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I faced a lot of problems in childhood, including abuse and bullying... but I never worried about being killed at school. It saddens me that mine was the last generation that could say that.

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3 hours ago, DailyDi said:

I faced a lot of problems in childhood, including abuse and bullying... but I never worried about being killed at school. It saddens me that mine was the last generation that could say that.

Yeah, that's DEFINITELY true buddy. I NEVER THOUGHT I would have to wake up one day and have to worry about being killed while I was in school. What a crazy world we live in nowadays!!!!!???☹️?

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when i was in school, except for the few shootings they had(columbine and i think 1 other), the only thing we had to deal with was bomb threats, now we have school shootings like there is no tomorrow, and before the dust even has a chance to settle, before families have a chance to process anything, we have politicians jumping up and saying "we have to take guns away" or "we need more gun control", never mind that nothing they want to do would have stopped the events from happening, or that kids took guns to school decades ago before the 80s and except for very very rare instances no one got shot, i remember talking to one old man who said he took a gun in his back pack, he used to to catch dinner on the way home. in one instance there was a report of a planned shooting, so some kids who had shotguns in their trucks stood at the doors to guard the rest. i think there is something deeper here that many dont want to look at, but right now, the media needs to shut the hell up and quit giving these degenerates their 15 minutes of fame, to types like this shooter the news practically glamorizes them, no real upbringing, no respect for life, and there is some suspicion that these degenerates are being set up to do these horrible things, and i cant disagree, look at james holmes, red flag after red flag and he wasnt stopped, one of the church shooters wasnt stopped by anyone but a man with a gun, because the system failed to stop him, sandy hook- he was as dangerous as reports said YET his mother, a principal, someone in a position of responsibilty, taught him to shoot guns, if i was a fraction of how dangerous he was, my mom, a registered nurse, wouldnt let me touch a butter knife!. the media needs to shut the hell up and let the dust settle, let the families grieve in peace, and lawmakers need to take a good hard look at the real issues

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None dares to touch the gun laws, so this will happen again.

The weapon fanatics will turn this into "this is why we need to own guns".

Countries with strict gun laws have no mass shootings... go figure.

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11 hours ago, Dubious said:

None dares to touch the gun laws, so this will happen again.

The weapon fanatics will turn this into "this is why we need to own guns".

Countries with strict gun laws have no mass shootings... go figure.

frankly, we do. we needed one of our guns in 2019, 3 copperheads in the house, im not getting close enough to chop them with the machete, or a hoe,  uh uh, i killed 2 of them with moms crickett rifle, a fireman got the 3rd with a hoe, he is use to dealing with this sort of thing. i killed 2 more outside, 1 on the back porch, another in the yard(the yard i used my pump action .410), thank God i had those when i needed them. my nephew needed a gun, i think it was last year, thank God he had it, here is what happened:


one day my nephew was driving, and he accidentally cut  someone off, ok not good but something one should just say a cuss word on and let it go- SHOULD, but didnt. the guy he cut off decided to follow him, took every turn he took, stayed on him like a tick. my nephew had a handgun in his glove box, he pulled over at a gas station, where there was plenty of witnesses and cameras to document everything if needed. he grabbed that gun and stepped out of the truck, gun down at his side but in view of this road rage driver, who saw it and just took off. the nephews father is a cop, said he handled it perfectly.


i could give more instances of times where guns have proven good, but this isnt about that, the problem isnt guns, its evil in peoples minds(some say hearts but i see the heart as just a cardiac pump, the problem is above the neck not below it), and lack of armed security in schools. if you are in charge of kids you should be ready and able to defend them. with all the school shootings schools should have a proactive plan to prevent these things, such as no one being able to get into a school without measures to verify you are not there for problems. that son of a ,,,,, no,,,, i was gonna call him a son of a bitch but i dont know a thing about his mom so that would be unfair and he is the only one responsible, at least legally, kids are not being taught the basic values, respect for life, the value of life, not given a background of faith, allowed to go their lives without the thought that what they do today will cost them when they leave this life. instead of good upbringing, some will do horrible things for the notariety, one girl who was thankfully stopped was going to do a mass shooting just to be known as the first female mass shooter in history, and i doubt this degenerate thought for a moment he would be shot for what he was doing, one mass murderer had not only a kill list but a rape list, with his sister on the rape list, he thought he was gonna be very well known in history with a bigger list of crimes, at least he is dead now, killed before he could kill anymore, before he could rape anyone. kids are being allowed to get wrapped up in violent media, this degenerate was said to be a bigtime call of duty player, so he might have ended up de-sensitized to violence, and thinking life is just something to take. im not saying that its 100 percent wrong to make call of duty, i play some violent games myself(uncharted, batman arkham series, re4,5,and some of 6), but i was taught to respect and value life, and many here likely have too. we need parents to do their jobs, not pawn their responsibilities off on someone else, or to electronics, kids need DISCIPLINE, limits on how much they play and what they play, taught cause and affect, and last but not least, faith. if you re athiest, im not sorry, i said it, i dont care  if you disagree(i put that not directed at YOU personally, but in a general sense)

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12 hours ago, Dubious said:

None dares to touch the gun laws, so this will happen again.

The weapon fanatics will turn this into "this is why we need to own guns".

Countries with strict gun laws have no mass shootings... go figure.

How soon they forget.


Recent examples including the 1987 Hungerford massacre; the 1996 Dunblane massacre the 2010 Cumbria shootings; and the 2021 Plymouth shooting in the United Kingdom; the 1990 Puerto Hurraco massacre in Spain; the 2001 Zug massacre in Switzerland; the 2002 Erfurt school massacre, the 2009 Winnenden school shooting, the 2011 Frankfurt Airport shooting, the 2016 Munich shooting, and the 2020 Hanau shootings in Germany; the 2007 Jokela school shooting and the 2008 Kauhajoki school shooting in Finland; the 2010 Bratislava shooting in Slovakia; the 2011 Alphen aan den Rijn shopping mall shooting in The Netherlands; the 2012 Toulouse and Montauban shootings, the January 2015 Île-de-France attacks and the November 2015 Paris attacks in France; and the 2018 Macerata shooting in Italy. The deadliest mass shooting by a lone individual in modern history occurred in Europe with the 2011 Norway attacks in Norway, in which 77 people died. Of them 67 died of gunshot wounds. 8 other victims were killed by a bomb and 2 indirectly.[24]

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2 hours ago, feralfreak said:

frankly, we do. we needed one of our guns in 2019, 3 copperheads in the house, im not getting close enough to chop them with the machete, or a hoe,  uh uh, i killed 2 of them with moms crickett rifle, a fireman got the 3rd with a hoe, he is use to dealing with this sort of thing. i killed 2 more outside, 1 on the back porch, another in the yard(the yard i used my pump action .410), thank God i had those when i needed them. my nephew needed a gun, i think it was last year, thank God he had it, here is what happened:

You still gonna get guns, but it should be harder to get guns.

You shouldn't be able to buy guns at Walmart, only dedicated gun stores, and the age limit should be higher than buying beer. 
You should require all guns to be locked up in a secure place, except the one you use for self defense, when you there... so many guns get stolen and used for crime.

1 hour ago, ValentinesStuff said:

How soon they forget.

Ok, "no" was the wrong word, but you know what I meant...  you listed a lot of shooting, in different countries, where the laws often got changed after those shootings.

No laws have been changed in the USA, and USA is on top of all shooting lists, that I know of, but I guess you gonna find something here too.

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I have only experience from the latest in Norway, where there was no security on or to the island, an island full of younger adults, and the cops was incompetent, with no boat and no helicopter..  the army wanted to help, but police refused it...  many lives could have been saved and there has been lots of backlash. 

Now, after the killing, the police have helicopters, and works with the army. 

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44 minutes ago, Dubious said:

You still gonna get guns, but it should be harder to get guns.

You shouldn't be able to buy guns at Walmart, only dedicated gun stores, and the age limit should be higher than buying beer. 
You should require all guns to be locked up in a secure place, except the one you use for self defense, when you there... so many guns get stolen and used for crime.

Ok, "no" was the wrong word, but you know what I meant...  you listed a lot of shooting, in different countries, where the laws often got changed after those shootings.

No laws have been changed in the USA, and USA is on top of all shooting lists, that I know of, but I guess you gonna find something here too.

Actually laws in the US change all the time. Gun laws are often found to be unconstitutional. Chicago, easily the shootiest city by volume in the USA had at one time some of the strictest gun laws in the country, those laws did nothing to stop the shooting. 


The big problem with gun, or really any kind of laws, in the US is that the US is externally one country, internally it 50 separate countries and a city-state. Each of the 50 States has their own laws, regulations, and other legal bits. 

Supposedly State Laws can't violate Federal Law, but the Federal Government has to enforce Federal Law, which it doesn't always do. 



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1 hour ago, Dubious said:

You still gonna get guns, but it should be harder to get guns.

You shouldn't be able to buy guns at Walmart, only dedicated gun stores, and the age limit should be higher than buying beer. 
You should require all guns to be locked up in a secure place, except the one you use for self defense, when you there... so many guns get stolen and used for crime.

Ok, "no" was the wrong word, but you know what I meant...  you listed a lot of shooting, in different countries, where the laws often got changed after those shootings.

No laws have been changed in the USA, and USA is on top of all shooting lists, that I know of, but I guess you gonna find something here too.

i disagree, i absolutely should be able to buy guns at walmart, its no different, and ive bought at a walmart, a dunhams, a farm supply store, and a general store, and each one required i do a 4473 and a background check with the NICS system, ive passed each and every time. no, i shouldnt have to lock my guns up, i have no kids and wont have any here, if there is an emergency and i need to get ahold of one i shouldnt have to waste what might be valuable seconds with locks to get access, i cant even afford a place to lock them up, if such a place was a requirement you would be making a criminal of an honest person, just for not being able to afford a thing like a gun safe, infringing on my rights, so no, that is another thing you are are wrong on. if a criminal cant steal them they will get them on the black market, and there was a time when you could buy a gun from a hardware store, nothing you said would help the matter, at all.

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The worst thing about this diaper fill, is that politicians NOT on one side, but on both sides will use the tragedy to try to sway people to their side of the gun issues rather than put in real place, real measures that can stop diaper fill like this.

School are supposed to be safe havens for kids to get an education.  How does a high school student even get permission to be on school grounds?  When I was in school, before guns were even a common thing on school property in most states, I went from Flocking JHS to ES to pick up my little brothers and sisters, and even then, they told me I had to pick them up--- OFF campus!  My parents expected me to walk my brothers and sister home at the time.

So in this time and day where it has been proven that a lot of people that do not belong on campuses at schools have caused at least as many tragedies as students who are going through stuff, how and why are they getting access to campuses that they don't even belong on?  That's one failing in security!


How is it, that we have security police officers that are on high school campuses that use unnecessary force on students and that is okay and nearly normal, but we don't have police officer security to protect students from those that are NOT supposed to even be there?  Security failing number 2!


How is it, that we will continue to take guns away from citizens that might protect life, but we know that with the underground, the unmarked guns, the cartels and other illegal means of getting guns, there is no way we can stop a criminal from actually doing this diaper fillings and we make it easier for them by making it likely they can enter homes and schools without resistance?  Do you really think most shootings are done by an 18 year old that went and bought a gun just for the occassion?  NO, most of the time, the gun was stolen from a relative or some other access.  And as long as they are willing to do so, the gun not being at dad's home is no guarantee that the kid will not secure a gun if she wants to.

The problem is not the guns!  It is the no responsibility for those that are pulling the triggers.  How often have those that have been in trouble, already been in trouble for other reasons, but US society refuses to punish them because they are minors?  How often have the bullied taken a gun to school because they were pushed to the extent of their nerves because no one will punish the trouble makers, and the kid has had enough?  How many times, do we fail our kids, in teaching them responsibility and actually show them consequences for their actions?  This is the main reason, and trust me, you might think American gun laws might save lives, but in honest, what I used to think that robberies never happened in Japan because most people cannot get a gun in Japan... well, there are murders every day in Japan, the news full of episodes that make national news at least 2 or 3 times a month!  Banks are robbed, not at gun point, as they don't have guns!  But at diaper filling sword point!  Swords are illegal in Japan, too, for the most part, but the robber got one!  So there is that!

There is bullying and there are bully induced deaths where the bullies drive the weaker minded classmates to suicide!  You don't need a gun to kill someone.  Even mass murder, as shown in attacks in England in the recent past and in Japanese JR train tunnels, bombs and bomb making materials are not that hard to get if someone has no access to guns.  The problem is teaching kids some responsibility, and teaching teachers and other people in charge of their kids, some simple combat techniques and ways to safe guard their classes.  I guarantee you, if the school reports an intruder on school grounds, and the teachers have any kind of combat evasive tactics, they will be able to protect their students through helping them evade and stay away from the assailant, and if a teacher also had more coping skills when they take the job, or if someone at the school had the skills of a police negotiator, there would be more hesitation on the part of the shooter, because a shooter normally wants to establish a target before they start shooting.  

In short, the politicians will continue to use the shootings to support their side of the gun laws.  I honestly do not believe that we all Americans need guns, but I also don't believe we should have to take the right to bear arms away from responsible citizens who had never broken a law.  The gun issue can be argued on both sides for all I care.  Laws either way will not solve this one.  Rather, we need to have security at our schools, where a police team is already at the school, and ready to respond to an emergency.  We already have resource officers for high schools that include police, so how is that less a waste of our taxes than an officer on site to secure our schools?  

Stop with using the gun laws to promote your own political careers, and actually come up with national social norms to protect the school property, people!

16 hours ago, Dubious said:

None dares to touch the gun laws, so this will happen again.

The weapon fanatics will turn this into "this is why we need to own guns".

Countries with strict gun laws have no mass shootings... go figure.

Japan has no gun killings, but they have bombings in the train lines, they have kids bullying classmates to the point they commit suicide, they have banks held up at sword point with police hesitant to shoot the person with the sword.  They have killings in apartments of residence, often targeting young women and rape is normally a common motive!  Cherry lenses, so you see this picture through.


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21 minutes ago, feralfreak said:

i disagree, i absolutely should be able to buy guns at walmart, its no different, and ive bought at a walmart, a dunhams, a farm supply store, and a general store, and each one required i do a 4473 and a background check with the NICS system, ive passed each and every time. no, i shouldnt have to lock my guns up, i have no kids and wont have any here, if there is an emergency and i need to get ahold of one i shouldnt have to waste what might be valuable seconds with locks to get access, i cant even afford a place to lock them up, if such a place was a requirement you would be making a criminal of an honest person, just for not being able to afford a thing like a gun safe, infringing on my rights, so no, that is another thing you are are wrong on. if a criminal cant steal them they will get them on the black market, and there was a time when you could buy a gun from a hardware store, nothing you said would help the matter, at all.

You should lock up guns when you not there, cause thieves will come and steal your guns, then sell them to someone that will commit a crime. 

If you can't afford a place to lock your guns, how can you afford guns?
Walmart has gun safe down to $200.

Where you think the guns on the black market comes from?

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8 minutes ago, Dubious said:

You should lock up guns when you not there, cause thieves will come and steal your guns, then sell them to someone that will commit a crime. 

If you can't afford a place to lock your guns, how can you afford guns?
Walmart has gun safe down to $200.

Where you think the guns on the black market comes from?

those 200 dollar ones wont stop shit on a stick. ive seen videos where someone easily defeated a safe with a magnet. as for how i afforded my guns, i was in a better financial position at the time i bought them, except for my heritage .22, that was when rural king had a sale. black market guns come from everywhere, including south of the border, they are trafficked.

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Yeah, watch a few LockPickingLawyer videos on YouTube and you'll find that they're not even safe against toddlers in many cases.

I've got a much more substantial safe in my closet.   They're not carrying that thing out and it has a S&G lock on it, so I doubt they're getting it open with ordinary efforts.

Actually, the supply of guns comes not from theft nor smuggling over the border primarily (those these happen).   They happen via straw purchases (where someone who is not permitted to own a gun uses someone with a clean record to buy for them).    The next highest use is just licensed firearms dealers who just skip following the law.    In fact, most reported gun thefts seem to be guns stolen from FFLs rather than individuals.


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What a tragedy again we see and for what reason, it is clear to me why this is happening and will continue to happen unless we wake up and correct our direction.  We are in danger of losing the most successful nation of laws and freedoms in the world if we don't correct our behavior and stop the people bent on causing our demise.  When we allow our peace time law enforcement groups to be stripped of their authority to enforce the law as they are now, it is easy for those with evil in their hearts to evade the law and cause this kind of harm, and for what reason?  Did this mad man have a vengeance against anyone he sought out to kill, doubtful?  He knew that the chances he had of accomplishing his deadly mission were fairly high; he could succeed.  How did he come up with this plan? Chances are he was prompted by these forces I speak of working from social media or in other channels.   Does it really matter that he chooses to use a gun rather than a bomb??

The point here is our society has stripped our police of their ability to protect us, the evidence is clear here as it can be.  This armed intruder, covered in body armor and with heavy munitions, was not deterred by two individual police officers, who were both shot for their lack of action against an obvious threat.  Full body armor is hard to miss, not to mention the large magazines this shooter was said to possess?

Why was a single off duty boarder agent able to slip into the school and take out the shooter, while the police were all gathering and certainly talking over what they can and can't do.  I would suggest that this border agent was not bound by the policies that the local police are strangled with now days.

I see this same situation weekly where I live, and it is not good.  Our laws are not being enforced due to some perceived threat to a minority or something along these lines.  The funny part of this is that nowhere in these laws is there any language pointing to a specific minority, only to a specific crime which is now no longer enforced.  Police are being prosecuted today as opposed to criminals!!

You say that in foreign lands, there is no gun crime as there are few guns.  I beg to differ as years ago I was struck by the Dutch and Jewish country's in how they secured their airports.  There airport security was armed with body armor and submachine guns, something you would never see in our country as they say here, guns kill.  The point being made, don't mess with our peacetime police, as they (the police) will not hesitate to kill you if you become a threat!

The final point I will make, as I am old enough to remember, once the peacetime police are neutered, they will be replaced with something far worse and our nation of laws and freedoms will be gone as well.  Remember if you can, or pick up an old history book (the newer versions have been censored in many cases) and look at what happened in pre WW times to Germany and Italy.    A famous person once said, " if you don't remember history, you are doomed to repeat it"

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As an American I can only speak to the conditions here. I own guns and I support gun ownership by responsible individuals. I own 3 guns myself, a shotgun for hunting birds and other small game, a high powered rifle for big game like deer, and a handgun for personal protection. I can assure you that I am not a danger to anyone unless they are a threat to someone’s life. There are lots of people like me out there. I do not belong to the NRA because they don’t represent my views on gun ownership.

The real problem is our system of government and our constitution. The framers of the constitution wrote an amazing document at the time and they considered it an experiment. No government of it’s kind had ever been attempted. Because of this they created the means to change the government by changing the constitution or by adding amendments. There have been quite a few amendments. Due to the government being a representative form of government requiring election of those officials by the people they realized that they needed to make it somewhat difficult to make changes. An amendment takes 3/4 of the states to vote for it to pass. It’s one thing to pass an amendment with the original 13 colonies or say 15 states that are somewhat similar. It’s a completely different thing to pass it when there’s 50 states with diametrically opposed desires.

When the framers wrote the constitution the weapons the military carried were the exact same weapons that people used to hunt for food. They did not foresee that our government would develop assault rifles designed to kill humans so efficiently. The NRA takes the extreme position that right to bear arms cannot be infringed means any common sense gun law is an infringement and they fight any attempt at gun control. They see even one law as the beginning of a slippery slope.

I get emails every day from one online gun dealer showcasing guns and gun accessories. They sell 30 round clips, 50 round clips, 75 round clips and 100 round drum magazines. This is the real problem! I hunt deer. My rifle has an internal 3 round magazine. Any honest hunter will tell you that if you can’t drop the animal with 3 shots a 100 round drum magazine isn’t going to be any help. Outlawing big magazines is just a common sense measure that will help limit the killing. 21 people killed is made much easier when your gun has a loaded 30 round magazine. Banning them would not infringe on my ability to own guns. It would not infringe my right to hunt. It would not infringe my right to go target shooting. It is unlikely it will ever get passed and even if it did gun rights organizations would go to court all the way to the Supreme Court to oppose it. Freedom has a cost and it’s not just the people who gave their lives fighting to gain it or the people that give their lives to defend it. It includes every person who lost their live because of people that abuse that freedom.



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14 minutes ago, Dubious said:

Whoever is using laughing emoji in this thread should be banned.

Are you sure that's not someone's signature line.

1 hour ago, deewet said:

 A famous person once said, " if you don't remember history, you are doomed to repeat it"

George Santayanna in his 1905 work "The Life of Reason" said:  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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16 hours ago, FretaBWet said:

As an American I can only speak to the conditions here. I own guns and I support gun ownership by responsible individuals. I own 3 guns myself, a shotgun for hunting birds and other small game, a high powered rifle for big game like deer, and a handgun for personal protection. I can assure you that I am not a danger to anyone unless they are a threat to someone’s life. There are lots of people like me out there. I do not belong to the NRA because they don’t represent my views on gun ownership.

The real problem is our system of government and our constitution. The framers of the constitution wrote an amazing document at the time and they considered it an experiment. No government of it’s kind had ever been attempted. Because of this they created the means to change the government by changing the constitution or by adding amendments. There have been quite a few amendments. Due to the government being a representative form of government requiring election of those officials by the people they realized that they needed to make it somewhat difficult to make changes. An amendment takes 3/4 of the states to vote for it to pass. It’s one thing to pass an amendment with the original 13 colonies or say 15 states that are somewhat similar. It’s a completely different thing to pass it when there’s 50 states with diametrically opposed desires.

When the framers wrote the constitution the weapons the military carried were the exact same weapons that people used to hunt for food. They did not foresee that our government would develop assault rifles designed to kill humans so efficiently. The NRA takes the extreme position that right to bear arms cannot be infringed means any common sense gun law is an infringement and they fight any attempt at gun control. They see even one law as the beginning of a slippery slope.

I get emails every day from one online gun dealer showcasing guns and gun accessories. They sell 30 round clips, 50 round clips, 75 round clips and 100 round drum magazines. This is the real problem! I hunt deer. My rifle has an internal 3 round magazine. Any honest hunter will tell you that if you can’t drop the animal with 3 shots a 100 round drum magazine isn’t going to be any help. Outlawing big magazines is just a common sense measure that will help limit the killing. 21 people killed is made much easier when your gun has a loaded 30 round magazine. Banning them would not infringe on my ability to own guns. It would not infringe my right to hunt. It would not infringe my right to go target shooting. It is unlikely it will ever get passed and even if it did gun rights organizations would go to court all the way to the Supreme Court to oppose it. Freedom has a cost and it’s not just the people who gave their lives fighting to gain it or the people that give their lives to defend it. It includes every person who lost their live because of people that abuse that freedom.



magazine size isnt the problem, i dont care if you have a 2000 round mag, its what is being taught, and what is not being taught, magazine size wouldnt have changed anything, he could have had 6 5 round mags, and he could have changed those fast, it only takes a second to drop one out and slap one in, close the pipe and go.

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7 hours ago, feralfreak said:

magazine size isnt the problem, i dont care if you have a 2000 round mag, its what is being taught, and what is not being taught, magazine size wouldnt have changed anything, he could have had 6 5 round mags, and he could have changed those fast, it only takes a second to drop one out and slap one in, close the pipe and go.

I understand what you're saying and I don't disagree that what is taught is a big part of the problem. What I disagree with is that changing what is taught is the solution. Changing what is taught in schools could help but it will never really solve the problem of mass shootings. Children are in school maybe 6 hours a day and with their family the other 18. You can't get around that. No matter what is taught in schools you can't force parents to reinforce those lessons. In fact, you can't stop parents from teaching their children just the opposite of the responsibility that school may be trying to teach. The other problem with this approach is that we can't control what children see in the media. You can put a "mature" label on very violent video games but you can't stop parents from letting their young children play them. This type of solution works best in a country with a dictatorship form of government and becomes less effective as you get more freedom.

Since we can't control people or their thoughts the best solution is to mitigate the damage. I agree that a person would most likely carry a bag of smaller magazines and swapping out mags to reload can be quick especially with practice. I also know that someone with a 75 round magazine or a 100 round drum is a bigger threat than someone with a bag of mags. At least with small magazines the perpetrator is vulnerable for the interval of time they are reloading. A person has zero chance against an attacker with a loaded weapon but they have a chance against an attacker with an empty weapon. I think under the circumstances some chance is always preferable to no chance, at least in my mind it is.



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On 5/24/2022 at 6:47 PM, DailyDi said:

I faced a lot of problems in childhood, including abuse and bullying... but I never worried about being killed at school. It saddens me that mine was the last generation that could say that.


I AGREE with you Mikey!!  I also faced Name Calling (being called ***AHEM*** The "R" word. "gay", a "sped" a "crybaby", etc)  I was also sent to the office 3 times, and most of this was due to the IEP That they constructed. They basically got sick of me after a while, and I had to "leave" the class, and go sit in a "time out space" until the teacher was ready to deal with me, and sometimes, that would take an hour or more, when he would come talk to me, and help me, but when this happened, I would LOSE a TON of class time, and have a TON of work that was late, and people in class would LAUGH and cackle when they would see me REFUSE to leave, because I needed help, and I was just wasting time.

I would call people names too, and sometimes do that to the teacher when I was mad, get upset when I would have someone do something to me, and they would not get punished, but I would - It was crazy, and sometimes I was punished, sometimes not, and sometimes, I would see my classmates given some grief because it was NOT right to do that.  People would swear at teachers, threaten teachers, sometimes hit them or they would be held after school, and it was dealt with INTERNALLY, and there were even kids that would say something like "I'm gonna KILL you for giving us so much homework - The Teachers would LAUGH, tell us to SIT down, and get to work - because they would have to get all of the work done, and most of us did that after getting over being UPSET at them.

HOWEVER:  we were NEVER Arrested, Did NOT have constant police presence in our building, could not be charged with a crime for giving teachers lip - because that was part of being a KID, and it was assumed that teachers and parents could handle it, and always DID - most kids would be PUNISHED at home, and I know I did, so I did NOT even want to deal with that - I have even seen kids CUFFED by police in schools - It makes me SAD.....

NOW - We have Police in schools, armed with GUNS, you can be brought up on charges for mouthing off to teachers, you CANNOT SAY "I'm Gonna Kill you for giving us so much homework", or anything like that - Times have changed, schools have changed, you are NOT really safe in the ONE place that you SHOULD be - Ever since Columbine, things have gone to hell, and anyone can get guns/weapons, and they can use them - You can get ARRESTED and REMOVED from schools, because schools have their own school police forces.  You CAN'T JOKE around or even THINK of threatening someone, or doing something we would call "boneheaded" 

YET:  We have a CONGRESS and a GOVERNMENT who has witnessed shooting after shooting after shooting after shooting, and STILL we have nothing to protect people from being attacked like this!  I SUPPORT gun ownership, and the right to bear arms, BUT HOW do we keep guns and weapons away from people who would DO things like this?  Are our elected officials AFRAID to compromise?  I sometimes wonder how we are going to REDUCE gun violence and CRIME if we cannot take care of that?  How many people have to DIE before we do anything?


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On 5/25/2022 at 2:04 PM, Dubious said:

None dares to touch the gun laws, so this will happen again.

The weapon fanatics will turn this into "this is why we need to own guns".

Countries with strict gun laws have no mass shootings... go figure.

If you don't know how GUN laws work in America, I suggest you keep your mouth shut. I'm a Gun owner and I have a CCW/pistol permit. I can tell you the process to get approved takes months because your required to take a gun safety class, which is an all day class with time on the range. Then law enforcement has to run a thorough background check on you from the local, county, state and federal LEVEL. After all those are cleared, then your issued a CCW/pistol permit and a CCW means Conceal Carry permit. In all 50 states, you can't be a convicted felon, prison inmate, parole or have any history of substance abuse and mental illness. In curtain states, if you have been hospitalized for substance abuse or mental health, your banned from owning a gun.

In some states, they are constitutional carry state, which means you don't need a permit to own a gun and if your a convicted felon, prison inmate, parole or have any history of substance abuse and mental illness, your still banned from owning a gun.

Which is why when people talk about banning the AR-15 because they think it's a weapon of mass destruction, the AR-15 is only chambered in 5.56/.223. It's semi auto and not fully auto. the only fully auto is the M-4 that only the Military has.

And countries with strict gun laws has rising crime rates.

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