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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

A Job offer Unlike Any Other: Updated To Chapter 20

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sorry again for the long delay. Finished mass effect a while ago but had some health issues with family that needed priority. If you haven't played the mass effect trilogy, i recommend it, great engaging story!  Here is the brand new chapter! Long as hell as usual. I wanted to go longer but I thought the cliff-hanger was good enough. I also did some revision because I wanted to really establish the slow regression and hopefully that is presented in this chapter.

Please forgive any typos. I didn't do much proof-reading after finishing!


Chapter 19




.Sean could feel the warmth of the sunlight coming through the nearby window and no matter how much he tried, he could not remain asleep. The first thing he did after waking up, was to let out a loud yawn while opening his eyes. There was a small sense of confusion as Sean realized was no longer laying on top of Zoe's body, but rather was laying directly on the mattress itself.


Zoe really is a morning person...The complete opposite of me...Huh?” Sean noticed that he was gripping something with his arms. He then pulled the covers to see that he was holding onto Linky, the stuffed animal that Zoe provided for him, yesterday.


Are you a morning person as well, Linky?” Sean chuckled to himself as he awaited for a response that he knew would not come. After all, it was only a stuffed animal. But if it could somehow respond, Sean felt like he would not be surprised, given with all that's already happened since arriving in this amazonian dimension.


Sean took a moment to glance over at the diaper that he was wearing and the only article of clothing that he had on. He couldn't tell or feel if he actually had used it or not. After pressing his hand on the front of the disposable undergarment, Sean didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. For him, that was either a blessing or a prelude to something far worse. Sean didn't want his body to get at the point where having accidents would become as natural as breathing.


Jesus.. Everything that happened yesterday, including last night...What a shit show... Sean blushed and sighed while remembering all the events that transpired yesterday.


That god damn mental regression is no joke. I wasn't behaving anywhere close to my usual self. I'm sure that Zoe understands that as well. Hell, I bet she feels the same way. We will simply put this behind us and move forward. We both understand where to draw the line... I hope this is the last time I have to wear a diaper.” Sean did his best to carefully lower himself off of the bed, but he still ended up falling on his padded butt. The soft cushioning kept the impact on the floor to a minimum.


The sooner that I can be out of this thing, the better.” While Sean was happy that the padded undergarment protected his body from the fall, he felt like it had finally overstayed it's welcome. After helping himself back onto his feet, he tried to rip the tapes off, but the tapes wouldn't budge whatsoever.


Of course they won't come off. If they did, that would actually be a convenience for me. This dimension really loves to screw with me.” Every step Sean took, resulted in loud crinkling noises coming from the diaper. Sean really didn't care since he wasn't outside, where anyone could see him.


Wait...I can walk alright? Seriously!” Sean was pleasantly surprised to find himself still standing on both of his feet while carefully walking towards the bedroom door. Sean assumed that it was a combination of his body adapting to the thickness of the undergarment and that he was no longer under the influence of the mental regression. He was in no mood to be crawling on all fours.


That adoption center was creepy as hell. I can't believe how badly I was regressed. I never even noticed the difference. That's a story that I'm never telling anyone when I get back to my dimension.” Sean was determined to keep himself level-headed and not blindly rush into situations like he did at the park. And while it was a negative learning experience, Sean was grateful that he was able to recover from it.


I've been here only a week and I'm expected to hold this job for six months...That feels like a impossible task at this point.” While dwelling on his job situation while slowly walking his way through the hallways, Sean started to sniff the air and was welcomed by a wonderful aroma of syrup.


Yum. Zoe's gotta be making pancakes or something similar to it.” The allure of the possible upcoming breakfast was something Sean enjoyed thoroughly back when he was in elementary school. It brought back memories of when his mom made him and his sister a meal before dropping them off at school.


Sean reflected on how oddly simplistic his life was back then. Given his predicament right now, he felt like he had taken his family life for granted. He so desperately sought independence but this was not exactly the type of adult freedom he was looking for. But before Sean could continue to think about his family, he was interrupted by Zoe.


Good morning, Sean! How's my wittle bunny wunny, today?” Zoe easily heard the crinkling noises coming from the living room, since she had kept the television off, so there was no noise coming from that specific direction. Sean watched as Zoe walked out of the kitchen, to greet her partner in the living room.


Ugh...I'm doing much better, I really feel like my normal normal self again. Yesterday was... Different.” Sean didn't really want to bring up the specifics from last night, including the point where he was nearly breast-fed by his work partner. He wasn't sure as to what Zoe thought about it personally, but he was ashamed for how it got to that point. Even if he was partially regressed, it still didn't change the fact that he made a fool of himself, especially when when he tried to keep Zoe from leaving.


That's so good to hear! I'm happy that you were able to get a restful night of sleep. We both really needed it. I'll have breakfast ready for you in just a bit. So you can go ahead and use the television while I'm finishing up. I'm sure that you and Linky have some fun fun cartoons to catch up on!” After patting Sean on the head and then kissing him on the cheek, Zoe walked back into the kitchen to resume her morning duties. Sean noticed that Zoe seemed a bit more lively this morning, as if she had won the lottery. Her physical affection also was also more evident.


Huh... Linky?! I thought I left you on the bed... I guess you are in need of some company...Very well.” Sean didn't realize that he had been holding onto Linky with his right hand, all this time. Sean knew that he had something to say to Zoe, but the allure of cartoons seemed to be more enticing at the moment. Sean pulled Linky into a hug and started to walk towards the television without a moments notice.


Sean grabbed the remote off of the coffee table and sat down on his butt while clinging onto Linky. After turning on the television, Sean took a few minutes to browse the stations. He found a sports station and decided to keep it on there for a few minutes, interested in seeing how different amazonian basketball was from the one in his dimension.


Sean did his best to keep himself focused on the sports event but for whatever reason, he started to lose interest and needed something flashier to stimulate his mind.


This is boring, let's try something else.” Sean kept changing the channels until he found a cartoon that had a dragon as a school teacher. It was wearing a graduation cap and a pair of glasses. Sean immediately became immersed and dropped the remote, feeling that he had finally found something to keep him engaged.


Roughly ten minutes later, Zoe entered the living room, holding a bowl filled with small chopped up pieces of pancakes that was also drizzled with syrup. She noticed that Sean was enjoying himself by laying on his stomach and sucking on his thumb rather contently. Zoe smiled at the sight, but


Honestly, I can't leave you alone for even one minute before you try to get yourself into trouble.. I don't mind if you prefer to watch these type of shows, but I need you to take your anti-regression pill before hand, otherwise you could end up losing your ability to talk like with what happened yesterday. Thankfully this channel is not one of the more aggressive type of regression stations.” Zoe noticed that Sean was watching a show that allowed for hypnosis under the level three regression state. It was nowhere as bad as the level five state that Sean went through the prior day, but Zoe knew that Sean had to be more cautious. It also motivated her to take on a more controlling role with her partner.


What are you talking about? I feel just fine.” Sean explained as he continued to suckle on his thumb, not even aware of his infantile tendency. Zoe couldn't hide the fact that she found Sean to be utterly adorable while sitting on his diapered butt, while holding onto the stuffed animal she gave him.


Alrighty, cartoony time is over. Now it's, nom nom time!” Zoe turned off the television and picked her partner up from the floor and brought him over to the couch, while holding his food with her other hand.


But Zoe, the show was just getting good!” Sean whined before he felt a very light slap on his wrist. Sean was confused as he looked at her in the eyes.


Baby, if there is something that you want of me, you first have to call me by my proper name now. Don't you remember the deal we made, last night?” Zoe asked as she placed the bowl of food on the couch and then she started to slowing pat Sean on his diapered rear-end.


Deal...What deal could...”Sean's face began to flush as he remembered his conversation with Zoe from the prior night.


You remember now? I'll continue to look after you on your day's off, but in return, you have to call me mommy and act as my baby when we are not working for Diamond Tours. This will continue until we find a safe way to get you back to your dimension.” Zoe noticed the look of disbelief on Sean's face, she expected it and planned to make sure that it would continue.


But Zoe, I was under some of the effects of the mental regression, I wasn't in the right state of mind!” Sean tried his best to explain himself while preparing himself to be slapped on the wrist again but nothing came of it.


It's okay sweetie. Mommy knows that this is all new to you. Just relax and we will continue to have a great time together. It's not all that different than how we have been as of late. After all, haven't you been enjoying yourself while I've been changing your wittle diapys for the past couple days?” Zoe asked as she pulled Sean in for a hug. Sean felt powerless and surprisingly a bit conflicted.


But...But...It wasn't like this...Diapers, bottle feedings...This only happened after I started having these sudden freak accidents! This has never happened before I came here! My bladder issues must have been caused by Alexa. Don't you remember?” Sean could feel his body getting warmer as his head was now resting on Zoe's chest. It felt so surreal and comforting at the same time.


I know...I know...Alexa is a meanie and not a good person. I know that for a fact, but the truth remains that we don't know the definitive reason as to why you started having your accidents. But consider this a fortunate opportunity. This will allow us to bond even closer and rely on each other while we are working together.” Zoe knew very well that she was part of the reason as to why Sean's bladder control had weakened. And while she had stopped taking orders from Alexa by giving Sean the special pills that caused his bladder to weaken, she was secretly satisfied with the current results.


Sean did his best to try and think of something to get himself out of this situation but the overwhelming warmth and security coming from his amazonian partner seemed to be fogging up his mind..


Besides, it doesn't make up for the fact that you have been forgetting to take your anti-regression pills. That has also been a huge contributing factor in your accidents. If I'm around to take care of you, I'll make sure that you don't forget to take one when it's required.”


But that doesn't explain the whole babying thing. We can do without that, right?” Sean asked as he kept staying right into Zoe's eyes. It was almost hypnotic, he couldn't blink as she looked down at him with a blissful reaction.


Listen Sean, in this dimension, it's routine for a amazonian like me to take care of all of your needs. It's actually out of the ordinary for a amazonian to look at a little as a adult. I know that we first started out that way, but that was when we were getting to know each other...Don't you think that this will work out for the best? It's not like your actually being adopted. We will continue to work for Diamond tours in a professional manner but on our days off, we will be able to improve our quality of life together.” Zoe knew that she had Sean were she wanted, now she just needed to make sure that he accepted his new role.


Bu...But!” Before Sean get another word in, Zoe carefully placed Sean so he was sitting on her lap, she then started to playfully pinch and squeeze his cheeks in a playful manner. Sean could see that he wasn't gaining any ground with his arugment.


How about this. If you don't become fully comfortable with the way I take care of you, within a week, I'll consider rolling everything back, how does that sound?” Zoe had no intentions of doing so, but she wanted Sean to slowly accept and embrace his new role in their friendship. When she first met Sean, she originally never had any intentions of babying him, but after getting to know him for some time, her maternal instincts were just too much to ignore. She wanted this and would not accept a different answer.


How can I let this happen...But is it really all that different from the past couple of days?” Sean tried to convince himself that this was all temporary. He started to feel a bit better after Zoe stopped messing with his cheeks. However, she didn't waste in anytime, as she began to pat his head, gently.


Sean looked down at the floor as he took a deep breathe. He had never expected things to get this far, or perhaps it was his foolish sense of naivety that made him think that way. Sean knew that he probably had several chances at leaving this dimension before having his first accident but he wanted to stay optimistic and see this dimension in all it's worth. Now he was paying the price for it, even if it was only temporary. He managed to find some solace with that very fact.


Okay Zoe...I will put up with this for a week...But only if it's with you.” Sean couldn't object anymore as he had nothing else to say at the moment. He also felt abnormally close to her and wanted to believe that she was looking after his best interest, even if it was in the way that only a amazonian can. Sean knew that he was also at fault for putting certain expectations on this job and expecting everything to go according to his plan. He needed to adapt to his new environment, that way he could last long enough to see this job through.


I'm so proud of you, my baby. I promise that all your needs will be fulfilled while under my care. The important fact is that you know that you can count on me. We don't want anything to happen that could jeopardize your job with Diamond Tours. Without it, I doubt you will be given the option to return to your dimension. But by relying on me, I'll make sure that nothing like that ever happens. I want you to fulfill your agreement with the company and not have to deal with any type of drama.” Zoe knew that the only obstacle was Alexa, but even she didn't have the complete authority to fire Sean from his position as a special consultant. The problem was that she had nowhere near the connections and influence like Alexa had with the company. She had to be determined and focused if she wanted her words to actually have meaning.


Stupid question, but can I not go back to my dimension at this very moment?” Sean asked, curious if he could simply walk into the company's headquarters and use the same machine he arrived in.


It's no that easy, baby. If you are caught trying to leave before your contract with the company is up, you could face certain forms of discipline. I don't think it would lead you to being fired, but it's not something I would take a chance on. Your best bet is to rely on me and for you to do your job like you have been doing. Your type of work and feedback is important to Diamond Tours and how our government establishes a good rapport with your dimension as well.”


Sean felt oddly at ease when he looked back up at Zoe, her eyes were filled with confidence as if she knew exactly what she was saying. Even though she was a amazonian, he saw her as someone that could be relied upon. But at the same time, Sean felt like he was losing something about himself and that the longer that this went on, he would never be the same again.


Even if everything goes well, I will still be stuck in diapers for over five months. Then again, Rebecca has been doing this for the past few years now. I guess I could put up with it. I just don't want the end result to be the same as hers.” Sean knew that the last three individuals that held the same position as he did, which included Rebecca, eventually ended up being adopted. Sean kept wondering as to his chances of actually surviving this whole ordeal.


I'm pretty sure that I'm fucked, given the choices in front of me, but still, I gotta persevere. I have to continue to think postive” Sean said quietly to himself.


Now is my baby, hungy wungy?” Zoe asked as she started to talk to Sean in baby chatter.


Ugh, yes Zoe. Sean replied as he looked up at the amazonian. There was a moment of silence as Zoe raised a eyebrow and gave Sean a slight smirk.


Did I do something?” Sean asked as Zoe moved her face closer to his. His heart was racing incredibly fast.


Sean, remember what you are supposed to call me, going forward?” Zoe began to rub her nose with his, causing the boy to blush slightly.


It took a minute, but Sean was finally able to figure out what Zoe wanted from him. Sean lowered his head again and began to blush even even more so. There was no point in trying to delay the inevitable at this time.


Sorry...Mommy.” Unlike yesterday when he was slightly mentally regressed, it took Sean some time to muster the strength to call his work partner by a title that he had not commonly said.


It's okay baby, it will take some time before it becomes second nature. As for your reward for remembering, open up and say aww!” Zoe grabbed the fork that was inside the bowl of cut-up pancakes and started to feed her partner a single piece.


Ugh...Mommy, is it okay if I feed myself? This is really a lot to take in.” Sean stated after taking in yet another bite.


Baby, I'm responsible for taking care of all your needs during our time off of work, so that includes, bathing, diapering, clothing, and of course, feeding you. The only thing I have to refrain from doing, is breastfeeding you. That would...Complicate things.” Zoe giggled to herself as she continued to feed Sean more several more pieces of the chopped up pancakes. As embarrassing as it was, Sean did enjoy the taste and texture of the pancakes.


Sean thought back to last night and how close he was from nursing on actual amazonian milk. If that occurred, Sean knew he wouldn't be all that self-aware. But even still, he knew that his predicament wouldn't be all that different from right now.


After we are done here, I'm going to give you your anti-regression pill. It will be needed if you want to continue to watch the majority of your cartoons shows. It's my responsibility to make sure that you are not mentally regressed after all. And as your new mommy, I want you to experience all the wonders of this dimension while you are in the right state of mind. We have a lot to cover today, hehe.”


Sean was happy that Zoe seemed to be a bit more like her normal self and wasn't struggling with her maternal instincts but that also meant that he would have to subjugate himself to this new form of relationship. It could possibly be shorter, depending on how things go tomorrow with his meeting with the lawyer, Kairi, but as of now, that was a unknown wild-card. And Sean was still uncertain if he should talk to Zoe about it. Right now, he needed to focus on what today was about to bring.


Zoe thoroughly enjoyed feeding Sean his breakfast, she even purposefully missed his mouth a few times, so some of the syrup would land on his cheeks. And while Zoe found it very wholesome, Sean found it rather annoying, but he decided to let Zoe have her fun. He wasn't in a place where he needed to present himself.


That's my baby, now finish up that last bite and I'll get you cleaned up.” Zoe watched as Sean chewed and swallowed the last piece of the pancake in the bowl. She rewarding Sean with a couple small kisses on both sides of his cheek. Sean could only blush as she grabbed a wet-wipe and started to clean his face with it.


Can I feed myself next time, Zo....Mommy?” Sean asked with hesitation. He didn't want to be completely submissive to Zoe, despite what has transpired. He still still a eighteen year-old boy.


We will see baby. Much of it will depend on how you behave today. I'm taking you out to see a annual fair that is held outside the city. We are going to have lot's of super duper fun fun times!” Sean could see that Zoe was far more enthusiastic about going outside than he was. Right now, he wasn't anywhere prepared to be social, after what occurred at the park, yesterday.


Zoe casually grabbed a anti-regression pill that she had set on top of the coffee table and gently put it into Sean's mouth. Before he could request for something to wash it down with, a baby bottle was inserted into his mouth.


All already bottle-feeding me...She really is going to take this all the way...” Sean whimpered as he was being cradled in the amazonians arms. It was both comforting and humiliating at the same time.


It's okay baby. This is perfectly normal, just how it should be. Just let your mamma take good care of you.” Sean knew that he had no recourse but to suckle down on the bottle and make sure that pill went fully down his throat, which he successfully did.


For the next ten minutes, Sean continued to suckle down on the bottle. Thankfully it was filled orange juice and nothing nefarious in it. Zoe was humming a lullaby quietly, which was causing Sean's eyes to get heavier.


Crap...I'm falling asleep...” Sean wasn't in the mood a quick nap, but his body had a different idea. Fortunately, Zoe noticed what was going on.


Is my bunny wunny all sleepy again? I know exactly how to cure that!” Zoe started blowing raspberries on his stomach, which caught Sean off guard. He could also start to feel his diaper, becoming warmer but he didn't care since he couldn't contain his laughter, Zoe knew exactly how sensitive Sean's body was, based on her prior experience.


Zoe looked thrilled by seeing Sean's sluggish smile, after finishing her tickle attack. Sean unknowingly put his thumb into his mouth, exhausted from what just occurred, but no longer sleepy


That reminds me, I'll have to go and buy you a high chair later today, it will make feeding you, all that much easier.” Zoe explained as she picked Sean up and placed the boy over her shoulder. Her intentions were crystal clear, bring him back into his bedroom and get him changed for the day. Sean was about to say something until he caught wind that he was sucking on his thumb. He quickly pulled it out, confused as to how and why he was doing that, unknowingly.


I'm not regressed...So why?” Sean was confused and a bit concerned as Zoe slowly placed him down onto the mattress. Sean knew what was coming and felt rather rather causal about it.


If I'm in diapers for over five months, won't I completely lose the ability to use the bathroom? Just what will happen to my body if I this becomes the norm...I don't want to still be in diapers when I'm reunited with my family, that would be the definition of awkward.” Sean kept quiet but was concerned about the possible long term effects of being diaper dependent.


After placing a changing mat under Sean, Zoe began the process of removing the tapes from his diaper.


We are definitely going get you some proper clothes to fit over your diapers. I have a few ideas, but I would also like your input on it, would you be interested, Sean?” Zoe asked as she removed tapes and revealed a very soiled diaper.


Ugh...Maybe.” Sean wasn't really in the mood for a conversation, at least while he was in such a vulnerable position. It didn't help that he already assumed that he kept his diaper dry, but now, that wasn't the case, which was another blow to his already shattered pride.


These diapers are really reliable. I'll have to purchase more of these or something of similar value. I doubt they are cheap though. Well in any case, only the best for my baby!” Sean could easily see that Zoe was having the time of her life. Unlike for him, it was almost the complete opposite. There was no point in asking for boxers, he knew that he had screwed any chance of wearing them ever again, after what happened yesterday. And pull-ups seemed like a after-thought on Zoe's mind, as she began to wipe him down.


Am I really making the right decision?...Is there really a better option at this point.. I don't know.” Sean continued to lay quietly on the bed, as Zoe continued her due diligence in cleaning his lower half.


As Zoe lifted Sean's legs in the air and started to work on wiping his rectum, it brought back memories of when he actually defecated himself for the very first time, while at the adoption center. Sean didn't want to have a repeat performance, especially if he was well aware of it.


Zo...Mommy. If I feel the need to go number two, can I be allowed to use the toilet? I would really appreciate it.” Sean asked kindly, hoping that she would offer some sort of leverage while under her unique from of care.


It's okay baby, you are welcome to go poo poo anytime you want, I'll gladly change you when you done. That's what mommy is here for!” Zoe's words came across as both kind and aggravating at the same time. Sean dreaded such a response and also the aspect of using a diaper for something other than soiling himself. He needed to voice his concern.


...Mommy, can you please think about it?” Sean cringed at saying such a childish word, it felt even more embarrassing since he was was fully aware and no longer mentally regressed, unlike with yesterday's events. And while he was happy for Zoe, he was slightly concerned about the sudden change in his living conditions and was wondering if the Zoe that he knew up until now was long gone...Or perhaps that side of her was all a mirage and he was now finally see the amazonian for her true self. Sean hated the thought, he didn't want to start second guessing the only amazonian that he had put any trust in. It wasn't healthy to continuously think about it.


Okay baby, I'll consider it. I'm not expecting you to be completely comfortable with using your diapers right away, but I do expect to see you in them on a permanent basis.” I want you to adapt to them so you won't even realize that you are actually wearing them. It will help, trust me.” Sean watched silently as Zoe lowered her head and then rubbed her cheek onto his. Sean knew that he needed to come up with a contingency plan if Zoe couldn't keep her amazonian instincts in check. And while he knew that he had been growing more accustomed to wearing diapers for the past couple of days, he didn't want to be totally reliant on them. They were only suppose to be a means to protect himself from any unforeseen accidents.


Do I have to wear them even on the days I'm working as well?” Sean asked as Zoe started to apply the baby powder to his privates. He kept his face to the side, not wanting to look at her directly as she continued on.


Of course, you will remain in them until your job with the company is over. We wouldn't want you to soil or mess yourself while your interviewing another amazonian family. They would just end up diapering you as well. At least with me, you will be wearing diapers that you are familiar with. Plus they look so adorable on you!” Zoe explained as she placed the canister of powder at the side, and began the finishing touches of securing the diaper over Sean's powdered manhood.


Adorable isn't the word I would use.” Sean stated in his mind, as he pulled his head up a bit and took a glance at his new diaper. The tapes were colored pink while the rest of the disposable undergarment had a normal white tone to it. It also had very girlish cartoon animal designs on the front of the diaper.


I love you so much! I promise that we will get through this and we will both become better individuals because of it!” Zoe stated as she finished applying the tapes to both sides, completing the change..


To Sean, the word love was a very meaningful word and should not be said so lightly. For example, he loved his parents and sister because they were his legitimate family. He didn't love anyone else in the same way. Nor had he found someone that he loved on a more lustful or romantic way, though being with Rebecca for just a day, did make him feel a bit excited and eager to hang out with her again, even if diapers were ultimately involved. Sean still had mixed feelings about Zoe after everything that had occurred between the two of them. His mental regressive state caused him to see her a actual parental figure, but the feelings were artificial and not genuine. Right now, he felt cautious but also a sense of security as well. It was a far cry of what their relationship was like when they first met. And while it was subtle, Sean felt that he was fighting a part of himself that wasn't normal. As if he was slowly being assimilated into this culture.


Does my wittle Seanie wove is diapies? Yes he does! Yes he does!” Sean cringed at the way she was speaking down to him. The only thing that could make it worse, is if she spoke that way to him while in public.


Sean looked up at Zoe and could see that she waiting for a response, obviously she wasn't going to stop until she was provided a acceptable answer. Sean bit his lip as he spoke up.


They are...Fine...” Sean just wanted to get dressed and hopefully put this all behind him.


Such a bashful tyke. I know my wittle one woves being cweany cwean.” Zoe picked Sean up from the mattress and kissed him yet again on the forehead. Sean couldn't remember the last time that someone had been so physically intimate with him. It was a strange feeling that he wasn't really able to comprehend. Amazonians seem to value physical intimacy and didn't seem to see any of it as inappropriate.


I guess the bright side to all of this, is that there is basically one that I personally know, that can see just how pathetic I am, right now. When I get back to my dimension, this will all be a distant memory...A weird one, but still a memory.” Sean could easily smell the baby powder and it was wondering if he would get used to the smell if he actually managed to stay for his entire duration while working for Diamond Tours.


That would be quite scary. To actually believe that this is all considered normal. I don't want that!” Sean began to whimper as he put his thumb into his mouth, unknowingly.


Aww...It's gonna be alright, Momma rabbit won't let anything happen to her baby bun bun.” Sean was pulled in for a quick hug. Zoe did notice the sudden change in Sean's behavior and wanted to rectify that as she pulled something out of her pocket.


I've got something much more suitable for you than that icky wicky thumb. Now open wide, bun bun...” Sean was startled to see Zoe holding the same pacifier that he had used the prior night. A gift from Rebecca's amazonian adopted mother.


The fuck!?” Sean slowly took his thumb out of his mouth as he grow more concerned over what just occured. He knew that he wasn't regressed, yet he was unaware of his most recent actions. Was the stress causing him to revert to such infantile tendencies? Sean didn't have much time to think as Zoe quickly shoved the soother into his mouth. The rubber teat felt both familiar and unusually welcoming.


I think it's best that you keep that paci with you at all times. I'll get a necklace to attach to it, so you can use it at all times, especially when you are feeling stressed out. I also recommend to use it in public at all times, that way you don't have to worry about any of the meanie adult amazonians trying to get you into trouble, while on your day off. My sisters little made a mistake of saying some rather bad words while out in the open and was forced to go to a etiquette school because of it. As you are aware, that type facility was only created so that littles would become far more docile and accepting of their babyhood. My sisters little was not all that easy to get along with, especially after when she first adopted him. But after spending two weeks at the school, he became the most obedient little that I've ever seen, he was almost like a different person. It also doesn't help that my parents will not allow a little inside the house unless they have been mentally regressed on a permanent basis or have been educated at a etiquette school. That is why I haven't brought you to my parents home for a visit...It would not end up going well for either of us if they saw and heard that you could speak properly.” Sean felt some relief that Zoe still was looking out for his well-being. Sean noticed that the pacifier seemed to be helping him feel more relaxed, even though the soother didn't have any regressive properties to it.


This isn't all that bad. Perhaps pacifiers are not as bad as I thought. But still... I'm not going to use one when I get back to my dimension, that would would be too awkard. Sean continued to listen in on Zoe's conversation and her perspective on things.


Personally, I'm not a fan of using a etiquette schools to force littles to adjust to the natural infancy lifestyle. I'm a believer that love and respect is all that you need in order to bring out the best in a little. I promise that no matter what, I'll make sure that you never end up at a school like that or even worse, a medical facility where they could wipe your your entire memory.” Zoe pulled Sean in for another hug, which was now causing him to feel a bit drowsy.


So, how about it, Sean. Are you ready to get dressy dressed” Zoe asked as she patted the front of his diaper. Sean was startled as Zoe lifted Sean off of her chest and was placed over her shoulder. He tried to speak up but only the sucking sounds from his pacifier were coming out. Sean had already forgotten that he had a pacifier in his mouth as he continued to act perplexed.


Alrighty then, now onto the really fun part! It's so perfect that I actually have the ideal outfit for you, my wittle bun bun. I can't wait for you to try this on!” It felt like time had slowed down for Sean, as he watched Zoe grab a article of clothing that was laying underneath the mattress. Sean felt a dreaded sense of nostalgia. It was a outfit that he was somewhat familiar with. Sean remembered the outfit vividly, since it was of the most unusual pieces of clothing he had ever seen. It was a bright pink onesie that was able to cover the majority of his body, from head to toe. It also had a pair of bunny ears and a white poofy tail at the lower back end of it. Sean never thought he would see that awful looking outfit again, after keeping it inside his closet all this time. It was a gift from his apartment manager along with a package of diapers and a pacifier, when he first arrived in the amazonian dimension. He originally thought it was some sort of honest mistake, as if it were meant for a actual baby or someone of the opposite sex. But now, here it was again, in Zoe's hands and Sean immediately knew what her intentions were. He had to make a stand, he could not allow himself to be submit to such a girlish outfit.


Zoe, what are you thinking? Please throw that away or even better, burn it! I have no intentions wearing that horrid thing!” Sean tried again to speak up but nothing was coming out of his mouth. He was alarmed and frustrated at the same over his inability to speak.


What the hell!? Why can't I speak! This doesn't make sense. I should....WAIT!” Sean soon realized that he was still sucking on the soother, he quickly placed his hand onto his mouth and tried to remove it, but for whatever reason, he was having trouble accomplishing that.


Why? Is this thing somehow glued to my mouth!?” Sean was unaware that he was holding the pacifier in his mouth as his teeth clinched onto the rubber teat.


Zoe noticed Sean's distress and was able to easily remove the soother from his mouth, so she could better understand him.


Something wrong, bun bun? Are you still thirty or hungry?” Zoe asked while brushing his hair with her hand.


Thank you, Zoe. What I was trying to say is that I have absolutely no intention of wearing that thing!” Sean hoped that his words would get through but Zoe continued to look at him with a loving expression.


Why not try it on? I think it will look just adorable on you.” Zoe measured the onesie and knew that it would easily fit someone of Sean's small stature. However Sean didn't feel the same way. He wanted to retain some form of dignity.


Zoe... It's bad enough that I agreed to put up with these diapers but there is no way in hell, that I can actually accept this. I'm a fucking guy! That onesie was made specifically for girls. I'm not about to parade myself in the public, looking like that!” Sean thought back to when he had spent the day with his apartment manager and was forced to wear a sailor uniform. And while it was demeaning, it was at least designated for males. This however was something completely different.


As you very well know, that type of language is not allowed bun bun, just a warning. Also, this will only be for today. We are going to a lovely fair, outside of the city. It's a special occasion, after all.” Zoe tried to force the pacifier back into his mouth, but Sean managed to cover it with his right hand.


In that case, let me wear a pair of my normal pants and a shirt over this damn diaper!” For a moment, Sean felt like he had won the argument as there was a moment of silence. Zoe took a deep breathe and soon the atmosphere changed Sean could tell that his body was letting him that he was about to be in big trouble.


We are not going to argue over this Sean. I'm your mommy and I have the final say on what is truly appropriate for you to wear. Do you want a spanking to remind you of our deal?” Sean was stunned by Zoe's sudden change of behavior. One moment, she was a kind and caring person and now she was a menacing and scary amazonian. Sean knew that he had no chance of changing the outcome but he still didn't want to accept this. Tears started coming down his eyes. He desperately wanted to his stuffed animal, Linky to provide himself some comfort.


But...But ZO....Mommy...Please?” Sean begged, hoping to that she would see to reason. He had already admitted defeat and was somewhat ready to spend the next week as Zoe's baby, but he didn't want to be mistaken for a girl.


You have the count of three to put that pacifier back into your mouth, There will not be a four.” Zoe explained as she took a seat on the bed and placed Sean over her knee. He couldn't believe it, he was on the verge of being punished.


You can't possibly!”




Please Zoe, I'm not...”Sean couldn't continue to speak as he began to whimper. And while he was of sound mind, his body had a different idea.




Before Zoe could finish her count, Sean began to bawl like a actual baby. It was almost like a out of body experience. He didn't feel emotionally broken, but his body had literately regressed on the spot.


This isn't right. I''m literally crying my ass off. I can't control my emotions, damn it, this is the worst.” Sean didn't dare to try and look up at Zoe, he could only wonder what she was thinking as he continued to sob.


Zoe didn't count to three, instead she grabbed the pacifier and carefully placed it back into Sean's mouth. Sean immediately started to suck on it without a moments notice as his bawling began to end.


Zoe felt kind of guilty, she even started to figure out as to what was happening to Sean but wasn't entirely sure if he was suffering some of the side effects from the mental regression that he had been through.


Sean I'm only doing what is best for the two of us. We need to rely on each other for this to actually work. In our dimension, no one is going to judge you for what you are. And the fact remains is that you are my baby, so you don't need to overthink things. Your momma will take care of everything, okay?” Zoe's words felt so soft and comforting. Sean was quickly pulled into a firm hug which he responded with his own.


Your life will be so much better and simpler while under my care. Don't worry about what anyone thinks of you. All you need is your mommy.” Zoe's words continued to echo deep into Sean's subconscious. Her words could not be ignored.


Sean felt like he was in a trance as he stared right into Zoe's eyes. He could no longer see her as a partner or friend, at this time, she was his amazonian mother.


Is mommy right? Am I overthinking things? I just don't know...” Sean's mind was at a fog. Sean continued to struggle to come up with any answers. The only thing that was certain, was that he greatly enjoyed his pacifier.


Does Sean want to be a good baby for his mommy?” Zoe asked she placed her forehead onto his. Sean's face began to flush, he couldn't say no, not anymore. Zoe was his world and he didn't want to think of life without it.


Sean slowly nodded his head. He couldn't think of anything but of Zoe at that moment. His job, his life prior to Diamond Tours, everything was irrelevant right now.


That's a my baby boy. Mommy is so proud of you. You are being very mature about this.” Zoe grabbed the pink bunny onesie and began the process of changing him into it.


Sean did the only thing he could physically do at the moment, he closed his eyes as he felt his legs being enclosed in the warm and soft fabric of the onesie.


Sean opened his left eye for a moment to take a quick glimpse of his feet, only to see that they were fully covered in a warm fur type of fabric. The feeling was odd as every part of his body was being enclosed by it. It was so unreal to not be able to see his own bare feet. It was also oddly comforting. His feet no longer resembled a humans, they looked like a bunny's. Zoe was simply humming to herself as she easily slid his arms into the onesie and quickly zipped up the back of it..Sean soon felt a playful tug on the puffy tail that connected to the onesie, Zoe then spoke up, indicating that she was finished.


Oh my goodness! It should be illegal to be this cute! Zoe explained as she looked over her work before applying the hoodie over Sean's head, so the bunny ears could stick up.


Sean took a moment to look over his outfit, and while it was comfortable and clean, it was far from what he preferred. And while his diapers were covered from view, they were still noticeable as his butt was much puffier than usual.


I wanna watch my cartoons!” Sean felt so unease and felt that some colorful cartoons would raise his moral. But his words could not be heard, with the soother in his mouth. There was a small part of his mind that was telling him to run, but he couldn't move a muscle after seeing the warm smile coming from his amazonian caretaker.


All right, let's get this last part buttoned up, that way we can head out the door soon!” Zoe put the finishing touches as she applied the snaps to the onesie. Sean instantly knew that he would have a hard time walking on his feet with this abhorrent outfit on. It also made his diaper feeling even more refined.


This will definitely give me some ideas on what type of clothing I should buy for you later today. The fair should have some really interesting sets!” Zoe then kissed Sean on the cheek before picking him up and escorting him to the bathroom.


Take a look! It's the far opposite of bad, in fact the pink fabric really blends in well with the color of your eyes.” Sean thought his heart had stopped beating for a moment as he gazed into his refection in the mirror. He didn't see a eighteen year old boy that was on the verge of adult-hood, instead there was a unknown baby girl in front of him, that hadn't even graduated kindergarten yet.


Dear god...”Sean kept his words to himself as he continued to stare at the complete stranger in the mirror. It didn't feel real, like it was some sort of dream and it was one that he couldn't wake up from. Having no facial hair didn't help any matters as well. The only solace was that no one would recognize him. But being mistaken for a girl wasn't really much of a positive in the grand scheme of things. The bunny ears and poofy white tail, only added fuel to the fire. Sean would have normally started to freak out but his body seemed perfectly fine, and he continued to slowly suck on the pacifier. He had everything to remain calm.


I'm going to take out take out your paci, so you can brush your teeth before we go. I need to write a few things down, just in case I forget about them later on today. Can you behave while I'm away for a moment?” Sean was caught off guard by Zoe's request. He nodded his head, as she took out the pacifier and placed it in slowly in Sean's left hand. After being allowed back onto the floor, Zoe gave a playful tap to Sean' padded rear-end before exiting the bathroom, leaving him alone with his thoughts.


Sean looked over the pacifier for a moment, his body was telling him to put it back into his mouth and that it would solve all his problems. But for whatever reason, he kept staring at it, as if he was zoned out. Immersed in not just the object, but was it represented for him and his future. Sean then used his right hand to slap himself on the face. Knocking some sense back into him.


Look at me, I'm a diapered baby. I'm no longer a big boy, I need too...Damn it” Sean felt frustrated as he tried to fight his internal thoughts. Part of himself seemed to accept that being a baby was normal as breathing.


My only hope now is the lawyer...I...I can't put my trust in momm...Zoe anymore...Not after this...” As Sean started to brush his teeth, he started to reflect on his own decisions since arriving in this dimension. Sean knew he could have done much more than simply being careful and observant. He felt things were going just fine until he had his first accident and now it was all down hill from here. What's worse is that he was starting to feel a sense of revelation and that this was all meant to be. And he wasn't sure if this was something he truly felt or if it was his ongoing assimilation into this amazonian society.


This freaking outfit...Why couldn't at least be blue or green.” Sean could see that the hoodie covered the majority of his hair. The bunny ears remained standing even afer Sean tried to force them to stay down, but somehow they would always go back to there original position, as if the onesie had a mind of it's own. The puffy white tail on his rear end made his butt stick out even further. Almost every part of the onesie was a bright tone of pink, which did nothing but make him standout even more. The only part of his body that wasn't covered by the onesie, was only his face.


I ignored all the warning signs...Running away would amount to nothing right now...Even if I were to somehow to make it back to Diamond Headquarters and try to sneak back into that machine that transported me here, I'm sure that I would be reprehended before I could even come within a hundred feet of it. ” After brushing his teeth and placing his tooth brush on the counter, Sean slowly walked around, trying to get a better feel of what he would be wearing for the rest of the day. Sean knew that tomorrow had to be the turning point for his time in this dimension. It had to be.


Sean noticed that he was able to stay on both of his feet as he walked around and then slowly exited the bathroom. His balance seemed to be more coordinated than expected, he wasn't sure if it was due to his mind not being mentally regressed or if his body was adapting to wearing diapers. The crinkling of his padded undergarment didn't do him any favors. Sean knew that this was not a part of his job description but yet, here he was, being treated like the all the native littles in this dimension.


I forget, wasn't it illegal for me to be babied? I don't know, maybe I'll ask mommy.” Sean sighed as he put the pacifier back into his mouth, wondering what type of fair he would be going too. He was hoping there would be some carnival type of games and animals that are native to this dimension.


I wonder if mommy will allow me to walk while we are the fair?” Sean suckled on the pacifier contently as he felt more at peace with himself. Everything else on his mind and what seemed important, now was a mere afterthought.


Thanks for waiting, bun bun. Shall we get going?” Zoe asked as she grabbed her purse and looked down at her baby and gently pulled out the pacifier.


Mommy, why do you keep calling me, Bun Bun?” Sean asked as he looked at Zoe with confusion.


It's my nickname for you. Your a baby bunny, and I think the name Bun Bun, suits you quite well.”


Okay...But after today, I won't have to wear this again, right?” Sean asked and awaited for a answer.


That's right bun bun, we are going to buy you so many cute alternate forms of clothing, I cannot wait!” Zoe gently placed the pacifier back into his mouth. Sean started to suckle on the soother, as if everything was normal, but he couldn't shake the small sense of dread he was having.


Your going to learn a lot about some of the culture from outside the city and perhaps you can make some new playmates as well!” Zoe grabbed Sean by the hips and hoisted him over her shoulder.


Playmates? Do I really want to have playmates? Wasn't I in this dimension for something else?” Sean kept questioning himself as he laid his head on Zoe's shoulder as she carried him to her car.


We will have to make a few stops for gas and to also stretch our legs, it's going to be quite the drive, but I made sure to pack some extra diapers and bottles for you. Perhaps I'll buy you a nice toy, that is if you behave properly.” Sean wasn't paying attention as he remained oblivious to everything around him and kept spacing out..


Weather is kinda chilly, but I feel super warm in this!” Sean stated to himself after exiting the apartment, Zoe assisted in putting Sean into his booster seat but before he could be locked into it, a amazonian woman that lived within the apartment complex came over to get a closer look at the two of them.


Oh my, what a adorable baby girl you have there. How long as she been adopted for?” The older looking amazonian asked as she looked directly at Sean, whom still wasn't even paying attention, he kept staring at his feet as he stretched out his hands to try and touch them.


I just recently acquired her this past week, it's taken some time for her to adjust but she is a really good mannered little.” Zoe stated as she tried to hold herself back from chuckling a bit. She was somewhat amused that Sean was being mistaken for a girl, and she had hoped that Sean wouldn't take their conversation in a negative light.


In that case, congratulations on your recent adoption. She is a keeper, but don't let your guard down, most newly acquired littles have a tendency to misbehave and try to run away from their parents. It usually takes a few months before they can actually accept there proper role in life. It's always easier to send them to a etiquette school so they can adapt faster, but that's just my personal opinion.” The older amazonian woman then pinched Sean on his cheek as she nodded her head, before nodding her head and going her separate way.


Sean quickly was snapped out of his trance as after being pinched on the cheek. He then started to scratch his eyes while he gathered himself.


What the hell? When did I get put into the booster seat? Why am I sucking on this pacifier again!?” Sean was perplexed as he took the soother out of his mouth, he looked over at Zoe but decided to remain quiet until they were about to leave. He had some questions that seriously needed to be answered.


Thank you for your kind words!...” Zoe replied as she finished up and strapped Sean tightly into his booster seat and then shut the passenger door.


Something doesn't feel right...” Sean thought he was having some sort of hallucination and he quickly bit his lip to make sure that everything around him was actually real and not some strange mirage. He was coming to the realization that his body and part of his mind seemed to be acting on it's own. As if there was a alternate version of himself.


I'm so sorry Sean...I just couldn't help myself. It was so amusing that elderly woman had mistaken you for a girl, hehe.” Zoe giggled to herself while starting her car, obviously not bothered by what had transpired.


This is exactly why I didn't want to wear this!” Sean yelled out as he threw his pacifier on the floor, slightly surprising Zoe. Sean wanted to feel upset but his body for whatever strange reason, wasn't allowing him to do so. His ongoing feelings of comfort and warmth felt way too unnatural. Sean knew that something was definitely wrong with his mental state, but he wasn't sure if it had anything to do with mental regression. He was well aware that he had already taken his anti-regression pill. This type of change felt way to spontaneous.


Understandable...Here, perhaps this will help brighten your mood.” Zoe handed over the stuffed animal bear, Linky. Sean's eyes widened up and his face sparkled with glee.


AWW! Linky!” Sean grabbed hold of the bear and held it tightly in his arms, some drool was coming down his mouth, as he embraced the stuffed animal with both his arms.


I knew that you would grow to like him. He was my favorite stuffed animal when I was still a toddler myself.” Zoe reached over and grabbed the pacifier on the floor. She quickly removed any dust and dirt on it.


Now Bun Bun, remember, I want you to be on your best behavior. Can you do that for mommy?” Zoe asked as she was about to force the soother back into his mouth.


I will mommy!” Sean happily accepted the pacifier without question. Zoe took a moment to adore the sight she was seeing. It was everything that she had hoped for and then some. It also confirmed her suspicions on what Sean was going through. It was a effect that almost all littles go through at some point. And it wasn't very well known to their kind.


I wonder if Sean is suffering the physical side effects from his previous exposure to mental regression. I don't think I ever told him about it when I discussed the mental regression system and how it worked. Physical indoctrination isn't as bad as going to a etiquette school...But still.” Zoe took a deep breathe as she exited the parking lot and headed towards the road. She felt a sense of guilt but her maternal instincts were telling her that this was for the best.


Zoe put on some soothing instrumental music as she headed toward the highway. The weather was decent enough, slightly overcast but not menacing enough to produce any rain. She looked over at Sean for a second and so desperately wanted to keep him happy and care-free. But Zoe kept wondering if she was crossing a line that she wasn't suppose to do. She didn't want to end up like her folks and sister and see a little as nothing more than a baby that needed to be taken care of.


If I were to convince Sean to quit Diamond Tours, I would still need to get approval from human resources to make it finalized. I would also have to make sure that Alexa doesn't find out as well... NO! I promised Sean that I would help him and that adoption is out of the question!. He's got a family and...” Zoe changed the channel to a local talk-show radio station, hoping that it could keep her inner thoughts at bay. She had already forced Sean to temporary live as her baby, she thought it would be enough to satisfy her ever growing maternal instincts. But, she wanted more and that scared her.


Sean continued to play with Linky for the next half hour, until he started to feel a bit agitated, he realized what the issue was and then allowed himself to soil his diaper, which caused his body to relax. He closed his eyes while embracing the warmth inside his disposable undergarment. Just a moment later, Sean opened his eyes and then looked around the car and came to the realization of what he had just did to himself. A look of disgust was evident as he dropped the stuffed animal on the floor.


What the fuck! I just pissed myself!...But this time, I wanted too... This is too much!” Something is seriously going on! I have to talk to Zoe right here and now!” Sean quickly removed the pacifier and placed it right onto his lap. He was ready to get some answers from Zoe and hoped she would comply.


Do you have something to say, Sean?” Zoe asked as she noticed Sean taking the pacifier out of his mouth.


Mommy, I went pee pee!” Sean quickly placed both of his hands on his mouth, horrified by the words that came out. It was like someone else was speaking for him.


It will be alright, bun bun. In about another half hour, we will make a pit-stop at a gas station, I'll gladly change your diapey right there. Please be patient for me, okay?” Zoe asked politely as she kept her attention on the road.


Sean nodded his head and grabbed the pacifier and placed it back into his mouth, feeling that her answer was sufficient enough and that all was well in the world.


Roughly twenty minutes later, Sean felt the car come to a stop, he wanted to get a better look and see where they currently were, but he was unable since the windows were far beyond his eye level.


I think it's about time we took a nice break and filled up the tank It will also do us good to stretch our legs and get the blood flowing.” Zoe exited the vehicle and then opened the passenger door, so she could help little out.


Zoe removed the pacifier from Sean's mouth which caused him to whine slightly.


It's okay bun bun, I'll give you your paci back after we get you changed, okay?” Sean nodded slightly, he kept wondering as to why he felt so upset with himself. He decided to speak up, hoping that it would help balance himself out.


Just...Where are we?” Sean looked around and noticed that they were no longer in the city, it almost looked like they were in the middle of a nowhere, surrounded by mountains and barren fields. He could tell that they were close to the highways exit, since he could hear several cars going by at a rapid pace.


We are on highway twenty two. It's the fastest route to the town where the fair is held at. It's called Las Argos. The fair is right right at the first exit to the town.” Zoe stated as she picked Sean up and carried him towards the gas station's, store entrance.


Las Argos?” Sean knew that there other smaller towns that surrounded the city of New Haven. It was both exciting and scary at the same time. Sean was about to explore a new area that he had not bothered to previously research. Sean wanted to take some pictures but he didn't have his work phone on him and his personal phone was all but lost. Once again, he would need to rely on Zoe for almost all of his needs.


It's fairly desolate town with a rich history. As of now, it's more suited for older folks as a retirement community. So you won't find any flashy stores, malls, and or any sports stadiums like New Haven does. Most of the outlets are small mom and pop shops. It's a great place for hiking, mountain climbing, and just good ol fashion sight seeing.” Sean's eyes brightened up at the thought of hiking through a vast and unexplored landscape in the amazonian dimension, Zoe also took notice of his sudden interest.


Does my bun bun want to go hikey wikey with me sometime?” Zoe asked as she playfully patted his rear-end.


I would love that! Can we do that today?” Sean asked with glee.


Not today, unfortunately, the hiking trails are even farther off from the fair. Besides, I don't think you are properly dressed for something like that, hehe. Plus I would need to order a specially made stroller for you. Normal strollers wouldn't be able to cut it while on such harsh trails. ” Sean felt immeasurably disappointed and Zoe could hear the disappointment in his voice.


As the two entered the gast station, Zoe giggled to herself as she grabbed a small basket and started to look around for some snacks and other various items that she had saved on a list.


Oh...Ya...That's right, I'm wearing...This god forsaken bunny costume.” Sean was quickly reminded of what he was wearing as he looked at his hands and how they were completely covered. Sean noticed that he was feeling a bit more alert as they passed by several amazonians in the store. A couple of them smiled and cooed at his direction. He noticed that there was a little strapped into a harness on the chest of a male amazonian. She had a glazed look in her eyes. Sean could tell that she was completely regressed. A fate that he wanted to avoid at all costs.


That's right! I need to get your diapey changed before we head out. Might as well use the restroom and get it done with, before we fill up the tank!” Zoe placed the small basket on the floo near the restroom door. Sean noticed that they were entering the female public restroom, he was about to complain until Zoe reassured him that it was all perfectly fine.


After helping Sean onto the changing table, the boy looked over and noticed that if anyone entered the restroom, they would be able to get a good look at him, while his diaper was being changed. Sean hoped that the restroom would remain desolate until Zoe finished her work. Zoe began to hum to herself she opened the flap to Sean's onesie and ripped the tapes off of his diaper.


Hmm, it looks like your diapey could handle a bit more. Are you sure that you want a new one now?”


Please mommy, I don't want to wear a wet diapey!” Sean asked as he looked a bit apprehensive.


Zoe smiled as she laid a kiss on Sean's nose, while she removed the soiled diaper. She began to wipe him down with a delicate touch.. As his butt was being wiped, Sean took the time to scan the restroom, wondering if there was anything noticeably different about it compared to all the ones in his dimension.


Just a moment later, another amazonian woman came in with a little sitting in a stroller. She then plopped the diapered female little on a changing table right next to Sean's.


Oh my, that's such a cute baby...Boy!? I wouldn't have guessed.” The unknown amazonian explained as she looked over at Sean before focusing on her baby. Sean kept his focus on the female little that was about to be changed as well. Wondering if she felt as embarrassed as he did.


Why thank you. I just recently adopted him. He is a portal little and all I could ever ask for.” Zoe stated as she grabbed a bottle of baby powder and began to sprinkle it over the boy's lower half.


Congrats, that is such a amazing accomplishment. Especially since it's almost impossible to find any portal littles as of late. I kinda feel sorry for all the native littles, they are not as widely sought after, since the tourist program came into effect . As for me, I'm perfectly fine with my Isabel. I purchased her at a auction house around twelve years ago. She was eighteen at the time. She just turned thirty not too long ago. She is still as adorable as when I first laid eyes on her.” The amazonian began to remove Isabel's diaper, while the female little just watched quietly while sucking on her pacifier and holding a rattle in her left hand. Sean watched, curious if the little was able to speak or if her mental state had deteriorated. Sean wasn't sure, the girl peaked over at him, she seemed aware but something in her eyes told Sean that she had given up any hope of being free, long ago.


She's definitely older than me. Did I hear that right? Twelve years? This older girl next to me, has been living as a baby for twelve years straight!? I'll never let that happen...I'm a big boy!” Sean then turned his attention back to Zoe as she placed the new fresh diaper under his butt. Sean couldn't help but smile as he felt the fresh padding hit his bare bottom. He instantly forgot what he was thinking as he focused his attention onto Zoe.


After applying the tapes, Zoe quickly buttoned up his onesie and then helped Sean off of the changing table.


I'm so proud of you. You were very well behaved. Mommy knows her bun bun loves a fresh new diapey! Yes you do!” Zoe rubbed her cheek against Sean's, which caused him to giggle a bit. After exiting the restroom, Sean began to remember his unusual actions and behavior.


My body keeps acting on autopilot at times. Every time I want to say something, I keep gettign distracted and forget” Sean remained silent while Zoe took a few minutes to grab a few more items for the road. Zoe then walked over to the register to pay for the items while Sean rested his head on her shoulder.


I'll also get forty dollars worth of gas on pump number eight.” Zoe handed her credit card to the cashier whom started to ring her up.


Awe...Such an adorable baby girl, she reminds me of my little that currently in daycare. What's her name?” The cashier asked as she gently patted Sean on his head, she also tugged at the bunny ears in a playful manner.

His name is Sean. He is my pride and joy.” Zoe lowered the boy onto the cashiers table so she could get a better look at him.


OH...I'm so sorry. I mistook him for a girl. That cute onesie is really had me fooled.” The cashier stated as she pinched Sean's right cheek while chuckling to herself.


Not at all. He really blends in quite well with it. I'm bringing him to the fair so he we can get him some other unique clothing.” Sean kept his head lowered, hoping that there conversation would end as soon as possible.


If you don't mind me asking, how many times do you breast-fed your baby per day? I personally believe that is the only way that a little should be fed. Based on statistics, they receive all the proper nutrients from it. Any other form of liquid is nowhere as adequate.”


Zoe blushed as the personal question, as much as she wanted too, it was out of the question, it would cause for more problems than answers.


Ugh...A...A couple times. I'm kinda new at this, hehe.” Zoe hesitated as speaking, as she started to remember what happened the prior night.


Sean didn't like where this conversation was going and decided to speak up, hoping to put a end to it.


Zo...Mommy...Can't we get going? I'm getting kinda tired!” Sean wasn't actually tired, but rather didn't want to be the main attraction while other amazonians were waiting in line.


My goodness! Your little can speak coherently! Don't you find that to be a tad dangerous and irresponsible?” The cashier asked as she gave Sean a disgusted look. Sean was alarmed by the sudden change in her tone and expression. Zoe looked rather offended and decided to speak on behalf of her little.


What I do with my baby, is my own prerogative. And yes Sean, I think we should get going.” Zoe was noticeably upset with the cashier and quickly picked him up and carried him out of the gas station.


I'm sorry about that Sean. I didn't think that woman would be so god damn shallow. I need to remember that there are amazonian's that believe all littles should be permanently regressed. It's so god damn stupid.” Sean felt a bit relieved that Zoe was looking after him, even if it wasn't in a ideal way. It was a reminder of why he found Zoe to be so charming. Though the past twenty four hours has been somewhat different on that aspect.


After arriving back at the car, Zoe lowered Sean to his feet, right near the vehicle.


Does my bun bun want to go walky walky. while I fill the tank?”


Ugh...Sure.” Sean wasn't sure on how to reply, but he reluctantly agreed, feeling he was getting to comfortable with being carried by Zoe. It was also a chance to gather himself.


Just don't wonder off, your still too young to be on your own.” Zoe explained as she started to fill the tank.


Sean wondered if Zoe was just joking around or if she was actually serious. It wasn't long ago, that he was living on his own while in this strange dimension, and ever since he started to have accidents, it's been a downward effect on both his physical and mental state.


I need to say something to Zoe know about the way I'm behaving. No more delaying this!” Sean walked back over to wear Zoe was standing and prepared to ask her the question that was on his mind.


Zoe I have a serious question, can you please answer this for me?” Sean asked as he awaited for the much needed response.


Sean! You forgot , it's mommy or momma.” Zoe playfully tapped Sean on his nose before playfully pushing his pacifier back into his mouth. Sean once again forgot what he was thinking about, as his mind went blank again while he suckled on the soother rather contently.


I'm sure that this is for the best....” Zoe bit her lip as she helped Sean back into his booster seat and buckled him in. She knew what was going on, but decided to stay quiet about it. Sean wasn't being regressed through the normal means but was rather experiencing a very common side-effect that happens if a little grows emotionally attached to a amazonian if they are regressed on several occasions.


Zoe then took out a couple things in a bag that she purchased at the gas station.


It's going to be a long trip, so I got these from the toy section. You can have some playtime while we are on the road.” Sean was handed two action figures, one was of a soldier wearing camo pants and the other was a green musclebound alien with larger than normal hands.


This looks interesting.” Sean began to play with the figures while holding onto his stuffed animal, Linky.


I could probably convince Sean at this point to quit his job, and then I could legally adopt him. But then I would have to find us a new place to live. I would never let him stay at my parents house, given their shallow viewpoints on littles.” After finishing filling up her tank, Zoe wondered if she could seriously keep her maternal instincts in check, even after everything that has taken place. She had Sean under her complete control but not to the point that it could be end up being long term.


Life is such a game of chances.” Zoe sighed as she started her car and continued onward to the fair.


For the next half hour, the trip to the fair seemed to be going rather smoothly. Zoe took a few quick glimpses and noticed that Sean seemed a bit distracted as he was grabbing his pacifier. Zoe reached over and pulled it out for him.


Is there something on your mind, bun bun?” Zoe asked as she kept her attention on the road.

“Umm...Momma. I have a couple of questions.” Sean asked after placing the toys on the floor.


What is it baby? Are you thirsty?” Zoe asked as she continued to focus on the road.


Actually, that was my second question. My mouth was feeling kinda dry.”


In that case, let me get this for you. I got this when we were at the gas station a while ago.” Zoe handed Sean a plastic baby bottle filled with strawberry milk. Sean looked at the bottle and sighed.


Moo Moo milk. Why am I not surprised.” Sean continued to look at the bottle and then noticed a label near the bottom. It said, level four. Sean immediately knew what that meant. It also coincided with his main question.


Mommy, this milk says level four. I can't drink this stuff, or I'll be mentally regressed.” Sean replied as he showed the bottle to her.


I know bun bun, but you have taken your anti-regression pill, so it will be alright. I'll have to remind myself to give you another, right when we arrive at the fair.”


Sean took a deep breathe. Now was the time to ask Zoe about her intentions. He had be clear with her and understand what she was truly wanting.


Mommy...Please be truthful with me...Do you seriously want to adopt and keep me as your baby?” Zoe's eyes started to widen, she then pulled the car over to the side of the road. It was a question that she wasn't expecting. Especially with how causal he asked. Zoe was secretly hoping that Sean would convince himself that this was a ideal life but only if he was of a sound mind.


After putting her vehicle in park, Zoe took a deep breathe herself. She wanted to be as truthful as possible and not omit anything.


Yes...” Sean was not surprised by Zoe's response. Especially with how the whole day had been going so far. He had been basically living the life of a adopted little, the only difference was that it wasn't legally bound due to his employment with Diamond Tours.


Are you purposefully manipulating me by doing all of this, mommy? Please tell me... I feel funny” Sean stated as he looked at his hands and then at Zoe.


Of course not, but I really wanted our relationship to grow and for a amazonian like me, this is the most natural route to go . I hope you are not feeling mislead. Also what do you mean by that you feel funny?” Zoe was a bit worried that she had pushed things a bit too far by adapting Sean to the lifestyle of a native little.


Lately, my body feels like it's acting on it's own. I'm not even aware of it at times. I went pee pee on purpose and I didn't like that. I'm a big boy and I don't want to lose my big boy privileges. It's just...” Sean immediately slapped himself on the forehead, which caught Zoe by surprise.


There was moment of silence as Sean took a few deep breathes and then looked up at Zoe with concern.


Zoe, I think this dimension is seriously warping my sense on reality. I feel like I'm slowly losing my adult mind...Saying all these weird childish things. I'm not sure how much longer I can last like this.” Sean stated with a teary eyed look. Zoe responded by unbuckling Sean and firmly holding the distraught little in her arms, hoping to calm him down before he would start bawling his eyes out again.


It will be alright. As your momma, it's my job to make sure that you are kept safe and that you make it back to your dimension when your job is done here.” Zoe explained as gently patted Sean on his back, she never gave Sean a direct answer, but still wanted to reassure him in this delicate moment.


As much as I want to adopt you....I know...Deep down, that I cannot or rather...Will not adopt you. You have a family back in your dimension and because of that...Despite all the the maternal love I want give... It has kept growing inside me, right after we first met. I didn't actually think it would get to this point with my amazonian instincts. My older sister told me once, that it was the most precious feeling in the world, to have a little to care for...And now I finally understand what she means...I'm sorry for not being more clear with you. I just wanted to experience this, even if it's temporary.” Sean noticed a tear in Zoe's eyes, he could feel the weight of her words and decided it wasn't just a shallow excuse.


Do you really need to treat me like a baby? It's so weird and it seems to be messing with my head, the more that time passes.” Sean wanted to get angry for his lack of resistance and being so complacent but his feelings for Zoe seemed to be more prevalent.


Like I said, it's only temporary. It's not permanent like with all littles. I won't be like most amazonian mommy's and take away your right to speak and ability to walk... I'm not sure if you remember, but I specifically said that if you still want me to be to be around you on our day's off, there has to be a trade off. I'll continue to provide you company and also keep you safe at the same-time...But...” Zoe stopped speaking as she looked over at Sean, hoping he would remember last nights conversation.


Ya... I remember our conversation” Sean blushed as he remembered at how desperate he sounded last night. He knew that it wasn't the real him speaking but in the end, he still verbally said it.


You do know, that I was still partly mentally regressed, right? I wasn't talking or thinking coherently like I am today.” Sean explained.


I can see that...But don't you find any of this fulfilling? Do you not feel at ease, having your every need taken care of?” Zoe asked as she patted his head. Sean slightly blushed, he did find some comfort with the way she physically held him, but not at the cost of limiting his own self-reliance.


I liked how things were previously, when you only had to carry me, while I was still wearing my normal big boy clothes...This whole situation with these diapers and this ridiculous outfit. It's too much.” Sean explained as he looked at the babyish onesie he was wearing.


Keep in mind, the reason you are current in diapers is because of your wittle accidents. I don't want to chance anything by having you in your boxers. Even pull-ups can only go so far. Your quite the heavy wetter, aferr all” Zoe playfully pinched Sean on his cheek as she kept him on her lap. She could see that her words were having a effect on Sean. There were specifics that she wanted to discuss but not now. All she wanted, was for Sean to behave and enjoy himself. Tomorrow they both would be back working on behalf of Diamond Tours.


Sean remained quiet for a moment, trying to come up with a valid response but he kept drawing a blank. He wanted to suck on his his thumb so badly as he kept his attention onto it. He just wanted things to go his way but Zoe always seemed to find a way to counter his arguments. Perhaps he was trying to hard, and maybe he should just relax and let himself go. He wasn't being adopted, and that was the most important factor.


But what about Alexa!? I almost positive that she did something to me. You know how shady she is...!” Sean stopped speaking as Zoe ignored Sean's words as she grabbed the plastic baby bottle filled with strawberry milk and playfully held it around his mouth. Sean was memorized by it, as if he was instinctively wanting it.


Does my wittle bun bun want his drinky winky?I can tell that your thirsty. And I can easily fix that!And keep in mind, this is all perfectly acceptable in this dimension.” Zoe kept teasing the bottle around his head. Sounds of whining as he tried to reach for the rubber teat with his mouth. Zoe slowly lowered the bottle into Sean's mouth and was pleased that he had accepted it without any issue.


Your just a baby, my baby...This is what you really want, isn't it? We maybe co-workers but this how we should have started out after we met. But at least we can continue this for the next several months. As long as you are not mentally regressed through the standard means, this is perfectly legal.” Zoe knew that she was partially responsible for Sean's bladder issues but had no intention of explaining that to Sean just yet. She wanted to wait for the right time and place to explain everything. She also wanted to be in the right state of mind when that time came.


Sean closed his eyes as he continued to suckle on the bottle, feeling his thirst was being quenched.


What's going on? I don't know. But I do know that stuff is really tasty!” Zoe noticed that Sean was trying his best to keep his eyes open but was failing quite easily. She decided that now was a good time for him to take a nap while they continued their road trip to the fair. Zoe grabbed his pacifier and slowly placed it back into his mouth. Sean instantly fell back asleep while laying in her arms.


Zoe took a moment to exhale, feeling quite pleased with how she handled things. She had Sean right where she wanted him, even though his mind was in some ways, being effected, but not to the point that it could cause any issues with Sean doing his job for Diamond Tours.


I'm so Sorry Sean...Someday I will confess about what actually happened to your bladder...Including the side effects that you are feeling from the previous day's mental regression. I hope you will forgive me, when that day comes around.” Zoe carefully placed Sean back into his booster seat and buckled him in. She then grabbed Linky and placed the stuffed animal in Sean's arms, while he slept.


In the end, I am a amazonian. My maternal instincts are absolute. I just hope this doesn't have a bad ending for the two of us” Zoe started her car again and continued onward to the fair, hoping that they would arrive before Sean would wake up again, hoping to surprise him.



* * * * * * * *



I appreciate you taking the time to schedule my appointment, Dr. Conrad. This is all sudden, but I felt that I needed to get this done, given the set of circumstances that are changing around me.” Alexa explained as she walked around her office, she was completely prepared for tomorrows arrival of the president of New Haven to visit the headquarters of Diamond Tours. It would be a turning point for the company and hopefully herself. She was tired of relying on other individuals, she was now ready to personally take matters into her own hand.


No problem, Ms. Alexander, you are a valued client, if there is a little that you personally want to be permanently regressed, it will be done.” Dr. Conrad stated as he replied on his work phone.


You have always been reliable, unlike some of the people that work within this building of mine. Plus, I expect things to get far busier in the next week, once we get the approval to continue the tours. We need to make-up for the lack of portal littles for the past month. This temporary hold that the government put on our company has really screwed with our share-holders and my personal stock portfolio.” Alexa looked over her calendar. It was to be a very busy week, though it was all for personal reasons, not company related.


Just let me know when you get your hands on the little that you are seeking and I'll make sure to be available for when you want to go ahead with the procedure.”


Thanks Doc, I'll be getting back to you on that later this upcoming week.” Alexa put her phone down as she went to her computer and opened a e-mail personally sent to her by of her underlings.


My My...How cute. Looks like Sean has a very adorable family. I bet they would adapt very nicely to this dimension. Then again, all portal littles should end up regressed. It's the natural order of things.” Alexa had a profile and some pictures of Sean's family on the email she was sent. She wanted to be prepared for anything and to take advantage of the situation presented itself.


All according to plan...As for you Zoe, I'm definitely not happy that you are playing with my toy. Sean is my personal property and there are repercussions for not doing the job I assigned to you. Firing you would be to nice. I've got something more special for you..” Alexa seemed happy with herself, although she did feel a bit annoyed for not taking action earlier in the week as she wanted to play things safely, given the legal issues that surround a portal little special consultant within the company. Not even someone of her power and influence could do as she wished, though she could greatly influence the situation.



* * * * * * * * *



Ugh...Huh?” Sean slowly started to wake himself up. He immediately noticed he was sitting on something that was moving, but it didn't feel anything like a car, he quickly noticed that he was residing in a stroller. He was about to panic until Zoe appeared in his field of vision.


Good afternoon Sean, did you enjoy your wittle nappy?” Zoe asked as she knelt down and smiled.


Sean tried to speak, but a pacifier was inside his mouth and blocking him from doing so. He felt a immense amount of relief, realizing that he wasn't kidnapped by a random amazonian.


Here, lemme get that for you!” Zoe removed the pacifier, allowing Sean to speak freely.


Where are we, why am I in this thing?” Sean asked as he shifted his body around the stroller. He noticed that there was a canopy attached to it, so it gave him some privacy from the outside world.


We have been at the fair for roughly twenty minutes. I thought the noise from the crowds of people would have waken you up, but it looks like you are quite the deep sleeper. As for the stroller, I decided to end up purchasing one. There is so much I want to show you, but there are several items that I really wanted to get, while here but I wouldn't be able to hold onto them, if I'm carrying you all day. So I decided to get this and make it easier for the both of us. The stroller was a tad expensive, but in the long run, it will be worth it! I hope you find it to be comfortable, the fabric is very soft and delicate to a little's body.” Zoe asked as she used her finger and playfully poked Sean on his stomach, causing him to blush.


Ugh, it's nice I guess. Though I can barely see anything.”


Don't worry about that. Here, let me help you out, so you can get a better view of the scenery.” Zoe grabbed Sean by his hips and helped him out of the stroller. He was quickly placed near her chest as he got a better view of the area.


Wow, it's so crowded. I've never seen so many amazonians in a single area.” Sean was amazed to see a abundance of amazonians at the fair. The fair looked very similar to the type of fairs in his dimension, it was mainly outside with many exhibits to see surrounding the area. It also had a very spaghetti western theme to it, as there were many folks wearing cowboy looking hats and apparel. Many of the amazonian children playing with the local wild-life while in secure locations. Sean noticed that some of the animals were actually quite different from the ones in his world.


So now that you are awake, what would you like to do first, Sean. Do you want to go pway pway or perhaps you are hungry for something. In a hour, there will be a concert at the outdoor theater exhibit. I really want us to see that but before then, let's enjoy ourselves!” Zoe seemed far more enthusiastic than Sean was, mainly since he wasn't too thrilled to be paraded out in the open.


Honestly, I'm not too sure, but do you think you could put me back into the stroller? It was rather nice in there” Sean asked, he wanted to remain hidden from the public and didn't want any amazonians to mistake him for a girl.


I understand, my precious bun bun. How about we go to the local clothing shop nearby. There are some outfits that I want to check out for you. While we are doing so, you can think of something fun to do.” Zoe slowly helped Sean back into the stroller, and while he wasn't excited to be around so many people, a part of him was interested in seeing the local culture.


Here, I brought Linky to keep you company. I know you have become best of friends!” Zoe stated as she grabbed the stuffed bear from a basket, underneath the stroller.


Sean smiled brightly as he grabbed hold of Linky and quickly put his pacifier back into his mouth. He continued to suck on the soother while holding onto the bear with both his arms.


I don't know why, but something feels off....Whatever!... Mommy and Linky will keep me safe.” For the next few minutes, Sean could see that they were passing by many different amazonians. Occasionally, Sean would see a few littles much like himself. They were either in a stroller or were being carried by their amazonian caretakers. Everything looked and almost felt normal as if they was how life truly worked.


After a few minutes, Sean noticed that they were entering a local store. The sounds of the crowds came to a halt, after entering the shop, which was a welcome to his ears.


Welcome to Buckaroo baby, how can I help?” A employee asked as she walked up to Zoe.


Nothing much, but I would like to find some nice overalls and onesies for my baby.” Zoe explained as she grabbed Sean and took him out of the stroller. Sean began to whimper, not wanting to be scene by another amazonian in his current state.


Oh, isn't she just the darling. I'm sure that I can find some pretty dresses and proper nighttime clothing for her.


I knew it! This is getting old...” Sean knew that there wasn't much he could do, he just needed to keep himself from acting out and making things worse.


Oh, my bun bun is actually a boy. I think he would look better in some cute overalls than a dress.” Zoe explained as she removed the top of Sean's onesie, revealing his short brown hair


Oh, I do apologize about that. That onesie does a fabulous job at making him look like a darling.” The employee pinched Sean on the cheek as the two amazonians joked around a bit before looking around for some clothing specific to him.


Everything here looks so juvenile. Is mommy really expecting me to where stuff like this going forward?” Sean watched as Zoe excitedly scanned for several articles of clothing for him. She looked like a kid at the candy store while reviewing on what was available to her. Sean kept wondering as to why he was going along with this and kept wondering if he was doing the right thing? He didn't want to cause a stir, but with the way things were going, he didn't have much a say on anything.


For the next few minutes, Zoe picked out around a half dozen pairs of clothing, most were either overalls or onesies, she did also pick up some socks, shoes and a necklace to attach the pacifier too. And while Sean wasn't happy about it, he was still grateful that Zoe didn't choose any frilly dresses or anything like the onesie he was currently wearing.


Is there anything you would like Sean? I feel like I'm doing all the fun work myself. I would like to get your opinion and perhaps there is something that you would like to try on yourself.”


There is nothing here that I would remotely li....!” Sean instantly stopped speaking as he noticed a onesie near the corner of the store. Sean knew that it was obviously infantile looking, but for some strange reason, he was really immersed with it and wanted to get a closer look to make sure that it was to his liking. So Sean pointed in the direction where the onesie was located at and Zoe escorted him over to it.


Oh? My bun bun has found something interesting? Let's take a look!” Sean's eyes widened as he looked over the onesie, it was so fascinating, he couldn't keep his eyes off of it.


Oh? Does my bun bun wanna be a foxy woxy?” Zoe asked as she grabbed the onesie in question off of the shelf and handed it to Sean.


It looks so cool! Can we get it?” Sean's heart was racing as he looked over the onesie. It was kind of similar to his current outfit as it was themed after a animal, but it was obviously geared towards a boy's perspective as the material had a more dark tan look to it.


I'm so glad that you are getting engaged with this. This is what I wanted for the both of us!” Zoe stated as she prepared to pay for the items at the checkout stand. Sean kept to himself as he was gently placed back into the stroller. After paying for the necklace, Zoe attached Sean's pacifier to it, so he would have easy access to it. He then grabbed Linky and held it tightly in his arms


I guess this is okay. But now that I start to think about it...Why did I come to this dimension in the first place? I know that I didn't come just to do this... I know that I wanted to find some work, but wasn't there something more to it? Is this a part of my job? My dumb dumb brainy can't think right! Stupid brain!” Sean placed the pacifier back into his mouth in frustration, perplexed by his own thoughts and his lack of awareness.


For the next ten minutes, Sean casually kept playing with Linky while in the secure confines of his stroller, he almost forgot that he was at the fair, until Zoe plucked him out of the stroller again.


So bun bun, have you thought of something that you would personally like to do? There are plenty of fun exciting games for littles. Would you like to check any of them out? Zoe asked as she showed Sean the area that their were currently in. Sean was amazed to see so many littles around him. Some were playing at a jungle gym, while others were being entertained by a amazonian that was dressed as a clown. But no matter what any little was doing, they all had one thing in common, they were all properly diapered and under complete supervision of their amazonian folks.


There there! That looks rather fun!” Sean pointed out to the ball pit, near the exit to the fair.


Bun bun wants to get lost in a sea of colorful bally balls? Why not. Let's get you inside and have some fun with the other littles!” After escorting Sean to the ball pit, Zoe allowed Sean to walk on his own two feet.


Go ahead and jump in, bun bun!” I won't be too far off, I'll go take a seat at one of the benches nearby. I'll probably be on my phone, just let me know when you are done!” Zoe smiled as she waited for Sean to immerse himself.


What am I doing? This is all wrong? I didn't come here to play around? Sean took a moment to look at his hands and then his very noticeable padded butt with the poofy tail sticking out. Sean then turned his attention to the ball pit and noticed several littles having the time of their life as they jumped up and down and disappeared in the endless sea of colored balls. It looked so inviting and interesting that he stopped thinking for the time being.


As Sean jumped in the pit, he felt himself sink, to the point he thought that his entire body would sink , thankfully, he managed to keep his head afloat, but had to stand on his tippy toes to do so.


A couple minutes later, Sean noticed that one of the littles seemed rather distant, as if he was not even remotely interested in playing, though he was paying almost all of his attention to something outside the ball pit. His curiosity got the best of him and Sean slowly walked over to talk with the boy.


Hello? Is it okay if I can talk with you?” Sean asked as he took out his pacifier and got within a few feet of the other little.


Holy shit! Someone that can actually still speak? That's a surprise. Though from the looks of things, you are not fairing any better than me. If you want to talk, I guess I'm fine with it. Misery loves company, after all.” The unknown boy stated as he diverted his attention for a moment to look at Sean.


My name is Jake, and your?” The boy asked with a slightly distracted look.




Something wrong?” Sean asked.


Something wrong, are you serious? Or have you been regressed to the point that this is all just normal to you? This...ALL of this is fucking wrong. But there is nothing I can do about it, for now.” Jake explained with frustration.


Hmm, do you mean the diapers?” Sean asked, hoping to get a better idea of his predicament.


Heh, diapers...If that were the only issue, I really wouldn't be complaining. It's everything related to it. But I'm sure that you know, unless you are so mentally forgone that you think that shitting yourself is actually acceptable.” Sean was surprised by the tone in Jake's voice, it seemed like he was very aware of his situation and was curious as to how he got to this point.


I understand. I didn't' come here with the expectation of wearing diapers myself, but here I am.” Sean responded while trying to keep a positive mood.


Let me guess, you came here on one of the tourist buses as well. And I bet that your tourist guide just so happened to vanish off while you were distracted by something, am I right?” Jake asked as he turned his attention back back to a amazonian that was sitting on a bench nearby.


Wait! Are you a portal little? Sean asked with amazement.


That's the term that these giant fucks call us. I wish I could beat the shit out of every last one of them, but unfortunately, they are all so much physically stronger than me. But I won't give up. I won't let my sister end up as some brain dead baby that is forced to suck on that bitches tits every single day.” Jake pointed out to a amazonian that was nursing a girl in her arms. It looked rather normal with the exception that the girl being nursed looked to be a bit older than Sean.


I'm guessing that's your sister? Sean asked as he turned his attention back to Jake.


Yep. She along with my parents and little brother were invited by a close friend to go on this tourist program that was paid by a scam company called Diamond Tours. At first, I thought it was amazing, being able to travel to a different dimension and see things that are far different from our world, but that soon turned into a complete utter disaster.”


Just what happened, that lead you to all this?” Sean asked with a worried tone.


It was around three months ago, after we boarded our tourist buses, we spent the first two days enjoying all the sights and scenery of the amazonian city, but soon we realized that it was all a ploy to lower our guard. One day when me and my family were visiting a nearby bakery, our tourist bus left without us. No warning, they just us stranded in a part of the city that we were not familiar with. It didn't' take long for a nearby police officer to escort us to a facility where we would be in what he called, good hands. What a load of crap that was! It turned out that facility we were sent to was a adoption center. Me and my sister were placed together with a couple other naive portal littles, while my little brother and parents were locked up in a separate area. The first few days were pure hell, imagine having to be forced to wear something that you haven't used since your infancy. Me and my sister didn't take kindly to it and because of it, we were forcefully regressed against our will. Are you familiar with the regression system in this crazy ass dimension?” Jake asked.


Ya...I'm kinda familiar with it.” Sean stated as he thought back to the several incidents where he was regressed.


In that case, I'll skip all the awful details. Me and my sister where regressed on the level four stage for most of our time there. We could barely talk and walk, much like the other portal littles that were there with us. And while we were still aware of our surroundings, our bodies would not listen to our minds. One day, we both managed to fool of the employee's by making her believe that we legitimately enjoying ourselves while playing with some blocks, we somehow managed to escape our room, only to realize something even more horrible.” Jake was clinching his fists as he looked like he was about to cry.


It's okay if you don't want to tell me. I know that this place can really get to a person.” Sean explained.


No...It's okay, at this point, I'm just venting. It's just that no one should have to go through the fucking shit we had to...It's just not right! I watched as my little brother...He was only thirteen! Being taken away by a fucking amazonian couple. They lead him off while he was sucking on a pacifier and wearing nothing but a god damn diaper! He was taken away from our family without a fight...And I have never seen him since then. These fucking monsters!...Not only to top that off, but a few minutes after witnessing that, I saw both my mom and dad sitting in a playroom, wearing the most ridiculous outfits, and they were both watching a dumb ass cartoon show. They hadn't even noticed that their youngest son had been taken away from them. My folks, parents that I was proud of, they were reduced to mindless husks. I don't know what the amazonians did to them to make it that bad, but me and my sister knew that if we didn't get out, we would eventually end up like that. We spent the next two nights at the facility as we both schemed to find a way to escape, unfortunately that amazonian woman over their came in one day and requested to adopt both of us.


That's awful, at this point, it's basically kidnapping. This is so messed up!” Sean felt sick his stomach. While he was aware of the way the amazonians worked, it was for the first time that he had heard a story so vile that it made him regret working for a company that promoted this type of behavior.


Yep, but according to our so called new mommy, since we were separated from our tourist guide, it was all perfectly legal to do. Apparently we didn't read the small print on the contract when coming to this dimension, so we have no recourse on this. Even if we did, we wouldn't be given the chance to defend ourselves.” Jake explained.


I'm going to have to look into that. Perhaps there is some sort of loop-hole in the whole process.” Sean said.


Good luck with that. Not much can be accomplished when you are officially adopted. Me and my sister thought we would have more luck when we were adopted by that giant. It turned out far worse than I expected.” Jake sighed as he looked over at his sister whom was still being breast-fed by their amazonian caretaker.


While I always hated being around that bitch that calls herself my mommy, my sister thought it would be a brilliant idea to get on the good side of that amazonian, so she decided to play nice and hopefully win her over. It worked for a while until I started to notice a change in her behavior.”


How so?” Sean asked.


She started to showing a more submissive side to her, it even got to the point that she didn't mind wearing diapers and being bottle fed. That is as long our mommy is the one doing it. The original plan was to use mommy and manipulate her into helping us find and retrieve our family, but like with everything else in this cursed dimension, it didn't turn out that way. I did some research and found out that she was suffering a side-effect from prior mental regression, it's called indoctrination.”


What the heck is indoctrination?” Sean felt a cold shiver go down his spine as he spoke up about it.


It's a special and slightly secret form of regression that amazonians can use on littles. For example, if a little grows to be comfortable and enjoy the company of a amazonian when they are in their normal state of mind. It's possible that they will start to grow more infantile feelings for them when they are regressed and the feelings will remain even after they have reverted back to their normal mindset. My sister has gotten to the point where she no longer has any desire to find our parents and brother. She is perfectly content with being mommy's baby at this point. It was pretty much sealed when she was breast-fed on a daily basis. That's usually the endgame for most littles, based on the info I've gathered about the regression system. Even though I've been breast-fed, I don't share the same feelings that my sister did...I still can't believe it...She is twenty two. She should be in college right now...Not pissing in some damn diapers!” Jake sighed before focusing on Sean.


What about you? What's your story? Jake asked, as he looked over at Sean. However Sean wasn't paying attention as he stared over at Zoe with concern.


Am I suffering indoctrination? Does momm...Zoe know about this!?”


Sean never felt so confused and scared as he began to see Zoe in a different light.

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  • crono changed the title to A Job offer Unlike Any Other: Updated To Chapter 19

Great chapter! Oh man I LOVE this story, its so freaking good. The slow build up for the drama with Alexa, Sean and Zoe's relationship. Finishing reading chapter 19 and I am already eager for the next chapter! ??

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Yeah, now I’m worried he’ll not realize how much he needs Zoey till it’s too late and that she’s the one he should be with. I think he’ll soon realize he has no hope for going home, he should start figuring out the best way to live in this dimension. Though his only hope out is the lawyer that also wants him so that might not be helpful to him getting home either. 

It’s amazing how many directions this can go from here alone. Right when you think you have just a small handful of possibilities you do this to us and now we have several handfuls. Bravo. Well done. 

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I read this last night but was too tired to comment on it. I am glad to see you back with a new chapter! I definitely think his goose is cooked right now. The lawyer is definitely his only chance, but only if he can ever be trusted with a phone to even call her at this point! I don't see how they ever let him go home since he knows too much. Probably the only question is who becomes his mommy... 

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Thank you for another well written chapter. As I'm reading I can not understand how both have changed. Zoe making the deal with Sean to be babied and Sean excepting it. I feel like something has changed but I don't know what it is.

I hope we will not have to wait to long for an other great chapter. ?

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On 8/2/2021 at 6:48 AM, Eagle0769 said:

Thank you for another well written chapter. As I'm reading I can not understand how both have changed. Zoe making the deal with Sean to be babied and Sean excepting it. I feel like something has changed but I don't know what it is.

I hope we will not have to wait to long for an other great chapter. ?

While Sean has in some ways, agreed to go with it, he is noticing that their are some issues aka side effects that came with the regression and is troubled by what's happening and Zoe is fully aware of it. Trust is still a issue with the two despite how close they have become. Thanks for reading!

On 7/31/2021 at 4:03 PM, Guilend said:

Man I’ve read this chapter twice and it’s so good I’m already wanting more. You are a fantastic writer. 

thanks, appreciate it!

On 7/31/2021 at 8:00 AM, BabySofia said:

I read this last night but was too tired to comment on it. I am glad to see you back with a new chapter! I definitely think his goose is cooked right now. The lawyer is definitely his only chance, but only if he can ever be trusted with a phone to even call her at this point! I don't see how they ever let him go home since he knows too much. Probably the only question is who becomes his mommy... 

It really does feel like he's a lost cause. I'm looking forward to the lawyer and a situation with his family. Things will become a bit more "complicated" before everything can come to a resolution!

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15 hours ago, crono said:

It really does feel like he's a lost cause. I'm looking forward to the lawyer and a situation with his family. Things will become a bit more "complicated" before everything can come to a resolution!

I love when things get complicated in this kind of story. It usually fuels my own imagination. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Heya everyone. It's really been a while since I updated. I apologize. I've been distracted and also have kind of lost some interest in writing. I'm trying to get more motivated in writing another DD type of story called "Into The Lions Den" I plan on releasing chapter 1 of that at some point. Not as long as I have been with the chapters on this story.

I appreciate for everyone that has kept up with the story and enjoyed my way of writing. I always felt it was kinda a slow paced type of writing but wanted to convey many aspects of the characters and while far from original, hopefully it's been enjoyable while trying to show the main characters decent into a more regressive mental state while keeping the story somewhat engaging. 


Thank you again for everyone and here is the newest chapter. Again, I did some revisions but expect some typos as such. Have a great week!


Chapter 20




Sean thought that he knew what he was in for but as the days went on. The seemingly odd nature of his predicament kept surpassing his expectations and it was far from ideal. Sean kept his eyes on Zoe, whom seemed distracted by her phone while she sat on a nearby bench. He didn't want to ever think of her as a obstacle as he had grown more attached to her despite her over the top, nurturing ways.


God dammit, I've got to stop assuming things. If I keep thinking negatively, then I'll end up on shit creek without a paddle!” Sean used both of his hands and pulled on his cheeks as he tried to make sense about the whole indoctrination realization. It was yet another issue that he had to deal with while living in the amazonian dimension.


You okay? You seem a bit flustered. Did you mess your diaper or something?” Jake asked as he looked on at Sean with a confused expression.


Sorry, it's just... This talk about indoctrination...It's a bit alarming. Are you sure that this is all actually legit? Where exactly did you here this from?” Sean asked as he tried to get some clarification on this new variant side-effect of mental regression.


As soon as me and my sister were adopted that giant that calls herself our mommy, we both soon knew that in order to keep our sanity, we would both would have to play along with whatever she had planned for us. If we tried to object and become a nuisance, we would end up in a etiquette school and that would be the end for us. Everything we did together was for the sake of having a small chance of leaving this dimension one day. The odds were slim but not exactly at zero. One random day, I was able to get hold of mommy's personal computer and managed to attain some interesting information on this dimensions regression system and how it effects littles in the grand scheme of things. Information like this would help mentally prepare us and keep us one step ahead, unlike all the other littles that were at the complete mercy of their adopted caretakers.”


So you were able to understand all the details about the regression system and how to avoid it?” Sean asked.


It's pretty much impossible to avoid being regressed at some level but it does help if you are aware of the effects to an extent. For example, when you start to enjoy playing with stuffed animals and sucking on your toes, you will come to realize that it's not actually a natural feeling and when the effects wear off, you don't start to second guess yourself and become your own worst enemy. Me and my sister had to put up with it for a few weeks while we worked on a liable escape route. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we plan and prepared, there is always something that would come up to delay our endgame goal.”


Sean could see the look of frustration on the boy's face. Jake looked to be a few years older than him even though he looked like a overgrown baby while dressed in only a shirt and a diaper.


What happened?” Sean asked as he was curious to this specific portal little's situation.


Both me and my sister were eventually breast-fed and as I'm sure you are well aware of this but when a little is breast-fed, they are regressed to the point where they can no longer speak or walk on their own power. The experience is...Out of this world, kinda like you are no longer in control of your own body and as if someone else has taken over. After three straight days, you will eventually recover and be able to speak again, so as long as you avoid any of the other awful ways that can hypnotize you, such as the daily cartoons shows that are on any television set. Even the babyish items that we use everyday such as pacifiers can also cause us to regress, though it depends on the regression level they are created at. This dimension has so many ways to turn your brain into mush, it's just the worst!” Jake stated as looked over his diaper, Sean assumed that he was checking if he had used it.


Ya, I know. I take these anti-regression pills and sometimes I still find myself ending up getting regressed. At first, I didn't think such a thing was possible, but after spending a few days here, I now know that it's not a joke. I can only imagine on how hard it is for someone like you to retain your sense of self while fighting against these things that can trigger your mental state.” Sean replied as he continued to listen to Jake's story. Obviously there would not be a happy ending to this, but the knowledge that he could learn from his story was not to be underestimated.


You have no idea. That amazon bitch tries to act like she is such a saint but she never listens to any of our pleas about finding our real parents and giving us the opportunity to go back to our dimension. She always proclaims that this is the only life for us and that it's best to forget about our real folks and that they are now living as some Amazons baby...It's just fucked. How would you feel, knowing that your very parents were possibly regressed and controlled by these giant monsters?” Jake asked


I don't even want to think about that.” Sean replied as he cringed at the very thought.


Exactly. It's bad enough that I have had to sleep in the same crib as my sister. It was very awkward at first...” Jake and Sean took a moment to look around, watching some of the other littles play in the ball pit without any worries.


Before we were breast-fed, me and my sister would always pretend that we enjoyed this god-forsaken lifestyle so we could continue to avoid other devious means that could end put us at risk. Alas, we could only keep up this act for so long before our minds would eventually start to crack. And while I was lucky enough to return to normal after being breast-fed, my sister began to have a different opinion on that vile amazonian woman. While me and my sister were able to talk again and walk on our two feet, I started to notice that she was growing more attached to our self-proclaimed mommy. Instead of spending most of her time with me, she would divert all that attention to that damn giant. At first, I thought she had a plan of her own, perhaps a quicker and safer route as a means to escape...But eventually I soon realized that my sister was not actually pretending but rather, she was fully immersed with this jacked up way of living. In other words, she had lost the battle of wills and was now content with her living infantile living arrangements.”


Why did she have such a change of heart? I thought she was on your side and wanted to find a way to escape this place?” Sean asked with curiosity


That's what is scary about being breast-fed, it can change your whole viewpoint on everything. I assumed that being indoctrinated was all instantaneous and failed to realize that the changes were subtle. One day you are fighting to for your sanity and retain any form of adult-hood but then a week later, you will become completely complacent if you are not aware enough. I should have figured this out as soon as my sister began to happily be around that bastard of a amazonian. If I knew what was really going on, perhaps I could have saved her from being indoctrinated. Now she willingly accepts being a baby and has shown zero interest in leaving...It's just sad.” Jake looked defeated. Sean could see that this regression system has taken a toll on Jake's mental state and that he was at his wits end.


So even after your mental state returns to normal, your feelings on living this way may change if you are not mentally alert, is that right?” Sean asked as he wanted clarification.


Exactly! Just make sure that you are not growing emotionally attached to any amazonian. That is one of the keys pieces to indoctrination. Amazonians will try to bond with you but as long as you stay true to yourself, you just might have a chance to keep fighting so you can retain some form of dignity. That's why I'm still here, being able to speak with you while all the littles around us are just mindlessly playing around. It also helps if you immensely despise the amazonian that is taking care of you. Such as with my case.”


I see...”Sean took a moment to think about his relationship with Zoe. It wasn't exactly all that different. He really did appreciate her company and grew to enjoy being carried by her, but he wasn't entirely sure if the feelings were all genuine. And the fact that he was actually allowing himself to be babied by her just so she would stay around close to him at all times. Sean was also wondering if Zoe was fully aware about these type of changes that were going on.


It was my fault for not noticing soon enough. I thought it was all a act, after all. By the time I tried to help my sister out of her stupor, she was already converted. Everyday, she always will watch some of the dumbest cartoons while sucking one of her many pacifiers. I remember not too long ago that she even suggested to mommy that we actually go to the daycare that is not too far from here. It's a location that has a reputation of keeping littles on a tight leash. Now instead of having my sister as a reliable ally, she is now a obstacle in my path for true freedom. I did everything I could to convince her that this dimension was going to be the end of us. In return, she said that this dimension was exactly what we needed and that I should be grateful and stop trying to resist...” Jake felt like crying but he continued to keep up a strong front in front of Sean.


Jesus, that's terrible. I also have sister of my own, I couldn't imagine her wanting to live the rest of her life in diapers and nursing a bottle by a complete stranger.” Sean thought about his sister Rachelle and how thankful he felt that she wasn't involved with this dimension. He also wondered if Zoe would be as accepting of her as she was of him.


The hell-hole that is called a etiquette school, me and my sister have thankfully never gone there, but apparently that facility can forcefully submit any little into loving their amazonian and accepting this god forsaken lifestyle. It's a far more efficient and has a quicker process than the standard regression system that is used in this society.” Sean knew about the etiquette school, and he knew that as long as he worked for Diamond Tours, he would never find himself at such a facility. Then again, he never assumed that he would end up at a orphanage and that is exactly where he found himself, yesterday.


Is it possible for a little to become indoctrinated if they haven't been breast-fed? I always thought being breast-fed was the main culprit as to why the majority of littles were so submissive.” Sean asked


It's possible to be indoctrinated into this lifestyle even if you haven't been regressed at the level six state. It's just far easier if a little to be converted if have has been breast-fed, based on the info that I've gathered. So if there is a amazonian that you have grown emotionally attached too, just make sure that you don't get mentally regressed at any level, otherwise it's all down hill from there.” Jake replied with a sigh.


I see...Thanks.” Sean looked over at Zoe with concern. He really didn't want his feelings for Zoe to simply be a side-effect. The very thought made him feel kind of depressed.


As for myself, I'll continue to do my damn best to act like I give a shit about all of this, so I can eventually find a reliable solution to escaping...That includes getting my sister's mindset back to normal. As her older brother, I can let this be the end for us, I just can't let it!” Sean could see some tears rolling down Jake's cheek. He really felt sorry for this portal little that he had just met. It really gave him insight into a situation that he was trying to avoid.


Well, I guess I should be lucky that cannot be adopted, so perhaps I could be of some help in the future. Maybe not right now, but perhaps down the road, I could eventually help you.” Sean replied. Jake noticed and his eyes lit up, confused by the words he had just heard.


What do you mean that you are not adopted? I mean look at yourself? You look even more like a baby than I do. If your not adopted, then why the hell are you here? Why do you wearing such a ridiculous outfit!” Jake pointed out, causing Sean to take a moment to reflect on the onesie he was wearing. The questions were understandable given that he didn't exactly look like a person that could be all that reliable.


Well...To make a long story short, I came to this dimension because of a job offer in the dimension we both come from. I wasn't told about much of the specifics but I decided to take up on it, thinking it could prove to be a wonderful opportunity, especially the financial benefits of going to college of my choice. Though I didn't expect things to turn out like this. And despite some of the hiccups that I've gone through, it's really hasn't been all that bad.” Sean replied as he scratched his nose while looking up at the sky with a smirk. He felt oddly satisfied with himself .


Not all that bad!? NOT AL THAT BAD! What hard ass drugs have you been taking that convinced you that this is some sort of wonderful opportunity? What the hell is your job title? A diaper tester? A portal little model that is plastered onto ad boards? Or did you want to become a baby again for some weird freaky reason?” Jake stated with a look of disbelief. Sean was surprised to see how flustered he was, as if he unknowingly said something wrong.


My job was too....Hmm... What was it again?” Sean had to take a moment to think about his position with Diamond Tours. He was having a bit of trouble remembering his job title. The only thing he could remember was the ongoing diaper changes and being cuddled by Zoe. It made him feel strangely calm and happy. A few seconds later, he finally remembered what his job was all about.


I was...To be a consultant that interviewed both amazons and littles, that's it! It was a special type of job that only a portal little could accomplish...Given it's my very first job right out of high-school, it's been quite the ride, and not only that but...” Sean was interrupted as Jake spoke up again.


Did wearing diapers and looking like a damn baby come with the job? Seriously that sounds so hard to believe, No offense. But if I were you, I would get the hell out as soon as I could. This dimension will swallow you up and never let you go. It's a dead end for anyone of our kind!” Jake yelled out with frustration.


I kinda understand what you are getting at. Everything at first, started out fine... Eventually I began having these strange accidents and then mommy would...”Sean quickly put his thumb into his mouth as he struggled to focus on the conversation, Jake noticed and quickly asked if he was okay while watching with a confused look.


Sorry, I just got a lot on my mind, hehe.” Sean stated with a mild chuckle as he took his thumb out of his mouth. He felt a bit overwhelmed and instinctively wanted to suck on something to ease himself.


From what I've seen, this is more than enough proof that this dimension has gotten to you. I don't know your whole story but you don't want to end up like my....”


Sister, huh?” A unknown voice appeared behind Jake as he turned around to see his amazonian mommy staring down at him. His sister was sleeping contently over the amazonians shoulder.


Sean stayed quiet, wondering how much the amazonian had overheard about their conversation. The amazonian looked down at Sean and politely smiled before focusing her attention back on her adopted son.


Jakey, have you been a good boy and been playing nice with your new fwendy friend?” The amazonian asked.


Yes mommy, We be talking about many fun funny things!” Jake nearly stumbled with his words while trying to maintain his composure and act like the good obedient baby boy that his mommy wanted.


That's so good to hear. I brought you here so you could immerse yourself with all the other littles and gain a newfound respect for your current living conditions. I hope it's been going well.” The amazonian didn't blink as she kept her eyes on Jake, as if she was toying around with her prey.


It has mommy...Are we... Going home soon?” Jake asked while sitting in the ball pit. He was clinching his teeth as he felt a growing sense of dread inside his body.


As of matter of fact we are, that's why I'm here.” The amazonian picked Jake up and held him over her shoulder, opposite of his sisters.


Before I nursed your sister, I had a really interesting conversation with her. She says that you are not entirely cooperative with being my baby and have actually been forcing yourself to go along with this so you can eventually find a way to escape, is that correct?” The amazonian asked, which caused Jake's face to go pale white. Sean knew that something bad was about to happen.


That's...not exactly true mommy! Sissy likes to come up with a bunch of weird stories, Of course I'm enjoying my time like this!” Sean noticed the obvious worried tone in Jake's voice, as if he knew that he was being cornered and that there was no turning back from what was about to come.


That's so good to hear! In that case, you won't mind if I sign you up for the the local etiquette school starting on Monday. I want you to naturally enjoy your babyhood like your sister now does. And I

personally believe that some very special education from that fine establishment would be the best for our family” The amazonian looked very mischievous, as if she had just checkmated her adopted son.


NO MOMMY NO! I don't need that! Haven't I been behaving nicely for the past week? Please mommy, anything but that!” Jake had tears come down his eyes as if he was being sentenced to death. He knew very well that any little that finds themselves in a etiquette school would always come out for the worse. He would never be the same again. A slave to his own regressed mind.


I know you are a good little and that's why I want to reward your behavior. I don't want you to be distracted and play such a petty pretend game. I want everything to be genuine for you. I'm sure that two weeks at that wonderful school will make you fully appreciate the finer qualities of being my baby.” It was at that moment that Jake knew that his fate was sealed, he wasn't going to be mentally regressed on a permanent basis, but rather he was going to have his mind warped to the point that he no longer cared for anything else except his amazonian mommy.


Mommy, please...NO! HMPH!” A pacifier was shoved into the boy's mouth, preventing him from continuing to speak out. Sean noticed that Jake's limbs were growing much weaker and his resistance was slowing down. Sean assumed the pacifier had some regression properties on it, based on what he was witnessing.


That's it, just relax and enjoy your paci. Before you know it, this will become a part of you. I am really thankful that your sister told me everything about what you two were trying to accomplish before I nursed you two, but that is now a thing in the past. You will only have to worry about your next diaper change from now on.” The amazonian smiled as Jake stopped moving about and relaxed his body while sucking quietly on his soother. Sean noticed that his eyes now looked rather distant, as if the last remaining remnants of his adult side were fading away.


Sean was beside himself at he witnessed the complete submission of the portal little that he had just met. Sean knew that his conversation with Jake was all but over.


The amazonian knelt down while keeping her attention on Sean while he sat quietly in the ball pit. He could see that she was sizing him up and even though he was protected from being adopted, that really didn't give him much comfort at the moment.


Now you be a good baby for your mommy as well!” The amazonian poked Sean on his nose before exiting the area. Sean took a moment to take a deep breathe and exhale. He was thankful that nothing had happened, but it still gave him a sense of unease. He then grabbed his pacifier and was about to pluck it in his mouth but he held off for just a moment.


Damn it, my body won't stop shaking. Maybe if I use this, I will...NO!” Sean kept the pacifier out of his mouth as a way to prove that he wasn't a baby himself. He despised at how utterly useless he was in being unable to help Jake. But there was nothing he could do. This was the rule of law in the amazonian dimension. He was a guest in a different world.


I'm not here to play hero...But still, this isn't right...”


Sean tried to speak to a few other littles that were residing in the ball pit, but they would either ignore him due to being mentally regressed or were to busy having fun and messing around in their own stupor.


Sean had pretty much given up hope that he would find another little to speak with on equal terms while residing in the ball pit. It looked like almost all the littles in this fair were beyond the point of communicating on a verbal level. A fate that he wanted to avoid.


After a few more minutes in the ball-pit, Zoe walked over and helped Sean out of the pit by picking him up by his waist.


Did my precious bun bun have fun? I noticed that you were trying to converse with a few other littles. How did that fare?” Zoe asked as she carried Sean back over to his stroller.


Can we leave now, Zo.... Mommy.” Sean stated as he kept his attention away from Zoe. He was obviously still disturbed by his conversation with Jake and the whole ordeal with indoctrination.


What's wrong bun bun? Did one of the littles do or say something mean to you? If so, I could have a talk with their parents. I won't stand for any ill behavior for my baby.” Sean winced at Zoe's words. They felt so out of place and yet still so formal.


It's nothing like that, but I don't think I'm ready to be fully immersed with so many amazonians around. It's so much to...Take in.” Zoe noticed the displeasure in Sean's reaction and knew very well that he wasn't going to be changing his mind anytime soon.


I...Understand, we will leave the fair in a few minutes. I can see that you are not entirely thrilled with the fact on how the other littles are being treated. I should have taken that into account, I apologize. But before we head out, I want to take one last detour at the nearby park and nurse you your baba.” Sean turned his head, obviously feeling a bit flustered about being bottle-fed.


Sorry mommy, but I'm not all that thirsty...” Sean grabbed hold of Linky while laying in the safe confines of his stroller.


I promise we will leave after this one stop. This would really mean a lot to me. It's one of the reasons as to why I decided for us to come here.” Zoe stated with a plea.


What's so special about this park?” Sean asked


There is nothing noticeably special about it, but it's a place that was created and dedicated for amazonian mommies and their littles. It's a more desolate and quiet area where they can bond with their littles in a more private vicinity.


I bet this must be quite exciting for you. Being able to have a baby of your own.” Sean was noticeably distracted knowing the fact that that he was that very baby. The important matter was that it wasn't permanent. He still kept wondering as to why he agreed to all this. It didn't seem right but when he tried to think back to when he agreed to all of this, his head began to feel a bit woozy.


It's so wonderful, this maternal feeling of being able to look after you is quite something else. I cannot wait to get you your own nursery. I've also looked at various daycare's but I think I'll hold off on that until I have more stable job that can support the both of us.” Zoe said with excitement. Sean was obviously not all that enthusiastic and wanted to make sure that Zoe kept a level head.


Zoe...I mean mommy, you still are still aware that I'm not actually adopted, right? And that this whole babying thing is only temporary, remember?” Sean asked, wanting to make sure that Zoe wasn't assuming that he was on board with this being a permanent gig.


Zoe took a moment to collect herself. She knew that Sean was right and that this was just a small moment of solace. They both were employee's at Diamond Tours and by tomorrow, things would go mostly back to normal.


...Yes, I'm sorry. Your right, I cannot allow myself to get too carried away, but I appreciate your cooperation during all this. It has really helped in keeping my maternal instincts in check. Starting tomorrow, everything will slowly back to a more casual routine” Sean wasn't sure what was casual anymore or if it meant anything. He very well knew that he was going to be stuck in diapers for the next several months due to his ongoing bladder issues and he knew that wearing them would become a part of his job, going forward. Sean cringed when he thought of the possibility of interviewing a bunch of unknown amazonians while getting his diaper changed. He didn't mind Zoe doing it, but for anyone else, that was a different story.


Alright, this looks like a good spot.” Zoe helped Sean out of his stroller as she took a seat on a park bench. Sean noticed that the area was far much quieter and had barely any amazons in the area, even though they were not far off from where the fair was being held.


This isn't all that bad, I mean...It could be worse.” Sean opened his mouth as Zoe grabbed a bottle of juice and ushered it into his mouth. The feeling of the rubber teat was starting to become a familiar feeling as he suckled down on it.


This is fine, I don't really need anything more than this.” Zoe looked content with herself as she watched her friend and work partner, nurse the bottle. This continued onward for the next ten minutes and during that time Sean felt his eyes getting heavier by the second. He thought he was going to fall asleep until he heard a unknown voice came towards them.


Zoe? Zoe is that seriously you!?” The unknown voice now said in a much louder tone.


Who?...Huh?... Wait! Oh shit...!” Zoe's eyes widened as she recognized the voice that was coming right near her.


I'll be damned. It really is you. And not only that, but it looks like you have finally adopted yourself a little of your own. I'm so damn proud of you. Mom and dad are gonna flip when they see this!”


...Roxy” Zoe looked up to see her older sister standing right in front of her. Zoe noticed that her sister was nursing a little of her own though it was with her breasts.


It's been a while. I haven't seen you since the family brunch, last month. You look to be having the time of your life. Hehe, I still remember how serious you acted, when you told mom that you had no intentions of adopting a little of your own. You wanted to be a career oriented amazonian. I almost believed it with how strongly you spoke. I guess that whole career thing has been put on hold now given what I am seeing.” Roxy chuckled to herself while brushing her long red hair to the side while continuing to hold her little tightly.


Wha...What are you doing here!?” Zoe was alarmed and astonished to see her older sister at the fair. One of the things she wanted to avoid at all costs was to be around a member of her family while she was around her partner.. Sean couldn't get a good look at the unknown amazonian as Zoe kept him closely to her chest. The only thing he could do, was to continue to nurse the bottle and hope that things were not taking a turn for the worse.


Me? I'm taking some time off of college while bonding with my baby girl. I am also catching up with a few of my close friends that also live in this area.”


Baby girl? What happened to Liam? Did you adopt another little besides him?” Zoe asked with concern as she began to remember her sisters first adopted little.


He's right here, although after his operation, he has now become a she. And her name is Luna.” Roxy stopped breastfeeding her baby and quickly placed a pacifier into her mouth as she introduced her little to Zoe.


What the hell!? Wait, did you actually take our parents suggestion and had Liam undergo a complete sex change?”


Yep. Best decision I've ever made. I really thought I was going to regret it, but after seeing the results, I'm so glad that I decided to take up on their offer.” Roxy stated as she began to focus her attention onto Sean, whom now was able to get a better look at the amazonian.


What's going on? Who the heck is that?” Sean quickly scanned Roxy and noticed that she looked very similar to Zoe based on appearance, though Roxy was roughly a foot taller and had longer hair that went down to her waist.


Li...Liam doesn't even remotely look like his old self. You turned his beautiful short blonde hair purple...And with pigtails!? Did you also change the color of his pupils?!” Zoe asked as she grew ever more concerned at the sudden transformation of her sister's little.


Here, let's trade for a moment, that way you can get a better look at my new and improved Luna.” Roxy handed Luna over to Zoe while carefully snatching Sean out of her hands.


Please wait! I'm not done nursing him just yet!” Zoe stated with a urgent tone, not wanting to leave Sean in the hands of someone that saw could cause a serious problem.


Don't worry, I'll gladly finish up for you. Hmm... Your little is a boy huh?... Interesting.” Roxy stated as she looked over Sean's small frame and checked over the onesie he was wearing.


Should I say something? NO!...I don't know this person but I'm getting a very bad vibe from her!” Sean felt that if he had said something it would only make the situation worse. He kept his mouth shut while surveying this new threat.


Nice to meet you. I'm aunty Roxy and you are...” Roxy smiled at Sean while rubbing her finger on his forehead. Sean was about to speak up, thinking that Roxy was actually waiting for him to reply but Zoe quickly intervened.


SEAN! His name is Sean. Please be delicate with him, he's still new to all of this and meeting strangers is not something he is good with.” Zoe bit her lip as she looked at the little that was once a boy, and now transformed into a girl by the superior amazonian technology.


Stranger? I'm no stranger, at least not any more. Now that you have adopted a little of your own, your little is now officially a member of our family. And you said his name was Sean? Not really a unique name but whatever suits you. I'm just glad that you finally listened to your maternal instincts. It really fucks with your mental health if you ignore it for too long.” Sean noticed that his face was getting closer to Roxy's right breast, he quickly shut his mouth and lowered his head, doing whatever he could to avoid being breast-fed.


What's wrong Seanie? You don't want some of aunty's milk? Trust me, my stuff is just as yummy as your mommy's! Speaking of which, ever since Luna's surgery, I've put her on a all liquid diet and it's done wonders with her complexion. Are you doing the same for your baby boy, Zoe? Roxy as asked she continued to try and nurse the disgruntled little.


Sean could feel Roxy's breast connect with his cheek as he managed to keep his lips away. He knew that if any of her breast milk got into his mouth, it was pretty much game over. His mind would soon become mush and his chances of leaving this dimension would also diminish.


This bitch, she won't let up! I can't stay quiet any longer, otherwise I'm screwed!” Before Sean could speak up, Zoe grabbed Sean out of Roxy's arms and handed Luna back over to her sister.


I'm so sorry sis, but Sean is on a very strict diet. And we both know that our type of milk is high in calories.” Zoe said with a worried chuckle.


Seriously!? Don't tell me that you are becoming like one of though's snobbish type of Amazons that only buy in bulk and it has to only be in organic.” Roxy giggled as she tried to brighten the mood.


Hehe...Nothing like that, I'm just very picky on what my boy should be consuming. Breast milk is only for...Special occasions..I also don't want him to get too addicted to it. You know how littles are once they get started on it.”


That's true. Even the most hardened of littles will submit to our kind even if they get a small dose of it. So many portal littles end up getting adopted because of it. It's rather hilarious.” Roxy replied. Zoe was thankful that the conversation seemed to be diverting away from Sean but she still was very cautious.


A pacifier soon found it's way back into Sean's mouth which immediately helped in calming himself down as he listened in on the two sisters. Zoe grabbed a wet wipe and rubbed it all over Sean's cheeks, making sure that nothing remained.


While I don't agree with your methods, I will respect your opinion. I'm just so grateful to see you with a little of your own. Just wait until our parents learn about this. They will want to see their new grandson as soon as possible.” Roxy gently patted Roxy on her head as her little had fallen asleep.


...Ya...That will be...Something else...Indeed.” Zoe cringed at the thought, knowing that her most important secret was now known to a member of her family and soon her parents would be fully aware about Sean's existence. And that was only going to bring about a new set of problems to the table.


Well anyways, I will let you two be. Still, it's so good to see you again. How about we meet up with our parents this upcoming weekend? I'll be sure to let them know so we don't have to reschedule or anything like that.”


...Everything depends on how my schedule is with my job. That comes first” Zoe tried to interject as she pondered if she should tell her sister that Sean was a fellow co-worker. But then that would mean that she would be put on her parents shit-list. Her relationship with them was already delicate enough.


Please make sure to have a day available, Mom is already a bit pissed off at you for being distant for the past few days. She was wondering as to why you haven't' been home as much. And now I know why. She will be utterly thrilled by the news. Oh and one last thing, it may not seem like much and it's just a personal opinion, but you should consider dying Sean's hair. Brown is so boring and bland. I think wittle Seanie would look adorable if it was green or pink colored. Maybe even have it grow out so you will have more options on hairstyles! Just think of the endless possibility!” Roxy explained with a smile.


No way in hell will I allow that!” Sean muttered to himself as he continued to suckle down on his pacifier.


Anyhow, I'll see ya around! So glad to see you two!” Roxy hugged her sister and then kissed Sean on the cheek before exiting the area with her little. Leaving Zoe and Sean to take a moment to catch their breathe.


Are you okay Sean? Sorry about my sister. She doesn't really know the meaning of restraint. ” Zoe asked as she held the boy in her arms and took out his pacifier.


I'm okay...Mommy. So that was your sister? She is really...Outgoing.” Unlike with Zoe, Sean felt very awkward around Roxy and wouldn't care the slightest if he didn't see her again.


My sister has always been that way. She's generally a decent person at heart, so please don't take what see saw today at face value.” Zoe explained as she helped Sean back into his stroller.


What was that all about with her little? I didn't catch everything that you two were talking about. ”Sean grabbed Linky to provide himself some additional comfort.


It maybe hard to believe but it's become quite the norm for amazonians to have their adopted little's to undergo a sex change. It's become a very popular procedure in the past decade. It was once a banned procedure but after our kind gained complete control over the government, all the prior laws protecting littles had drastically changed.


Sounds like a fate worse than death. If they ever try to pull that shit on me, I would simply tell them that I'm protected by my job at Diamond Tours.” Sean stated as he unknowingly started to suck on his thumb.


If it were ever to come to that, I would be right at your side to prevent that. Thankfully, I don't foresee anything getting to that point. Right now, I think we should focus on what is actually ahead of us. Tomorrow we are both going to a meeting at Diamond headquarters with the president of our city. Apparently there will be a discussion regarding the typical quarterly reports and also assess the situation with the suspension on the tour program.” Zoe slowly removed Sean's thumb from his mouth and placed it with his pacifier.


As I have always stated, I won't let anything happen to you, you are my precious bun bun and in the end, no one except me can decide your fate!” Sean felt a bit worried by how Zoe worded that. He knew that she meant well but still.


After a few minutes of pushing the stroller to the parking lot, Zoe decided to take a moment and tickle Sean on his stomach, which caused the boy to giggle through his pacifier. Sean tried to block Zoe's fingers with his feet but was unsuccessful in doing so.


Wittle bunnies like you are very sensitive, yes you are!” Zoe smiled as she enjoyed playing with her partner before stopping next to her vehicle.


Mommy will protect me from all the bad people, so I nothing to worry about, right?” Sean questioned himself as he took a glimpse at Linky and wondered what his stuffed teddy bear would think if it was somehow self-aware. He knew that there would be no actual answer but the idea of a talking stuffed animal seemed very enticing.


Zoe knew that Sean was growing more accustomed to his living arrangements but was very aware wasn't all completely genuine. Which added another layer of guilt she was feeling internally.


Hmm...Should I go poopy right now?” Sean said quietly to himself as he continued to look over at Linky.


Alrighty, let's get you out of the stroller and onto your own two feet. Do you think you can stand on your own, bun bun?” Zoe asked as she helped Sean onto his feet, as he stood right next to her vehicle.


Sean silently nodded his head in agreement as he watched as Zoe placed the stroller into the trunk of her car. He also watched as several other bags being put in as well. His curiosity made him think that Zoe bought him a few more things than just clothes and a stroller.


Okay bun bun, let's get you all strapped in!” Zoe picked Sean up and placed him into his booster seat and buckled him in before entering on the drivers side.


Before the could exit the parking lot, Sean kept making some muffling noises as he kept trying to gain Zoe's undivided attention. Thankfully Zoe noticed Sean's plea and removed the pacifier from his mouth.


Why can't I remove this damn thing myself? I don't understand!” Sean said quietly to himself. He knew that his hands were free and while they were covered in mittens that were connected to the onesie, he was still felt he was capable of dealing with such a simple task.


Something wrong bun bun? You look rather rather distracted.” Zoe asked as she began to pull out of the parking lot and made their long journey back to the city.


I..I have to...Go poopy, mommy..!!” Sean immediately placed both his hands on his face, feeling a immense embarrassment for his very childish response. But it was the only response he could manage.


Oh, is that it? In that case, just go ahead and let yourself go, I'll gladly change you, first thing when we get back home.” Zoe explained which caught Sean by surprise. It was one thing to soil himself, as he had felt so used to doing it, but having to defecate was a completely different story.


Should I? … I mean, if that's what mommy says...I guess I can...” Sean slapped himself on the face as he tried to get a hold of himself and his inner turmoil.


You have to be kidding Zoe, there is no way I could actually resign myself in doing such a nasty thing! Can't we pull over at the next gas station?” Sean asked with a plea as he started to feel a bit more back to normal.


Sean, remember it's mommy now. And as your current parental figure, I suggest that you get used to doing this. It will mentally prepare you for any unexpected events, when the potty is not available for you.” Sean felt like he had just been betrayed, as he had no alternatives except to trying to hold it in for as long as he could.


FINE! BE THAT WAY! I will prove to you that I'm a big boy!” Sean pouted as he crossed his arms together in defiance.


I'm sure that Linky also believes that you are a big boy as well. No matter what, you will always be my baby! Yes you are!” Zoe stated as she brushed Sean's hair with her hand.


I'll prove to you mommy that I don't need diapys anymore! Me and Linky will get through this!” Sean stated as he grabbed his pacifier and shoved it back into his mouth. He was so irritated that he didn't realize at how infantile he was acting.


Sean is so adorable right now, a far cry from what he was like a few days ago. It's quite amazing how far he has regressed.” Zoe sighed to herself. She knew that she was only acting on her maternal instincts and was not in Sean's best interests. She knew that he was still suffering the side-effects from his previous mental regression experiences but even so, she wanted to take advantage of this very special opportunity.


It's all okay, As long as I don't breastfeed or try to adopt Sean...This is all acceptable, I'm not doing anything wrong... I think.” Zoe kept telling herself as she continued to focus on the road and any oncoming traffic. Sean relaxed his head on the stuffed animal as he tried to focus on keeping himself from releasing any bowel movements.


Damn it, why can't I focus straight!?” Sean quietly said to himself as he closed his eyes and forcefully willed himself to get some sleep. He knew it would be a long trip back to his apartment, even though it was beginning to feel like it was more of Zoe's home now, instead of his. As she was very much in charge of his current living arrangements.


Sean fell asslep for the next few hours while happily sucking on his pacifier. He eventually reawakened as he heard the constant sounds of thunder outside the car, along with the radio drowning out the noise on the inside the vehicle. He noticed that the weather had taken a turn for the worse and it appeared that another rain storm was on the way.


Have a nice nap, bun bun? We are almost home. I was thinking of ordering us some pizza for delivery, how does that sound?” Sean felt oddly comforted by her words and then stretched his legs a bit. He tried to speak but yet again he found himself unable to do so, because of the pacifier still within his mouth. And as usual he kept drawing a blank when he kept trying to figure out a way to remove it.


Zoe noticed that she was not getting a answer but didn't think much of it, she was happy with how things have turned out even though it was not in Sean's favor.


I keep having trouble thinking straight. What were we doing on the road to begin with?” Sean said to himself as he looked at his hands while carefully holding onto his stuffed animal, Linky.


Just as the two entered the parking lot in the apartment complex, the rain in the vicinity had increased even more so.


Wow. Mother nature couldn't wait until we got back inside, huh? Oh well. A few raindrops won't kill us.” Zoe stated as she parked her car and then opened her trunk to grab several bags with her hands while doing her best to keep herself from being soaked.


Sean kept looking at his hands as he felt so out of place, like he was forgetting some very important about himself. His body kept telling him to relax and not to think about anything except his mommy. But another part of himself was trying to will him to fight his infantile tendencies.


I remember that I was with mommy at some weird fair but why was I there to begin with? How long have I been acting out like this? “ Sean continued to struggle as he tried to remember his time before he first met with Zoe, but in the end, he kept drawing a blank.


Alrighty bun bun, let's get ourselves back indoors. The weather is only going to get worse according to the local news report.” Zoe unbuckled Sean and placed the boy over her shoulder, while holding several bags in her hands.


Rain? This actually feels nice.” Sean said to himself as he was being carried towards his front door while being poured on.


First thing we will need once we are inside and that is getting that cute stinky bum of yours, changed. After we get you into a fresh new diapey, I'm going to take a nice warm shower before ordering the pizza!” Zoe explained as she grabbed the key to his apartment door and began to open it.


Stinky? Wait! Did I go poopy? No way! I should have noticed when I woke up. Mommy has to be wrong!” Sean tried to get a better feel of his rear end but his hands were busy as they were holding his stuffed animal.


I think we made some good progress today. I managed to find you some really nice looking clothes that were also on sale. There were also some enticing changing tables that I really wanted to check out, but unfortunately we were running out of space in the trunk of the car.. That new stroller I bought you, took up far more room than I had expected.” Zoe lowered Sean down onto his bed as she went to grab the changing mat while drying her face.


My diaper does feel a bit fuller...But why would I go poopy? I'm better than that. I guess it doesn't matter, I'm about to be changed.” Sean felt terrible for what he had just done but he knew that soon it would all be a issue in the past. He continued to suckle on his pacifier without a worry in the world.


After placing Sean over the changing pad, Zoe took her time in removing his slightly soaked onesie. She then took her time in removing his dirty diaper. After thoroughly cleaning his privates and throwing the wipes in a near trash can, Zoe went to grab a nighttime diaper for her partner.


So Sean, do you have a preference on toppings for the pizza? I'm more of a pineapple and ham type of person, how about you?” Zoe asked as she began to apply the baby powder underneath his bare butt. Sean still couldn't respond due to the pacifier in his mouth but didn't really have much to say, at least while he was being changed.


That's right, I keep forgetting to take out your paci! You have really grown attached to it! That makes me really happy to see.” Zoe stated as she removed the pacifier before finishing up.


Mommy, is this all...Normal?” Sean explained as he could feel the padding of his new diaper underneath his butt. Zoe knew what he meant and did her best to deflect the question in a casual way.


Of course Bun bun, it only makes sense to change your diaper after a long road trip. We don't want you to be getting any rashes on your wittle rear end!” Zoe stated with a smile as she finished applying the tapes to his new diaper.


No...It's not that. I...I just can't seem think or even talk properly. Everything feels so fuzzy. Like I'm starting to doubt myself. Like why am I in this dimension to begin with? I don't know right now!” Sean stated with urgency as he sat up and looked over his new diaper and patted the front of it.


Bun Bun, you are just feeling a bit groggy from your wittle nap on the road. I think some well needed cartoons would help in clearing your confused noggin.” Zoe put the changing pad away while hoping that Sean would just relax and enjoy himself just as she was.


If...If that's what you think...I guess I'll do that...” Sean could feel that something was definitely wrong but he couldn't find it in himself to object to Zoe. She had become a critical part of his life and someone that he needed to rely on, going forward.


That's right, momma knows what's best for her baby. ” Zoe then picked Sean up while he was holding onto Linky in his arms.


Things really have changed in the past couple days. I wonder how things will be in the next week?” Zoe thought to herself as she carried Sean into the living room.


Adoption was always on Zoe's mind but she knew that wasn't possible while Sean was employed by Diamond Tours, she knew that she needed to enjoy the precious time with her partner while she had.


As Sean was sat down on the carpet flooring, he looked up at Zoe and was wondering what she had planned next.


This will take a minute, bun bun, please be patient.” Zoe smiled to herself as she opened one of the large bags that she bought at the fair.


It's not much, but it's a start.” Zoe explained as she started to put together a makeshift playpen by filling it with a artificial air device that came with it.


Is...This for me?” Sean asked as he crawled over to get a better look at the contraption. He felt confused as to what benefit this would serve him.


That's right bun bun. I had no intention of buying this at first but my maternal instincts just wouldn't say no to this. “ Zoe picked Sean up by his armpits and gently placed him into the air-filled playpen. Sean held tightly onto Linky as he inspected his new surroundings.


Is this really necessary?” Sean continued to feel even more helpless as he was now confined in a small area. The rubbery material of the playpen kept Sean from being able to stand up on his two feet. He would easily fall back onto his padded butt, with Linky in his arms.


I really wanted to get you a crib but something like that would require a full scale nursery...That will have to wait for now. We have more important matters to attend too.” Zoe grabbed the remote and changed the channel to a random cartoon show.


Since you have already taken your anti-regression pill, this channel should be alright to watch.” I'll be back in a few to check up on you. Please behave yourself and don't leave your playpen, otherwise, I may have to put you over my knee and we both don't want that!” Zoe winked as she knelt down and kissed Sean on the nose before placing the remote on the coffee table.


Sean sat on his knees as he watched Zoe exit the living room to attend to her own needs. He knew that he could easily exit the playpen but he didn't want to have his rear end turned bright red.


Was I always wearing diapers, even before I came here?” Sean asked his stuffed animal before glancing over his body. His diaper was the only form of clothing he was wearing, thankfully the living room was very well heated so he didn't have a problem with it being cold.


But why did mommy have to get a playpen? It doesn't' make sense. Does she not trust me with walking around in the living room? Sean turned his attention to the television and began to make himself comfortable. He did notice the the air inflated mattress under him was polka dot with various bright colors that gave it a very loud vibe.


Ugh, this is so annoying!” Sean tried to sit in a figure four position but due to the thickness of his diaper, he gave up and decided to lay on his stomach while holding onto Linky with his arms.


Sean tried to focus on the cartoon show for the next half hour but he kept having thoughts about his current predicament and how everything felt off . At first he thought his pacifier would solve all his worries as it hanged around his necklace.


Hey Linky, do you think that my life is kinda off kilter now? ..I actually believe something is weird but I just can't figure it out ! And not only that, but I think that mommy is keeping some secrets from us. ” Sean questioned his stuffed animal as he laid on his back while holding Linky up in the air. The crinkling of his diaper was evident as he raised his legs in the air and started to make some playful sounds with his mouth while continuing to talk to his stuffed animal.


I feel like I'm in a dream. A dream that I cannot wake up from. What do you think Linky? Am I overthinking things? ” Sean awaited for a answer but nothing came from his stuffed animal which slightly annoyed him.


FINE! Be that way! It's not like you were ever all that reliable to begin with!” Sean threw Linky across the playpen and then grabbed his pacifier that was attached to his necklace. Frustrated, Sean spent the next few minutes looking over the soother.


This is so annoying, I don't care anymore! HMPH!” Sean forced the pacifier into his mouth. A sense of urgent relief flooded within his body as he started to feel like that he made the right choice. There was no reason to keep questioning himself, as he just wanted to watch his cartoons in peace and await for his mommy to return.


As his show ended and the commercials began to appear on the television screen, Sean turned his focus to his feet and tried to stand up but kept falling back down onto his butt.


I'm starting to get hungry, hopefully mommy will be back soon. Also, I need to talk with her about something important going on tomorrow but I can't remember what it was! I know I was supposed to meet with someone but who....OH! That bunny is wearing a diaper like I am, hehe.” Sean smirked as he lost all focus on his train of thought as a new cartoon show came on. Sean grabbed Linky and kept his undivided attention on the program.


God damn that shower was so refreshing! Even though the this stall was made for littles. It was kinda annoying having to bend down to clean myself. But I have to remember that this is Sean's apartment and everything here is paid for by Diamond Tours. If only Alexa wasn't such a ruthless bitch, I could focus all my attention on Sean. Now that I think about it...Should I stop trying to baby him? It's not doing him any favors... I just don't know. It's not like this is permanent. He will be back to normal by tomorrow...Hopefully.” Zoe sighed as she finished up drying her hair. She knew that Sean had grown attached to her, otherwise he would not be in his current position. Mental regression was very tricky and their were many methods available for amazonians to use on littles.


I'm not like the others, I'm just...”Zoe hated the guilt she was feeling as she walked back into the living room to see her partner fixated on the television set.


If I didn't make that promise to help Sean get back to his dimension while he continued his job for Diamond Tours, I would seriously tried to adopt him already...Though in order to do that, I would need for him to quit his job. It's illegal to adopt a working little, not that there are many of them around to begin with.” Zoe remained quiet as she walked into the kitchen and made a call to the local pizza company to order some food for delivery.


Now will be a good time to also setup that new high chair I got him.” Zoe smirked as she stayed on the phone and awaited to make her order.


Roughly a hour later Sean felt someone grabbing him by his armpits. It didn't take long to figure out that the culprit was Zoe. Sean began to rub his eyes as he hadn't blinked once while watching his cartoon show.


Wha...What time is it, mommy?” Sean asked as he slowly gathered himself while having his pacifier removed from his mouth.


It's going on six. And the pizza I ordered just arrived. After din din, I think we should call it a night. Tomorrow is a very important day for the two of us and we both need to be well-rested.” Zoe explained as she carried him over to were the couch was. Sean assumed he was going to be sitting on Zoe's lap yet again while he had his meal but instead he soon realized that he was being put into a high chair.


What do you think, Bun Bun? Along with the stroller, I bought this neat little thing while we were at the fair. It's nothing special as there were other high chairs that had features like heated seating but the prices were so freaking outrageous! I really wanted to get one of them for you, but this will have to suffice for now.” Zoe asked as she awaited for a response


Sean noticed that he had limited mobility but that was to make sure he wouldn't fall out, but otherwise it felt rather comfortable, though he wasn't sure if the padding was due to the seat or just his diaper.


Is it too tight? I can make some adjustments if you want.” Zoe asked.


It's okay I think...Just feels kinda different.” Sean noticed that he was going to be sitting opposite of Zoe, whom would still be sitting on the sofa. Zoe smiled as she grabbed a paper plate that had a slice of pizza on it and placed it onto his table.


Sean noticed that his slice of pepperoni pizza was cutup into smaller pieces. He thought it was strange but like with almost everything else, he didn't know why that was.


Would you like Momma to feed you?” Zoe asked with a loving smile.


...Ugh...No, it's okay, I can do this myself... I think.”As Sean began to take a few bites, he suddenly noticed that he had a bright blue bib around his neck.


How did this get on me? Sean quickly dismissed the thought as he continued to focus on the food in front of him. Zoe decided to take a seat herself and enjoy the meal as well.


Damn this is good!” Sean continued to be amazed by how much different and superior the amazonian food was compared to the stuff in his dimension.


I'll let you know if you have any job related interviews after the meeting tomorrow with the president of our city. I should be getting a text notice by tomorrow on what our weekly schedule should be. ” Zoe noticed that Sean wasn't paying attention as he began to play with his food.


Bun Bun, are you listening? Zoe asked, worried that Sean maybe regressing to a point where he could put his very job in jeopardy but that would also put her in some serious trouble since Sean was not supposed to be mentally regressed at any level.


Sorry mommy, I guess I got kinda distracted with my food.” Sean laughed it off as if nothing was wrong.


Keep in mind that starting tomorrow, we will have to address each other by our actual names, so unfortunately I can't call you by your nickname of bun bun, and most importantly, you cannot call me mommy, understand?”


Why's that?” Sean asked as he took another bite of his pizza.


If any of the higher ups in the company, especially Alexa or the president were to hear this from you. They may think that you are no longer qualified to handle your position. Which means that it could put you on the steps for being fired and then you would be liable for adoption and we need to avoid that.” Sean quickly regained focus as if everything was coming back to him. Adoption was the one thing that he knew that he needed to avoid at all costs.


Holy shit! Will I be alright? I don't want to be turned into a permanent baby!” Sean stated with a worried look as he came to the realization of how he was acting up until this point. It was both alarming and confusing at the same time.


Don't worry Sean, this is all short-term. Though the diapers will have to remain because of your ongoing bladder issues, but that won't have any effect with your job. That I can guarantee.” Zoe replied with a strong sense of confidence.


I really hope so!” Sean felt deeply disturbed that he was so absorbed with his time with Zoe and the way he was acting. He started to wonder if he was legitimately enjoying acting Zoe's baby. He quickly dismissed the strange thought as it didn't' make any logical sense. He came here to work and become his own person. Zoe noticed the look of confusion on Sean's face and she put her plate to the side and walked over and helped him out of his high chair and gently embraced Sean in her arms.


It's okay bun bun. Mommy will not let anyone lay a hand on you. You are under my protection and mine alone!” Sean soon felt his body becoming warmer and once again he felt his mind becoming more fuzzier as he struggled to keep his thoughts coherently.


But what about your folks? What will we do about them?” Sean asked as began to nibble on his thumb as a way to cope with his confused feelings


We will worry about them when the time comes. It's not healthy to focus on something that is not in our control.” Zoe replied as she playfully messed with his hair.


Sean knew that Zoe was correct but it was still problematic. Especially with all the information that he was provided about her folks.


Do you really believe that your sister will tell your parents about me?” Sean asked as he looked up at Zoe in her bright blue eyes.


Make no mistake, she will tell to them about us. She is far closer to my mom and dad than me or our brother. It also doesn't help that before you came to this dimension, she had been trying to convince me to adopt a little of my own. And while I have no intentions of adopting you, I think it would be in both our best interests that you pretend that you actually are...That is when we eventually meet up with them.” Zoe suggested.


But why should we pretend? Can't we just tell them the truth? Won't it make it easier on the two of us? Plus I cannot be legally adopted as long as I'm employed by Diamond Tours, so what's the issue?” Sean awaited for a answer while he was being cradled in Zoe's arms.


While it is true, that you are protected from adoption and mental regression... It hasn't exactly worked out for you since you have been here, has it?” Zoe stated as she chuckled a little.


WAIT A MINUTE! Am I...Regressed right now, Zo...Mommy?” Sean asked as he continued to look up at her.


Ah..Umm...Well...” Zoe felt very awkward at the moment. She very well was aware of Sean's current mental state and wasn't sure on how to respond in a respectful manner.


Just a little bit. It's nothing that will change the type of person you are. It's just your feelings for me are a bit more...Special... And I really don't mind that.” Zoe stated as she continued to embrace Sean.


Have we always been like this? Sean asked as he questioned his relationship with Zoe.


Only when we are not working on the clock.” Zoe couldn't look Sean into his eyes as she spoke, knowing that she was taking advantage of a delicate situation.


Sean noticed the concern on Zoe's face but kept quiet as he continued to feel foggy in the head.


Every time Zoe holds me, I feel foggy in the head. Why is that?” Sean kept thinking to himself.


Regarding my parents, they are really old school, which means that they have a very shallow view point on littles in general. If they were to find out about you, they most likely wouldn't give a damn about your legal protections. They would insist on having you breast-fed so you would be in the proper state of mind that they believe that all littles should be in.


But you wouldn't allow such a thing to happen, right?” Sean asked as he blushed.


I certainly would do everything to avoid that. It would be a lose-lose situation for everyone. Me and my family members would possibly face jail time. I could use that against them if they try anything funny, but still we should tread carefully. Diamond Tours is a not exactly a company free from corruption, so I wouldn't put all my faith into them even though they have been a decent company for the most part.


Sean began to remember all the prior littles that held his job position and started to think about Rebecca, the little he had spent time with a few days ago. She once held the same job title as him, but after being breastfed on several occasions, she had been perfectly content with her amazonian mommy, Jade. Though their relationship seems to be more relaxed compared to the majority of the unfortunate littles in this dimension.


I thought wearing diapers would be so embarrassing but they are not as bad as I once thought, perhaps I'm just way acting too cautiously. Zoe knows what's best for me. Perhaps I should just unwind and let her sort itself out..” Sean felt a bit more confident in himself as he tried to look at the bigger picture. He didn't actually feel like he was being treated with disrespect and he was being well cared for.


Am I content with everything?” Sean continued to question himself as he relaxed his head on Zoe's chest.


As I have stated before, we have more important matters to attend too. Tomorrow we are both going to a meeting with Alexa and some members from the company. It will be a important huddle with the president of the city. And unlike Alexa, the president has the power to single handily remove you from your position with the company if she deems it necessary. So you will want to be on your best behavior when you meet with her.” Sean's eyes widened as the ever growing sense of unease began to gather into his stomach.


That would be pretty bad...Just who exactly is this president person? Is she a strict hard ass?” Sean asked. Zoe was about to scold him over his language, but decided that it could be overlooked for the time being.


She is a very powerful and respective individual in the amazonian community. As her title suggests, she has influence over many of the operations that take place within the city of New Haven, including the tourism program that involves portal littles such as yourself.”


Will the tourism program be a important discussion tomorrow?” Sean asked.


It definitely will. Right now, Diamond Tours is suspended from providing any tourist programs for all portal littles due to the debacle with the last group around a month ago. It had to be temporary shut-down so the relations between your government and ours could improve.”


I think I remember hearing about that. I heard that the majority of the portal littles in the last tour group were adopted against their will, is that right?” Sean asked with great interest.


Actually, all thirty portal littles of the tour group ended up adopted. A hundred percent adoption rate isn't supposed to ever happen, but apparently their was some major miscommunication with the tour guide and the folks at Diamond central. But before they could rectify the issue, it was already too late. Once a little is adopted, by law it cannot be changed unless the amazon that adopted decides to give up their little, which is very rare in itself.” Zoe explained.


That doesn't sound legal whatsoever, how could they forcefully allow a bunch of random tour guests to be adopted? It sounds way too cruel and malicious.” Sean knew that Diamond Tours was not a innocent company but he understood that if portal littles didn't read the all the finer details before going on the tour, it was their own doing. The company seemed legitimate based on everything he has learned and done with the company so far.


With every tour group, there is always a quota that needs to be met. No matter what, their will always be at least one portal little that will somehow get lost from their guide, which will mean that very lost portal little will find themselves in a orphanage, awaiting for adoption. Obviously, it's not ideal for the portal little, but it's all perfectly legal. However having an entire tourist group is a different matter entirely. One other thing is that all portal littles that visit this dimension, have to sign a contract and waiver agreement which discusses the terms of their individual rights.”


Jeez, I'm kinda surprised that anyone will want to go on the tour program if they read the potential fallout from it.” Sean stated.


Most portal littles never read the fine print, they usually assume it's just a standard tourist venture but with the only difference is that they assume that they are visiting a dimension completely different from their own. And while it's rare, some portal littles will still agree to the tour, even if they know about the downsides to it. Exploring the unknown can be very enticing to some individuals.” Sean knew what Zoe meant by enticing. He was really interested in the unknowns of this dimension. And wearing a diaper hasn't deterred him from wanting to explore more of the land.


I wonder...Am I only employed by Diamond Tours just because of the incident with the last tour group? Am I just a pedestal to keep peace relations? If I file a complaint with human resources would that mean anything?” Sean kept his thoughts to himself as he desperately tried to think about his job and everything that has occurred. He could one moment feel and think like an adult, but whenever he was dealing with Zoe, his mind just go blank. It was a tad worrisome.


Something wrong bun bun? You getting tired. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for nap nap as well!” Zoe tried to change the subject as she didn't want to discuss anymore about Sean's mental state. It was a very conflicted subject for her.


Ya...I guess I am...” Sean stated as he began to yawn slightly. He wanted to talk more but he couldn't' find anything reasonable to say when he looked up at Zoe.


Alright, let's check your diaper and see if it's in need of a change.” Zoe asked as she placed her hand firmly in Sean's disposable undergarment. Sean blushed immediately.


Ahh....BUT....Won't their be a issue if I'm wearing a diaper tomorrow? Won't that prove that I can't be entrusted with my job?” Sean asked as Zoe took her hand out and, noticing that he was still dry.


Don't worry bun bun, it won't. Almost all amazonians believe that all littles, even portal littles should be in diapers full time. The company's goal is to make sure that you can perform your job while meeting their expectations. They also want to make sure that there will not be any issues with anyone trying to mentally regress or adopt you while you are employed by the company. Your being in diapers should have no impact on the meeting. I'm sure a few questions will be brought up about it but it will be trivial in the grand scheme of things. But you will have to leave behind your paci waci tomorrow, unfortunately. ” Zoe explained as she pinched Sean on his cheek.


Would it be smart to also bring up the subject about Alexa to the president? Perhaps we could put the issue with her to rest if we complain together about her questionable actions.”


As much as I would love to do that, we really need to gather more evidence before filing a serious claim on her. We also need to tread carefully when it comes to that woman. I know that she wants to adopt you, but it's not something that would happen overnight. And I don't want you to worry about that. Just let your mommy take care of that while you focus on any upcoming interviews that you will be needing to go to.” Zoe stated as she placed Sean onto the couch and began to put the food away in the fridge.


Sean noticed that their was a commercial on the television about a random lawyer and it started to jog his memory.


Something about that commercial feels familiar, like it was somehow important for tomorrow. Hmm... DAMN IT! Why do I always keep drawing a blank!” Zoe walked back in to see Sean's frustrated expression.


Is a certain grump wumpy ready for their night time baba?” Zoe asked as she scooped Sean into her arms. The warmth radiating from her body was almost hypnotizing as Sean lost focus and began to slur his words.


Again I can't speak up. My body has gone completely limp. It's as if Zoe's body is triggering something in mine!” Sean stated in his mind while he was cradled the amazonians arms.


Something on your mind bun-bun?” Before Sean could let usher out another word, the rubber teat of the bottle found it's way into his mouth. And unlike the previous times he was bottle-fed, Sean noticed that the liquid he was drinking made him feel even more tired.


This is a special milk called Wholesome Moo. What makes it unique, is that it was created to mimic what amazonian milk is supposed to taste like. It doesn't really sell all that well since most amazonians prefer to breast-feed their littles the natural way.. I just had to warm it up in the microwave for forty seconds, I hope it's not too hot for you.” Zoe was awaiting for a answer but Sean ignored her as he continued to suckle on the bottle.


What's going on? Why can't I stop? My body is on auto-pilot. Well as long as it's with Zoe.... I guess it's alright. But I still need to talk about something I thought was important.” Sean closed his eyes as he nestled himself in Zoe's large chest and began to fall asleep while curled up.


This is too perfect...Though I really do wonder if the anti-regression pills are actually all that effective. They were only recently created and have barely seen any actual testing. Sean is the first portal little to use these pills since it's creation.” Zoe noticed that Sean was only hallways done with the bottle before he completely dozed off.


Not that I'm complaining about the results...But still” Zoe carried the unconscious boy into his bedroom and carefully laid him down on the mattress before putting the covers over his him.


The only way this could be any better is if he were sleeping in a crib while in his very own nursery. I can at least dream about it.” Zoe noticed that she was leaking from her breasts. She quickly walked into the bathroom to clean herself up.


This could be a slight problem.” Zoe stated as she looked at herself in the mirror..


I never thought I would be in the market for a breast pump...This hasn't happened before, but then again, I really shouldn't be surprised. If I'm going to be keeping Sean around, I'll need to adapt to the changes with my body. ” After finishing up, Zoe reentered the bedroom and carefully slid herself into the bed sheets, right next to her partner.


I think he would sleep better like this.” Zoe carefully grabbed Sean and slowly placed him onto her stomach. She thoroughly enjoyed having him sleep right on her.


Hard to imagine that portal littles are capable of taking care of themselves. They are so small and fragile.” After spending a hour reading and being invested in a book, she heard some noises coming from Sean as he began to wake up.


Wha.. Where... am I?” Sean slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he could see was Zoe's belly button. The unusual sight caused him to immediately open his eyes all the way.


Zoe? How long have I been out for?” Sean asked as he tried to sit up, while sitting on the amazonians stomach.


Not long enough for a healthy amount of sleep. Back to sleepy land, bun bun, we will talk more tomorrow.” Zoe patted Sean on his head, while gently forcing him to lay down on her chest.


I.... I actually really need to discuss something with you before I forget again. It's about tomorrow. PLEASE! It's really important!” Sean looked up at Zoe and hoped she could be reasoned with. He was also beginning to feel his eyelids get heavier but he couldn't prolong this any longer. Not when he finally remembered what he wanted to discuss.


Zoe smiled as she grabbed the pacifier that was hung around Sean's neck. She was about to place it into his mouth but stopped just short before it could reach his lips.


Looks like you have something important to say, bun-bun. I'll allow it, but you will have to make it quick, since it's past both our bed times.” Zoe replied as she put her book away and turned off the lamp near her.


Ugh...Zoe...Please don't be upset with me...It's just...” Sean Felt like he was going to be punished for speaking up. It didn't make sense but their was much that he was having trouble understanding while in Zoe's presence.


It's okay Sean, mommy is isn't going to punish you, hehe.” Zoe slowly patted his diaper, noticing that it was slightly wet, but not enough to warrant a change.


It's just...I know that tomorrow that we both are suppose to meet with this president lady...It's just...I have a important appointment with this lawyer person and I don't want to miss the appoinment, so I was wondering if I could call out sick tomorrow, that way, I can meet with this person and get some advice.” Sean quickly placed his thumb into his mouth, worried about the response that he would receive from his amazon partner.


My My, that's a rather unique request, bun-bun. I'm honestly quite surprised that you were able to setup such a meeting. Just exactly who is it with?” Zoe sat up, as she was interested in what her partner had to say.


The lawyer lady's name is Kairi...” Sean dug his head into Zoe's chest, afraid of the response he would receive. He felt so timid and weak, as if a gust of wind could knock him out cold.


Kairi! You mean the famous lawyer of New Haven, the one that has never lost a case? Are we talking about the same person? Does she have long blonde hair and blue eyes?” Zoe asked with shock and slight confusion. Sean could only nod his head while slowly looking up.


Wow...I'm...At a loss of words. How did you manage to pull that off? While she has helped portal littles in the past, it's not something that her firm deals with. Also her company isn't cheap and most definitely will not work for charity. Are you sure that this is all legitimate and not some kind of scam? I don't want you wandering around with the wrong company.” Zoe asked as she wrapped her arms around her partners body.


I think it is. I had a business card left for me a few days ago. I used the number on it to call them and I spoke with one of her assistants. I told them about my situation with Alexa and they said they could do a consultation with me and possibly seek out some options. I was surprised myself that I actually managed to get an appointment. And it's for tomorrow morning, and that's why I'm asking if I can take the day off to see her.” Sean asked as he looked up, hoping to get approval from his current caretaker.


But how will you get there? You cannot possibly go by yourself, otherwise you most likely will have a repeat performance after what happened at the park, the other day. And I personally cannot miss this important meeting with the president. I need to stay on good standing with the company for the time being.”


The assistant said that she would pick me up at this location, so transportation won't be a issue.” Sean hoped that Zoe would see eye to eye with him, but she still seemed pessimistic about the whole situation.


I'm still not so sure about this. I don't feel comfortable leaving you in the care of a complete stranger. Not only that, but your not old enough to look after yourself, bun-bun.” Zoe stated as she gently brushed Sean's hair with her fingers.


Really? I'm not old enough?” Sean thought to himself as he began to question his very age, feeling unsure of himself.


Zoe could see that this was very important to her partner and she knew that his very mindset was being slightly manipulated by her. She wanted to keep close contact with Sean but understood that he needed to regain some of his freedoms, both physical and mental.


Listen Sean, how about we both sleep over this and we will see how we both feel about this in the morning. It's a big decision and it's my job as your mommy to look after you, understand?” Zoe asked as she placed the pacifier back into his mouth. Sean nodded and smiled in agreement as he looked up at the amazonian.


That's my baby. I'm so proud of you. Now let's both get some well-deserved shut-eye.” Zoe patted Sean on his padded butt one more time before closing her eyes and falling asleep herself. Sean kept his eyes open for a few more minutes as he continued to suckle on his pacifier, still feeling conflicted about his current arrangements with Zoe.


Today has really been weird. It feels like my entire life has been just a part of my imagination. Should I be more concerned?” Before Sean could continue to delve on his enver changing mental state, he had fallen asleep.


His concerns would have to wait for tomorrow and whether he continues to assimilate with lifestyle with Zoe would be something he wanted to discuss with this lawyer. He wanted a second opinion on everything that has transpired so far.




Edit: Here is another image of the main character of my story while wearing his cute onesie. I just wanted to share! 



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  • crono changed the title to A Job offer Unlike Any Other: Updated To Chapter 20

Nice to read from you again.

After this chapter I know again why I have read this story so gladly.

It's all so incredibly crazy.

Sean is losing his adult mind more and more and realizes it, but forgets it again, he is really caught in a spiral of regression.

I have little hope for him to get out of it. For me, it's more like waiting to see who will end up being Sean's mommy and what will happen to him.

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