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Well that was a waste

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Good lord i hate monday mornings. So my supervisor mentioned last friday that we would be on mandatory overtime this week. This means i could come in an hour early or stay an hour late. I took the road less traveled and came in hour early to find there was nothing for me to do. I could have stayed home and slept another hour gosh darn-it. Anyway just felt the need to ramble on. I guess in the end its not to bad ... i may be going to a friends house today after work to be little again :)

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5 hours ago, raekun said:

Good lord i hate monday mornings. So my supervisor mentioned last friday that we would be on mandatory overtime this week. This means i could come in an hour early or stay an hour late. I took the road less traveled and came in hour early to find there was nothing for me to do. I could have stayed home and slept another hour gosh darn-it. Anyway just felt the need to ramble on. I guess in the end its not to bad ... i may be going to a friends house today after work to be little again :)


That stinks!  If you are on MANDATORY OT, and they DON'T have anything for you to do, and you are like me, and like to get up and roll out the door in the morning, or stay a little later at night, that can be a blessing most times, because you can get more done sometimes before or after work.  If, they instead, ask you to come in for mandatory OT, then I would HOPE that if you found that there was nothing to do, that the mere fact that you are there, even if there is nothing for you to do, that they would pay you Overtime Pay.

I own and run my own business, so what I do is, I come in early some days, because I KNOW that I can complete things before I open my Thrift Store at 10AM - I close at 4PM, so sometimes, the only time I can get anything done is to do it on a day OFF, when I am sitting at consoles, or come in EARLY in the morning, and then I have 3 hours available, before I open.  The best thing about early arrival, is that you can LOCK the door, and concentrate on what you are doing, and NOT have customers arrive until at least 9:45AM.

I can usually get a bus from the Transit Center at like 7:30PM, and this is the last bus out for Barre, but I like to get home sooner if I can, as if I am in my office in Montpelier, and I have a day off, and its either a Monday, Wednesday or Friday, I work on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, so the later I get HOME, the faster I would have to get dinner, shower and all of that, and be IN BED at a decent hour, so I can get UP:  I usually get UP at 5AM, so I can be ready for a Bus to pick me up for 6:50AM, so I can be at work in plenty of time.

Mondays Suck sometimes, but like @Evelyn DellcerroI like to be able to be in a quiet environment, so I can do some thinking, planning, or strategizing or dealing with whatever i have to:  sometimes, when you work an 8 hour day, there is NOT enough time in the day to complete all you need to do.  The Good thing for Eve is, she gets there early, and she is done early.  :)  It all depends on what you do for work as well.

Good Luck!


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Well, look at it this way.  You still got off work at your regular time and you got paid time and a half for doing nothing but being there!  Use that overtime money to buy yourself a pack of your favorite diapers on your company's dime!

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When I was working the foreman went around to everyone asking them if they would stay an hour or two, not one of wanted to work.

The foreman didn't bother asking them after that, he came straight to me.



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There were times the company I worked for did the same thing. A total lack of communication between the people in charge. You made the same choice I would have. I always hated working past normal quitting hours. Supposedly, if the supervisor put it on paper and stuck it to the windows around our break areas it was mandatory but the whole dep't was rather rebellious when it came to stuff like that. So normally whoever wanted to work it did. We would start at 5am for most of the 10 months of the year we worked and often times I'd ask the boss if I could leave after 8 hours. I probably turned down $10,000 worth of overtime a tear.

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This reminds me of the time I was flying home and the 7AM flight is half the price of the 9AM flight.   So, I get up in the dark and drive to the airport and check in, only to find that they want volunteers to take the later flight.   Great, they could have just sold me that ticket to begin with and I'd have gotten two more hours of sleep.

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They most likely wanted to sell more for the 7am flight, but then overbooked, like they always do.

9 am flight is the backup.

Same reason I mostly drive on Tuesday and Thursday, if I for some reason need more time, I can do it on Wednesday and Friday.

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Once a company I worked for determined it would be open on Good Friday, a day they usually close as a holiday.  Crap!  Oh, well.  About 70 of us went in to work only to find out at the last minute the company decided to close after all.  Were we allowed to go home?  NO!  We had to sit and do paperwork and mailings that weren't our job to do.  Stupid is as stupid does.

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Presidents day weekend I decided to do some project in the house (we were retiling the bathroom).   I get one bucket of mortar mixed up on that Monday and my boss calls and wants to know why I'm not at work.   Fuck, I thought it was a holiday.   I go in.   There's nobody there.  Even the boss is gone at this point.   It is a fucking holiday.   And I really didn't have anything pressing deadlines either.


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