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Excuse me? WTF are you to say that to me.
That doesn't excuse your judgmental attitude over something innocent You whined about her standing for oppression, when her videos are all highly positive in tone. I've watched a few of her videos, and they all seem to have a positive tone. I don't have the intention of changing you, but I'm going to standup to the judgemental negative tone, and what I feel is bullying us for thinking differently than you. You may not get the AB scene, but you should know that some people do. For GD sake, this is diaper-related page. Yet, you choose to come on a discussion that had been dead for two weeks to make an accusation based on false assumptions. Seriously, the thread. P.S.- I think you did it to troll everybody, and read the other thread (that was also dead before you lone ally jumped in two weeks later). You did it to stir up sh*t. You knew that using MAGA terms was going to be a trigger. Her content has nothing to do with ABDL. Saying that 90% of her comments have ABDL is a lie. Anybody who has a working brain would see that. Stop lying! Her content is related to incontinence and how a young woman deals with it, along with her dealing MS. Based on what I've seen, she merely shares her story, and will provide reviews of diapers. However, you're appalled that she isn't hiding from her disabilty and proudly sharing her diapers to the world. I think it's your own insecurities that is causing you to project things about her that u So far you have accused her of faking her MS to get on the ABDL, falsely represented your perceived symptoms of MS as representative of every single person with MS. A very quick search on Google showed that to be false. You rely on false claims to support your absurd claim that she is an ABDL Mercenary and then whined about it when your take wasn't accepted. BTW- Pree has 8.75 K viewers. Her last video is two weeks old, and has roughly the same number of views. The highest view count is 145K. None of directly ABDL related, although she does acknowledge it. BTW- congratulations, you helped her gain at least one subscriber. I watched her first video after this post was initially made and passed. I didn't care, but then you made you judgmental BS post two weeks after the final post on the discussion and I commented the judgemental nature of the internet when it's not justified. In the process of you constant whining about how you're percieved, I viewed more and I do like the content. I think it is positive, and I like the tone. Without your and @cathdiap posts- I wouldn't have subscribed. I'm sure your both proud of yourselves now.
By Baby Jemma · Posted
Knew I said Saturdays would be updates, but my computer battery is slowly dying, and I don't know if it's fixable. So, anyway, here's the reply: Hmm...well, escape is going to be rather hard. Why? Well...we'll see why. And with that, the next chapter: - Chapter Four: Introductions - The crowd was silent as the cages holding Lagle and Felicia were taken away from the auction site to a large hovership-like vehicle by an enormous alien, standing meters above them: a Rottweiler/Doberman type like the auctioneer, but with black, brown, and gray patched fur that was battle-scarred and smoky gray-colored scales on his tail, the spiky gray morningstar on the end rugged with use. His hair was short and trimmed, along with a beard-like protrusion. He wore an eyepatch on his left eye, and his right eye was a fierce yellow hawk-like eye that was surprisingly warm at the same time. He wore a simple black T-shirt and camo pants, both of which showcased his muscular frame. “You girls got lucky my bosses wanted both of you.” The alien’s voice was a soft mixture of a cat’s purr and a dog’s yip as he easily carried both cages with sturdy, yet gentle paws. “I can imagine what they want with you, and you’re lucky you didn’t get to go to a breeding facility. Lots of beasts there would’ve wanted you, but my bosses are taking a leap of faith with you, so just do what they say, and things will be easy for you, okay?” “What do they want with us, then?” Felicia asked. “Can’t say exactly; that’s their story to tell, not mine.” “Are they…nice?” Lagle asked timidly. “What do you do for them?” A low rumbling purr echoed from the alien. “Nice?” He chuckled. “Well, that’s a concept foreign to humans here, I guess. I…suppose they’re nice. The Zalysiqs are good bosses. And I’m their…well, I guess you could say I’m their bodyguard. I protect them, make sure nobody crosses them in matters of business and personal. They’re both businessbeasts, each of them extraordinarily wealthy by themselves alone, and others are…well, mean, and want to take advantage, both physically and with business shi - er, stuff. I’m just here for the physical part. They run a short staff at their house, don’t really have a maid or butler, do the clean-ups themselves, and live modestly. But someone has to protect them, and I’m the beast for the job.” “But will they be nice to us, Mr….?” she pressed. The alien gave a friendly smile from his mouth. “Name’s Yaleeth. And thinking about them…well, they’re not going to use you as breeding stock or lab rats or mere pets. Breeding stock. Disgusting practice, especially when it involves human children, like some of the ones you may have noticed here today.” Both of the human women’s eyes widened with shock at the vehemence of Yaleeth’s tone. He noticed. “What, you think all of us are utter psychos?” he asked wryly. “Well…” Lagle began, not wanting to upset the one alien who seemed nice. “The ones we met were, and the crowd…” Felicia added shyly. “Yeah, I can tell why you feel that way. Lots of beasts here don’t believe in rights for supposed ‘lesser species’. Fu - er, forget that. You’re living creatures, too. I’ve been around enough misery, dealt enough death to know that all life is precious, that all creatures deserve happiness.” Lagle couldn’t help but smile. She was a fairly good judge of character and knew when people were telling the truth - with her family the way they were, she had to be - and Yaleeth’s words were honest and sincere. “We’re both military,” Lagle said. “Pilots in our respective Air Forces.” “Pilots?! Shi - shoot, that sounds like so much fun. You flew in those human ‘planes’ and ‘helicopters’, right?” They both nodded. “Tomcat jets, mostly, but I was trained with the Blackhawks and Sea Dragons occasionally,” Felicia said, a smile on her face as she became lost in memories. “I did MiGs and Mis,” Lagle added, remembering the long hours of drilling on those aircraft, how much she loved flying…and feeling saddened that she might never get to do it again. “Flying those things sounds fun! I was in the military a long time ago,” Yaleeth rambled. “Special forces in the Special Terra and Astral Reconnaissance, STAAR training, and no, I can’t tell you anything about that time; it’s still classified.” “Can you tell us what training was like, at least?” Felicia asked pleadingly. “Uh…” “Pleeeaaase?” Lagle begged. “Ah, training,” The bodyguard had a wistful smile on his face at the memories. “Brutal. The people in charge were like demons. Something like a 95% drop-out rate for recruits, and only about hundred per year were even selected to undergo that training. They broke you down until you couldn’t take any more, broke you down even more after that for good measure, and it made me stronger for it. But I made three great friends that I still talk with to this day.” He frowned. “They don’t really agree with a lot of the things our government and the rich and powerful do to humans and other species. We’re conquerors, it’s in our nature as beasts, but treating sentient beings like this never sat right with us.” “I’m glad you’re nice, Mr. Yaleeth,” Lagle said politely. The bodyguard smiled. “Just behave for your Mommy and Daddy,” he growled sternly, his tail wagging belying the growl, “and I can be the crazy uncle who gives you presents for your first birthday.” “Deal,” the shrunken women said simultaneously, not knowing what they were in for. Then the couple came into the picture in front of the cages, and Lagle felt very small as she saw the next two giants, a feeling that she was not used to with her prior size. One of them looked a bit like an Irish Setter and German Shepherd mixed with the typical lynx tufts of fur on the ears and cheeks that Lagle found somewhat alluring, a mix of red and black fur, perked black ears, beautiful red eyes, much like a bird of prey, and yet filled with kindness, mixed red and black fur on the paws, a red-scaled tail with a black fur morningstar spike on the end. The alien was wearing a beautiful sleeved crimson dress with flower accents that extended all the way to the ground and obviously expanded with crinoline, almost like she was a wedding bride, although her breast size was almost non-existent. Small hooped earrings, beautifully done makeup, just the right amount of jewelry around her wrists, glossy black nail polish on her claws, long red hair with black accents that fell to her chest made her look even more beautiful. She was a queen, and Lagle suddenly felt like the small child they thought she was in comparison. To her surprise, the other alien looked…similar. Not in terms of species: they were obviously a Golden retriever/black Labradoodle mix, gold and black waves of curly fur with tufts on their floppy ears and cheeks, a long hairstyle cascading down their head and shading their brilliant and cunning blue raptor eyes in a long hairstyle that fell down…gently touching her large breasts, barely covered by a bra. She wore a dress as well; a simple sleeveless form-fitting black dress that went to her shins, her large forepaws and footpaws covered in curly golden and black fur. Her tail was golden with shimmering scales, a black fur morningstar on the end. She was wearing makeup as well, better than Lagle could ever do, two silver crescent moon earrings on each ear, a shining silver necklace around her neck and little other jewelry. She was a queenly type as well, a woman, unlike the babyish attire that Lagle was wearing making her feel so much less. But she was completely confused, and when she looked at Felicia, she noted that her counterpart was confused as well. They both looked like women of the alien species, but where was the husband? “Oh, dearie, I knew they’d be confused,” the golden retriever/Labradoodle mused in a high-pitched feminine tilt. “Silly humans and their odd preconceptions, how adorable.” “But I do love feeling like royalty,” the setter/shepherd barked, his deep masculine voice coming through, almost like a pout. “Why are you wearing a dress?” Lagle asked in confusion. Men didn’t normally wear dresses in the Soviet Union, and from Felicia’s similar confusion, America was apparently the same. “What, a man can’t wear a beautiful dress that makes him feel like a princess?” the husband purred with a sly smile behind his makeup, so expertly done that Lagle would’ve killed to know how he did it so much better than she did. “Women of your kind have so much more practical fashion. I love wearing makeup, jewelry, claw polish, the like. And the dress doesn’t get in the way of my tail like a pair of pants would. The heels, though. Never could get used to them; we don’t really wear shoes here.” “You both are so adorable! I could eat you up!” the wife cooed. “Yaleeth, do you have the keys to get them out of those nasty cages and shock collars?” “Waiting for that son of a…um, that mean auctioneer to do it,” the bodyguard admitted, shuffling his paws as he tried to censor himself yet again, to the giggles of both Lagle and Felicia. “I just wanted to get them away from all of the attention; if they’re part of the family, they must be protected.” “Understood. You did well, Yaleeth,” the wife purred, before Youlish came into the picture, carrying a large bag. Her frosty look made the auctioneer look down at the ground. “Here’s the remote for the shock collar, a discipline bag, various documentations to find fixers-” “We have access to fixers, thank you very much,” the husband growled frigidly, his glare cowing the auctioneer further. “And I suppose there’s the possibility of an added pinch collar and an electric fence?” Youlish suggested, only to face the snarling face of the wife. “The keys to the cages and collars. Now.” “U-u-understood!” Youlish fumbled with the keys but gave them to the wife without further speech as he scurried away. The cages were unlocked, and Lagle finally got to stand up, stretching her limbs…before she was picked up by the husband, with Felicia being picked up by the wife. “Let’s get you two into your car seats, so we can go home, okay?” the wife cooed. - Hope y'all enjoyed~ -
By Baby Jemma · Posted
I know I usually update on Fridays...but my computer battery is dying, currently at 19%, and there's no guarantee of getting a new one soonish, so I'm updating now. First, the reply: Yeah, that's quite sad. And hearing Sir Pentious makes my heart soar; he's by far my favorite Hazbin character (not that the others are bad in the slightest!), and I loved his character arc. As for the two screams...well, we shall see indeed~ *evil grin* Now for the update: - Chapter Twenty-two: Bulletproof - Stolas’s eyes were wide as he heard Valentino’s voice. He felt Angel Dust’s fear coming off him in waves at the sound of the moth Overlord’s voice. “Quick, let’s get in the car, now!” Millie and Sallie May were quickly moving towards the jeep, an odd crinkling sound coming from the latter. What the… “Sir Stolas!” He snapped out of his thoughts by Moxxie, realizing he was still carrying his beloved Blitzy in his arms. He went into the large jeep’s seat. It was going to be an extraordinarily tight fit, like a clown car, but he’d manage. He’d manage, so long as his love would be… How is he going to react to his appearance, though? He was sliced by angelic weapons; not even my magic can cure those wounds on his face. No, I’ll ask Lucifer, I’ll even ask God Himself, just so long as Blitz is okay… “Dammit, I hate this already…” Fizzarolli complained as he squeezed between Stolas and Millie in the back seat. “Don’t be a baby; we didn’t just kill Al to get captured by Crimson and his goons again,” Vortex said calmly as he got into the jeep. “I didn’t kill him!” Fizz protested. “You’re the one who throttled him to death!” “Wait, you killed Al?!” Moxxie asked in horror. “Yeah, what about it?” Vortex asked. “That he’s only the only person Crimson cares about!” the imp shouted, his eyes wide and disbelieving. “Now he has a personal stake in this, and he’s not going to stop hunting us until we’re all dead, and he has the manpower and weapons to do it!” “Well, it’s a good thing we’re friends with Lucifer,” the cat Sinner known as Husk drawled, as he jumped onto the left side seat with Moxxie; Verosika getting in the passenger’s seat. “Angel, you ready?” “Ready as I’ll ever be, baby!” the spider Sinner said with a smirk, hopping on the other side with Sallie May and Vortex. “You ready to drive, Cherri?” “Ugh, fine, you owe me for this, y’know,” the cyclops Sinner groaned, as she got in the front seat, gunning the pedal. “Is this jeep bulletproof?” Stolas asked. Cherri took it out of the hideout, and as Valentino yelled, “Open fire!”, the windows held, and thankfully, it was fully bulletproof as the rifles and submachine guns couldn’t puncture the jeep. Unfortunately, the V’s army had blocked every exit. “FUCK!” Cherri shouted. “Stolas, you have any magic to get us outta here?! What about that teleportation crystal you have?” “Not working; there’s too many Sinners around!” Stolas replied, hastily constructing a barrier for the jeep to minimize the damage. “Get out the fucking RPGs!” Valentino roared. Stolas quickly thought of a spell, levitating the jeep onto an invisible “road”, and Cherri quickly punched it, the group getting away from the rockets flying, one of them barely missing the taillights as it flew into a nearby building. “Shit, shit, shit!” Millie groaned. “Are you all right, Mills?” Moxxie asked. “Gonna be sick…” she mumbled, looking especially queasy. “Open a window, quick!” Moxxie called to Cherri, who quickly complied, as Millie got to the window and hurled, the acidic vomit falling to the ground below, melting the pavement. She got back into the jeep, groaning in pain…just in time as the bullets flew where her head had been a few seconds ago. Cherri put the window back up, gunning for the Hazbin Hotel with Valentino’s army in hot pursuit. A stray bullet hit a tire, but Stolas’s barrier held…for now. Then the attack helicopters of Crimson came out of nowhere, shooting at the jeep, managing to shred the tire that had been hit with their machine guns. “Barrier isn’t going to hold for long,” Stolas said, gritting his beak, focusing all of his magical ability on maintaining said barrier with one hand, holding Blitz in his other arm. And neither is Blitz, a cold, rational voice said in his mind. “We’re not even close to the Hotel!” Cherri shouted. “Then I hope anyone has a bright idea?!” Verosika asked. “Do we have any RPGs?” Vortex asked. “No, we don’t!” Angel snapped, throwing his hands in the air. “What do we look like, fucking Carmilla Carmine?!” “Well, we’re fucked, then,” Husk said with a defeated sigh. “Been nice knowing you all.” “No, this won’t be it!” Fizz snapped, Stolas looking at him in shock. “I’m not dying like this. Period! Where’s your three highest grade sticky bombs?” Cherri looked shocked, and brought three bombs out. “Right here, but they’re shootin’ at us, they won’t reach, and it’s a three second fuse after stickin’ the-” “Give me them anyway.” “What are you plan-” Moxxie asked before Fizz answered seriously, “Making up for what I did before.” “What did you do be-” Stolas asked, but the imp had grabbed the sticky bombs and had disappeared through the sunroof. - Fizz was terrified the entire car ride through, but more than anything else, he felt a sense of guilt. If he hadn’t betrayed Blitz, he wouldn’t have been mutilated by angelic torture devices. If he hadn’t helped Mammon, that owl demon, Stolas, would still have his daughter. If he hadn’t helped kickstart all of this…Ozzie…Bee…so many were hurt or worse…none of them would be in the position they were in: potentially dying. He had listened to the others panicking, the pregnant imp woman throwing up outside of the jeep, the Sinners of whom were at risk of dying without redemption, much like he was. There were so many things that were his fault, and he couldn’t stand it any longer. He wasn’t going to be useless, not when Ozzie needed him, not when he owed everyone in that car, despair in their tones. “No, this won’t be it!” he heard himself say, as a desperate plan came to his mind to deal with the helicopters. “I’m not dying like this! Period! Where’s your three highest grade sticky bombs?’ He saw the shocked look in the Sinner’s eye, but also…morose, and he knew what the emotion she was feeling was in an instant: grief. She had lost someone very close to her, the imp could tell, and the only reason she hadn’t done herself in by now was because of the others supporting her. And I can support them! The cyclops Sinner said, “Right here, but they’re shootin’ at us, they won’t reach, and it’s a three second fuse after stickin’ the-” “Give me them anyway,” he demanded. “What are you plan-” the imp husband asked before Fizz answered, “Making up for what I did before.” The imp grabbed the sticky bombs from their stunned owner, and immediately got out of the jeep’s sunroof, using his extended limbs as a springboard and landing on top of the left helicopter’s windshield, planting the sticky bomb on it, using his extended limbs to jump off to the middle helicopter, doing the same with it, and finally leaping off to the right, as the first sticky bomb exploded, sending the left helicopter spiraling into the middle, which exploded almost immediately after. Fizz jumped off of the right helicopter, which exploded, sending shrapnel into the imp’s limbs as he went into freefall. He didn’t even realize that he had been shot earlier on as he fell, seeing the exploding helicopters as his vision started to go black. Then he felt something catch him. Something with wings. Wait, imps don’t go to Heaven after we die, what’s going on…? He saw a literal angel, with grayish-white wings, long white hair, and an eyepatch with a red “x” over her left eye, her beautiful right eye glaring. Maybe imps do go to Heaven after we die? “Come on, you’re not dying yet,” the angel said in a tough, yet kind tone, before glaring at Valentino, and shouting, “These people are under the Hotel’s protection! If you fight them, you fight against the Hotel, which is under Lucifer’s protection!” “Fuck you, angel filth!” Valentino shouted from down below. “And fuck your Hotel! Shoot them, and don’t stop shooting until every last motherfucker there is dead!” “Ugh, he’s the worst,” the angel groaned, soaring away from the bullets, as Fizz felt her carry him over, his vision slowly fading. “Come on, we’re almost there,” the angel desperately said, putting a gentle hand on his heart. “Never been good at healing magic…but this will keep you alive for now.” Fizz still felt pain…but it was lessened by the cool feeling over his heart, as he began to breathe normally, the bullet holes in his lungs closing up. He still felt faint, but the pain was moving to a dull throb all over. He saw the fancy hotel come into his vision, and he heard the angel say as she went into a descent to someone there, “Charlie, Valentino’s shooting at them! Alastor, we need your he-” Then Fizz shut his eyes, the blood roaring in his head as he fell into darkness. - Stolas saw the helicopters explode, saw the angel catch Fizz and fly off to the Hotel with the badly injured imp. If he didn’t need to keep up his concentration for the barrier, he’d have expressed his shock at the utter weirdness of it all. But Valentino was still shooting at them, somehow keeping up with them, even though they were driving in the sky with him on the ground. His army was missing with the RPGs, thank Lucifer, but the small arms fire was taking its toll on the Jeep as well, and it was only a matter of luck that they hadn’t been hit by a rocket because there were too many close calls. Meanwhile, Blitz was in bad shape as well. Stolas wished he had his herbal remedies, wished he could do something for his darling little imp. Hang on, Blitz. It’ll be okay, it has to be okay, it has to be okay because if it’s not…if it’s not, I… His eyes were tearing up, but he kept his focus on the weakening barrier, keeping the bullets away from anywhere that could potentially be lethal for the occupants. “Can we go higher, Stolas?!” Cherri demanded. “I’m keeping the bullets from hitting anyone here while making an air road, I’m doing what I can!” the owl demon snapped back. “At least the helicopters are gone,” Moxxie said with a sigh of relief, stroking Millie’s hair. “They’re attack helicopters, not exactly common in Hell, and even with the Vee’s army, they can’t exactly throw them at us when three have exploded already.” “Watch a bunch of attack helicopters come out of the woodworks now that you said it,” Husk said bluntly. Thankfully, Moxxie’s words proved true; even though the barrier had shattered, no helicopters were in the air to follow them after three had exploded in quick succession. “Wait, are they retreating?” Verosika asked. Stolas chanced a look down. Valentino was retreating; in fact, hauling ass the other way would be a more accurate description! But that could only mean- And there he was, six red angelic wings outstretched, pale skin and blond hair flawless and genuinely handsome (not that Stolas was interested in anyone other than Blitzy), his red-yellow eyes looking quite annoyed. He held three long fingers across his head, closing his eyes, and the Hotel appeared close by, along with the van filled with all of the things from the hideout. Stolas realized with fear that Lucifer had teleported everyone to the Hotel, without even the need of a portal or a crystal. Such power was unfathomable to everyone there. “Prince Stolas of the House Goetia?” the Lord of Hell asked, his voice surprisingly patient, but his eyes showing that the Sin of Pride was not in the mood for bullshit. “I take it you have a very good reason for Mammon trying to overthrow two primordial Sins in his meeting with me and unleashing Legion back on Earth?” Stolas opened his mouth to reply, but it suddenly felt too dry to say anything. And Blitz… Lucifer sighed, as if reading Stolas’s mind, healing a lot of the imp’s wounds…leaving crisscrosses of scars across his face, the fangs slowly growing back in his mouth. “Now tell me everything.” - Hope you enjoyed~ -
They are really comfey and hold my nappy in place when I've had a big pee.