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When A Laptop Bag Is Not A Good Diaper Bag...

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This weekend, my car was broken into while I was out hiking at a state park. They took the only two things in the car... about $10 in change, and my laptop bag.

Now, I was very careful to leave nothing of value in the car, because in my mind, the contents of the laptop bag aren't all that valuable, really... it's my diaper bag. It's inconspicuous for me to carry it around, but I hadn't thought about the fact that to someone looking for something to break into, it probably looked valuable.

I'm somewhat torn... while on the one hand I would have loved to see the person's face when they opened the bag hoping to see a nice expensive laptop and saw a stack of M2s and M4s instead, on the other hand I'm really pissed that they cost me a $150 window for $10 in change and my diapers.

Jerk. I hope it was worth it.

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My best protection aganst being broken into has been a confusing pile of junk...makes me look poor...

But losing a good laptop bag??? Stinks...maybe next time, strip the interior, so no temptation...and be sure to do that well before you park the car and a potential theif sees you do it...

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For some reason I laughed when I read the OP. The thought of someone breaking into a car to steal a laptop only to find they got diapers instead. Hilarious. Next time put the bag in the trunk or something, leave it out of sight.

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I have to wonder, as I carry my laptop about everywhere I go. I do keep one spare (Diaper) in the inside pocket. But I sure as heck could tell the difference in weight of a laptop bag with the computer and one with just diapers in it. One would think the thief opened the bag on site, seen what was in it and took it anyway :huh:

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I have to wonder, as I carry my laptop about everywhere I go. I do keep one spare (Diaper) in the inside pocket. But I sure as heck could tell the difference in weight of a laptop bag with the computer and one with just diapers in it. One would think the thief opened the bag on site, seen what was in it and took it anyway :huh:

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I just might carry a laptop in a diaper bag: With all the accessories, you almost have to

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Especially ultrabooks like the Yoga 13, Dell Convertible or Acer Aspire

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If this forum is being monitored by Al Jazira, this thread could have security implications as diaper bags go on the wtch list

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I had a hot springs i would got to a lot and we started having stuff stolen from cars. one weekend i parked my truck with a old traffic counter box like you use to see with the hose that ran across the road.

I replaced the screws that held the lid with security screws and chained it in the back of my truck with a cheap chain and a easy to break lock.

then instead of hiking down to the hot springs i went up the hill with my camera and watched.

About two hours later a truck stopped and the guys started to break into the cars there and when they got to my truck they saw the box and broke the lock and took it.

That night the local fire department had a hazardous materiel call and they found a big cloud of red smoke coming from

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I had a hot springs i would got to a lot and we started having stuff stolen from cars. one weekend i parked my truck with a old traffic counter box like you use to see with the hose that ran across the road.

I replaced the screws that held the lid with security screws and chained it in the back of my truck with a cheap chain and a easy to break lock.

then instead of hiking down to the hot springs i went up the hill with my camera and watched.

About two hours later a truck stopped and the guys started to break into the cars there and when they got to my truck they saw the box and broke the lock and took it.

That night the local fire department had a hazardous materiel call and they found a big cloud of red smoke coming from

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I dispise people who steal! :badmood: all they are doing is putting themselves first and saying that their 'needs' are more important than yours..or what ever :screwy: I was going to mention that a fully loaded diaper would have some added weight to the bag...and the look on the perps face when they opened that one would have been worth the price of admission! :roflmao: Another thought though, and I guess it's probably to late, but usually if this type of thing happens, and what the perp finds is basically worthless to them, is they will just dump what ever they stole in a local trash can, so if you checked cans in the area say 100 feet or what ever away, you might have found your bag...Unless they dumped the diapers and just wanted the carying case instead....what ever..or they could have kept the diapers and tossed the bag! ;) Just a thought... sorry you had to experiance this. It's what ruins trips to the national parks and such for people. Sad that you can't really go anywhere much any more with out having to worry about some lazy ass nut job breaking into vehicles and stealing stuff and damaging property....really stupid..and sad.

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Perhaps, and can you imagine the scene when his confreres ask how he did today and he says "All my work and risk and I've got shit to show for it!"

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