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Christianity And Diapers, Do You Ever Feel This Way

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Ok recently ive been becoming a christian in my heart. Ive always beleived in god, but now i feel like ive grown in faith. My problem comes when the bible talks about lust. (In my case its over an object, diapers).I get really disapointed in myself every time i gain interest in diapers and stuff. For me its kind of like im putting god second in my life for that hour or so.I know were all sinners, but i get so disapointed in myself after i go through my phase of diapers.For me its only a couple of times a day.I know diapers are just part of clothing, but my concern is when i get like a hormone rush, i start watching videos and you could say pleasure myself(were all adults or babies.) Im one of those where i love diapers but i really wish i could just change and have a regular relationship with a girl. What are your opinions. I could use some advise. For me its the same sin over and over. Telling myself im going to stop when i know i wouldnt be able to stop. For chirstians its kind of hard to deal with this issue.

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well, im not religious so it is up to you to read this.

since you believe in god, he made you the way you are. what you are concerned with is harmeless to others and yourself so it is ok to indulge. he made it so you could do so so in a way, to not do it could be interpreted as defying his will as well.

besides, if i understand this correctly, as long as you confess, you will always be forgiven.

it is ok to put yourself in the service of god, but don't forget to be in service of yourself as well. don't give up your individuality.

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Don't let it worry you. By the time you've managed to love your neighbour and turn the other cheek and all the laudable things Jesus told you to do, you'll be a better Christian than most. I don't recall Jesus said much about sex; most of that is in the Old Testament, or stems from the teachings of St Paul and others like him. Don't be led astray by that stuff - those people were sometimes a little odd themselves.

Relax, learn to love yourself, and then try practising a little love-thy-neighbour. Start with that pretty girl over there. She's probably quite keen to meet you, too.

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This is a question that I've had to deal with, especially because I accepted Christ at the same time that I came to grips with this desire/fetish.

I don't think there is a simple answer, because I believe you have to come to you own answer through prayer, fellowship, and reading the bible. At some point you may understand your desire and how it affects your relationship with GOD, and will make the proper decision with your life.

For me, I don't believe that I'm sinning when I put a diaper on, nor do I believe that I'm sinning when I masturbate. In fact, I think because just using a diaper is a relaxing experience, I think I become more spiritual and thus more understanding of my purpose in life. Some might say that masturbation is in itself a sin, but I don't believe that is necessarily the case. Obviously, if I'm looking at porn while wearing a diaper, it would be a sin (and I do occassionally do that).

If the desire becomes a major focus in your life, then it will also interfere with your relationship with Christ. If that is the case, then you will need to reevaluate your desire for diapers and put it in its proper place.

Also remember you are loved by GOD, no matter what happens. There is always a place for you at GOD's table. We are all unworthy of GOD's love, but through Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and made worthy of GOD's love.

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Speaking as a Catholic, I know what the Church teaches and what my heart says--both of which inform my faith. I don't see wearing diapers or experiencing that kind of pleasure as sinful. Now, if I were to impose my desire onto someone else, or if I took the energy of my sexuality in a direction that demeaned or harmed someone, then I would be committing a sin. Thinking or fantasizing about something will not corrupt you, but acting on them to the detriment of others, without any regret or concern for them, will.

I was actually thinking about something like this earlier. Made me wonder about the connection for ABs and this line from the Gospel: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3).

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I myself, don't believe in any religion out there, as they all collect money, and seek to gain more power. If you believe in Christ (I don't) then you will see that he was someone who shunned earthly gains of money and power. (he did say that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to gsin entrance to heaven).

I see religion as man made, and anything man made is corrupt. I believe in God, I believe he is a part of everything, and that we are all a part of God. What use does God have for money and power? Exactly! Nothing whatsoever!

More wars and conflicts have been fought in the name of religion than any other cause, why would God, or Christ have us fight wars over a belief in them? It stands to reason that religion is like politics, all about the money and power, and nothing to do with God.

If you live your life in the best way you know how, and treat others with respect, and don't push your diaper desires on others, then you're okay. You will make it to heaven. Where in the bible (another man made thing which I don't believe in) does it say NOT to wear diapers?

Give yourself a break and don't come down on yourself over something as trivial as this. If you live as a good person, you will be rewarded. Beating yourself up over this, or NOT loving yourself because of it would be the sin. So relax and enjoy your life.



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This is something that any diaper-wearing Christian is going to face at some point. (And by the way, I think this was a good place to ask your question.) I still struggle a lot with my own faith and believe me, the diapers haunted me for a while when I looked at them from a religious stand point. Whether or not diapers are right or wrong by biblical standards depends a lot on why you wear them. Biblically speaking, masturbation would be wrong... so to wear diapers to do that would also be wrong. It doesn't however, mean that people don't do it anyways.. everyone makes mistakes.

The way I personally look at it, is this: Diapers are an article of clothing. I like wearing them. I feel good when I wear them. It would be no different than wearing a raggedy old pair of jeans simply because they're broke in and feel good. The intention behind the diapers make all the difference. And like it was already stated, when they start to take precendent in your life above all else, you could have a problem on your hands even despite the intention behind wearing.

I hope my own views will help you in your spiritual quest.

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Don't worry so much about it. Remember that God is in control of your life; not you! If you try to make heads or tails out of the whole situation, then you're not focused on living the life that God wants you to. Relax and enjoy your diapers while you serve the Lord.

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One thing to remember: All the various splinters of Christianity have different views on the same issues and somewhat different interpretations. The church I belong to basically says that as long as you honestly regret committing the sin and ask for forgiveness, you will be forgiven. However, we also don't qualify things that could be counted as sex without another being as sex, and thus don't really see them as sinful until they get into the obsession stage, where the act basically becomes an idol. And, as has been stated before, God gives us things like coping mechanisms and directs certain aspects of our lives. It's more likely than not that God gave us our attraction to diapers. So long as it's not actually interfering with your life, personal life, or religious life, then you shouldn't worry about it. If it is, then you should probly seek professional help to help regain your self control.

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Ok recently ive been becoming a christian in my heart. Ive always beleived in god, but now i feel like ive grown in faith. My problem comes when the bible talks about lust. (In my case its over an object, diapers).I get really disapointed in myself every time i gain interest in diapers and stuff. For me its kind of like im putting god second in my life for that hour or so.I know were all sinners, but i get so disapointed in myself after i go through my phase of diapers.For me its only a couple of times a day.I know diapers are just part of clothing, but my concern is when i get like a hormone rush, i start watching videos and you could say pleasure myself(were all adults or babies.) Im one of those where i love diapers but i really wish i could just change and have a regular relationship with a girl. What are your opinions. I could use some advise. For me its the same sin over and over. Telling myself im going to stop when i know i wouldnt be able to stop. For chirstians its kind of hard to deal with this issue.


I remind you of Exodus 20:2

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Being in the same boat as you I understand how you feel. Fetishism at it's core is not dealt with in the bible, however a blanket of "sexual imorality" along with a few specifics are. For arguments sake I'm not going down that road as I am the judge of no man. or you my borther in the faith if your diapers interfere with your walk or ability to walk with God then you need to stop, however they really shouldn't be an issue. Remember that yes lust is wrong however to be married and partaking of this with soemone else who shares the fetish is not wrong. It's taboo, however that doesn't mean it's wrong. Use wisdom in your walk and let the holy Spirit work in you with this fetish. If it is a hinderance God will reveal that to you.

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Hey the Apostle Paul had his own "thorn in the flesh". He never told us what it was. We can only speculate.

If you feel guilty about sexual stuff, get married to a partner who is in to the same thing. There is someone in this world for everyone. Once you get married the Bible tells us to get it on! Be fruitful and multiply. Check ou the Songs of Solomon! You can have a normal relationship.

One bad thing about the diapers. I went through a nasty divorce and it came up in court. whatever you do, convey your feelings to your partner before you get married. If she loves you, the diapers won't matter.

Ok recently ive been becoming a christian in my heart. Ive always beleived in god, but now i feel like ive grown in faith. My problem comes when the bible talks about lust. (In my case its over an object, diapers).I get really disapointed in myself every time i gain interest in diapers and stuff. For me its kind of like im putting god second in my life for that hour or so.I know were all sinners, but i get so disapointed in myself after i go through my phase of diapers.For me its only a couple of times a day.I know diapers are just part of clothing, but my concern is when i get like a hormone rush, i start watching videos and you could say pleasure myself(were all adults or babies.) Im one of those where i love diapers but i really wish i could just change and have a regular relationship with a girl. What are your opinions. I could use some advise. For me its the same sin over and over. Telling myself im going to stop when i know i wouldnt be able to stop. For chirstians its kind of hard to deal with this issue.

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I am a Christian as well - although many who claim that name have a special and exclusive concept of it, while my concept is special but inclusive. The views expressed here are so obviously different. One person wrote that they don't like religions because the collect money and try to gain more power; their belief and point of view. So does all government and without government there would be anarchy (I won't argue if that would be better or worse. I don't think so, but some here would say better.)

Personally, I think one of the worst (and best) things that religions do is to try to define God for people. Each major religion is based on a book of faith containing information about God (the divine) and human relationship with God. Each of these documents was written by human hand. The Christian Bible began as oral tradition and then written in various languages. It was then translated, retranslated, edited, revised, etc. We know that when the canon was established, some manuscripts were deemed heretical, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate for inclusion and so a group of humans decided what would be the basis for our Christian faith. The 'Church' then began explanation to the average person what the Bible said, since the average person had no books and had no ability to read for him/herself. Many religious denominations have continued the tradition that the average person must have a mediator between the individual and God. Most denominations have developed a core of beliefs they feel are fundamental to faith.

For some people, this may be a good thing. Some people come to faith (and specifically to Christianity) out of a chaotic, and destructive life (inflicted by self or others). For those people, a clear set of 'rules' may be helpful. In this way, the rigid dogma of many denominations can be appropriate.

By the same token, as a Christian, my belief in God leads me to the idea that I don't want other humans telling me what my relationship with God must be. As an ordained pastor, I tell those who come to my services that they ought to read, study and interpret on their own - and with others. I tell them that what I say is my interpretation of what the Bible says and they need to study, think, reflect, pray on what I say and either accept it, modify it or reject it.

What are some of the important 'rules' of Christianity? Well, obviously there are the Big Ten. Of these, Jesus said the most important are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself (which to me reverses as well to say love yourself as you love your neighbor; it is a balance). I also like what it says in Micah 6:8, "what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" I think Jesus' life and teaching was based in an inclusive model of a special kind of love with a lot fewer rules than we find in many of our established churches. Again, don't get me wrong - I believe churches can be good; as good as the people who are in charge of them. And don't slam them for that. Name an institution that isn't run by humans. The catch is to believe - not in the church, but in God. Develop a relationship with a church to practice your faith - not necessarily as you hear the church tell you, but as you hear God telling you. Use the church as a vehicle for your faith - not as an end to faith (rather, a beginning).

I believe the Bible is an incredibly important document full of stories and statements which must be put into context with all the other stories and statements in it. There are lots of contradictions, a lot of allegory, metaphor, symbolism of one sort or another. I think it is so rich and so important that we cannot afford to let other people dictate to us what it means. Rather, it is a vehicle for us to understand God. It is a story of the good, bad and ugly (at times very ugly) relationship of humans to God. We can learn much but we can also twist, misinterpret and get much just flat wrong. That makes it difficult. The easy way out is to listen to some other human and just blindly accept what they tell you about God and what your relationship ought to be.

Now if you've sifted through all of this, you've got to realize that yes, I do have a view of God in my heart and mind. Its a very liberal view. I think I'm right or I'd change my views. I'm perfectly willing to tell you my views, but I will NOT insist they are right for you. I've expressed them (and do so in my worship services) for your consideration and prayer.

As to the OP, all of this is intended to say to him - and all of you - that it is my believe that you can believe whatever you feel you should. This is a good place for us to post our points of view. My view of sin is something that damages or destroys your relationship with God and with other humans. To me, masturbation doesn't fit in, even though it is seemingly condemned in certain stories in the Bible. Wearing diapers isn't mentioned in any version of the Bible I own or have ever read. By the same token when some practice, life-style choice, fetish, or other behavior hurts a relationship you have with others that is a concern. It can be damaging because you may diminish love and respect of yourself or you may diminish your love and respect of the other. So then, in my mind it isn't wearing diapers - but how you wear them and how you relate to others, that is potentially a sin.

Whew! Sorry for the feature length sermon. Congratulations for your endurance if you bothered to read all the way through! I hope that any bit you did read caused you at the least to reflect on your own views of God, church, religion and faith - even if you dismiss all my points, perhaps you've gained in your own relationship with God. That would be a good thing in my mind.


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Well said.

Matthew 22:37-40 (New International Version)

37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[a]38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[b]40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Pretty self explanatory, love one another. There is a lot here I don't understand or approve of however I respect the rights of those people to make their decisions. Keep God as the focal point in your life as a believer and remember to love your neighbor as yourself and the rest will fall into place. My stomach turns on itself whever i see the "God hates" protesters on tv.(horrible misrepresentation of chirstians, but hey it's a biased media). I want to crash one of their "parties" with a "God hates chesse doodles" sign. It just seems so rediculous to me that anyone is going to turn from sin because of that. Okay enough ranting on my end, the toher extreme of no standards is just stupid to me as well, however i digress.

Good night eveyrone

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Don't worry so much about it. Remember that God is in control of your life; not you! If you try to make heads or tails out of the whole situation, then you're not focused on living the life that God wants you to. Relax and enjoy your diapers while you serve the Lord.

YOU are GOD. You are not a puppet. To think that something or someone has control over your life is the most limiting and dangerous thought process a human can posses; to believe that you are the puppet in some kind of `grand scheme`. Basically the belief is that we are just hear until the apocalypse.

The bible is a metaphorical; translated numerous times into one big book of awesome poetry. And we interpret it by connecting it to our experiences in life and in obeying the authority figures to `believe or else`. And its very obvious when you learn to understand government, psychology, sociology, anthropology, hypnosis, marketing, HISTORY, science, and the hypocrisies of every Christian and non-christian alike.

I am a former Christian, grew up in a Christian family, but school taught me to think in ways that would have me regularly question religion. Before that though, was my guilt of diapers. Me vs. God. I felt terrible. The most remarkable thing was how I knew of all the bullshit in religion, but I refused to let go of it. For years. But then I learned through George Orwell`s books, looking into other religions, and understanding how Religion is the main reason for war, death, and famine in the world.

Welcome to a GLOBALIST WORLD. We all have our religions. Look at them all. There must be one true religion... but there isn`t!!! LANGUAGE LIMITS OUR UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH Most people hear treat the fetish similar to a religion, and similar to a drug as well.

Put a diaper on, stick a pacifier in your mouth and look in the mirror. It is only there where you will see God.

I hope I don`t get banned. If you are a Christian, you are a fucking sinner for wearing a diaper. But, if you think that God will forgive you, I challenge you to live your own life. Cause if there is a God, he`ll forgive for that too.

Oh, and Hell is the world we live in. A confined planet full of a bunch of fuckheads who are destroying the planet. The Sun is god. The Earth is God. And we are the DEVIL. The CANCER of the globe. There is no salvation. Embrace the Apocalypse brought on by the true ANTICHRIST: Humanity.

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well, i think god intends for us to be happy, and as long as our behavior doesnt hurt someone else (or ourselves) i think its just about being YOU. I am AB/DL and have been for YEARS. i am comfortable with it. i think ill have much bigger things to answer god for than wearing and using diapers.

and to the above poster, i feel sorry for you. belief in a higher power gets me through many days. i dont have to (nor do i) subscribe to any one particular religion, just a belief in a higher power. And i strenuously disagree that wearing diapers is a sin.

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I was once caught fornicating on church grounds and got called a heretic by the priest does that count? The bible is a book written by man not by god thus it is open to loose interpretation. To answer the question no I have never felt that way even when I did have faith in a god when I was younger. Now I do not simply care enough if a god exists or doesn't. If he does I doubt he cares if you crap your pants for your jollies.

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I was once caught fornicating on church grounds and got called a heretic by the priest does that count? The bible is a book written by man not by god thus it is open to loose interpretation. To answer the question no I have never felt that way even when I did have faith in a god when I was younger. Now I do not simply care enough if a god exists or doesn't. If he does I doubt he cares if you crap your pants for your jollies.

I'm sorry that you were abused and debased by that priest. Now, I'm not going to say that 'fornicating on church grounds' was a classy act, but tasteless and heretic are two different things. Keep in mind, it wasn't God who did that to you, but a human. If a shark bites you, do you stop believing in bears? Unfortunately because of the Roman Catholic belief system, the priest is thought of as a direct link to God. The reality is that priests, ministers, rabbis, etc - we're all just the same messed up humans that everyone else is. You are where you are - I'm not going to try to change you. I can only be sad that you experienced what you did.

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"YOU are GOD. You are not a puppet. To think that something or someone has control over your life is the most limiting and dangerous thought process a human can posses; to believe that you are the puppet in some kind of `grand scheme`. Basically the belief is that we are just hear until the apocalypse."

You are not a puppet...and God is within you. The idea that God controls you is an old one and I don't believe that at all. Yes, please use your brain and your intelligence - don't just accept the dogma of stale faith, but that doesn't necessitate you to deny God - deny a form of religion but continue to seek truth.

"Welcome to a GLOBALIST WORLD. We all have our religions. Look at them all. There must be one true religion... but there isn`t!!! LANGUAGE LIMITS OUR UNDERSTANDING OF TRUTH Most people hear treat the fetish similar to a religion, and similar to a drug as well."

Its my belief that the variety of religions and denominations exist to allow for human differences - there is some truth in each major religion. If you look at major religions, they all stress some of the same basics. Keep in mind that religions developed through humanity. Different people living in different times, in different areas of the world, in different cultures with different experiences and yet there are common threads through them all. Love of God, love of self, love of those around you are common threads. I find that the variety of religions is a blessing rather than some form of evidence that there is no God. Language doesn't limit our understanding as much as our bad experiences twist our interpretation of things. Its a human problem.

"Religion is the main reason for war, death, and famine in the world."

Oh, plenty of people say this and it is true that people have used the name of religion and the name of God to perpetrate war, death, famine and all kinds of other things. But do you really believe that without religion there would be no war, death or famine? Really, now. GREED, selfishness, arrogance, desire for power and control - things that it seems clear God has allowed within humanities freedom - those are the things that cause the problems. It isn't religion itself that is the problem, but those who USE the name of religion for their own purposes. Governments cause war, famine, terror...and yet a world with no government would be a difficult place.

"If you are a Christian, you are a fucking sinner for wearing a diaper. But, if you think that God will forgive you, I challenge you to live your own life. Cause if there is a God, he`ll forgive for that too."

No - I don't accept that wearing a diaper is a sin. I'm sorry that your experiences have been so negative. I think more that the people you've experienced in this negative way have sinned.

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From a Pastor-

"Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."

"God is a Jealous God"

"Your relationship with God is top priority"

"Have no other gods before Him"

Don't let diapers trump any of those statements. If they do, repent.

Let your heart always hunger and seek after God. When things get in the way, remedy the situation and continue on.

As for marriage -

The marriage bed is undefiled. Its wide open brother. But your partner has to concur, there in lies some difficulty.

Find a partner who will go the extra mile for you and love you no matter what. It's the easiest way. Read the boards man....

Good luck, PM me if you need a support buddy or wanna talk.

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