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3 hours ago, kasarberang said:

I'll donate more once my second paycheck comes in, first half of the month is always the hardest for us.

Big hugs buddy!?♥️ What's your name again? I forgot, sorry!?? Snuggles and Cuddles!?♥️?♥️? Hope you're having a great day friend!?????♥️?☺️?

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there are always the decent few that donate to keep this site going, and the trouble makers that don't. Not to toot my own horn, but I have been on this site for a number of years supporting in how I can with both advice and financial support.

Why keep the members that do not support the site? In my humble opinion, there are a few within a 'click' that cause issues here.

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8 hours ago, DailyDi said:

There are plenty of people who add value to our community without opening their wallet. They deserve a place to play too!


I agree with Mikey.  I look at it this way:  Daily diapers in all of his Domains are like a piece of his house, and let's just use that example here. each domain is like a separate room in his house, that he allows us access to and allows us to be able to use. he provides a place for us to feel like we belong somewhere, and he allows us to play and have fun, so long as we follow his very simple very simple rules!

those types of individuals who come here and cause trouble for Mikey, somehow put our community in a bad light and somehow violate the rules are dealt with very very quickly by our administrative team. Their job is to make sure that this place runs smoothly, and also that people are able to enjoy The place that Mikey provides us to be able to play. if somebody violates the rules, mikey or one of the admins will let them know what they did, and will give a warning or an appropriate sanction when necessary.

I also agree that not every single person that signs on to daily diapers needs to open their wallet. Member of Tallahassee free net for over 27 years, and If the server is still being stored somewhere my files are there on the server, someday we may end up being able to resurrect it, but I'm not sure of that. For all intents and purposes I think we won't be able to restore it, but there's always a possibility that there could be a resurrection. if that ever happens I will get an email from them to let us know. I have been a member of that organization for a good long time. Because I really loved what I was doing, and I really wanted to see them be the best they could be, I volunteered to become a chat operator car, and I started being a chat off much like mikey's mods do on the server, and then I got bumped up to an operator in 1995. this means that I was in complete control of the server with the exception of the FIFA files, which I did have access to at one point. we had a plenty of scripts and other things that we had to maintain, so all we had to do was literally punch a couple buttons and make a couple changes: other people that were higher in rank than I would actually undo changes to the config files and we're talking about kill lines and other things, but I was one of the people that really loved my job: so much so that I was crying when I found out that somebody had tried to screw us over. During my tenure there I didn't pay one dime to the, and that was because I didn't really have the ability to afford it at the time. However, I gave hours and hours and hours and hours of service to this one organization because I loved what I was doing, I love the people, I love the things that I learned, and I don't think I was too far away from Mikey, even though he was in Alabama: alabama was one of the three states that would be considered In the three state area to be able to get free access account. because of my longevity and my service, I was given The ability to be considered a Florida resident, which meant that I didn't have to pay for my account, and I would be on that server as much as possible. when you have something that you really love, you don't really wanna see it go anywhere, want it to thrive.

Tallahassee Freenet may be gone or offline: but all of the things that I learned and all of the people that I met and all of the situations that I've dealt with, Learned a lot from every single Instance. I was even able to laugh at myself a few times, because the people there were so nice to me it wasn't even funny. when you see someone behind a screen, it's different than if you were to stand in front of them and be able to talk to them. I have a lot of respect for that organization because they gave me the chance to be the person that I could be to help them and help myself. I grew a lot because of that experience, and this is why I feel like that is important in my life.

Why did I just bring that up? the reason is is because now daily diapers is the home base That I call home. I have accepted my situation I have accepted my incontinence I have accepted the fact that I need diapers and that I like diapers, and that everything is cool. i've met a lot of good people around here, and I've learned a lot of things from everyone. I've even had my differences with some people, but I always try to not let my temper get the best of me: Because maybe Mikey would give me a spanking if you didn't like it he he he! thanks very much

daily diapers is now my home, just like it is Mikey's house! I don't wanna see any of his particular websites go anywhere, because they provide a place for everyone to hang out, everyone to be able to be Frank and honest and open, and also have a safe place to play without having to worry about all the cranks and all of the negative people in the back in the bad people out there. mikey can't do it all, and sometimes things get by him, but he has a pretty damn good team, I will say that again it's a pretty damn good team!

When I can donate, I make donations based on my ability to do so. I do it because I want to do it and because I want to help this place grow, just like everybody else does. mikey is right when he says there may be people that are users here that may not be able to open their wallets, and they might not be able to afford to drop Fives and 10s and 20s car, or maybe a 50 or two all the time period it all depends on people's particular Ability to do that. Irregardless of their ability to pay, they should continue to have a place to hang out and call home. Some people may decide to Make a donation, and that is up to them. when Mikey asks us to move the meter, that's letting us know that he needs help. it's not cheap to run a place like this, and I think it's pretty darn good that we are able to maintain the same amount of hosting charges for so long, but he had to raise the target to $400 a month. I will tell you this if I can donate I certainly will, but there will be times when I cannot do that. Mikey knows that and he knows that there are certain people that may not be able to do that, but he knows that there are good people here and he knows that we love this place, and I have to say i'm very very proud to be a member here, and as I said I wish I had been able to accept my faith a lot longer ago A goal than now, but that's beside the point. i'm here now and I'm here for the duration, and as much as I can I will help this place grow in any way that I can be of service. Sometimes you don't have to pay money to be helpful: tallahassee freeman taught me that: I used my skills to be able to help users like Mikey can make accounts and change passwords and do things to help the populace here. you don't necessarily have to open your wallet, but you can use your skills and your knowledge to help others which is always the best thing period of course, we should help Mikey as much as we can, but some of us help Mikey in other ways, and we help users of his system to be able to understand what they're dealing with and why they feel the way they do.

Mikey: thank you for everything that you do and thank you for that wonderful response! that response reminded me so much of Tallahassee free net that I couldn't resist! one of the best things that ever happened to me was when I was able to finally go down there and stand in front of the leroy Collins Leon County Public Library, and then receive a service award for my service on Tallahassee Freenet in 1996:  sometimes I miss those days, but times change and we move forward, and as I said i'm here for the duration!


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12 hours ago, DailyDi said:

There are plenty of people who add value to our community without opening their wallet. They deserve a place to play too!

I can see your point, but I was not suggesting a large amount - more like $1 per year per person. From my last check, there is over 5000 members here. That value could cover the complete running cost of the site etc.

The sideline monthly goal thermometer resembles the thermometer on delapidated churches / halls where a red line is placed on same every 1c / $1 is collected. 


Most, who chose and can afford the interest, have a realitively high disposable income - after all, diapers don't grow on trees.

4 hours ago, ~Brian~ said:


I agree with Mikey.  I look at it this way:  Daily diapers in all of his Domains are like a piece of his house, and let's just use that example here. each domain is like a separate room in his house, that he allows us access to and allows us to be able to use. he provides a place for us to feel like we belong somewhere, and he allows us to play and have fun, so long as we follow his very simple very simple rules!

those types of individuals who come here and cause trouble for Mikey, somehow put our community in a bad light and somehow violate the rules are dealt with very very quickly by our administrative team. Their job is to make sure that this place runs smoothly, and also that people are able to enjoy The place that Mikey provides us to be able to play. if somebody violates the rules, mikey or one of the admins will let them know what they did, and will give a warning or an appropriate sanction when necessary.

I also agree that not every single person that signs on to daily diapers needs to open their wallet. Member of Tallahassee free net for over 27 years, and If the server is still being stored somewhere my files are there on the server, someday we may end up being able to resurrect it, but I'm not sure of that. For all intents and purposes I think we won't be able to restore it, but there's always a possibility that there could be a resurrection. if that ever happens I will get an email from them to let us know. I have been a member of that organization for a good long time. Because I really loved what I was doing, and I really wanted to see them be the best they could be, I volunteered to become a chat operator car, and I started being a chat off much like mikey's mods do on the server, and then I got bumped up to an operator in 1995. this means that I was in complete control of the server with the exception of the FIFA files, which I did have access to at one point. we had a plenty of scripts and other things that we had to maintain, so all we had to do was literally punch a couple buttons and make a couple changes: other people that were higher in rank than I would actually undo changes to the config files and we're talking about kill lines and other things, but I was one of the people that really loved my job: so much so that I was crying when I found out that somebody had tried to screw us over. During my tenure there I didn't pay one dime to the, and that was because I didn't really have the ability to afford it at the time. However, I gave hours and hours and hours and hours of service to this one organization because I loved what I was doing, I love the people, I love the things that I learned, and I don't think I was too far away from Mikey, even though he was in Alabama: alabama was one of the three states that would be considered In the three state area to be able to get free access account. because of my longevity and my service, I was given The ability to be considered a Florida resident, which meant that I didn't have to pay for my account, and I would be on that server as much as possible. when you have something that you really love, you don't really wanna see it go anywhere, want it to thrive.

Tallahassee Freenet may be gone or offline: but all of the things that I learned and all of the people that I met and all of the situations that I've dealt with, Learned a lot from every single Instance. I was even able to laugh at myself a few times, because the people there were so nice to me it wasn't even funny. when you see someone behind a screen, it's different than if you were to stand in front of them and be able to talk to them. I have a lot of respect for that organization because they gave me the chance to be the person that I could be to help them and help myself. I grew a lot because of that experience, and this is why I feel like that is important in my life.

Why did I just bring that up? the reason is is because now daily diapers is the home base That I call home. I have accepted my situation I have accepted my incontinence I have accepted the fact that I need diapers and that I like diapers, and that everything is cool. i've met a lot of good people around here, and I've learned a lot of things from everyone. I've even had my differences with some people, but I always try to not let my temper get the best of me: Because maybe Mikey would give me a spanking if you didn't like it he he he! thanks very much

daily diapers is now my home, just like it is Mikey's house! I don't wanna see any of his particular websites go anywhere, because they provide a place for everyone to hang out, everyone to be able to be Frank and honest and open, and also have a safe place to play without having to worry about all the cranks and all of the negative people in the back in the bad people out there. mikey can't do it all, and sometimes things get by him, but he has a pretty damn good team, I will say that again it's a pretty damn good team!

When I can donate, I make donations based on my ability to do so. I do it because I want to do it and because I want to help this place grow, just like everybody else does. mikey is right when he says there may be people that are users here that may not be able to open their wallets, and they might not be able to afford to drop Fives and 10s and 20s car, or maybe a 50 or two all the time period it all depends on people's particular Ability to do that. Irregardless of their ability to pay, they should continue to have a place to hang out and call home. Some people may decide to Make a donation, and that is up to them. when Mikey asks us to move the meter, that's letting us know that he needs help. it's not cheap to run a place like this, and I think it's pretty darn good that we are able to maintain the same amount of hosting charges for so long, but he had to raise the target to $400 a month. I will tell you this if I can donate I certainly will, but there will be times when I cannot do that. Mikey knows that and he knows that there are certain people that may not be able to do that, but he knows that there are good people here and he knows that we love this place, and I have to say i'm very very proud to be a member here, and as I said I wish I had been able to accept my faith a lot longer ago A goal than now, but that's beside the point. i'm here now and I'm here for the duration, and as much as I can I will help this place grow in any way that I can be of service. Sometimes you don't have to pay money to be helpful: tallahassee freeman taught me that: I used my skills to be able to help users like Mikey can make accounts and change passwords and do things to help the populace here. you don't necessarily have to open your wallet, but you can use your skills and your knowledge to help others which is always the best thing period of course, we should help Mikey as much as we can, but some of us help Mikey in other ways, and we help users of his system to be able to understand what they're dealing with and why they feel the way they do.

Mikey: thank you for everything that you do and thank you for that wonderful response! that response reminded me so much of Tallahassee free net that I couldn't resist! one of the best things that ever happened to me was when I was able to finally go down there and stand in front of the leroy Collins Leon County Public Library, and then receive a service award for my service on Tallahassee Freenet in 1996:  sometimes I miss those days, but times change and we move forward, and as I said i'm here for the duration!



I was not suggesting you. There are a lot of members here without any 'Banker' badges that play reguarly but have not / never contributed. What I was thinking about was asking them for $1 per year or something like that. It seems to me, and I do not have the full access of Admins etc., that the same few people are financially keeping this site running, and the longer that exists without resolution, the more stress it puts on @DailyDi and others.

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An issue with requiring even a tiny donation is that it requires members to link their credit card or bank account to the site, which many don't want to do for various reasons - privacy concerns being the largest. 

Also, part of what makes this community great is that there's enough people to really call it a community! 

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2 hours ago, PeculiarChangeling said:

An issue with requiring even a tiny donation is that it requires members to link their credit card or bank account to the site, which many don't want to do for various reasons - privacy concerns being the largest. 

Also, part of what makes this community great is that there's enough people to really call it a community! 

That is an excellent point @PeculiarChangeling. It is something that I didn't think about.

@DailyDi, I haven't checked my own, but is there an anonomous (try saying that quickly - an anonomous) name on transactions, and if not, how easy / difficult would it be to set one up from your side?

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2 hours ago, PeculiarChangeling said:

An issue with requiring even a tiny donation is that it requires members to link their credit card or bank account to the site, which many don't want to do for various reasons - privacy concerns being the largest. 

Also, part of what makes this community great is that there's enough people to really call it a community! 

Very good point. One way that I get around that issue is by using prepaid cards. I usually get them at the grocery or gas station, and once that card is used up, I just get another one. That way nobody gets at my bank account, and I can still help here if I want to.

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6 minutes ago, babykeiff said:

That is an excellent point @PeculiarChangeling. It is something that I didn't think about.

@DailyDi, I haven't checked my own, but is there an anonomous (try saying that quickly - an anonomous) name on transactions, and if not, how easy / difficult would it be to set one up from your side?

That also assumes a certain level of trust on the part of users that - For example - DailyDiapers' security is solid, that there won't be any mistakes, and that whatever it shows as on credit card reports will truly be 'anonymous. I have that level of trust, and it doesn't bother me, but expecting that from new users as a baseline is, I think, a bit too much. 

7 minutes ago, id0ntknow said:

Very good point. One way that I get around that issue is by using prepaid cards. I usually get them at the grocery or gas station, and once that card is used up, I just get another one. That way nobody gets at my bank account, and I can still help here if I want to.

That works, but is a lot of effort to put in just to donate a dollar on an annual basis if that's what's on the table. 

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2 hours ago, id0ntknow said:

Very good point. One way that I get around that issue is by using prepaid cards. I usually get them at the grocery or gas station, and once that card is used up, I just get another one. That way nobody gets at my bank account, and I can still help here if I want to.

I use privacy.com. All my bank statement sees is "NSA Giftshop PAY WITH PRIVACY.COM"

It's also locked to DD, so if it got stolen, it could only be used on DD and i'd get a notification if someone tried to use it on anything else.

It also allows me to put fake name/address info on the transaction.

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58 minutes ago, spoonchicken said:

YAY!!!! We hit goal this month! That seems a happy xxxmas present.

BTW...Have you & Mom gone grocery shopping yet?

Yep. Ham, pork dressing, green beans, crescent rolls and a small birthday cake. Cake was cheaper than pies since we like different kinds. 

and a couple days worth of meals and sodas. 

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