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Everything posted by tommyneedsdiapers90

  1. Squatting right in the middle of the living room and filling up my Pampers like a naughty toddler lol but I do love lying on my back and pushing it out, usually nursing on a bottle
  2. I stay in soggy ones basically till I leak or something adult comes up I need to take care of and have to change. Lately I've been trying to stay in poopy ones longer and I've grown to be ok with the smell and just associate it with the normal smells of a toddler which is what I am
  3. I sent a cake and flowers. I'm far from her so I couldn't give her a big hug and never let go
  4. My mom told me I was in cloth at first then she switched me to Luvs, early 90s for him style. There's sadly not a lot of pics of me in diapers but the few I have I cherish
  5. I haven't had someone else change my diaper in nearly a year. I hate it
  6. I would wet my bed on purpose a few times as a kid but would get too embarrassed to admit it to mom so I'd clean everything quickly and quietly at night. Counter productive bur kinky I guess lol
  7. Not gonna lie, surprised that site was still around lol
  8. Cargo shorts, pj pants, I also love pointing my lil man up and soaking my t shirts lol lil boy stuff
  9. Getting so many good ideas reading this lol I love just sitting in a big poopy, squishing and spreading it everywhere as I suck my thumb and rub the front of my Pampers and whining and crying till I make a googoo
  10. I love filling my diapers in bed and squatting in the back yard and pooping my Pampers
  11. Hermione and Anna Kendrick are good once. I also vote Hannah Montana, Harry Potter, Robin, any Disney princess,
  12. I love nakee time after being in a diaper for a long time. Airs everything out lol but not for too long or I'll have an accident
  13. I'm very close with my mom she's my best friend. I love her
  14. i like wearing little girl clothes and playing with girl toys but i dont fully identify as a girl when im like that i think. its more of a "punishment" i secretly like
  15. oh god story of my life lol i remember being a KID and wishing that. thankfully i poo in my diapers all the time now
  16. i occasionally reuse wet ones for naughty reasons lol
  17. luvs have always been my favorite stuffer even tho you cant beat that pampers smell....
  18. It's very hard for me to sleep in a wet diaper sadly. I'm trying to train myself to like it
  19. Wearing a onsie or footie pjs over ur diaper helps. Anything that's hard to take off lol
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