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I Don'T Like Christmas.

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It's true, I really don't enjoy Christmas.

It's far too sociable for my liking - too many opportunities for doing something 'wrong' and upsetting some relative you only see once a year. It costs too much, is too commercial and totally inescapable (TV, radio, shops, streets, every-damn-where).

So... Who wants to join me in the Humbug Club?

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I'll join you.

I hate the last days of November cuz my birthday is the last day (the 30th) and in the last half dozen years or so, I *NEVER* get what I want as birthday or Christmas gifts (unless I buy it myself). What I want is mainly electronics (stuff for my computers and video games) but what I usually get is clothes (which I don't need more of).

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Little me loves the idea of Xmas, toys, dinner etc etc :P

Big me has had enough of Xmas by the 1st of December, by the time the big day comes along I'm pretty pissed off. And now that I'm a so called adult I get crappy presents, socks, aftershave, Clarkson's latest dvd etc etc. Just shows how much my family knows me :/. Still, good food.

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I'm not a fan of the commercialized aspect of Christmas, even though the Coca Cola polar bear commercials are kinda cute.

On top of that, one side of my family can never seem to have a holiday come without some sort of fight. So unless I go to the other fam, I'm not much in the mood for celebrating.

My birthday is also two days before Christmas, so that puts a damper on it, my birthday is usually overshadowed by Christmas, which further exacerbates my feelings of loneliness. Heck, this year, I'm probably going to spend Christmas Day in DD Chat. This has become more of a family to me than most of my biofam.

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It's true, I really don't enjoy Christmas.

It's far too sociable for my liking - too many opportunities for doing something 'wrong' and upsetting some relative you only see once a year. It costs too much, is too commercial and totally inescapable (TV, radio, shops, streets, every-damn-where).

So... Who wants to join me in the Humbug Club?

Sign me up to join, putting up decorations, buying presents you can't afford, getting presents you don't want, being with people you'd rather not bother with, taking down decorations. The whole thing is one big spendfest to see who can out buy the other guy. It sucks, sucks, and sucks some more.

Hate to see it arrive, glad when it's all over. Same goes for the crummy ass snow and cold weather that comes along with it. Christmas has absolutley nothing to do with the birth of Christ anymore, it's all money, money, money. Idiot stores have xmas decorations up before Halloween now. Spend, Spend, Spend. Absolutley loathe the entire holiday season.

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I'll join you.

I hate the last days of November cuz my birthday is the last day (the 30th) and in the last half dozen years or so, I *NEVER* get what I want as birthday or Christmas gifts (unless I buy it myself). What I want is mainly electronics (stuff for my computers and video games) but what I usually get is clothes (which I don't need more of).

Unfortunatley, at your age, people won't spend much money for computer gear or video games for you, that leaves clothes. After 21 you have to buy your own toys.

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Unfortunatley, at your age, people won't spend much money for computer gear or video games for you, that leaves clothes. After 21 you have to buy your own toys.

I've even told them for the last 3 years "Don't buy me clothes, just give me a gift card for the stores and I'll get the stuff I want."

And they STILL don't listen to me...

I've actually had to have the occasional temper tantrum in the store to get the items I want...

I hate the reminder that my birthday means I'm getting older... I don't WANT to be older... I want to be able to have fun and enjoy my life...

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If I could medically induce a weeks sleep from the 23rd-30th December, I would!

Haha, abrera, that's at least two of us!

I've had the hate for Christmas for decades. You can't bring it up amongst family because people are VERY insecure. They've been doing the ritual for years. Trees, tinsel and lights aren't so bad. Credit card debt, that's another thing.

I hate that people have to be forced to be nice, when I'd much rather people be nice in the street when it's August and 95 degrees F. and the homeless don't magically go away the other 11 months of the year.

I don't even bother with a tree; I only did it for my Mom and she's not been with us for a long time. I can be made to put one up--I'm sure well meaning people would ask me why I'm not in the spirit--but I'd never enjoy it.

I hate the "war on Christmas" meme that we in America are going to hear any second now, from people who profess to be religious but who want the commercialism for god knows what reason. (If Christmas was truly religious I wouldn't hate it so much.]

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I will join. Christmas has been perverted into a "holiday"!

For the record, Chrismas is not sacrament. There is no commandment to celebrate Christmas.

I detest the crowds at the shopps.

Everyone sort of adopts this new "holiday" morality.

I say cut the crap and get back to the real spirit of Christman.

It's true, I really don't enjoy Christmas.

It's far too sociable for my liking - too many opportunities for doing something 'wrong' and upsetting some relative you only see once a year. It costs too much, is too commercial and totally inescapable (TV, radio, shops, streets, every-damn-where).

So... Who wants to join me in the Humbug Club?

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Here are some of the reasons why I like Christmas:

Saying Merry Christmas gets me a smile and a Thank You!

Seeing the decorations in the stores and on other people's homes.

Listening to music you only hear once a year.

Watching movies you only see once a year.

Seeing the Kids excited about a week off from school.

People seem to be nicer in general. They are more thoughtful.

All of this cost me $0 and I didn't have to decorate.

It is the one time of year that I don't mind the crowd at the mall. If someone is nice to you because it's the season to be, then just accept it and be thankful that they were nice at least this one time.

redneck diaper boy is right. There is no commandment that says we have to celebrate Christmas. In fact, we don't even know when Christ was born. We only know when He died.

To me, Christmas doesn't really begin until the 15th of December or so. I stay as far away from the stores as possible on Black Friday. In fact, I dare not go out of the house on that day. I don't like the commercialism of Christmas, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the spirit of the season.

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Gifts are over rated and people would rather blow out their budgets on gifts.

But I am going to do something special for my aspie friend. Since he collects baseball movies and I love A League of Their Own and he doesn't have that movie. I am getting it for him. I just need to buy it and wrap it up and ship it to him. I still owe him that Blazers flag I promised him but I just need to see a Blazers game or go to a sporting store that sells Blazers merchandise. I know a store like that at a mall in my area.

My husband is doing all the Christmas shopping. I just don't like the stress and having to go out and shop and making all those decisions. Too much. Thank god I have him.

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I will join. Christmas has been perverted into a "holiday"!

Huh? Me and RDB agree on something?! <faints>


Somebody asked me what my favourite Christmas song was a couple of years back (I was rather depressed at the time). I said "

and they said something like "that's nice". I suggested they look up the lyrics :whistling:

But I am going to do something special for my aspie friend. Since he collects baseball movies and I love A League of Their Own and he doesn't have that movie. I am getting it for him.

That's nice :)

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I hate the commercially bits of christmas...

I love the smells, the cakes, the cosy bit.

I hate the "festive cheer", the ott decorations, the fact that you HAVE to be nice (well, tbh, little me doesnt get if he's naughty)...oh and the whole "Oh, so what do you eat then?" just because im vege (going vegan next year!) y'know, vege like half the world.

But what I hate most of all is the shopping.

I don't do Christmas shopping, but still have to queue or shop with the christmas shoppers if i want my lunch from the supermarket, or a new cd etc.

There should be an isle for us that dont do gift shopping.

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*sigh* I just saw my folks off. They're headed back across the country for the remainder of the year, so, yeah, another Christmas without being with the family. This'll be the fifth in a row. This year, I don't really have anyone to spend Christmas with either. In fact, it's quite likely that I'll be working this Christmas. So, yeah, this year is a "Bah, humbug!" year for me. At least I'm on native soil for this one, I suppose, and I should be getting Yule off (yes, as a Pagan, that's the one I officially celebrate).

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My least favourite Christmas memory: many years ago, I was working for Sears doing data entry (a job description which has since been added to my "verboten" list). During the holiday season, the store had one CD of holiday music to play, just one. And it was played over, and over, and OVER. I forget what songs were on that CD, mercifully, save one that rivetted itself indelibly into my recollection. That song was "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" by the Jackson Five, wherein Michael's high pitched, painfully screechy voice would bore directly through my skull like a Crafstmen hammer drill to brutalize the aural centre of my brain as if it got stuffed into one of Joe Cartoon's blenders. I despise that song, I truly, truly do.

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I spent too many Christmases working in supermarkets.... and the music is the one thing that I hate, I don't mind the hard work, working extra hours, the store being busy but the god damn music! They have more then one cd, but its the same songs just in a different order. All I Want For Christmas... is for Mariah Carey to go away. There's one good xmas song I like, and that's fairytale in new york, because its actually a good song, and not just popular because its about Christmas.

And don't even get me started on the frog chorus.

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oh my gosh christmas is one of my most favouritest holidays ever.

First off i LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing the look on someones face when they open a gift from me, something they've wanted real bad, and had no idea i had been listening when they said it.

I love sitting by the fire as the snow falls outside with hot cocoa reading a book or wathcing a christmas movie.

I love decorating, i love helping throw the holiday party at work, to make sure we all have a fun stress free day of just relaxing, eating and telling funny stories.

I love to watch old christmas movies, and curl up on a cold day with some of my favourte christmas books as a kid.

I love getting gifts for my friends and their children and grandchildren.

I love curling up on the couch with my friends grandson an reading him some of my favourite holiday books from when i was little.

I love writing santa clause my letter every year and mailing it (course i still do this, its rad)

I dont have my own (as in biological) family to spend christmas with, but am extremely thankful to have my boyfriend's family to spend each chritsmas with, and with some of my best friends and their families who have been more than welcoming to me.

I love being able to say "happy holidays" to people when i am in a store, or just out and about.

and i love that i have three weeks of work when the dorm is completely empty and when you clean a bathroom it will stay clean for DAYS! because no one is there to use it!!

ohhhhhh christmas is so much more than buying things.

To all those who have bad christmas's because they feel 'forced' to give their friends and family expensive gifts, just do home made, my friends and i started this tradition in college and now, 6 years later, still continue to send homemade christmas gifts and cards.

If it is that bad spending it with your family, then dont, there is no law that says you HAVE to spend the holidays with your family. Spend the holidays with those people who are going to bring good times and cheer, not those people who are going to bring bad news and fights.

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I don't hate Christmas, but I don't like being forced to be at places and be with people I don't want to be with (and when I try to refuse going at all I get the guilt trips laid on thickly), and then when I'm sad and miserable from stress, I get told "Oh stop it! It's the holidays!"...

That, and I never get what I ask for - my biofam only gives me presents such as clothes (that I have way too many of already) - and they're not baby/toddler clothes either, they're adult clothes...They aren't even male clothes! My biofam doesn't know my age or my gender, so yeah...And when I ask for money, I rarely get that either. It's not really not getting what I want though, it's receiving things I DON'T want...I'd rather get nothing vs. getting things I don't want.

Mostly, my irk and sadness with gifts is that I'm pretty much forced to stay for the unwrapping of the gifts, where all the other kids get awesome presents, while I have to pretend to be big and pretend to be happy with the grown-up gifts I receive when I'm not. I don't want to sound like an ungrateful whiner in this post, but this honestly irks me. I don't want to have to pretend I'm big, and if I have to open up another present of lotion that I'll never use, or another 3-pack of bras, I'll cry. Getting gifts like that is insulting to me - to my age, and to my gender - and it hurts to have to keep quiet, especially when I have to watch the other kids get what they wanted. I can deal with no gifts better than I can deal with grown up gifts.

At least I have Daddy now, and this'll be our last Christmas apart. He said things will be different next year, which I'm happy for. It'll be nice to have a good holiday again.

~ moogle

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Well, I love Christmas! I think all the merchandising has gotten out of hand though. At the store were I work, they put out Christmas decorations almost the very next day after Halloween, you would think at least wait a little while. The big toy companies can't wait to get their products out there and into the minds of little children (ok, big children too!)

My parents will tell me Christmas is coming up so I need to write a wish list. To be honest I can't think of anything I really want but to help others because to me that's want Christmas is or should be all about. They also put up an angel tree at my work to give a nice Christmas to those kids who otherwise would not get one. I usually take two names off the tree to shop for depending on how much money I have saved up around this time of year. I feel fortunate to have all the things I do so I try to do my part to help others. This may come off as sounding a little cheesy but this is honestly how I feel!

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My parents will tell me Christmas is coming up so I need to write a wish list. To be honest I can't think of anything I really want but to help others because to me that's want Christmas is or should be all about.

My mother was asking me what I wanted for Christmas (I'm apparently hard to shop for). I told her T-shirts ('cause I do need new ones), but maybe I should've told her I wanted a good, general purpose outdoor knife for my bug-out bag. My dad might've actually enjoyed trying to pick one out for me. But alas, I didn't think to do so, and they would've been really too busy to shop for something like that anyhow, as they were preparing to move back west for the winter. Hmmm..., maybe my sister-in-law would pick up a hint on my LJ account and pass the suggestion on to my brother...

(I'm serious about the bug-out bag. I might even get a machete for it, too, just in case of a zombie holocaust I wind up having to chop through lots of underbrush hiking out of the city. :) )

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let's see every Christmas season my parents start being dysfunctional and remind me why I want nothing to do with them once I can afford to do. Usually I'm frustrated, broke or aggravated during the holiday season. I don't enjoy getting harassed every five feet by charities, I don't enjoy the long lines at the store, particularly when I have one item and every self checkout at walmart is busy being used by someone who isn't intelligent enough to do so. I hate cold weather and really hate snow. the only thing I like this time of the year is it's the only time the whole of humanity stop acting like assholes for five minutes and help one another, before forgetting about goodwill two days after chirstmas and going back to being self centered and materialistic.

I love Christmas in theory however in practice, something gets lost.

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