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I told some freinds

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18 hours ago, BigBabyBoris said:

If they think it's weird they aren't really your friend.

I don't know if I completely agree with this. Your friends are entitled to their own opinions, and there isn't anything that can take that away. I have a friend who I know would think my being a DL and a brony are weird, but I don't consider him any less of a friend. I just don't tell him about it, since he doesn't need to know.

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I have never understood why people would want to share a fetish interest with someone who isn't involved in it themselves. Personally, I'm perfectly satisfied keeping my private lifestyle private. I would NEVER want anyone to find out, but my reason is that I've worked with young children all my life and it wouldn't go over too well for people to learn that I like to wear diapers for recreation. The best advice I like to give people who want to share this type of fetish is to look at it from the other side. If you had NO interest in diapers and thought of them as only for babies to use, what would your reaction be if someone told you that as an adult, diapers turned them on? It's tough to look at it from the opposite side, but I can assure you that very few people will see it our way and accept it. There are plenty of private and personal things we don't discuss with other people, and this should probably be one of them.

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She said why would you want to do something that demeaning to your self?
you may enjoy it as a fetish
but its awful and a mockety to those who have to use them because they are sick and cant do any better

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/05/2016 at 2:39 PM, id0ntknow said:

I don't know if I completely agree with this. Your friends are entitled to their own opinions, and there isn't anything that can take that away.

If someone criticizes what you enjoy doing, I wouldn't call them a friend.

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Whenever I hear about someone outing themselves like this to friends and family I want to hand them their sign that reads "Idiot". There isn't honestly a good reason why you do this... how can you possibly expect this to remain on the downlow if one of your friends friendships turns south. Your only reason to tell your friends is likely a selfish reason... I don't see any possible positive motivation here. Good luck. Hopefully you don't end up like the rest of the outed people that have theirs lives, jobs, and relationships ruined by your necessary need to let everyone know you like to wear diapers.

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1 hour ago, AwakenEvil said:

Whenever I hear about someone outing themselves like this to friends and family I want to hand them their sign that reads "Idiot". There isn't honestly a good reason why you do this... how can you possibly expect this to remain on the downlow if one of your friends friendships turns south. Your only reason to tell your friends is likely a selfish reason... I don't see any possible positive motivation here. Good luck. Hopefully you don't end up like the rest of the outed people that have theirs lives, jobs, and relationships ruined by your necessary need to let everyone know you like to wear diapers.


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4 hours ago, AwakenEvil said:

Whenever I hear about someone outing themselves like this to friends and family I want to hand them their sign that reads "Idiot". There isn't honestly a good reason why you do this... how can you possibly expect this to remain on the downlow if one of your friends friendships turns south. Your only reason to tell your friends is likely a selfish reason... I don't see any possible positive motivation here. Good luck. Hopefully you don't end up like the rest of the outed people that have theirs lives, jobs, and relationships ruined by your necessary need to let everyone know you like to wear diapers.

Leaving aside the OP for a moment, I just have to say I don't agree with your post. Seeking acceptance and understanding from others does not make you an idiot. Sharing a personal part of your self with friends and family is not always a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sea Otter said:

Leaving aside the OP for a moment, I just have to say I don't agree with your post. Seeking acceptance and understanding from others does not make you an idiot. Sharing a personal part of your self with friends and family is not always a bad thing.

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11 hours ago, AwakenEvil said:

There is a difference between telling your friends n family, hey I like to play guitar, or I enjoy deep sea diving, and there is another thing to tell them you like to wear thong panties, and booty shorts. That's the part that's ridiculous here. There isn't any good reason to tell someone about what kind of undergarments you want to wear.

I have always agreed with this and I have said it before.

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On 5/11/2016 at 11:37 PM, BabyJune said:

I have never understood why people would want to share a fetish interest with someone who isn't involved in it themselves. Personally, I'm perfectly satisfied keeping my private lifestyle private. I would NEVER want anyone to find out, but my reason is that I've worked with young children all my life and it wouldn't go over too well for people to learn that I like to wear diapers for recreation. The best advice I like to give people who want to share this type of fetish is to look at it from the other side. If you had NO interest in diapers and thought of them as only for babies to use, what would your reaction be if someone told you that as an adult, diapers turned them on? It's tough to look at it from the opposite side, but I can assure you that very few people will see it our way and accept it. There are plenty of private and personal things we don't discuss with other people, and this should probably be one of them.

I'm with you on this. The typical reaction to discovery of wearing nappies or being an adult baby is a negative one and frequently, extremely so. So why would you want to proffer that information voluntarily to someone who has no need or value in finding out? it is also unfair to the other person since they are then virtually obligated to react and respond. It is far better to leave such things private and personal unless there is an actual need.

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30 minutes ago, diapersalways said:

i wanna ask you, do you think this is also true for homosexuals? why do they bother coming out the closet to their friends and family? why do they feel the need to do that? i am wondering if it is the same drive that pushes (some) ab/dl's to tell their friends and family about their diapers.

like what underwear you wear. what business is it of anyone what sex the person you fuck is?

so why does the gay community seem to encourage the advertising of your sexual preference? why must it be public knowledge?

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53 minutes ago, diapersalways said:

i wanna ask you, do you think this is also true for homosexuals? why do they bother coming out the closet to their friends and family? why do they feel the need to do that? i am wondering if it is the same drive that pushes (some) ab/dl's to tell their friends and family about their diapers.

like what underwear you wear. what business is it of anyone what sex the person you fuck is?

so why does the gay community seem to encourage the advertising of your sexual preference? why must it be public knowledge?

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7 minutes ago, diapersalways said:

you can be completely in the closet about your love of the same sex and it wont matter to anyone except those you are going to be in a relationship with.

I really hope this isn't a serious statement.

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1 minute ago, diapersalways said:

oh is this where you imply theres an unstated reason why your sexual preference should matter to the world? please do explain.

ive lived all these years feeling my sexual preference matters to no one except myself and whomever i date. you are implying that isnt the case, ok how? why?

Who you're in a relationship with is usually something that is shared with family/friends.

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2 hours ago, diapersalways said:

i love how your always so rude insulting and aggressive, best mod ever, big bully more like

Yes, you are right I am a bully, thug, a meanie, and whatever else you like to call because I disagree with your assumption here. So I will even do you a solid. You can even report me for all those nasty things!

2 hours ago, diapersalways said:

tell me how one can be addicted to something they havnt so much as seen for ten years? something that isnt ingested.

i knew i liked diapers and was severely depressed without them my entire childhood until i got them again at 14, ive been fine since because ive had diapers since, so to you i need professional help because of that? great staff material for a diaper fetish website right here, your so accepting of us arent you.

Would you like me to send you the Webster dictionary for the word addiction? If so I will gladly google it.

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Okay let's cool things down before we start a flamewar.

Firstly, Mr Always I think you're conflating trans people with crossdressers, which under some umbrellas are counted as trans but evolving terms what ever. Being Trans is an identity that doesn't matter if you actively transition or not.

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