rubbersheetmike Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 When I was a kid it was pretty commonplace to spank for bedwetting and particularly for chronic bedwetting because back then it was viewed as a discipline rather than medical issue. I was a regular bedwetter until well into puberty. I was often although not severely spanked, usually with 5 or six moderate swats that were more embarassing than painful. When I was younger I got it by hand and later when I was older with a hairbrush. Now I have a fetish that associates wetting and spanking and I wonder if its caused by that experience and if others had similar experiences?
AbabeBill Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 I was a bedwetter, thankfully for a short time, till 6. Lots of such involuntary happenings were handled with a spanking way back when. I know it happened, I know others for whom it happened to. Luckily for me it did not. But, I did suffer the teasing from
Diapers&Beer Posted August 10, 2017 Posted August 10, 2017 My mother spanked and otherwise disciplined me for my bed wetting, which continued until I was 8 or so. I became so afraid of how she would react when she saw my wet sheets that I would hide the wet sheets and replace them with clean ones. But she inevitably found out. And I was disciplined. I became scared of going to sleep, because I knew what would happen. But I could not prevent it, though I did try. I still resent my mom a little bit for how she handled that entire situation, and a few others...
Angela Bauer Posted August 11, 2017 Posted August 11, 2017 My Mom has told me that once I was toilet trained at 33 months although my bladder was tiny and over-active, I always woke up in time to use a toilet during the night. On trips and for special events where toilets were hard to find Mom asked me to wear 'just-in-case' diapers. When wearing just-in-case diapers I did my best to stay dry, but if I could not hold on until the next scheduled stop I just wet my diaper. I was never scolded. Mom would say, :That's why I call them 'just-in-case diapers' ." My oldest sister Penny is five years my senior. The first time I noticed her wetting the bed I was almost 4, so she was 9. She was never scolded. When she did wet her bed she would go to Mom who pinned Penny into a diaper. Then they would change the bottom sheet. All of our bed always had a rubber sheet. Later our younger brother and sisters did occasionally wet their beds. None were scolded. Like my sisters I reverted to bedwetting just after puberty. That was when all of us were taught to pin on our own diapers. At age 10 I was tasked with diapering our youngest sister Missy, who is five years younger than me. We shared a room, which originally was the family nursery, so it still had a changing table. Until Missy reached puberty she wet at least every other night, so she never was out of night diapers.
Naughtydiaperbaby Posted August 12, 2017 Posted August 12, 2017 One must train their bladder. I was born with two kidneys and that can present a problem to the one with this condition. I found out about this problem when I took a swig of green dye indicator in a chemistry class. I knew it would come out of me black color. The clearance time was 1/2 hour. It was shorter if a diuretic (an agent that will make you pee) was taken.
babyjoeypizzulo Posted August 29, 2017 Posted August 29, 2017 I'm spanked by my gf when I wet the bedSent from my SM-J320P using Tapatalk 1
John73 Posted September 2, 2017 Posted September 2, 2017 I have never been spanked because of bedwetting or actually I was never spanked by anyone though I have spanked my wife pretty often. Maybe I should ask her to spank me as well as I have a feeling I may really like it though my close friend when were kids has been a bedwetter and he was spanked by their conservative and very closed-minded parents. It was long, long time ago and they didn't understand that it's not his fault in fact and he cannot do nothing about, but from what he told me he was getting spanked as a kid very often because of that and they give him plenty of limitations - like not going out to play football etc, kept him to study just because he was a bedwetter. I felt sorry for him back then.
Jennifer Funshine Posted September 4, 2017 Posted September 4, 2017 I was spanked for bedwetting only once by my Dad and it was a very traumatic experience. However I had been spanked on several occasions growing up so I'm not sure why that one time effected me so badly. I think it was because I knew I hadn't done anything intentionally wrong, everything happened so suddenly. Getting smacked on your wet bottom also hurts a whole lot more, lol Of course the unfortunate side effect is that I've now come to enjoy the naughty intimacy that a spanking provides.
Spanky Posted September 5, 2017 Posted September 5, 2017 I was spanked for a lot of things when I was growing up, but don't remember ever getting spanked for wetting the bed. I didn't have a bed wetting problem, and really don't remember wetting the bed, although I'm sure I probably did a few times.
NotToBigForDiapers Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 Yep I was and I wet until later in life also. Spanked for other stuff too.
rubbersheetmike Posted January 22, 2018 Author Posted January 22, 2018 On 1/18/2018 at 7:21 PM, NotToBigForDiapers said: Yep I was and I wet until later in life also. Spanked for other stuff too. This was my experience too. In the past it was often commonplace to spank for many issues even though today that wouldnt probably be the case. We were sometimes spanked for what now seem to be pretty minor infractions like lying or talking back or challenging authority.
EastCoastGirl Posted January 26, 2018 Posted January 26, 2018 I was once by my mother. And regularly beat, punched, and kicked by her also for other things. She considered punishing me by not giving me food. I've noticed the people that have a fetish for these sort of things were not going through the same thing as I did as a child. If anything they were kind of coddled at home
Joey_AB_DL Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 While I was given spankings for many things, messing my pants wasn’t one of them. I used to soil myself (age 3-7), but it was an issue of laziness. I would get too involved with playing or watching TV and try to hold my bowels. I was humiliated and made to wash my underwear, but never physically disaplined. My parents used to threaten to put be back in Pampers, but never made good on their promise, much to my dismay. Even now, at 45 y/o I will often sit at the computer or other activity and hold my BM until the last minute. Joey
adhb Posted March 28, 2018 Posted March 28, 2018 I was spanked with a thick, heavy weight yardstick for many things, but bed wetting was not one of them.
Eugene50 Posted March 31, 2018 Posted March 31, 2018 I was spanked more like beat by, my,father for wetting and messing myself I'm the oldest of 10 I'm 68years old male and he would check me and find that I soiled myself and if waz messed I was sent to clean up and report back to him naked and got a beating with the belt and if just wet I was stripped and beat it didn't matter who waz there at the time .
Firzen Posted April 1, 2018 Posted April 1, 2018 I have been bedwetting for one or two years when I was about 6 years old. I got spanked many times, but especially shouted at. Basically I believe that my bedwetting never went away naturally. I think that overall terror from my parents forced me to somehow stop bedwetting, but the cause is still inside of my, and that's why I actually am abdl now. 1
Catheterboy Posted August 1, 2018 Posted August 1, 2018 I wet the bed well into my teens and my parents tried various methods to try and stop me from doing it. I was cloth diaperd till about school age with plastic pants with poppers over the top. My parents must have thought they could not continue with that as I started school and gave me a very serious talk about the fact I was at school now and I would be made fun of if my friends found out. So they tried to scare me. Then it was fluid control no drinks after six in the evening. All this failed so another serious talk and I was told I would be punished if it continues. My dad was a builder so when he came in from work he would ask me if I had wet the bed that night. If I said no he would say well done but then check with my mum so I had to be honest. I used to beg and say I was trying hard. He would send me to my room to wait. He would come in with slipper in hand. The pain was bad. He would push my head into the bed and go to town on my bum and legs.. sometimes with my shorts on and sometimes he would pull them down. Anyway over time it became less and less and they gave up. I don't think my parents liked or wanted to do it but we're desperate.
rubbersheetmike Posted March 12, 2019 Author Posted March 12, 2019 On 8/1/2018 at 6:21 AM, Catheterboy said: My dad was a builder so when he came in from work he would ask me if I had wet the bed that night. If I said no he would say well done but then check with my mum so I had to be honest. I used to beg and say I was trying hard. He would send me to my room to wait. He would come in with slipper in hand. The pain was bad. He would push my head into the bed and go to town on my bum and legs.. sometimes with my shorts on and sometimes he would pull them down. Anyway over time it became less and less and they gave up. I don't think my parents liked or wanted to do it but we're desperate. Your response on this topic got pushed down the list so I guess I didnt see it earlier. Anyway I think your experience is similar to lot of us who are over a certain age. My parents were very frustrated with me and my brother who were overage bedwetters and a family friend recommended a disciplinary response which I think was more common decades ago. When after a couple years it wasnt very effective and was leading to other discipline problems they changed tactics. I also recall the no liquids after 7 pm and 4 am alarm wakeups that we had to deal with for years. Finally my mother said we were old enough to do our own laundry and after that we only got in trouble if we didnt wash our wet bedding and pjs.
Glennie Posted March 13, 2019 Posted March 13, 2019 I was born in the mid 60ies and spankings for wetting the bed, or any type of day accident was very common place.. As already stated in this thread, it was viewed as a child being lazy. In the years since they have learned a lot of the time, if this continues well past an age of normal bedwetting and day time accidents, it probably an issue at home. I wet the bed until I was 12 and had regular day time accidents at least until I was 8 or so. I was a very hyperactive kid. It was very common for me to get all wrapped up in something I was doing and ignore the signals that I had better go find the potty. I would realize I was in trouble when I had pooped my pants or had pee running down my legs. By that point it was too late to fix the problem. My mothers answer to any accidents, bedtime or day time, was spankings and diapers. You would have thought after a few times of me being put back in diapers and the punishment didn't seen to do anything to help the situation, perhaps my mother would try something else. No she went out of her way to make it the most embarrassing moments of my life. She never once showed me mercy. I would beg and beg, with tears dripping down my cheeks, PLEASE DON'T PUT ME IN DIAPERS!!!!!. I got held back in the first grade do to my maturity issues.. AKA wetting and messing my pants at school. They said I wasn't mature enough for the second grade. I remember having welts on my back and legs from the belt. She also used my own hot wheel tracks on my butt. Makes you think really hard about the toys you want when they are being used as weapons. My mother mostly used cloth diapers and gerber frosted plastic pants. If it was warm enough outside she would take my pants away and lock me out of the house in nothing but a t shirt and my diapers with plastic pants. That made it pretty hard to find many friends in the neighborhood. I was constantly picked on by all the kids. I wish that I had learned much earlier in life to shut my mouth and not talk back to the kids making fun of me. That only made matter much worse. A lot of people have said, they aren't really sure where the ab thing comes from.. I have no doubt in my mind who got me hooked on diapers.. Mommy Dearest... got to love the old fashion parenting..
marinus18 Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 Bedwetting with me mostly stopped at age 5. Which is actually older than all of my siblings (I have 3, all of which are younger). Though when I was 8 it suddenly started again which confused my mom greatly. After all why would I wet the bed? It's quite cold and uncomfortable. She eventually bought me pull-ups out of necessity since the mattress was starting to get really damaged. My little brother was still in diapers and my little sister was still wearing pull-ups to bed. However the idea of them laughing at me never even came up. In many stories you see the siblings laughing or trying to use it as blackmail but that thought never even arose. They were mostly uninterested and my second younger sister was really my older sister. She mostly was sharing in mom's confusion. They did install rules like no drinking after 7 and always go to the toilet before bed. She never treated those as punishments and mostly just as annoyances since it meant she had to be involved in my bedtime more. I also didn't like the pull ups because they felt awkward and it took me a while to get used to them. However I did grow to like them and I think this is where my love for diapers originated. The bedwetting went on for around 4 months before disappearing as quickly as it came. We kept pull-ups around for another 2 years in increasing sizes before mom felt confident enough to stop buying them. However the mattress protector was kept all the way until I left the nest. When I turned 15 and got an adult sized bed we also bought a fitting mattress protector. It worked wonders for my dust allergy and was also useful against sweat stains. My point is that with me it was treated as a purely practical problem. The idea of punishment or that it was even humiliating never came up. I mostly treated all the measures as just obnoxious.
rubbersheetmike Posted March 15, 2019 Author Posted March 15, 2019 On 3/13/2019 at 7:58 PM, Glennie said: I was born in the mid 60ies and spankings for wetting the bed, or any type of day accident was very common place.. As already stated in this thread, it was viewed as a child being lazy. In the years since they have learned a lot of the time, if this continues well past an age of normal bedwetting and day time accidents, it probably an issue at home. I wet the bed until I was 12 and had regular day time accidents at least until I was 8 or so. I was a very hyperactive kid. It was very common for me to get all wrapped up in something I was doing and ignore the signals that I had better go find the potty. I would realize I was in trouble when I had pooped my pants or had pee running down my legs. By that point it was too late to fix the problem. My mothers answer to any accidents, bedtime or day time, was spankings and diapers. You would have thought after a few times of me being put back in diapers and the punishment didn't seen to do anything to help the situation, perhaps my mother would try something else. No she went out of her way to make it the most embarrassing moments of my life. She never once showed me mercy. I would beg and beg, with tears dripping down my cheeks, PLEASE DON'T PUT ME IN DIAPERS!!!!!. I got held back in the first grade do to my maturity issues.. AKA wetting and messing my pants at school. They said I wasn't mature enough for the second grade. I remember having welts on my back and legs from the belt. She also used my own hot wheel tracks on my butt. Makes you think really hard about the toys you want when they are being used as weapons. My mother mostly used cloth diapers and gerber frosted plastic pants. If it was warm enough outside she would take my pants away and lock me out of the house in nothing but a t shirt and my diapers with plastic pants. That made it pretty hard to find many friends in the neighborhood. I was constantly picked on by all the kids. I wish that I had learned much earlier in life to shut my mouth and not talk back to the kids making fun of me. That only made matter much worse. A lot of people have said, they aren't really sure where the ab thing comes from.. I have no doubt in my mind who got me hooked on diapers.. Mommy Dearest... got to love the old fashion parenting. Sorry to hear about all of that. My parents werent quite as severe as that thank goodness. My father was against the use of diapers after we started school because he felt it encouraged wetting. I had to wear training pants (thick underpants) under plastic pants at school a few times after accidents and that was no fun especially when others noticed because the plastic made crinkling noise. Pants wetting wasnt uncommon when I was in grade school but I got teased for it sometimes. After a cluster of accidents in 5th grade I was shunned by others who didnt want me on sports teams or as a group partner. It was later determined that the accidents were likely caused by petit mal seizures something that wasnt realized at first because I usually had major convulsive epileptic seizures throughout my childhood, a situation caused after I was thrown out of a car in a car accident. Seat belts werent common or compulsory back then. I used to cry to try to avoid spankings for bedwetting but my mom was at least sympathetic sometimes but not always. She died when I was a young adult but my father later apologized for the harsh punishments we got for often minor infractions. He said he was raised under the "spare the rod spoil the child" school of parenting and only much later came to realize the problems and resentments it caused. It think your right that it impacts interests and fetishes.
marinus18 Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 On 3/15/2019 at 8:59 PM, rubbersheetmike said: Sorry to hear about all of that. My parents werent quite as severe as that thank goodness. My father was against the use of diapers after we started school because he felt it encouraged wetting. I had to wear training pants (thick underpants) under plastic pants at school a few times after accidents and that was no fun especially when others noticed because the plastic made crinkling noise. Pants wetting wasnt uncommon when I was in grade school but I got teased for it sometimes. After a cluster of accidents in 5th grade I was shunned by others who didnt want me on sports teams or as a group partner. It was later determined that the accidents were likely caused by petit mal seizures something that wasnt realized at first because I usually had major convulsive epileptic seizures throughout my childhood, a situation caused after I was thrown out of a car in a car accident. Seat belts werent common or compulsory back then. I used to cry to try to avoid spankings for bedwetting but my mom was at least sympathetic sometimes but not always. She died when I was a young adult but my father later apologized for the harsh punishments we got for often minor infractions. He said he was raised under the "spare the rod spoil the child" school of parenting and only much later came to realize the problems and resentments it caused. It think your right that it impacts interests and fetishes. This bothered me so I actually asked me mom and she greatly questioned why you would spank a child. Waking up in a wet, cold and clammy bed is unpleasant to begin with and so if you don't undo that by being too affectionate the child already suffers for it. If you really feel like it you could have them wash their bedding every time it happens. Making them clean up their own mess. For her at least if the child does something bad the first thing is understanding why they did it. Also fifth grade? Aren't you already 10 at that point? I think a child wetting themselves at age 10 means there is something wrong with them. I do really feel for you if your parents did that while you had no control over it. It feels like they felt spanking was a fix-all solution to every problem rather than actually trying to solve it.
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