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Brudda Voodu

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Everything posted by Brudda Voodu

  1. So the police are there regulating traffic and yet you maintain that there is no police presence? I don't mean armed swat members on every corner leering at the public. A police presence is exactly that, a few cars and a few cops maintaining peace. Any parade that doesn't require traffic control, is not much of a parade. The perception of the police as a threat only meant to instill fear and control is an unhealthy and untrue assertion.
  2. Either way, most infrastructure in western cities is not set up to handle either of those scenarios. I am very grateful to not live in a place that makes such over reaching policy on the private lives of it's citizens. I hope this type of legislation never makes it to Canada, but it would not surprise me if it did. I suppose I would have to start an underground network of disposable diaper distribution.
  3. In large public gatherings, or parades. A police presence is required to maintain public order and civility. It does not matter what the purpose of the parade is. When I take my kids out to the Santa Clause Christmas parade, there is a police presence. Even though it's just kids and soccer Mom's and Dad's. There are rules in place that keep our civility to one another in check. You might be surprised at how quickly chaos can take over a large group of people. I dont see anything wrong with having police present for the parade and festivities. Every other public event of this size has a police presence to maintain order, why should pride be any different? No matter what brought you to the pride parade, you are still a member of the community and the general public. You must follow the laws and rules like everyone else. You sound very political in your reasoning.
  4. Don't worry so much about labels. Call yourself an adult toddler if you want to, ask your "ab/dl" friends to call you that too. I have some friends that prefer to be called "little" because they don't like the term "adult baby". Either way we still act and play the same way. I'm a baby and they are little's and we get along just fine.
  5. I think the pride march has become used for political and economic gain by numerous people and groups.
  6. Thank you for this information. I had never heard of these studies before or those Dr's.
  7. From a males perspective, being emasculated is incredibly humiliating, to be dressed up in feminine clothing and treated as such takes away a great deal of pride and identity. I imagine in your case it would feel humiliating to be associated as a male, since you feel like a female (I am assuming here, please correct me if I am wrong). For those that do not enjoy humiliation, being dressed as something you know you are not, and that others will also recognize that you are not, is a terrible experience. To those that enjoy humiliation, it is an arousing and sensual experience, while still remaining humiliating. I have spoken to many people who were actually "petticoated" as discipline during their youth, and they now have a fetish for humiliation and forced feminization. Many of these folks also incorporate diapers into their humiliation fantasy. As a reference, I would suggest you look into https://petticoated.com/forum/ . There are many similarities between here and there, and In many cases, (here and there) torment becomes our fantasy, and our compulsion. I know this is not the case in everyone, but I know first hand that abuse is what started my compulsion to be diapered and babied and humiliated. By the way, thank you very much for your honesty and your candid response. I appreciate your contribution to this discussion and my intrigue greatly
  8. I'm pretty sure it looks a little bit like a pad in her panties because the graphic designer air brushed her genital curves out of the picture, creating the illusion that something is covering her.
  9. I could say the exact same thing about those of us who choose to wear diapers 24/7, and yet there are many of us who do. I am not inferring anything about trans people or how they got that way, its not my business. I'm just interested in why this kink in particular has so many more than say, a foot fetish or auto erotic asphyxiation, or many of the other ones. And in particular what parts of "abdl" captivate them to partake in it, and why? I suppose I am also wondering if the clothing and the humiliation has some people living as trans but they do not actually have the brain of the opposite gender, or the appropriate psychology. I know that sounds far fetched, but people never cease to surprise me.
  10. I served my country for many years. I agree very much with the OP. We live free because of many brave people.
  11. So I often wonder if the large body of trans males to female in this kink is something different than gender dysphoria. I mean you can't go to ANY abdl site or server without there being a large body of trans people. The connection is undeniable. I consider my own experience, where as I enjoy wearing panties or girly things over diapers and being humiliated by my wife in that manner from time to time, but sissy clothes don't make anyone less of a male. It might be worthwhile to note that I am and have always been a male. My question is this, does anyone else think there is a parallel between trans people and abdl? Since there is a lot of evidence to show the correlation. I often wonder if some people are just a little further into the psychology of humiliation, and that is why they enjoy living as a female, rather than traditional dysphoria. I recognize that this might be a sensitive topic to some. I don't mean any offence if sensitivities are set off. I'm just fascinated with psychology because it helps me understand myself and others better. I often feel like an alien observing human beings and have difficulty relating to them.
  12. I prefer to refer to this as a peculiar psychology. I use the old familiar "ab/dl" when online, but if I had to describe myself to someone I would avoid calling myself an adult baby or diaper lover. I would instead describe the psychological compulsions, and my theories on why I have them. Some of the head doctors I have spoken to about this, call it autonepiophilia. The term or acronym ABDL came about entirely from unqualified individuals in online forums. I say unqualified because they are not individuals with years of experience and training in psychology, they are people like me and you, people who are affected by this psychology. Ever since I started coming online and trying to learn about my compulsions, 20 plus years ago, I have encountered many people who claim to have it all figured out. Usually it's the same people who would rather describe themselves with acronyms instead of words. I think they use the acronyms because they don't have the insight or ability to communicate how they actually feel about their desires and compulsions. Labels are a short cut way to create definition and stability with the unfamiliar.
  13. Hey Bird! I've seen you in the chat a couple times. Nice to make your acquaintance
  14. It's another fine day out today. The sun is out and my yard is calling me to tend to it's gardening needs. I hope whatever deity you worship smiles upon you and I hope you can appreciate that, there has never been a better time in history to be alive. "Whether you tell yourself you can, or you can't, you're right." Henry Ford
  15. I agree with you 100%. The more involvement by the government the more corrupt and useless the endeavor becomes.
  16. They meant well. You could have simply said thanks but no thanks and left it at that. You confronted them, you were angry and you are surprised that they responded in kind? I get you don't want strangers on your doorstep, but they didn't do anything terrible and they left. I guess they broke some minor rules in your neighborhood, if you really really want to enforce that, then call the cops and wait inside. If you want the authority to enforce laws, you need a badge. You can't control the world, but you can hop up and down and be really really angry if you want to try to do it. To me you seem like a cranky old man, but that's just me.
  17. I appreciate your question and I fully understand why you would ask it.I don't want to get into specifics because I feel it may cause this conversation to degenerate into an argument, which is not my intention. I feel that the way President Trump carries himself and speaks is similar to a fighter. If you can make your opponent lose control of their emotions, they become less effective. Often his opposition (political and civilian) becomes irrational in their arguments simply because they are so angry. This is just a small example of a trait I admire in the President. I think that having him as the President, will cause many people to rethink an idea. The idea that government is the solution to most of life's issues. Personally I think people need to take accountability for their lives and their communities if they want them to thrive. I don't think you can't throw tax money at issues and sit back and hope they go away. Now that the leader of the USA is a person of whom many dislike, perhaps people will start to feel it's not effective to ask an institution to fix social issues. Social issues must be fixed by social values, if you think the government instills social values, than I'm afraid I would disagree with you. I recognize that I live in a world of 7 billion people. That means there are a lot of people who disagree with me. What I think would really help everyone in the long run, is learning to listen and live with people who disagree with our perspectives. I see a lot of people wishing they could control the thoughts and opinions of other people, they are trying to "control the world" but that is an impossible task. What scares me about the future is the potential loss of free speech. Demanding the silencing of opinions (even offensive ones) gives the idea's more power and mystic than if you simply disagreed and walked on. If you don't let fools speak, how do you know who the fools are? The immortal words of, Evelyn Beatrice Hall, capture what i am trying to say nicely " I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
  18. These are some very detailed and well thought posts, Elfy and Bettypooh. I appreciate your perspective and your candor. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your thoughts and feelings in such a civilized and respectful manner. I enjoyed reading through both of your posts. I hope today finds both of you well ?
  19. You know it's funny....I never bothered to look into the validity (or even the claims) of conservative or right leaning people until I witnessed some very poor behavior from people on the left. For a minor example: I kept hearing people use the word Nazi (in protests, media and social media) to describe many people, it became apparent to me that many folks did not know what a Nazi was. I have read my history and been to the museums, I know what a Nazi looks like, and there are more blind, left handed Dentists named, Larry, in America than there are Nazi's. People are forgetting what country took a stand against Nazi's (who killed 10's of Millions) Communists (who killed 100's of millions) and slavery. I'm not sure why the common narrative is that America is bad and tradition is bad, I think life is better for everyone now than it was 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago. I'd like to say I admire many great leaders who follow a more left leaning version of leadership. In modern leadership I think Obama spoke with a silver tongue, and Trump speaks with the eloquence of a New York cabby. Obama was good at international diplomacy, but not international trade. Trump is the inverse. I thought several of Obama's decisions were poor and left parts of the world in more chaos than when he left it. Since Trump took office ISIS forces are almost wiped out, I like that very much While I don't agree with all his policy I like multiple stances Trump has taken. I wont get into specifics about policy, because I feel that is where conversation could get greasy, and I don't wish to offend. Please keep in mind I feel everyone here has the right to think I'm a fool and disagree with me. These are just my opinions and I don't feel it's necessary for anyone else to share them. I wish you all well, and hope everyone has a great day
  20. Heck yeah dude! I love Barak Obama too. That man had some real charisma, he was a very good public speaker. I'm sure folks would like to pigeon hole me into some kind of group, but I have respect for those that carry themselves with dignity and respect. I love this place because simply put, I am one of you, whether folks like that or not. I know what it's like to have this psychology all my life. That alone makes me feel empathetic to all the good people here. Even though I'm different than many of you, I appreciate the heck out of all of you, and just want to show some respect and love to everyone in here.
  21. My goodness! You ,my dear, seem completely and utterly.......awesome! Welcome and please, stay awhile
  22. You can all say what you like, but that Brandon Ward guy's posts got the most replies to most any thread in some time. I'm not sure what that says about us.?
  23. Actually I am not a Christian and it's only Catholics that drink wine for communion, to my knowledge. I noticed that you make a lot of assumptions. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about my religion or alcohol use. You need only ask, and I hope you have a lovely day. As a side note, recovering alcoholics or anyone who does not want to consume alcohol are welcome to any religious services I have been to. No one forces anyone to consume alcohol in any religion I am aware of.
  24. My weakness has got to be poptarts. I love those things!
  25. Actually I haven't had a drop of alcohol in about 5 years.
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