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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

CAUTION/WARNING: Daily Diapers and so-called "Mommies and Daddies /Caregiver Requests"

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Good Morning All:

This morning I am writing with an important announcement and a warning!

In the past week I have been noticing that a lot of these users that are joining our community are purporting to be "mommy's and daddies" Or caregivers, or whatever it is that they say they are. 90% of the time, they are not who they say they are, and they try to scam you into believing that they are what they are purporting to be.

Usually what happens is there someone who will come on as a user. I don't mind people signing on as a member of the community, and I don't mind meeting new friends, or learning about new people, because that's how we'll get to know people and make friends. Making friends is the most important thing that you can do while you are on a particular online service, but you have to also realize that there are tons of people out there that try to take advantage of our community, because we are somehow looking for what they are trying to say that they can provide. I'm going to tell you that most of the time these people are wrong, because they think they can provide something that they cannot, or they say they are somebody that they are not.

How can you tell that? that that is easy! the thing that I'd look for is to see what type of a person they are. You can easily tell the people that are trying to make friends real fast, and they're not even making real friends, they're just making message requests within of joining on. You'll end up having someone who will join let's say at I am, And by 10:15 they've already sent 10 messages to a whole bunch of people, And then the next thing you know you end up with either status messages or private messages to individuals on the system. 90% of the time, these people are not legit Mommies or Daddies, and they're just looking for a way to get your attention, and they're trying to play to your emotions, because they know that you or are looking for a particular service. 

i've been a member here for almost four years, and I've seen a close friend of mine get suckered in by someone who is claiming to be a Mommy or a daddy wannabe, and that individual ended up getting scammed. there's one thing that I can't stand about stuff like this, is that a friend of mine got scammed, so I'm warning everybody: when somebody sends you a message please be careful, please please please be careful!

How do they do this:?: The easiest way they do this is to become a member here, And within a matter of minutes, they send out messages to individuals saying that they are Mommy's or Daddy's, and they're looking for babies or individuals that they would like to baby or take care of.  Apparently, There are individuals who are looking for services like this, so these people know that there is a way to get people to bite, because people would be would be interested in supposed services.

The next thing that they would do is they would take a look at all of our profiles. The diapers: section of our profile or they're looking for that we are an AB/DL, and if they see that in our profile, then they would probably send us a message that asks us a simple question: they want to know do you wear diapers? Most people who are incontinent 24/7, where diapers because of need or because they feel that it is appropriate to do so, but they use that information to try to sucker you into believing that they are who they say they are. 

Once a message like this is sent and actually responded to, Then there may be a small time when they talk about things and get to know you, and then they usually drop a bombshell by telling you that they need to have you pay them some money, or they want you to go offline to some other type of communication medium off of daily diapers. this is a direct red flag in my opinion, because anybody who wants you to talk to them off of either the chat system or off of the forms usually wants information from you that is more than just talk, And then the next thing you know, a person will be asking you for information, and it will probably culminate in someone asking for your financial information!

this is where I give you the warning! under no circumstances should anybody give any information about your financial condition or your financial information to any one online! there are way too many ways that you can be scammed or taken advantage of, and this is not appropriate nor is it legit!

I am sure there are many professional mommies and Daddies out there, way that they do things, And if they're legitimate, they would probably be charging you upwards of $1000 a day, And most of them are quite expensive. For what you probably get from these professionals, it would be it would be well worth the money that you spend, but most of the time in my opinion it's the people that can afford to pay thousands of dollars a day to get the type of services that they want, so they try to go and ask somebody else to provide them in the service for less. you can also tell if somebody is not legitimate because of the fact that they make it sound too good to be true, and when you ask them specific questions they do not know the answers, or they seem to be less legit.

So everyone: please be careful! There are many individuals around here that are looking for Mommy's or Daddies. I'm sure there's everyone who wants to be babied or taken care of by a mother or father figure that is playing the role, and they want the full immersion, or whatever they're asking for, but 90% of the time this would cost a lot of money,, which is normal, because most times it would not be legit based on what these people do. if they're legitimate, they have rules and regulations, and they have their own information and their own standards, and there are certain things that real mommies and Daddies will do things that they do not do! You have to be you have to be sure that the person that you are contracting with is legit, And if you find the legit Mommy or Daddy, then you probably will be OK, but you have to be careful, because fly by night operations such as users that come on, we'll try to say that their mom is or Daddy's, when most times they are not.

I would also like to state that while I understand that there are people that want this type of service, that you still have to be careful:  I would hate to have somebody get scammed by someone else, claiming to be something that they are not!

So as I said: most of the time, the people that I have noticed that don't sound legit or are pulling a scam, are those type of individuals who will immediately come on as a user on DD, And then within a matter of moments, they will start either following a bunch of individuals, or they'll start looking at profiles.  they will then send status messages, or they will go further and private message a whole bunch of people. this is a dead giveaway that there's something not right right off the bat! if someone was legitimate, they wouldn't have to do this, because they would be able to back up whatever they say they are, and there would not be questions such as: do you wear diapers, are you a baby, et cetera! 

The 2nd way there will get your attention is that they will go to your profile and look at all of your profile and then send you messages.  Professional Mommy's know exactly what they're doing, And they've been doing it long enough so they don't have to ask questions like that. The things that I see is based on someone looking at our profile and then and then asking questions based based on what they see! if a person was legit professional Mommy, they wouldn't have to ask if we were diapers, they wouldn't have to ask if we were AB or DL, and they wouldn't have to ask if we're incontinent and that is a comma because it would already be in our profile, but even if all of that information was in our profile, which doesn't bother me, it's just the fact that people will take that information and will ask questions right away, which to me is a dead giveaway that the person is not who they say they claim to be.

WARNING:  Please DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!  There are many individuals who are looking for Mommy's or Daddy's or companions com, and they think that they will find their special somebody or their companion, and that is basically what people are looking for. If someone finds their companion online, it usually happens the way a dating relationship occurs, which means you meet the person or you get to know the person, and then time goes time goes by and you end up learning more and more about the individual, they learn about you when everything else. If you find your soul mate or friend or whatever online, because there's something like this, that's awesome! many people find their companion online, but with all of the stuff that happens, you have to be careful! there are way too many individuals who would try to take advantage of needy individuals who are looking for a Mommy or a daddy, and you have to be able to know the difference between something that is true or believable, or something that is fallacy or false. 

I really do not want to see any of my friends get suckered in like this! it is one thing to find a professional mommy, and find out how they do things are all about them, and you have a contractual relationship with an individual who is willing to provide certain services, within certain guidelines within their own rule sets, and based on what they are willing to do versus what they are not willing to do! if you have a Professional Mommy, there are standards that are set, and everybody knows exactly what is to be expected, and how things work usually before you even get to a contractual relationship. The good thing about a professional Mommy is that they will tell you exactly what they expect, and you can tell them what you expect, and that's a good thing, because if it's already in writing, people usually understand right off the bat what they will get for whatever money they pay. Professional Mommy's take pride in what they do, and they will usually immerse you fully into what you want them to do within reason, so you get the full idea of how it feels to be treated the way you want to be treated, And when they do it, it is real all the way down the line.

People that are playing Mommy or Daddy, in the sense that they want you to be their baby, and they are not legitimate You can usually tell right away. as I said, it's usually a message right off the bat, or Something that is too good to be true! 90 percent of the time what you see is not what you get, and unfortunately there are people out there that want to try to scam you and make you lose your money or give you an experience that you don't want to repeat! if you are dealing with a professional Mommy, usually they will tell you exactly what the heck is going on, they will tell you what they expect, they usually have a website, or they usually tell you information that will check it out Allow you to know whether it's true or false. even if they sound legit, you still have to be careful, but please do not just automatically assume that because someone becomes a Mommy on a system within 5 minutes of signing on that they are a Mommy or a daddy! that is where people end up getting scammed: they make a good play for you, and they'll play the game, making you believe that they are who they say there, then they will end up bringing you off the system, or asking you for money! This is a dead giveaway because if a person can't give you information about how they're going to do things, then it makes it hard for those who think that it's legit, and therefore most of the time it's not legit.

If anyone sees any of this type of activity, they should report it to daily diapers administration immediately! the administrators will determine whether something is legit, or whether it is not. They will also make a determination whether they believe that rules have been broken, and therefore they may end up BANNING individuals who play the game, try to, to try to trick us into believing that they are who they say they are.

If you have who you believe to be a legitimate Mommy ask, asking the proper questions and knowing what to ask and how to ask it will usually tell you in your mind whether something is legitimate or not. If for some reason you think something is not legitimate, stay the heck away from it, and if you think it is not legit, please report it to Mikey, or his administration team. We want to make sure that daily diapers remains a place where we feel safe comfortable and able to let our hair down, rather than to be a place where somebody can try to scam us, because they want to tug at our heartstrings, because they know what we're looking for, the love and companionship of somebody else, or somebody that will be will be willing to treat us the way we want to be treated!

NOTE:  Also, I want to let people know that I have had people tell me that they are thankful for my help and advice. I have no problem giving my help, and I have no problem giving my advice, based on information that is given me. my advice is free, And I don't charge for it, nor would I end up trying to scam someone or try to tell them something is not what it is. I call it as I see it! I also want to let people know, that even though I have heard from many individuals that I am very helpful, I have had specific requests from some individuals, who are asking me what do you say to help them find a Mommy or a daddy or a caregiver!

I cannot do this! This is simply because I am not in a position to know the difference between someone who is legit and someone who is not! this is not to say that I'm unable to determine whether something is legit or not, but I would rather not try to help someone find appropriate companionship this way. If you meet someone online, then it might be a bit different, but I am not in the habit of helping people find professional Mommy Daddy or caregiver services, nor would I do this, because that is not my cup of tea, and I am not in the know when it comes to this! please understand, I do not want to have someone get scammed simply because of my advice, so I i'm letting everyone know right now, that I will not provide this type of advice, only that they be careful when they're looking for Mommy services or Daddy Services or caregiver services, because there are so many supposed services out there, and I am and I am not able to determine legitimate from non legitimate, unless I am fully aware of a particular profession professional that is a member here!

Thank you! we now return to our regularly scheduled program!




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51 minutes ago, ~Brian~ said:

Good Morning All:

This morning I am writing with an important announcement and a warning!

In the past week I have been noticing that a lot of these users that are joining our community are purporting to be "mommy's and daddies" Or caregivers, or whatever it is that they say they are. 90% of the time, they are not who they say they are, and they try to scam you into believing that they are what they are purporting to be.

Usually what happens is there someone who will come on as a user. I don't mind people signing on as a member of the community, and I don't mind meeting new friends, or learning about new people, because that's how we'll get to know people and make friends. Making friends is the most important thing that you can do while you are on a particular online service, but you have to also realize that there are tons of people out there that try to take advantage of our community, because we are somehow looking for what they are trying to say that they can provide. I'm going to tell you that most of the time these people are wrong, because they think they can provide something that they cannot, or they say they are somebody that they are not.

How can you tell that? that that is easy! the sing that I'd look for is to see what type of a person they are. You can easily tell the people that are trying to make friends real fast, and they're not even making real friends, they're just making message requests within of joining on. You'll end up having someone who will join let's say at I am, And by 10:15 they've already sent 10 messages to a whole bunch of people, And then the next thing you know you end up with either status messages or private messages to individuals on the system. 90% of the time, these people are not legit Mommies or Daddies, and they're just looking for a way to get your attention, and they're trying to play to your emotions, because they know that you or are looking for a particular service. 

i've been a member here for almost four years, and I've seen a close friend of mine get suckered in by someone who is claiming to be a Mommy or a daddy wannabe, and that individual ended up getting scammed. there's one thing that I can't stand about stuff like this, is that a friend of mine got scammed, so I'm warning everybody: when somebody sends you a message please be careful, please please please be careful!

How do they do this:?: The easiest way they do this is to become a member here, And within a matter of minutes, they send out messages to individuals saying that they are Mommy's or Daddy's, and they're looking for babies or individuals that they would like to baby or take care of.  Apparently, There are individuals who are looking for services like this, so these people know that there is a way to get people to bite, because people would be would be interested in supposed services.

The next thing that they would do is they would take a look at all of our profiles. The diapers: section of our profile or they're looking for that we are an AB/DL, and if they see that in our profile, then they would probably send us a message that asks us a simple question: they want to know do you wear diapers? Most people who are incontinent 24/7, where diapers because of need or because they feel that it is appropriate to do so, but they use that information to try to sucker you into believing that they are who they say they are. 

Once a message like this is sent and actually responded to, Then there may be a small time when they talk about things and get to know you, and then they usually drop a bombshell by telling you that they need to have you pay them some money, or they want you to go offline to some other type of communication medium off of daily diapers. this is a direct red flag in my opinion, because anybody who wants you to talk to them off of either the chat system or off of the forms usually wants information from you that is more than just talk, And then the next thing you know, a person will be asking you for information, and it will probably culminate in someone asking for your financial information!

this is where I give you the warning! under no circumstances should anybody give any information about your financial condition or your financial information to any one online! there are way too many ways that you can be scammed or taken advantage of, and this is not appropriate nor is it legit!

I am sure there are many professional mommies and Daddies out there, way that they do things, And if they're legitimate, they would probably be charging you upwards of $1000 a day, And most of them are quite expensive. For what you probably get from these professionals, it would be it would be well worth the money that you spend, but most of the time in my opinion it's the people that can afford to pay thousands of dollars a day to get the type of services that they want, so they try to go and ask somebody else to provide them in the service for less. you can also tell if somebody is not legitimate because of the fact that they make it sound too good to be true, and when you ask them specific questions they do not know the answers, or they seem to be less legit.

So everyone: please be careful! There are many individuals around here that are looking for Mommy's or Daddies. I'm sure there's everyone who wants to be babied or taken care of by a mother or father figure that is playing the role, and they want the full immersion, or whatever they're asking for, but 90% of the time this would cost a lot of money,, which is normal, because most times it would not be legit based on what these people do. if they're legitimate, they have rules and regulations, and they have their own information and their own standards, and there are certain things that real mommies and Daddies will do things that they do not do! You have to be you have to be sure that the person that you are contracting with is legit, And if you find the legit Mommy or Daddy, then you probably will be OK, but you have to be careful, because fly by night operations such as users that come on, we'll try to say that their mom is or Daddy's, when most times they are not.

I would also like to state that while I understand that there are people that want this type of service, that you still have to be careful:  I would hate to have somebody get scammed by someone else, claiming to be something that they are not!

So as I said: most of the time, the people that I have noticed that don't sound legit or are pulling a scam, are those type of individuals who will immediately come on as a user on DD, And then within a matter of moments, they will start either following a bunch of individuals, or they'll start looking at profiles.  they will then send status messages, or they will go further and private message a whole bunch of people. this is a dead giveaway that there's something not right right off the bat! if someone was legitimate, they wouldn't have to do this, because they would be able to back up whatever they say they are, and there would not be questions such as: do you wear diapers, are you a baby, et cetera! 

The 2nd way there will get your attention is that they will go to your profile and look at all of your profile and then send you messages.  Professional Mommy's know exactly what they're doing, And they've been doing it long enough so they don't have to ask questions like that. The things that I see is based on someone looking at our profile and then and then asking questions based based on what they see! if a person was legit professional Mommy, they wouldn't have to ask if we were diapers, they wouldn't have to ask if we were AB or DL, and they wouldn't have to ask if we're incontinent and that is a comma because it would already be in our profile, but even if all of that information was in our profile, which doesn't bother me, it's just the fact that people will take that information and will ask questions right away, which to me is a dead giveaway that the person is not who they say they claim to be.

WARNING:  Please DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!  There are many individuals who are looking for Mommy's or Daddy's or companions com, and they think that they will find their special somebody or their companion, and that is basically what people are looking for. If someone finds their companion online, it usually happens the way a dating relationship occurs, which means you meet the person or you get to know the person, and then time goes time goes by and you end up learning more and more about the individual, they learn about you when everything else. If you find your soul mate or friend or whatever online, because there's something like this, that's awesome! many people find their companion online, but with all of the stuff that happens, you have to be careful! there are way too many individuals who would try to take advantage of needy individuals who are looking for a Mommy or a daddy, and you have to be able to know the difference between something that is true or believable, or something that is fallacy or false. 

I really do not want to see any of my friends get suckered in like this! it is one thing to find a professional mommy, and find out how they do things are all about them, and you have a contractual relationship with an individual who is willing to provide certain services, within certain guidelines within their own rule sets, and based on what they are willing to do versus what they are not willing to do! if you have a Professional Mommy, there are standards that are set, and everybody knows exactly what is to be expected, and how things work usually before you even get to a contractual relationship. The good thing about a professional Mommy is that they will tell you exactly what they expect, and you can tell them what you expect, and that's a good thing, because if it's already in writing, people usually understand right off the bat what they will get for whatever money they pay. Professional Mommy's take pride in what they do, and they will usually immerse you fully into what you want them to do within reason, so you get the full idea of how it feels to be treated the way you want to be treated, And when they do it, it is real all the way down the line.

People that are playing Mommy or Daddy, in the sense that they want you to be their baby, and they are not legitimate You can usually tell right away. as I said, it's usually a message right off the bat, or Something that is too good to be true! 90 percent of the time what you see is not what you get, and unfortunately there are people out there that want to try to scam you and make you lose your money or give you an experience that you don't want to repeat! if you are dealing with a professional Mommy, usually they will tell you exactly what the heck is going on, they will tell you what they expect, they usually have a website, or they usually tell you information that will check it out Allow you to know whether it's true or false. even if they sound legit, you still have to be careful, but please do not just automatically assume that because someone becomes a Mommy on a system within 5 minutes of signing on that they are a Mommy or a daddy! that is where people end up getting scammed: they make a good play for you, and they'll play the game, making you believe that they are who they say there, then they will end up bringing you off the system, or asking you for money! This is a dead giveaway because if a person can't give you information about how they're going to do things, then it makes it hard for those who think that it's legit, and therefore most of the time it's not legit.

If anyone sees any of this type of activity, they should report it to daily diapers administration immediately! the administrators will determine whether something is legit, or whether it is not. They will also make a determination whether they believe that rules have been broken, and therefore they may end up BANNING individuals who play the game, try to, to try to trick us into believing that they are who they say they are.

If you have who you believe to be a legitimate Mommy ask, asking the proper questions and knowing what to ask and how to ask it will usually tell you in your mind whether something is legitimate or not. If for some reason you think something is not legitimate, stay the heck away from it, and if you think it is not legit, please report it to Mikey, or his administration team. We want to make sure that daily diapers remains a place where we feel safe comfortable and able to let our hair down, rather than to be a place where somebody can try to scam us, because they want to tug at our heartstrings, because they know what we're looking for, the love and companionship of somebody else, or somebody that will be will be willing to treat us the way we want to be treated!

NOTE:  Also, I want to let people know that I have had people tell me that they are thankful for my help and advice. I have no problem giving my help, and I have no problem giving my advice, based on information that is given me. my advice is free, And I don't charge for it, nor would I end up trying to scam someone or try to tell them something is not what it is. I call it as I see it! I also want to let people know, that even though I have heard from many individuals that I am very helpful, I have had specific requests from some individuals, who are asking me what do you say to help them find a Mommy or a daddy or a caregiver!

I cannot do this! This is simply because I am not in a position to know the difference between someone who is legit and someone who is not! this is not to say that I'm unable to determine whether something is legit or not, but I would rather not try to help someone find appropriate companionship this way. If you meet someone online, then it might be a bit different, but I am not in the habit of helping people find professional Mommy Daddy or caregiver services, nor would I do this, because that is not my cup of tea, and I am not in the know when it comes to this! please understand, I do not want to have someone get scammed simply because of my advice, so I i'm letting everyone know right now, that I will not provide this type of advice, only that they be careful when they're looking for Mommy services or Daddy Services or caregiver services, because there are so many supposed services out there, and I am and I am not able to determine legitimate from non legitimate, unless I am fully aware of a particular profession professional that is a member here!

Thank you! we now return to our regularly scheduled program!




Thank you for putting this topic up Brian i almost fell from 6 scammers already from diapermates the one thing i am worry about is some of this scammers are getting pretty smarter than before i want to add if i could that they must not repeat "MUST NOT !!!!" tell them where you live because sometimes they might take more than your money when they come and see you, sorry if i am being to harsh there are way to tell if someone is about to scamming you, i notice a few right a way myself but there are some info online you can look up because some scams are pretty tricky to spot.

Anyway my point is be very careful and caution about scammers that my two cents i can add to this topic i hope i help the your topic a little brian ????

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Well said Brian! It is unfortunate that there are people out there taking advantage of someone's need or excitement. I would add that your precautions should not just be limited to ABDL matters. The best way in my opinion to prevent one self from a financial scam is to follow this rule. "If you did not initiate it yourself, do not proceed."

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3 minutes ago, adam4landry said:

i want to add if i could that they must not repeat "MUST NOT !!!!" tell them where you live because sometimes they might take more than your money when they come and see you, sorry if i am being to harsh there are way to tell if someone is about to scamming you, i notice a few right a way myself but there are some info online you can look up because some scams are pretty tricky to spot.

Anyway my point is be very careful and caution about scammers that my two cents i can add to this topic i hope i help the your topic a little brian ????


agreed! Part of the problem is these people think that they can get away with almost anything! the first thing is they know that they have have people by the diaper pins, because there are people that want the services that these mommies or Daddy say they can provide. the problem here is is that 90% of the people that say they can provide these services are not able to provide the services, and they try to see if they can get away with making it sound like or look like they can provide the services that they do. you end up following one of these so called Mommy's, And the first thing that they'll do is they'll end up asking you to go and and talk to them on Instagram or tick tock or any other type of communication medium, And that would be away from daily diapers, and that would be something I would not want to do under any circumstances.

Second, most of the people that are trying to get information from you are trying to get your financial Information, or to get information about you in some way! the problem that I have with some of these idiots is that they try to make it sound like it will be like being a club med, but unfortunately what usually happens is someone finds out that they're not who they say they are, and they want a mommy or daddy so bad, that they end up looking all over the place, and they don't find a legit one, but there's so many people that come on to daily diapers or any other site and they try to make it sound like they are an angel in disguise, And that can also be let down to people who are expecting to have something happen that won't. This is gets really hard, because these people that say their mommies or Daddies, they know that they're trying to get people to respond, so the first thing that they will do is they will start messaging you or talking to you and making you feel like they're the answer to your prayers, when 90% of the time what they're trying to do is get something out of you, or make you feel like they are needed, and that they will take care of you. they'll take care of you Alright, if you let them get ahold of your financial information, they'll zap out your bank account in a matter of moments! Then they'll leave you high and dry, and your dream will be dead, because you won't have any money left, or they'll have your identifying information which will allow them to perform identity theft against you.

I agree with you: do not give anyone any information that would allow a perspective Mommy or Daddy Faker, to use that information to find you, Because if that happens, they will have information about your location, as well as any information that they can use to identify you offline. one of my main rules is I have certain individuals who I trust, who I've had a long standing relationship with, and those individuals would not pull the type of stuff that these people do, they are who they say they are, they tell it the way it is, and they're not out to get someone. A fake Mommy or Daddy is only out to get money from you or to make you feel bad because they're getting you at your low point rather than trying to help you, and let me tell you they'll help you out of your money, but they won't help you in any other way, then after they end up sucking you dry, then you're a dead duck, and you have hundreds of things that you have to do to fix any mistakes or any problems that happen because you allow a person to do these type of dishonest tactics.

If someone is really legitimate, you'd be able to determine that After awhile, you would be able to know whether someone is telling you the truth or not, and that comes with a lot of time and with a lot of patience understanding and everything else. someone who joins within 15 minutes, and then starts messaging everybody on daily diapers, saying stuff like:

"are you a baby?"

" do you wear diapers"

" anything that they can find out the answer to by looking at your profile"

" anything that tells you that they are willing to help you make your dreams come true, and then tell you that it will cost you money"

" any messages that come across a status messages to one or more individuals, telling someone that they are a Mommy or a daddy looking for a baby or significant other to help turn into a baby or to help their dreams come true"

" any direct request for any money or identification information that would help perspective Mommy's or Daddy's identify you, in such a way that they could take advantage of you Financially or any other way"

" any direct request to conduct business away from daily diapers, the server or the safety of the online community"

" any situation where, mommy identifies you, says they are Mommy or a daddy, And then the next thing that they ask you is about questions about yourself, And then a user would respond and ask them questions, which would caused the person asking the questions to doubt the veracity or the legitimacy of the person's claim"

" any situation where you doubt the veracity of the claim of the individual saying that they are a Mommy or Daddy should be investigated, And if you feel that it is not legit, then there are ways to be able to check it, but to be honest, 90% of the individuals who are telling us that they are legit most likely are not. People that are in the community know when they are legit and when they are not, especially if they are legit mommies that have been a member of the community for many years."

Everybody should be on the watch and be prepared for someone to ask you those questions! we might not be able to stop everyone from asking list these questions or doing the types of things that I have no talked about, but Most likely, If you catch any of these little triggers, you can probably determine who is legit and who is not, And if something is not legit, or sounds too good to be true, it usually is, and I would hate to have somebody end up getting suckered because they fall victim to somebody's scheme to try to defraud! if a person is legit professional Mommy or a daddy, there are ways to determine that, especially if they have a legit website and they actually are well known in the community. please do not fall victim to the quick and fast answer which is that they want the service so bad that they're not being careful and protecting their own interest! I would hate to see someone get hurt because of stuff like this, it happens way too often, and I personally have had friends that have gotten scammed because of this!

Thanks!  and you're welcome!




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38 minutes ago, olympus said:

Well said Brian! It is unfortunate that there are people out there taking advantage of someone's need or excitement. I would add that your precautions should not just be limited to ABDL matters. The best way in my opinion to prevent one self from a financial scam is to follow this rule. "If you did not initiate it yourself, do not proceed."


thank you! I don't think that there's anybody here that wouldn't  want to have a mommy or a daddy figure taken care of them! it is a dream come true for a lot of us, because a lot of us may have May have issues that we deal with, And the way we want to be treated is exactly the way a Mommy or a daddy would come across in a message, trying to get us to be able to flip the switch because we are in need of services that they think they can provide.

In any type of a business contractual relationship, a person signs a contract or agrees to do something on the one side, in consideration for somebody else doing something on the other side. A contractual relationship is something that is done between one or more individuals, based on the belief that a person will do what they say they're going to do, in consideration for the other side doing what they say they're going to do. 90% of the time, you can tell when somebody is trying to screw you, because if it's not something that makes sense, or it's multi level marketing, or it's a lot of work for very little money,, then most likely it's not worth it, and it's too good to be true, and usually that means it is not true! regardless of what you do in life, there are people out there that are gonna try to take advantage of you and try to run a scam on you, But the thing is you have to know when you think something doesn't smell right! just like a dirty diaper, it stinks and you have to change it, but if something stinks it usually means that it doesn't look good, or it doesn't add up, And the thing is, if you don't know whether something is legit or you think something is not legit, most likely you are correct and you would probably be able to determine if somebody was trying to sell you something when it wasn't true.

Unfortunately, there are people who are needy and need the type of setup they are requesting, and that is why people Post but they want to meet someone online, or they want someone to be their mommy or daddy or caregiver, and they want them to do certain things. Unfortunately, while there are many individuals who are legit and real, and they are the real deal, and they do exactly what they said they would do for exactly what they agreed to, they're always the Charlatans and the people that are trying to make something come true that is not! They make it so awesome, that someone can't resist it, to tell you that your dream has come true, when in reality all that happens is you end up getting suckered in, It looks all cool, it sounds awesome, and then someone takes advantage of you, either mentally physically emotionally psychologically financially or otherwise! they end up playing on your need for attention and your need for love and understanding, and they know that they can get right under your skin if they know exactly how to get under your radar!

I also agree with the sentiment that  "if you didn't initiate it, Yourself, do not proceed!"  this information can be used in almost any type of transaction that you're dealing with either in person or online. Into a store and someone tells me something cost me $40 For example, And then the next thing I know, they tell me that it cost me 400, I already know that there's an issue, because it doesn't sound right, and it makes my brain wonder: what the heck are they trying to pull here? basically if it's too good to be true what normally is, And if it's something that doesn't sound legit, normally it is not, And you can tell when somebody's trying to pull a fast one! if there's a charlatan out there, usually the figure out a way to trick you, so you have to be 2 steps up on individual that is trying to scam you, so you don't get to scam, but they end up getting caught!

anything that you do in life should be done with the understanding that you should you should always be careful! not every single person in this world is going to tell you a lie, but not everybody in the world is going to tell you the truth either! you have to be able to determine whether something is legit, or whether something is not! The best thing to remember is that if it is not something that you think is right, trust your instincts and run the other direction very fast! there are many things that can happen online, and I don't care what site that you're a member of, and I don't care how long you've been a member of it, because everybody and anybody can be taken advantage of, So you have to be careful, and you have to suspect something is not something is not right when you feel that way! It is the responsibility of the person who is dealing with a situation to determine the legitimacy of the offer being given to you, And if you think it's legit that's one thing, But if it sounds too good to be true it normally is not.

Mikey and daily diapers are not 100% responsible for things that happen to users, but he always tries to let us know when he thinks something is wrong, and he does his best to keep us safe from things from things that don't sound right or something that does not feel right to him. While Mikey can determine for himself whether he thinks something is legit or whether something is not, it is always up to the individual who is dealing with the situation to make the final decision, and if you think something is not right, the first thing you should do is to report it! do not let these people try to get away with something, and don't let them advantage of you by giving them the keys to the kingdom, by identifying yourself so well that they can go after you! it's not worth it, and it's more of a hassle to fix a problem after it happens than it is to prevent one from happening in the first place.

As you have stated, we have to be careful, because anybody and anybody can be taken advantage of at any one time, and it is up to the individual to determine whether they think something is legit or not! if something is a legitimate offer, Then there are ways to determine whether it is, And anybody that is offering you services that are legit would not be worried about weather they get they give you more information, they would give you all the information and then allow you to see what they provide for services, and most of those types of services are provided to you, And most places have websites to let you know what is expected of you, And also it provides for what they will do for you as well as what they will not!

professional caregivers whether they be mommy's or Daddy's, will tell you exactly what to expect, and will basically answer any questions that you have. There are many places online that you can talk to about these types of things, but even if they do have a website you have the ability to investigate these and make your determination based on what you feel is appropriate. people that are not professionals will try to hide something that you want or if someone decides to ask them questions they will not answer them fully, or they will try to trick you. Professional Mommy's always know what know what they offer, and they also know what they will not do, and the thing is if someone is needy enough, a fake Mommy or Daddy will try to screw around with your head, so that they can get under your skin, because they know that you need or want the services that they say they can provide, but they probably can't!

Mommy's and Daddy's who are real and legit will always be up front honest and they will not try to trick you they will tell you exactly what they expect of you, and will ask you to tell them more about you so they can help you to have the best situation and experience possible. they won't be afraid to answer any questions, and they won't be afraid to be honest! professional Mommy's and Daddy's are available online, but you have to be careful who it is or what it is that you're trying to do, and who you're doing it with! if you find the right individual, and you know exactly what you are expected to do, and what they will do for you, that will help you in the long run!

basically if you think it's a scam, then I would definitely think twice! if you have the right individual, or you know of someone who is legit, and you've dealt with them before, and everything and everything seems to be doing OK, then I would still be concerned, but not as much as I would be if somebody came on as a user, identifies themselves as a caregiver either a Mommy or a daddy, and then asks a whole bunch of questions that obviously can be answered by looking at somebody's profile information. If they're asking you if you wear diapers or if you are an AB or a DL or your incontinent, then I would wonder whether they're actually looking at your profile, or if they're actually just posting just to post. You also should be aware that there are some individuals who will post in some of our forums for example, where the post does not belong. an example of this would be when we had one person who recently passed away, and that Mommy posted in the ABDL Memorial Forum, even though the person who she is talking about has passed on! Regardless of what happens, everybody should be on the watch, because even if Mikey was Superman, he can't be everywhere, can't take care of every single situation, and sometimes things get by him, but he does the best he can, so it's all up to us to make sure that we if we determine there's a issue, report it to the administration so they can take care of it.

As has already been stated: be very careful when you talk to these so called mommies and Daddies! you may want their services, they may want to provide you the services that you're requesting, but they may not be able to pass the smell test, And as such provide the services that you expect, other than to empty your bank accounts or find out information about you that they can use against you! Asking for a Mommy or a daddy is supposed to be a fun and enjoyable thing or so I'm told, but everybody needs to be on the watch, because not everybody that identifies as such is what they say there!


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35 minutes ago, ~Brian~ said:


agreed! Part of the problem is these people think that they can get away with almost anything! the first thing is they know that they have have people by the diaper pins, because there are people that want the services that these mommies or Daddy say they can provide. the problem here is is that 90% of the people that say they can provide these services are not able to provide the services, and they try to see if they can get away with making it sound like or look like they can provide the services that they do. you end up following one of these so called Mommy's, And the first thing that they'll do is they'll end up asking you to go and and talk to them on Instagram or tick tock or any other type of communication medium, And that would be away from daily diapers, and that would be something I would not want to do under any circumstances.

Second, most of the people that are trying to get information from you are trying to get your financial Information, or to get information about you in some way! the problem that I have with some of these idiots is that they try to make it sound like it will be like being a club med, but unfortunately what usually happens is someone finds out that they're not who they say they are, and they want a mommy or daddy so bad, that they end up looking all over the place, and they don't find a legit one, but there's so many people that come on to daily diapers or any other site and they try to make it sound like they are an angel in disguise, And that can also be let down to people who are expecting to have something happen that won't. This is gets really hard, because these people that say their mommies or Daddies, they know that they're trying to get people to respond, so the first thing that they will do is they will start messaging you or talking to you and making you feel like they're the answer to your prayers, when 90% of the time what they're trying to do is get something out of you, or make you feel like they are needed, and that they will take care of you. they'll take care of you Alright, if you let them get ahold of your financial information, they'll zap out your bank account in a matter of moments! Then they'll leave you high and dry, and your dream will be dead, because you won't have any money left, or they'll have your identifying information which will allow them to perform identity theft against you.

I agree with you: do not give anyone any information that would allow a perspective Mommy or Daddy Faker, to use that information to find you, Because if that happens, they will have information about your location, as well as any information that they can use to identify you offline. one of my main rules is I have certain individuals who I trust, who I've had a long standing relationship with, and those individuals would not pull the type of stuff that these people do, they are who they say they are, they tell it the way it is, and they're not out to get someone. A fake Mommy or Daddy is only out to get money from you or to make you feel bad because they're getting you at your low point rather than trying to help you, and let me tell you they'll help you out of your money, but they won't help you in any other way, then after they end up sucking you dry, then you're a dead duck, and you have hundreds of things that you have to do to fix any mistakes or any problems that happen because you allow a person to do these type of dishonest tactics.

If someone is really legitimate, you'd be able to determine that After awhile, you would be able to know whether someone is telling you the truth or not, and that comes with a lot of time and with a lot of patience understanding and everything else. someone who joins within 15 minutes, and then starts messaging everybody on daily diapers, saying stuff like:

"are you a baby?"

" do you wear diapers"

" anything that they can find out the answer to by looking at your profile"

" anything that tells you that they are willing to help you make your dreams come true, and then tell you that it will cost you money"

" any messages that come across a status messages to one or more individuals, telling someone that they are a Mommy or a daddy looking for a baby or significant other to help turn into a baby or to help their dreams come true"

" any direct request for any money or identification information that would help perspective Mommy's or Daddy's identify you, in such a way that they could take advantage of you Financially or any other way"

" any direct request to conduct business away from daily diapers, the server or the safety of the online community"

" any situation where, mommy identifies you, says they are Mommy or a daddy, And then the next thing that they ask you is about questions about yourself, And then a user would respond and ask them questions, which would caused the person asking the questions to doubt the veracity or the legitimacy of the person's claim"

" any situation where you doubt the veracity of the claim of the individual saying that they are a Mommy or Daddy should be investigated, And if you feel that it is not legit, then there are ways to be able to check it, but to be honest, 90% of the individuals who are telling us that they are legit most likely are not. People that are in the community know when they are legit and when they are not, especially if they are legit mommies that have been a member of the community for many years."

Everybody should be on the watch and be prepared for someone to ask you those questions! we might not be able to stop everyone from asking list these questions or doing the types of things that I have no talked about, but Most likely, If you catch any of these little triggers, you can probably determine who is legit and who is not, And if something is not legit, or sounds too good to be true, it usually is, and I would hate to have somebody end up getting suckered because they fall victim to somebody's scheme to try to defraud! if a person is legit professional Mommy or a daddy, there are ways to determine that, especially if they have a legit website and they actually are well known in the community. please do not fall victim to the quick and fast answer which is that they want the service so bad that they're not being careful and protecting their own interest! I would hate to see someone get hurt because of stuff like this, it happens way too often, and I personally have had friends that have gotten scammed because of this!

Thanks!  and you're welcome!




I agree with you as well brian there are a lot of people that got scam from something like this but there are some people that are smarter than the scammers and can spot a scam from a mile away and as i mention before scammer are getting smarter and everyone must be very careful and very cautions plus don't give them any information where you live.

I also want to point out two scams that two scammers try with me it a gifts card scam the first one was a mommy told me to get a gift card for her XBOX console however the card she requested was a steam card and not a xbox card i was beyond confuse so i search online if a steam card work on xbox and surprise surprise it was a big fat NO!!! this is one scam everyone need to watch out for, the second one is more tricky i have ask a mommy for some picture of herself however she send me a pic and a message saying that her camera was not working well on the pic it said "the camera needed a itune card to update it" well something like that anyway that one is also a scam like the steam card i did some digging online and fond out it a scam also, so that the only exemples i can give you guys so watch out.

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21 minutes ago, adam4landry said:

I agree with you as well brian there are a lot of people that got scam from something like this but there are some people that are smarter than the scammers and can spot a scam from a mile away and as i mention before scammer are getting smarter and everyone must be very careful and very cautions plus don't give them any information where you live.

I also want to point out two scams that two scammers try with me it a gifts card scam the first one was a mommy told me to get a gift card for her XBOX console however the card she requested was a steam card and not a xbox card i was beyond confuse so i search online if a steam card work on xbox and surprise surprise it was a big fat NO!!! this is one scam everyone need to watch out for, the second one is more tricky i have ask a mommy for some picture of herself however she send me a pic and a message saying that her camera was not working well on the pic it said "the camera needed a itune card to update it" well something like that anyway that one is also a scam like the steam card i did some digging online and fond out it a scam also, so that the only exemples i can give you guys so watch out.


I also wanted to let you know that in the past couple of days, I have seen these mommies do exactly what I am purporting to say they did. They will either message you, by sending a status message to you, or they will post their own status, and then people will respond to the status message. Secondarily, they will send you a private message, asking you any of the questions that I have stated above. Primarily, They're trying to get you, because they know that you're looking for the type of services, And they know that if they find the right person that's always looking for it, putting a worm on the hook and deploying it for somebody to chomp on!

You should always be on the watch for this type of stuff! this is not to say that you always can be 100% right, because there might be a time when you're 100% wrong, and unfortunately I tend to think that I'm 100% right, because most of the time I experienced includes being enticed, by being asked one of the questions that I talked about! also, these so-called caregivers will ask you any questions that are in your profile, that they can get answers to, and they probably know that you're looking for it If they're looking in your profile and it states it. one of the things that you have to be careful of is regardless of what you put in your profile, is not to believe everything that someone says unless you are and No wholeheartedly that it is true! far too often, scams can be used against many people, and there are so many of them that it is ridiculous, and regardless of how many times we say be careful, there's always a situation where somebody could get suckered into it.

I'm sure there are many people who are smarter than the scammers, but we still have to be cognizant of what is going on around us, and they're always gonna be individuals that are gonna try to get away with something. The reason why I posted this thread in the 1st place is to warn people, because it seems that regardless of how many times we say it, there will always be these individuals who claim to be something that they're not,, and they will try to play on our emotions and our heads, so you have to be careful!


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4 hours ago, adam4landry said:

I think you should contact the admin of the forum brian and tell him or her to pin your topic as a warning so that other can be careful and watch out for scammers i hope i am not being wrong ???

Regardless of how many times we warn people, there will always be individuals who may end up not getting the warning, and then they end up seeing it later on, whether or not it becomes pinned and locked as a warning will be up to @DailyDi - he will have to determine whether he wants to be able to pin it, and if it's in the right location for the PIN. If I were a moderator myself, I would pin and lock it myself because this is important, because I don't want anyone else to be a victim of somebody trying to scam you.

I've also made the same warning inside my private club Brian's place! should the need arise, I can always bring It back, And that way people will know if and when the need arises again. It is my hope that we do not end up with people getting scammed by people who are trying to get away with something, or trying to steal something that is not theirs!  Having these fakers try to fake us out It's almost as bad as having a bunch of cockroaches running around, and then Mikey has to use the proper bait to get rid of them, and then being able to treat again to make sure they're gone. they'll always return and they'll Always be on the watch for somebody that is in need of their services, And although there are legitimate mommies and Daddies out there, 90% of the ones that I'm talking about are the ones that Mikey and his admins would automatically determine to be non legitimate, and take them out.

Like Mikey and his admins, I want to make sure that daily diapers remain safe for the masses who like to be here and communicate, posting and replying to posts that they've find interesting or informative. each time you end up squashing one Mommy, they always come flying back, have to keep swatting them like flies, the fact that you have to do it regularly, it's just something that you have to keep up with, and As an administrator, Mikey and his staff are very well are aware that if we swat one, There will be 100 others to take their place!

Part of the reason why I posted this is because there were many messages that have been coming coming in, Most of them asking questions about if we are in need of their services, if we're a baby, what we want, and all of this, And it is important to note that you should not disclose information to anyone whom you do not trust, or whom you do not have an intimate relationship with. Even then, you still have to be careful with your identity, because anybody that gets your identity information can use it against you, and cause major problems that you would have to deal with for months to come! if if posting this warning every single time it becomes an issue is the only way that we can warn people of that particular circumstance, then I'm happy to keep posting it if and when it is necessary, but if it is something the admins want to do, they can easily move it pin it or lock it, or comment on it, so that people are aware of the issue. as I stated above, i've had friends that have gotten taken advantage of by these scammers who try to be something that they're not, and if the wrong person really their services and their, and they're really needy, they could end up getting snared  by the trap, And that is where I don't want to see. We all here on daily diapers because we wish to be, And this is somewhere where someplace where we feel safe, and that includes from individuals who would try to scam us or try to fake us out. Mikey and his admin team do an excellent job taken care of things like this but as I said before Mikey and his admon team cannot be everywhere, so everybody has to be very careful when they end up getting messages like they have been getting in private message in statuses or in postings that end up in one of the categories of the forum.

I've also stated that I am 110% behind Mikey and his team, because we all need to take the initiative to report Things that are inappropriate, so that they can take care of it using whatever message they wish to employ. It kind of stinks that we have to take this type of approach, but I'd rather have this type of an approach then end up having tons of individuals trying to scam us and making us look vulnerable! There are many individuals who look for Mommy's and Daddy's or caregivers, and regardless of how many times you warned them, they still may want those services, so the best thing to do is make sure that people understand that they have to be careful!

mike has already done that on several occasions if I remember correctly! every time that we end up getting a barrage of these type of message requests, the same one same warning goes out, and I'm glad that it is something that the team takes very seriously. It's one thing if someone is legit, but it's also another if you get hammered by these people because you fall into the trap. this is why you have to be very very deliberate and very skeptical.

I feel it is not only my Responsibility as a user to help the keep this stuff to a minimum, but it also is my responsibility to protect the user base from people who try to scam those that are vulnerable because that is what they're looking for. people that are scammers know exactly what buttons to push, or how to get someone to respond, so it's very very important that we all take the initiative and be very very selective and very skeptical, because things are not always as they seem!





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Yes, I got that request too. I looked up her profile and saw that she joined DD that same day. I knew enough, deleted the message and that is about it..

Not that I would have been interested otherwise. Anyone trying to play my mom or dad would really upset me. ?

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On 3/6/2023 at 3:29 AM, cathdiap said:

Yes, I got that request too. I looked up her profile and saw that she joined DD that same day. I knew enough, deleted the message and that is about it..

Not that I would have been interested otherwise. Anyone trying to play my mom or dad would really upset me. ?


Usually what I do is if I see something like this, automatically determine that it is a person who is digging for information. You can usually tell because they just randomly message you, or as I said in the post above, they will find out information from your profile and use it to be able to target people's private message boxes. The message that I received I still have, but I did not respond to it because I didn't think that it was necessary, and not only that, There's no reason for me to respond.

I also can find out if something is not considered legit because everybody is reporting the same message being sent to them. I've even thought that there were times when @spoonchicken has been told that people are messaging either in chat in private message without permission or they're just messaging everybody all over the forms in their statuses or private messages about services that he did not solicit. This is a violation of the rules as far as I can tell, but as I am not an admin or a or a moderator, that decision on to do with these individuals that are messaging like this is not my own. My responsibility therefore is to report these types of things to the administration so they can determine the validity of something like this, and 90% of the time they're right on the money, and they can tell you that it is a scam, because they've seen people doing it in the past. I won't put it's in the administrator's mouth but I know that this is something that is important that we keep a handle on, And so far they've been doing a great job! what I do is just chalk it up to somebody that's just messaging to find information, I make note of the person, report them, and then let that be handled by the administration car because ultimately it will be up to them to decide the fate of an individual doing it. 90% of the time it's usually either a created user deletion or it is an account ban when it occurs, but that is up to the admins.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@~Brian~ well said and well put together.

Everyone - If it is too good to be true, it is a scam.

Nobody in this capitalistic money grabbing world will do anything without self gain. As a result, without you spending absolute fortune, trying to get another to treat you as a baby on your terms is next to impossible. There are a few people worldwide that have fallen in love with an AB, and at time, will treat them as a baby, but this is reciprocal - i.e. given and or done for the feeling in return... and not for money. Where money is involved in any form, it is a scam.

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On 3/5/2023 at 3:21 PM, ~Brian~ said:

Good Morning All:

This morning I am writing with an important announcement and a warning!

In the past week I have been noticing that a lot of these users that are joining our community are purporting to be "mommy's and daddies" Or caregivers, or whatever it is that they say they are. 90% of the time, they are not who they say they are, and they try to scam you into believing that they are what they are purporting to be.

Usually what happens is there someone who will come on as a user. I don't mind people signing on as a member of the community, and I don't mind meeting new friends, or learning about new people, because that's how we'll get to know people and make friends. Making friends is the most important thing that you can do while you are on a particular online service, but you have to also realize that there are tons of people out there that try to take advantage of our community, because we are somehow looking for what they are trying to say that they can provide. I'm going to tell you that most of the time these people are wrong, because they think they can provide something that they cannot, or they say they are somebody that they are not.

How can you tell that? that that is easy! the thing that I'd look for is to see what type of a person they are. You can easily tell the people that are trying to make friends real fast, and they're not even making real friends, they're just making message requests within of joining on. You'll end up having someone who will join let's say at I am, And by 10:15 they've already sent 10 messages to a whole bunch of people, And then the next thing you know you end up with either status messages or private messages to individuals on the system. 90% of the time, these people are not legit Mommies or Daddies, and they're just looking for a way to get your attention, and they're trying to play to your emotions, because they know that you or are looking for a particular service. 

i've been a member here for almost four years, and I've seen a close friend of mine get suckered in by someone who is claiming to be a Mommy or a daddy wannabe, and that individual ended up getting scammed. there's one thing that I can't stand about stuff like this, is that a friend of mine got scammed, so I'm warning everybody: when somebody sends you a message please be careful, please please please be careful!

How do they do this:?: The easiest way they do this is to become a member here, And within a matter of minutes, they send out messages to individuals saying that they are Mommy's or Daddy's, and they're looking for babies or individuals that they would like to baby or take care of.  Apparently, There are individuals who are looking for services like this, so these people know that there is a way to get people to bite, because people would be would be interested in supposed services.

The next thing that they would do is they would take a look at all of our profiles. The diapers: section of our profile or they're looking for that we are an AB/DL, and if they see that in our profile, then they would probably send us a message that asks us a simple question: they want to know do you wear diapers? Most people who are incontinent 24/7, where diapers because of need or because they feel that it is appropriate to do so, but they use that information to try to sucker you into believing that they are who they say they are. 

Once a message like this is sent and actually responded to, Then there may be a small time when they talk about things and get to know you, and then they usually drop a bombshell by telling you that they need to have you pay them some money, or they want you to go offline to some other type of communication medium off of daily diapers. this is a direct red flag in my opinion, because anybody who wants you to talk to them off of either the chat system or off of the forms usually wants information from you that is more than just talk, And then the next thing you know, a person will be asking you for information, and it will probably culminate in someone asking for your financial information!

this is where I give you the warning! under no circumstances should anybody give any information about your financial condition or your financial information to any one online! there are way too many ways that you can be scammed or taken advantage of, and this is not appropriate nor is it legit!

I am sure there are many professional mommies and Daddies out there, way that they do things, And if they're legitimate, they would probably be charging you upwards of $1000 a day, And most of them are quite expensive. For what you probably get from these professionals, it would be it would be well worth the money that you spend, but most of the time in my opinion it's the people that can afford to pay thousands of dollars a day to get the type of services that they want, so they try to go and ask somebody else to provide them in the service for less. you can also tell if somebody is not legitimate because of the fact that they make it sound too good to be true, and when you ask them specific questions they do not know the answers, or they seem to be less legit.

So everyone: please be careful! There are many individuals around here that are looking for Mommy's or Daddies. I'm sure there's everyone who wants to be babied or taken care of by a mother or father figure that is playing the role, and they want the full immersion, or whatever they're asking for, but 90% of the time this would cost a lot of money,, which is normal, because most times it would not be legit based on what these people do. if they're legitimate, they have rules and regulations, and they have their own information and their own standards, and there are certain things that real mommies and Daddies will do things that they do not do! You have to be you have to be sure that the person that you are contracting with is legit, And if you find the legit Mommy or Daddy, then you probably will be OK, but you have to be careful, because fly by night operations such as users that come on, we'll try to say that their mom is or Daddy's, when most times they are not.

I would also like to state that while I understand that there are people that want this type of service, that you still have to be careful:  I would hate to have somebody get scammed by someone else, claiming to be something that they are not!

So as I said: most of the time, the people that I have noticed that don't sound legit or are pulling a scam, are those type of individuals who will immediately come on as a user on DD, And then within a matter of moments, they will start either following a bunch of individuals, or they'll start looking at profiles.  they will then send status messages, or they will go further and private message a whole bunch of people. this is a dead giveaway that there's something not right right off the bat! if someone was legitimate, they wouldn't have to do this, because they would be able to back up whatever they say they are, and there would not be questions such as: do you wear diapers, are you a baby, et cetera! 

The 2nd way there will get your attention is that they will go to your profile and look at all of your profile and then send you messages.  Professional Mommy's know exactly what they're doing, And they've been doing it long enough so they don't have to ask questions like that. The things that I see is based on someone looking at our profile and then and then asking questions based based on what they see! if a person was legit professional Mommy, they wouldn't have to ask if we were diapers, they wouldn't have to ask if we were AB or DL, and they wouldn't have to ask if we're incontinent and that is a comma because it would already be in our profile, but even if all of that information was in our profile, which doesn't bother me, it's just the fact that people will take that information and will ask questions right away, which to me is a dead giveaway that the person is not who they say they claim to be.

WARNING:  Please DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!  There are many individuals who are looking for Mommy's or Daddy's or companions com, and they think that they will find their special somebody or their companion, and that is basically what people are looking for. If someone finds their companion online, it usually happens the way a dating relationship occurs, which means you meet the person or you get to know the person, and then time goes time goes by and you end up learning more and more about the individual, they learn about you when everything else. If you find your soul mate or friend or whatever online, because there's something like this, that's awesome! many people find their companion online, but with all of the stuff that happens, you have to be careful! there are way too many individuals who would try to take advantage of needy individuals who are looking for a Mommy or a daddy, and you have to be able to know the difference between something that is true or believable, or something that is fallacy or false. 

I really do not want to see any of my friends get suckered in like this! it is one thing to find a professional mommy, and find out how they do things are all about them, and you have a contractual relationship with an individual who is willing to provide certain services, within certain guidelines within their own rule sets, and based on what they are willing to do versus what they are not willing to do! if you have a Professional Mommy, there are standards that are set, and everybody knows exactly what is to be expected, and how things work usually before you even get to a contractual relationship. The good thing about a professional Mommy is that they will tell you exactly what they expect, and you can tell them what you expect, and that's a good thing, because if it's already in writing, people usually understand right off the bat what they will get for whatever money they pay. Professional Mommy's take pride in what they do, and they will usually immerse you fully into what you want them to do within reason, so you get the full idea of how it feels to be treated the way you want to be treated, And when they do it, it is real all the way down the line.

People that are playing Mommy or Daddy, in the sense that they want you to be their baby, and they are not legitimate You can usually tell right away. as I said, it's usually a message right off the bat, or Something that is too good to be true! 90 percent of the time what you see is not what you get, and unfortunately there are people out there that want to try to scam you and make you lose your money or give you an experience that you don't want to repeat! if you are dealing with a professional Mommy, usually they will tell you exactly what the heck is going on, they will tell you what they expect, they usually have a website, or they usually tell you information that will check it out Allow you to know whether it's true or false. even if they sound legit, you still have to be careful, but please do not just automatically assume that because someone becomes a Mommy on a system within 5 minutes of signing on that they are a Mommy or a daddy! that is where people end up getting scammed: they make a good play for you, and they'll play the game, making you believe that they are who they say there, then they will end up bringing you off the system, or asking you for money! This is a dead giveaway because if a person can't give you information about how they're going to do things, then it makes it hard for those who think that it's legit, and therefore most of the time it's not legit.

If anyone sees any of this type of activity, they should report it to daily diapers administration immediately! the administrators will determine whether something is legit, or whether it is not. They will also make a determination whether they believe that rules have been broken, and therefore they may end up BANNING individuals who play the game, try to, to try to trick us into believing that they are who they say they are.

If you have who you believe to be a legitimate Mommy ask, asking the proper questions and knowing what to ask and how to ask it will usually tell you in your mind whether something is legitimate or not. If for some reason you think something is not legitimate, stay the heck away from it, and if you think it is not legit, please report it to Mikey, or his administration team. We want to make sure that daily diapers remains a place where we feel safe comfortable and able to let our hair down, rather than to be a place where somebody can try to scam us, because they want to tug at our heartstrings, because they know what we're looking for, the love and companionship of somebody else, or somebody that will be will be willing to treat us the way we want to be treated!

NOTE:  Also, I want to let people know that I have had people tell me that they are thankful for my help and advice. I have no problem giving my help, and I have no problem giving my advice, based on information that is given me. my advice is free, And I don't charge for it, nor would I end up trying to scam someone or try to tell them something is not what it is. I call it as I see it! I also want to let people know, that even though I have heard from many individuals that I am very helpful, I have had specific requests from some individuals, who are asking me what do you say to help them find a Mommy or a daddy or a caregiver!

I cannot do this! This is simply because I am not in a position to know the difference between someone who is legit and someone who is not! this is not to say that I'm unable to determine whether something is legit or not, but I would rather not try to help someone find appropriate companionship this way. If you meet someone online, then it might be a bit different, but I am not in the habit of helping people find professional Mommy Daddy or caregiver services, nor would I do this, because that is not my cup of tea, and I am not in the know when it comes to this! please understand, I do not want to have someone get scammed simply because of my advice, so I i'm letting everyone know right now, that I will not provide this type of advice, only that they be careful when they're looking for Mommy services or Daddy Services or caregiver services, because there are so many supposed services out there, and I am and I am not able to determine legitimate from non legitimate, unless I am fully aware of a particular profession professional that is a member here!

Thank you! we now return to our regularly scheduled program!




If they do send you a picture of themselves, always do a reverse image search using google images, tineye, yandex to check that photo is really them and not some russian model, celebrity etc,

There is a lady on diapermates who is using a stolen photo, see below


Using Yandex , you find this


On 3/5/2023 at 6:01 PM, adam4landry said:

I agree with you as well brian there are a lot of people that got scam from something like this but there are some people that are smarter than the scammers and can spot a scam from a mile away and as i mention before scammer are getting smarter and everyone must be very careful and very cautions plus don't give them any information where you live.

I also want to point out two scams that two scammers try with me it a gifts card scam the first one was a mommy told me to get a gift card for her XBOX console however the card she requested was a steam card and not a xbox card i was beyond confuse so i search online if a steam card work on xbox and surprise surprise it was a big fat NO!!! this is one scam everyone need to watch out for, the second one is more tricky i have ask a mommy for some picture of herself however she send me a pic and a message saying that her camera was not working well on the pic it said "the camera needed a itune card to update it" well something like that anyway that one is also a scam like the steam card i did some digging online and fond out it a scam also, so that the only exemples i can give you guys so watch out.

They use steam , itunes, xbox cards to buy crypto currency as its hard to trace a gift card

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On 3/5/2023 at 4:58 PM, ~Brian~ said:


agreed! Part of the problem is these people think that they can get away with almost anything! the first thing is they know that they have have people by the diaper pins, because there are people that want the services that these mommies or Daddy say they can provide. the problem here is is that 90% of the people that say they can provide these services are not able to provide the services, and they try to see if they can get away with making it sound like or look like they can provide the services that they do. you end up following one of these so called Mommy's, And the first thing that they'll do is they'll end up asking you to go and and talk to them on Instagram or tick tock or any other type of communication medium, And that would be away from daily diapers, and that would be something I would not want to do under any circumstances.

Second, most of the people that are trying to get information from you are trying to get your financial Information, or to get information about you in some way! the problem that I have with some of these idiots is that they try to make it sound like it will be like being a club med, but unfortunately what usually happens is someone finds out that they're not who they say they are, and they want a mommy or daddy so bad, that they end up looking all over the place, and they don't find a legit one, but there's so many people that come on to daily diapers or any other site and they try to make it sound like they are an angel in disguise, And that can also be let down to people who are expecting to have something happen that won't. This is gets really hard, because these people that say their mommies or Daddies, they know that they're trying to get people to respond, so the first thing that they will do is they will start messaging you or talking to you and making you feel like they're the answer to your prayers, when 90% of the time what they're trying to do is get something out of you, or make you feel like they are needed, and that they will take care of you. they'll take care of you Alright, if you let them get ahold of your financial information, they'll zap out your bank account in a matter of moments! Then they'll leave you high and dry, and your dream will be dead, because you won't have any money left, or they'll have your identifying information which will allow them to perform identity theft against you.

I agree with you: do not give anyone any information that would allow a perspective Mommy or Daddy Faker, to use that information to find you, Because if that happens, they will have information about your location, as well as any information that they can use to identify you offline. one of my main rules is I have certain individuals who I trust, who I've had a long standing relationship with, and those individuals would not pull the type of stuff that these people do, they are who they say they are, they tell it the way it is, and they're not out to get someone. A fake Mommy or Daddy is only out to get money from you or to make you feel bad because they're getting you at your low point rather than trying to help you, and let me tell you they'll help you out of your money, but they won't help you in any other way, then after they end up sucking you dry, then you're a dead duck, and you have hundreds of things that you have to do to fix any mistakes or any problems that happen because you allow a person to do these type of dishonest tactics.

If someone is really legitimate, you'd be able to determine that After awhile, you would be able to know whether someone is telling you the truth or not, and that comes with a lot of time and with a lot of patience understanding and everything else. someone who joins within 15 minutes, and then starts messaging everybody on daily diapers, saying stuff like:

"are you a baby?"

" do you wear diapers"

" anything that they can find out the answer to by looking at your profile"

" anything that tells you that they are willing to help you make your dreams come true, and then tell you that it will cost you money"

" any messages that come across a status messages to one or more individuals, telling someone that they are a Mommy or a daddy looking for a baby or significant other to help turn into a baby or to help their dreams come true"

" any direct request for any money or identification information that would help perspective Mommy's or Daddy's identify you, in such a way that they could take advantage of you Financially or any other way"

" any direct request to conduct business away from daily diapers, the server or the safety of the online community"

" any situation where, mommy identifies you, says they are Mommy or a daddy, And then the next thing that they ask you is about questions about yourself, And then a user would respond and ask them questions, which would caused the person asking the questions to doubt the veracity or the legitimacy of the person's claim"

" any situation where you doubt the veracity of the claim of the individual saying that they are a Mommy or Daddy should be investigated, And if you feel that it is not legit, then there are ways to be able to check it, but to be honest, 90% of the individuals who are telling us that they are legit most likely are not. People that are in the community know when they are legit and when they are not, especially if they are legit mommies that have been a member of the community for many years."

Everybody should be on the watch and be prepared for someone to ask you those questions! we might not be able to stop everyone from asking list these questions or doing the types of things that I have no talked about, but Most likely, If you catch any of these little triggers, you can probably determine who is legit and who is not, And if something is not legit, or sounds too good to be true, it usually is, and I would hate to have somebody end up getting suckered because they fall victim to somebody's scheme to try to defraud! if a person is legit professional Mommy or a daddy, there are ways to determine that, especially if they have a legit website and they actually are well known in the community. please do not fall victim to the quick and fast answer which is that they want the service so bad that they're not being careful and protecting their own interest! I would hate to see someone get hurt because of stuff like this, it happens way too often, and I personally have had friends that have gotten scammed because of this!

Thanks!  and you're welcome!




If they send you a picture of themselves, be very cautious as most of the time these pictures are stolen, ask them to send you a picture and state something like "hold a carrot in the air" and ask for that picture, as you have initiated the photo, if they refuse then it could be a scam, i found my girl friend using this exact process, and ask questions about where they supposedly come from. If you find out they are scamming you, play along and give fake information and pictures, so to waste their time, my fake persona to the scammers is prince william and even have a photo licence made up.

prince william driving.jpg

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8 hours ago, tiger2014 said:

If they send you a picture of themselves, be very cautious as most of the time these pictures are stolen, ask them to send you a picture and state something like "hold a carrot in the air" and ask for that picture, as you have initiated the photo, if they refuse then it could be a scam, i found my girl friend using this exact process, and ask questions about where they supposedly come from. If you find out they are scamming you, play along and give fake information and pictures, so to waste their time, my fake persona to the scammers is prince william and even have a photo licence made up.

prince william driving.jpg

Well i ask them to send a picture of themselves in a swimsuit and will never got any.

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On 3/5/2023 at 9:21 AM, ~Brian~ said:

Good Morning All:

This morning I am writing with an important announcement and a warning!

In the past week I have been noticing that a lot of these users that are joining our community are purporting to be "mommy's and daddies" Or caregivers, or whatever it is that they say they are. 90% of the time, they are not who they say they are, and they try to scam you into believing that they are what they are purporting to be.

Usually what happens is there someone who will come on as a user. I don't mind people signing on as a member of the community, and I don't mind meeting new friends, or learning about new people, because that's how we'll get to know people and make friends. Making friends is the most important thing that you can do while you are on a particular online service, but you have to also realize that there are tons of people out there that try to take advantage of our community, because we are somehow looking for what they are trying to say that they can provide. I'm going to tell you that most of the time these people are wrong, because they think they can provide something that they cannot, or they say they are somebody that they are not.

How can you tell that? that that is easy! the thing that I'd look for is to see what type of a person they are. You can easily tell the people that are trying to make friends real fast, and they're not even making real friends, they're just making message requests within of joining on. You'll end up having someone who will join let's say at I am, And by 10:15 they've already sent 10 messages to a whole bunch of people, And then the next thing you know you end up with either status messages or private messages to individuals on the system. 90% of the time, these people are not legit Mommies or Daddies, and they're just looking for a way to get your attention, and they're trying to play to your emotions, because they know that you or are looking for a particular service. 

i've been a member here for almost four years, and I've seen a close friend of mine get suckered in by someone who is claiming to be a Mommy or a daddy wannabe, and that individual ended up getting scammed. there's one thing that I can't stand about stuff like this, is that a friend of mine got scammed, so I'm warning everybody: when somebody sends you a message please be careful, please please please be careful!

How do they do this:?: The easiest way they do this is to become a member here, And within a matter of minutes, they send out messages to individuals saying that they are Mommy's or Daddy's, and they're looking for babies or individuals that they would like to baby or take care of.  Apparently, There are individuals who are looking for services like this, so these people know that there is a way to get people to bite, because people would be would be interested in supposed services.

The next thing that they would do is they would take a look at all of our profiles. The diapers: section of our profile or they're looking for that we are an AB/DL, and if they see that in our profile, then they would probably send us a message that asks us a simple question: they want to know do you wear diapers? Most people who are incontinent 24/7, where diapers because of need or because they feel that it is appropriate to do so, but they use that information to try to sucker you into believing that they are who they say they are. 

Once a message like this is sent and actually responded to, Then there may be a small time when they talk about things and get to know you, and then they usually drop a bombshell by telling you that they need to have you pay them some money, or they want you to go offline to some other type of communication medium off of daily diapers. this is a direct red flag in my opinion, because anybody who wants you to talk to them off of either the chat system or off of the forms usually wants information from you that is more than just talk, And then the next thing you know, a person will be asking you for information, and it will probably culminate in someone asking for your financial information!

this is where I give you the warning! under no circumstances should anybody give any information about your financial condition or your financial information to any one online! there are way too many ways that you can be scammed or taken advantage of, and this is not appropriate nor is it legit!

I am sure there are many professional mommies and Daddies out there, way that they do things, And if they're legitimate, they would probably be charging you upwards of $1000 a day, And most of them are quite expensive. For what you probably get from these professionals, it would be it would be well worth the money that you spend, but most of the time in my opinion it's the people that can afford to pay thousands of dollars a day to get the type of services that they want, so they try to go and ask somebody else to provide them in the service for less. you can also tell if somebody is not legitimate because of the fact that they make it sound too good to be true, and when you ask them specific questions they do not know the answers, or they seem to be less legit.

So everyone: please be careful! There are many individuals around here that are looking for Mommy's or Daddies. I'm sure there's everyone who wants to be babied or taken care of by a mother or father figure that is playing the role, and they want the full immersion, or whatever they're asking for, but 90% of the time this would cost a lot of money,, which is normal, because most times it would not be legit based on what these people do. if they're legitimate, they have rules and regulations, and they have their own information and their own standards, and there are certain things that real mommies and Daddies will do things that they do not do! You have to be you have to be sure that the person that you are contracting with is legit, And if you find the legit Mommy or Daddy, then you probably will be OK, but you have to be careful, because fly by night operations such as users that come on, we'll try to say that their mom is or Daddy's, when most times they are not.

I would also like to state that while I understand that there are people that want this type of service, that you still have to be careful:  I would hate to have somebody get scammed by someone else, claiming to be something that they are not!

So as I said: most of the time, the people that I have noticed that don't sound legit or are pulling a scam, are those type of individuals who will immediately come on as a user on DD, And then within a matter of moments, they will start either following a bunch of individuals, or they'll start looking at profiles.  they will then send status messages, or they will go further and private message a whole bunch of people. this is a dead giveaway that there's something not right right off the bat! if someone was legitimate, they wouldn't have to do this, because they would be able to back up whatever they say they are, and there would not be questions such as: do you wear diapers, are you a baby, et cetera! 

The 2nd way there will get your attention is that they will go to your profile and look at all of your profile and then send you messages.  Professional Mommy's know exactly what they're doing, And they've been doing it long enough so they don't have to ask questions like that. The things that I see is based on someone looking at our profile and then and then asking questions based based on what they see! if a person was legit professional Mommy, they wouldn't have to ask if we were diapers, they wouldn't have to ask if we were AB or DL, and they wouldn't have to ask if we're incontinent and that is a comma because it would already be in our profile, but even if all of that information was in our profile, which doesn't bother me, it's just the fact that people will take that information and will ask questions right away, which to me is a dead giveaway that the person is not who they say they claim to be.

WARNING:  Please DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!  There are many individuals who are looking for Mommy's or Daddy's or companions com, and they think that they will find their special somebody or their companion, and that is basically what people are looking for. If someone finds their companion online, it usually happens the way a dating relationship occurs, which means you meet the person or you get to know the person, and then time goes time goes by and you end up learning more and more about the individual, they learn about you when everything else. If you find your soul mate or friend or whatever online, because there's something like this, that's awesome! many people find their companion online, but with all of the stuff that happens, you have to be careful! there are way too many individuals who would try to take advantage of needy individuals who are looking for a Mommy or a daddy, and you have to be able to know the difference between something that is true or believable, or something that is fallacy or false. 

I really do not want to see any of my friends get suckered in like this! it is one thing to find a professional mommy, and find out how they do things are all about them, and you have a contractual relationship with an individual who is willing to provide certain services, within certain guidelines within their own rule sets, and based on what they are willing to do versus what they are not willing to do! if you have a Professional Mommy, there are standards that are set, and everybody knows exactly what is to be expected, and how things work usually before you even get to a contractual relationship. The good thing about a professional Mommy is that they will tell you exactly what they expect, and you can tell them what you expect, and that's a good thing, because if it's already in writing, people usually understand right off the bat what they will get for whatever money they pay. Professional Mommy's take pride in what they do, and they will usually immerse you fully into what you want them to do within reason, so you get the full idea of how it feels to be treated the way you want to be treated, And when they do it, it is real all the way down the line.

People that are playing Mommy or Daddy, in the sense that they want you to be their baby, and they are not legitimate You can usually tell right away. as I said, it's usually a message right off the bat, or Something that is too good to be true! 90 percent of the time what you see is not what you get, and unfortunately there are people out there that want to try to scam you and make you lose your money or give you an experience that you don't want to repeat! if you are dealing with a professional Mommy, usually they will tell you exactly what the heck is going on, they will tell you what they expect, they usually have a website, or they usually tell you information that will check it out Allow you to know whether it's true or false. even if they sound legit, you still have to be careful, but please do not just automatically assume that because someone becomes a Mommy on a system within 5 minutes of signing on that they are a Mommy or a daddy! that is where people end up getting scammed: they make a good play for you, and they'll play the game, making you believe that they are who they say there, then they will end up bringing you off the system, or asking you for money! This is a dead giveaway because if a person can't give you information about how they're going to do things, then it makes it hard for those who think that it's legit, and therefore most of the time it's not legit.

If anyone sees any of this type of activity, they should report it to daily diapers administration immediately! the administrators will determine whether something is legit, or whether it is not. They will also make a determination whether they believe that rules have been broken, and therefore they may end up BANNING individuals who play the game, try to, to try to trick us into believing that they are who they say they are.

If you have who you believe to be a legitimate Mommy ask, asking the proper questions and knowing what to ask and how to ask it will usually tell you in your mind whether something is legitimate or not. If for some reason you think something is not legitimate, stay the heck away from it, and if you think it is not legit, please report it to Mikey, or his administration team. We want to make sure that daily diapers remains a place where we feel safe comfortable and able to let our hair down, rather than to be a place where somebody can try to scam us, because they want to tug at our heartstrings, because they know what we're looking for, the love and companionship of somebody else, or somebody that will be will be willing to treat us the way we want to be treated!

NOTE:  Also, I want to let people know that I have had people tell me that they are thankful for my help and advice. I have no problem giving my help, and I have no problem giving my advice, based on information that is given me. my advice is free, And I don't charge for it, nor would I end up trying to scam someone or try to tell them something is not what it is. I call it as I see it! I also want to let people know, that even though I have heard from many individuals that I am very helpful, I have had specific requests from some individuals, who are asking me what do you say to help them find a Mommy or a daddy or a caregiver!

I cannot do this! This is simply because I am not in a position to know the difference between someone who is legit and someone who is not! this is not to say that I'm unable to determine whether something is legit or not, but I would rather not try to help someone find appropriate companionship this way. If you meet someone online, then it might be a bit different, but I am not in the habit of helping people find professional Mommy Daddy or caregiver services, nor would I do this, because that is not my cup of tea, and I am not in the know when it comes to this! please understand, I do not want to have someone get scammed simply because of my advice, so I i'm letting everyone know right now, that I will not provide this type of advice, only that they be careful when they're looking for Mommy services or Daddy Services or caregiver services, because there are so many supposed services out there, and I am and I am not able to determine legitimate from non legitimate, unless I am fully aware of a particular profession professional that is a member here!

Thank you! we now return to our regularly scheduled program!




Thanks for the insight Brian.


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  • 2 months later...

Thanks to people like Brian and the moderators we hope to keep this a safe place. I am DL and a little bit AB, maybe more than I say LOL. I and who would not Love to be Loved like a Baby again..... But I am very careful , also I can't believe what they would charge for that fun of a day. I had no idea until Brian said a $1000 a day. That leaves me out. As a disabled ,,And any scammers out there that read this I am smart and I will not fall for you.

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