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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Has anyone "borrowed" diaper/pull-ups from their younger relatives?

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yup, at least once that im aware of, anyway. i remember sneaking into my little brother's room (he was about 2-ish, i want to say) and grabbing and putting on a diaper. if memory serves me right, i was caught the next morning and that was the last of my diaper escapades until my mid/late-teens. then i found an old pack of diapers from my little sisters in the closet. they had been potty trained for a couple of years by then, mom must have just forgotten about them. after they ran out, it was no more diapers again until last year of high school or first year of college and i mustered up enough gumption to go and buy my own.

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Only the used ones that I plucked from the trash whenever possible. I couldn't bring myself to take unused ones that younger relatives might need, but once they were used all bets were off. I didn't see any harm in this if the only other person "interested" in them was the trash collector, and I always had a clear consience afterwards.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've written about this before, but when I was ten, my youngest brother was in diapers (the earliest version of Pampers, in fact). Mom, however, still had my other brother's old cloth diapers in his dresser, largely unused. I became intensely curious about those diapers and what they felt like. One day, I couldn't stand it any longer, and sneaked into my brother's bedroom, grabbed a diaper out of the drawer, and tried to put it on. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any pins, so I had to be satisfied with drawing it up between my legs and lying there, pretending to be a baby.

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Not sure, exactly if this counts, but I used to take my younger brother's (unused) pampers, and put them on, and I did that a LOT. (I was between the ages of 8-9). I'd use them too, just pee though. I remember, I'd pee in them, until the tape would unstick, but never to the point of leaking. If I can recall correctly, I may have even worn one to Burger King, and play in the play place. He got out of Pampers, and went to Pull-Ups. I tried a few of those, but I never really liked them much.

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