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Would The Doctor Know?

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A bit of preface before the question. So I've been going through my own version of the Diaper Training Program, seen here, and amazingly enough, I found I have been diapered waaaay more often than not. This got to me recently thinking about possibly going 24/7. I admit, being diapered 24/7 can be and is inconvenient at times, but from what I have found, its really not as inconvenient as I was thinking it was going to be. My lifestyle seems to not get in the way being diapered 24/7 anyway which is impressive considering I'm comming towards the end of my college career, am young, and am active. I've been doing this since mid of last December and I can count on one hand the amount of time, in days, that I've not been in diapers and most of that time was towards the beginning of the project when I was at my parents house for a couple of weeks and was in low supply which brings me to my most recent revelation: I would have not problem telling friends, loved ones, and most importantly my family that I am urinary incontinent if I had actual doctor visits/opinions to back me up.

This means two things. The first having more confidence in wetting without the worry portion of being 24/7 dependant (Put in another way, I wouldn't mind going 24/7. This curbs my original goal of wetting while only diapered though, considering I would be diapered all the time) And two, not having to "hide" diaper changes from so many people, especially ones that care for me and have concerns that I am diapered i.e. parents and loved ones. This would make being honest with them way more easier and I wouldn't care so much about the discretion portion of my program. So here is my question: When I do get to the point of actually being diaper dependant, if I were to go to the doctor to have it "looked at" as though it were a "problem" I know they would do tests; what kind of tests would they do and would they be able to tell if anything is actually wrong or if I am just faking it for something, which I am not. I have no intention to get anything tangible out of the doctors visits besides notes in my charts and the confidence to go to my family. I'm not looking to leech off of the supplies offered to those who need them because they don't have a choice. After reading posts from the actual incontinent, I understand that doctors don't always find any reason for urinary incontinence, which would be ok for me and great news regardless and despite the slight psychological problem of me wanting to be incontinent (I'm just glad to know there are others out there with incontinent desires :) ).

So after burying the question, again if I were to go to the doctor to have it "looked at" as though it were a "problem" I know they would do tests; what kind of tests would they do and would they be able to tell if anything is actually wrong or if I am just faking it?

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Given that not all physicians have the same amount of training in urology, it is possible you could find a general practitioner you could fool who is not completely incompetent.

Urologists who have been in practice since the early 1960s often did not deal with many cases of urinary incontinence in men. They were trained to focus on prostate cancer and reproductive issues. Still, when a patient presents with some wild tale of sudden lack of bladder control, any qualified urologist would suspect you are faking just from taking your medical history.

The sea change in urology started in the early 1970s when treatment of urinary incontinence was considered important.

In the mid 1990s women started to be trained in urology, which previously was considered to only deal with male patients. At the same time research started to show benefits, especially with better ways to treat urinary incontinence. Along with that came better tests.

You are free to waste your time and money shopping for a urologist who is idiot enough to be fooled by fake incontinence. I seriously doubt you will find one.

More to the point, why do you need such medical records to show your family? You are an adult so they have no access to your medical records.

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You could go to your own doctor who would no doubt do some test to rule out things like UTI,and i would say that when that came back clear then he would send you a hospital for more tests about your problem.

But a you said yourself plenty of people who are icontinent have been for all the tests that they can do,and still they cant find anything that iscausing it,but why do you need to go through all of that just to tell people that youwet yourself and need to wear diapers.

Just come out to those who are close to you and tell them that you have a urinary problem,and that you need to wear a diaper 24/7,if they all love you the way you say they do then they will accept hat you have a medical problem,and that you need to wr protection all the time.

That way you do not need to hide your diapers when you go visiting,or when you have visitors and you will also not need to keep your diaper changes secret,afr all there are people of all ages who are in need of diapers 24/7 so dont worry about it and enjoy your diapers.

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I agree with Angela. You trying to formulate a hoax to make it ok for you to be wearing diapers is a complete waste of time. A lie is a lie, keep it simple accept your want and do it. By being discreet in wearing and doling out small snipets of info such as leaking, no ability to hold it or whatever you explain to the inner circle you need to wear these so no surprises of embarrassment occur and you want to maintain the hygenic and workable way to deal with this incontinence. No doubt they will ask somewhere if you are being treated, the answer to that should be a vague yes we are in the works and hopefully it'll get diagnosed why this is happening. From personal experience ppl do not want to talk about incontinence PERIOD. Your acting to be embarrassed and wanting to remain "private" about it is understandable to them you put in the know. You must let them know that you accept your situation and are dealing with it but just want their understanding and privacy, that should keep the hoax that you created running. They will accept it with consistant reference about it plus overt reminders like having emergency diaper or two in a glove box in your car, having a bag of diapers in the vanity or on your dresser. And perhaps an "UT OHH" moment when out & about requiring an immediate change. Let the waist band peek out of the jeans sometime. I had a friend mention to me one time to "pull my pants up" he was being genuinely helpful to me as we walked through park without shirts on during an extremely hot day. (I created that situation btw) Sell your need unseendl! Yes it is a hoax but don't solicite pity from others, show them you can live with it and they will let it alone, there isn't a whole lot of reason you can't be who you want to non-ABDLers. Honesty is the best policy of course but our choice of undies is the exception to most ppl out there so what is the harm.

Keep your story staight!

Huggie :biker_h4h:

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So far I agree with what you guys are saying in that just telling people I wear diapers would be the easiest. I am well aware that niether people nor my parents have access to my medical records, but my parents have been a HUGE part of my medical past. Two things I failed to mention previously, but one I did touch on in the program that I wrote up for myself, I have suffered from cronic constipation (a horrible thing for a DL) damn near all of my life. It actually has only been within the past 5 years that it hasn't been an issue and has been under control. The key thing there is that I have an exstensive medical record because of it due to doctor visits and specialists and both of my parents are keen on the details. My parents seldom ask me about it now, but are very aware of my past medical issues. To not have mentioned this would seem very very out of the blue to them. The other thing I didn't mention is that I am still on their health insurance (they allow me to be on it since I'm still in school) so they see every doctor visit, test, and perscription. The only thing I have been seeing doctors for at all recently is asthma. I'm no specialist, but I dont think an ultr sound test covers respratory issues.

Just come out to those who are close to you and tell them that you have a urinary problem,and that you need to wear a diaper 24/7,if they all love you the way you say they do then they will accept hat you have a medical problem,and that you need to wr protection all the time

I know the people that I am close to will accept that I have a problem and those whom are strangers wont care or wont talk about it. But with my family, it's in their nature to do something about it such as sending me to get medical treatment. That is the other reason why I want to try and take care of "medical side" before hand as much as possible.

By being discreet in wearing and doling out small snipets of info such as leaking, no ability to hold it or whatever you explain to the inner circle you need to wear these so no surprises of embarrassment occur and you want to maintain the hygenic and workable way to deal with this incontinence. No doubt they will ask somewhere if you are being treated, the answer to that should be a vague yes we are in the works and hopefully it'll get diagnosed why this is happening. From personal experience ppl do not want to talk about incontinence PERIOD. Your acting to be embarrassed and wanting to remain "private" about it is understandable to them you put in the know. You must let them know that you accept your situation and are dealing with it but just want their understanding and privacy, that should keep the hoax that you created running.

My worry isn't other people. That requires whatever lie I want to give them. I'm sure you are absolutely correct in that people don't want to talk about incontinence. However, families do. If I were older and on my own insurance, I wouldn't even bother doctors about it, no question. I would just do it. But as of right now, I can afford diapers without any problems. But until my career starts, i'm glad to be able to be on my parents insurance. I guess what I am getting at is that my concerns with the medical end of things lay more with family, future loved ones but not friends or random strangers. Taking care of the doctor visit thing is not just around the corner, but I can see it coming if I continue down this path

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in my medical file i am listed as incontent. i have control but would rather wear a diaper. all i said to my doctor that i needed a script for diapers since i was having lots of accidents but it helped i was always in a diaper when i went to see my doctor. i have a long list of medical problem wich is probally why it was just wrote into the charts with no test. plus my meds it is a side effect

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It never fails to amaze me how non-incons, young ones, especially, constantly try to legitimize being a DL or AB, by wanting to become incon or trying to be. Angela has been able to deal with incontinence over her life, as have many other incons. BUT, watch the threads. Incons that have had no choice, realistically, in wearing diapers for sanitary and sensible protection, seem like they have embraced DL or AB. Indeed, some HAVE. But, there are others that would give up body parts to NOT have to deal with incontinence and all the considerations it brings with it, and that means, most likely, a great deal of the true incon world. The incons we see at sites like this have made lemonade out of lemons...

Why people continue to want to legitimize their diaper desires/life/world by "being incon" tells me there is a lack of thought or maturity. Most are young and still living with parents, which, like anything else, precludes freedom of operation. Get a job, move out, get your own place or find a place with another DL or AB - um, maybe develop a friendship/connection WITH another DL or AB, FIRST - and then buy and wear to your heart's delight! WHY need to become incon to make you feel comfortable with your diaper desires/life/world? And, beyond that, WHY does anyone ELSE, especially family members, NEED to know you're into diapers? Do you have a blazing urge to tell them you're into BDSM, or enemas, or gay sex, or whatever? WHAT will it accomplish? YOU'LL feel better; their feelings be damned. And, you want to tell them so you can be around them or run around in just diapers? Would you do that with your boxers or tighty whities?

I mean, it's like ANY lie we live to LIVE a lie. Once we 'fess up, WE may feel better about it - and you'll always have to remember WHAT lie you told to WHOM, to not eventually bust yourself, which you eventually WILL - but it doesn't give a single thought to what others are left to consider.

Go 24/7 when you can, as you can, and do it to your heart's content. Otherwise, live and let live. Let other people to deal with their own problems...

Oh, and after 8 years of college, and with medical technology today, a MD, DO or urologist is going to see through a sham. Does your medical insurance cover all the unnecessary battery of tests you could be asked to have done? And, once exposed as a liar and faker, I'm sure your cred (along with your medical history) will go far with other medicos you seek out.

Wear. Use. Enjoy. Leave other people out of it - until you can connect with that ultimate partner that can indulge you how you want to be indulged on a daily basis.

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.... the other reason why I want to try and take care of "medical side" before hand as much as possible....

The medical side is already taken care of :huh:You are not medically incontinent :o You need to work on the mental side of this, like understanding that the consequences of promulgating a lie may be worse than simply saying " I want to" :( People don't like being lied to- especially those whose hearts you are in deeply :crybaby: If you use insurance to pay for it, you're ripping off the Insurance company in the process too :rolleyes: And in the end, it is highly likely that the medical report will read something like "Feigned Incontinence" which means that from that point forward no medical caregivers will believe a single word you say until they check it ten ways to Friday :P Say you end up with excruciating pain at the ER- they're not going to give you anything stronger than aspirin until they find the cause if you get caught in that lie :angry: Don't think that can happen? Think again- I went through 4 hours of he!! at an ER without pain meds over an easily diagnosable condition just because the ER Intern thought I was just a hippie looking to get a free high :bash: If I had a record of lying to my doctors that could have went on to days of pain so severe I would have killed myself had I been able to -_-

If you try to go with your plan, karma will bite you in the butt so much on this one that the diapers you lust for will simply fall off for lack of support :lol: But by all means, suit yourself- it won't hurt the rest of us one tiny bit!


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It's also insurance fraud in a way but nobody will probably do anything about it even if you're caught. Either way, I agree with a lot of the above. Things may change too once you move out about how much you can afford. I use to live with my parents while I was a teen having a full-time job making really good money. I bought new trucks, and nearly whatever I wanted. Money wasn't a thing. I forced myself though to cut back on blowing money and do my future self better by buying a house. I was a home owner before my 21st b-day. It wasn't easy and I was strapped for cash. Being diapered 24/7 would have killed me financially at that point or I would have had to by a lesser home just over that.

Do what you want but at this young of an age, and I'm still pretty young too, I wouldn't make a commitment like that just yet, unless you are financially stable and ON YOUR OWN first.

I also agree that getting a Dr. note will literally do nothing for you and if anything, will cause you more grief if it doesn't go the way you've already planned it will go in your mind....and I know you've had the thought process. :) It will be a lie you'll have to continue forever or unless you come up with some other medical miracle lie that you're now fixed if you ever change your mind. Your family may also wonder what happened too and how'd you get cured.

I understand needing to "come out" to your family. I've considered it and weighed it out and decided, they don't need to know. If they find out, then I'll cross that bridge at that moment. I don't think you'd like to hear a story about your mom and dad private issues if they had them, fetish like or not. Incontinence is a private issue, I recommend keeping it that way as often as possible.

Keep in mind, your scenario in your head of how all this will play out is probably best case scenario and I assure you, that's not the way it'll go down. You may just be digging yourself a hole too. Your family may figure it out and then you lied to them and now what story are you going to tell. Think of all the bad ways it could go too. Just showing them a piece of paper a dr. printed out saying Joe Blow's Incontinent (as if they'd do that) isn't going to prove anything to your family anyway. That just be wierd to have something saying that anyway in your own file. The only medical stuff most people will keep are bill records, not the fact that it was a cold you went in for on such and such a date. You really need to think this all through before you do anything, just my two cents.

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Well if you want to become incontinent, feel free, no one is going to stop you and no one is going to care. But if you insist, think about some of the negatives......

I am incontinent from a back injury. I have a ruptured disc at L5-S1 and a bulging disc at L4-L5. Yes I have to have more shiny hardware for my spine in the future. Right now I have to deal with the present and reality. Not only do I have to wear 24/7 (because when my brain gets the message I have to go, I am going), I have to take a "diaper bag" which is a backpack with me everywhere. I have to make sure that I have enough in it to cover the amount of time that I am going to be gone. I also know where every bathroom is in most of the stores in the area in case I need to change. I also have to carry a change of clothes "just in case" as well as wipes and plastic bags to put the soiled diaper in. And if you think that for one minute that no one is going to know what you are doing in a bathroom stall while it is busy, think again.

Then to add more frustration, deal with a urologist that insists on finding the cause. I've had more things shoved up "Mr. Happy" then I care to count (and those tests aren't the best feeling thing) , I took more pills then a homeless junkie to no avail, had a long series of appointments with a counselor, had EVERY test for the possible cause, and still nothing. I only had to have an MRI for back pain to reveal the source of my incontinence.

Then think about the work situation, are you ready to explain to your boss why you have to go home to change because your "bag" is at home. Do you really want the gossip around the office? Yes you could hide it at work, but then the office snoop will figure out who is leaving the dirty diapers in the bathroom.

Are you ready to face a dating and love life in the presence of diapers. I'm sure that many women would understand about being incontinent, there aren't many though that would stand by you and continue on. It takes a special type of woman to do that and trust me they are few and far between.

Then think about friends and family... that is a post all of its own. Are you ready to deal with that?

I cringe every time I see a post about someone that wants to become incontinent. I would give almost anything to have control again. No more having to do laundry 3 times a week, no more making a choice between food or diapers when cash is low, no more having to leave a store (or movie or night out) because you don't have your bag with you, no more smell, no more diaper rash, no more emptying an a schedule to make diapers last, no more embarrassment, no more cleaning the furniture or mattress after a leak.

Really, think about the future, not what is going to make you happy right now.


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Why people continue to want to legitimize their diaper desires/life/world by "being incon" tells me there is a lack of thought or maturity.


tcc and I are at philosophical odds again..so be it...in this case, I agree with the lack of maturity....but I see an insane need for logical consistency. If you want to see where that might lead, have a look at "Into the Wild", a story about a kid trying to live up to the tolstoyan ideals by living alone in Alaska. He ends up dying. And people I have talked to about that book certainly have complained about the kid's lack of consideration for others while trying to fulfill his ideal.

If it comes to it, I will tell my Dr that I enjoy wearing my diapers because they make me feel better. But I've made a point of it not coming to that point, having admitted to myself that the diapers making me feel good is exactly what is going on, and having allowed myself that bit of logically inconsistent enjoyment. There are much worse evils in the world than discarding or washing diapers which may or may not have been used to their full capacity. Also, credibility has value. People trust what I say, and I can get things they won't allow a certain other person with credibility issues. They tell me things they won't tell others. They let me take sick time with no real questions asked. You don't want to destroy that.

I did tell my shrinks about it, because diapers helped me through some very rough spots, and, once, I thought they were part of the problem. The shrinks ignored that, by and large. Turns out that wasn't the case at all. Vitamins, getting out of the situation, and time made the most difference.

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I have been wearing for years.

The good thing about getting older is. i am 60 now.

I started wearing 24/7 about 9 years ago when i went on disability.

About 3 years ago i started wearing to my doctors appointments and told them i have urgency.

The doctor never even ran any test they just looked at my medical records and that was it.

I have BPH caused by meds. a neurological disorder. and diabetes.

A month ago My doctors just put me on furosemide (Lasix)for edema and told me i would have to drink more water.

Side effects==Frequent urination may last for up to 6 hours after a dose.


The diapers come in handy now. And in my case the doctors would not know that i don't really need them

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It never fails to amaze me how non-incons, young ones, especially, constantly try to legitimize being a DL or AB, by wanting to become incon or trying to be.

You're putting words into my mouth that weren't there. I think everyone here tries to "legitimize" why we wear diapers. But there is not a single person here with the "one reason fits all" answer as to why we ALL like wearing diapers. We just all do for different reasons and generally accept each other for it (having doubts about that now though). I have no problem with wearing them. I spent the better portion of my early life thinking I was a freak for wanting to wear diapers; I know other people feel/have felt the exact same way. It took years but I've gotten over that. I got to know a girl (dated) for five and a half years, three and a half of those years she knew how into diapers I was/am. After this woman, whom I thought I was going to marry, left me for the very fact that I wear diapers and because she couldn't handle it anymore. I've had to spend the better portion of 2 years dealing with that. I've finally started feeling better about myself and the acceptance has come back. The thought of wetting has always appealed to me, but I was never able to go forward with it because she had her limits, so I held off. I waited until I felt ready, and gave the notion A LOT of thought. So much thought that I wrote a three and a half page essay (that I was kind enough to share) with a goal, my expectations, possible drawbacks. Though now, I would go back and revise a lot of it since more time and thought has passed mainly the discretion parts because I don't seem to be having the issues that I though I was going to have; it would still be oriented more towards being diaper trained than incontinent. The reason why this, out of what everyone has said, pops out to me the most is because I've come to discover an incontinence desire, not just a diaper desire. Hence why I posted this in the Incontinence Desires section of the forum. I've worn a diaper around my parents, friends, and recent loved ones more times than I can honestly count. That isn't the issue. Hell, I don't even live with my parents. My desire is to wet while wearing, and the hardest situation that I see getting into is changing my diaper when I'm with my parents. Which is were I asked my question in the proper location on this site.

Well if you want to become incontinent, feel free, no one is going to stop you and no one is going to care. But if you insist, think about some of the negatives...... I also know where every bathroom is in most of the stores in the area in case I need to change. I also have to carry a change of clothes "just in case" as well as wipes and plastic bags to put the soiled diaper in. And if you think that for one minute that no one is going to know what you are doing in a bathroom stall while it is busy, think again.

Done it. It was a little awekward at first, but after a few times, it becomes easier. As far as the "no one is going to care" I'd gather that you mean not on this site, because there are quite a few people that actually do seem to get offended. I know I sound brash, but I'm having to defend myself in an area of the forums that I thought would be a safe place to post.However, I'm not necessarily defending myself from you though.. I will say that you did actually touch on part of my initial question of what kind of tests do they do:

Then to add more frustration, deal with a urologist that insists on finding the cause. I've had more things shoved up "Mr. Happy" then I care to count (and those tests aren't the best feeling thing) , I took more pills then a homeless junkie to no avail, had a long series of appointments with a counselor, had EVERY test for the possible cause, and still nothing. I only had to have an MRI for back pain to reveal the source of my incontinence.
Please believe me when I say that I am truely sorry you suffer from incontinence. It may sound hypocritical coming from me, but I don't wish things on people that they themselves don't want to happen, even if I desire to go through it myself.


It's true that I am not incontinent now. I wasn't planning the trip to the doctor until I had actually achieved a "diaper-trained" state. As stated before

When I do get to the point of actually being diaper dependant, if I were to go to the doctor to have it "looked at" as though it were a "problem" I know they would do tests; what kind of tests would they do and would they be able to tell if anything is actually wrong or if I am just faking it for something, which I am not. I have no intention to get anything tangible out of the doctors visits besides notes in my charts and the confidence to go to my family.
I've got a deductable to pay for doctors visits which I pay myself and like I said, I'm not looking to get anything out of my [parent's] insurrance company. Like I said to Allen, I'm sorry you had to go through the ER thing. Hell is not something that intrigues me to go through, but I'm sorry you have had that experience because you got "the new guy". I've waited in ERs not being able to breath due to asthma so I have an idea of what you may have gone through.


I subscribe to the honesty policy 90% of the time. I admit it, I'm not a saint.

I don't think you'd like to hear a story about your mom and dad private issues if they had them, fetish like or not. Incontinence is a private issue, I recommend keeping it that way as often as possible.
Every family is different. Our family talks about medical issues because they are important. But I have no desire of telling my parents that I love wearing diapers because of the way they make me feel, due to that being a fetish issue. There is a big difference. However, not telling them the answer to a question they didn't ask in the first place isn't a lie. If/when I do go fully diaper trained, I know it will come up sooner rather than later no matter how well of a secret I keep it. The other part to that is the doctors visit: if I don't take care of it before hand, I'll still have to go after they find out. That's how my family works. I foresee it not being a deal to them whatsoever as to how I got to be "incontinent" but rather if there is a solution to it

I now welcome the next round of comments if there are any. As far as the doctor visit is concerned, I have clarified and reclairified my reasoning for. But one last bit about it: it is NOT planned; nothing is set in stone; but if/when the day comes, I will be ready for it. I thank all of those who have actually talked about how their doctor's visits went and if there were any tests. They were actually informative. I'm now more curious about the tests just for education curiosity than anything else.


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. As stated before I've got a deductable to pay for doctors visits which I pay myself and like I said, I'm not looking to get anything out of my [parent's] insurrance company.

A deductible means that your insurance company is still paying anything over the deductible, it's still potentially insurance fraud. I wouldn't use the medical system to justify my wearing diapers to anyone unless I paid everything out of pocket and off the insurance books. This would also raise questions if you used your regular doctor, and probably more questions if you used a different doc. Plus the costs of specialists and testing may be prohibitive.

Daddy and I plan on buying a motorhome and travelling year round, I may wear fulltime then, but I won't be near any of my family save for a couple of weeks a year.



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.... I'm sorry you had to go through the ER thing. Hell is not something that intrigues me to go through, but I'm sorry you have had that experience because you got "the new guy"....

I'm not sure you got my point on this part. The above is true, but I wanted you to see where being known in your medical records as "a faker" could have unwanted consequences ;)


....I subscribe to the honesty policy 90% of the time....

Here's where I have to make an admission :blush: I can't argue against telling someone I "need" diapers as a way to ease a situation of discovery- that's been my plan even before my actual need came into play :o But there are some people and things you'd darn well better not lie about- your partner over matters of trust; your lawyer over matters of legality; and your Doctor over matters of health B) Messing up on any of there can (and often does) have severe unwanted life-long consequences :crybaby: Explaining it as 'need' to a co-worker isn't going to have any big effect on anything- other than working with each other neither of you has much effect on the other in life overall, but your Doctor is a different story :huh: He's going to instantly see possibilities such as a cancer and go into overdrive wanting to save your hide from the undertaker for a while longer if he can ^_^ That's what he's supposed to do, and he bases his responses on what he sees and what you tell him. In my case I can stay almost always dry for some time though it takes a truly heroic effort to do it. This is nothing new to me- a third of my life was like this :angry2: and I've been seen by Docs and shrinks about it already so I know that I don't have an endangering medical problem for my Doctor to be concerned with :thumbsup: For Me, I just have a lifelong case of poor bladder control and now I handle it by wearing diapers :rolleyes:

There's no need for you to have or get wearing diapers into your medical records. You don't need to have a reason to wear them other than you wanting to- you're big enough to make your own decisions legally and morally, and it's not harming any innocent people :D That alone is reason enough.

I believe "little white lies" in situations like this have a legitimate use and are usually OK :angel_not: but there is no justification in making that lie a "whopper of a lie" if things go further- at that point you admit the truth, accept the consequences, and go on with life knowing that you did the right thing B) Your Doctor is your confidante' so if it becomes an issue there, just tell him the truth knowing that this is an easier thing to explain than having a small animal lodged inside of your butt or having "Punch Me" tattooed on your forehead :lol: He may not understand but he will appreciate your honesty and you won't have any further consequences to deal with in that part of life over wearing diapers.


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Well you say that your age is 23, if that is correct then why would you be talking to your parents about why you were at the doctors, after allwhat is in your medical file will be for you and any doctors that you see.

So i dont see what your problems are with your parents finding out,if you do want to tell them why not just say that yo are wetting yourself,and that you need to wear some sort of protection,are they honestly going to want you to go in to detail.

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A deductible means that your insurance company is still paying anything over the deductible, it's still potentially insurance fraud. I wouldn't use the medical system to justify my wearing diapers to anyone unless I paid everything out of pocket and off the insurance books. This would also raise questions if you used your regular doctor, and probably more questions if you used a different doc. Plus the costs of specialists and testing may be prohibitive.


I understand the need to be "open" to your family about your medical stuff but YOU'RE NOT! You're lying to them instead and deceiving them. If you're so open, then be open to them about what's "REALLY" going on. Seems a lot easier then becoming diaper dependant, going to the doctor to get the note saying "I'm incontinent" and then explaining that to your family backed up with evidence from the Doc. Not only that, if we go with your way of thinking, as you're progressing to be diaper dependant, what are you going to do while at your parents when you need a change and you don't have the dr. note or haven't explained it to them yet?

I realize you posted this into the incontinent desires forum and yeah, go ahead, become incontinent. The bigger part of this whole thing is what you're saying to your family and doctor to justify yourself.

I apologize if my previous post came off as "don't become incontinent" when you posted in this forum but was just hoping you'd really think it through before you did it and not just how it feels today, but how it'll feel tomorrow or next week or year. It's like a tattoo in a way. Often people only care about how it looks today.

I've had a lot of the same thought process as you, A LOT! Becoming incontinent, going to dr, telling family, etc. So far I've managed to keep it under wraps enough and convince myself otherwise, it's a bad idea. I may change my mind but I don't want to live a lie to my family as I know they'll find out, for the rest of my life. What a huge weight that would feel like on my shoulders living this constant lie. Yuck!

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What I think you are missing is the point of what everyone is saying. That at your age, you shouldn't be making a life altering decision. If you enjoy wearing, then by all means go ahead and wear diapers 24/7. The problem is your decision to become incontinent. Think about this, at age 50, are you still going to enjoy the life of diapers. More than likely not.

I have been using diapers for almost 6 years. At first, it didn't bother me because I held out hope that the doctors could find a cause and treat it. As time and tests went on, my hope diminished to the point that I felt doomed to a life of diapers. I was searching for websites to deal with the mental part of being incontinent, which led me to here. No I still don't enjoy diapers, but people here and the posts that I have read have made me feel a little better about wearing. I have had to deal with work, friends and family about the issues that come along with being incontinent and quite frankly they have learned a lot about what it is like. The hardest part of all of this was the neurosurgeons consultation that I had back in August. He told me that the nerve damage could be permanent due to the amount of time since the onset of the incontinence and the diagnosis.

So this leads me to believe that since you are so young, why to you need to justify wearing diapers by becoming incontinent? The 12 month program while effective at creating incontinence, is not reversible. So at the age of 50, when this fetish has passed (diaper wearing) you won't be able to stop wearing. My advise is much like everyone's, if you want to wear because you enjoy wearing, then do that, don't change your body to suit the fetish desire that you have right now. Just wear for a few years and then see.

Even as you stated that this is a desire, will you still have the same desire 20+ years from now? How about 10 years from now? Desires change, and once you have become incontinent, there is no going back. 10 years from now you could desire some other fetish.

I have had 4 scope procedures with one giving me a kidney infection. They basically put a flexible tube up there and look around. Not much fun. I have had internal and external ultrasound tests. The internal doesn't go in the front door if you catch my drift. I have had an exploratory surgery where they looked at and tested everything and that will leave you sore for a few days. The only thing I didn't have was a nerve test. It was scheduled to be done, but then I had the MRI and that revealed the source. The nerve test would be pointless as it would have shown the same thing basically. Are you ready to put your body through that?

And the last thing I will leave you with is from this past summer when I had my cervical fusion done. I was in the OR when they were prepping me on the table. The nurse (male) was taking my gown off from me when he noticed that I was wearing the standard hospital diaper the pre-op nurse made me put on. Immediately he felt to see how wet I was and could tell I was wet but not to capacity. He changed me right there and for everyone to see. 8 nurses, 2 doctors and 2 technicians saw a grown man get changed like a baby. For the rest of my stay, I was changed every 2 hours no matter what. And I know for some that is a fantasy, for me it was very embarrassing and humiliating.


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I know what you mean when you said that you were embarassed and humiliaite you were,i also need to wear a diaper 24/7 and when as you say a fully grown man has to be changed, and if like me the nurse was young enough to be my daughter.

Some wil see it as a fetish,but some of us dont.

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I know what you mean when you said that you were embarassed and humiliaite you were,i also need to wear a diaper 24/7 and when as you say a fully grown man has to be changed, and if like me the nurse was young enough to be my daughter.

Some wil see it as a fetish,but some of us dont.

Exactly, and while I was there for 2 days, I was changed by no less than 10 different people. Some very compassionate about it and used blankets to make it more dignified, then some acted like they were being punished and did it so rough and quick that I thought they were trying out for the NFL. One nurse was very good and did clean thoroughly and made sure that the diaper was tight enough to stop leaks, most though didn't clean that well and only put the diaper on. I could feel urine most of the time going on to places that the diaper wasn't.

Lucky for me though all but 1 were around my age and besides the male nurse in the OR there was only one male nurse that changed me once. The lone exception on age was a girl that looked like she was just out of high school, that was the most humiliating.


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I would have responded a hell of a lot sooner than this, but its been an encredibly long day. Plus there are A LOT of people to respond to. And seeing how this has turned into a large topic of philosophy it will be lengthy, but a lot are quotes

"Well you say that your age is 23, if that is correct then why would you be talking to your parents about why you were at the doctors, after allwhat is in your medical file will be for you and any doctors that you see."

Yes, I am 23, that is correct. If I were any older, this wouldn’t have even been a post or a question of doctors. If I were any younger, and I know I am still pretty young, but even I would see doing this wouldn’t be the best time in a young person’s life. The reason why see it ok now is because of how my big relationship ended and why it ended for the better. I took a damn good LONG look at what I wanted with myself and diapers, and what would make me happy and found the current junture of where I am at [stands before the crowd] Getting back to the other part of your question, and I say again, they see all medical bills. Of the several times that I have gone in to see a doctor for whatever reason, even without me telling them I went to the doctor, they get the bill and like clockwork ask: “is everything ok?

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Unseendl, well said.

I think you plan is well thought out, and if its something you feel that strongly about doing then do it. Why should you have to live in the "what if..." question of life? Go for it, no regrets and if you find its not something you wanted down the road, you can deal with it then.

Sorry, I don't have any insight on the original question of what tests are involved, since I've never encountered or read about it.

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I was in a four bed unit,and thankfully when they were changing me they pulled the screens around me,but yes some just dont care that it is a human person that they are dealing with.

But i guess you will get that sort of person in every walk of life,they were very good at making sure that they cleaned me well,and that the diaper was on tight enough and that i never hd any leaks,i guess that is better than having to change a wet bed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The real question is: Why did I even read this post?

Ok, if you are serious, fake a urinary retention problem and go to a clinic or ER for a emergency cath. If that doesn't change for mind about "tests" then go ahead and have all the fun in the world. First, I don't think it is cool to do a bunch of tests just because you are on someone else's insurance. No wonder I have to pay so damn much for healthcare. But really, what is the point? If you are lying to the doctors about your condition, why not just lie to your parents and say you've been to the doctors? Just google urology and you'll soon discover all the tests and I'm sure you can create all the stories you need.

You know, it isn't cool or fun have to sit/lay in that reclined table with my feet in sturups with my knees drawn up nearly to my chest, to have my private parts exposed for everyone to see, and there will be doctors, nurses, interns, etc about. Then there is the nice feeling of the cath being inserted in your penis up to your bladder. Then they have to get it into the bladder which doesn't feel very pleasent. Once the bladder is drained, you get to have this tube stuck in your wang for a day for so. Also not fun. And when they remove it, it ain't no party. For hours or days, it also hurts to urinate. Oh, and don't forget how emabarrased it is when they remove the cath and you are leaking with no control and without knowing at all. Oh, and if you think getting a cath is fun, wait until you do your "tests" and they have FILL your badder and you get to pee while on a table getting scanned.

I'm cranky and irritable today. For days I've been feeling like I really, really need to pee, but it isn't real. I'm peeing and leaking all the time. But the feeling just won't go away.

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