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What Do Cats See?


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I've been watching my cat staring at some invisible object moving along the wall. She's on top of the cupboard. Running to the lights. The wall outside the room. There's nothing there. What do cats see?

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She sees nothing, nor is she looking for anything. They do that to make people THINK they are looking at something because they know it drives people mad trying to figure out what the cat is looking at

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7 minutes ago, Little Christine said:

She sees nothing, nor is she looking for anything. They do that to make people THINK they are looking at something because they know it drives people mad trying to figure out what the cat is looking at


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I had the last laugh. Id to hold a paper bag in a certain way, by the open end with it about 2 feet of the ground. I would see the cat looking at me. I would reach in the bag, make believe I took something out and throw it to my right, move my head like I was following something moving in a circle then whwhn my gaze got back to the bag, move my finger inside the bag sharply so that it would hit the bag and make a noise as if something fell into it. The caht would run over to the bag and stand up to look inside as if she were expecting to see somethng. After she walked away and settled down, I would repeat the process. They never wised up to that one

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Cats see, what they want to see. 

I’d like to know, by what name does a cat call themselves ? A cat has the name, you call it by, but what name do they really go by? They never tell you! ?‍♂️

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They identify by scent and appearance

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Animals can see things we cant, don't know why. So the cat in question is seeing energy of something humans can't. Spirits, ghosts....animals are sensitive to these energies and react to them. 

Do I have proof??? Just watch any cat, if it is acting "weird", it is dealing with something you cant see. Same with dogs, or other animals.

Same thing with earthquakes, animals sense what coming before it happens, and leave, or try to get away....

Animals are very tuned to nature..

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The only way to REALLY know is to die and come back as one -- If you can survive the upgrade!

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I remember reading that raptors can see wavelengths well into the ultraviolet, and that this allows them actually to see urine spots left on the ground by small animals.

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1 hour ago, vvp39 said:

I remember reading that raptors can see wavelengths well into the ultraviolet, and that this allows them actually to see urine spots left on the ground by small animals.

And so, they know when my diaper is wet too? ? ?

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