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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Little BabyDoll Christine

Baby Banker 2017
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Little BabyDoll Christine last won the day on May 29 2023

Little BabyDoll Christine had the most liked content!

About Little BabyDoll Christine

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  • Diapers
    Adult Kid
  • I Am a...
    LG (Little Girl)
  • Age Play Age
    Very Little Girl; 4-3/4 to 5-1/2. A typical blonde "Little 'BabyDoll' Christine": Adorably cute, sweetly feminine: And she knows how to use it. Not DL. If you are not LG nor cloth diaper and rubber panties, then we have almost nothing AB/AK in common

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  • Gender
  • Location
    RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME Intersection of Souhteastern MA and Fairyland http://sandralyn.net/
  • Real Age

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    RUBBER PANTIES'R'US http://other.sandralyn.net/rppage-cont.html LITTLE CHRISTINE'S LATEST NEWS https://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/blogs/entry/3677-little-christines-news/

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Diaper Royalty

Diaper Royalty (7/7)



  1. What are we upgrading to? I, for one, think a better profile erm...landing zone would be the About Me. It is where you get a better read on the individual and it would get persons to fill something in about themselves
  2. I have copies of my siggy and about me stored at home. Just to make sure. I tried to open them in FireFox and got the same result that I get here. This means that Fx is not reading or opening the links to where the images are on my webhost. How would have thought that a major browser would have such an error. I thought it was here. I mean for a big time browser company to mess up at that level is straight up bush league and pretty douche, like going to the Fairy Queen's Ball and not wearing your prettiest tiara. What to do?
  3. Is not that wha a crossdresser wears going to therapy en femme?
  4. Hopefully this will ger the "IMG src" working again. All I get on my posts using such is the alt text
  5. I only did twice. Once about a year ago in surgery and one when I was 10. Nothing was said although In second named case, I wonder what would have have been done. That wasa one-off
  6. The last diaper I was in a BabyDoll La Damoiselle, went the full 16 hours 4 PM Sunday to 8 AM Monday and still had pleny of dry area
  7. If they do not carry thick diapers and proper full-cut rubber panties, then they have not empbraced it fully. These were still the predominant mode of ABDL dress when the term was created by DPF and AB was the overwhelming bulk of the membership. This was because, 18 years earlier, when the youngest legal members were born was 1967 or so, well before paper diapers had become a thing. This is what the bulk of DPF members had worn as babies and children. Even at that, there were very few members under 20. Even in the 1970's plastic panties were still widelyavailable and used. Empire were still being sold in the middle '80's along with others, I saw a pair of pink panties with a print of indigo flowers in about 1985 and Adams Drug and Brooks, now part of Walgreen's, were selling Babymate panties in both smooth and grainy material in 1984 in Providence, RI. In '88 and beyond, the companies that sold throw-aways for babies recommended wetproof panties be used over their product and so did at least one Home Economics social worker that I met There may also be insurance and tax consequences. A. C. Medical only acknowledged their "other" amrket in provate correspondence with trusted customers because to do so openly would result in losing a ta-exempt and reduced shipping fee status in Canada
  8. A BabyDoll La Damoiselle (double BabyDoll) 16+ hour diaper. I have been in it for 40 minutes and have aready wet it once. I will change out at 8 in the morming after 17 hours

    1. Cthulhu


      Never heard that one before 😄 I don’t know much about the story tbh, just thought it was a cool name.

  10. That has mental health implications. When I took AbPsych, Copraphilia, which that would be indicative of, was listed as a mental illness and given the putrifaction component, could be considered a public health matter. If you can help it.; just don't. It gieves the rest of us a bad name as you will be used as a stereotypical example of ABDL and kink in general: "Those nutbags have to shove their shit down our throats" Again to quote my favorite (or so it seems) anti-drunk driving ad "Your lifestyle is your business. But when you take it on the road, it's everybody's business" and that is something you can get kicked out of a place for. Jut what would happen if you get a blowout? If you notice, scat pix are pretty much banned everywhere due to lega issues You are not the only person in the world. So do not live down to the lowest estimate of us
  11. In fact, I have never seena triangular diaper used in real life. They may have gone out of favor by 1950. I have seen puctures of them with their single pin in front. I think BABY HUEY is one example but I never saw one being put on In its first incarnation BEAT THE CLICK had an interesting stunt. The two partcipants had to get into a diaper that was pinned to size without using their hands. One diaper was rectaghular one and the other a triangle according to the MC. They succeeded but they had to wriggle their way into the diapers
  12. It was directed at the more elite among us; the more erudite in the diaper world rather than the common folk who are ruled by the paper godess and know not the coress of fine cotton and rubber Was that laid on thick enough?
  13. That is almost like the first ones I made in the 1980's except for 2 things: 1. I made a "soaker" out of 2 prefolds ladid end to end. Put it down the centerline of one 28x40 and placed the second 28x40 over that 2. Fastened the whole thing together with fabric cement The net result was a giant prefold that worked well with Comco panties for the perfect AB diaper. Later I figured out how to make the "bedwetter" diaper like I use now which is more of an AKLG diaper and can be doubled up into a proto-countour diaper that is even more embarrassingly thick and can really only be worn to be or under a full-skirted dress, skirt or babydoll
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