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Seeing Kids in, Especially Toddlers, Triggers my Little Space

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I just want start off by saying, I am postng this cause I am looking for support. Please be kind


Lately I've noticed, that any time I see a kid in a diaper, whether it's just some video on tik Tok, or diaper commercial, I will cause me to go into my little space. Especially toddlers for some reason (but that is my little age)


Like today for example:


I was scrolling through Tik Tok, when I can upon a video of a mother and her two year old daughter. The toddler was bouncing around in nothing but a shirt and a diaper.


I found myself staring at her diaper, watching it's every move. As it squishes between her legs, and hugs her butt perfectly. I couldn't stop watching here bounce around in that thing


I even noticed her diaper had a sag to it, so it made me realize she had wet herself 


This immediately triggered me, to go put on one of my Goodnites and slip into my little space of being a toddler boy. Had a strong urge to pee, to so I could be like that little girl.  

I've not wet myself and I sitting in my wet diaper, feeling a little guilty and wierd. I still feel like I'm little.


But has anyone else experienced this before? I genuinely really need some answers. 


Is this normal? Is there something wrong with me?


Cause now I'm starting to think about how fun it would be act like a toddler, with other real toddlers. Like actually have  playdate with one....


And i don't understand it.



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3 hours ago, DamionDiapered said:

I just want start off by saying, I am postng this cause I am looking for support. Please be kind


Lately I've noticed, that any time I see a kid in a diaper, whether it's just some video on tik Tok, or diaper commercial, I will cause me to go into my little space. Especially toddlers for some reason (but that is my little age)


Like today for example:


I was scrolling through Tik Tok, when I can upon a video of a mother and her two year old daughter. The toddler was bouncing around in nothing but a shirt and a diaper.


I found myself staring at her diaper, watching it's every move. As it squishes between her legs, and hugs her butt perfectly. I couldn't stop watching here bounce around in that thing


I even noticed her diaper had a sag to it, so it made me realize she had wet herself 


This immediately triggered me, to go put on one of my Goodnites and slip into my little space of being a toddler boy. Had a strong urge to pee, to so I could be like that little girl.  

I've not wet myself and I sitting in my wet diaper, feeling a little guilty and wierd. I still feel like I'm little.


But has anyone else experienced this before? I genuinely really need some answers. 


Is this normal? Is there something wrong with me?


Cause now I'm starting to think about how fun it would be act like a toddler, with other real toddlers. Like actually have  playdate with one....


And i don't understand it.




no there is nothing wrong with you! There are certain triggers that you stated that put you into “little space“. These triggers will probably always be with you. Also seeing little ones in diapers is no different. As long as you are not doing anything illegal, you should be fine. You are not weird, strange, twisted, or any of these other words. If you are turned on because of the diapers or because you see them on kids, then it is something that will trigger you there’s nothing to worry about here as far as I am concerned.

The advantage of being in an AB or a DL, or both, is that you can enjoy having the ability to wear and use diapers for whatever reason. If you feel that you want to wear a diaper and use it for its intended purposes, there is nothing wrong with us wanting to wear is fine.  I also admit that if I see someone wearing a diaper, this will set me off as well. The difference is that certain smells or certain situations make your mind believe that you want to be in that position. If you have an urge to wear diapers or need to wear diapers, then you should feel free to do so. I am incontinent DL, So while I have to wear for medical reasons, I also love diapers. It is always been something that has been with me all of my life: part of the deal is there are certain things that you go through as a kid, and you never forget them, and these actions sometimes bring back thoughts of how it was to be little.  What you are describing to me is a “trigger“: this means that if you see toddlers or kids in diapers, it will remind you of something that sets your mind at ease, or something that you feel you must do. Having to wear diapers is not too bad, and not only does it allow me to take care of my incontinence both directions, but it also satisfies the need for a feeling that I’ve had all of my life that says it is awesome or comfortable to wear diapers, as well as being OK and accepted.  

Don’t feel bad you are not alone. There are a lot of us that have that feeling. As I have stated in many posts on DD:  Lots of us wear diapers because it feels good, or it makes us feel good, or it reminds us of how it was to be little again. Some of us need the diapers for medical reasons, or because of emotional reasons, or other reasons, there is nothing wrong with being in AB Or a DL, and there are many people here on DD that are those designations either one the other or both, well some of us are incontinent (Like me).  Some of us like Pee, some of us like poop, and others like other things.  It all depends on what they do. You are not weird or strange you have a liking of diapers, and when you see little kids, or you see diapers there is nothing wrong with looking at them, because it helps you deal with the urge. In my case, I wear for medical reasons, and because it helps me to deal with the feelings I feel: I feel comfortable in a diaper, I need to use a diaper, so I might as well enjoy myself and just let it go, because it’s OK: you do not have to worry about wearing diapers, because all they are special underwear. Underwear choice is your choice and your choice alone, and there’s no one here that will tell you that it is strange to wear diapers, or feel good when you’re in a diaper.   Don’t feel guilty or weird because you have to or because you want to wear a diaper or wet one. If you want to play with people that have the same feelings as you do, I would not see a problem with it. Because you were using tick-tock and diapers as your trigger, there is nothing wrong with this.

as far as “understanding this“ sometimes something is hard to understand, because you don’t understand it yourself. What I have learned from experience is that there are somethings I don’t understand. Like for example: why did I like diapers? Why do they feel good? Is there something wrong with me?: These questions have always been some that I have always asked myself, and I’ve come to the conclusion that there are certain things that you don’t quite understand for a long time, so it is not uncommon for you or anyone else to feel as if you don’t understand what is going on. As I’ve told other people each person is wired differently. What feels good to you may feel good to me or may not. What do you like to do maybe something that I wanna do with you, or may not. It might take a while for you to understand what is going on, and that is part of the journey of wearing using or feeling like a little, and all of the things that go with it. My suggestion is that you go with the flow, and continue to run through your journey. Some of us take longer to come to the realization that they “understand and accept” The situation that they are in. Feel free to ask any of our members, and I am sure they have plenty of stories They can tell you: this is a journey that you may have started alone, and you may not understand it yet, and that is perfectly fine. Just be yourself, that’s all you need to do at this moment. Eventually you may come to the realization that you understand it, and if that happens that is awesome, but you cannot expect to understand something that you do not understand, if you do not have others like me to tell you that you are not strange weird or anything like that.

we are all in this together: sometimes you may feel alone: sometimes you may need help: that’s what we’re here for: a community of people who like, use, wear, And enjoy diapers and related products, or what I call “baby equipment” there’s nothing wrong with this either there are plenty of people who always do that, and I’m sure that you will find others that like that as well as I don’t but you will find many people who may feel the same way you do, and I am one of them. I have a questioned myself many times, i’ve come to the realization that there is nothing wrong with me the way I feel, or the fact that I have to use diapers. I have accepted it, which is one thing that you have to do before you can get to the fun part of the lifestyle. When you are ready and say “I accept my situation,” then you can go and say “now I wear diapers, do I want to take it further?”

Whatever the decision is:  that is up to you: but you should always understand that there are people that are like you, and there’s nothing wrong with what you are talking about, so long it is done with adults in a legal manner. Do not worry about this, but You should understand that there are things that you were going to see that are going to “sent you into little space” sometimes if someone has a diaper in their hand, or I see a picture like that it might set me into that space myself. I am not a little, but I do understand what you are talking about: there are certain things that will make you feel like you want to “yearn for” diapers and the ability to use them.

You should understand that there are things that you were going to see that are going to “set you into a little space“ sometimes if someone has a diaper in their hand, or I see a picture like that it might set me into that space myself. I am not a little, but I do understand what you are talking about: there are certain things that will make you feel like you want to “yearn for“ diapers and the ability to use them.

Feel free to message me, follow me, or chat with me sometime. There are also a lot of other people here on DD that like to either Post, chat N Post, or just chat. You will find that there are many unique individuals here, and each has a story to tell as to why they are the way they are or how they got here. Each of us starts down the road in our journey, and we get here to a lot of twists and turns and winding roads, But you are here at DD, because that is where the road leads, and you have come to the right place with a lot of like-minded people. As you explore yourself, and your feelings you will find those people as you continue to move forward in your journey. I have a lot of good friends on DD, and I think them for everything that they have done to make me understand what I couldn’t understand in the past, because I couldn’t get my head wrapped around it: now I understand and can deal with it.

Good Luck!




Edited by ~Brian~
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This is always something, that’s been a scary subject for me. Only because, I fear people’s misunderstandings, or misinterpretations. Especially these days, because it seems like the latest which hunt craze. Just mention, diapers, and child, and from go, people are forming a dark option. Immediately going to the darkest, most despicable thought. 
Allot of my ideal thoughts, are along the lines of being a little, and playing like a child, and seeing myself in those rolls. So, it’s almost a given, or natural, when I see the real thing, it interests me, and I get joy out of seeing it play out. But, you can rarely talk about it with, or to anyone. If you do, eyebrows go up, and the question, or wonderings can almost be seen in people’s heads. Oh the horrible conclusions people jump to. Even on allot of AB/DL websites. 
I do understand why, it’s fear! The people I’m fearing, that will jump to the wrong impression, are fearing themselves, what it is really about. 
It’s one of the hardest things we, (the ab/dL community) have to deal with. Where is the line? What is the gray area? And sometimes, people are so afraid of getting near, even the gray area, the subject get squashed, or avoided. 

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Thank you Thank you both for the replies. I tried asking about this on the ABDL subreddit, and got immediately taken down.


5 hours ago, ~Brian~ said:

you are turned on because of the diapers or because you see them on kids, then it is something that will trigger you there’s nothing to worry about here as far as I am concerned.

I'm glad to have other people to make me feel better about this. Cause I sure felt guilty about seeing kids and then being "triggered". 

Cause it's truely getting to the point where I ALWAYS notice when a kid is wearing a diaper. Even when they are wearing pants. I see that diaper bulge and immediately think about being diapered. 


Even talking about this on here was hard. So again thank you.  


I'd love to chat to anyone, in more detail about this. Especially anyone who gets similar feelings 

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2 minutes ago, DamionDiapered said:

Thank you Thank you both for the replies. I tried asking about this on the ABDL subreddit, and got immediately taken down.


I'm glad to have other people to make me feel better about this. Cause I sure felt guilty about seeing kids and then being "triggered". 

Cause it's truely getting to the point where I ALWAYS notice when a kid is wearing a diaper. Even when they are wearing pants. I see that diaper bulge and immediately think about being diapered. 


Even talking about this on here was hard. So again thank you.  


I'd love to chat to anyone, in more detail about this. Especially anyone who gets similar feelings 

I'd definitely like to chat with you Buddy!

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I'm gunna go ahead and throw my hat into this rather touchy topic:

There isn't nothing wrong with you for having feelings towards the diapers since about 1 in a 1000 people have that. Now, I am going to say this for your protection.

Do not go beyond that. Having a "playdate" with a real toddler is OFF the table of thoughts. Taking that action is sorta crossing the line. Your involving someone else who might not be too happy or you can change them in ways that could land you in big trouble.

Everything is fine until real children are physically involved. TThen really bad shit happens after that.

I'm not trying to put you down or anything. Just asking for you to think with your head on what is morally the right thing to do. People with diaper fetishes and wants have a duty to make sure that what they do dosnt harm them or others and not to involve others by force or manipulation. It is our moral duty to manage this with respect to ourselfs and everyone else.

I hope this helps!

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I avoid kids at all costs because of my AB/DL. When I do see one with a diaper on I immediately think, I wish I was that kid. It is probably OK to empathize with some situation a kid may be in, but the last thing I want to do is somehow associate kids with AB/DL so I just avoid them as best I can.

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I suspect this doesn’t really have anything to do with children at all actually. It sounds like what is triggering is the representation of what you are seeing, the symbolism in other words. 

You are seeing kids who are in the stage of life of getting to play all day and be cared for by their mothers, most likely. Whatever that triggers regarding the diapers has to do with the fact that those toddlers are experiencing what you want in a loving and caring way. The fact that they wear diapers is not only accepted but they are being treated lovingly while being diapered. 

You are just wanting to experience all of that yourself again. I agree with the others though, don’t try to set up a play date with real children. Involving children in this is crossing the line. 

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Please stay away from children.  Personally I feel uncomfortable when anyone even talks about minors here in any manner.  Just look at all the 18+ adds here.  This is no place for children, and adults discussing their desires for a "playdate" with a child is out of line and disgusting.

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On 10/11/2021 at 11:19 AM, DamionDiapered said:

I just want start off by saying, I am postng this cause I am looking for support. Please be kind


Lately I've noticed, that any time I see a kid in a diaper, whether it's just some video on tik Tok, or diaper commercial, I will cause me to go into my little space. Especially toddlers for some reason (but that is my little age)


Like today for example:


I was scrolling through Tik Tok, when I can upon a video of a mother and her two year old daughter. The toddler was bouncing around in nothing but a shirt and a diaper.


I found myself staring at her diaper, watching it's every move. As it squishes between her legs, and hugs her butt perfectly. I couldn't stop watching here bounce around in that thing


I even noticed her diaper had a sag to it, so it made me realize she had wet herself 


This immediately triggered me, to go put on one of my Goodnites and slip into my little space of being a toddler boy. Had a strong urge to pee, to so I could be like that little girl.  

I've not wet myself and I sitting in my wet diaper, feeling a little guilty and wierd. I still feel like I'm little.


But has anyone else experienced this before? I genuinely really need some answers. 


Is this normal? Is there something wrong with me?


Cause now I'm starting to think about how fun it would be act like a toddler, with other real toddlers. Like actually have  playdate with one....


And i don't understand it.



No, there's nothing wrong with you buddy! You just have a really strong desire to turn yourself back into a actual baby again! Like so many of us here and play with other babies/toddlers like you. That like the same stuff you do, while still being able to keep your intelligence. In an perfect world we would be to do that. Then it wouldn't be so much of a problem, because we would technically be adults just turned into babies having fun together. Not being able to be who we truly are on the inside can be really frustrating. I've felt that way too, plenty of times actually. Sometimes I legit feel like crying and throwing a huge temper tantrum on the floor. I wanna be a baby again SO bad!???? So I completely get what you mean and need buddy. You might want to attend a couple of ABDL conventions to help curve that desire a little bit. Just a thought! That way you're actually around a lot of like-minded people.??❤️????❤️???❤️??

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I was with you up until the end when you thought about acting inappropriately. I use that word carefully, because for most people sitting down to play with a toddler is perfectly fine, but you are not most people. You have to be the adult and know that your attraction to the child's diaper makes interacting with the child inappropriate.

We're not the thought police, and we can't know the purity of your attraction to your trigger. You have to be the one to police yourself. If you happen to see a scene that triggers your little side, that it fine (apart from interacting with that scene.) But I would be more concerned if your seeking it out, say searching youtube for toddler videos.

You may b e a kid at heart, but you have to be the grownup in the room in the real world.

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8 hours ago, DailyDi said:

I was with you up until the end when you thought about acting inappropriately. I use that word carefully, because for most people sitting down to play with a toddler is perfectly fine, but you are not most people. You have to be the adult and know that your attraction to the child's diaper makes interacting with the child inappropriate.

We're not the thought police, and we can't know the purity of your attraction to your trigger. You have to be the one to police yourself. If you happen to see a scene that triggers your little side, that it fine (apart from interacting with that scene.) But I would be more concerned if your seeking it out, say searching youtube for toddler videos.

You may b e a kid at heart, but you have to be the grownup in the room in the real world.

Well said Mikey! I 100% agree. @DamionDiapered I think part of the problem is, in this situation it's very easy to be taken out of context. And for people to assume the wrong thing about you. Being attracted to diapers, sexually or otherwise isn't intrinsically wrong. BUT once you start wanting to be around children it's wrong, not because of your attraction to diapers but because in this world, it can be too easily misunderstood  and once that happens it can be very hard to convince people that you're just a average person who likes baby stuff and has a diaper fetish and does it because they want to be and feel like a actual baby. It's the same thing we as an people struggle with in the ABDL community with society. We don't want to be with children, we want to be the child. And there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that, but good luck convincing society of that. Because like it or not people run the world, and if you don't get along with the right people, your life can be hell.? So we always have to hide our true selves from society. It sucks, but that's the world we live in.? And I hate it just as much as anyone! Hahaha!???? You know what's funny? The fact that in life it's so hard to get here. I mean think about it, people die in childbirth all the time, and even IF you do make it here you'll probably be born with some type of disability either physical or mental. And then, assuming that goes well, you have to learn a bunch of man-made bullshit that you find out later in life isn't all that useful. And that's not even including the various types of mental emotion disorders that can come up in the human mind such as, depression, anxiety, and trauma. Not to mention all the physical illnesses too like, the flu, stomach viruses, blindness, deafness, diabetes, strokes and even death.? So not only is it hard to get here, but it's also hard to exist here, quite literally. And you have to deal with a bunch of things you don't want. Yet people still think life is SO great. I find that extremely funny!????

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Not so much for me anymore because many of the fantasies are now realities, but back in my early days seeing a diaper commercial on TV or a kid dressed up with an obvious diaper would be pretty powerful to me.    I remember quite vividly standing in line at the phone company to order the phone line for my first apartment after I had graduated from college.   The woman ahead of me had a toddler wearing just a onesie over a prominent diaper.    Gosh, how I wanted that outfit.    It would be decades before I got a onesie like that.


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2 hours ago, willnotwill said:

Not so much for me anymore because many of the fantasies are now realities, but back in my early days seeing a diaper commercial on TV or a kid dressed up with an obvious diaper would be pretty powerful to me.    I remember quite vividly standing in line at the phone company to order the phone line for my first apartment after I had graduated from college.   The woman ahead of me had a toddler wearing just a onesie over a prominent diaper.    Gosh, how I wanted that outfit.    It would be decades before I got a onesie like that.

Awwwww! Poor baby!???? Well at least you have one now!?☺️?????❤️??❤️ I remember when my big sister was staying with us and her baby was wearing an light blue onesie, you could see the diaper underneath it.???☺️ It looked so cute!? I was SO jealous of him!??????? He looked so comfortable!???☺️❤️?❤️??

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On 10/14/2021 at 2:43 PM, DailyDi said:

I was with you up until the end when you thought about acting inappropriately. I use that word carefully, because for most people sitting down to play with a toddler is perfectly fine, but you are not most people. You have to be the adult and know that your attraction to the child's diaper makes interacting with the child inappropriate.

We're not the thought police, and we can't know the purity of your attraction to your trigger. You have to be the one to police yourself. If you happen to see a scene that triggers your little side, that it fine (apart from interacting with that scene.) But I would be more concerned if your seeking it out, say searching youtube for toddler videos.

You may b e a kid at heart, but you have to be the grownup in the room in the real world.

Yeah there is no way im going near any kids in real life. Thats for sure. I accept your judgment

Again. If anyone wants to pm me about this, or anything really, id love to chat. 


PMs are ALWAYS open for me

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I get what @DamionDiapered is saying, but I also 100% concur with @DailyDi's take.

The first experience that I can recall, regarding reacting to someone else in diapers, occurred when I was very young, like 4 or 5 years old, when neighbours of ours starting sending their younger daughter, who was around my age, outside in just a diaper and a t-shirt. There's a longer story to it, but basically they started doing that because she used to take her diaper off and hide it in common areas in the building if she was sent out to play with anything on over it, and they got yelled at by the superintendent & landlord a bunch of times. I essentially became her best friend - I was glued to her side whenever she was around. Everyone said I had a crush on her. I was completely fascinated by her, and by her predicament. I was wearing diapers to bed at the time, but my parents never sent me out in just a diaper. I could not articulate what I was feeling, but, in some ways, I wanted to BE her, while at the same time, I was also terrified of the idea - wearing a diaper around anyone other than my immediate family caused a lot of anxiety in me as a kid. So, those feelings arose within me way, way before the genesis of anything approaching a sexual identity. I believe that this is probably the case for a lot of people here. 

At the same time, as an adult, and a parent, there is an ethical firewall that has to be in place, with respect to one's recreational fascination with diapers, or with revisiting "little feelings", or using them as an antidote to the pressures of being an adult, versus allowing those interests to influence one's behaviour with anyone vulnerable who actually wears diapers, be they children, the elderly, the disabled, or whomever. 


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I too get in the "zone" or mindset, jealous however you want to put it. When ever I see anything infant related. I even ask my wife the other day. Does it make me a freak? I hope it doesn't make me look like pedophile. I do not stare but I catch more then one look when I see a stroller or anything related to little I just can't help it. 


But to back it up I want to be very clear I never want to touch the Child or do anything of that nature just like others have said I want to switch places, I want to be that small again and just enjoy it. 

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I am a DL and have no interest at all in the baby part of the fetish.  When I see a baby or even 3 year old it doesn't mean a thing to me.  When I see a 4 or 5 year old still wearing diapers, I get angry and feel pity for the child.  I live in twin cities where one city is mostly one race, and right across the river is the other city which is 85% a different race.  It's the difference between night and day and, not to sound like a raciest here because I'm not, that city has been falling apart for the last 50 years or so.  Welfare cases, crime being rampant and much more.  It seems many of those people don't want to do anything including work even though businesses everywhere have signs stating they are hiring.  When their laziness gets to the point they would rather keep their precious children in diapers through age 5 and 6, that really angers me.  No, it's not just one or two people but lots of them.  It's like a cancer on this city.  How anyone could live that way and treat their children that way, yelling and slapping them in public stores boggles my mind.  Why child abuse laws are not enforced is beyond me, other than the possible reason that there are 100 times more incidents than there are people to investigate them all.  I'm sure many members here have see things like this in their own locations, but multiply it 10 fold and you have my area.

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