy came crashing to a halt. I cryed a lot and tryed to explain it the best i could over the phone which is all good because me and him are close and he took it well. Im still gonna sit down with him and explane the whole infantilist thing but it just sucks! I could of gone without all this. On top all that they got my camera and my laptop which both are broken, hope they enjoy.

This doesn't make sense: YOUR house is robbed, and your brother is let in by the cops, without asking you? Do you see the privacy problem there? I do...what if you and your brother are estranged?

As for locks keeping people honest, yes, some crooks can pick locks...but the majority are looking for easy marks, don't feel like going to all that trouble...

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This doesn't make sense: YOUR house is robbed, and your brother is let in by the cops, without asking you? Do you see the privacy problem there? I do...what if you and your brother are estranged?

Actually, it makes a lot of sense. Many people have emergency phone numbers and contacts for neighbors and police if something happens when they are away from home. I had an elderly relative who was away from home when his house burned and the neighbors and police knew to contact his neice in town since his grown children live out of state. There was a concern that he might have been in the house when it burned since no one knew where he was that day. My relative told his neighbors to contact his niece if something happened and they couldn't get hold of him and gave them all his niece's phone numbers.

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It is indeed the pits, with the theft and discovery by your brother. Hope all works out. Might even work out better with the electronics which were stolen, as insurance usually doesn't ask if the items were in working condition, at least not from my limited experience in that matter. Even better that you have a good relationship with your brother. Hope that works out as well.

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It's kind of funny how robbers like to break in through windows and glass doors when they could pick a lock a whole lot easier.

It is easy for you because you know how to read and follow simple directions found on the internet and have the ability to order things. If they could do that they probably wouldn't be breaking into houses.

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With the exception of the two years we lived on the near north side of Chicago, we have never locked our doors. We've never been robbed either, so I really don't know what that feels like. What I am glad about is that you were not home and injured in any way. Heartwood, whatever happens with you and your brother, and I hope it's all good, just be who you are. I think anned has some good ideas for burglers! Add a taser inside that diaper set to go off every thirty seconds or so! (I'm bad! I admit it!) Remember, you can replace things, but you can't replace people. Love to all. Ta ta for now.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow, I would like to say thank you for the compassionate responses. My brother took it well. I moved away from the city and got a big dog. The mortal possessions were never replaced and are not missed. Everything worked out.

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Wow, I would like to say thank you for the compassionate responses. My brother took it well. I moved away from the city and got a big dog. The mortal possessions were never replaced and are not missed. Everything worked out.

Wow it's been almost two years...where ya been??????

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Wow it's been almost two years...where ya been??????

I just dont get on here much but when i need to talk i know where to come. Thanks for all the support.

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