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Spam / Support Mod Proposal

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Am considering offering repaid1 the rold of Mod so he can help control spam and moderate disputes (assumiong he wants the job.) In my experience he is a valued member of the community, level-headed and fair.

Any thoughts?

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First, I want to thank you, DailyDi, for soliciting our input concerning your consideration of making one of our own a mod.

I too believe that Repaid1 is a valued member of the community with the right temperment for the job. I also think that Pipsqueak would be an excellent candidate for the position as well. IMO, both are active participants and interact extremely well with the entire community, have displayed remarkable insight in all areas, a willingness to help others, and have maintained an outstanding demeanor on the boards for years. I can think of a few others worthy of consideration as well, but these two stand out above the rest.

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Okay Then!...ahhh what do I say here. First talk about a eye opener...WOW! I am Humbled beyond belief! I ran into the bedroom and woke up the "mommies" ....Jumping up and down..Come Look...Come Look... She had to pry her eyes open to read the screen. Anyway..I will reserve comment beyond that until things settle in a bit.

Hey DiamondBack..You get to do it for a living..Jeeze...give a guy a break! :P

I also agree with Phantom..If Pip..was to be nominated as well it would give the "Staff" a even playing field of 2 & 2. I also could think of several others who are probably more deserving, but once again I am very seriously Humbled by the "Almost" Nomination.. I will none the less begin preparing a speech for either way... ;)

Folks, This is a very serious position..and as such I hope you all come outta the woodwork so to speak and voice your opinions, DD has asked..It's time to be heard.

We have a very diverse group and all "votes" would be welcome, don't worry you won't hurt my feelings. IF elected I won't Ban you...ahh except Frink..cause I gotta push that button once to get over the fear! :P

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Better than some (read that as most) of the cabbages that put their names forward back when there was going to be votes for positions.

I like cabbage... Yum. Coleslaw. :)

Repaid is running for Pres? I suppose he is going to be one for "A Change" too eh? You got my vote. Most of us could use a change........ teehee.


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Mod him up :) Repaid is a very valuable member of the community here and I believe he would do a wonderful job.

Just a side note, talking about banning people though is not becoming of a moderator, them things are better kept quiet ;)


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Mod him up :) Repaid is a very valuable member of the community here and I believe he would do a wonderful job.

Just a side note, talking about banning people though is not becoming of a moderator, them things are better kept quiet ;)


Well I think it's just a coined term..I was only saying it in jest as Frink had asked me too! I think if the need ever arose I definitely would leave a full fledged BAN up to DD or Rosie. I would however not have a problem with giving your warn meter a tick if your need of Hate of a member far surpassed that of love and understanding! Just say'n...and DD said "Ban" in the Baseball thread...so there! :P

Guitar....I ain't got time for all that.......However don't knock Baby Giraffes if you never tried them :whistling:

While I will be posting a "acceptance" speech sometime later, I would like to say now that I thank you all for the vote of confidence. I can truly see you , and Now I mean it...I feel like Santa Claus..looking at the list of Good/Bad girls and boys... B)

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