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For Those Who Wear Diapers To Bed

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I wear only to bed.. and not every night. When I do, I wake up to go pee but can usually pee in any position. It's easiest for me to not force If laying on my tummy with legs apart. It flows out easier that way without conscious effort. Sucking my paci helps too.  When I'm not wearing, I can wake up to go to the bathroom, but sometimes don't make it without leaking, and sometimes several times a night. Sometimes I dream that I go potty before actually waking up to get up to do so. Kinda scary ? to dream you did ..have to reach down and feel If you actually did or not ?. I haven't mastered the ability to wet in my sleep without waking. I'd like to but then I'd have to start wearing every night. I'd love to wear Even during the day but with my job I can't do that. 


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I need to go sometimes 3 times a night

When I was little and stayed over at Anne and Linda's. The bathroom was not accessible at night. Their house was more of a summer vacation house built in the 1910-20 timeframe. It had both a well and a privy. In the 1940's it was updated to having electricity and running water. The bathroom was put in the basement but there was no stairway from the kitchen/living room to the busement so you had to go out the door around to the above-ground cellar door, go in, turn the light on and go to the toilet. The bedrooms were on a second floor, but there was no stairway, instead, there was a trapdoor in the ceiling of the "living room" through which would be put a wide ladder. The chief virtue of this was the rent, In the city, rent's were about $8 - 9/week, well they could get this place for $6/week. Now to go to bed for the night, we would go up the ladder, pull it up, close and lock the trapdoor and go to bed. If you could not hold it all night and were to go to the bathroom, you would have to open the trapdoor, put the ladder down, go out around the house to the basement door, go in, turn the light on and go to the toilet. then do the reverse. Needless to say, this was not going to be allowed, espeically since my eyesight was so abysmal

Anne, her mother and older sisters could hold it all night, Linda was a bedwetter and at age 6 - 9 I could hold it for a couple of hours, but not all night. So, Linda and I were put in diapers and slept in the same bed since it had the rubber sheet. I was told that when I had to wet, to get out of bed, stand up and go. Mrs. Rocque said that if I just wet laying down, I would become a bedwetter. This matches with what my Doctor told me 60 years later

Well, now I have a different problem. If I get up and go to the bathroom to wet, I will become fully awake and that is the end of my night's sleep. If I just stand up and wet the diaper and go back to bed, I will NOT become fully awake and will have a better chance of getting back to sleep so that is what I do

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I wear a nappy for bed most night, Terry nappy and plastic pants. I wake when i need a wee so lay there and let if flow, i usually sleep on my back so its not a big problem but i can wee how ever i am laid. I have tried disposables for bed and find they leak for me. 
I semi wake sometimes and i'm aware that i'm wetting my nappy and then drift straight back to sleep. If i don't have a nappy on and need to get up to use the toilet it can take me an hour to fall back to sleep, so when i'm wearing a nappy i sleep longer and better and i love the feeling of my wet nappy

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I only get to wear overnight occasionally. I always wake when I need to wet. Since I wear Pampers Cruisers or Easy-ups training pants, one or two slow wetting is all they will hold. Only once have I spent the night wet. I was in a Pampers Cruiser and had had a bottle of formula before drifting off. I woke about an hour later and needed to go. Since I was alone (wife away on business) I slowly wet and decided not to change. I slept surprisingly well and woke up in the morning with no leaks. I waddled down to the kitchen, fixed another bottle and  made my way back to bed to drink the bottle. After a second wetting it was time to change and get my day started.

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On 3/29/2020 at 2:16 PM, le Hollandais said:

I tried wearing a diaper to bed last Tuesday night. I woke up in the middle of the night having to pee in the worst way. I tried telling myself "It's OK. You have a diaper on. Go ahead." Nothing happened. I finally got so uncomfortable, I had to stand up. I went into the bathroom and finally wet the diaper, went back to bed and fell asleep in a warm, damp diaper.

Same here for the few times I have worn a diaper to bed,  I have had to stand beside the bed wet and get back into bed. I'm just afraid of wetting the bed from a leaking diaper. 

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9 minutes ago, Three Rivers said:
On 3/29/2020 at 4:16 PM, le Hollandais said:

I tried wearing a diaper to bed last Tuesday night. I woke up in the middle of the night having to pee in the worst way. I tried telling myself "It's OK. You have a diaper on. Go ahead." Nothing happened. I finally got so uncomfortable, I had to stand up. I went into the bathroom and finally wet the diaper, went back to bed and fell asleep in a warm, damp diaper.

Same here for the few times I have worn a diaper to bed,  I have had to stand beside the bed wet and get back into bed. I'm just afraid of wetting the bed from a leaking diaper. 

I don't have to stand or get up in any way but I too have issues when I wake up at night, being unable to start a stream.  I find that either oscillating the diaper surface (back and forth motion on diaper front and subsequently the body parts underneath) or lifting the front/crotch of the diaper away from said body parts helps to facilitate wetting when I wake at night with my bladder screaming.  Sometimes when lifting the diaper away from my body, I still need to use my fingers to create a tiny amount of tactile sensation to make things start.

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I have urge urinary incontinence and have needed to wear a diaper 24/7/365 for the past 30 years or so. I occasionally wet at night without waking up, or at least I wake up wet without any memory of wetting. However, for the most part, I get the sensation of a full bladder that wakes me up two or three times a night. When that happens, I can’t get to the bathroom to use the toilet. As soon as I start to stand up, I wet uncontrollably. So I’ve given up trying to get up. I just wet my diaper and go back to sleep. Nevertheless, I generally wake up and have to go through the process consciously. It’s really a bit of a nuisance. It would be nice to get an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

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I'm not a bedwetter but I like to wear either diapers or pull ups at night most nights. I have always been a frequent nighttime bathroom user, so If I get up to pee I usually get up like 3-4 times a night, longer if I sleep in late. If i'm wearing a pull up style (goodnites, etc.) I get up to go to the bathroom like a good girl(usually), but if i'm wearing a diaper I will just wet where I am. It's really easy for me to wet so it dosent wake me up much and I just go back to bed right away. I'm a back sleeper so i've never really thought about changing positions, and i've not had an instance that I wet in my sleep without knowing that I am aware of. It's a nice feeling to be able to stay under the warm blankies and not worry about big girl responsibilities ... ^.^

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Im a DL and diaper up sometimes to go to bed. I diaper myself around 7pm and hang out in a dry diaper until I’ve accumulated enough pee from dinner time etc. I then have a full wetting in it and hang around in a wet diaper in bed probably till midnight. From the time I fully wet to the time I finally fall asleep I trickle in my diaper, usually belly up laying in bed, pointer down, and with a towel between my diaper and bed in case of any leaks. I’ll watch tv or do work in my laptop with my diaper on. Then I keep it on and wet for the night, and don’t usually wake up to pee. In the morning I may wet again voluntarily before taking my diaper off. There may be a few rubs of the pointer in the process as well. Needless to say it all stays in the diaper and away it goes in the morning. 

I use Tena Fully Breathable at night. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

do you wake up when you need to pee, just go in your diaper and then fall back asleep? sometimes although particularly morning I will get out of bed and stand to wet myself to avoid flooding.

 If so, how many times a night do you wake up to pee in your diaper? usually two or three times  sometimes more.

Do you just pee in whatever position you are in or do you roll over on your back and wet to avoid leaking out the side of your diaper? I usually lay on my back when my diaper is very full it may leak a little behind my back the fit of my plastic pants is very important my night-time preference is to have two pairs  a thin well fitting pair over my diaper and a nice shiny pair of thick PVC over the top.


If you are or are not incontinent and sleep in diapers, do you wet in your sleep without waking up? after months in diapers I am tending to become quite incontinent.

If so, is that every night or just now and then that you don't wake up when you pee? even after several months I am sometimes awake when I pee but by that stage definitely not always and this becomes . 

If you don't wear a diaper to bed, would you still wet in your sleep or not?  I haven't really tried when I undiaper after months diapered I have to toilet train after several months of incontinence I will need training pants or small pads for a couple of weeks as I regain most control, I will have urge inconinace and my bladder will not return to full size for months.

I've been under the impression that some people will wet if they have a diaper on but when they don't they will wake up when they have to pee.  

If you have daytime control, do you still wet in your sleep and would you be afraid you would wet your bed if you didn't wear a diaper? Yes

Has wearing diapers to bed caused you to unconsciously wet in your sleep without knowing over time, or do you still regain control and wake up due to the urge of needing to go to the bathroom? Not yet.

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The only times I'd wear diapers to bed is if I had a good quality diaper on with a stuffer and a pair of plastic pants. Even then I'd never be able to just wet in my sleep. It's just never happened for me.

When I do wear to bed and feel the need to pee I'll stand up and try to calmly release before getting back into bed and falling back asleep. I'm diabetic so the urge to pee strongly hits once or twice per night every night. Even with a good quality nighttime set-up it's a challenge to avoid flooding when I do elect to let go in my diaper.


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I always wear cloth diapers with plastic pants to bed. I think they do a better job absorbing your urine in comparison to disposables as they will absorb in every position. Most of the time I do not wake up to pee I hate it when that happens and in the morning I wake up in an nice wet diaper.

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2 hours ago, dlnoir said:

I always wear cloth diapers with plastic pants to bed. I think they do a better job absorbing your urine in comparison to disposables as they will absorb in every position. Most of the time I do not wake up to pee I hate it when that happens and in the morning I wake up in an nice wet diaper.

I discovered last night (Thursday) that my Abena L4s do a good job for a single medium level void while laying on my side (slightly toward "belly-down" position).  Since the front and rear wings have padding in the left and right sides of the L4, that would mean I could get an adequate non-leak 250-300 mL void on the left, then another on the right.  After that, further voids would need to be deposited into the crotch and back but I was pleasantly surprised that emptying my bladder while on my side didn't cause a leak into my PUL pants.  

The reason why I went while on my side is because I wasn't able to go face-down for some reason.  I'm still trying to condition my mind to permit free voiding and sometimes I'm hit by a mental inhibition.  Start to feel it welling up and then >CLINCH<.  Or, feel it starting to flow and think I'm home free and then an involuntary Kegel shoots high-volume pee out and clamps down tight.  One day hopefully I can break the inhibitions so once it gets started, I don't get the reflex clinch.

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I am incontinent. I had my sphincter cut. I don't actually leak very much, but I can't hold back urges. Strangely though I rarely wet the bed. Maybe once or twice per month. I just don't seem to produce much urine at night. As soon as I wake up, look out! I often have uncontrollable pee before I can even get out of bed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been blessed (sometimes it feels like a curse) with a strong bladder, so I never wake up in the night needing to pee; I sleep through till morning and wake up absolutely bursting. I usually pee in my nappy before going to sleep then flood it when I wake up.

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I used to wake up, wet then just go back to sleep. Over time (a long time) I was waking up less and less to wet but my diaper would always be wet in the morning. Now I very very seldom wake up during the night and always wake up with a wet diaper. 

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I don’t tend to need to go during the night. I do sleep in a diaper now and again though. I always need to go when I wake up and I flood it a hell of a lot and enjoy being soaked for a long while before a change!

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