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Help! Itchy balls

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Advise please, after shaving as I normally do and having a rather rub'a'dub'dub sex session my balls are feeling rather sore and have some broken epidermis, just sore and a little itchy. I've been putting some babathum nappy rash cream on there, any advise or experience with creams would be helpful.

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"broken epidermis" - your nutsack is cracked and bleeding, and you're still online talking to us?! for pete's sake, man, get thee to a physician!

i've never had it as bad as you do, but one time i had an itchy issue that i only got treatment for when i noticed myself ducking around corners to have a quick scratch. the treatment was an immediate improvement. i should not have suffered as long as i did.

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I use an anti-fungal spray (powder spray for athlete's foot) 2-3 times a week as part of my skin care regime. I'm a big guy, and tend to sweat down there, and warm and moist = fungal friendly. Wouldn't do it on broken skin (burn!) but when you get past this round you may want to consider it.

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Thanks all for the advice, it's not been so bad today I think as feralfreak said its just the skin is renewing itself. No way was It bad enough to use the doctors time up, I think you should always give bodily complaints and conditions a few days to see if they go on there own. Once again thank you. Another thing that probably didn't help me was shaving too often. As daily Di said It may be better just to trim.

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Thanks all for the advice, it's not been so bad today I think as feralfreak said its just the skin is renewing itself. No way was It bad enough to use the doctors time up, I think you should always give bodily complaints and conditions a few days to see if they go on there own. Once again thank you. Another thing that probably didn't help me was shaving too often. As daily Di said It may be better just to trim.

if the problem is what I mentioned, and you forget to check for caked on skin cells that can be peeled off, and you end up scratching at it, I would recommend getting in the bath tub and using an antibacterial dish soap, basically an antibacterial bubble bath, the triclosan in it helps with that, as well as giving an excuse to play with the bubbles=D

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I'd avoid the dish soap bath- dish soap is designed to cut oils, and your skin needs it's natural oils to be healthy. I have very oily skin but even I avoid soaps like that save for my hands when they're greasy and even then I use hand lotion to replenish those oils after I'm done cleaning ;) As with everything, YMMV- just know what you're trying so you can be ready for any adverse side-effects should they occur.

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I'd avoid the dish soap bath- dish soap is designed to cut oils, and your skin needs it's natural oils to be healthy. I have very oily skin but even I avoid soaps like that save for my hands when they're greasy and even then I use hand lotion to replenish those oils after I'm done cleaning ;) As with everything, YMMV- just know what you're trying so you can be ready for any adverse side-effects should they occur.

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After further self diagnosis I have come to the conclusion that I have jock itch. Sounds minging! I've also got some irritation right in my groin between the top of my thigh and groin. I have been using an anti-fungal cream so I'll give this a few days to see if it improves if not i will visit the doctors and will have to show hime my smelly crack! (Ice age movie, if you haven't watch the dinosaur one your sad).

I must also report on a strange moment this morning, normally I wake up and my nappy is half full or full. This morning I actually woke up with that long forgotten feeling of a really full bladder and held it for a few minutes. Normally my bladder just pushes the wee out uncontrollably. Does anybody else have these occasions of normality?

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NAIR YOUR BALLZ, not only will it remove all the hair, but will burn the yeast/ fungus til it's dead.

Disclaimer: Don't NAIR your balls, it's a bad idea and will probably hurt really bad. It's only funny if it happens to someone else. ;)

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