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When Was The Last Time You Pooped Your Diaper

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For me it was a little while ago when i was working in my backyard ( i live alone and it's fenced in ) Just doing some yardwork when the urge hit ( Damn Coffee ) I stopped what i was doing and just filled my pants, i must admit it felt good to do so as i don't fill my pants often. How about others and what were you doing?

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I can't sleep tonight so I thought a nice poop in diaper would help me sleep. So far it hasn't but the point is the last time I filled my diaper was an hour ago, sitting on here typing this in bed with a full diaper trying to sleep. I think the computer screen's lite may be keeping me up :)

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I can't sleep tonight so I thought a nice poop in diaper would help me sleep. So far it hasn't but the point is the last time I filled my diaper was an hour ago, sitting on here typing this in bed with a full diaper trying to sleep. I think the computer screen's lite may be keeping me up :)

Thanks for -repping me for no reason whatsoever. I'm not stupid, I know it was you.

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This morning, same as every morning, time differs from day to day to cant be exact as........ I honestly dont know ! lol 1st Im aware of it is when I sit down and feel it squelch or when walking about can tell as my nappy feels pretty squishy and heavy. Never know when the "dirty deed" itself is taking place, I only know after its taken place !

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Last Wednesday morning. Half-an-hour after waking up, I felt what I knew would be a really firm one on the way, so I threw on a pair of vinyl panties and took my poop in them. I hadn't soiled myself for many months before that, so it was a really sweet feeling. It was such a great poop that I stayed in it for two hours before cleaning up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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