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Happy Holidays

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SOOOOOO here in the USA it is coming up to our thanksgiving day. and whether you chose to celebrate thanksgiving or protest it, it typically marks the beginning of what is known in hte shopping world as the 'holiday season'.

I just wanted to start a thread to wish everyone happy holidays, no matter what you do or do not celebrate, i hope this time of year is great for everyone...

and if you do celebrate christmas and believe in santa, i hope he brings you all your diaper wishes!!!!!

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wait, why would you protest thanksgiving? It's not a political holiday. It was started by Lincoln after the civil war. Happy turkey day everybody and way to go Cowboys!

I always thought it was started by the Pilgrims and Indians sharing a feast. At least that's what I got out of Greg's Movie on the Brady Bunch.. :whistling:

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Why do you all refuse to honor Christ's Birth. It should be Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas.


OK, then...Happy Hallowthanksmas!!!!

And P.S. If Santa isn't real, why do we have all these pictures of him, and who is that guy in the red suit with the white beard at the mall?

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OK, then...Happy Hallowthanksmas!!!!

And P.S. If Santa isn't real, why do we have all these pictures of him, and who is that guy in the red suit with the white beard at the mall?

No, no, get it right! Its Happy Chrismahannakwanzakah!

I've always enjoyed the holiday season, especially Christmas itself. I'm a Christian so it is a special time to me myself, but I love the season. Good excuse to get together with friends, drink eggnog (and rum) until you're a little silly, and eat ridiculous amounts of cookies and tasty foods.

I wish all of you the best season. Try not to let the grinch of materialism steal your merry spirit! And make sure to leave some cookies and spiked eggnog out for santa (and some carrots for Rudolph) on Christmas Eve!


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Why do you all refuse to honor Christ's Birth. It should be Happy Thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas.

I always say merry Christmas when reffering to Christmas, but Happy Holidays in this case was referring to Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and to be inclusive of those of different beliefs than you and me.

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i will say merry christmas when talking to someone who i know celebrates christmas, but i know many people of many faiths who do not celebrate christmas, or only celebrate it as a social holiday and not as a religious one. I myself am not christian but i still call it christmas and celebrate it as a social holiday and a time to be with family and friends.

at any rate, and yes while the origian thanksgiving proclomation was made in 1863 or so by lincoln to celebrate the union, it has someone gotten mixed up with pilgrims and 'indians' or native americans, and many people who do not know the actual origin of thanksgiving will protest it as a political statement against the treatment towards the native americans by the united states government. Thats why i said 'if you celebrate it"...

but anyway YAY for those of you who do celebrate christmas 23 more days!!!!!

and i believe chanuka or is it hanukka? starts on dec 22 this year? is that correct? so happy chanuka to all of those who celebrate it

and for those who observe / celebrate kwanzaa on dec 26 i wish you a joyful day as well

i just hope everyone has a great holiday season, and remember we should all be here for each other so if any of you need support during this time of year, there are always those of us here willing to lend an ear or a shoulder.

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Yes, Happy Holidays to all!

For those whom have the graces of a charished companion, loving family, good friends, delicious food, and, of course, uphoric spirits, may you find the true values of your lives and hold dear to your soul all that you have.

For those whom feel alone, or have had (or are experiencing) loss, may you find some comfort in knowing you have not been denied your future, and that your will overcome. To you, our blessings and warm thoughts. May you find a warm lit candle in the dark room you sit.

For those whom feel cold, a hug. And for those who feel too hot, a tip: step away from the fireplace...

For those whom need this winter, may the meager donations we've made trickle to you in some way. Together we can all help eachother. For those whom have lots, give a few cookies to random people on the street -- and one to your next door neighbour.

For those whom have snow, make a snowman. For those whom don't, make a sandman.

And for those whom are everyone, we love you all, and wish you the best of the season and years to come.

Love you all,

Palm Tropyx!

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Happy Holidays to all :)

I say that knowing that everyone believes differently and has the right to do that. It needs to be remembered that religious freedom does not imply that anyone has the right to push their religion onto those unwilling to agree with it. I say that knowing the phrase "Happy Holidays" pertains to everybody and offends only those who want to be offended by it. I can't help them but I can let the rest of you know that I wish you all peace and happiness this season and I can do it in a way that isn't offensive :D

Being nice is part of being a good person regardless of what your religious beliefs happen to be. So-

Happy Holidays!


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the pilgrim's and indian deal was created by the liberal community(for a lack of better word) as a means to explain the holiday and leave the root out of it, much akin to modern christmas. Still like how in the u.s we have santa claus because the english settlers couldn't understand the dutch.

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I will say Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone I see. I respect your beliefs if you will respect mine. I believe that Christmas is a time where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. If you perfer to say Happy Holidays then more power to you. Whatever you believe in I hope everyone has a great holiday season!

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Thank you so much baby Sarah. I choose to celebrate Christmas in every way. I will be Santa Clause to over 600 children this year, happy gift giver to my family, and a very happy baby because Mommy says I can be a baby girl all day Christmas day. So . . . Merry Christmas!
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