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A Bad Day For America

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I reality, Canada has a shortage of doctors. Family doctors are awarded by a lottery scheme. Come on Canadians. Say it isn't so!

I still have some money in my MSA. I have to use it or loose it before years end. Yesterday my wife called the dentest for an appointment. My appointment is for today. Try that in the UK or Canada. Non emergency dental care is less than 24 hours.

Again you have received mis-inofrmation.

Every province runs it's own health care system however all provinces coordinate some of their services. I know in my province you are placed on a waiting list and when a new doctor is available they go to the waiting list. It's not a random lottery. However if you need care you don't need a family doctor every city has walk-in clinics. After all most family doctors need an appointment, so if your care is more immediate or you don't have a famlily GP then drop by a walk-in clinic.

Again, it really is a pretty good system.

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I reality, Canada has a shortage of doctors. Family doctors are awarded by a lottery scheme. Come on Canadians. Say it isn't so!

Family Doctors are not assigned by lottery, what nonsense, must be watching some Republican ads. Now that is fantasy. We do need more family doctors. That doesn't mean that people are going without here. They still have access to care and they get it.

I still have some money in my MSA. I have to use it or loose it before years end. Yesterday my wife called the dentest for an appointment. My appointment is for today. Try that in the UK or Canada. Non emergency dental care is less than 24 hours.

Oddly enough, I decided to see a dentist last week as I am going to visit folks out west in 3 weeks and thought a brighter smile was in order. I called on Tuesday afternoon and was in Thursday. I could have had Wednesday but chose Thursday because of my schedule. I would say that is a draw dude!

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Yea Redneck, I don't know who is giving you this information but it is way off base. I live in a small town in Northern BC and we have 3 doctors here. Our population is about 2000 people at the moment so that is a good ratio. Lottery system?? Don't know who told you that but again its way off base.

Dental is easy too. We have 2 dentists here and I can usually get a same day appointment for non emergency work. Fillings, cleanings, you name it.

Now we all know that no system is perfect but I also know that if I get sick I won't need to declare bankruptcy in order to fund my healthcare.

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Most people that don't live in the USA truly don't get it.

As Repaid said it's not wanting a seriously broken system that will be run by a government that fails at every business they try to run, including war. Most people that I know, including myself, don't want to be paying for healthcare for people that are known leaches.

I think everybody that is actually working to try to survive should be allowed to get healthcare that they can afford and manage. I don't think those who just want to sit on their asses and leach off of my taxes deserve that as a right. If they want to contribute to society they are more than welcome to take part in the benefits.

As far as the "Get with the rest of the modern world" crap, what country do you think is responsible for most of the modern inventions that we enjoy everyday? Those rebellious Americans. They are responsible for bringing things like the telephone, car, internet, airplanes, etc. That happened because Americans thought outside of the box, and were able to pursue goals that other countries would not allow to happen.

And BTW, all of the socialism talk isn't going to fix a broken government. You can heal a wound by throwing salt on it!

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As far as the "Get with the rest of the modern world" crap, what country do you think is responsible for most of the modern inventions that we enjoy everyday? Those rebellious Americans. They are responsible for bringing things like the telephone, car, internet, airplanes, etc. That happened because Americans thought outside of the box, and were able to pursue goals that other countries would not allow to happen.

And BTW, all of the socialism talk isn't going to fix a broken government. You can heal a wound by throwing salt on it!

That happenned because americans went to China & looked for some elite students and returned with them. It still is a mystery how the Americans could make it to the moon by so much intelligence. Oh wait, it was the knowledge of Wernher v. Braun and Albert Einstein, two truly true Americans.

Damn, I am cynical when I can't sleep.

I hope you know too that v. Braun was deported to the US of A and not went on his own will.

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To add to my previous post... Claiming America as the soul inventor of everything is stupid ignorant and ignores the fine achievements of many great men.

telephone: The first practical phone that was patented was by Alexander Graham Bell. From Scotland (the scots have some great inventors/inventions like John Logie Baird)

car: The inventor of the car is generally seen as Carl Benz, a German engineer. Henry ford just found a way to make cars cheaply.

internet: Depends on what you mean, if you mean literally a large inter network spanning the globe then the early American military and university links are the first true large scale networks. If you're talking about the Web as we know it, then that's mainly down to people work at CERN in Switzerland most famous being Tim Berners-Lee who basically came up with the HTTP protocol used for delivering web pages from servers to clients.

You American's have lost your way, you don't think out side the box any more, you think anything outside the box is wrong! The rest of the world realizes you aren't as great as we thought you were, whilst most patriots still think America is the greatest country ever. (It's obviously Japan, they know how to have a good time!)

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You American's have lost your way, you don't think out side the box any more, you think anything outside the box is wrong! The rest of the world realizes you aren't as great as we thought you were, whilst most patriots still think America is the greatest country ever.


Picature related!

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The United States Government is poised to take over the US healthcare system.

The US House of Representatives just passed a really bad healthcare bill. This bill fails to cover everyone. I thought the idea was that everyone would be insured

The cost of this reform is trillions of dollars. The cost will be born by small and large business. Businesses are the only ones that can afford to pay insurance premiums. It's too expensive for individuals. I couldn't afford my premiums if they weren't paid for by my employer.

Upon enactment, everyone would be forced to purchase health insurance. If you fail to purchase health insurance, you could go to prison. I can't see that ever happening.

In the future, it will be illegal to purchase private health insurance. Good. Have you seen what a private insurance policy costs? Have you seen the gross profits private insurance companies generate? Have you seen what the CEOs of those companies earn?

There are provisions in the bill to ration healthcare. No, just eliminate unnecessary or duplicate tests and/or treatments. By now, the medical field should know what they are doing instead of experimenting.

There is a provision that makes it illegal to limit attorney fees in malpractice litigation. Your point is??? Lawyers are already grossly overpaid (and vastly hated, too, by the way). Why would you be opposed to controlling lawyers' salaries? I'll never know the feeling of driving a Mercedes or a BMW, so why should they?

Bend over America. The government is going to stick a pool que up your ass sideways! Will they bill that as a colonoscopy or an enema?

I will agree that the government's approach to health care and insurance is wrong. First, the government needs to gain control over the COST of medical care and prescriptions. Once the cost of care comes down, then they can lower the cost of insurance premiums. Remember--part of your insurance premiums go for paying for medical care and pharmaceuticals.

Also, the big issue is controlling prescription costs. Even with my co-pays, my medicine budget is stretched. Have you ever seen the charts of what it actually costs to manufacture some of the medicines we take? Pennies a pill!

Pharmaceutical manufacturers should not be allowed to advertise their products since you can't get them unless you see a doctor first and the doctor writes a prescription. Advertising eats up an enormous amount of money, and we end up paying for it.

Then limit what insurance pays for: EXAMPLE--if you pickle your liver by drinking alcohol, NO COVERAGE. If you rot your lungs by smoking, NO COVERAGE. No coverage for "boob jobs" unless it is reconstructive surgery following breast cancer. No coverage for fertility treatments; having children is NOT a necessity. No coverage for erectile dysfunction. Too bad if you can't pop a hard-on; it isn't a life-threatening matter.

Once we get costs under control, then buying insurance will be much easier and affordable.

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I just like prodding bee's nests :P

Don't apologize. You are entitled to your opinion.

How many Americans know what this is from?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Now it would seem that our current government has grown to the point that it is beginning to step beyond those bounds that we set forth all those years ago. It is starting to push it's self further into our lives, and over step it's power to the point that it is unreasonable. But I think we all forget who gives them their power.

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I stand by my post. Obamacare is bad news!

I have private insurance. I have grandkids on Medicaid. I'll take my private insurance over Medicaid any day.

The object of Obama care is not to provide healthcare. Obama could care less about your health. This is all about control. The more that citizens have to depend on government, the greater grip the government has on your personal life. This is about the Communist Democrats maintaining power and control.

I want the government to leave me alone. I don't want the government telling me when I can see a doctor. I don't want the goddamn emviro fascist telling me how much energy I can use while they fly around in private jets. Our asshole Prezbo leaves a bigger carbon footprint with Air Force One pandering to the olympics than I leave in a lifetime.

Our piece of shit president wins the Nobel Prize for bashing the country I love.

I wish Obama would take his sorry Marxist/Communist ass back to Kenya where he was born!

The United States Government is poised to take over the US healthcare system.

The US House of Representatives just passed a really bad healthcare bill. This bill fails to cover everyone. I thought the idea was that everyone would be insured

The cost of this reform is trillions of dollars. The cost will be born by small and large business. Businesses are the only ones that can afford to pay insurance premiums. It's too expensive for individuals. I couldn't afford my premiums if they weren't paid for by my employer.

Upon enactment, everyone would be forced to purchase health insurance. If you fail to purchase health insurance, you could go to prison. I can't see that ever happening.

In the future, it will be illegal to purchase private health insurance. Good. Have you seen what a private insurance policy costs? Have you seen the gross profits private insurance companies generate? Have you seen what the CEOs of those companies earn?

There are provisions in the bill to ration healthcare. No, just eliminate unnecessary or duplicate tests and/or treatments. By now, the medical field should know what they are doing instead of experimenting.

There is a provision that makes it illegal to limit attorney fees in malpractice litigation. Your point is??? Lawyers are already grossly overpaid (and vastly hated, too, by the way). Why would you be opposed to controlling lawyers' salaries? I'll never know the feeling of driving a Mercedes or a BMW, so why should they?

Bend over America. The government is going to stick a pool que up your ass sideways! Will they bill that as a colonoscopy or an enema?

I will agree that the government's approach to health care and insurance is wrong. First, the government needs to gain control over the COST of medical care and prescriptions. Once the cost of care comes down, then they can lower the cost of insurance premiums. Remember--part of your insurance premiums go for paying for medical care and pharmaceuticals.

Also, the big issue is controlling prescription costs. Even with my co-pays, my medicine budget is stretched. Have you ever seen the charts of what it actually costs to manufacture some of the medicines we take? Pennies a pill!

Pharmaceutical manufacturers should not be allowed to advertise their products since you can't get them unless you see a doctor first and the doctor writes a prescription. Advertising eats up an enormous amount of money, and we end up paying for it.

Then limit what insurance pays for: EXAMPLE--if you pickle your liver by drinking alcohol, NO COVERAGE. If you rot your lungs by smoking, NO COVERAGE. No coverage for "boob jobs" unless it is reconstructive surgery following breast cancer. No coverage for fertility treatments; having children is NOT a necessity. No coverage for erectile dysfunction. Too bad if you can't pop a hard-on; it isn't a life-threatening matter.

Once we get costs under control, then buying insurance will be much easier and affordable.

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I stand by my post. Obamacare is bad news!

The object of Obama care is not to provide healthcare. Obama could care less about your health. This is all about control. The more that citizens have to depend on government, the greater grip the government has on your personal life. This is about the Communist Democrats maintaining power and control.

Now that's just silly. Anyone who believes that Obama doesn't care about the health of Americans is spreading an untruth. I mean many people disliked Bush, but as one of those people, I had no doubt of his loyalty to America, as I have no doubt of Obama's loyalty. You discredit your argument when you say things like this...

I want the government to leave me alone. I don't want the government telling me when I can see a doctor. I don't want the goddamn emviro fascist telling me how much energy I can use while they fly around in private jets. Our asshole Prezbo leaves a bigger carbon footprint with Air Force One pandering to the olympics than I leave in a lifetime.

No one tells me when I can see my doctor. No government involvement. You persist with this accusation that the government would do this. It's wrong and I know that you know it.

Our piece of shit president wins the Nobel Prize for bashing the country I love.
Whoops, American Presidents always get into trouble with the right wing when someone outside their country likes or praises the President. Guess what. Canadians would have voted 70% for Obama. I guess that makes him a commie in your books.

I wish Obama would take his sorry Marxist/Communist ass back to Kenya where he was born!

Now you don't believe that BS. Lou Dobbs is gone from CNN tonight. I guess that leaves you with FuaxNews Network
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I think everybody that is actually working to try to survive should be allowed to get healthcare that they can afford and manage. I don't think those who just want to sit on their asses and leach off of my taxes deserve that as a right.

The key word in that sentence is 'right'. Healthcare is not a right. Period.

I shouldn't be forced to pay for scumbags that sit on their asses all day and leech off of my hard earned money.


Picature related!

I find that to be very offensive.

I sure as hell don't think like that and I know quite a few people that don't as well.

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Like the bracelet said, WWJD? I don't think Jesus would be on the side of the insurance companies. I don't remember Jesus refusing to heal someone because of pre-existing conditions. I don't think it is a stretch that Jesus would most likely be for universal health care.

Seems like a lot of the GOPers love America, but hate most Americans.

I think a healthier nation would prosper. I figure I would likely get sick less often. If a produce worker at my local grocery comes to work sick because he couldn't afford seeing a doctor, and sneezes on my veggies, I'd be more likely to get sick. If people could get healthcare when they needed it, collectively I think people would be a lot healthier. If people are healthier, they are less likely to get me sick.

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Like the bracelet said, WWJD? I don't think Jesus would be on the side of the insurance companies. I don't remember Jesus refusing to heal someone because of pre-existing conditions. I don't think it is a stretch that Jesus would most likely be for universal health care.

Seems like a lot of the GOPers love America, but hate most Americans.

I think a healthier nation would prosper. I figure I would likely get sick less often. If a produce worker at my local grocery comes to work sick because he couldn't afford seeing a doctor, and sneezes on my veggies, I'd be more likely to get sick. If people could get healthcare when they needed it, collectively I think people would be a lot healthier. If people are healthier, they are less likely to get me sick.

You hit the nail square on the head. If you can afford to take a couple days off work when you are very sick you go to work. If you can't get help to prevent and or cure an illness, you live with it. In the end it costs us as community more.

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Picature related!

LMAO!!!! I guess I'm sooooo unAmerican it isn't funny. That picture is hilarious and EVERY single opinion posed by our foreign neighbors is awesome. I LOVE seeing how other countries view us. Now mind you I don't fall into these political arguments and I truly think other countries have some better systems than ours. I would take Canada's healthcare system in a minute over mine. I have nothing cool to add to this thread....lol. But I enjoy reading all this. I am still for Obama and am still for a public option on healthcare. But continue the argument...lol.

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I don't really have much to say about this, most of it's been said and some people aren't going to change their minds no matter how logical your argument is.

If anything I would just like to say that even if i'm not American, my American friends are all very desperate for a system similar to the one in Britain. It's not perfect, but really nothing is.

I was born in Scotland, and I took the health system for granted, I went and seen a doctor (Either same day appointment or day later), I got my free check up them went to the chemist and got my free pills. Then I go back to school, learn and then become a productive member of society again. Now that I live in Ireland I no longer take it for granted. Now I pay 50 euro to see a doctor, and another 40 for my pills.

I have chronic ear problems and it's hard getting that sort of money every month. I can only imagine what it would be like to live in America with more serious problems. It makes me sad :(

Back home people don't even think like that, they don't think "I don't believe i'm paying for other peoples medicine". It's just part of the taxes, the same taxes that pays for the roads you pay for everyone to use and the schools other peoples children go to and the firemen and policemen who service your community.

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I have to disagree with you on insurance companies funding the revolt. I spent $2000.00 of my own money to go to Washington to protest this. The police estimate that there were 1.6 million people involved in the protest. These people came on their own. Some flew in. Some drove in. Washington was overflowing and the public transportation system was shut down. I was in the middle of Pennsylvania Ave and saw nothing but protestors from end to end.

This looks like talking points straight out of the teabaggers list of bully techniques. If you can't win on the facts, try to scare the daylights out of everyone or shout them down.

A recent poll in Canada found 90% of Canadians were happy with their healthcare and hey, 70% of us think Obama is on the right track.

Some things teabaggers won't share with you,

Almost all of the money being used to fight health care reform is coming from insurance and health companies.

Why would they spend so much? Does anyone believe these Health Insurance companies have the best wishes of Americans in mind when they millions of dollars on lobbyists and fund "grassroots" orgs?

Many health insurance companies make decisions on what your care will be or if you need it, many even decide who the doctor will be and who the specialists will be.

Health Insurance companies play god everyday. Everyday they deny medical care to people. They are in business to make money, not to pay it out if they can avoid doing so.

Our healthcare plan in Canada is as good as that in the USA. I pick my Doctor, she and I decide what care I need and my insurance pays for it. My insurance is government run. They never contact my doctor to say your treatment plan is not approved. In fact my treatment plan is never sent to the government for approval.



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Guest NaughtyAshes

I have to disagree with you on insurance companies funding the revolt. I spent $2000.00 of my own money to go to Washington to protest this. The police estimate that there were 1.6 million people involved in the protest. These people came on their own. Some flew in. Some drove in. Washington was overflowing and the public transportation system was shut down. I was in the middle of Pennsylvania Ave and saw nothing but protestors from end to end.

Isn't it funny that everyone in that photo is white? Makes you think. Makes you think.

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