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Nocturia, diapers and a good night's sleep!

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I have suffered with Nocturia for some time now - an irritating side effect of an enlarged prostate and just getting old. I probably have to wake to pee two or three times a night. Often I struggle to get back to sleep and have been losing a lot of sleep as a result. 

I use diapers during the day now because I suffer with urge incontinence, which came on as a result of the enlarged prostate worsened by a stroke. I'd not taken to wearing diapers at night (recreational purposes aside!!) because I was still getting to the loo without peeing the bed. However - a chat with my doctor revealed something that was blindingly obvious really: although I wasn't peeing the bed, I was experiencing massive stress as I was waking up bursting for a pee and needing to rush to the loo, barely making it. It was this stress that was leaving me wide awake and hence preventing me getting back to sleep. Wearing protection may prevent the stress, I was told.

The results are clear - I definitely get more and better sleep if I wear a diaper. I wake, I pee, I sleep! Sleep is so important and wearing a diaper has really improved my nights. Fatigue is a real problem since my stroke and this has probably been the most effective measure I've found so far.

I'm not one of those who wants to lose control, I've always been happy to keep my diaper 'hobby' separate to my day-to-day existence, but with my current health 'challenges' wearing diapers has made my life less stressful and better day and night. 

I was going to post this in the medical incontinence thread, but thought that Nocturia is a more general problem. Also - if you're looking for an excuse to wear at night!!

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You know what might sound weird, I have started to wear more often at night for the same reason, getting on in years myself, and its a right royal pain in the ass to wake up a couple times a night, run to the bathroom, then go back to bed. Mostly by the time I get back to bed, I am awake, and it takes me a while to get back to sleep, if I even can. With a diaper on, at most, I wake up, sit up, pee, then just lay back down. Partly I tend to sit up as it seems to help direct things to the back a bit better than just laying on my back does, and less risk of leaks out the waistband.

Better sleep definatly is an important thing at my age.

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I've mentioned this on a few other threads over the past few years.  I have apnea, which I procrastinated on getting treatment for far too long.  I was always tired, even nodding off at work (especially in meetings).  And due to the poor sleep, my body never fully shut down and therefore I needed to pee several (usually 3 or 4) times a night.  Like others posting above, if I had to get up, it was hard to get back to sleep, thereby making things even worse.   This is where diapers came to the rescue - no need to get out of bed... just roll onto my back and let go, then drift back to sleep in minutes ... vs at least 30 minutes lost if I had to get up.  Since I had already been wearing at night for many many years, it wasn't hard to condition myself to let go while on my back in bed. 


I've been on CPAP for some years now and I still wake up frequently through the night... but having to pee has been reduced significantly.   Still wear the diapers (different "need" of course), but now the need to pee is once.... maybe twice in a night.

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I can 100% attest that night diapers are a highly effective therapy for nocturia.

I have nocturia but I don't notice it.  Some nights now, I even sleep through it 🤣  To be honest, the whole "loss of control" thing seemed fairly unimportant to me when it eventually arrived.

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I guess I'm different.  For years (35+) I have been getting up 3 to 6 times a night to pee.  Every hour to hour and a half on average.  I go to the bathroom, pee, and back to bed where I just fall back to sleep.  Probably been doing it so long it's never a problem to fall back to sleep right away when I get done in the bathroom.

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My problem is...we go to sleep early, like 8:30 (eat at 4:45 pm).  So, I am up at 11:30 for the bathroom and also cannot get back to sleep.  So, I often come down to sit in my recliner and watch some scenic video that I watch every night and nearly fall asleep after  15 min.  I actually go and empty again as I find the bed and recliner really do weird things to  my bladder and cannot fully empty on first wakeup, such that going maybe is somewhat harder. 

I just recently started getting up at 11:30.  Ya, I'm pre-diabetic.  Which is weird because I started reducing carbs and self monitoring...Granted the last two nights were spicey foods.  I have re-begun the treadmill after dinner for 20 minutes too.  

I started trying to wear at night for a couple hours (or whatever I can tolerate) without wetting.  For now I am wearing a day time Amazon pull up, which is super thin between the legs (I cannot stand the bulk as I am a side sleeper).  

Because of this, I have been  a daytime zombie for the last 20 years.  Averaging 4 to 5 hours a sleep on weeknights.  At least on weekends I can catch up some.  I think I have super strong anxiety or something like that  causing issues. I told my doctor about not  getting back  to sleep and he prescribed zalaplan, some generic of Sonata.  It kind of makes me feel worse on weekdays, but somewhat ok for weekends.



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Hmmm... never really had an issue with the bulk between my legs and I'm also a side sleeper.  Then again, the vast majority of the time I'm already a bit wet when I go to sleep so it's already a little squishy. 

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I have a number of friends and acquaintances who are nearing the age where getting up to pee is a reality, and some of them have complained about it. And I've thought to myself... I know of a solution! But it's hard to broach the topic, obviously. I don't know if I suffer from nocturia or not, and I may never know, because I sleep in diapers and have for more than 6 years, so it does not interrupt my sleep. I wouldn't have it any other way - I very much enjoy being able to sleep "like a baby."  (Although anyone who has ever shared a room with a baby can attest to the fact that their sleeping capabilities are exaggerated...) 

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I tend to do a lot of side sleeping myself, but, I also tend to toss and turn a lot, so its a bit flaky. Oddly enough, for me, I find a bit of bulk actualy helps me sleep. It is a bit of a delicate balance, as too much, and  its a bother, but, with the right amount, it actualy helps me be more comfortable on the side. Never found a disposable that was too much bulk though, they are far too flexable and thin.

Overnight and at home is also a good place that cloth diapers can really shine.  Though for a side sleeper, I would say to avoid things like the all in ones, and all in 2s. Too many of the all in ones and all in 2 have poor side absorbancy, like many of the cheeper disposables.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find I get a more restful nights sleep when i am diapered for bed i toss and turn less and wake up refreshed and not as groggy or grumpy.

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I know I get a nicer sleep when i am wearing diapers to bed I don't wake up in the night. i don't wriggle about as much as i use too. I wake up in the morning feeling more happier and ready to start the day on a positive note.   

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/5/2024 at 5:13 AM, rusty pins said:

I guess I'm different.  For years (35+) I have been getting up 3 to 6 times a night to pee.  Every hour to hour and a half on average.  I go to the bathroom, pee, and back to bed where I just fall back to sleep.  Probably been doing it so long it's never a problem to fall back to sleep right away when I get done in the bathroom.

Same here, as I have gotten older I try and limit my liquids after 8pm. Lessens the amount of times needing to get up, average for me is one to two times nightly. If I drink a lot of liquids after 8pm, then up every two hours.

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Also in that age group,with me it is only starting currently get up once \twice a night on average but if I have a bad night four times plus.When I wear da diaper at night I sleep much better and wake up much more refreshed and more energetic.

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Glad I'm not on my own on this one. I've definitely been getting a better night's sleep since I started diapering up every night. I still wake to pee, but it's back to sleep almost immediately. I struggle with fatigue anyway, so this is a major benefit for me. Making the leap into diapers full-time ain't a hardship for most of us, but I wonder whether health professionals recommend this to folks struggling with Nocturia and its impacts.

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On 5/6/2024 at 8:05 AM, skidy said:

Glad I'm not on my own on this one. I've definitely been getting a better night's sleep since I started diapering up every night. I still wake to pee, but it's back to sleep almost immediately. I struggle with fatigue anyway, so this is a major benefit for me. Making the leap into diapers full-time ain't a hardship for most of us, but I wonder whether health professionals recommend this to folks struggling with Nocturia and its impacts.

That's why I am in diapers full-time and permanently. I know I can sleep soundly diapered and feel more relaxed and calm. It's why I don't potty or even own adult underwear.

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