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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Sorry Everybody

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I lied to you all when I first came to this site. I called myself "paul" this isn't my real name. I was guarded about being honest just in case there was nasty people here, but after all this time I have realised that you are my online family and friends. So it has come to me now apologizing, I am sorry, my real name is kevin.

love you all. Kevin.

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Dude, lot of people go by a fake name online. It's called a pen name. I can call myself Natalya or Anita if I wanted to. Some even go by their middle name online.

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Thank you all. It felt wrong for so long and I have no need to hide my identity. I just needed to clear my conscience.

I'm comfortable about wearing 24/7 and don't hide it , even to curious strangers. Aaaah, that feels better now.


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Hi Guys, I don't even give my real date of birth anywhere on the internet, and my mothers maiden name isn't her real one. I know you shouldn't give personal info but I just felt like I was lying to the community that understands me the most, and by revealing my first name just shows that I trust you guys with at least that bit of me.

Thank you all for being here. When I first wore diapers there wasn't an internet and I thought I was the only one, it is great to know that it's not just me and I really appreciate this community here on daildiapers.

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Hi Guys, I don't even give my real date of birth anywhere on the internet, and my mothers maiden name isn't her real one. I know you shouldn't give personal info but I just felt like I was lying to the community that understands me the most, and by revealing my first name just shows that I trust you guys with at least that bit of me.

Thank you all for being here. When I first wore diapers there wasn't an internet and I thought I was the only one, it is great to know that it's not just me and I really appreciate this community here on daildiapers.

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Like someone else pointed out: if I knew everyone here could be trusted absolutely, and this were a private forum only, where everyone was verified, and search engines couldn't index it, I might be more open about true identity...

But... None of that is the case... So no worries. I forgive you :)

Btw: my real name is McLovin.

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I lied to you all when I first came to this site. I called myself "paul" this isn't my real name. I was guarded about being honest just in case there was nasty people here, but after all this time I have realised that you are my online family and friends. So it has come to me now apologizing, I am sorry, my real name is kevin.

love you all. Kevin.

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I suppose people think my real name is Christine Daryleane Paradise

As is said in the lead-in to RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME "every name is an alias and every address is a storefront in New Jersey"

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