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How many of you have dared to wear w parents around

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Honestly! - Two months ago, I wore my Cuddlz nappy under my jogging bottoms, and I was thirsty, so I went downstairs to get a glass of water and I walked passed my dad in my nappy underneath and he didn't notice. I also - by not remembering - walked from one side of the hallway to another in my nappy, again underneath my jogging bottoms in front of my mum: and she didn't clock it. When I go back into my bedroom and realize how luck I was not to be caught: I find it thrilling. smile.png

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Good job? Message me if you want to know where I live. We can meet at the mma gym I train at if you would like. Or some place less safe for you if you choose. I travel too. Maybe you tell me where you live and I'll stop by for tea?

It was a question not a statement. See the "?" After. Grow a sense of humor about yourself and stop thinking everyone is trying to get you. Life is not as serious as you make it.

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I read your question as being judgmental.

I appreciate that. It was not. My dry sense of humor does not translate in words sometimes. But threatening to kick my ass and find out where I live is not a rational response. Even to a comment that was perceived to be judgemental.

I would infer by the intense response that my comment hit a little too close to home. I'm assuming someone in their life has told him the same thing. Hence the violent outburst.

Oh well, sorry Mr crocodile I didn't mean to get your tail all up in a whip.

It's a new year. Why don't you set a goal to be moved out of your parents house by December 2014. that gives you a whole year to work on it. I have faith in you, you can do it.

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Play nice kiddies. No need to bash each other over things that our none of our business. he can live with his parents his entire life if that's what works for him. To many people are ready to judge others. That's why the U.S. is full of crybabies who can't mind their own business.

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Actually, a lot of kids are called boomerang kids and newer houses are being built with this in mind. Larger. Meaning enough room for junior to leave, fall and be forced to come back because of the job market. He might also be coming back with a family of his own. Until the economy settles this might be more and more commonplace.... I don't think anyone actively wants that, but a lot of people don't have a choice.

I consider myself very lucky to be gainfully employed and living in my own home. As an adult it cannot help but rankle you to be dependent on another person. Independence is what we all strive for and we feel like failures when we lack it. Nevertheless we don't know anyone's personal journey and why he/she must do what they do, so we shouldn't judge.

That being said, anger at ignorance or misinterpreted humor is no less sad. It feeds a vicious cycle that no one wins, especially on the internet. We should be supporting one another here, not tearing one another down.


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I always had more sense in my teens

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I've worn around my parents often and they didn't notice.

On living with parents; I stayed at home all through school. Finished with no debt and bought a condo, I was 22. My parents were fine with it. I did have friends that teased me a bit. My brother moved out for school, moved back home his senior year to save money, graduated and moved out of state. My sister got married, children, etc. it is what worked for each of at the time. So I don't think its odd if someone is still living with their parents into their 20's.

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When I was a kid and lived at home, I very seldom wore diapers after I was officially out of them as a teenager except when I was certain I could get away with it.

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I've worn 24/7 for nearly 2 years. I've gone on vacations, family outings and just about anything you can think of with many others around. If you plan accordingly, it's not too hard to hide wearing, and I usually wear an Abena M4. As far as I know, my wife only knows. It's just easier to keep it that way for me. I've gotten to the point where I don't care as much if someone finds out but I'd rather make it easier on myself and keep it hidden as long as possible. The thrill of others finding out after being 24/7 is very low now.

I find it is harder to hide disposing of used diapers then it is to change them. It's still quite easily manageable to do.

I think the question is kinda funny though. "Dare to wear around parents", begs the question, why the parents?

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