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  1. It’s really okay (The Dialogues #4) Becky had gone in search of a project, and he was somewhere in the house. Ben was thirty-six and had been married to an unkind woman his mother had finally pried him back from, and Becky was intent on helping him become happy again. Six months into their marriage, he mostly was, an active, talkative, kind man who liked YA fiction and playing in his wading pool in equal measures. He was wonderfully behaved, having needed just one correction since their wedding when Becky found him getting things out from under the sink, which turned out to be a misunderstanding. Still, he remembered his first wife, and when he was afraid he was in trouble the happy man disappeared and the frightened, cowed husband came back out. He would stopped playing, stopped talking, and go hide. By late morning, as Becky was wiping down the kitchen and getting ready to start on lunch, she realized it was too quiet. She went in search of Ben and found him in the corner of his bedroom, nose in the corner. “Ben, you okay, buddy,” she asked, wondering what the wounded man was afraid he’d done wrong now. He didn’t respond or turn around. She approached him and reached out to put her hand on his shoulder. He flinched and sniffled. She turned him around. “Why’ve you been crying, sweetie?” He didn’t answer. She didn’t expect him to, but she always asked anyway, her effort to help him know it was okay to tell her what he was feeling even when he was afraid. He was holding her hairbrush, a habit she surmised stemmed from being told to go and get it whenever he was in trouble with his first wife. She told him so many times she wasn’t ever going to spank him with the brush, but he would often go and get it anyway. She cursed the woman silently and took it from his hand, putting it in her pocket. She took him by the hand and led him toward his nightstand, where she always made sure was a box of tissues. She plucked one and wiped his tears away, bent her knees a little to look him in the eye, and said to him, “We’ve talked about this, remember? You’re not in trouble, sweetie. You don’t need to bring me the brush or put yourself in timeout. Remember?” He nodded slowly, but avoided looking her in the eye. She grimaced and reached for another tissue, holding it to his nose. “Blow for me,” she said in the nicest voice she had. He responded well to that tone most of the time. He blew his nose. “Can you tell me what happened?” He didn’t answer. She looked around the room. A broken toy, a small mess, a spilled cup - these were the sorts of things he was certain he would be in trouble for, and as much as she would tell him it wasn’t a big deal, that he wasn’t in trouble, and that he should go play while she fixed it or cleaned it up, he stand there silently. Only when whatever it was had been fixed and they’d had some cuddle time would he come back out and go back to being his happy, chatty self. She didn’t see any mess, so she took his hand again, and walked him to the bathroom. He liked to play with his boats in the tub. But there was no mess in there. She looked in the hamper, but there was no mess in there. He’d been playing upstairs since breakfast. “Benny, is there something you want to show me?” He didn’t answer. “Even if I double pinky promise again that you’re not in trouble?” She sighed and straightened up, giving him a kiss on his forehead and a hug. Maybe Beth, her wife, would be able to coax it out of him. She was coming home to have lunch with them and had an especially good rapport with him. Becky would sit with him on the couch until then, putting on a superhero movie and trying to interest him in it. She had an epiphany as she passed his room with him in tow and stopped, stepped around him, and pulled out the back of his diaper. “Nope,” she said, and felt around to his front. “Lets go change those wet pants.” Taking his hand again, she started toward his room. He didn’t pull away but he didn’t follow. “C’mon, silly. Don’t you want dry pants?” He started to silently weep again. She thought he was over his fear of using his diapers. His first wife had insisted on catheters and enemas and treated accidents harshly. Becky, Beth, and his mother had done so much work to get him over his fear of using his diapers. “Benny, honey, it’s okay. It’s okay. Let’s go get you into something dry.” He followed behind sheepishly. “Upsie Daisy,” she said and helped him onto his changing table. “Lie back.” He only cried harder. Becky looked around his bedroom for a binky, and not seeing one took his wrist and guided his thumb toward his mouth. She didn’t like thumb sucking, but was happy to let him if it would stop the tears and make him feel safe. “It’s okay, Benny, go ahead. It’s okay.” He accepted his thumb, and she went back to her task, getting out a wipe and a clean diaper. She dabbed at his tears again with the wipe, raising the pitch of her voice and and saying in the almost-melody that sent him to sleep each night, “There’s no need for those tears. You’re such a good boy. Such a good boy.” She untaped one side of the diaper, and he turned away, catching her by surprise. “Benny,” she said in the tone she reserved for her one-year-old niece, you silly man. You gotta hold still.” She reached for the other tape and he turned away. “Benny, why you being so silly? Huh? You gotta hold still for me. You gonna hold still and let me change your diapee?” He didn’t say anything but eased his hip back down, sucking hard on his thumb and looking away. “There we go. Dere we go! Hold still ...” She untaped and I opened the diaper. It wasn’t easy to see. If he hadn’t made a big deal out of it, she was sure she wouldn’t have noticed he’d cum in his diaper. She sighed. Different people had different opinions, but it never bothered her or Beth that men like Ben sometimes spontaneously ejaculated in their diapers. She was surprised Ben hadn’t yet; she assumed he had and she just hadn’t noticed, but seeing his reaction as she opened his diaper, his silent sobbing growing deeper, she realized this must’ve been the first time since their marriage and that his first wife had been one of those types. Becky and Beth had agreed when deciding to get him that baby talk would be kept to a minimum, reserved for scrapes knees, bedtime, and when he needed cheering up. They wanted to ween him off such babyish needs, but tears certainly fit within the exception, and Beth moved around to the side of the table so he could see her face smiling down at him. “Is dat all? Is that dat all you was afraid of?” She took his thumb away and gave him a kiss on his mouth, even parting her lips a little. “It’s okay,” she said, “it’s okay. That happens to men your age sometimes. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was just an accident, just like the other things you do in your pampers.” Like he had all the other times he thought he was in trouble, once she found what it was he’d done and told him it was okay and that he wasn’t in trouble, he tentatively smiled, as though until she discovered it, he wouldn’t believe her. “Aww. Dere’s a smile! Dere’s a smile! Ooo, such a good boy!” She looked down toward his feet. “I’m fact...” A devilish smile crossed her own face, and she reached for the rash cream under the table, applying it directly to his clitty. “Can you show Becky how you make a sticky cummy?” She wasn’t sure he actually knew how it happened and doubted he’d ever done it on purpose. She started to massage the head of his clitty between her thumb and forefinger, more than enough to manage his little stiffy. “Show Becky. Show Becky. Show me what a good boy you are ... What a cute clitty you have. Yes it is. Come on. Make a sticky cummy for Becky ... Come on ... Dere it is! Ooh, my! Yes, dere it is. Dat’s a good Benny. Such a good Benny.” His little load didn’t even shoot, just oozing out of his clitty and staying in the wet diaper open between his legs. She leaned down again and gave him another thorough kiss, not what she’d give Beth but appropriate for husband and wife. She smiled wide, beaming at him as she asked, “Do you believe me now? It’s okay for you to make cummies in your pampers. That’s what your adorable little clitty is for.” His smiled turned to confusion. “My what?” “Your clitty ... Your peepee ... Your peepee is also your clitty, honey.” She reached down and gave the soft thing between his legs a gently squeeze. “Same thing.” “Oh ... I’m really not in trouble?” “No, sweetie,” she chuckled, “you’re not in trouble. If you make cummies again, you don’t even have to tell us. Like we said, your pampers are our responsibility.” “Can ... can we do that again sometimes?” “Sometimes. I’ll even show you how to do it yourself, but you have to do it inside your pampers, okay?” “Okay.” She gave him another kiss, this time on his forehead, before wiping her hand and going about the diaper change. “You are such a sweet little guy ...Now,” she said as finished wiping him down, “let’s get your little clitty snug in some new pampers.” As she sealed the second tape, she heard the garage door. “Ooh, there’s Beth. She’s gonna be so happy to see you! ... All done!” She held out her hands and helped him sit up. “After lunch will you help me build a fort in the backyard,” she asked him. “Uhuh! Can I tell Beth about my clitty?” Becky laughed. “Tell her all about it!” She leaned forward and gave him a strong and meaningful hug. “She’ll be so proud of you, just like I’m so proud of you.” “Thank you, Becky. I love you.” “I love you, too, sweetie! Ah! There she is! Go tell her!” He hopped off the table and scurried out of the room faster than Becky could swat his little bottom. She chuckled as she cleaned up after the change. He was all man underneath his trauma, and she and Beth were so happy to help him come back out and see him find his happiness again.
  2. Closing the Deal (The Dialogues #2) Patty opened the door to let Zoe in, greeting her warmly with, “So nice to see you again.” “You as well! Thanks for letting me come over on such short notice.” “I could tell you were nervous over the phone. Please, come in. Mark is in the living room.” Zoe followed Patty into the living room, where Mark was playing on a blanket with larger-sized building blocks, a pacifier in his mouth and a diaper peeking out from below his tee shirt. “Mark, Zoe is here,” Patty said. He stood and bowed his head as he’d been taught to. It wasn’t so important to Patty, but she’d worked with Mark on remembering to be polite whenever a potential wife called on them. “Hello, Mark,” Zoe acknowledged him. Mark couldn’t remember if he was supposed to say hello back and didn’t raise his head. After a moment, Patty apologized for him. “It’s okay, Marky. You can go back to playing while we talk.” Turning to Zoe, Patty added, “Sorry. He’s very polite but gets flustered and forgets sometimes.” “That’s okay. I can tell he’s a sweetheart.” “Will you sit,” Patty asked, and the two of them sat down on the sofa and turned Mark’s cartoon off. If he minded, he didn’t say so and kept stacking and unstacking his blocks. “Thank you,” Zoe said again. “I know this is kind of unusual, me being here without my mother. I just ...” “Would you like to call her? You don’t have to do these negotiations alone.” This was the sixth conversation between them and the third time Zoe had seen Mark in person. Matriarchs were traditionally responsible for negotiating marriages, and though most families no longer held to the custom, particularly for a woman over twenty-five like Zoe, she came from a traditional family’s a traditional community. Patty didn’t want to take advantage of Zoe, but she hoped to at least end the visit with an agreement in principle. “No, that’s okay. I promised I wouldn’t sign anything. I just wanted to see him again.” “I like that about you,” Patty told her. “It shows you’re careful. Getting a husband is a major responsibility. My sister had one of her boys returned to her, and neither of us wants that.” Zoe chuckled. “Definitely not.” She paused awkwardly. “Can I play with him?” “Of course. He’s very good at sharing.” The two of them got on the floor at Mark’s level and helped him build with his blocks. Mark liked his suitor and did his best to show it by sliding her blocks for her to place. As the tower got higher, Patty called a time out because, “Someone needs his diaper changed.” “I’ll help,” Zoe volunteered. “I could use the practice.” Remembering she shouldn’t let on that she was leaning toward choosing Mark, she hastily added, “Whichever one I choose.” “You don’t have much practice,” Patty asked casually. Most women had experience at least babysitting at some point in their lives. That was the kind of detail she wouldn’t have gotten if Zoe’s mother, much more experienced in marriage negotiations, were there. “We don’t have many men in our family.” “No brothers,” Patty asked as she walked back toward them with a wicker basket of changing supplies in hand. “None. Mom had my sisters and me and took my father back to his mother ... But I have no intention of that. Really, that’s my mom. That’s not me.” Patty sat back down. “I’m surprised she didn’t just get some at a bank.” “She wanted to be sure she was getting what she paid for, is what she told me. You know some of the depositories, especially back then, we’re dishonest.” “I’ve heard that. Marky, lay down for me.” Marky held on to his block and laid down for his mom. She lifted his shirt, exposing his tummy. “He’s so cute,” Zoe said and reached out to tickle his belly, eliciting a laugh from the twenty-year-old. “You did a good job at that. And he’s so biddable. He just laid right down even though he was playing.” “Well, I wanted him to be that way. It’s a trade off,” Patty said, wanting to be transparent. She wanted him to go to a good home and for things to work out between them. She didn’t want an unhappy wife divorcing him and bringing him back, not like her nephew and, apparently, Zoe’s father. “Could you tell me a little more about that,” Zoe asked. The mysteries of man-rearing were not something her mother had ever talked about it, and her conservative religious school hadn’t gone into much detail in the health or home economics classes. Zoe managed to maintain her innocence even through college and despite having friends with dads and brothers. Her mother had never even let her babysit. It was only after insisting she wanted a husband and wanted to keep him that her mother had more actively engaged in the search, and she had then insisted on leading the negotiations as her mother had done for her. “Well,” Patty said thoughtfully, “it’s not that Mark doesn’t know how to do things. He helps around the house and brushes his own teeth and those things. He can put on his shoes, but you have to tie them. And he can learn more if you teach him. He’s very smart.” “You didn’t want him to learn more?” Mark laid there passively, accustomed to this happening six times a day and not paying much attention to any remark or question not addressed to him. It was a trait Zoe appreciated in a potential husband. “Well, maybe I spoil him, but I know some women want a very simple husband. You know how it is - the more they can do, the more independent they start to think they are and the more behavioral issues they have. That’s not universal of course, but ya know.” She reached out and rubbed Marky’s belly. “This little guy doesn’t need much correction. I never even bought a paddle.” “Really?” That was a rarity. Most wives kept one in the diaper bag, one in the kitchen, and one in their husbands’ bedroom. “Really,” Patty replied, not wholly truthfully. She had a paddle, but she didn’t buy it. It was part of her husband’s dowry, though she’d never used it on Mark and only a few times on her husband, who was outside doing chores. “At most he just needs some taps from momma’s spoon to get him back on track,” Patty said, which was true. “That’s part of why I’m leaning toward Mark. Since I haven’t really been around a lot of men or have much experience with caring for them, I thought it’d be smart if my first one was easy.” She knew she wasn’t supposed to admit these things, but she felt a rapport with Patty and hoped it wouldn’t undermine the deal they might make or make Patty decide she didn’t want Mark in Zoe’s care. “That is smart. You can always get more if you decide you want a more independent husband ... And of course I’ll help you. I may not be his owner after the wedding, but I’ll always be his mom,” she said while playing with Mark’s hair. “Won’t I be,” she said in that breathy, sing-song tone men like Mark seem to respond so well to. “Yes I will! Yes mommy will!” “My mom will help out, too,” Zoe said, sounding dismayed. She was trying to remember to play it cool and make herself and her home out to be the perfect place for him, but she couldn’t hide that she wanted him and wanted to bring the drawn out negotiations to a close. At the same time, she knew she and her mother had different philosophies on wifing and man-rearing. Patty wasn’t sure she liked the idea of Zoe’s mom being involved in Mark’s care. While both mother’s involvement was a given for first-time brides, Zoe’s mother didn’t sound like the kind and gentle caregiver she wanted for Mark. The negotiation, of course, went both ways. Just because money changed hands didn’t mean it was a transaction, after all. Patty wanted the best for Mark. “You gonna help me change his pants,” Patty asked, trying to lighten the tension. “Yeah ... does he squirm?” “Not often. Well, not unless you make him,” Patty laughed. “Need me to talk you through it?” “Promise you won’t think I’m not ready to get married if I say yes?” Mark played with the block in his hand. “Of course, sweetheart. Just undo the tapes first but leave the diaper where it is.” Zoe did, and Patty slid the basket of supplies toward Zoe. “It’s always best to get everything ready before you open the diaper. You don’t know what you’ll find in there, and men sometimes pee as soon as the air hits them. You gotta be ready to dodge.” “Really,” Zoe asked, sounding concerned. “It’s just part of being a wife.” “Okay,” Zoe said and first got a new diaper out of the basket and unfolded it. “You’ll need ... Sorry, you would need to keep using that brand. It’s expensive, but it’s hypoallergenic. He breaks out in a rash with other brands.” Zoe next took out the container of wipes and opened it, plucking one out and holding it. “Okay,” Patty said, “now you can fold his diaper down, but do it slowly at first. In case he starts to pee you can cover him real fast ... if he’s not peeing yet he’s probably not gonna.” “Do I need to lift his legs back or roll him on his side?” He was smaller than men had been two generations ago, but he was still as big as she was. She’d seen women lifting their husbands’ legs back on YouTube when she watched instructional videos, but he just seemed too heavy for that. She figured it was something wives just got good at. “For dirty ones he’ll roll over onto his side when you tell him. For wet ones you just need to ask him to open his knees. Open up, Marky. Good boy!” Zoe chuckled. “He really is a good boy, holding still this whole time. You have him so well trained ... I don’t want one of those husbands you have to chase when they need a new diaper,” she laughed nervously. She turned back to the task at hand. “Wow,” she said, “you didn’t exaggerate. He’s so small.” “Just like his father. You just take the wipes and make sure you get everywhere, especially in his creases and under his foreskin. We don’t want any itchy rashes.” Zoe wiped around his pubic mound and under his scrotum and in the creases inside his thighs. She’d seen a penis, obviously, but never touched one. It didn’t seem nearly so icky as all the women she knew made it out to be, certainly not as bad as the impression she’d come away with from the jokes wives made on sitcoms, though she wasn’t sure if that was just because he was so small. She tentatively lifted it between her left thumb and forefinger, carefully pulling back his foreskin to clean him thoroughly. “Um,” she said and blushed as it grew stiff in her fingers. Patty blushed as well, embarrassed it would do that in front of a suitor the very first time, but of course Mark was blameless. She rushed to downplay it, hoping it wouldn’t make Zoe change her mind about him. “It’s fine,” Patty said. “It doesn’t happen every time. Next you sprinkle some powder on him.” “I thought they don’t do that if you milk them regularly. Um, have you, uh, milked him regularly?” “I do,” Patty said, trying to pull Zoe’s attention away from it. It was still erect. “Anyway, you don’t need too much powder.” “I thought you’re supposed to use rash cream next,” Zoe ventured. The things she’d read and seen said so. “Um, usually, yes,” Patty agreed. She didn’t want Zoe to rub rash cream on him for fear he’d ejaculate. That it was still stiff was just adding to her embarrassment, too aware it was reflecting on her care of him as a mother. She didn’t believe in all the same things other mothers did when it came to milking, but she took excellent care of her Marky. Zoe seemed like an almost ideal owner for him, and she didn’t want one little erection to spoil the deal. Zoe, however, was clearly distracted by it. Everything she had read, which admittedly wasn’t much, emphasized this shouldn’t happen if the man was properly trained and milked regularly, and that if it did happen either the woman responsible for the man hadn’t trained and cared for him well, the man was poorly behaved and maybe even incorrigible, or all of the above. “But ... I’m sorry, I’m not judging. He’s yours, so please don’t think I’m judging. But you do milk him regularly, don’t you? I mean, I thought this didn’t happen if you ...” She wasn’t disgusted by it so much as she thought she was supposed to be disgusted by. That she wasn’t was making her insecure. She had grown up in a culture that stigmatized unsolicited erections, especially during diaper changes. That it didn’t bother her perhaps led her to overreact so she would seem what she thought was normal. Surely her mother would have reacted very negatively and would approve of Zoe doing so if only as a negotiating tactic. “I do,” Patty said again. “I swear. It’s just ... how much do you know about milking?” Zoe blushed. It was the most taboo subject in the world she’d grown up in. Her mother would unashamedly talk about returning her husband and keeping the dowry, confessing to marrying him just for his genetic material, but talking about how she had gotten the material was absolutely off limits. “Um, not much, actually.” She seemed to pass from embarrassed to sullen, this confession another revelation she feared would make her an unfit wife in Patty’s eyes. She started to rise, murmuring an apology and regretting coming here without her mother. “It’s okay,” Patty said, her voice soft and soothing as she retook the negotiation high ground. “Sit. Please.” “I’m not ...” Ready to be a wife is how she would’ve finished the sentence had she not stopped herself. “Sit. Let’s just talk. It’s okay, promise.” She sat. Zoe had at least been taught to obey older women; the religious community she grew up was insistent on the hierarchy of the matriarchy. It was out of step with society in the degree to which they took that maxim. Patty took Zoe’s hand, and asked her directly, “Was that your first time touching one?” Zoe nodded. “Well, if I had known that I would’ve talked you through it more. Do you want me to?” Zoe felt like she was breaking so many rules when she said, “Yes. I’ve tried to get Mom to talk about it, but she says that’s for after marriage.” That caught Patty off guard. She understood so much better now. Milking men hadn’t been taboo in mainstream society in at least a couple decades. It wasn’t dinner table conversation, but it wasn’t taboo. Even babysitters would do it if they had to, no different than attending to any other bodily function if the need arose while the man was in their care. No one looks forward to doing it, and if done regularly it wasn’t something a babysitter should have to do unless they were watching the man for a whole week, but it was hardly taboo anymore, much less something shameful that only married women did or knew about. “I’m, um, not judging,” Patty said, “but, um, are you a member of People of the Spirit?” “Yes,” Zoe answered just above a whisper. She’d always been proud of her faith. Only in the moment, realizing how poorly prepared she was to care for a husband even at the age of twenty-eight, did she feel embarrassed by her background. But if she wanted to learn this even if her mother insisted she wait for marriage, Zoe was beginning to suspect they weren’t all her beliefs so much as her mother’s. “That’s okay!” Patty was quick to say. “That’s okay! We go to church every Sunday. Mark loves it ... Are you sure you want me to teach you about this? You don’t want your own mother to do it?” “No, I want to learn. If you’re not uncomfortable with it.” “Sweetie, there’s nothing to be uncomfortable about is the first lesson. Man parts and milking and erections are not a big deal at all,” Patty said with what she hoped was not a condescending tone. “I know!” Zoe exclaimed. “I mean, I never thought so, but even ...” She looked at it, still pointing straight up. “I thought I was supposed to be grossed out by it. It’s not a big deal. I mean, look at it.” Zoe looked again and shrugged. “Exactly. I know everyone jokes about it, but every wife does this. It’s the same as anything else they might do in their diapers.” “Well, what’s the ...” Zoe didn’t know what question to ask. After Zoe didn’t finish the sentence, Patty decided to just show her. “First,” she said reaching over to gently wrap her forefinger around it, “this is his clitty.” Mark just laid there obediently, though he stopped paying attention to his block. “You don’t call it a ...” “We don’t use the P-word around him. Some men hear that and start getting all sorts of mistaken ideas about themselves. This is his clitty,” she said again, giving it a little shake, “and like all man clitties, it has a mind of its own. You can milk them every day, and a man might still get an erection for no reason, especially during a diaper change.” “What are you supposed to do if that happens?” “You can ignore it if you want to. You don’t need to do anything with it except point it down and put their diaper on. All except the biggest clitties can still fit in a diaper when they’re erect, though it might not be so comfortable for the man.” “Do they ejaculate?” “What, you mean on their own?” “I mean how does the erection go away you put the diaper on over it?” Patty did a good job hiding her surprise at just how naive Zoe was. “It just does if you leave it alone.” “But his clitty is still ... up.” Tipping her cards in the negotiation, Patty smiled and confessed, “That’s because he likes you. He told me so after he first met you.” “But ... I thought they can’t control it.” “They can’t.” “But you said it’s because he likes me. So is he ... so it’s not purpose? He’s not trying to show me he likes me?” Patty didn’t know any members of People of the Spirit. It wasn’t a large group; it just stood out because of how retrograde its teachings were and how poorly they prepared their kids for life as adults. Clearly what she had heard about the group was not exxagerated. “No, honey, they just do it sometimes for no reason, but it’s more likely when they like you.” “Even if you milk them?” “Yep. Do you want to learn about milking?” “Yes please.” She felt like she was learning more in Patty’s living room in a visit that was less than an hour old than she had in all her years at school and home. “What do you already know?” “Just that making them ejaculate regularly keeps them better behaved and prevents ... those.” “So you don’t know how it’s done?” “No.” She’s been too embarrassed to look it up even though there hadn’t been parental controls on her computer for ten years. “Okay,” Patty said. She didn’t have a daughter and had never taught anyone before, but it was simple enough. “Well, it’s really simple. You don’t need anything other than your hand.” Zoe blushed all the way to her ears. “Like, your bare hand? Aren’t there ... aren’t you supposed to use the tools they make for it?” That was where Patty’s beliefs and practices on milking first diverged from the mainstream. She’d tried those devices before and never really saw what made them so much better than just using her hand. It was so convenient: she never had to go get a device or find batteries or sanitize the tool beyond a quick trip to wash her hands. She also, though, was less inclined to see milking itself as being nearly as important as most other women did. They treated milking as a chore and something so integral to their men’s good behavior that they’d sooner have their men miss their nap time than skip a milking. Newfangled hogwash from uptight germaphobes, Patty thought. Perhaps it was generational, but Patty was an older mom, and she liked being a man mom, an even rarer trait. Mark was her sixth. “They do make devices for it,” Patty told her, glad she could pass on real wisdom and counter what all the new marriage guides were preaching these days, “and they’re okay. You can use those, but your hand works almost as well and is so much more convenient.” “Even if it doesn’t work as well?” “The devices do a slightly better job at getting every last drop, but it’s okay if there’s a little left in there.” “But doesn’t that mean you have to do it more often?” “Maybe a little, but like I said, it’s not a big deal. It only takes a few minutes.” Zoe clearly looked skeptical. “Really?” “Really.” “But everyone makes it sound like it’s this huge chore.” “That’s because they make such a big deal about anything to do with clitties anyway. But look, there it is. It’s fine, right? Just another part of him.” “Yeah ...” “Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s not still a wittle weewee.” “And what about what comes out?” “Just one more thing he puts in his diaper.” “So you do it in his diaper.” “You can. I don’t usually.” “But doesn’t it make a huge mess. I mean, if he peed without his diaper on ...” “It’s a lot less fluid than everyone makes it out to be. Do you want me to just show you?” “Yes, if you don’t mind. And he doesn’t mind.” Patty chuckled. “Of course he doesn’t mind, and even if he did, he’s a man. I love him, but he’s still a man. Roll over, Marky. Let’s show Zoe where things are.” He complied; if he was embarrassed, he still did as we was told. Turning back to Zoe, Patty continued, “There’s more than one way. I’ll just finish the one but I’ll give you the lay of the land, so to speak.” She reached into the basket and took out the rash cream. “For starters,” Patty said, “this stuff works just as well as the lubricant they sell just for milking, and this is much cheaper.” She applied some to the middle finger of her right hand. “Scoot closer so you can see,” she said to Zoe. To Mark, she said, “You gonna be my big man and hold still for momma?” He nodded shyly. Patty ran the fingertips of her clean hand over his bottom, tickling him gently. “That relaxes him. See?” Mark seemed to shudder and clenched his toes, relaxing his whole body as he unclenched them. “Aww. That’s adorable.” It made even less sense why everyone made this out to be the worst part of being a wife. Mark was being such a good boy doing as he was told and holding mostly still and being quiet. “I know, right? So just like we call it a clitty, we call this his button,” Patty said as she spread his cheeks. “Inside his button is his prostate. It’s about halfway between his button and the base of his clitty, so you can milk him by massaging this prostate. See how my finger is pointed?” She crooked her finger. “Once your finger is inside him, you just need to bend your finger like this and feel around until you feel something round and hard and about the size of a walnut.” She demonstrated. Mark held mostly still as she entered him and found his prostate. “Right ... there.” “So you just poke it?” “No, you need to rub it and massage it with your finger.” She kept demonstrating. Mark quietly squirmed but barely, as he’d been taught to do. “They make tools for this; the ones that vibrate are most effective, but this works nearly as well. You can move your finger in and out as you go, like this ... Massaging his prostate will get the most fluid out at one time. Wanna try,” Patty asked as she withdrew her finger. “Um, okay,” Zoe said nervously. Patty correctly guessed the reason for her trepidation. “There’s gloves in the basket.” Zoe donned one. “How much rash cream do I use?” “Best to use about as much a grape, but you can use half that in a pinch. He has enough already. Too much makes it take longer.” Patty reached for a wipe and cleaned her finger off. “Oh ... like this?” “Keep your finger mostly straight until it’s inside him.” Zoe tentatively entered him. “How far in,” she asked. She was afraid of hurting him and unaccustomed to how a man felt around her finger. “So you feel the first muscle right when you enter his button, right?” “Yeah.” “That’s his outer sphincter. Keep going and you’ll feel another muscle very tight around your finger. That’s his inner sphincter.” “Okay,” Zoe said as her reached it. “Now keep going … keep going.” Patty watched Zoe’s finger disappear knuckle by knuckle. She appreciated Zoe being gentle with Mark; it was reassuring that even if Zoe had a lot to learn, she wasn’t the type to treat a man like livestock. “Good job being gentle. Now bend your finger toward his front. Feel it?” “I don’t think so.” “It’s okay to search for it ... feel it?” “No,” Zoe said, afraid not finding it on her first try would once more make her out as not ready for marriage. “Here,” Patty said and scooted over. “It takes practice is all. Open your legs a little, Marky.” He did. “You can also stimulate it from the outside if you press about halfway between his scrotum and his button. Right about ... there. See where my hand is?” “Yeah.” “Okay, give me your other hand.” Patty gently took Zoe’s hand and guided it to Mark’s perineum, laying her fingers flat against the same spot and placing her hand over Zoe’s. “See how he reacts when you just apply pressure here?” Mark’s leg twitched. He got himself under control as he’d been taught to and held still even as his breathing grew more rhythmic and audible. “Yeah.” “Sometimes if you can’t find it on the inside, it helps to use your other hand to find it on the outside by just pressing down and sort of pulling gently toward his button.” Zoe let Patty do just that with her hand over hers. “Try now. Feel around again.” Zoe had left her finger in since she wasn’t told otherwise. “Feeling ... I think ... I feel something!” “Size of a walnut?” “Yeah!” “That’s it. Well done.” Patty felt oddly proud of Zoe. She rubbed marks lower back and cooed, “Such a good boy. Keep holding still.” Mark lifted his head and laid it back down across his folded arms. “This is so cool!” She remembered to feel embarrassed. “I mean, not so bad.” “It’s fine, Zoe, really. You don’t have to feel ashamed for not hating. It’s an achievement your first time.” That was nice to hear. She’d never be able to tell her mother, though. “I just rub it with my finger?” “Yep. Back and forth. Or make little circles. But not too much.” Zoe stopped. “Why not?” “I want to show you the other way, too. If you finish, I can’t show you the other way. They need time in between.” “So to finish I’d just Jeep making circles?” “Pretty much. Moving it in and out as you go speeds it up a little.” “Should I take my finger out?” “Yeah.” She did and removed the glove, and though she’d worn one Patty handed her a wipe anyway. Mark groaned and kicked his foot just a little, causing Zoe to ask, “Did I hurt him,” with concern. Patty gave Mark a light spank. “Not at all. They just don’t like it if you stop without finishing. Just be patient, Marky. Anyway, like I said, that gets the most fluid out, especially if you use a tool and especially a vibrating tool. You can do it anywhere, but it works best with them on their knees or on their changing table, plus those are easier on your back.” “How is the changing table different from the floor?” “You know that hole under where the changing pad goes?” Zoe seemed to think for a moment, her eyes turning up and to the left before she blushed with the realization. “That’s what that’s for!?!” “Yep, for their clitty to go through. That’s much more comfortable for them if you’re using the prostate method and makes it easier to collect if you’re selling it.” “Is his marketable?” “Yep. I told your mother. Guess she didn’t tell you.” “No,” Zoe said, her irritation evident. “He was evaluated on his birthday. He has very good motility, and his features are in demand, as you know. Men like him are very chic right now,” Patty said with a wink. “If I wanted to collect it, how much would I get?” “I’m assuming you mean money,” Patty deadpanned. “Patty,” Zoe squealed and laughed. “At the moment, $1,000 per but you know that can change if his traits become less trendy and as he gets older. If you’re going to do it, you would definitely want to do it now. They do make a tool for harvesting, and just for that I think it would be worth it. It’s very efficient.” “How’s it different from the other tools?” “The other tools just vibrate ... You have a vibrator, don’t you?” “Of course.” Several. “Thought so. Just wasn’t sure.” “We’re religious, not nut jobs.” “I didn’t mean...” “I know. Sorry. You were saying.” “The vibrators for his prostate are just like yours, just shaped differently. It takes a few minutes at least to work, right? If you’re going to harvest him, they also make an electric prod that goes into his button just like your finger did. The little jolt of electricity will make him ejaculate instantly.” “That doesn’t hurt him?” “Well, I would imagine yes and no at the same time. I have a few friends who do it, and their husbands don’t seem to mind. You ready to learn the other way?” “Yeah.” “Roll back over, Marky. Legs open like momma taught you.” Mark rolled over, a subtle, pleading look in his eyes. “Lift your hips, baby.” He did, and Patty removed the wet and disheveled diaper. “Wanna put his new diaper under him?” “Sure.” “Don’t close its yet, but you can fold it over to make sure it’s in the right spot ... little lower. That’s perfect. You can put your bottom down, sweetheart. You’ll get so good at that in the first week of marriage you won’t ever need a second try.” She rolled up the used diaper. “Um, shouldn’t we have done this in his old diaper, instead of getting it on the new one?” “You can, but like I said, it’s not nearly as much fluid as you’re probably thinking. If some gets in his new diaper, you can just tape it shut. Doesn’t ruin it. In fact, I prefer it ends up in there than anywhere else. I’ll show you that works some other day.” “Oh.” She couldn’t readily imagine how to milk him through a diaper. “So the other main way,” Patty said, “is by massaging his clitty. You can use the rash cream again like before.” She applied some to her fingers. “Now, this method doesn’t get out quite as much fluid, so you’ll have to do it more often, but it’s quick and doesn’t require going inside his button.” “Yeah...” “Didn’t like that part?” “I mean, it was fine. It was kinda cool even, but I can see why most women don’t like doing it. It’s ...” “Still a button. I get it. Which is why I prefer this method. It’s totally worth it to me do this a little more often than to do it the other way a little less often.” “Does he have a preference?” “Ya know, I’ve never asked,” Patty replied. “Anyway, you take his clitty in your fingers, and you only need three fingers for a man his size: your thumb, your forefinger, and your middle finger.” “It’s not hard anymore.” “That just takes a second.” She took his penis in her fingers, using her thumb to rub under and around his glans. “See? Just takes a second.” Mark bit his lip and closed his eyes tight. Patty smiled at him. “I also like doing it this way because it’s more, I don’t know, interactive, sort of … It’s just like his prostate. You want to mostly focus on the top of it, and you can rub it up and down or in circles or just squeeze it gently in and out of between your fingers.” “Do you need to rub it all the way down and back?” Mark didn’t have much ‘down.’ “No. That helps on bigger men, but Marky has a pretty small clitty. Just using your fingers like this.” She rolled her thumb over and over on his glans. Zoe looked at Mark’s face, a look of concentration behind eyes squinched tight in a grimace. “Are you sure this doesn’t hurt him?” “Absolutely it doesn’t,” Patty chuckled. “All men make a face like that when they’re being milked. Are you ready to try?” “Yeah.” “You can use a glove if you want to.” “No,” she replied, wanting to seem more confident than she felt. “This is cleaner than the other way. It’s fine.” “Add a little of the cream to your fingers first, but not as much as you saw me use ... okay, now just take his clitty between your fingers and thumb like you saw me do...” “O my. It’s so hot.” “Mhmm. That’s because of the blood flow, which is what makes clitties hard.” “And just started rubbing like this?” “Yep. See? Nothing to it. And not a big deal at all.” “No. Not at all.” Really, she couldn’t see what the fuss was about now that she was actually doing it. This didn’t seem bad at all, and certainly not something so bad she wanted to use the prostate method just to be able to do it less often. That seemed better if there was a specific reason to do it, but this was so easy. His clitty wasn’t something she wanted to take a picture of and keep on the mantle, but it was much better than dealing with his button. “Now,” Patty said, “Mark has been very well trained to hold mostly still and stay quiet for his milkings, but he is going to squirm a little and make a little noise. All men do that right before they ejaculate.” “Do I need to, like, watch out?” “How do you mean?” “He’s not going to accidentally kick me or something?” “Ha! No, sweetie. Here, I’ll show you: turn your hand around like this,” she said making the motion herself, “so your thumb is underneath it, and rub up and down right in the center of the clitty head. Yeah, like that, but just in the center.” Mark moaned louder and repeatedly, and his squirming turned to writhing. “That’s so cool!” “He likes that’s part a lot.” Zoe turned her hand back, and Mark calmed down. She turned it forward again, and he started to writhe again. “Neat,” she said under her breath. Turning back to Patty she said, “It’s like when you scratch a dog in the right spot and they start kicking their leg.” “Exactly. Same concept ... You can encourage them while you do it, too. I always like to.” She turned from Zoe to Mark. “What a good boy you’re being! Who’s a good boy? Hmm? Show us what a good boy you are!” Mark smiled behind his pacifier with his eyes still closed. “Okay, he’s almost ready. Take a wipe in your other hand.” Patty handed her one. “And when he starts to ejaculate you can just cover him with that.” “It happens just all of a sudden?” “Sort of. First ...” “Ope!” Zoe practically jumped. “Something is leaking out! Is that it?” “Don’t stop. That’s precum. Just a few more seconds. Keep going until I say stop.” Mark moaned behind his pacifier and bucked his hips on the diaper as he ejaculated. Zoe positioned the wipe to catch it and kept going. “Slow down,” Patty instructed. “Just like that. Slower and slower until his hips stop moving ... there.” Zoe was wide eyed, her hand still on his clitty as it softened. “Now, to make sure as much of it as possible is out, go to the base of his clitty and squeeze gently.” He was so small, there wasn’t much base to grasp. “Like this?” “Yep. You just need two fingers, and then slide them up to the top. Keep squeezing, not too hard. Good. Do that a couple more times ... there.” Patty shrugged. “That’s all there is to it. I like to praise him for it.” Zoe was smiling ear to ear. In a baby talk voice like Patty had used, Zoe told Mark, “You did such a good job, Marky! Thank you for being my good boy.” She was feeling more like an adult than she ever had before even though she’d been working and living on her own for six years. She knew it was silly - women younger than her did this - but given it was her first time, it felt like a big deal anyway. “Now what,” she asked as she wiped her hands. “Don’t clean your hands just yet. You have a diaper change to finish. Make sure you get the rash cream in his creases especially. That’s where Marky likes to get a diapee rash.” Zoe applied the cream and then sprinkled some powder on him. She looked up at Mark’s face. “He’s asleep,” she whispered. “He’ll be awake again in just a minute. They almost always fall asleep for a few minutes right after they’re milked.” “Anything else?” “Just tape that diaper on him snug.” Zoe did. Patty stood first and whispered, “Let’s go wash our hands.” They retreated to the kitchen. “So,” Zoe asked as she dried her hands, “how often do they need to be milked if you do it that way?” “Every five days or so. With the other way, it’s maybe seven, so not a huge difference. If I’m leaving him in a nursery while I go on vacation, I’ll use the prostate method before I go.” “And with the clitty way, how often do they get unsolicited erections?” “It varies. But are unsolicited erections really that bad?” “No ...” She hesitated, knowing she wasn’t supposed to admit this to anyone but thinking Patty seemed like a safe person to admit it to. “I think his clitty was kind of adorable.” “Hehe. I think so too. I know we’re all supposed to be grossed out, but it’s just a clitty ... the bigger ones are kinda gross though, I’ll agree with that at least ... anyway, I milk him every five days, and if his clitty is getting hard in between a lot, I’ll do it at diaper changes, too. Not every change, but maybe once a day for two days gets him back on schedule.” “It was fun in a way.” Patty knew Zoe was saying that as someone who just did it for the first time. It would get less fun and be more like all the caregiver tasks she did for him, but she didn’t think it was no fun at all and didn’t want to discourage her. “Yeah, I think so. I like making him feel good. I am his momma after all. We gotta keep them in line, but we still love them.” “I wouldn’t mind doing that more often than every five days. It only takes a second ... And you were right. That wasn’t nearly as messy as I thought.” Patty smiled. She liked Zoe. She wanted someone gentle and willing to try new things and be open minded for Mark. Zoe had a lot to learn about man-rearing, and Patty didn’t like the idea of Zoe’s mother playing a major role in Mark’s care. She expected her mother would take over and bully her daughter into strict and clinical treatment of her Marky. But she liked Zoe. “Do you wanna wake him up,” she asked. “Sure.” They walked back into the living room, where Zoe knelt down over Mark, still conscious this was an audition for her too, and traced her finger lightly down Mark’s cheek. He turned toward her by instinct as if to root. “Marky,” she sang at a whisper. His eyes opened. “Hey, big guy.” He smiled behind his pacifier, blushed, and turned away. If Patty had taught him to count, he could’ve counted on one hand the number of women who had done that to him. “He’s so shy,” Zoe remarked as she straightened up. “Well, this is only the third time you’ve been together. He gets a lot less shy when he gets to know people.” Zoe sat down on the sofa next to Patty. “And you promise he is verbal?” “He’s a regular chatterbox when he feels comfortable around you. He knows a couple hundred words, and he can learn more ... Marky, c’mere baby.” Patty held her hands out as Mark finished his wake up stretch. He got up and sat down in his mother’s lap. “Can you thank Zoe for milking your clitty?” Mark blushed again, shook his head, and buried his face in his mother’s breast. She laughed and patted his back. “Can you at least give her a hug?” He sat up, and Zoe straightened up to receive him, opening her arms. Mark pivoted and awkwardly slid from his mother’s lap onto the sofa, putting his arms out as he leaned forward and fell into a hug low around Zoe’s waist. “Ohh huhuh. That’s a sweet man,” Zoe said she patted his back. With Patty’s help, Zoe was able to coax Mark into her lap. “That’s why training is important,” Patty said. “They’re too big to make them do anything they don’t want to do, but you can make them want to do it.” Zoe was paying more attention to the man in her lap. She noticed how sweet his hair smelled, how soft and warm he was, and the way he seemed to change from giving her a perfunctory hug because he was told to to the way he seemed to nestle his head on Zoe because he wanted to, growing cuddlier by the moment. She rubbed circles on his back, interrupted by the occasional pat. “Well,” Patty asked after a few minutes of silence. “I know what my mother would say ... Especially with him getting erections and needing to be milked more often ... But he is sweet” “Very sweet.” “And he is obedient ... he did such a good job holding still for his milking.” “And most men just can’t do that. Some even need to be restrained to keep them in place.” Though Patty suspected that said more about their wives’ prostrate massage technique, or lack thereof, than about the men’s behavior. “And he is cute.” “I can just about promise you you’re not going to find an easier husband, and I know that’s important to you for your first one. Is there anything I can say to sweeten the deal?” “I want him ... I’m just worried about my mother. She’s going to be involved a lot, especially at first … I think the milking thing would be a deal breaker for her.” It wasn’t her mother’s decision, but she had a say both by custom and because Zoe would need her to be involved. In theory she could do it all on her own, but that wouldn’t sit well with their religious community and would be tremendous challenge for a woman without a partner. “But to be clear, it’s not for you? A deal breaker, I mean?” “No, I don’t mind that.” Bad sitcom jokes and put upon wives aside, she agreed with Patty. Milking his clitty during a diaper change was just one more thing. The way he squirmed and then fell asleep was cute in its way. “What if ... what if you moved in here for the first year, rent free? You can learn all about man-rearing from me, and that way your mother doesn’t really have to be involved in anything you don’t want her to be involved in?” Patty preferred that solution to protect Mark from Zoe’s mother and the People of the Spirit, whom she heard were very communal in their man-rearing and severe in their approach to it. “That could work,” Zoe replied. “And if you do want to harvest him, I’ll even spring for the stimulator and collection device.” Zoe took a moment and began to slowly nod her head. She wanted Mark, and the living arrangement and his spermatozoa in addition to the dowry added up to quite a lot of value. “Deal.” “You’re sure your mother will approve it?” “I think so, especially if she doesn’t have to do any of the man-rearing ... And if not, her approval is just a custom, not the law. Ope!” “What?” “I think he’s pooing,” Zoe whispered. Patty smiled. “I think you’ve learned enough for one day.” She held out her hands. “C’mere, Marky. Let’s go change your stinky pants.” “Are you sure he’s done?” “I know my Marky. He will be by the time we get upstairs. Why don’t you go call your mother?” “Sounds good. Bye bye, Marky,” she waved as Patty led the waddling man upstairs. “See you at our wedding.”
  3. this is being made for @kasarberang Story Contest. Chapter 1 i fucked up... “Are you ready to meet her?” Julia asked her little 14-year-old sister. “Im so excited!” Betty said happily as her birthday wish was about to come true. “Tada!” Julia shouted as she opened the door to reveal, me. ********** But I think that’s a little too far ahead. Let’s rewind a bit to last week and the last day of school. “Come on, do you realize how hard it was for me to jack his keys?” I asked my friends as we snuck out of the school and made our way to the high school parking lot. “Are you sure this is a good idea? You’re stealing your brother’s car.” my friend told me “Oh dont worry, this is going to be fun,” I tell them as I got into the car. But my friends had second thoughts. “Fine, ill do it myself,” I tell them drove off to do donuts on the football field. But what was supposed to be a harmless prank were I would do a few donuts before getting out and running away, wound up me flipping my brother’s car upside down and becoming stuck and unable to get out of the car. The police came, I got probation and I was told I would need to pay for all the damages to the school and my brother’s car. Along with replacing a 4 thousand dollar computer, my brother was fixing for his college friend. “Come on dad, you got to help me, theirs no way I can pay for all of this,” I tell my dad over the phone. “Your 18, not my fault you consistent stupid stunts all over town makes it hard for you to find a job. It’s your problem. You fix it.” my dad tells me before hanging up. That last stunt was the last straw with him and he kicked me out and disowned me. With no were left to go I was forced to move in with my older brother. The two of us couldn’t be more different. He was a tall nerdy guy who never really went out or anything. I was two years younger than him and despite being very short, I was a party animal. Always getting into trouble and doing whatever I wanted. “Fucking hell. How am I supposed to pay back all this debt?” I grumble. “Hey bro, you know any high paying jobs that need minimal work?” Honestly, it was mostly just a joke but I did hope he could think of something for me to do. “Actually I do,” he responded to my surprise. “Realy? What is it?” *********** “Hi, im Eric. my brother told me you were looking for some type of help?” I greeted myself. “Yes. I was hoping to higher someone to be my little sister’s playmate.” Julia tells him with a smile. Julia was 20 and was from a rich family. I mainly knew her from a lot of the college party’s I would sneak into. Supposedly her parents are constantly gone for some reason or another. “So you want me to babysit her?” I asked a little confused. “No, I want you to be her playmate. Keep her entertained and such.” Julia tells me. “Well, that doesn’t sound too hard,” I tell her. “How much would the job be?” Julia smiled as handed over a piece of paper. Highlighted was how much I would be making. And my eyes nearly popped out of my head. “I would advise you to read it over carefully before signing. Just call me and let me know if you accept the job.” Julia tells me just before her watch beeps. “Oh, look at the time. Got to go meet up with the next person looking into the job.” “Wait, hold up,” I tell her as I grab her hand to stop her. “I’ll take the job.” “Please, I really think you should look over the contract first,” Julia tells me. ‘Oh, it will be fine.” I tell her. I would be a fool not to take this job.” I tell her as I look down at the paper and start signing my name. I never noticed the sly smile on Julia’s face as I finished writing my name. “So, when do I start?” I asked with a big smile on my face. **************** “You know, dumbasses like you really need to learn to read the fine print,” Julia tells me in a snarky attitude I had never seen before. I just stared dumbfounded at the outfit she had laid out for me. “There is no way im wearing, that!” I shout. “Why dont you take this time to actually read what you sighed yourself up for,” Julia tells me as she hands me a copy of the original contract. To sum it up briefly, I just sined my life to Julia for the next two months to be a live-in “playmate”. While I am staying here, I must ware what I am given and do as im told. Should I disobey, I will be punished by Julia in any way she sees fit. Should I quit or try to leave the job, I forfeit all money I would have made during my stay. I also would be charged a cancellation fee should I brake the contract. And, it wasn't a small amount. “Well, us, I could sue you for tricking me into signing this!” I tell her nervously. “But I recorded the who interview and you eagerly signing the contact,” Julia tells me with a grin. “But if you still want to that’s fine. Just hope you could afford a good lawyer, mine is just a phone call away.” My eyes went wide as I realized just how screwed I was. Julia stood up and slowly walked over to me with a sly grin on her face until she was standing right over me. “I suggest you put on your new outfit. Betty has been dying to meet you.” Like that, I have left alone in a large room looking down at the outfit she was wanting me to ware. I gulped and for just a moment wondered how much of my debt I could pay off if I sold my kidney? Most likely not enough to make a dent in the debt I would have if I broke the contract. Reluctantly, I started striping and picked up the girly pink dress in front of me. Put on the matching pink socks and black mary jane shoes. Finally was the one piece I really didn't want to put on. “You better hurry, she's coming,” Julia tells me through the door. I let out a big sigh as I layout the large diaper on the floor and oddly sat down on it. I had never put on a diaper before and it was much harder then I thought it would. “Are you ready to meet her?” Julia asked her little 14-year-old sister. “Im so excited!” Betty said happily as her birthday wish was about to come true. “Tada!” Julia shouted as she opened the door to reveal, me. An 18-year-old boy sitting on the floor dressed as a sissy toddler. How much worse could this all get? Much, much worse... “Awww, she’s so cute.” Betty sais as she comes over to pet me on the head while im still on the floor. “Hey, knock it off,” I tell the kid as stand up. Before im all the way up, I feel a hand yank me up and I feel 3 hard slaps to the back of my diaper. I didn’t really feel it, but it was a surprise. “Dont you talk to your big sister that way,” Julia told me as she let go of my arm. “Big sister?” I questioned. “Ya, im the big sister while you're the baby sister,” Betty tells me. “Baby? What are you talking about? Im no baby and im not a girl.” I tell the kid. It was then I noticed Betty was actually taller than me. Which was unexpected. Ya, im short but this kid was taller than average. “Could have fooled us,” Julia commented as she rased up my dress and revealed my diaper. I quickly pushed the dress back down and was blushing. “I think someone needs to be reminded of the rules” Julia commented with a smile. “Ya, the rules.” Better imitated her older sister. Julia walked over to the contract and flipped a few pages. “I’ll summarize it for you, but basically you are now Betty’s live-in baby sister. You are to play with her and do what she wants. If you backtalk to her or me, you will be punished. If you try to hurt her in any way you will be punished. You are not allowed to do anything inappropriate while in this home. You will be provided a living space and meals every day. Along with a new work uniform, you must wear, as you already know.” Julia tells me and smirks at my outfit. “Lastly, should you quit or do anything that could dangerously harm Betty, you will be fired and forfeit the right to all the money you would earn while staying here.” I knew she had put me between a rock and a hard place. If what she said earlier, there is no way I could quit without causing far more problems then I already have. I just had to suck it up and play her stupid game for two months. Once that was over, I would have more than enough to pay back all my debt and even have enough left over to live a cushy life for a while. ‘So what are you?” Julia asked me. “A, Baby sister,” I mumbled. “Ya, you're my baby sister,” Betty shouted as she grabbed my arm. “Now let's go check out your new room.” The kid forcibly drugged me out of the room and through a few hallways. Just how big was this house? Before I knew it I was in front of a bright pink door that had BABY written on the door. “Here we are,” Betty tells me as she opened the door and nearly had my jaw drop. Inside the room was what looked like a huge nursery. In the center of the room was a large crib that looked to be just my size. On the back wall was a strange-looking table with diapers surrounding it. Beside that was a rocking chair. On one wall I could see a large toy box filled with toys and large stuffed animals surrounding it. On the other wall, I saw a large dresser next to a closet. The one thing I wondered about however was something above the weird table. A large label saying WARNING right above a small hook. “Come on, come and see what's inside,” Betty tells me as she drags me into the room. I was sat in front of the toybox while Betty pulled out different toys to show me. “How is the new baby liking her new room?” Julia asked as she came in. “She’s loving it,” Betty tells her while I roll my eyes. “Ya, really loving it,'' I say sarcastically while folding my arms. “I think someone is a little cranky because they are hungry,” Julia says in a mock baby voice. “Lunchtime,” Betty said happily as she grabs my hand again and yanks me up. What the hell was wrong with this kid? Despite being a teen she clearly acted far younger. When we got to the kitchen, I saw a high chair that I was taken to and told to sit in. I rolled my eyes again and did as I was told and sat in the oversized baby furnisher. Betty sat in the chair next to me while waiting for Julia to show up and make lunch. While Betty had chicken nuggets and fries, I was given a bowl of green goop, a bowl of yellow goop, and a bowl with some type noodles in it. “You want to feed the baby?” Julia asked Betty. “Yes,” Betty replied happily as she took a spoon and got some of the green goop. “There is no way I'm eating that,” I tell Julia “Aww, don't be like that, it's good for you,” Julia tells me as Betty starts moving the spoon closer to me. I just smack the spoon out of her hand. “Agin, I'm not eating that,'' I tell them. Suddenly Julia grabs my arm and before I even know what's going on it's tied to the side of the high chair. Then she does the same to the other. Effectively trapping me in place. “Now this is just a warning. Be a good baby and eat your lunch or someone is going to be punished.” Julia tells me with a smile. Despite the warm smile she was giving me, I suddenly had a cold rush down my spine. Betty grabbed a new spoon and tried again. This time, while I was reluctant, I opened my mouth and ate what I was given. The texter was awful, but the taste wasn't too bad. Either vegetable or fruity. I was then free to eat the blamed noodles with my hands. “Such a good baby,” Betty tells me as she pats me on the head. I grumble a bit before I am given a bottle of juice with a baby nipple on top. Of course, I would need to drink from a baby bottle. Fucking hell. I let out a loud sigh before grabbing the bottle and started drinking it. Before I was even done I felt a slight twinge in my bladder. At first, I didn't think anything of it until I realized something. I'm forced to wear a diaper. Are they also going to make me use it? *************** Julia walked out of the kitchen for a moment as she got an important call. “How is my baby girl doing today?” a man's voice sais. “Very good Daddy,” Julia responds with a bright smile on her face. “Everything is going great. Betty is having fun with her new playmate.” “That's great to hear baby girl.” Daddy tells Julia as a pleasant feeling runs down her body. “They haven't cared too much trouble with Betty right?” “No Daddy, they are a little stubborn but they are behaving for now,” Julia tells Daddy. “That's good. Make sure you train them right.” daddy tells her. “I will daddy, I promise I'll teach her everything she needs to know,” Julia tells Daddy. “I can't wait to meet her. Got to go, be a good girl for daddy, and teach her well.” Daddy tells Julia. “I will daddy, love you,” Julia replies as she hangs up. Another pleasant feeling rushes through her body as she lets out a girlish giggle. She peeks back into the kitchen and looks at Eric as he is looking at his diaper with a puzzled look. Julia bites her lip as she fantasizes what she was about to do to Eric to make him into the perfect little sissy for daddy.
  4. The adventures of Alex Who was Alex? Well Alex was what most people thought was a young man entering in the big wide world, free from school and the restraints that they had held over him. For many years he had been told what to do, when to do it and always by others. He had grown up under the strong influence of his mother, whom he loved dearly, but he could never bring himself to tell her his deep down secrets and desires. Alex had been late developing into the young man he was growing into, he was shorter than most, well everyone for his age, his voice had never broken and a genetic disorder had meant that he never grew body hair, only his head held the natural blonde locks that matched his mother. He had been slow to be potty trained, still wetting at night after control during the daytime had been achieved. He was just told by his mother that over time it would sort itself out, but his nigh time wetting would be taken care of by her. So for many years after, night after night, Alex's mother was there to make sure he went to sleep in a nappy and plastic pants, then as time moved on a disposable nappy. Alex's mother was a hard working lady, well respected in the business community, with many friends, but still loved her son more than anything else. She was 6ft tall and literally towered over her son; she made sure that she kept fit, using the gym in the house and the pool on her days off and at weekends. Having made a success of her business at a young age, she always made time for Alex, her mother helping to look after him while he was still a baby. By the time that he was ready for school, she was the one to take him and pick him up every day. This would seem odd to a lot of people as it carried on until he left school, some would have thought him a little mummy’s boy, had it not been for the fact that they lived in the countryside outside the main town and off the bus route. He had his friends in school and got on ok with them, more so with the girls if he where honest about it, but rarely did one ever visit his home, sleepovers being out of the question as he felt too conscious about the bedwetting. When he was younger, at nursery school, he had a few parties as wetting problems happened with a few at that age, so he didn't stand out from the others. So Alex was now free from the restraint of school and just about to turn 19 years old, his mother had asked him if he wanted a party, but he never really was the party person. Instead he asked if he could have a vacation somewhere quiet away from the world, but by the sea, where he could just chill out and relax away from everything. There he would have time to think about what his future held, decide what to go on to do regarding work or further education. But also he would have some time alone to let his little side out. This was Alex's big secret that he hoped no-one had found out about, or if they had, they had not said anything to him. Deep down, Alex was still that little boy, he had never really grown up and loved all the time he spent with his mother, he missed the time when she looked after him night after night. But over time he had become used to getting himself ready for bed, it was only natural that as he grew he would take more responsibility. He wanted so much for his mother to do this, but could never build up the courage to ask. So here he was going away on his own for the first time without "mummy", but it would give him chance to wear his nappy during the day if he wanted. He would have them with for night time use, so why not try them during the day as well; maybe he would get those feelings back from when he was younger that he craved so much. His mother was not overly surprised when he refused the offer of the party, so was more than happy for him to have his holiday that he asked for instead. Unknown to Alex, his mother had begun to realise that deep down she was missing having her "little boy" around. She loved looking after him when he was younger but as time went by, she knew she had to release the aprons strings a little and let him develop. His mothers had become a success in the computer industry with her own business, so giving Alex a computer for his school use fine, but she never let on to him that she could remotely access it. So from time to time she found herself checking up on what he had been researching, then purely by accident one day she found one of the sites he had been looking at, then the links to some of the stories he had been reading. She could see that he was reading about "little ones" who still had their mummy even when they were grown up, or little ones that had found and sought out a new mummy. As much as this hurt, she knew that to push and question him straight away would be a mistake, causing her to push him further away or worse still lose him. She decided that he could go on his vacation, let him think for a while but then let him decide what would happen next. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So the day arrived for Alex to board his coach and take the trip. He was filled with both excitement and anticipation; he was unsure what the next few weeks would hold for him but hoped that he would make some decisions that would set him for the future. He knew there was a job for him with his mums company, but at the same time if something else was out there then that would be better, unless he decided to return to college or university. His mum had made the travel arrangements, booked his coach ticket, decided on the little holiday town he would be staying, even found him a nice little guest house to stay in. Unknown to Alex, it was a old friend of his mums that ran it, a best friend from school and college that moved there a few years earlier to take over a family business. She now ran it by herself and was only too pleased to keep an eye on Alex for his mum. She had been told about his little night time accidents so made a few preparations in advance. "Alex" said Leslie his mum, "I need to tell you a few things about your trip before you leave, so come and sit down with me for a moment before I drop you off at the bus station". Leslie sat at the table with her son, reaching out and taking his hand. "Now you are going to the seaside as you wished, it’s not too busy there, just lively enough to keep you occupied. I have booked you into a nice little guest house that is run by an old friend of mine called Val from college. Now don't panic but I made her aware of your night time accidents, I didn't want you getting all wound up and embarrassed". Alex didn't know what to say when his mum told him, he was mad that she told someone else but could see that it actually made sense, even if it was going to be embarrassing when he met Val. "Val told me that she would take care of everything so you don't need to worry" said Leslie, "She will meet you at the bus station in the resort and take you home. She said she will let you settle in and then give you the tour around before letting you do whatever you want to relax". "So make sure you have a good time, be good for her and hopefully I will get to come and visit you later in the week. I have packed everything for you and sent plenty of money ahead to take care of anything you might need". What Leslie didn't mention was that she had added a few extra things into his suitcase, something that she hoped he would like after reading and looking at his favourite pages on Alex's computer history. She had bought him a new dummy with a teat suitable for adults, along with a cloth nappy and some plastic pants. She knew that it was a risk but just hoped that he would accept them and not be scared. If she could have her little boy back then it would make her the happiest mum in the world. "Thanks for all of this mum" replied Alex, "I know telling Val was for the better, even if it makes me feel awkward and embarrassed when I meet her. It will be nice if you can come visit later in the week, you deserve a break just as much as me". So with his things packed, Alex jumped in the car with his mum and headed to the coach station for his trip. After a big hug, cuddle and a kiss, Alex walked onto his coach and took his seat, waving goodbye as the coach pulled away, leaving Leslie with a tear in her eye, waiting for the moment she would be with her little boy again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex relaxed as soon as the coach pulled away; he was on his way, looking forward to getting away for the summer and chilling out. He had become so wound up finishing school, learning never came natural to him like for some of his classmates, he had to really think hard about everything. He had gotten to the point where he was now feeling a bit mentally drained. He sat in his seat watching the world going by as the coach ploughed its way across the country, stopping at various cities along the way to collect other people. He hadn’t really travelled that much in his younger life, his mum always working hard but he would never blame her for this. He knew she wanted him to have the best they could. Finally it was getting close to lunchtime, that meant the coach would take a break and he could get off and take a break, stretch his legs and get a bite to eat. But more importantly get a chance to use the toilet. He had almost wished he was wearing one of his night time pull ups, the drinks his mum had given him for the journey, combined with the several mugs of tea at breakfast made him quite needy for the bathrooms. As soon as the coach stopped he was straight off and heading towards the bathroom area at the service area, the last thing he needed to see was the short queue of people in front of him. He figured that another coach must have gotten in just before they arrived; this was going to be an anxious and awkward wait. Finally he found himself at the front; he dashed into one of the stalls, unfastening his jogging pants as fast as possible, and then lowering his underwear but not before a little dribble came out. In one sense he was happier being in a stall, his mum’s choice of underwear for him was not the best. They could be described as unisex at best, no opening at the front and very plain. He had gotten used to her buying things like that for him over the years; he barely even noticed the pastel colours she would choose. He just used to make sure he wore the white ones whenever he was doing any sports in school. Finally he was sitting on the toilet, able to relieve himself from all those drinks he had consumed so far. He pulled his phone out of his bag to check if he had any messages, the only one being from his mum. It simply said “Love you baby, hope you have fun”. Seeing this from his mum made him feel all warm inside, she often called him baby, he never thought anything of it. He then checked his journey progress and found that they were just short of halfway to his destination. Bearing that in mind he wondered if they would be stopping once more or not, beginning to wonder whether he would be best in one of the pull ups in his bag. This would let him relax a bit; he had dribbled while going this time, so maybe it was for the best. He quickly removed his jogging pants, then “panties” before slipping on one of his pull ups, then pulled his panties back on, thinking they would help keep the pull up in place, before putting his jogging pants back on. Part 4 With himself finally sorted, Alex made his way out of the stall and into the main washroom, walking slightly slowly, now conscious of the pull up he had on. He knew that they were completely covered but still had that feeling that everyone could see it. He washed his hands and then made his way out, trying to tell whether of not his pants where rustling, but the noise in area due to the large numbers of people masked anything he could hear from his pants. He had a walk to the food area and bought himself a sandwich and a drink, before making his way to some of the seating area outside. It was such a nice day, the sun was shining and it was quite warm so why not eat outdoors for once. He found himself a spot on the grassed area but made sure to keep an eye on the time, the last thing he wanted was to miss his coach. But he could see it from where he was sitting so it would be ok. Alex loved to watch people, see them going about their business, but so many doing the same thing but not noticing. He quietly ate his lunch, sitting on the grass in his shorts, the air blowing around his legs. He forgot the fact he was wearing his pull up, his shorts flapping in the breeze; occasionally flapping so that the edge of it would show. He carried on assuming that no-one was any the wiser, not seeing what he was wearing. Sitting at a picnic table across from him was Wendy Johnson, a school nurse at a private girl’s boarding school. She too was on a holiday break, travelling by coach to a nice quiet resort by the sea, looking forward to some nice relaxing fun. She couldn’t help but notice the young man sitting alone on the grass across from her, he was different to the others, they where businessmen and lorry drivers. But she saw him, small for his age but quite content and happy. She wondered where he was going, what he was doing. Having spent the year with nothing but girls to look at in every direction, she was happy to look at the cute young man. Alex finished his lunch, looked down at his watch then saw it was time to go back to the coach, but as he was geeing up he noticed the lady at the picnic table, she was looking at him and smiling. Getting up he felt the pull up against him, but that only let panic set in, he was directly opposite her, had she seen something, was that why she was smiling. He didn’t know but was glad to be going back to his coach knowing he would be alone again. He got up, walked back across the grass, trying to avoid eye contact but couldn’t, she smiled again at him, he moved quicker wanting to be back at the coach. He got back to the coach and began to board when he noticed the other cases now sitting at the side of the coach. He looked towards the driver and asked what was happening, “Nothing to worry about young man” replied the driver, “we just have a few more passengers coming on board, the other feeder coach has arrived”. Alex thought nothing more of it, he climbed on board and went back to his seat, he put his hand luggage bag back onto the seat next to him, then leaned back waiting for the other passengers to get back. He was minding his own business, when a figure appeared by the seat next to his where his bag was. Looking up he saw a lady standing in the aisle, when he saw who it was he nearly wet himself. It was her, the lady from the bench; there she was, looking down at him, “Excuse me young man, is that seat taken” she asked him, still with that smile on her face. “Errrr, no” replied Alex with slight panic in his voice, “I will just move my bag for you”. Alex took his bag off of the seat and placed it by his feet, not noticing the top was slightly open, he was still surprised to see the lady. Part 5 Wendy took her seat next to Alex, the colour just starting to re-appear to his face after his shock. He sat there quietly wondering whether he should say something, but at that time he was simply lost for words, what could he say, what should he say, he didn’t know what she had seen if anything at all. Wendy sat there next to Alex, she loved the expression on his face when she turned up next to him, she was by no way a mean person, but she thought he was such a sweet little thing. Her whole year at the girl’s school had made her realise how much she had missed males, but there was something about this one that made her curious. She had seen the tell tale edge of his pull up when sitting on the grass, it was something easily recognisable to her, many of the girls in the school had need to see her as the nurse she was. “So young man, what is your name, how far are you travelling” said Wendy, deciding it was time to start talking with her companion. “Eeerrrr, my name is Alex” he stuttered out, “I am on the coach until it reaches the coast; I am going for a break there through the summer. Wendy was delighted to hear this; she too was travelling to the coat and knew they were headed for the same destination. “Well I am very pleased to meet you Alex, my name is Wendy Johnson” came the response, “I too am travelling down to the coast for a holiday. The girl’s school where I work as a nurse has broken up for the summer, so I decided I needed a holiday”. Alex was relaxing a bit now, but the thought of having her next to him for the rest of the journey was not that thrilling. He was taken back a bit when she told him what she did for a job; it just wasn’t expected at that point. The thought of having a nurse next to him made him think once more about the pull ups, he knew that a trained nurse would only have needed the slightest glance to recognise them. “It looks like we will be spending the journey together Alex” said Wendy, once more looking at him with that smile once more. “Now why don’t you give me that bag of yours, I can put it up on the luggage rack with mine, and then you will have far more room for the journey”. Alex was left with little choice and couldn’t reason his way around it, it would give him more room for his legs. So he reached down to grab his bag, but as it was lifted the zip sprung open and there in plain sight was his other spare pull up. He tried to quickly close his bag so it was out of sight, but he could see that Wendy had already spotted it. Wendy calmly took the bag from him, zipped it up and proceeded to place it in the luggage rack. Alex had sat back down in his seat, not knowing what to do or say at that point, it no longer mattered if she had seen it before, now she would know. “It’s ok Alex, there is no need to be ashamed” said Wendy softly as she sat back down, “lots of people have to wear pull ups and nappies, for lots of different reasons. I am a nurse so it is nothing new to me”. Alex was left stunned, he knew now that she had seen him for definite now, his pull up must have been showing while sitting on the grass area. Alex was brought back to his senses by the coach starting up and leaving the service area, a few more passengers had joined but not enough to fill the coach, yet she decided to next to me he thought. Part 6 Alex sat thinking for a moment, now taking the occasional glance at Wendy, studying her more closely. She appeared about a similar age to his mum, but noticeably taller than he was and very good looking at the same time. He thought only pretty school nurses appeared in naughty boy’s dreams. He decided that he should try and explain his situation more clearly, he didn’t want her thinking he wore the pull ups all of the time. “I don’t usually wear pull ups, it’s just that I am on a long journey and my mum gave me a lot to drink” said Alex quietly, hoping that no one could overhear him. “I occasionally need them at night, but with the traffic being as it is these days, I didn’t want to take a chance after the service stop”. Wendy turned and listened to him while he was speaking, thinking how sweet it was of him to try and explain everything. She knew quite well that he could have a genuine reason for using them, but it was just the fact that he looked so cute in them when she saw him. “There is no need to worry about it little one” replied Wendy, grinning and chuckling at Alex, “I knew there was some genuine reason for you wearing them, you just looked so cute and innocent sitting on the grass with the frilly edge of the pull up showing”. “I am only teasing Alex, I am sorry if I offended you, I hope you forgive me, I just want some nice company for the rest of the journey”. Alex was a bit taken back, but decided that Wendy seemed a nice person deep down, even if she was enjoying teasing him. Was it worth not getting along for the rest of the coach journey, it would only be a matter of hours and they wouldn’t see any more of each other. “It’s ok Wendy, I didn’t take offence” replied Alex, “But I never realised they had little frilly edges on them” he laughed, “I really hope my mum never bought me the girls ones”. Wendy began to laugh with Alex, her hand patting him on the leg, she so wanted to lift the edge of the shorts and touch his pull up, but she feared he would be scared off and that was the last thing she wanted. Deep down she had missed not being a mother to anyone herself, she went to university then trained as a nurse then got the job in the school, things such as relationships and settling down had passed her by. So over time she had begun to wonder whether she could find someone that she could give her special attention to, a man, a young man, but someone like Alex would be just perfect. Alex was feeling a bit better now they were laughing about it; he was relaxing, actually starting to like Wendy a bit. A nervous thrill went through his body when she touched his leg, it was something he had never had from a woman before, he had never come close to having a girlfriend. Still laughing and joking, Alex lifted the edge of his shorts to reveal the edge of the pull up, “there you go” he said, “see they are not frilly at all”. But when he looked he could see that they were a bit puffier than his regular ones. He wondered how this escaped his notice before, but he was in such a state and rush in the toilets so he didn’t get caught, it made sense he did notice. “Thanks mum” he thought to himself, “what other surprises have you got for me”. Wendy caught sight of it once more, thinking that it looked so much like some of the ones worn at the school where she worked. It was natural for her, but to see it on a boy was something different, offset against his soft white hairless flesh it looked so nice. “Ok, well maybe no frilly, but slightly girlish you must agree” said Wendy, now gently rubbing his leg. “You have such soft skin for a male Alex, I know lots who would adore to have legs like yours, it’s such a shame to keep them covered up”. Alex was now getting quite aroused at the touch from Wendy; never could he have imagined that events would unfold like this. He could feel the front of his pull up starting to tent, but to cover it with his hands would have given it away immediately, he could do nothing, and he was stuck. He had no way out but now he didn’t want one, her touch was driving him wild, his lack of girl experience was showing; he was far too excited to think straight now. Wendy could see the effect she was having on him, it was becoming more and more obvious, she wondered how far she could push him, was he really so shy with girls, he really was the perfect little creature. She leaned closer to him, then whispered in his ear, “You really love this don’t you, you need this, you are wearing your pull up because it excites you as well”, “I can see the effect it is having on you, relax and let nurse Wendy take care of you”. Alex was unable to resist, he needed so much to be able to release, to release at someone else’s touch and not his own, for it to be at the hands of a woman, at this moment for it to be Wendy. Part 7 Alex was having feeling that he had never experienced before, but they where ones that he was enjoying, he could feel himself growing within his shorts. Just the simple touch of Wendy’s hand on his leg was doing this to him, he knew that she had him under her control but he was quite helpless to do anything about it. He could feel the pressure building up within him, he would not be able to last must longer, but what was he to do, he wasn’t sure but shortly he would pass the point of no return and find out what she planned. Wendy was feeling so good with herself at this point, she had him all worked up at just the touch of her hand, she moved it higher until it found the edge of the pull up. She too was getting excited at the thought of what was to come, could she really do this, could she make him loose himself within the confines of his pull up. She gently stroked his pull up, her hand inside his shorts, but always making sure that no one around them would become suspicious of their actions. She continued to rub her hand on little Alex, slowly and softly, feeling the tension growing within him, she knew it would happen, and then with a sudden shudder it did! Alex tried to hold on but it was no use, his body shuddered softly and then he felt himself release in his pull up. He could feel the little creamies leaking from him, pooling around his pee pee and little parts, it felt warm but the sensation was so good. It was obviously not his first orgasm, but it was in this way, making him feel embarrassed and humiliated, but at the same time so aroused. “Oh you sweet little thing” whispered Wendy softly in his ear, “I never thought my touch would make that happen, but I am overjoyed that it did”. “I will give you a moment to compose yourself, and then I think we had best have a go at cleaning you up and changing you without anyone knowing”. She let Alex calm himself down, holding his hand softly, feeling the last little trembles running through him. Then she released him, stood up just to grab her bag from the luggage rack, before sitting down again. Her back pack was one from the school, she had a few supplies with her as a couple of the young ladies from her school had travelled to the coach station with her, and she always looked out for them. They then went their separate ways, the ladies back home and she on her travels, where she boarded her coach that eventually brought her to Alex. She opened the bag and retrieved a box of wipes, a largish towel and a fresh pull up. Alex was a bit surprised to see these items come from her bag, but when he saw the pull up he was unsure whether to be scared or excited. It was a pull up just like normal, but it was the colour and design that startled him, pale pink in colour with little butterfly patterns. “Well I did say that I would take care of everything” said Wendy looking down at Alex, “don’t worry about the colour; they do just the same job as yours do”, “I am sure they will look so cute on you, your girlish soft legs deserve some girlish pull ups”. Alex looked at her but knew he couldn’t say anything, people would suspect something if he caused a scene, so decided that to cooperate would be the best course. He lifted up slightly in his seat allowing Wendy to lower his shorts, before then sitting down and removing them completely. He was now left in a pull up, one that was full of his own creamy mess. Wendy tore the sides, finally lowering the front revealing the young man’s little cock. She was feeling all giddy seeing this, it was so small, and how could someone his age be so undeveloped, there was practically no hair around it. Alex felt so embarrassed at this point, he had been made to have an orgasm in his pull up, now sitting on a coach seat in it with the sides torn apart, his little parts exposed to her. His bigger problem was that he loved the embarrassment and more so the attention, he was experiencing feelings he couldn’t explain. She gently wiped him clean with the baby wipes, making sure she checked everywhere, then dried him off with the towel. She wanted to apply baby powder but that would have been too risky in this situation. Wendy removed the old pull up from under him, folding it up and tucking it away in her bag, then she opened the new one for him, placing the new pink girls pull up at his feet, guiding them through the leg holes. The final touch was to bring it up his legs and secure it over his bottom, before once more hiding it away in his shorts. PART 8 (apologies for getting a name mixed up, Alex’s mum is called Leslie, hope you are all enjoying) Alex was now entering completely new territory, nothing like this had ever happened before, he wasn’t really sure how he should be feeling. All that he was sure about was that the experience he had just had was quite amazing, something he wanted to happen again and again but not on the coach. He was disturbed from his thoughts by the sound of his phone ringing, he wondered who it was while fumbling through his shorts pockets. He opened it up to find that it was his mum, she was checking up to see how he was getting along. He was pleased to hear her voice as he spoke quietly to her, he was missing her but excited by his new adventures. They chatted only briefly, she would speak longer once he was alone in his guest house with Val. As he closed the phone and said “Goodbye mum, love you”, Wendy looked across and saw the picture of his mum still showing on the screen. Wendy was left stunned, surely it could not be, but she was sure it was. It was Leslie from college, “Oh my god” she thought, Alex is her son, I have just done that with one of my best friends little boy. Wendy recognised the picture as they were both still friends and on Facebook, she decided to speak to Alex about it, better now that having him find out later. “Alex” she said tentatively, “I take it that you where taking to your mum on the phone, do you mind if I see the picture again, I couldn’t help notice it before”. “Yes it was mum” he replied, “I guess you can see the picture, why, what is wrong” he said opening it up to the contact page again, then showing her the picture. “Nothing is wrong sweetie” said Wendy, looking once more to be certain. “Oh my, I was right, it is her” said Wendy, “tell me is your mothers name Leslie, she went to St. Mary’s Girls College after she finished school”. “Yes her name is Leslie” replied Alex, “I think that is where she went to college, why do you ask, what is wrong”. “Nothing is wrong I promise” said Wendy trying to calm down Alex, placing her hand on his leg again. “I have to tell you that your mum and I are old friends from college, we are still in contact via facebook today, we still keep up with each others careers”. Alex looked shocked when he found out, he had just been made to orgasm in his pull up by one of his mums friends, what would she do and say if she found out, he didn’t know what to say. “There were three of us that used to be best friends in college” said Wendy, “your mum, me and a girl called Val. I think she moved to the coast somewhere”. When Alex heard this it all kind of made sense, he was pretty certain that the person he was going to stay with was the same Val that Wendy was now talking about. His mum told him that she was a friend and trusted her to look after Alex, he thought that it might be good to phone her and tell her who he was sitting next to. “Bare with me a moment please Wendy” said Alex as he pressed the button to call his mum “Hi mum” said Alex when his mum answered, “nothing to worry about, I am safe and ok, I just have someone sitting next to me that you might want to chat to”, Alex then gave the phone to Wendy. “Leslie, Leslie Jones, is that really you” said Wendy, “It’s me, Wendy, from facebook, it’s such a surprise to find myself sitting on a coach next to your son, he is such a cute little thing”. Alex sat and starred out of the window for a while, letting Wendy have a chat to his mum, only picking up on the odd thing, “yes he is fine”, “oh don’t worry about that”, “no little accidents”. The last little snippet made his eyes turn back toward Wendy, looking at her having a good idea what they are talking about. “Well it has been great talking and hopefully we can meet up soon” said Wendy to Alex’s mum, “I will take good care of him until we get to Val’s, bye for now”. Alex said a quick goodbye to his mum, her final words telling him that Wendy would look after him until he got to Val’s, she trusted her totally. Part 9 “Well young Alex” said Wendy, “it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of each other than we both thought”, “Your mum is going to speak with Val to see if she has availability for me as well, then we can have lots of fun over the summer”. Alex wasn’t quite sure whether this was going to be a good thing or a bad thing. Yes he liked Wendy and enjoyed what had happened between them, but he was hoping to get some time to himself to be able to rest, relax and chill out a bit. Before he had chance to say anything to Wendy, his phone was ringing with the picture of his mum showing on the front of it. “Hi mum” he said when answering, “what’s up, what do you want, I have only just finished talking to you”. “Nothing to worry about sweetie” replied his mum, “just pass on a message to Wendy for me” “Tell her that I have spoken to Val and everything is sorted, there is a room waiting for her and I will be joining you later once I get finished up here”. “Okay mum, no problem, take care and don’t overdo things” replied Alex, “I will let Wendy know”, “Bye for now, love you mum”. “Love you too sweetie, take care and be good for Wendy and Val” replied Leslie, thinking how sweet her little boy was; she wanted him back, her little baby boy. “That was my mum on the phone again” said Alex looking at Wendy, “she says that everything is sorted with Val, there is a room waiting for you to stay in and she will join us later”. Alex decided not to mention the part about being good for her and Val; he thought that it would give Wendy the illusion that Alex had to be with her all the time. He wanted his own time when he could get it, to be able to do what he wanted, when he wanted, in his regular underwear and not in pull ups, or worse still the pink pull ups given to him by Wendy. Wendy thought to herself that things could not be more perfect, should would be staying with an old friend; have Alex staying in the same house, then hopefully the three best friends being reunited where they could concentrate on Alex. Little did Alex know but it was no coincidence that Wendy had found him, Leslie had told her where his coach would be stopping. Leslie had arranged for Alex to be staying with Val, as she knew Val would be only too happy to help her with her need to get her little boy back. She had told Val about his bed wetting and told her of the little surprise she had put in his suitcase, just to make sure that Alex did not try and dispose of it. By the time she was joining them, she hoped that Alex would be in pull ups and nappies full time, not really knowing what was happening to him. Alex leaned back in his seat, watching the world going by; completely unaware of what was in store for him, looking forward to his well earned break. Without even realising it, his hand had slipped to his lap where he was slowly rubbing across his shorts, his fingers then moving the material so that he was able to touch his pull up; the soft pink pull up that Wendy had put him in. Wendy was watching him all this time, seeing him play with the edge of the pull up was getting her aroused, she saw him slipping further and further into the sweet little one that Leslie wanted him to become, but he was totally unaware of it. She put her hand on top of his, just as he was playing with the pull up; she hoped he wouldn’t be startled too much. He looked down, only then realising what he had been doing; he was now blushing; the redness filling his cheeks in embarrassment. Wendy slowly moved his hand and placed it on her leg, and then slowly moving it up and down, she wanted to push him further, make him want to be with her. She finally moved his hand to rest between her legs, wondering what sort of reaction this would bring, had he ever been with a woman before. She was rewarded with a noticeable bulge showing in his shorts, she began to wonder if she could get him to orgasm once more, but this time in his girls pull up. Part 10 Alex was now growing bright red with embarrassment, he was unable to control the reaction in his shorts, he wasn’t even touching them and neither was Wendy, but the feeling he had just touching Wendy was like electric flowing through him. He was unable to control his emotions and this was obvious for Wendy to see, she knew she was being unfair playing with the emotions of Alex, but needed to get some release for herself. With her hand still firmly on top of Alex’s, still resting between her legs, she needed to know something, she needed to question him. “Alex my little sweet” whispered Wendy into his ear, “Have you ever been with a woman before, have you ever touched one, it’s ok, you can be honest with me”. Alex was not surprised to hear this, considering the delicate situation he was in, but what could he say, how could he admit to her that even though he was 18, soon to be 19, he had never had a girlfriend, let alone been with a girl before. He had been kissed by girls, but only because he was such a sweet and caring boy when around them. He looked up towards Wendy, their eyes meeting, he wanted to say something but just couldn’t, and he just gently shook his head from side to side. Wendy had a feeling what his answer would be before even asking, but she just needed to know from him. She wanted him to have his moment at some point, but now would not be that time; instead she just removed both their hands from her legs. Holding him closely, she looked into his eyes, “Don’t worry about that little one, we will make sure that at some point you get to enjoy the experience”. “But for now, do you need to use your pull up, did little Alex have fun last time, but I am sure you would love to have some fun in your little pink pull up”. While Alex was thing whether or not he could go through with it again, the coach driver made an announcement. “We will be arriving in the next hour at the final stop, this will be the place for all passengers to leave the coach, I hope you have had a good journey with us today”. Wendy saw this as an opportunity to help Alex once again, “There you go sweetie” she said to him, “soon we will be arriving, then we will be off to Val’s guest house for our lovely holiday. So if you want to have a little fun we can get you cleaned up at Val’s”. He hadn’t thought about Val for some time, he had never met her, but he had wondered if Wendy knew her as well. His mum told him that she was a friend of hers and she would look after him once he arrived, but that was before Wendy entered the equation. He knew his mum had made arrangements for her to stay as well. All he could think was that his holiday was certainly going to be different. Alex had come so far in just a few hours, he loved being made to cum in his pull up, but now he was in a girls pink pull up, this would feel so different, but he thought he needed to try, the feeling felt so good to him last time. He looked at Wendy, and then simply said “yes please”. Wendy felt so pleased, he loves the emotions set off within him, maybe this will be easier and more fun than Leslie thinks, and her little boy would be putty in her hands once finished. “Okay sweetie, let me help you achieve what you need, just lift up slightly, I think you will enjoy it better”. Alex didn’t even think about it, he lifted his body allowing Wendy to lower his shorts, leaving him sitting there in just a pink pull up. She put her arm around him, drawing him close to her, then placed her other hand on top of his pull up. She then slowly started to rub the front of it for him, feeling him growing within. Without realising Alex’s hand was now playing with the edge of the pink material, rubbing it and flicking it between his fingers, all the time enjoying the touch of Wendy on his front. He was moaning softly, shivers running through him, unable to control his feelings, unable to stop himself from getting closer and closer to erupting once again. “Come on my sweet little Alex” whispered Wendy, “let yourself go, let your emotions out, empty yourself into that cute girly princess pull-up, let those feelings come out”. Alex could not hold out, he had no choice, but surprising himself he erupted into the pull up at the moment Wendy mentioned the words “cute girly princess pull-up”, it acted like a trigger, fluid flowing from him, the front of the pull-up getting slightly darker with the wet spot forming before him. Part 11 Wendy was feeling so happy and pleased with herself, she knew that the main goal was to help Leslie achieve her wishes, but she was going to make sure she had her fun along the way. Leslie had told her she could play with her little boy as she would have to wait until she joined them, but Leslie thought that it would be easier getting Alex to do whatever they wanted if he was getting some fulfilment himself. With her hand now resting on his pull up, Wendy looked at him, “Aww, Alex sweetheart, you are such a good boy, I bet that feels all nice doesn’t it”, “But we need to get your shorts back on, we will be arriving shortly and Val will be there to meet us”. Alex was so much out of it with his own personal enjoyment; this brought him back to his senses. He quickly pulled up his shorts, wanting to be covered up ready for when they stopped in the bus station, he knew people would be moving around so didn’t want to arouse suspicion. Wendy could see him trying to make sure he was all covered up again, she thought it so sweet and innocent, but by the time they had finished with him there would be none of it. He would not care who saw him and where he was, he would be that little boy for his mum and her friends. Within minutes the coach was pulling into the bus station, people were up and about, rushing around the coach trying to get their things together. Wendy made sure that Alex stayed still in his seat, letting everyone else start to leave until she was ready to leave. Eventually they got up out of their seats, Wendy passed down Alex his back pack from the luggage rack, then brought hers down, and then after checking they had everything, they walked down the front of the coach and then got off. Alex was now for the first time for as long as he could remember wearing a pull up in public, but not only that, he was wearing a girls pink pull up, one that was all damp inside because of his own excitement. He followed Wendy away from the coach, heading towards an area where some people had gathered to greet friends that had travelled. Alex did not know Val by sight, it had been quite some years since Wendy had seen her friend, but when things had settled, there was only one lady left standing there. Wendy went over towards her, “Val is that you, it has been such a long time but you’re still so tall and elegant”. “Hi Wendy” replied Val, “it has been so long but Leslie sent me a few pics from your Facebook so I would recognise you”. They had a warm embrace before Val turned her attention to Alex, looking him up and down, “Well hello sweetie, you must be my little guest for the next few weeks, it’s so good to finally meet you, and your mum has told me so much about you”. Alex went to shake her hand, but Val just put her arms around him, pulled him close and hugged him tightly. He could feel her arms around him and her hands then giving his bottom a little squeeze, if only to confirm her knowledge of him. When they stepped apart, Wendy and Val started loading the luggage in her 4x4, giving Alex chance to clearly look her over. She was taller than both Wendy and his mum, maybe a bit older as well, long flowing dark hair, slim body with large breasts that pressed against her tight clothing. If it had been in any other situation he could even have found himself attracted to Val, she was older yes, but so pretty. This was going to be a lot harder for him now, Wendy had him wanting her, Val was just as pretty and she would be looking after his special requirements for night time. “Right then Alex” called out Val, “no day dreaming, get in the car, then I can get you and Wendy settled in, I am quite sure that you could do with a bath or shower”. Alex went over to the car where Val had the back door opened for him, Wendy already seated in the front. He was a bit surprised to see a 5 point harness attached to the seat, but with a few boxes on the other seat had no choice but to get in. “Oh I am sorry about this Alex” said Val, “I had my niece staying last week; her mum insisted that I had the harness fitted”, “It should fit you; she is quite big for her age whereas you are small for yours”. Before he could say anything, she was securing him in, including fastening the crotch strap up between his legs. Part 12 Alex was left speechless as he was fastened into the back of the car, a position that unknown to him he would become accustomed to in the not so distant future. He thought about protesting but knew that if he caused any trouble, his mum would find out. While everything was going on, there was still one thing in the back of his mind, his mum had made the arrangements and he could never bring himself to upset her in any way. He sat quietly in the back of the car listening to some music playing, whilst up front Wendy sat chatting with Val, he couldn’t make out what they were talking about, but occasionally thought he heard his name being mentioned. It was only a short ride before they pulled up outside a large house at the end of a road, just off the main seafront, but looking out over a beach that appeared quite secluded. Val and Wendy climbed out of the car, before Val came around to his door and opened it, he had tried himself but found the child lock in place on the door. He had to wait for Val to release his harness; it fastened in a way that made it impossible for him to reach the locking point. She went to release him but not before looking down at his shorts, unknown to him they had ridden up enough so that the edge of his pull up was now showing. “Come on sweetie” said Val releasing him from the seat, “let’s get you inside and settled down, I am sure that you could do with a bath and a change out of those”. The last part was said as she had her hand on his pull up, rubbing the edge of it. He went to the back of the car to collect his case, but not knowing what little surprises his mum had packed in there for him. His usual underwear had been replaced with much thicker terry cotton pants, ones that would be better described as a pair of training panties for toddlers. Then there was the usual pull up which he wore for sleeping in at night, but the special surprise was the cloth nappy and plastic pants she put in there, one just like those he had been viewing on-line. They made their way into the house, Alex was impressed with what he saw, very large hallway, very well furnished but all looking slightly feminine, but at the same time very homely. From his position in the large waiting area, he could see out over the sea, the beach looked very private but that was perfectly ok with him. Wendy had already gone up her room by the time Val had collected Alex’s room key, “Come along Alex, let’s go find your room, I am sure you will, it is right next to mine, so I can keep an eye on you like I promised your mum”. They made their way up the first flight of stairs, then along a corridor after going through a door marked private, “It’s ok Alex” said Val, “I just wanted to make sure that you get some nice peace and quiet, sometimes the guests can be a bit noisy”. Finally they reached a door marked with a little sign saying “ALEX”, which was a bit of a shock to him, he hadn’t realised how much trouble Val had gone through. The door was unlocked by Val and Alex was greeted by daylight once again. Before him stood a vast room, with a large double bed against one wall, directly opposite was a large TV mounted to the wall, then a dresser with plenty of drawers for his clothes. There was also a large dressing table with its own chair, but to his surprise in the corner a desk with a laptop computer on it. “That was a present from your mum for doing so well at school” said Val as she saw him looking at it, “through that door over there is your own private bathroom, the other door leads to my room but it is locked so don’t worry about that”, “The last door over there is the walk in wardrobe, but I think the dresser will be ok for your things”. “So let’s get you unpacked then you can have that nice warm bath that we both know you need”. Unaware of its contents, Alex lifted up his case onto the bed, but as it landed he thought he heard something rustling, Val came over to him, putting her arm around him, “That noise is only the protective mattress cover I put on the bed for you, your mum did tell you that she told me about your little problem and the last thing we want is for your bed to get wet. We can deal with a wet sheet or two but not a wet mattress”. He did remember what his mum had told him, so in all fairness it was to be expected, but it was just the shock of it, he just looked at Val and smiled. He started to open the case, then once open he undid the luggage straps inside it, removing the towel off the top. Directly underneath where his pull ups, all laying next to each other, which Val picked up and then walked over to the dresser with before laying them in one of the drawers, next to more pink ones which she already had prepared. He removed his t-shirts himself only to find the new underwear selection his mum had packed for him. At first he was unsure what they where, but having given the shirts to Val he quickly picked a pair up, only now understanding what they were. He had seen them on some of the sites he looked at but never imagined he would have some himself, especially not so many. Val came back over to him, looking at what he was holding, “Oh my, aren’t they the cutest little panties ever, so thick and sensible for a sweet boy like you, we will have to take care washing these, we don’t want them losing all that puffiness do we”. With that, Val took them from him and then places them in the dresser, the next drawer down from his pull ups. Alex then removed the next layer which contained some jeans and some more shorts, only to finally reveal the final surprise from his mother. There in plain view was the thickest terry cotton nappy he had seen, resting next to a pair of pale pink plastic panties that where covered in see through organza, with fine lace edging. For Alex he could see straight away what they where, it was something he had looked at so many times before, something he always wanted to try but never had. He was stuck in a trance until Val rested her hand on his, before looking at him, waiting to see if he would say anything. A few moments later with Alex still quiet, Val picked up the nappy and pants, removed it from the case and placed it on his bed next to the pillow. She closed the case, put it under the bed then looked at him, “Now you get undressed, I will go and run the bath. We can discuss the nappy later; there must be a good reason that your mum put it in there”. Part 13 Alex was speechless, he couldn’t believe that his mum had done this, he was trying to work out in his mind what would have made her do it, was there any way possible that she had found out his secret. In his mind he had been so careful, he never left his computer switched on, it was locked with a completely unique password. But while he was still thinking and trying to work things out, he had completely forgotten to get himself undressed, Val returned and caught him day dreaming. “Now come on Alex sweetie, I was hoping you would all ready and undressed ready for your bath” said Val in a sweet and motherly voice, “I can see that I am going to have to keep a firm eye on you in the future”. Before he had chance to start, Val was helping him remove his clothing, the bath was already full ready for him. Off came his t-shirt and shorts, leaving him standing there in just his sock and the cute pink pull up that Wendy put him in. Next off came his socks, just leaving him standing there in that pink pull up. Next thing he knew there was a flash of a camera; he turned to see Wendy standing the doorway taking a few snaps of him. “Forgive me Alex but I just had to have a few pics” said Wendy, “after all, it was me that put that on you”. But before Alex could reply, Wendy was off and gone. She needed to send those pics to his mum. Val took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom, then slowly tore each side of the pull up, before slowly pulling it away from his body. All the sticky cum was now stretching from him to that soft pink material, but the little strings broke away and he was now completely naked. Val looked at him and thought he looked so sweet, she could see now why Leslie wanted to get her little boy back again. Apart from his head, she noted that his body was practically hairless; he really was so young looking for his age. She would make sure that when the time was right, she would have all those stray hairs removed, he would be as smooth as a baby. “Come on sweetie, stop dawdling” said Val, “let's get you in the water before it starts getting cold, I will be back shortly to check on you”. With that Val helped Alex into the water and then gave him a large sponge to wash himself with, before leaving him alone to enjoy the nice hot water. He sat there for a while trying to take in what had happened over the last few hours since those services on the motorway. He knew things had changed, some of the things he wanted where starting to happen, but not quite in the way he expected. His peace was soon disturbed by a returning Val, but now she had a long length PVC apron on, her hair tied back out of the way. She came into the bathroom with a large fluffy white bath towel and put it down on the vanity unit. “Just as I thought” she said, “I leave you here to wash yourself and once more I find you day-dreaming, I think that I had best take care of things”. Without another word, she grabbed the sponge off Alex, added some all over baby wash, and then proceeded to wash Alex from head to toe, not even blinking when she got to private parts. She simply grabbed hold of his pee pee, and then washed it all over, top to bottom. Once she was done she had him stand up in the water, then she proceeded to wash between his legs, running her soapy fingers all over his bottom and between his cheeks. Alex was enjoying the touch once more, he wanted to say something, he was a young man and old enough to wash himself, but his natural instinct was to let her take over. All too soon for him it was over and she was taking his hand to help him out of the bath, then wrapping his soft skinned little body in the large fluffy towel. She dried him off in a motherly way, taking care to ensure he was totally dry, before leading him back into the bedroom. “Now I think it is still quite early, so let’s get you some clean underwear out, then get you dressed and I think we can go and get some dinner”. Val thought about using the nappy but decided that bedtime would be a far more appropriate time for its introduction to Alex. Instead she picked a pair of his thicker underwear from the dresser, ones she knew where actually training panties. She added a bit of powder to his private area, and then helped him into the panties, pulling them up making sure they were nice and snug. Next she gave him a t-shirt and shorts to wear, both plain white, followed by some small socks and then his white trainers. He loved the touch of Val while being dressed, she was stern like a mother would be, but at the same time so soft and gentle with him. He was once more getting aroused in his panties, something that didn’t go unnoticed to Val, but this would have to wait until later. “Come on sweetie, let’s go and get you some dinner, then you can have a look around the place, you might like what you see”. Apologies to all who have been reading, I got a bit snowed under with work so this had to take a seat on the backburner. Hopefully I will have more time to write once more. Chapter 14 Val took him by the hand and led him from his bedroom, back down the corridor they had come along. It was only just dawning on him that he was not going to be eating dinner in private; he would be going to the main dining room where all the other guests where eating. He worked out that the guest house was not huge, but it was full so there would be quite a few people there, probably all wondering who the young man all dressed in white was. Val had a few guests that were staying for the summer as well as Alex and Wendy, she was sure that they would want to meet little Alex at some point. When they reached the dining room, Wendy was already there sitting at a table, he could see the other place setting so knew that he must be joining her. As he made his way across the room he only really found his eyes meeting with two other ladies sitting together, both looking about the age of Val, wearing sleeveless tops and trousers, one dark hair and the other a blonde. He thought they were quite attractive even though they were older, but looked fit and trim at the same time. They smiled as he walked passed them before taking his seat with Wendy, the only two in the room that made eye contact with him. Val could see they noticed little Alex, “I see that Hannah and Angela have noticed you sweetie” said Val, “they are staying all summer just like you, they come every year for the summer season, selling their clothing at a stall in the summer market. When they are off they love to keep fit, I am sure you will love to meet them at some point”. Alex was ok with the keeping fit side of things, that is why he was always so slender, but he did wonder what they sold, assuming it to be ladies clothing, but he would find out another time. “Now don’t you look a handsome little boy” said Wendy, drawing Alex’s attention back to her and Val, “you look so sweet all dressed in white, we must make sure you have a nice big napkin to keep you clean”. That was when Val reached around him, putting the dark pink napkin in his lap, before tucking another in his shirt collar, draping down his front. Val then left Wendy and Alex to bring out the first course for everyone. They both enjoyed some tomato soup, and then chicken with potatoes before dessert was served. Everyone except Alex had cheesecake, but he was given ice cream with little sugar sprinkles on the top. He wondered why at the time but loved ice cream so didn’t bother to ask. With dinner over, Wendy retired to her room to do some work she had brought from the school, leaving Alex once more in the care of Val. “Now then sweetie” she said to him, removing his napkins and wiping his mouth and face, just like a mother would to a little child, “Why don’t we go for a little walk and I can show you the beach and the seafront”. “Do you need to use the bathroom first” she asked him, just loud enough for Hannah and Angela to overhear, causing a little smile and giggle from them. “I guess I better had” replied Alex, the last thing he wanted was to be caught short. So standing up Val once again led him back through the dining room, before taking him to his bathroom. But what shocked Alex was that she went in with him and without a word, lowered his shorts and training pants before pushing him down onto the toilet seat. “It's ok Alex; I have had a son of my own, so I have seen it all. Now you go pee pee for Aunty Val, I did promise your mummy I would take care of you”. Alex was lost for words, he didn’t know what to say, what to do, so he just sat down and did his best to let his pee flow out. He stood up and was about to pull his pants back up when he got a look from Val that said just one thing, hands off! So instead he just stood still and let her take care of things. She then wiped his little cock softly, before sprinkling some baby powder over it, then sliding his training panties back up. Now she was smoothing them out, rubbing him gently to get a reaction from him. It worked, she was now feeling a little bulge growing in his pants, and Alex was wriggling slowly at her touch, so she carried on. She then had him step out of his shorts, leaving him standing there in just the training pants, socks and trainers. While still rubbing him she reached into a cupboard and pulled out a pair of clear plastic pants, wanting to put him into them as soon as possible. “Now come on sweetie, be a good boy for Aunty Val, lets slip these onto you then we won’t have anything leaking through that we need to worry about”. He was like putty in her hands, the feeling flowing through him once more that he had experienced with Wendy. He put one leg then the other into the pants, before Val slowly lifted them up his smooth legs, pulling them into place. She now need to reward him she thought, let him see how good he was for letting her do this to him. Val now had her hand rubbing and caressing the front of him, her other hand now inside the back of his panties, holding his soft pink botty cheeks. A stray finger slowly edging towards his soft little hole, she knew she would have that one day soon. “Come on sweetie, show Aunty Val what a good boy you are, let it all out, you know you want to cream you soft terry panties, especially now you are safe in your plastic pants”. Alex was now beyond the point of no return, he wanted to release so much, Val had done the same to him that Wendy had before. Then suddenly he tensed up and just as Val’s finger touched his little hole, he squirted into the training pants. “Oh you perfect little darling” said Val to him softly, “I bet that felt so nice didn’t it, I bet you are glad we put your plastic pants on, such a lot of wet sticky cream would have soaked through your new training pants”. Chapter 15 Alex was left standing there with emotions running through his body like nothing he had never felt before. Val had made him feel so special, he wanted to thank her but felt too embarrassed to say anything, he had enjoyed it but it should have felt so bad. He looked at her but just could not bring himself to say anything. Instinct told Val that she had him all mixed up inside, he had been dressed as pure and innocent as possible but still in adult clothes, well on the outside anyway. Then without any fuss she had taken him into the bathroom to use the toilet, before getting him all worked up and making him cum in his little training panties. “Come on sweetie” Val told him, “I think you need a little bit of fresh air to cool you down and let you get a breather”. Val took him by the hand and led him back out into the corridor before heading outside, but not before collecting a small bag. It held a jumper for both of them in case the air got a bit cool, but they where, unknown to Alex both in pale baby pink. She also had two rain capes in there as it had forecast the chance of a shower later in the evening. On the way out through the door Alex passed both Angela and Hannah, both of them giving his bottom a little pat on the way through the door before giggling. It was as though the sound of his plastic pants was echoing to them; he began to wonder if they knew already, or if not, how long it would be before they found out. Leaving the guesthouse entrance, Alex once again found himself hand in hand with Val, well more so Val taking his hand. With every little step he took he could feel the damp patch in the front of his pants pressing against his skin, he knew that if it weren’t for the plastic pants there would be a large wet spot showing. He knew that Val had left him this way for her own enjoyment, but maybe for his own humiliation. But after a while he had gotten used to the feeling and carried on as though nothing mattered. Val carried on walking trying not to look down on her sweet little charge, but she kept having the odd little glance at him, seeing the conflict in his face, looking at the picture of innocence, still dressed all in white. They approached one of the shelters along the sea front so Val decided it was time to sit down and add a layer of clothing now that the sun was setting. Val sat down and lifted Alex onto her knee, the size difference between them making the job quite easy. “I think it’s time for a sweater for both of us sweetie” said Val, “we don’t want to catch cold, your mummy would never forgive me”. “Here we go” said Val reaching into her bag and pulling out two sweaters, “I hope you don’t mind that I got matching ones for us, they where the first ones I grabbed out of the cupboard”. Val tried to make it sound like a coincidence she had picked two pale pink sweaters, but that had been her plan all along. “I guess it doesn’t matter” replied Alex, “it’s not as though mine is a girls or ladies one”, not really knowing one way or the other just making a logical assumption. “It does feel really soft though” said Alex, “it will keep me nice and warm”. Val proceeded to dress Alex in his new sweater knowing full well that it was a girls, it was also a mix of lamb’s wool and angora, designed to be super soft on smooth skin. She knew only too well that it would tingle the soft blonde hairs on his arms; what few of them there were. She then proceeded to put her own on, before giving Alex a small carton of juice with a little straw in it. When they set off again, Alex once again hand in hand with Val, they looked like mother and child, from a distance they could have been mistaken for mother and daughter with Alex dressed in pink and white. Val now understood more and more why his mom wanted him back as her little one, he was so unassuming and innocent with regards to the big wide world, he needed the close love and attention, and so far that is what he had been getting. Alex finished his drink while walking along, Val pointing out small things along the way; the best part of the beach; where he could swim and where to get the best ice cream. Alex tried to pay attention but was having a bigger problem, the need for the bathroom. The little mess he had made in his trainer pants earlier, combined with the carton of juice now meant he needed to visit the bathroom. “Erm Aunty Val” said Alex, wondering what to say, “is there anywhere with a bathroom nearby, I need to use one”. Val thought for a moment, wondering whether it was too soon to have Alex wet himself, she so wanted to but decided that outdoors would be unfair to him. “Come on sweetie, there are some toilets further along” she said, “can you be a good boy and hold on for me, it’s not far”. Alex had little choice but to carry on hoping that he wouldn’t leak anything, he was now quite relieved to be wearing the plastic pants. They soon reached the bathroom but there was a sign on the door of the mens room saying it was out of order, saying the next was about 15 mins away. He knew he could not hold for that long so rather than take a boy into the ladies; Val opened the door to the baby change room, knowing it would be empty this time in the evening, then pulling Alex in behind her. To avoid adults using this room as a toilet, there was only a potty chair in the corner suitable for a child, so Val told Alex he would have to use it. To stop him getting his white shorts dirty by touching the floor, Val insisted that he take them off first. So he soon found himself sitting on a child’s potty, wearing only his trainers and socks with his white polo and pink jumper. With Alex looking down, Val took the opportunity to take a quick picture of him, before sending it to his mum. “Are you all done sweetie” said Val bringing him back to his senses, “stand up so I can wipe you dry”. Val took hold of his little cock and gently dabbed it dry with some paper, still seeing the remains of the shiny cum glistening on his skin. “I think that we will have to give someone a shower when they get home, you really did fill your panties for Aunty Val didn’t you, you where such a good boy”. Those words from Val only had one effect on young Alex, I made him excited once again, but all Val did this time was to clean him further with his cloth training pants. When she finished, she held them out and looked at Alex, “You can’t wear these back home, they are far to damp for your delicate skin” “I am afraid that you will just have to wear your plastic pants under your shorts, but I am sure that you will be ok” “Come on; let me put them back on you”. Val slid the plastic pants back up his legs, fitting them over his bottom and pulling them up at the front, but his now semi stiff cock pointing upright beneath the soft PVC. She then helped him back into his shorts, fastening them up, and then patting the front of them. “Come on sweetie” said Val gathering their things, “time to head back I think”. The first few steps Alex took where the strangest ever to him, the soft PVC now caressing him with every step he took, making him harder and harder. But Val just gently smiled at him, wondering how long he could hold on for. Chapter 16 The light was beginning to fade as the sun started to set out over the sea, the temperature still relatively warm but the need for the soft jumper Alex was wearing justified with the sea breeze. It was the first time he had really noticed the small resort he would be spending his summer in, somewhere he could feel safe, already finding himself being very intimately cared for by Val and Wendy. As they carried on along the sea front back towards Val’s guesthouse, Alex found himself getting more and more excited within the confines of his plastic pants, the soft smooth PVC encasing his little private parts, rubbing him slowly with each step he took. Val knew full well the effect it was having on little Alex but was not letting up and carried on walking, her hand gripping tightly to that of Alex, making sure the pace was kept up. As they approached the shelter they stopped at on the way down, the sky clouded over very quickly from the land, a few droplets of rain starting to fall. They just made it in time before the rain got heavier; joined at the same time by two ladies that had come from the opposite direction. It was only when they all met at the same side of the shelter that Alex could see it was the two ladies from the guest house that had spoken to him earlier; Hannah and Angela. “Hello there sweetie” said Hannah, surprised to see Alex standing there, “don’t you look all nice and warm in that soft pink sweater” “I might have to ask Val where she got that, I would love one like that myself, it looks so soft and girlish, maybe Val will take us shopping for one”. Val looked down at her little companion, she loved how embarrassed he would get but still not say anything. “I think I can find time to show you where they came from” said Val, “it would be a good idea to get another for Alex for these cooler summer evenings, maybe one in lemon or white, what do you think Alex”? Alex was caught with nowhere to go, he had to be good and didn’t want to anger Val, even though the colours she mentioned where just as childish and girlish as the pink one he was wearing. “Maybe it would be a good idea” replied Alex, “it does feel nice and warm”. He answered as best he could hope that in time they would forget about the idea. “It looks like this rain is set for the evening” said Angela, “I do hope you have a coat to keep your soft wool nice and dry Alex”. But before he could answer Val had her hand in the bag she was carrying, “I thought I would bring these just in case” replied Val pulling out a folded up PVC raincoat, “you never can tell with this sea air”. Hannah took the coat from Val and opened it up, letting out a pleasant smile and little giggle when she saw that it was pale pink, but still see-through. “Come along Alex” she said, “let me help you on with this then you can be on your way, back home to nice warm bath before bedtime”. Hannah held the coat out while Alex slipped his arms in without any arguments; it was soft and smooth, and quite figure hugging to him. Hannah smiled to him as she closed the front and did up the buttons. Her hands smoothed it out around his body, only then did she hear the rustling of his panties, those plastic ones that had caressed him all the way to his present location. Val could see that Alex was getting embarrassed again, his shorts slightly tenting at the front again, she wondered if he would react to Hannah touching him the same as when she did. “Please excuse me for a moment” said Val, “I need to make a phone call, and I just remembered I had forgotten to order something for tomorrow”. “Now Alex, you stay here with Hannah, I will be just around the corner”. All of the phone call talk had been an excuse made up by Val, but none of them knew that apart from her. Once Val was around the corner, Hannah sat down on the bench and lifted Alex onto her lap, holding him close with one arm, her other hand now resting on top of the bulge in his pants. “Do you like your plastic pants sweetie” she whispered to him, “I bet they are so soft and smooth rubbing on your little pee pee, have you already been naughty in them”? Alex just looked at her and nodded, he knew that without anyone stopping her, he would soon have another mess in them. Hannah now had her hand inside the shorts and was playing with him, rubbing him slowly, telling him quietly and softly that he was such a sweet boy. “You are going to make the perfect little one for your mummy” said Hannah to him, something which he secretly wanted but had still never let out. “Now be a good little boy and fill your panties for Aunty Hannah, let all that boyish little cream out”. This was getting too much for him, his body tensed up more and more with each touch from Hannah, until she whispered one last comment, “You will be doing this lots and lots when with me, I guarantee” That sent Alex over the edge; he began to spurt more of his creamies into the panties. Chapter 17 Hannah held Alex close while he did his best to regain his composure, there was a grin on her face from side to side, enjoying so much what she had just put the poor boy through, but now looking forward even more to the next time she play with him. Alex was coming back to his senses when he felt Angela run her fingers through his hair, “Awww, such a sweet little boy” she told him, “I can’t wait to go swimming with you tomorrow”! Alex new nothing about this but felt strangely comfortable with all the ladies he was now acquainted with, no matter what they seemed to be doing to him. He had been through so many emotions so far but all of them so pleasurable. Val had finished her so called phone call and re-appeared from the other side, but she had been watching Alex without him knowing, loving every moment of it. But now was the time to take him home and get him settled for the night, he had had quite a day so far and must have been exhausted. “Come along little one” said Val, “I think it is about time we were going, I am sure that you will have plenty of time to play with Hannah and Angela”. Alex just blushed at the thought, wondering what Val meant, but his mind was brought back to the present moment as soon as he stood up. All that fluid was now gathering once more in the bottom of his plastic panties. His little balls now coated in the emissions that both Val and Hannah had coaxed from him. So finally with his pink PVC raincoat fastened up, his hood pulled up, Val took him by the hand and they set off back towards the guesthouse. The walk back was quiet, neither saying much, both getting covered in the rain that was still falling, but Alex quite happy to be dry in his coat, even if it was pink. Once safely back indoors, Val helped him off with his coat. “Well I think it is time for you to go have a bath” said Val, “I am sure that your pants must be quite full by now, I can’t leave you in them, now can I”. Val led him upstairs back towards his bathroom, to be greeted by Wendy coming out of her room, “Well hello sweetheart” said Wendy, “I hope you have had a nice walk”. “Are we going for a nice warm bath”? “Yes” replied Val before Alex could speak, “his little underwear didn’t last too long”, “But it is ok, his plastic pants managed to hold all his little messes, so I think it time to get him cleaned up before bed”. “Well I can’t let you do all the work” said Wendy, “you go and check that all is ok with the staff and guests, I will get Alex started with the bath”. Wendy took Alex to his bathroom, and then started the water running in the bath while she slowly proceeded to remove his clothes. Alex felt a little nervous as this was the first time Wendy had actually seen him totally naked. While she turned off the water, Alex was left to stand in just his plastic panties, the see-through PVC doing nothing to hide all the cumsie sloshing around inside. Wendy turned around to look at him, knowing full well what had happened, Val actually messaged her earlier to let her know what fun they had been having. “My oh my” she exclaimed trying to be surprised, “you really have been enjoying yourself haven’t you”. She spread a towel on the floor, then slowly lowered the panties from Alex, strings of white cum hanging from his skin, leaving his little cock and balls all shiny. Once he had stepped out of them she wondered for a moment, thinking would he taste it, but then thought that could wait for another time. “Right then, into the bath with you” said Wendy, “I will just wash these out in the sink then we can make sure that you are all clean”. Alex lowered himself into the water, sinking slowly under all the soft bubbles that now surrounded him, trying his best to wash as quickly as possible. He looked around for a sponge but there was none to be found, a washcloth neither, he now knew he would not be washing himself. “Right then little one” said Wendy, turning her attention back to him, now holding a large sponge in her hands, “let’s get you all washed and clean, then Val will be back to get you dressed for bed”. “But...but..but” stammered Alex, “I can wash myself if you give me the sponge, I am sure I can manage”. “Nonsense” replied Wendy, kneeling down at the side of the bath, “we all promised your mummy that we would take good care of you, and so that is what we will do”! With that she put her fingers in the bubbles and then brought some up and dabbed them onto Alex’s nose, causing Alex to giggle as he accepted his fate, he could never go against his mums wishes no matter how strange they seemed. Wendy then plunged the sponge in to the water, then brought it up to Alex’s chest and began to wash him, making sure that no place was left untouched. With the top of his body done, Wendy had Alex get on his hands and knees in the bath, where she proceeded to wash his bottom before turning her attention to between his legs. Alex was giggling like a little girl while this was happening; she had now found his ticklish week spot. She slowly washed every part of his little body; his balls, and then finally his little pee pee. He could not help it when it started to grow under her soft touch, but this time he would not be getting any relief from it, the ladies had decided that he had gone through enough today. Just as Wendy finished washing him, Val returned to the bathroom with a very large white fluffy towel in her arms. She could help but laugh when she saw little Alex on his hands and knees in the water, still with a big pile of bubbles sitting on his bottom. “Come on sweetie, it’s time to get you out before you get addicted to those bubbles” said Val, still chuckling to herself. She waited for Wendy to pour some water over Alex’s bottom, before helping him to stand up, then wrapping the big warm fluffy towel around him. “Now don’t you look all snug and warm in there” said Wendy, “I think I can leave you safe in Val’s arms for the rest of the night”. With that she kissed Alex on his head, and then left Val to dry Alex off and get him ready for bed. Leaving the bathroom and going back into Alex’s bedroom, the first thing Alex noticed layed out on his bed was the big white fluffy towelling nappy and the plastic pants that his mum had packed and sent with him.
  5. After weeks sending countless messages on online dating websites only to receive no response, I was beginning to lose hope and become burnt out. Until she messaged me back. Misskiwi was professional and ambitious. A career woman with a long and articulate write up on her profile. I was a guy wondering what she'd want to do with me. My hopes surged as we chatted, she was affable though exacting and stubborn. I could live with that. I find out her name, Nora. She wanted to meet up and go for a walk at a busy park nearby. I agreed, of course. Things seemed to be looking up. A few days later, I found myself sitting down on the park bench she directed me to carefully. I waited. She was nowhere to be seen. I wondered what was up, and glanced over at the empty spot next to me. There was a medium-sized package. I figured someone must have left it there by accident, and they'd be back for it soon. I continued to wait. About fifteen minutes later, a curiosity mixed with boredom and disappointment got the better of me and I leaned over to look down at the package. It was addressed to Nora. Not only that, there was a small, handwritten note taped expertly onto cardboard. It had neat and feminine writing with soft, round lines on it. Could it be Nora's? I scooched over and began to read: "I had to run at the last minute, I'm really sorry. Business calls. We'll meet soon, okay? I meant to give you this in person, but this will have to do for now. Don't open the box until you get home! It's important." I made my way back home, box under my arm pressed against my ribs. It was surprisingly light. All I could do as I walked was wonder what was inside. The same moment I got into my apartment, I was opening the box, deeply curious about its contents. Then I saw it. It was a package of adult diapers. What? I sat there in silence, struck by the strangeness of it all. Slowly a mixture of humiliation and excitement rose inside me, a combination I wasn't used to feeling together. I wondered if the smell coming from inside the box was Nora's perfume scent. It was somewhat intoxicating. Why? Had she just wanted to play a joke on me? I took the package of diapers out of the box, and noticed another note underneath in what I presumed was Nora's handwriting. "No, this isn't a cruel prank. It's a test. A pretty harmless and quick test. You just have to trust me. Meet me for a video chat at 8:30 pm sharp. Be in a diaper. You really must be wearing one. I promise I'll reward you. ❤️ Nora" I felt excitement tinged with humiliation rising in my chest. I had to do it. I had to see what she had in store for me. What did I really have to lose? I'd been trying to get a date for weeks without any luck, and suddenly this mysterious woman enters the scene and has me feeling something. It's worth a try, I thought. So after some dinner I opened up the package of diapers and unfolded one. Laying down on my bed, I did up the side tabs carefully and made sure the fit was snug around my groin. They felt nice, a bit like a pillow around my crotch. I slid my shorts back up and sat down at the computer. They weren't very nice to walk in, the bulk was a little awkward and I was reminded of my strange situation each time the thick fabric grazed my inner thighs. It was 8:17. I waited. At exactly 8:30, she was on. Looking as composed as ever, she began to speak before I could quietly say hello. "Hello! Did you do it? Are you wearing one of your diapers?" She asked. "Yeah--just like you said to do. Why are we--" "Well, it's complicated." She bit her lip. "You want to hear the whole story?" "Sure, take your time," I replied. "First though, I want to really see that you're wearing it. Can you just show me the top of it, peeking out of your--that's it." I lifted my shirt, exposing the top of the diaper hiding beneath my shorts. "Okay, so here it is. I have had a lot of boyfriends in the past who have had bladder control issues. They were really leaky and drippy, some of them said their control got bad only after being with me. I think they were just shielding their bruised egos, but anyway, I don't really trust it." Was this lady crazy? Did she really think that just because she had problems with that in her past relationships, that it would somehow leak over onto me? "I don't have a bladder problem," I cracked a smile. She looked at me doubtfully. "I dunno. We'll see. There's another reason I need you in diapers. I need to make sure you're really committed to me. I've had a lot of bad experiences in the past with trust, and I want to know that you're really willing to go the extra mile for me. I'll go the extra mile for you of course, but first you need to complete this challenge for me. " "I dunno." I gave mock consideration, looking away as if I were deliberating. "Where's your diaper? Can I see it to make sure you're wearing it?" I watched as Nora reached down and began to lift up her shirt. Did she really have a diaper on underneath her jeans? Soon I caught a glimpse of the smooth, soft looking skin of her belly. She looked at me mischievously as she reached under her jeans and pulled up her underwear so I could see. She shook her head. "I don't wear them." "Well, I don't either. I'm not going to do it." I said. Nora seemed hurt by my response. She recoiled. "It's only for a few weeks," She began. "I don't want you to wear them for long if you don't need to. You don't even have to use them, you just have to wear them that's all. It's only a change of underwear you make it out like it's such a big thing..." "The answer's no." I said again. "Please?" "Look, I'm exhausted. I want to get to sleep, it's nearly nine and I have to be up for five thirty. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I blew her a kiss and left the chat. If it was unreasonable that her potential boyfriend says no to wearing diapers he doesn't need, then she'd just need to find someone else to be with. I took off the diaper straight away and set the rest of the pack out by the front door to be thrown away. After watching a few short videos on YouTube to unwind, I stripped down to my socks and underwear and went to bed. I noticed I had to pee pretty urgently as I laid down. I got up for the washroom quick and then fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. I was woken up by my alarm, and noticed something alarming upon stirring. I was laying in a puddle of my own pee! This hadn't happened to me in years. After a long moment sitting in disbelief, I got up and went down the stairs to the shower. It was pretty chilly on my boxer short-clad bottom from laying in an accident for who knows how long. I spotted the pack of diapers by the door. They could have helped, I thought. I tried to suppress that thought. I wasn't going to wear a diaper because I peed the bed once. If only Nora could see me now. After a long day I got home and hopped onto my online chat again. Nora was on. I messaged her immediately. "I'm sorry I didn't wear the diapers you got me, maybe I can--for you. It's only for a few days, right?" Sent. It only took a few minutes for her to reply. "I hoped you'd come around. It's okay. Just put on another diaper right now and then we can chat in video." I felt a pretty intense urge to pee just then, and I ran towards the bathroom with my unfolded diaper in hand. After changing in the bathroom, it was time to go chat with Nora. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard her trying to video call me. Only problem was, I forgot to put my shorts back on after changing! I figured it wasn't important, my lower half would be hidden from the camera anyway. I answered her call and was greeted by her smiling face. She was still in her work clothes, and looked intense but warm. "Hey Nora," I waved. She smiled and waved back. "So you got your diaper on?" I nodded. "Good. I only want you to wear them for two weeks starting today. That's all I ask, alright?" Remembering the sudden bedwetting incident the night before, I nodded. "No problem, it's not like I have to use them or anything." We chatted about our days, and made a reservation at a nice restaurant for our Friday first date night. Hopefully I wouldn't end up sitting in the booth, only to find another box of diapers where Nora was supposed to be. We finished our call, and I was surprised how much time had passed. It was already half past seven, and time to eat something. I got up, and felt an intense pang on my bladder. I had to go, right that moment. It was then that I remembered I had a diaper on. I'd almost forgotten it was there, silently hugging my crotch, waiting unobtrusively for accidents. I wasn't about to give my new underwear the release they were designed to capture. I jogged down the hall to the bathroom and struggled with the door, which I usually kept open. A few squirts began to drench the padding, and my sense of consternation and humiliation grew. Why is this happening to me, now? I got to the toilet and began to lose the battle even more with my bladder as I struggled to get my diaper out of the way so I could pee like an adult. I was too late. By the time I got my underwear unfastened, I had already noticeably drenched the inside of the diaper. I peed the rest into the toilet and then sat on the floor for a moment to regain my composure. What the heck was happening to me? At least I was wearing a diaper, I thought while looking at the bathroom's tile floor. Still clean. It was then that I realized I should put my diaper back on. It was bunched up beside the toilet, with the wetness indicator on the crotch faded blue. Better to get a clean one from the pack, I figured. I was a bit conflicted as I unfolded a new one a few minutes later and got ready to put it on. Why not just wear normal underwear for a little while? It's not like Nora would know. That seemed too dishonest. Plus, I'd already had two accidents in the last two days. Nora's prediction about always having boyfriends with bladder problems was beginning to look more and more believable all the time. But how is that possible? I fastened on my clean diaper and got cozy under some blankets in the living room. I turned the fire on, it was starting to get chilly in the evening. I felt an urgent pang on my bladder again after a small glass of wine and a water. Did I really want to get up? I kind of didn't. I used the diaper and continued to watch without having to lose my coziness. I wanted to be sure I wouldn't get too used to them, though.
  6. This is an entry in “Kasarberang’s NON-CONtest” Warning, this takes a chapter to get to the diaper content. The Diaper Hack by Bo Tox Chapter 1 Mei-Lin Cheng, the sole creator of the single biggest advancement in blocking spam, malware and ransomware. She created a simple plug-in that works in phones, laptops and PC to block all malicious code before they can execute it. That was merely a project she created for her senior science fair project. The algorithm she created was both simple and brutally efficient. Did I mention she was a multi-millionaire before she graduated high school, which she did early. She recently turned 18 years old, but she was a petite Asian girl with a more youthful appearance. People mistook her father for her grandfather on more than one occasion. She sold her code to OzWare Corporation for a hefty sum. Mr. Stephan Gatz himself, the CEO of OzWare, personally signed the check and handed it to her when he purchased the rights to her algorithm. She handed him a thumb drive and a printed version of the code in a three-ring binder with only 11 pages in it. The code was elegant and compact. Stephan tried to low-ball her on the price. Mei-Lin, though, was a very savvy negotiator, something she learned from her uncle while working for him during the summers. He taught her to never take the first offer without moving the needle in your favor. There was always room for negotiation, especially when the other person is going to you. The rumor was he asked her not to take over his company for a few more years. Everyone present assumed it was a joke. Neither Mei-Lin nor Stephan were laughing. Mei-Lin was well on her way to being the next Stephan Gatz straight out of high school. Mei-Lin could have easily gone to any university in the world. Most were offering her full scholarships for the prestige of having her listed as a student. She set her heart on only one school though, MIT. It solved a problem: getting away from her parents. They were loving but overbearing. What better way than to move to the far side of the country. She didn’t like to fly, but needed to cross the entire United States to reach MIT. The sensible thing to do was rent a car. Instead, she bought her parents an RV and they traveled from San Francisco, California to Cambridge, Massachusetts via the scenic route. She wanted to see Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon and Mammoth Cave on her way east. Her parents, proud Chinese-Americans, were more than happy to indulge their gifted daughter. It took the Cheng family two whole weeks to trek across the United States and visit the sites Mei-Lin had on her bucket list. They arrived two days before the dorms opened. This gave the family plenty of time to learn their way around the city. Once the campus housing opened, Mei-Lin’s mother and father helped her move her belongings into the door room. MIT did a mandatory first-year on-campus housing rule in place. The room wasn’t terrible. She was ecstatic to be away from home and her parents for the first time in her life. She kissed them goodbye and sent them home in the RV. Her first year of classes were easy enough. She was a genius. Mei-Lin tested out of basic hours and taken dual credit classes to get a lot of the general educational classes out of the way. She wanted to take more advanced classes, but those were full of upper-level students. She, too, would have to pay her dues and cover the basics if she were to achieve her goals. The first year seemed to last more than two semesters of nine months. She felt she was wasting her time in some classes, but she got through it. When registration for her sophomore year opened, she wrote a script to register 10 minutes before the system allowed it, just in case the clocks were off on the system. She knew from working with her uncle how sloppy some technicians could be with the basic stuff. The next morning she rose at 5:00 AM to see what her code won her. From the logs she was reading, the first successful attempt to register was 12:00:12 AM, so someone had the clocks synched. Her successful schedule landed four of the five classes she desired with one of her alternates. Not bad. She would improve the code for next semester. She could have carried more than 15 hours, but she wanted to have a little fun next year now that she was out from under the oppressive environment that was her home life. Her parents meant well, but they were constantly pushing her to achieve more. As Asian-Americans, they wanted their child to live the American dream. Already a millionaire at 18 wasn’t good enough for them? Mei-Lin’s parents wanted to come pick her up in the RV, but she instead opted to stay in the Cambridge area for the summer and intern with a local company that her uncle helped her find. Uncle Woo had connections all over the country. He was the one that helped her get her first job while in high school. While most of her contemporaries were flipping burgers and asking if you wanted fries with that, she was getting her A+ certification and doing customer support for her uncle’s networking and small systems business. The following year she passed the test for her CCNP and her uncle paid her the same as any other employee. With her resume, she quickly found an internship with a security company in the area. Though Mei-Lin didn’t need the money, she wanted to keep her skills current and expanding. Her goals and dreams seemed to converge quickly. There was only one slight problem with her plan. She needed to find off-campus housing for the summer, but she was shy about living alone. As a diminutive girl, she always feared being alone in a place. Her father would never condone her living off-campus and straying from the regimented life he had enforced while she was under his roof. Her mother, however, was a kindred spirit. When Mei-Lin confided in her mother, she wanted to rent a house or an apartment, her mother told her about an old college friend of hers that had a daughter that was attending MIT. She gave Mei-Lin the friend’s daughter’s info and suggested she see if they could be roommates.
  7. When she first moved into the college town, all the college students took notice. Well the men anyway. One by one they’d flirt with her when they saw he around town or in class. If you asked the boys why they liked her, they’d all have a different reason. It could be her perky breasts, the way she has that soft smile with a hint of something mysterious. Whatever it is, it didn’t take long for them all to one by one ask her on a date and then, the boys would grow silent and withdrawn. Soon he found out why. After dinner she brought him back to her place for some fun. She’d tie him up. Giggling she’d explain how it’d be “more fun that way.” After all, you’re not afraid of a little roughness right? Then she’d edge them over and over, smiling as they struggled against the segufix bondage that kept them locked on the bed, unable to move a muscle, try as they might. Their cocks would beg for release. They’d be dripping, but never cumming. It was all a game after all. They’d get release eventually… right? But then the darkness would come out. She’d pull out an ice pack, staring deep into their eyes as she deflated their cocks. She’d pour baby oil on him and to their horror force them soft. Next came the cock cage, trapping their manhood inside. The key would go in the drawer next to the bed. By then he’d be yelling, begging her to stop. But that wasn’t all. There was no way for anyone to expect the diapers. She’d unwrap a pink MegaMax, tell them to lift up and fasten the plastic prison over their locked cocks. Then she’d take a photo. After, with a pat she would tell them to pull up their pants and go home. They could come back in a week. But they’d better be diapered. She’d point to the door where a stack of diapers sat teasing the young men. “Take as many as you need.” She’d say with a breatthy smile. “I’ll see you around town.” And then she’d issue a warning. “Each time I see you, you’d better be diapered. If you’re not, that’s an extra week that the cage stays on. If you’re diapered each time I see you, I’ll unlock you for a bit.” So he’d have no choice. Each boy in turn would grab as many diapers as they could, desperate to try make it through a week where they’d crinkle through class, try and avoid others and squish their way to dinner each night. Sure, they weren’t sure when they’d see her, but she’s everywhere. You never know when she’d knock on your door at night for a diaper check. At that point she’d slide her hand into their jeans, checking for the tell tale sound of plastic and wetness or something messy. She’d control their cocks through diapers. They were hers. And what the boys didn’t know, she had no intention of unlocking them anytime soon. They were trapped.
  8. I want to share a brief story with you all. A story about how I ended up diapered today by my girlfriend. Before I start, a bit of a digression. It's kind of strange to be a twenty something male and find yourself swaddled in medical looking pampers, I know. They crinkle and rustle if I try to covertly re-position the semi-erection that lives inside. These underwear make me a little too loud to do that. Trouble is, I haven't had much release in weeks. Let's start from the beginning. Rebecca and I met on a dating app after a few successful online dates. Things went pretty well at first. I hoped I'd be able to tell her one of my deepest secrets--that I like to wear diapers. I don't like to feel humiliated about it, I hoped she would simply indulge me from time to time. At most, she'd permit that I slide into one at night while nestled beside her, breathing in the natural scent of her long dark hair. It didn't work out like that. One afternoon she was out with her family for dinner, so it felt like it was a safe time to indulge one of life's simple pleasures. I slid on my disposable pants and a shirt before sitting down to play a nice role-playing video game. I was a masculine looking orc wielding a sword in the game--a skinny and gentle character with noodle arms in real life. I felt pee warm my butt on and off as the day rolled on, thinking nothing of it. Then, my Bexie Becca pulls up in the driveway. I thought it was a delivery driver. Big mistake. I was sitting on the floor like a child, totally immersed in my game, when I spotted her feet beside me. I jumped, and almost surely peed a little without meaning to. "You're in a diaper?!" she cried. "Why? Can't go to the toilet while you play your game?" I looked around anxiously for a second, feeling myself pee a little more through waves of fright. I had no idea what to say or how to face her. Just this morning I had seen her bottom in bed beside me in a plain pair of undies. I was sure that was going to be the last time. And tonight she'd offered to pay for a much needed grocery run. All of this after offering me some of the most kind and genuine emotional support I had ever received. I was beginning to cry before I knew it. She knelt down beside me and put her arm around me. "No--hey. Don't cry," she cooed, rubbing my back. We hugged. "I just don't want to lose you--I really like y-you." I sniffled. "It's okay, I'm not mad at you, I still like you--we're still friends, it's fine." She reassured. "Friends?" I began. "You don't want to break up with me, do you?" "No way! But there's going to be a few new rules I think." "Like what?" She looked dreamily up for a moment, her eyes darted from side to side, searching. "Hmm..." "I don't need to wear diapers or anything--" I blurted out quietly. "I think you do," she booped me on the nose. "Do you see how wet you are? You probably didn't notice--" "I noticed." I began, feeling uncertain. I paused for a moment in attempt to gather something that would convince her. All the while she stared at me curiously. "I like to wear them, that's all." "Well I know you like to wear them, you need to otherwise you'll get pee-pees everywhere," she teased. "Oh come on, it's not like that. I just like to use them sometimes--it's really relaxing and sensual." "I dunno..." She stood up and grabbed a game controller from the other side of the room and then plopped down beside me. I caught a glimpse of the waistband of her panties as she pulled her hair into a neat ponytail. "You wanna keep playing? I need to think for a bit..." "Okay, sure." I said, not feeling like I was in a position to argue. As we played I wanted to take my diaper off, but I didn't want to disturb the moment or bring her focus back to my soggy and padded bottom. She was apparently accepting this, for now. I couldn't complain, and I was still in a bit of shock from the incident. I played absentmindedly, and continued to dribble into my diaper when I needed to. About an hour later, she broke the silence by mooshing my very wet diaper with her hand. "This boy needs a change," she mused. "What? No--" "Let me get this straight," she said, looking me in the eyes intently. "First you say you don't need diapers, and then you sit in a dirty one in front of your girlfriend for an hour without getting up to change it?" There was a brief silence, broken by a slight hiss coming from my diaper. "While continuing to use it?" "I can change myself back into underwear after it's fine." I said quickly. "I said I had some rules for you, remember?" "Yea--" "Well here's rule one. When I want you in a diaper, you're going to be in one. It might be the case that you like to wear them, but, I'm not so sure. Even if I was, I'm not sure it's important." "What?! Why?" Alarm bells were beginning to ring in my head but they were silenced immediately after she began to speak. "Well you did use it pretty badly. Also if you like to wear them, I think it means you need them in a certain sense." She said. "Also, this is a pretty big thing, yeah? I'll accept your diaper wearing if you're willing to compromise. I have some needs too." I paused, trying to take in everything she'd said. "Okay." She continued without missing a beat. "So I need you to be settled in your little undies from time to time, as it suits me. Sometimes when we go out, I kind of wish you were in a diaper to be honest. You're always getting up to go to the washroom, even in the middle of the night. It wakes me up. Rather have my boyfriend's underpant be filled with pee than be woken up." "You mean I have to wear diapers to bed all the time?!" I began to raise my voice. "Calm, dear. Listen. You'll like it. You already enjoy wearing these, right?" She rubbed my wet diaper delicately, causing my sensitive area to twitch slightly. "I'll give you diaper-free nights too. It's not like it has to be all the time, compromise." "Well--okay," I replied. "Are there any more rules?" "There is another. You know I'm not often in the mood for sex. When you're in diapers, we might not play as much but don't worry, I'll still get you off." "Is that it?" "I think so, for now." "Well, I guess I can adjust." "You'll have to. I want you to run out later to grab some errands. I'll give you money, there's a bit of a long list." She stood up and hiked her leggings up so they were snug. "You're going to go there in a clean diaper. I need to change you." "Why can't I do it on my--" "Rule three." She said, looking down at me sitting on the floor. "Fine," I said, standing up beside her. "Change me now then, let's get this over with." "You think you can boss me around? You're the one with a wet diaper sagging between his legs." "Well--" I stood there, struck dumb. She'd really taken the wind out of my sails. She smiled, seeming to know this. Wordlessly I allowed her to take my hand and lead me to our bedroom. "Where are your diapers?" I pointed towards an end table I made with a door on it that lacked a doorknob. The perfect hiding place, at least until today. "Good." I watched as she produced one of my diapers from the breached hiding place. Laying me down, she began to change me and I didn't resist. "They sell this brand at the drugstore. That's great, you can get some more while you're out. Don't use the toilet while you're there--that's rule four... No toilets for you until I take you out of diapers." I wasn't sure how to feel about that last rule, I was shoved out the door in a state of mild shock, dressed in a usual sweater and jeans that hid well the pleasant but taboo underwear underneath. At least I was dry now, though it was raining outside. I rushed to the car and got ready to go. It felt weird to grab a bag of diapers for myself on my girlfriend's purse. I was starting to come around to the new arrangements, but that didn't last long. I found myself in a sodden diaper every morning for about two weeks. There I slept encased in my own pee while my lovely Becca was soundly asleep in thick cotton panties. I tried not to wake her as I wet myself silently beside her, with my arm still wrapped around her belly. I hadn't had any release in that time, aside from her rubbing my diaper. It didn't work very well at first, and I was dying for release. As the days rolled on her sensual touches became more and more precious, until I was like putty in her hands when she felt like rubbing me. I did finally get that release yesterday into my diaper, and I nearly passed out after it happened. Seeing and feeling Rebecca rubbing her yoga pants butt against my slightly soggy diaper was too much. Yesterday she decided it was going to be a diapers-free day. After weeks stewing in my own potty, it was pretty nice to finally be free of it. I didn't want to be in diapers that badly any longer, but she usually knows best. In the middle of the night I woke up to her telling me it's okay to have accidents. It took a minute or two for me to realize I'd peed the bed a little without my dependable diapers on. Today, I'm padded again. Not sure for how much longer. Rebecca says it's only for a few days. I just need to stay dry for four nights in a row. Today she rubbed her butt up against my diaper again. Before long I was shivering and shuddering in release. I leaned into her afterward as she sat beside me and felt another small flood beginning in my diaper as usual.
  9. This story is my entry into the contest: Bill North swung into the store on his way home from work. He had to pick up a few things for tonight. He went to the coolers and grabbed a six-pack of his favorite beer. On the way to the cashier, he grabbed a large bag of chips and some dip. The game was on TV tonight, and he had money on it. He was looking forward to watching it. Of course, his wife would want him to eat a proper dinner, but he could do that in front of the TV. His wife, he snickered to himself. She’s always worrying about him, his health, his well-being. She was good to have around. Easy on the eyes, too. But not much more than that. He’d married for superficial things. But she was easy to control, and he could live with that. Her latest kick was that they get their legal situation in order. To appease her, he sat through a session with lawyers where wills were drafted, along with all sorts of other paperwork. Advanced medical directives, powers of attorney in case one of them becomes incapacitated, and the like. He even bought additional life insurance to make her happy. It was easy enough to keep her happy. He swung in and brought in his purchases. His wife was in the kitchen, and he threw the beers in the fridge and gave her a peck. “You didn’t forget?” she asked. Forget what? He thought. It wasn’t their anniversary or her birthday. He racked his brain. “Mrs. Girard from the insurance company is coming this evening. She should be here any time now.” Now he remembered. The insurance company insisted on some tests before they issued the policy. “I remember. It won’t take too long, I hope. The game is on.” “She said she should be in and out in under a half an hour.” He looked at his watch. That should give plenty of time before kickoff. He decided not to crack a beer until after the nurse left. A moment later, the doorbell rang. A woman entered carrying a small bag. She was a tall woman, but younger than Bill had anticipated, and not unattractive. Well, if he had to be tested, nice to have someone cute do it. “I hope this won’t take too long,” he said. “The game on in thirty-five minutes.” “No, problem. Mr. North,” the nurse said. “Your part will only take about ten minutes. Now, if you would take a seat, we can get started.” Bill softened and sat down. He tried his best engaging smile. “So nice that we get personal service like this.” He made an emphasis on personal. He wondered if he could get any action with this nurse. The nurse gave him a forced smile, and then she looked over at April. I guess not, Bill thought. April seemed to have noticed his come on, as well. He’d calm her down later. He held out his arm for the nurse, and she swabbed it with alcohol. She wrapped a rubber band around his arm. He had been through this before. He was expecting a blood draw but was a full syringe that she shoved into the vein. She thumbed the plunger home and then pulled it out and undid the band. “What’s this?” Bill said. “I thought this was a blood test.” He felt odd. The last words came out slurred. “It’s a powerful paralytic,” the nurse said with a more sincere smile. “You’ll remain awake, but in a few seconds, you’ll lose control voluntary movement.” The nurse picked up her phone and spoke into it, “We’re ready for you.” She pulled papers from her bag and handed them and a pen to April. “Here are the commitment papers. Once you sign him, he’ll be officially in our care until you decide otherwise.” “Commitment papers?” he said. “I’m not going anywhere.” It was getting harder to speak. The door opened, and two more women came in with a stretcher. “Your wife will make that decision. If thirty seconds, you'll be completely incapacitated. She has a power of attorney to make medical decisions for you in the event of your incapacitation. Incapacitated? It started to dawn on him. “April, no!” he wanted to yell, but it just came out as a grunt. He slumped in the chair. He tried to get up but was unable to move. The nurse leaned over and spread his eyelids and peered in. “I think he’s ready,” the nurse said. “You can sign now.” April signed the papers. “What happens to him now,” his wife asked. “We’ll keep an eye on him in case he has problems breathing. We have intubation gear ready, but that’s usually not required.” The nurse turned to the two new arrivals. “Get him on the stretcher and stripped down.” This all seemed so surreal to Bill. What was going on? These women were taking moving him to the stretcher and starting to take his close off. In another situation, being stripped by three women might have been a fantasy. He was scared now. He felt his boxers being pulled down his legs. “What’s that?” he heard his wife saying. “We have to put a diaper on him for transport. Sometimes the drug causes them to lose control.” April laughed. Bill didn’t think it was funny what was going on. The nurse turned to him. “Let me explain what is going on. Your wife just had you committed to our care. We run an institution for people like you. You’ll be with us until your wife determines you have reformed. It will be up to her to make the decisions. Some wives never reclaim their husbands.” Bill still was trying to grasp all this. The nurse was talking to April again. “The drug will wear off in about two hours. We’ll have him in the intake ward by then. I’ll call you and give you a status. You can come by and see him tomorrow if you like. Bill felt straps tightened across him. He was firmly strapped to the stretcher now. He felt the stretcher being moved. He was out the front door. He realized he was naked save for a diaper. He hoped nobody would see him. He was loaded into a waiting ambulance. As the doors closed, he saw April standing there smiling. She gave a little wave. As the ambulance pulled out, he tried to reason through this. His wife had him committed to some kind of mental hospital. She had signed the papers because he was incapacitated. That he was, he thought. All this legal stuff with the wills. Was it just to get that medical power of attorney? Had she done all this as a plan to get him committed? She wouldn’t have been that devious. Or would she? He remembers her laughing at the idea of him in a diaper, and that smile as she waved goodbye. There was no window he could see out. He tried to consider the turns being made to figure out where he was, but soon realized it was hopeless. He had no idea where he was or where he was going. He started to get groggy. One of the attendants said, “I think he’s going under.” “That’s OK. I’ll watch him. Better get the oxygen and an ET tube ready just in case.” Bill succumbed to the drug. The next thing he remembered, he was in a room. It looked like a hospital. How did he get here? Then it came back to him. He tried to move. Was he still under the effects of the drug? No, he could feel himself move, but he was strapped down to the bed. He struggled a bit, but he was immobilized. He gave up trying. The door opened. That nurse started to enter but then turned to talk to someone in the hall. “What do you have there, Doc?” a voice in the hall asked. “Another husband whose wife finds him in need of correction,” the nurse said over her shoulder. “Oh, fun,” the voice said. “I’m getting tired of surly teenagers.” The woman came toward him, “Oh, good. You’re awake.” “Where am I?” Bill said. “This is the Advanced Behavior Center. Your wife had you committed to our care, remember?” “She can’t. Let me out of here.” “She can. She had the authority. You were incapacitated.” “I’m not now! Let me out.” “I’m sorry. It doesn’t work that way. Once you’re committed, we just can’t let you go.” “Listen, nurse. This isn’t right. I want to speak to someone in charge.” “Listen, Bill. I am in charge. I am DOCTOR Girard. I am the director of the Center. You are going to be here for a while. This is the intake area. Behave yourself, and we’ll let you into a less restrictive environment.” Another woman entered the room. “This is Nurse Baker,” the doctor explained. “She’ll be in charge of you for the intake period. “Hi, let’s see how you are doing,” the nurse said. It was the voice he had heard talking to the doctor a few minutes earlier. He felt her grab his wrist. Taking his pulse, I guess. She jotted something down on a clipboard. “I think someone dirtied his diaper.” He felt a hand grasp his crotch. “The paralyzer does that sometimes,” the Doctor explained. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you cleaned up.” Bill felt the nurse tug at the tapes of the diaper, and then he was naked. She started in wiping his privates. Bill just laid there. He had to find a way out, but getting the diaper off was a good start. The nurse wasn’t bad looking either. He rapidly got an erection. “Don’t get any ideas,” the Nurse said. “Doctor!” The doctor had been doing something else and turned to see Bill’s state. “I see this is one thing we’re going to have to work on. She opened a drawer and pulled out a small device she pressed it to Bill’s member and suddenly. Zap. It felt like someone hit him with ten thousand volts. He screamed. “All fixed,” the doctor said. Bill looked down at his sore member now flaccid. The nurse finished up placing the diaper on him. “What was that all about?” Bill complained. “We’re going to have to calm your lecherous tendencies. Really, Bill.” She turned to the nurse. “Do you know this guy actually made a pass at me while his wife was standing there?” “I guess that is one of the reasons why he’s here.” “It is. His wife got tired of him ogling and hitting on every woman that went by. I’m going to leave now. Nurse Baker will be in charge of you for the time being. I’ll check in on you tomorrow.” She turned and walked out. “I gotta get out of here,” Bill tried with the nurse. “I’m afraid you’re here to stay. I’ll do what I can to make you comfortable in the interim. Are you hungry? I can get you some dinner.” Bill had to admit he was. He hadn’t eaten dinner, and it had to be nearly nine PM now. He nodded. “I’ll be right back.” She was gone a minute and then returned, pushing a cart. She pushed some buttons on the bed and tilted it so he was nearly in a seated position. She busied herself with placing something around his neck. He realized it was a bib. She then opened the lid on the food tray and took a spoonful of it. “Aren’t you going to unstrap me?” “I’m sorry, we can’t do that at this stage. I’ll feed you.” She pushed the spoon toward his lips. He swallowed a mouthful. Yuch. Hospital food. It tasted like baby food. She returned with another spoonful. “What if I need to use the bathroom?” “That’s why you have the diaper on.” “I thought that was because the drug caused me to lose control.” “That too, but we can’t unstrap you at this point. You’ll just have to make do.” He ate the rest of the food. She held a cup with a bent straw toward his lips, and he drank that. It was just water. She wiped his face and removed the bib, and wheeled the cart out. After a bit, she returned. “How are you doing?” “I’m tied up and wearing a diaper? How do you think I’m doing?” “Well, it’s getting late. Maybe you should try to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day.” She lowered the bed to a flat position. She draped a cord over the edge of the bed. “Here’s a call button in case you need help. I’ll dim the lights now.” She turned off the lights and left. Bill was stuck there with his thoughts. How could April have done this to him? What was going to happen? How was he going to get out of here? He tried, but he didn’t think he’d ever fall asleep. He had no watch, no clock, no sense of time. He must have fallen asleep because he was roused by the lights coming on and someone calling his name. He tried to sit up but found he was still restrained. A new nurse was there with a cart. “I have your breakfast.” She pushed the button to raise the head of the bed. “I gotta pee,” Bill said without thinking. “Just let her rip in your diaper. I’ll change you right after breakfast.” She busied herself, putting the bib on him and proceeded to shovel food in him. She gave him the cup of water to suck from. He wanted coffee. She cleaned up the breakfast dishes and reached out and grabbed his crotch. “Wet yet?” “No!” he said with some annoyance. “Well, try to go while I put these dishes away. You’ll want to get changed. You have a lot of things on your schedule today.” She left, and he resigned himself to wetting himself. Yesterday he had no recollection of it happing, but now he found it hard to get started. Finally, he did and felt the warmth spreading across his crotch. This was silly. Why couldn’t they let him up to go to the bathroom? The nurse returned and felt his crotch. “Oh, good. I can change you now.” She lowered the bed again and proceeded to untape the diaper. Without his control, his penis became erect again. She matter of factly stopped her cleaning and reached over and grabbed the device. Zap. “You have to learn to control those urges,” she said. Dr. Girard came into the room. “He’s had his breakfast, and he’s urinated this morning,” the nurse explained. “Oh, and I had to knock down an erection.” “Yes, we’ll have to work on that later.” “When do I get out of here?” Bill said. “That’s up to your wife to decide. But you need to realize you’re going to be here a long time.” “I want to talk to April.” “She’ll be in later today. For now, we have a busy morning for you. We’re going to give you a pretty intensive physical examination. Then, if you behave, we’ll unstrap you for a while.” She turned to the nurse. “Let me take his temperature before you diaper him up.” The nurse stood back, and Dr. Girard approached him with a device. He felt it being forced into his ass. “Rectal is the only way for babies like this,” the doctor said to the nurse. The diaper was replaced. Dr. Girard spent some time looking into his eyes, ears, and mouth. She listened to him with her stethoscope. Blood pressures were taken, and blood was drawn. A technician arrived, and EKG leads were attached. After a couple of hours, the doctor announced that he was in excellent physical health. Now they would start on his mental health. She had the nurse remove the diaper. Dr. Girard came over with what appeared to be a condom with wires attached to it. Bill started to get erect and feared another zapping. “I’m not going to zap that away right now.” Bill felt relieved. “It will help with this next part.” The doctor threaded the condom over his penis. To his surprise, it didn’t cover the head of his penis. “This is a special monitoring and correction device. It can sense when you are having an erection like now and automatically correct it.” The doctor touched a few keys on a computer, and he heard a beep and then felt the electrical shock and saw the penis rapidly deflate. “See? It will fire automatically when it detects an erection at an inappropriate time. The staff can also administer a shock if you get out of line, so don’t push us.” Bill was devastated. No erections? This place was a torture chamber. “Now, do you think we can trust you if we unstrap you from the bed?” Bill nodded. “OK,” she said to the nurse. “Get him dressed and take him to lunch.” Finally, Bill thought. He realized he’d been strapped to this bed for eighteen hours. The nurse came back and slid a diaper under him. This one was cloth, and she was pinning it in place. “I thought I was getting dressed?” “You are, this is the first layer.” “I have to stay in diapers?” “Of course, you’re going to be in diapers for a long time.” Bill’s spirits sank. He had assumed the diaper was just because they had him tied to the bed. She slid a pair of plastic pants up his legs. “OK, I’m going to unstrap you now. Don’t try anything, or I’ll be forced to press this, and if you think the shock we gave you to knock down your erection was bad, you will learn what pain is.” Bill swallowed. She fastened the straps. “Do you think you can sit up?” Bill gingerly moved to a seated position. He was sore, but OK. She came over with some sort of a shirt and placed it over his head and pulled his arms through. “Now, try standing.” She took hold of his arms as he stood up. He wobbled a bit, falling slightly toward her. She used her body to block his fall. He felt her breasts press into his chest. He heard a beep. He knew his erection was rising. Then the zap came. “Sorry about that,” the nurse said. “I guess we couldn’t expect you not to react to that.” He was standing on his own now as she reached through his legs and snapped the bottom of the outfit together. He looked down. He had a loose outfit on that ballooned out to elastic openings around his thighs. “It’s called a bubble. All the stylish babies wear them.” Great. That wasn’t a style he aspired to. “Now, let’s go get you lunch. Come with me.” She took his hand. He hoped that this wasn’t going to trigger another erection and shock. It didn’t, and he was led out of the room he had been stuck in since his arrival. Once they cleared the intake wing, the décor changed from hospital clinic to more inline of a higher-end private school. He hadn’t seen much of it when the nurse directed him into a room. He did a double take when he entered. The room was full of what appeared to be large highchairs. A handful of others dressed like himself were seated in the chairs and either eating or being fed. The nurse put him in the chair and fastened a tray in front of him. She picked up a bib from the tray and put it around his neck. “We don’t want food all over your new outfit.” “Is all this necessary?” Bill asked. “Of course. This is how you handle babies.” “I’m not a baby,” Bill protested. “Of course, you are. Look at how you’re dressed. You’re wearing a diaper, which I think is probably in need of changing. Just like all these others.” She swept her hand around the room. Sure enough, they all were dressed up as adult toddlers as well. Some were now finishing up and being let out of the chairs. Their hands and faces were being cleaned up by the attendants. A tray of food was brought over to him. More baby food, but he was starving. He decided to let things go and eat. He swallowed the mush down as fast as it was presented to him. The nurse’s phone rang, and she picked it up. “We’re just finishing lunch. We’ll be down shortly.” “Your wife is here,” she said to Bill. Bill made a sigh of relief. He needed to talk to her. He needed to convince her to get him out of this crazy place. He let the nurse wipe his face and remove the bib. He quickly stood as the tray was removed. He had to pee. He figured he knew what the answer was going to be, so he didn’t even ask. He wet the diaper. The nurse came over and said, “All finished? We don’t have time to change now. Let’s get you to your wife.” He was slightly embarrassed that his urination had been detected. This place was insane. He was led down a set of stairs to what appeared to be a suite of offices. The nurse pushed the door open and directed him in. It was closed behind him. April was seated at the table. “Gee, April. It’s good to see you,” he said. “I wasn’t sure whether you would be glad to see me.” “Oh, April. I know we’ve had problems, but we can work things out.” “That’s a positive attitude,” April said, smiling. Bill always loved that smile. It was what brought April to his attention years ago when he met her at the office. He felt his erection going. He heard a subtle beep, but there was no cancelling electric shock. “Why don’t we go home, and we can talk about this.” April got a stern look. “No, dear. You need this.” Bill’s anger rose. “I’ve got to get out of here. I’m not spending any more time eating mush, peeing in diapers, and being chained to the bed.” “Calm down, Bill.” “Calm, down!” he said, getting louder. “How can I be calm?” April now looked a bit nervous. Suddenly the door opened, and Doctor Girard entered. “Bill,” the doctor said sternly. “Please sit down.” “I’m getting out of here!” Bill yelled at the doctor. “You can’t hold me hostage. It’s illegal. I’m getting a lawyer.” “Bill, please,” April pleaded. Bill pushed his way past the doctor and headed for the door. He got one step further, and suddenly his cock was on fire. He doubled over and fell to the floor. The door opened, and two more attendants helped him back to the chair. “Bill. Understand that you are not going anywhere. As you were told, that device in your diaper does more than just keep you from having inappropriate erections. I triggered what you just felt, but understand that if you go out of bounds in our facility, it will fire automatically.” Bill whimpered, “You can’t keep me here.” “We can. April legally had you committed to us.” “April, can’t we work something out?” April responded. “We will. But your attitude is just a bit too much for me to handle. I don’t know if I’d even feel safe having you home. It’s best that you stay with Dr. Girard for a while. Then we’ll revisit things.” Bill had a mix of emotions, anger, depression. Was he destined to stay in this place as a baby? “Let me explain where you are. Ideally, I’d have told you this when you were brought in, but it was late then. This institute is well equipped to take abusive and unfaithful husbands like you and reform them with the goal of reuniting them with their spouses. You started well at the beginning of this meeting. Wanting to cooperate with your wife is key. You even got an erection at an appropriate time. Maybe soon, she’ll be willing to let you make love to her.” Bill’s head was still spinning. “This will be the best thing for both of us,” April said. “Do try and cooperate with the staff here. It will speed things along if you don’t fight it.” Bill glared at her. “But I have to get back to work,” he protested. “You’re on a leave of absence. The company was glad to extend it when I explained you were getting treatment. I’ve taken over most of your projects.” “You have?” “Remember we used to work together? I even had a year more experience than you did when you decided I should stay home.” Great, Bill thought. She took his job and locked him in this nuthouse. Just how did she explain the treatment he was getting? What kind of treatment was he getting? His wife stepped around the table and hugged him, and then quickly left the room. He was back facing Dr. Girard. “You are doing well. Still, you lost your temper at your wife, and you need to work at that. Let’s get your diaper changed.” In all this, he had forgotten that he was sitting in a soggy diaper. He resigned himself to having it changed. The doctor led him back down to a treatment room and took the wet one off and cleaned him up with a wipe. Again, he started to get erect only to have the blasted thing on his dick zap it away. “You’ll get that under control soon,” the doctor said. “You’ve not had a bowel movement since you’ve been here. When was the last time you had one.” Bill thought about it for a second, “The morning you came and got me, I guess.” “Well, we shouldn’t let it pile up. Do you think you have to go now? If so, I’ll get you changed again right away.” Changed again? “You mean I have to poop in the diaper? Can’t I use the bathroom.” “I’m afraid not at this point.” “I don’t need to go that badly.” “Here, let me help.” The doctor retrieved something, and soon he felt it being pushed into his rear. The doctor did up the diaper. Bill didn’t know what to expect. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to leave you here tonight,” the doctor said. “But we won’t strap you to the bed again if you behave. You want a magazine or something?” “Sure,” Bill said. He wanted to see how the game turned out the other night but figured TV was out of the question. “Maybe a newspaper if you’ve got one around here.” The doctor disappeared, and a few minutes later, a nurse showed up with that day's morning paper and a copy of Sports Illustrated. Bill flipped to the sports section, but apparently, the game didn’t get over early enough to make the deadline. At least he had something to read. He then realized something was going on in his bowels. Whatever that bastard doctor had shoved in there was irritating things. He started to cramp up. He tried sitting down, and while the cramping abated a bit, it came right back. He stood up and yielded to the inevitable. He felt his bowels release into the diaper. This provided relief, yet now he had the unpleasantness of a diaper full of crap. Before he could even take that in, he felt something else happening. There was a tingling on his penis. He felt an erection growing, but no shock came. Indeed the feeling was getting more and more intense, and then he came hard. Now, this was a mixed feeling. Without thinking, he collapsed into a chair when it was over. He regretted that immediately as the poop squished all over him. A moment later, the nurse entered. “I think someone needs a change.” “How did you know?” Bill asked. “The thing in your diaper senses it. The same way it knew to give you a happy ending after you pooped.” The nurse spread out an underpad on the bed, and Bill climbed up on it. He thought as the nurse started peeling the sticky diaper off him. “Do you mean this thing made me ejaculate because it sensed me pooping?” “Precisely. Just as it delivers aversive shocks to thwart improper behavior, it can provide pleasurable stimulus to reward good behavior.” “Pooping myself is good behavior?” “It is for you at this point. We’re trying to get you used to the concept.” “Used to?” “You’re going to be in diapers for a while. At least for as long as you are here.” “How long am I going to be here.” “That’s for your doctors and your wife to determine. Behave yourself and learn, and you’ll be out sooner.” Doctor Girard entered after a bit. “We’re going to progress you into the general population. In the morning, you’ll have classes, in the afternoon you’ll have labs.” “Class? Labs?” “You’re here to learn. You’ll be instructed in cooking, cleaning, laundry.” The doctor started. “So, you’re going to domesticate me?” “We do what your guardian wants, but most want the basics. They get to select any specific additional areas as well.” “My guardian?” “Your wife. She went to court this morning to get full control of your care. What had been your temporary commitment papers are now permanent. Your wife is calling the shots.” The doctor led him out of the infirmary. “Here’s your schedule,” she said, handing him a paper. “We’ll get the rest of your situation straightened out later. You have one class before lunch.” She led him to a door, and he went into a classroom. He chose a seat near the rear, and soon others started to file in. Most were men, dressed as he was. There were a few girls. One man sat next to him. “New guy?” he asked. “Yeah, the name’s Bill,” he said, holding out his hand. “Mikey,” responded the man. The teacher came in and started lecturing. “Today’s subject is hand washing of delicate fabrics.” It was boring as hell to Bill, but he figured he’d better pay attention. Afterward, he followed Mikey to the lunchroom. As they stood in line, they were joined by a boy and a girl. The girl had long red hair, yet there was something odd about her. Bill tried not to stare, but suddenly an erection started and was zapped away. The others started to laugh. “Don’t worry,” Mikey said. In time, you’ll get conditioned, and that won’t happen.” Bill was embarrassed that all seemed to know what has happening inside his diaper. He tried to make light of it. “I guess I wasn’t expecting girls to be here.” Now the redhead started to blush “I’ll let you in on something,” she said in a feminine voice. She then leaned forward and spoke in a quiet, deeper voice. “I’m not a girl.” “There aren’t any female patients here,” Mikey explained. “Anyone who appears to be a girl is just being sissified.” “Oh,” was all Bill could say. He looked around. Maybe a quarter of the group were in dresses and various stages of feminization. “It’s all up to what their guardians choose.” The staff came, and while some students were directed to tables, Bill was led to a high chair. Strapped in and the tray placed in front of him, the attendant placed a bib around him. She brushed across him while doing this, and this triggered another erection to be zapped away. She brought him some food and proceeded to shovel it into his mouth. She wiped his mouth and took the tray and bib away and returned with a bottle. She then led him to a dormitory full of cribs. “Nap time.” He sucked on the bottle and dozed off. Soon a woman was tugging at him. “Billy? Billy?” He sat up. “Yeah?” “It’s time for your lab class. I’m your instructor.” She let him out of the crib and led him into a room filled with washing machines. “I suspect you’re new to all this.” Bill nodded. “Well, as you get better, we’ll get you more varied stuff to wash, but we always start the new patients out on diapers. Start by taking the stuff in the dryer and putting it on the table. We’ll fold those later.” He did that, moving a load of diapers to the table. “Now move the clean, but wet diapers out of the washer into the dryer.” He did, and she told him how to set it to run. He then was directed to a container of used diapers. He moved the smelly, wet diapers into the washer. Were some of these his? It didn’t matter. Once he got the machine loaded, the instructor taught him how to add the detergent and bleach and start the machine. “You’ll want to wash your hands now.” He did and returned, she showed him how to fold, and he followed. She told him he could do a better job, so he shook it out and did it again. He proceeded with the entire load. She would, from time to time, take one he had finished and decide it wasn’t done neatly enough, and he had to redo it. After a bit, he had a nice stack of clean and folded diapers. She showed him a cart to store the stack on. She spent the next portion of time showing him around the laundry, explaining the machines and products being used. A machine buzzed, and he learned it was time to repeat the process. “With the number of diapers you babies go through, we keep loads going continuously.” This time he did better with the folding. “Keep it up, and we’ll move you up to doing the plastic pants.” His time was up after the second load. He was redirected to a large kitchen. Having come from diaper duty, he wondered if he was going to be cooking baby food. The new instructor had him sit at a stool, and she sat next to him. He realized he was in for a zapping, and it came. He hoped Mikey was right, and he’d stop doing this. “Have you ever cooked anything?” she asked him. “I’ve cooked a few burgers and steaks on the grill,” he admitted. “Do you know what your wife’s favorite dinner is? Favorite dessert?” Bill sheepishly admitted he had no idea. “I thought not. I’ve got some suggestions from her here. Oriental chicken salad, triple chocolate mousse cake.” She rattled off several more, but Bill had no clue how to make any of this stuff. “All too advanced for you at this point. She did suggest a simple pasta dish. That we can start you with.” So, the instructor led him to starting the water for the pasta. While they were waiting for that to boil, she gave him an onion, a pepper, and some tomatoes to cut up and instructed him on how to do it. He added the pasta to the water, and then they started sautéing the ingredients. She had him taste it. “Now, we season.” She showed him how to mince some garlic and add salt and herbs. He tasted it again. Yes, he could detect the difference. He drained the pasta and then put it on plates. He spooned some of the sauce on top. “Not the neatest presentation, and I’ve seen far better chopping jobs, but you’ll get there in time. Let’s taste it.” Bill realized this was the first adult food he had since he was there and enjoyed it. Classes progressed. He learned about how to clean and was given jobs around the facility to clean. Sure enough, he did progress to plastic pants in the laundry, and then to other clothes. The morning lectures ranged from caring for various fabrics, how to cook various things, and cleaning tips. He was indeed getting erections knocked down less and less. He looked forward to releasing the pressure from his bowels and getting rewarded for it. He still dreaded the eventual clean up after it was done. April visited again. He pleaded with her to take him from this place, but she said she didn’t feel he was ready. He had a massive erection during the visit at the sight of her. This was the one time they didn't knock it down as soon as it came. He wanted nothing more than to rip off the diaper and April’s clothes and satisfy his desire. “You’re still not ready,” April said, and the visit was over. Two new classes were added. He was learning how to sew. They had given him a pattern for a new outfit for him to wear. “Your wife doesn’t want to turn you into a sissy girl, but dresses are easier, and she said she’d love to see you wear one just for kicks.” On this, he learned all the basics of cutting patterns, sewing by hand, and on the machine. An unexpected class was on female sexuality. He’d not much bothered himself with the concept in the past other than worrying if April was going to have an orgasm when they were having sex. This class was another time when they allowed the students to get erections during the discussions. There was even an odd lab where he learned how to do things on an anatomically correct manikin. Occasionally, a student would disappear. They would have progressed enough to be released. Bill wondered when that day would happen to him. His sewing had improved. He’d finished the dress, tried it on, and made alterations. One day, Dr. Girard came to him, holding his dress. “You’ve done a very nice job on this.” “Thanks,” he said. “Put it on for me.” Bill took off his romper and put on the dress. “Nice,” Dr. Girard said. But you need some bloomers. She went to a cabinet and came back with a pair that complemented the dress, and Bill stepped into them and pulled them up. He looked in the mirror. He was a toddler girl, the bloomers peeking out fro the hem of his dress. “There’s someone who needs to see this,” the doctor said. He was taken to a room he hadn’t yet visited. The doctor sent him in. “April!” he cried. “I’ve missed you.” They hugged. April was there in a satin dress. She looked gorgeous. He was happy that the erection came and wasn’t knocked down. “I’ve missed you, too.” Let me look at you. She stood back and regarded the dress. She made a circular motion with her finger, and he twirled around. She giggled. “You made this?” “I did.” Bill now had time to look at the room. It wasn’t the visitation room he had been in before. The lights were softer, and there as a bed on one side. They kissed, and April moved to the bed. Bill realized this was to be a conjugal visit. He came to her. “Are you going to take the diaper off?” he asked. “I heard you’ve been learning other techniques.” He had. He brushed her hair back and gently stood her up. He turned her and slowly unzipped the dress. He took it off her and carefully folded it. April was impressed. He’d have just tossed it before. He even folded it properly. He led her back to the bed and slowly slid her panties down. He moved his head between her legs and started to work on her. It was odd not being able to be satisfied himself, but he took pleasure in bring his wife to orgasm. Was this what all this was about? Afterward, he laid next to her and stroked her hair. “Have fun?” he asked. “Yes.” She then ran her fingers through his hair. “I guess you deserve this.” She reached down to what he had thought was a watch, but it was a remote with two buttons. One undoubtedly triggered the pain generator. She pressed the other. He felt the tingle. She had triggered the positive reinforcement. Soon he came. After a brief chat, April helped him back into his dress. He thought maybe she would be taking him from this place, but she pushed a button, and an attendant took him back to his crib. The days progressed, and he continued to learn all manner of domestic talents. His cooking classes moved into making meals for the staff. Dr. Girard came to him one morning. “I want to introduce you to a colleague, Dr. Francis. She’ll be doing some testing on you today.” Initially, Bill thought she might draw blood, but she started pulling out various things, and he realized it was psychological testing. She slid over a booklet. “I want you to answer these truthfully. If you write down what you think we want as answers, we’ve inserted tests to check for that sort of behavior.” Bill sat down. The first question, “I’d rather go to a football game than a flower show.” Well, they asked for the truth. “True.” “I’d rather go to a concert with my wife than a baseball game alone.” He paused. He did miss his wife. “True.” He progressed through this, not sure what the point was or how he fared. This was followed up with regular Rorschach ink blots. Then more and varied tests. Finally, Dr. Francis said, “That will be it. Thank you for your cooperation. I have what I need.” “How’d I do?” Bill asked. “Well, enough.” Bill went back to the common room. He hoped maybe they would be letting him out soon. He met one of the friends he made. He described the testing. “I’m hoping they’re thinking of springing me.” “Perhaps,” his friend said. “I’ve been here so long. I’m using the diaper without thinking about it. I suddenly realize I’m getting the reward signal and then realized I pooped.” “I think that’s the point.” “Hmm.” He started on a new sewing project. It was another dress, but it was not sized for him. Still, the fabric was nice, and he liked the design. He also moved on to baking in cooking class. There was a lot of chocolate involved. He was happy because all he could taste in cooking class was his break from the baby food they fed him at other times. One day they blocked him out a long time in the kitchen. He was given an entire meal to prepare. He had done this before. He’d serve staff, both the cooking teacher and Dr. Girard meals. He got everything ready to go on the serving cart. Dr. Girard came in as he finished preparing the food. “If you have everything loaded, I’ve got an outfit to change you into.” She held it up. It was your stereotypical maid’s dress but short enough to expose his diaper. He switched into it. She led him to a room set with a table. Dr. Girard sat at one place. Then his wife came into the room. She was wearing the dress he had just finished. “Oh, hi, April.” “Hi, Bill.” He served the first course. He waited quietly at the side while Dr. Girard and April had a conversation. Much was about him, but he remained quiet. He cleared the first course and set out the main. Again, he retreated to the fringe. He cleared the main course and brought out dessert. April tasted hers. “This is my favorite, and you did such a good job on it,” she said to Bill. Bill had a small amount of pride. “Thank you.” “Do you think you’re ready to come home with me?” Bill started paying attention now. “I would love that.” “Dr. Girard feels you are ready. It was confirmed with recent testing.” He thought back to Dr. Francis. So that’s what tall this was about. “So, she gave me a clean bill of health?” “She thinks you don’t need this restrictive environment. You’re still under the court order, but it will be revised to give guardianship to April.” Bill decided not to argue. At least he was going home. He cleared the plates back onto the service cart. April stood up and said, “Then, let’s go.” She started toward the door. “Do I get to change first?” “Is your diaper dirty?” “No, I mean, like different clothes.” “There’s nothing really for you to change into. You’ve got that dress, the other one you made, and the baby clothes you’ve been wearing. Besides. I like what you’ve got on.” Bill sighed and followed. Alice went and stood by the passenger side of their car. He had been drilled in etiquette as part of his training. He promptly stepped over and opened the door for her. He waited until she got in and closed it. He then went and got in the driver’s seat. “I’m not sure where I am,” he said. “Oh, yes. I guess you were out of it when they brought you in. Head out the driveway and turn right. It will take you out to the main highway.” Once on the highway, Bill knew the way home. He drove home mostly in silence. After pulling into the drive, he hopped out and opened the door for April. As they walked toward the house, Jane, their neighbor, called out. “I see you’ve got Bill back from rehab.” Bill turned red. This was the first time anybody he knew other than April had seen him dressed this way. “Yes, it will be nice having him home. We’ll have to have you and Mike over for dinner. Bill’s gotten to be a great cook.” Bill felt a mix of embarrassment and pride at the compliment. “I’ve got to get him inside. It’s been a long drive from the Center, and I’m sure his diaper needs changing.” Jane chuckled and waved goodbye. Bill was still blushing with embarrassment. “Did you have to say that?” “Oh, Jane, knows all about that. She’s been considering the same treatment for Mike. Come on, let’s get you changed.” She led him to the spare bedroom, which was now fitted with a crib and changing table. He got up on the table. April set to cleaning him up. As she worked over his penis, she said, “If you behave yourself, I’ll have them remove the electronics from your cock. If you don’t behave, I may have them remove your cock.” Bill cringed. After she had put a new diaper on him, he asked. “What do you want from me?” “I want you to behave. I want you to take care of me. I’ll be busy making money. You can cook, clean, do laundry. You’ll sleep in the crib except when I decide I want you in my bed.” “And this?” he said, holding up the hem of the skirt. “You’ll keep on wearing and using the diaper, and whatever clothes I tell you to wear. Dr. Girard says, you should be used to going by now.” Bill had to admit that even if he wanted to switch to underwear, it would take some toilet training at this point. She slid open the closet door. There were a few more maid’s dresses and the dress he made. There were also a few of the bubble rompers he’d been wearing. He knew now that even though he was at home, things weren’t going to be the same. “How about getting me a glass of wine. You can have one, too.” Bill went to the wine fridge in the kitchen and pulled out a bottle and poured. They drank in silence before April announced that she had to be up at six, and that Bill should have coffee then. She headed off for the bedroom. Bill took the glasses to the kitchen and then went to the nursery and climbed into the crib. He awoke to see bars. He remembered he’d been in the Center. Then he remembered he was home. He got up and checked the clock. Quarter to six. He slipped the maid’s dress back on and went to the kitchen and fired up the coffee maker. He watched as the brown liquid dribbled into the carafe. He grabbed two cups and poured. He put milk in April’s and went to the bedroom and tapped on the door. “I have coffee.” “Come in.” He walked in and set the coffee down next to her. She roused and smiled. “I’ll shower, and then I’d like a poached egg on toast.” He drank his coffee with her. Even with her hair a mess from just having awoken, she was beautiful. She headed off to the bathroom. He got the eggs and bread ready and waited until he heard the shower stop and then started making breakfast. His timing was perfect as he had just plated her breakfast as she emerged from the bedroom. She sat down, and he set out a second cup of coffee for her. She ate her breakfast and then announced she’d release him from the diaper long enough to shower. He quickly showered. This was the first one he’d had since he had gone to the Center. They had only given him supervised baths there. He toweled dry, and she came and put the diaper back on him while he shaved. He kissed her goodbye as she headed to the office. Now, what to do? He put on a clean maid’s dress and took the other to the laundry. There was enough of a white load to start, so he got that going. He made an inventory of the laundry and then checked around for cleaning supplies. He went to the kitchen and created a grocery list. He’d need to go shopping today, but at this point, he needed to work up the guts to go out in one of the outfits available to him. He had another cup of coffee. He dug through the desk and found the card for his attorney. He called and asked the secretary if he might speak to the attorney. “Hi, Bill,” the familiar voice came on the line. “Are you back home now?” The attorney knew something about his predicament. “Yes. Could you tell me where I am legally in all this?” “Well, I helped April get the guardianship papers. You’ve got pretty severe problems according to the psychiatric evaluations I saw.” “I’m fine.” “Well, you may be able to prove otherwise eventually, but for right now, the court believes you’re incompetent to handle your own affairs. Your wife is in control.” Bill mulled this over. “I was afraid of that. Thanks for the information.” The washing machine chimed, and Bill transferred the load to the dryer. He sorted through the dirty laundry and picked out some delicates and tossed them in with yesterday’s maid’s outfit. He cleaned up the breakfast dishes and was hungry. He made himself a sandwich. At least he got off baby food. The wine last night had been the first alcohol he’d had since this started. He figured he couldn’t put off shopping any longer. He headed back to the nursery and tried to figure out the least embarrassing outfit. Perhaps one of the rompers. The doorbell rang. He made his way to the door and looked through the peephole. It was Jane. He let her in. “Hi, Jane,” he said. “April said I should check in on you from time to time. I have the instructions on how to do diaper changes. What are you up to?” “I was getting ready to go to the grocery. I was just trying to find something to wear.” “What’s wrong with what you have on? I’ve got to go shopping, too. Want to come along?” Bill resigned himself. It was as good as any. He went out and held the door open for Jane. She smiled. I drove us to the store and promptly opened the door to allow her out. “I could get used to this treatment,” Jane said. They got carts and started shopping. Bill felt exposed being there in the short dress. Air rushed around his bare legs, and he felt that everybody was watching. They made their way through produce and got to the meat counter. “Hi, Sam. Got any good pork chop today?” “Just cut some,” the butcher said, holding up one on display. “Who’s your maid?” “This is April’s husband.” “How is April? I’ve not seen her in a while.” “She’s gone back to work. Bill here will be doing the shopping now.” The butcher just smiled at Bill. He felt small. As they made their way through the aisles, they passed a mother with a little boy in tow. The boy’s eyes opened wide at the sight of Bill. He started tugging at his mother’s leg and pointing at Bill. Once she realized what was up, she told him not to point. “That man is wearing a dress.” “Some men do that,” the mother said. As they passed, the boy looked up at Bill’s padded rear. “He’s wearing a diaper.” “Well, if you don’t stop wetting the bed, you might have to wear a diaper, too.” The mother hustled the boy off to the next aisle. They paid for the items and headed home. Bill helped Jane carry her purchases in, and she followed him to his house and helped him carry his in. She volunteered to change his diaper, and Bill had to agree that he needed it. They went to the nursery, and she undid his diaper. He was nervous, expecting an erection and the correction shock. It didn’t come, however. All this time, getting changed by women had gotten him conditioned he figured. Jane left, and he went and folded the laundry. There were a few things that needed ironing, so he did that. He took April’s clothes and put them away in the bedroom. He hung up the now clean maid’s dress. He prepped dinner so it would be quickly cooked when April came home. Came home, she did. “What a day!” she proclaimed. Bill went and poured a glass of white wine for her, and she smiled. “What’s for dinner.” “Pork chops in an apple sauce. It will take about twenty minutes to prepare. I’ve got everything staged.” April smiled. “I want to change out of this suit. Could you help me?” Bill didn’t know what help she would need, but as she removed the articles, he carefully folded them and set them on the dresser. She removed her blouse and then sat on the bed. He looked at her and then realized what she wanted. He went over and slid her panties down, and she spread her legs, and he took care of her needs. “I’ll put on something comfortable. You go get dinner ready.” They had dinner and more wine, but in the end, Bill headed off to his crib. The next morning, he repeated the previous day’s coffee making and breakfast. As he headed off to the shower, she said, “My car needs to go in. Can you drive me to work and then take care of that?” “No problem.” He dressed in one of the rompers. He didn’t need to be hanging around the car dealership in the maid’s dress. He drove her to work and kissed her goodbye as she went into the building. “Call me and let me know how it turns out.” He headed to the dealership. The service writer was a woman. “Cute outfit,” she said. He waited for the car to be done. It took almost two hours. After paying for it, he got in and called April. “Done already? Great. Say, why don’t you meet me for lunch. Just stop by my office. You know where it is. I’m in your old one.” “OK. See you at noon.” He knew what she was up to. He’d have to pass all of his old coworkers going in to get her. At least he was wearing the romper and not a dress. He got to the office and waived at the receptionist, who smiled back. He was making his way quickly to his old office when someone called out to him. “Bill!” “Oh, hi, Pete.” “It’s been a while. How are you doing?” “About as well as can be expected.” “I heard you were in some sort of rehab. April’s doing a great job, by the way.” “Yeah. Thanks.” “What’s the getup you’ve got on?” “April’s idea,” was all he could say and moved along. He got back to his office, and his old secretary stood as he arrived. “Oh, that’s a really cute outfit. Never realized you had such great legs,” she said. “I’ll get April.” She giggled as she went into his old office, and a second later, April emerged. They met more of his old coworkers on the way out. Everybody now knew that he was a kept man. A man kept in toddler clothes. They had lunch, and Bill returned April to the office. He moped around the house for the rest of the day. The next day after April left for work, the doorbell rang. He assumed it was Jane again and just opened it. It was Dr. Girard. “Hi, Bill. Things going well?” “As well as can be expected, I guess.” “I’m here to remove the training device. April says she thinks you’re gotten past needing it.” “Good.” He led her to the nursery, and she pulled off the plastic pants. She disconnected the small control unit that had been stuck to the small of his back for a long time. She removed the diaper and poured some liquid on a pad. “This is just alcohol. It will dissolve the adhesive on the electrodes.” She took to dabbing it on his penis. She started to peel off the sheath that encased him, applying more alcohol along the way. Finally, it was off. She used some cream on his shaft. “This is just to counter any irritation. You should be fine by this afternoon.” She replaced the diaper. He was happy to be rid of the silly thing. Now he could change himself and bathe or shower without assistance. “Thanks, Doc.” April called later and suggested, as it was Friday, that they go out to dinner and a movie. Bill hadn’t even realized what day of the week it was. All time sense had been lost at the Center. Sure. “Put on your nice dress.” April came home and changed into the dress that he had made her. They weren’t matching outfits, but they were tied together. They had dinner. After they went to the theater, April announced she had to use the Ladies room and suggested Bill get the popcorn. “I guess there’s some advantage to having a diaper on,” he said. After the movie, they returned home. April led him to the bedroom and allowed him to unzip her dress. He took it as she stepped out of it and folded it neatly. She unzipped him. “Now, come to bed.” They made mutual love for the first time in a long time. They laid there in each other’s arms for a bit, and then Bill said. “I better put a diaper back on. I’m not sure I won’t have an accident.” “OK, but come right back.” He went and put a clean one on and returned to her. “You can sleep with me from now on.” “I’d like that.” “You’ve been great since you came back from the center.” “I’ve hoped you’ve enjoyed my new behavior.” “I do. I’d like it to continue.” “What part?” “All of it. The being polite. The taking care of me. Cooking and housework. Even the diapers and dresses.” Bill swallowed hard, but he looked at April. She was beautiful. And he did love her. “Yes, whatever you desire.” A week later, Jane and Mike were invited over for dinner. Bill had planned steaks and potatoes and green beans. He had made chocolate mousse for dessert as he had heard it was Jane’s favorite. He handed out drinks, wine for the girls, and beers for him and Mike. He picked up the plate of steaks and headed out to the backyard to the grill he had already prepared. Mike followed him. “So, how long are you going to play this game?” Mike asked. “What game?” “Playing little Miss Homemaker in a diaper?” “Oh, for some time, I guess. As long as April is still into it.” “I’d never let Jane get me into one of those outfits.” “I didn’t have much of a choice.” Mike just shook his head. “I never imagined you’d end up, so pussy whipped like this.” Bill let the comments go. He flipped the steaks, and then when they were done, he took them back in to finish. They had a great dinner. He had to say that he had become an excellent cook through this. While April wasn’t bad, he thought me might be better. Bill collected the dinner plates. “I’ll get the desserts.” Bill was surprised that Jane stood to help him. They carried the dishes into the kitchen. Bill got the desserts out of the refrigerator, and Jane took two, and he brought the other two. They returned to the table. Jane launched into hers. “This is fabulous. I’ve not had chocolate mousse in years, and this is excellent.” “Thank you,” Bill said. Suddenly, Mike started tugging at his shirt collar. “I feel funny,” he said. He stood and took a few steps and then collapsed on the couch. Jane winked at Bill. Bill knew what was happening. “Dr. Girard will be here in a few minutes,” April announced. Mike still looked confused. He tried to speak, but it just came out as a grunt. “If you haven’t figured it out yet. You’re going to the Center as Bill did. You’re going to learn how to be an excellent husband like him.” More grunts out of Mike. “Not just cooking and cleaning either. You’ll learn how to treat a woman right.” Jane sat down on the sofa next to her husband. She pulled up her skirt and slid down her panties. “Show him,” she said to Bill. Bill looked at April. April just nodded. Bill got down between Jane’s legs and went to work on her. As Jane came, Bill looked at Mike. There was a rage in his eyes, but he couldn’t even manage a grunt at this point. The doorbell rang, and April went to answer it. Dr. Girard and the two attendants came in with the stretcher. Dr. Girard did a quick examination of Mike. “You better get him stripped down and diapered. Be ready to intubate him if his breathing gets rough.” “He’s incapacitated. You can sign for him.” Jane quickly signed the papers. Jane turned to Mike. “There. You are committed to the Center. I’ll see you once they get you admitted.” Mike’s eyes had shifted from rage to sadness. He looked as if he would sob if he could. They wheeled him out on the stretcher to the ambulance. Dr. Girard said she’d call once they had him at the Center. April turned to Jane. “Well, you did it.” “Yes, I did. I wasn’t sure I could. I’m glad you two were here to help.” “I feel bad for him,” Bill said. “I mean, not that he’s headed to the center, but he had to watch me do you.” “Don’t feel too bad,” Jane said. “He’s been screwing his secretary. He’s going to have to assess his priorities.” Jane thanked them again and made her way home. Bill and April headed to bed. “Do you think those two will be alright in the long term?” April asked. “If he loves her, the Center will remind him of that and give him the skills he needs for their relationship. If he doesn’t, it could be very hard on the two of them.” “How was it with you?” “I may have been a bit selfish in the past, but I love you with all my heart. I’m glad to be home, and I’m glad to make you happy, whatever it takes.” April smiled. “Then you don’t mind being kept.” “Not at all. It was embarrassing at first, and it probably will still be at times. The diapers aren’t my favorite.” “Well, someday, I’ll let you get toilet trained. But for now, I think they’re helping.” “I don’t mind that much.” “Well, then. Take me to bed.”
  10. The Beginning. Mike was short, cute, and secure of himself. At least that was what Rose told everyone when they asked her what had she seen on him. After all, Rose was 6,0’’, curvy, and was on her way to becoming a police officer when they met. On the other hand, Mike was on his way to be a nobody, at least he cooked and cleaned the house. Chapter I “Is everything ready?” asked Rose, she was wearing an elegant black dress that contrasted beautifully with her fair skin. “All packed and ready,” said Mike. It was the night of Rose’s promotion. She was finally becoming a captain, and her loyal husband was proud of her. In honor of the day, he had planned a small trip up north to Rose’s family cabin near a lake. They were ready, but before leaving, Rose told Mike one thing. “No drinks. Okay? I don’t want another incident” “IT was just one time” “Four, actually. So no more drinks. It’s my night. Please” she said. Mike felt ashamed, it had only been one time. The others were justified accidents. IT was not his fault that every time he drank he had to go to the toilet every twenty minutes or he would burst. It had happened during their second date, it happened again the day they married, and had happened twice in front of Rose’s friends. “I promise,” he said resentfully. They finally arrived at the hotel where the ceremony was taking place. Rose disappeared between the crowd and was having a lot of fun with her colleagues. Mike, on the other hand, was bored. Everyone was drinking, men, women, high ranks of the police department, and even the guards were allowed one drink that night. It did not help when Antonio, Rose’s academy friend began getting closer to her. Mike didn’t like him, he was tall, tanned, a good dancer, and fit. All he was not and Rose seemed to be happy with his presence. “Hey little buddy,” said Antonio. “Hello,” said Mike. “I must say so, you are one hella lucky boy,” said Antonio and turned to Rose “She is gorgeous” “Oh Antonio. You are making me blush” said Rose. “Thanks,” said Mike, doing his best not to throw a fit at that moment. The night kept going and the moment of the promotion was about to arrive. Antonio, Rose, and Rose’s rival, Becca were preparing to give their acceptance speech. Mike, still bored, was sitting at the front table. Rose’s champagne was there, and with the speeches coming up. He knew he would not make it without a drink. Just one, he thought, and that’s it. Just one to put me in party mode. He took the glass and drank. The night kept going, and Mike did not stop with one. He kept drinking, and by the time Rose’s speech was up he was having a hard time focusing. Then, a familiar pressure on his bladder told him that he had to run to the nearest bathroom. Mike stood up and left in the middle of her wife’s acceptance speech. Rose noticed but kept going as if nothing had happened. Mika ran but once he got in the bathroom he saw something he shouldn’t have. Antonio and Becca, who had received their promotions before Rose, were in the men’s bathroom making out and about to do what most men would think to do when they saw Becca. “Stop, stop,” said Becca “There’s someone here” Mike’s bladder was about to burst. “I-I’m sorry,” said Mike when they turned to see the smaller man “I didn’t mean to” Becca took her things and left without saying a word. “Good one there, little boy. Way to cock block a mate” said Antonio. “It wasn’t my…” And he felt it. The familiar feeling of warm liquid pouring through his underwear and into the floor. Then, the overwhelming sensation of fear, and finally, the one thing that had to happen every time he had lost control. He began crying in front of the toering and sexy man. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi guys! The first 5 to join my patreon will have a story created just for them. https://www.patreon.com/esmeeABDL This story's second chapter is already on my patreon,, and stay tuned in here for more of Jenna's regression enxt week.
  11. This is a story I posted not too long ago on the abdlstoryforum website, but I've decided to post it here while I lay down my roots and prepare a new story for the contest. I hope you all enjoy it and I can get some fresh eyes on it, it may not be perfect but I like it as an introduction to my writing style. I''ll be honest, I'm not trying to write A Tale of Two Cities here, just something a bit sexy some people can have some fun with. Any feedback you can give me would be appreciated, as well as any follows or... likes? If that is a thing here. Maybe it can at least get a few folks off. Anyway, please enjoy Kendra Takes Ethan by Eternal Futility Fiction. Kendra Takes Ethan The boredom was the worst part. There were no clocks or windows in the room where Ethan was kept, and the lights were always set at the same soft glow, making it impossible to estimate how much time had passed. He knew his captor always left him alone for several hours straight five days in a row, and from this he surmised that she must have a full time job. The idea of her going out, living a normal life, while he lay waiting in a thick, crinkling disposable diaper filled him with an impotent rage, which he had no way to release. For the first few weeks, whenever Ethan was left alone, he had pulled and struggled against his restraints, desperate to be free. He was young and strong, but that was not enough to stretch or break the thick leather strap across his chest. He was also denied the use of his hands, as they’d been locked securely into safety mittens since his first day of captivity, only ever taken off for his captor to trim his fingernails. The mittens themselves were clipped under another strap which held his hips in place, preventing him from moving his arms in the slightest. A final strap linked to a pair of padded ankle cuffs, which stopped him from rolling over or changing position. Even if by some miracle he managed to escape from these expertly applied restraints, he would have to find a way out of his “crib”, as his captor called it. Ethan considered it more of a cage, as he’d never seen a crib with a locking top, nor one built from such sturdy, hardened oak. Inevitably, his struggles would end with him sobbing quietly, wallowing in the helplessness and humiliation of his new life. He wanted to curl up, or at least hug himself across the chest, anything to offer himself a bit of comfort, but he was denied even this. The restraints were perfectly designed to keep him in the exact position his captor wanted, and no matter how hard he tried, he knew that she would return to find her new pet just as she left him. The only comfort he found would be bittersweet, as it came from his captor, the one who had confined him to this harrowing life of submission and monotony. Her cooing, doting and gentle caresses stirred up painfully conflicting feelings in the young man’s mind. She was the only other person he had seen in weeks, and he found himself craving her attention and accepting her pitying comments, as they were his only respite from his suffering and loneliness. But he also knew that she was the designer of this seemingly endless torture, and that accepting her reassurance was only playing into her hands, and that he was behaving exactly as she wanted him to. Such was her level of control. She wanted him to wear a diaper, and despite his struggles and protests, here he was in a diaper. She wanted him to remain in place in his crib while she was away, and he had no way to rebel against this decision. She wanted to perform his grooming herself, so of course, whenever his teeth needed brushing, face or body needed shaving, or he needed to be bathed, his hands would be kept well out of the way while she tended to him. And tend to him she did, ever so gently. Almost insultingly so, as if he were as fragile and valuable as a Ming vase. Perhaps he should be grateful for this, as he would have no means to defend himself if her desires were more sadistic or tortuous. In all his time here, she had never struck him, nor hurt him in anyway. She hadn’t even had to raise her voice. As she had complete control of every moment of his life, and was the only source he had for sustenance, simply withholding “privileges” was an effective enough method of control. A skipped meal or extra time sitting in a diaper in need of changing ensured enthusiastic compliance without the need for harsher methods. But the tenderness of her care was a double edged sword, igniting the flames of indignation and resentment that often washed over him in truly humiliating moments. “I am a grown man!” his mind would scream internally, as she gently ran her soft fingers over the baby powder covering his penis and testicles. The knowledge that he could take care of himself, but was trapped in a position where that was impossible was maddening. It was like he had driven into one of life’s dead ends, and he had no way to back out. Ethan writhed pointlessly in his restraints once more, and thought back bitterly to how this state of affairs came to be. If only he had gotten into that taxi! If only he had listened to his mind, rather than his cock! If only he had put up more resistance while he still had a chance… * * * “I’m telling you, if you play like you did today for the rest of the season, we might make it to the finals! Hell, we might even make it to Nationals!” Ethan grinned and looked over at his drunken teammate. Peter was much shorter than the rest of the players on the rugby team, but he was undeniably burly and stout, and had a contagious enthusiasm that Ethan respected. And Peter’s declaration wasn’t far from the truth. As head prop, Ethan used his considerable strength and endurance to gain the advantage in nearly every scrum. After a game like that, and after polishing off one too many celebratory beers at the college pub, Ethan was feeling on top of the world. He sat comfortably in the booth surrounded by his jubilant teammates, and ran his fingers through his close cropped brown hair. He had a habit of doing so often in social situations, as it gave him an opportunity to show off his biceps. He felt his musculature was his best asset when interacting with strangers. Although a well sculpted man, he tended to have anxiety in public places, especially around women. But all that anxiety disappeared when he was on the rugby field. “One game at a time, boys. The seasons only just begun,” Ethan replied. Peter waved a dismissive hand at Ethan’s modest response and shouted for the waitress to bring the team a tray of shooters. “Be pessimistic if you like, my friend. But tonight we’re celebrating. You should do the same. No practice in the morning, and there’s plenty of girls in here who saw the game today. I for one, don’t intend to leave this pub by myself.” And with that, Peter downed his shooter, and promptly walked away to strike up a conversation with two girls huddled close together at the bar. Ethan was jealous of Peter’s confidence when dealing with women. Although he was attractive and athletic himself, he always seemed to get tongue-tied and make a fool of himself when he tried to flirt. But perhaps tonight would be different. Peter was right, many of the women in the pub had likely seen him excel on the field today, and perhaps he could parlay that into a one-night-stand. Downing his own shooter, Ethan hesitated, then grabbed a second one, which one of his teammates had declined. A few drinks should help serve as social lubrication, he reasoned. The rest of the night was a bit of a blur, with lots of laughing with his teammates, plenty of libations, and several drunken conversations with the women attending the pub, some more successful than others. He felt confident talking with Alice, a blonde nursing major wearing a short summer dress, but she left quite early, rebuffing his clumsy offer to walk her home. Later he met Kendra, a tall, dark beauty who seemed a few years older, dressed in what Ethan recognized as expensive clothing. She sipped slowly at her drink, and listened to Ethan’s attempts to boast about his athletic prowess on the field today. She was quite tall for a woman, only a few inches shy of Ethan’s six foot frame, and her tasteful but flirty outfit showed off her curves marvellously. When her dark eyes locked with his, even in his drunken state, he felt his heart flutter. “That’s adorable sweetie,” she said, a sly smile playing across her face. From that response, Ethan realized he had little chance of seducing Kendra, so he awkwardly dismissed himself, and wished her a good night. His teammates gradually started leaving the pub as the night wore on, some with a partner for the night, some without, as Ethan continued drinking and trying his luck with more girls. However, he had passed the tipping point between the drinks giving him confidence, and his drunkenness impeding his judgement. The next hour or so was blurry in his mind, until a woman splashing her drink in his face brought him back to reality. He wasn’t even sure what he had said to offend her, but when he saw the bouncer approaching, he decided it was time to cut his losses and leave. He half-stumbled out of the pub into the street, sat down on the curb, and used his smartphone to summon a taxi. Too exhausted to even be frustrated by his failure, or embarrassed by his actions at the end of the night, he leaned his head on one hand and dozed, waiting for the cab to show up. He was awoken suddenly, by a gentle voice very close to him. “Honey, do you have a way to get home?” Startled, and blinking in confusion, Ethan looked up to see Kendra kneeling down close to him. He struggled to respond. “Yehh… I’ve got cab. A cab coming.” His head was spinning, and he just wanted to wait for his cab in peace, but Kendra stayed kneeling close to him, close enough that he could smell the soft perfume she was wearing. “Sweetie, why don’t you let me give you a lift? Hmm? You could save a little money, and we could… talk a bit” Kendra said with her same sly smile, and began gently rubbing Ethan’s back. At the contact, Ethan immediately began to get aroused. Right on cue, his taxi pulled up and screeched to a halt. The driver rolled down the window. “You Ethan?” the cab-driver called out impatiently. A long, fateful moment passed before Ethan made the worst mistake of his life. “No.” * * * As Kendra drove her luxurious SUV through the silent streets, she kept talking and flirting with the boy in an effort to keep him awake. She wondered how aware the boy was that she hadn’t asked where he lived, perhaps he thought she was taking him back to her place for a night of casual sex. She smirked at the thought. Although the boy was good looking, she was certainly not attracted to him in a carnal manner. He was too sweet, too innocent too… cute, in the way a puppy or small child might be. She had something else in mind for him. His replies to her attempts at conversation were becoming shorter, more slurred as she got closer to her neighborhood. This would not do, she needed him alert enough to walk into her house without a fuss, and without anyone seeing. Upon stopping at a red light, she rested her right hand on the boy’s inner thigh and leaned in close to him. “Poor baby, you seem all tuckered out. Are you too sleepy to play? I have so many fun things planned for you, it would be a shame if you missed out.” The boy shifted in his seat excitedly, and Kendra felt his member stiffen through his jeans, and gently brushed against it as she pulled her hand away. It was amazing how much more alert he became from such a minor action. Men were such simple creatures. “It’ll take more than a few drinks to keep me from a beauty like you Kendra… I’m going to give you a real night to remember,” Ethan said, a little more steadily than before. Kendra smiled. Ethan didn’t know how right he was. * * * As the SUV arrived at Kendra’s impressive home, Ethan looked up in wonderment. The whole property was surrounded by an immense, neatly tended hedge, and the long driveway was blocked off by a high, black gate. The house itself was massive, and had the look of one of the old Victorian estates common in the area, but much more modernized. “Quite a place you got here…” Ethan mumbled, as they pulled into the driveway and the electronic gate closed behind them. “Yes it is sweetie… Yes it is. Now come on, let’s get you inside,” responded Kendra, still wearing that sly smile. Ethan managed to stumble up to the entrance of the mansion, and Kendra unlocked the door, let herself and the boy in, and then shut it behind them. As he heard the door lock, some small part of his mind began to feel uneasy. But his excitement about his impending night of pleasure with Kendra stifled any fears, and when she took his hand and started leading him upstairs, he meekly followed. Once inside Kendra’s lavishly decorated bedroom, Ethan placed his hand on Kendra’s waist and tried to lean in for a kiss, only to be rebuffed, with Kendra reaching out and gently stroking his cheek. “Naughty boy… You need to slow down. Let’s get you undressed first.” Ethan smiled and blushed at Kendra’s kinky statement. He had never been one for freaky sex, much more preferring vanilla encounters, with him in control of the situation. But he was no prude, and if this is what turned Kendra on, he was happy to oblige. As Ethan reached down to pull his shirt off, Kendra grasped each of his hands gently, and stared into his eyes. He couldn’t help but melt under her gaze, something about her dark eyes were so persuasive, so… powerful. “Baby, let me take care of that for you.” And with that, Kendra began slowly and gently undressing Ethan, until he stood only in his boxer-briefs, his intense arousal made obvious by his member straining against the fabric. “Ohhh, looks like my boy is VERY excited… I know just how to take care of that.” She gently slid down his underwear, exposing his impressive cock. Kendra was somewhat surprised, given his meek, almost childlike personality, she expected something smaller. Having kneeled down to remove his last shred of clothes, Kendra looked up at Ethan, her face inches away from his cock, making him shudder in anticipation. “My, my… What a big boy you are. But are you a good boy?” Ethan was surprised by the question. Was this some kind of kinky roleplay? He was a bit too drunk and exhausted to keep up, but he found himself nodding, his arousal making him feel very suggestible. “You are? Well that’s good sweetie! Very good. Because good boys follow instructions. Can you follow my instructions like a good boy?” As drunk as he was, Ethan once again felt uneasiness creep into his mind. It seemed Kendra was much kinkier than he was, but even so, he felt himself nodding his head, desperate for the gorgeous woman before him to relieve his aching cock. “You will? What a very good boy! I’ll keep it very simple for you, baby, since I know you’re not at you best. I want you to lie down on your back on the middle of the bed, and I’ll take care of the rest.” Ethan was all too eager to oblige, scurrying over to her king-sized bed and positioning himself in the middle, his cock pointing up in the air like a desperate flag pole. Even with Kendra’s peculiar kinky games, at least it seemed he was finally going to get the release he so craved. As Kendra climbed onto the bed after him, his suspicion seemed to be confirmed. She got on her hands and knees over his prone body, still fully clothed, lining up her eyes with his. His cock strained to towards her, but she kept herself just out of reach. As she stared deeply into his eyes, Ethan sensed affection, warmth and… pity? Before he could process that, he felt her grasp his hands, and slowly and gently raise them up above his head. He heard a small click, and then another, and felt something tighten around each of his wrists. With annoyance, Ethan realized he had been handcuffed to the bed. “All right Kendra, that’s enough. I’m into you and everything... but all this kinky shit is a bit much for me.” “Shhhh…” whispered Kendra, putting her finger to Ethan’s lips. “I know it’s scary, sweetie. But remember, you promised to be a good boy.” Ethan had had enough, aching cock or not. “Forget this. Un-cuff me right now, I’m calling a cab and getting the hell out of here.” Kendra looked genuinely saddened by Ethan’s words. “Poor boy… You don’t understand.” She turned and slipped off of the bed, opening the drawer of her bedside table. “I understand fine! And if you don’t un-cuff me right now, I’ll- Mmmph!” Kendra quickly and expertly applied the ball-gag to the restrained boy. It would be necessary for a while, until he adjusted to his new circumstances. She moved to the foot of the bed, leaned her hands on the mattress, and stared up past the boy’s still straining cock, straight into his terrified eyes. “No baby, you DON’T understand. I saw you marching around the pub tonight, thinking that just because you played some silly game well today that you were entitled to sex. But I looked closely at you, and I saw something. Something important. Trying to get girls to sleep with you didn’t come naturally. It was a learned behaviour, one you were quite poor at, by the way. I think you were just following the lead of your peers, trying to impress them. I think deep down, you’re just an innocent little boy, who doesn’t have the capacity to judge right or wrong. Someone who needs the right decisions made for them. Isn’t that right?” Ethan grunted into the ball gag in response, and struggled against the handcuffs. “Shhhh, baby. It’s all right. You don’t need to be worried, or afraid, or angry. You don’t need to be anything anymore, other than a good boy.” Ethan was truly terrified now, the adrenaline pumping through his system cutting through any drunkenness. He watched as Kendra walked across the room and picked up a small bag full of items that he couldn’t quite make out. “You’re going to be a good boy from now on, baby. My good boy. The good boy you were always meant to be,” Kendra said softly, as if breaking difficult news to a small child. As she spoke, she pulled an item out of the bag which caused Ethan to enter a renewed fit of thrashing and grunting. She set the disposable diaper down on the foot of the bed, and took a moment to relish in the sight of the terrified, helpless boy panicking in front of her. And Kendra let him panic for a while. She was in no rush. She had all the time in the world. Stay tuned for Chapter 2, as poor Ethan endures the first few days of his new life!
  12. Smoke hung low in the air of the old dive bar, swirling around a purple haired vixen who was drinking herself into a drunken stupor. All of her family; gone. Everything she knew was long dead and on top of all that, she was in debt to the tune of thousands. If that wasn't depressing enough, she had just broken things off with the only person who was helping her navigate this overwhelming future that was forced upon her. Still, she'd be lying to herself if she ignored the simple fact that she was using her ex boyfriend to try and recreate her former pampered life, milking him for all he was worth. The relationship was fated to fail, but he had made it so easy, he obviously wanted to spoil her. Faye sighed, closing her eyes shut while slumped over the bar in defeat. The clicking of her long nails dominated the tavern as she tapped idly on the neck of a nearly empty bottle of beer. The atmosphere of the dimly lit, dinghy bar matched her mood rather well. She had just spent her last fistful of woolongs on bottle number four and was wallowing in self pity. The young woman clad in yellow latex booty shorts and tube top looked around, hoping to spot a man to flirt with, in the hopes of getting another beer. Seeing none interested, she raised the bottle up, sipping back the remaining drops of amber lager. A little bit of the liquid ambrosia leaked down her lips, causing her to wipe her mouth with the back of her hand. She knew that she'd had enough to drink but she just wanted to drown her sorrow in an alcoholic sea. A sea the size of all of Ganymede wouldn't satisfy her at this point. She was broke, had no where to go and now was out of beer. A frantic motion, the front door of the bar opened, catching her attention. Faye turned her head slightly to see who had just entered the tavern. What met her eye was a disheveled young woman, maybe a little older than herself. Rich black locks as dark as the endless void of space fell past her shoulders, framing a face as pale as porcelain. She looked like a doll, but her manor of dress was typical of a young woman: red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans which hugged her legs tightly. Wordlessly, the young lady hurried to the bar and took the seat next to Faye. "A Vodka, neat." The newcomer ordered from the grizzled old bartender. The man nodded and poured her a generous serving into a small glass. She thanked him with a slight nod and slid a few woolongs his way. Faye didn't think much of this woman until the brunette lifted her Vodka filled glass up to her mouth and knocked it back like any of the boys. "Tough night, huh?" Faye asked. "You have no idea." The young woman replied, tapping her glass, to let the bartender know that she wanted a refill. "I thought that bit of Goose would make me feel good, but I don't think there's enough liquor in the world to make me forget what I've been through." "Shit, that bad?" The lavender haired woman was genuinely interested now. "Yeah, I should've known that it was too good to be true." The raven haired lady explained, knocking back her second glass of Vodka. "You get ripped off or something?" Faye wondered aloud, pulling out a cigarette before lighting it. "It's hard to explain." The lady paused for a moment. "You ever heard of the owner of the Sol Broadcasting Network?" "SBN?" Faye cocked an eyebrow, taking a drag off of her cig. "Yeah, it was supposed to be my ticket out of this shithole." The brunette sighed. "Free housing, ample pay and all I was supposed to do was just be me." "So, wait a minute. You're telling me that some old geezer was basically going to pay you to live in his house?" Faye stated in disbelief. Sure, she had heard of sugar daddies in her time, but the mere fact that this girl had just broken it off with one, and that she practically told her 'who' it was, surprised her. Faye couldn't believe her luck. A scoff came from the woman opposite Faye. "It's not an old geezer. It's a fat old dyke." "Oh, and you weren't expecting her advances?" Faye asked coyly. "No one could've seen what this crazy old hag wanted." The woman shuddered. "I see. Well, thanks for the tip." Faye smiled, ashing out her cigarette. She stood up from her stool and walked away from the newcomer. The young woman sighed, looking towards the door as Faye left. 'She's got no idea what she's in for.' To Be Continued... For just a three dollars, you can read up to part 4 and check out other stories like this at my Patreon. If you'd like a short story, you may pledge fifteen dollars and I'll write you one about any image you choose. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=6660213
  13. Raping Excuses byFulldiaper Michael Copyright 2017, All rights reserved. LEGAL: This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person or persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. Background: Michael has been chatting Kali a registered nurse in an online chatroom. Chapter 1: The chatroom was dead tonight as usual, but I think I'll stay and see what the toilet flushes tonight. This is what I was thinking, but I never knew that my life would be forever changed this evening by making this decision. I guess it was about two hours later when she logged into the room. Kali has entered the room. Kali says, "Hello room." Michael says, "Hello Ms. Kali Ma'am." Kali says, "Hello Michael. How are you this evening?" Michael says, "Clean and dry Ma'am." Kali says, "Well, let's see what we can do about that Michael?" Michael says, "Pardon me Ma'am" Kali says, "I Said, "Let's see what we can doo about that Michael" are you blind and can't read baby boy" Michael says, "Ma'am, I'm not a baby." Kali says, "I'm a registered nurse, all men are nothing but overgrown toddlers. Most women have seen the proof in their partners underwear, yellow in the front and streaks or cakes in the back" Kali says, "Now down get me wrong, most women know and accept that toddler when dating and after they're married. We think it's cute how you try and adult." Michael says, "Gulp, well Ma'am I'm not." Kali says, "OK, truth time baby boy. Meet with me and prove it." Now I was getting angry and was feeling myself getting bold and so I said, "You name the time and place. If it's close enough I'll be there Ma'am." What I forgot is that this is a local chatroom for the metro area. Until I hit enter with my last typed sentence. Kali said, "General Hospital, 16:00 Friday night. I'll be in nursery pediatric scrubs by the main entrance." Michael said, "I'll see you Friday then Ma'am." Kali said, "Oh and try and stay clean and dry baby boy." I didn't know what I would do until Friday, but one thing I wasn't going to do was fall into her trap. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled my underwear down and inspected them. Sure enough they were stained slightly yellow in the front and the back was slightly soiled. I was like, how can this be happening. Do all men suffer from this type of messing their underwear? I had some research to do online before our meeting on Friday. I Googled Men and their underwear issues. I was shocked by what I saw. Images of soiled underwear worst than mine. The kicker was all the comments from women about their boyfriends or spouses state of their underwear and many references to their babies diaper and husband or boyfriends underwear, the only difference was there wasn't any in their minds. The men in their lives were also their overgrown toddlers, like Kali had stated. How could I have been so naive not to know that she had baited me and Friday I would be reeled in by this Dominant Nurse. TBC...maybe
  14. After long languid wipes, airy coolness tickles along your upturned bottom. Normally quick and efficient, the puffy shakes seem to hold an air of smugness today, perhaps an extra flourish in the wrist. The endlessly embarrassing smell of talcum powder filling the room holds an added whiff of your well-used diaper pail having been pedaled open and hastily closed. “Uh-oh, someone was messy...” The sing-song voice of a Caregiver entering the diaper changing room in the middle of your change prickles against your ears. Your raised legs hide the speaker but you assume her idle entrance is to hear the latest gossip. Holding your ankles gripped well in hand is your assigned Matron and there is no hiding her knowing smile. She sets the bottle of baby powder aside and easily answers in the affirmative to her colleague. “What was it this time?” The other asks. “Missed the potty? Too many squares of TP? Too few?” “Oh no, she failed eons before her exam date.” Your matron replied, finishing the final rub against your powered bottom and lowering your legs to either side of your new diaper cushioned under you. You’ve never quite gotten used to looking down past your uniform folded neatly out of the way on your belly to your naked middle hygienically bare, framed languidly by your shoes and socks weighting your bowed legs lazily to either side of the open diaper. “She never once came to me asking for a change. This little one obviously has no sense of when her diapers need attention. Wet or messy, a mixture of 1 and 2! I’ve been just changing her on a set schedule and putting her right back in them.” This, of course, was your unwitting downfall. You saved yourself the humiliation of asking for a changes a long while ago since they were happening regardless. Once you’d even swallowed every ounce of pride you possessed to ask when it was nearly unbearable to sit in a dirty diaper for a moment longer, but nothing came of it. There didn’t seem to be a point when changes were happening at specific times no matter how pristine or discolored the state of your diapers were. Your Matron paused, passing a pointed look at your pacifier. You immediately suckled, sliding the rubber nipple along your tongue. Your matron made it a painful point you nursed to her standards expected of babies, especially when their diapers needed changing. Satisfied, she grasped the diaper to tug it forward and continue her conversation. “There’s simply no way we could let her pass with her scores.” She leaned over to fold the crinkling plastic in place and stretch the tabs to wrap your hips in the cute crinkly print. “It seems it’s still diapers for her for the time being. No need to worry about the potty.” Her statement ends demonstratively as her fingers run to free the frilly leak guards between your legs in preparation for your next wet diaper.
  15. Hello folks! I hope you enjoy this short story I whipped up today. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but Mommy asked me to be sure to post a story today, and I had this one mulling about in my mind for a bit. Hope it's fun! Maggie’s heels clicked on the pavement as she made her way slowly towards the large, grey door. She blinked a few times, and fished a scrap of paper out of her blouse to triple check the address she had been given. After a few moments of back and forth between the scrap of paper and the door, she summoned up her courage and pressed the button on the side panel near where the knob would be. A still silence followed, as Maggie nervously looked around. This was not a great area of town, and her standing here in her light blue blouse, black pencil skirt, and heels not only made her feel a bit ridiculous, but also somewhat unsafe. She had first heard about the job through her friend, Abigail. She had finally mustered up the courage to ask her just where all her money came from, and what she was doing to get it. One discussion had lead to an incredibly seedy interview over the phone, and now she was hear for her on the job training. She still only had the vaguest idea what it was she was here to do, but the twisted feeling in her gut told her that it likely was not legal. The sudden, loud buzz of the intercom over the door made Maggie cry out in shock, and her voice lightly echoed throughout the alleyway as she turned to face the camera now stoically watching her. “Are you the new hire?” said a slightly monotone female voice. Maggie cleared her throat and stood up a bit straighter. “Um Yes ma’am. Margaret Owens. I...uh...I heard about this opportunity from my friend Abigail Wilson,” she said nervously. “I..um..I’m pretty sure she’s here today. If you wanna...you know...check...or...” Another, louder buzz quickly ended Maggie’s rambling. “You can enter. Your On-The-Job Trainer will be with you shortly. Please wait in the waiting area,” the woman said. Maggie pushed the now unlocked door open and was greeted with the sight of a long corridor leading to yet another door. This time, however, the door was a garish, bright pink instead of the mechanical grey she had just opened. She made her way down the hall slowly while trying to convey as much confidence as possible in front of the cameras still watching her every move. When she finally made her way to the pink door she saw the company name for the first time, The Norrisview Corrective Facility. She had googled the name a couple of times, but only ever found vague mentions of it on seedy forums she did not want to spend much time on. Abigail had told her though that no one actually calls it that. The name that the employees all had for it apparently was the Norrisview Nursery. Maggie felt her cheeks flush a bit. From what little she had gathered, she knew that this facility was, in some way, related to some kind of fetish activity. She still was not quite sure on the details, but Maggie knew that Norrisview apparently had a very wealthy clientele, and that their employees were ridiculously well compensated. It was that money that had tempted her most of all. She was three years out of college now, and with few job opportunities the debt she had incurred from student loans was slowly accumulating with no end in sight. When Abigail offered her a position within the company, she jumped at the opportunity. It had nothing to do with what she’d read on those forums… “OH EM GEE,” came a loud cry from her right. Maggie squealed in surprise as a tall woman appeared from no where and wrapped her in a tight embrace that quite literally lifted her off the floor. “It’s been so long since we’ve had a new employee! Welcome!” Maggie struggled for breath in the woman’s crushing embrace, thoughts of being mauled by the friendliest bear in the world came to mind as she struggled and wiggled. “Oh, oops. Sorry bout that,” the tall woman said as she released her grip and returned Maggie to the ground. “My name is Marie, and I’ll be your Job Trainer!” Maggie looked up at Marie, and once more took in the sheer size of her. She was a six-foot-two, blonde haired, blue-eyed Valkyrie with the widest, most mischievous smile she’d ever seen. What stood out most beside her height, however, was her uniform. It mostly consisted of a simple navy-blue, white collared dress that came down to a bit past the knees accompanied by a stark, bright white apron over the front. A name tag reading “Nanny Marie” was pinned onto the apron just below her collarbone. “H-hello, Miss Marie,” Maggie said. “My name is-” “Ah, ah, ah. None of that Miss crap from you. Just Marie, hon,” she said with a warm natured smile and a reassuring pat on the back. Maggie could not help but smile back as she nodded, despite Marie initially seeming rather intimidating, Maggie was happy to have someone who seemed rather easygoing. “Alrighty. Ready to get started?” Marie asked excitedly. “We gotta get you into uniform. That whole Office secretary look you have going on is kinda hot, but it’s not gonna fly here,” Maggie felt herself flush, but nodded and allowed Marie to lead her to a nearby changing room where she quickly adorned herself into her given uniform. It was a near exact copy of Marie’s own uniform, but colored a pale pink instead of the navy-blue that Marie wore. “Pink is for newbies. Let’s the other girls know you’re new and might need some assistance as you settle in,” Marie said in a matter-of-fact tone, “We’ll get you a name tag by the end of the week.” Once she was buttoned up and ready to go, Marie led her deeper into the facility. It was shockingly large, with multiple rooms, hallways, offices, and even a break area for her fellow nannies. Maggie blinked in confusion at the sheer scale of the operation. “Alright so. You’ve probably not been completely brought up to speed yet on what it is we do here at Norrisview, right?” Marie asked. “Ah...Not really. I know it’s um...k-kinda fetish related, right?” Maggie asked bashfully. A manic, excited glee shone in Marie’s eyes as she whirled on Maggie. “Yes and no. Yes our work is...parallel to certain fetishes, but we’re far from just being some kind of weird Dominatrix place or something if that’s what you’re thinking,” Marie said proudly. Maggie nodded without understanding at all. “So then what do you do?” “Now that is a bit harder to explain, and probably best understood once you meet my charge,” Marie said deviously. “That being said, we provide a service to certainly…extremely wealthy clientele within the city. Clientele who expect professional work for their particular proclivities.” “That tells me almost nothing,” Maggie said in a slightly annoyed tone. “I know! I’ve been working on the perfect vague sales-pitch to tell to people not in the know. Pretty good, right?” Marie said good naturedly. “Oh...and here we are,” Maggie looked up and saw that they were both standing before a large pink and white door that simply read “Becki’s Nursery” in light-blue font. Beside the door was a small dossier on a Charles Monroe, and Maggie took several moments to read it over. It was not much, just a brief history, age, and a photograph of the boy. He seemed to be a simple college-frat boy from what Maggie could tell. A thin, scruffy mid-twenties with cropped dark, brown hair. The same kind of guy who would likely be hitting on her at her favorite bar right now. “Now. First things first. Get ready for a shock to the system. I’ll explain everything as we go, but don’t freak out, alright? Gotta remain in control of the situation,” Marie said as she unlocked the door. Maggie was already nervous as she followed Marie into the dark room, and blinked several times as Marie unceremoniously flipped on the lights. To her credit, Maggie did not freak out. She was more confused than anything, because once illuminated she found that the room housed what appeared to be a fully stocked and lovingly detailed nursery. Everything was the peak femininity amplified by a thousand. The fleecy rug under their shoes was pink, the walls were white with pink trim, pink curtains hung over windows with fake, cartoonish depictions of pastures and fields, and the large crib and diaper changing table were adorned with lace and bits of frills. Maggie blinked at the crib and changing table. To put it simply, they were huge! The changing table also came adorned with various restraints and straps all sized to fit an adult. Realization dawned on Maggie as soon as the figure in the crib stirred. She was not able to contain her gasp as the figure sat up and she finally saw a good look at Marie’s charge. The figure was an adult woman who appeared to be tethered to the crib in some kind of harness, underneath the harness was the single most ridiculous dress that Maggie had ever seen in her life. It was, like much of the room, bright pink and adorned with layers upon layers of fluffy white petticoats that jettisoned out the skirt to a preposterous degree. The girl’s hair was long, blonde, and fastened into two braided pigtails that hanged loosely around her shoulders. Her hands were bound into oversized, fingerless mittens, and her mouth was occupied by what looked like an oversized pacifier that was held in place by large pink straps buckled behind her head. Maggie blinked and remembered to take a breath right as Marie walked forward as if everything was the most normal thing in the world. “Good morning, Becki. Did my little princess sleep well. Is she ready for wakies?” Marie asked as she began to lower the railings of the crib. For her part, Becki merely made muffled sounds around her gag and her face flushed like a tomato as she looked at Maggie whose own face was equally red. “Alright, missy. Up and at em. You know the rules,” Maggie said once the railing was down. Becki, still tethered to the crib, gingerly stepped her bootied feet onto the ground. She then promptly turned, bent over the crib, and Maggie gasped audibly for the second time. She had not noticed it at first, but now wondered how she could have missed it even through the jungle of lacey petticoats. Under Becki’s short dress was a positively monstrous diaper. It forcibly spread Becki’s legs wide apart by what seemed to be almost a foot of padding separating her knees from each other. Marie hummed softly as she squeeze the thick padding, and slid a finger into the leg guards. Maggie realized quickly that she was performing a diaper check. “Wet as usual. And quite a bit too! Becki really gets good use out of that extra bulk doesn’t she?” Marie asked jovially while patting Becki’s considerably padded rear. Becki, for her part, said nothing as Marie released her from the tethered and lead her by her hand over to the changing table. Maggie could not keep from smirking as she watched the ridiculously dressed, oversized toddler waddle carefully over to the changing table. Becki was taller than Maggie initially thought, and her shoulders were wider as well that most girls she knew. Despite that, however, she was unmistakably cute, and Maggie could not keep from admiring her as she waddled along. The bounce of her padded behind as she waddled was both oddly hypnotic, adorable, and hilarious as she climbed her way onto the changing table. “First things first are almost always a diaper change in the morning. When you get new charges you can sometimes expect them not to wake up wet in the mornings, but after a few weeks they’ll be regular little faucets,” Marie said cheerfully as she began strapping Becki into the restraints. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to handle any diapers today. Just observe and soak up information. You could learn from Becki here. She’s good at soaking, isn’t she?” “Mmmrpphh...” came Becki’s reply, which Marie promptly ignored. “So I...does she actually NEED diapers?” Maggie asked, feeling more than a bit lost. “Oh not yet. She probably will by the time her training is done, but Becki here has only been with us about four months now. She probably might be a terrible bedwetter, but likely still has some kind of continence if I had to guess,” Marie said plainly. Maggie nodded still not understanding. She had so many questions, but had no idea how to even begin asking them. She merely stood by Marie dumbly as she finished up restraining Becki and moved to open up the sodden diaper. This time, however, Maggie did not gasp. Her mouth hung open in abject shock, but no audible noise came from her throat. It was so preposterous to her senses that it simply did not make sense, and comprehending what she was saying was taking more than a little time to register. For once Marie had opened up Becki’s diaper, Maggie saw what could only unmistakably be a penis covered up with bits of baby powder, and a sealed in a strange pink plastic tube. Becki who, aside from her height, seemed to be, physically, a woman was in fact a man! Marie laughed loudly, and it was only then that Maggie realized she was gaping with her mouth opened and face burning. She struggled to regain her composure as Marie fought to regain hers. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry to laugh, but your reaction was absolutely priceless,” Marie said a bit breathlessly. “It’s been so long since we’ve had a new employee, and that initial reaction is always gold. If I was allowed to I’d film it and upload it to Youtube. Imagine that reaction video,” she said while rolling up the soaked diaper and tossing it into a nearby bin. “I...this...I don’t….w-what?” Maggie said intelligently. Marie smiled warmly as she wiped Becki’s nethers with a few baby wipes. “That’s right. Becki here was once Mister Charles Monroe. I think we can both agree her new name is much, much cuter. She’s one of eleven charges currently housed here in the facility.” “But I don’t understand. Why...why is he dressed like this? Why is he wearing diapers?” Maggie asked. “She...” Marie said with some emphasis. “Is here because our client has paid for her to be here and undergo our training. Little Becki here use to have quite the wild streak you see, and ran afoul of a certain very wealthy guest speaker at her college. After that little incident, she was selected for re-training and housed here at the facility as my charge. In about five more months, she’ll be released to her new owner: that same woman she already ran afoul of, and get to live the rest of her life quite literally pampered in the lap of luxury AKA her new mommy.” “So the rich clients...pay you to do this?” Maggie asked, still not understanding. Marie sighed as she slid a brand new diaper under Becki’s bottom and began liberally powdering. “It’s weird, yeah, but it’s not hard to understand. Rich ladies around town have a certain...shared kink so to speak. One of them started it a few years ago by turning her unruly husband into a what’s called a sissy,” Marie said cheerfully. “Other bored, socialites wanted sissies of their own, and so Norrsivew was founded to meet that demand. So rich clientele select the boy they want trained, we pick them up, train them, and then give them to their new owners. Simple as pie.” “T-that….that is extremely illegal, isn’t it?” Maggie asked incredulously. “Oh hilariously so,” Marie said without pause. “But money talks in this town. And you can get away with a lot when you pool resources. Besides, you may not think it, but most of the guys who come here are often much better off once they leave. I mean think about it...you get to live with the richest people in town. No rent, no responsibilities, and everything provided. Okay granted, they’re not quite free and it may or may not be tantamount to slavery...but I think it’s more like being a pet than being a slave really.” “I...don’t really think you made a good case,” Maggie said. Marie merely shrugged and pulled Becki’s new diaper between her legs and expertly fastened it. Becki, anticipating what to do next, lifted her rear off the table and allowed Marie to examine the fit. Once it was to her specifications she gave Becki a playful smack on the butt, and began to unfasten her. “Alrighty. Once your charge is freshly diapered you’re allowed to select outfits for the day. I think for now we’ll keep Becki dressed as is, but tomorrow I’ll show you how fun it can be to get her all dolled up. So once that’s done it’s feeding time,” Marie said happily as she went to a nearby fridge in the room and retrieved a large, baby bottle filled with a pale, white liquid. She quickly popped it into a nearby microwave on a counter and waited as it warmed up leaving poor Becki restrained on changing table. “So umm...I get that the restraints and stuff are prolly due to the fact that he-er...she isn’t really here by choice. By why the...uh...thing on her...you know?” Maggie asked bashfully. “Oh the chastity device?” Marie asked. “Company policy. All charges undergo mandatory chastity during their stay here at the facility. Oh don’t give that look. We’re not monsters. We administer weekly milkings to keep the sissies compliant and comfortable. Interestingly, you’re here on such a day. Becki here will receive her milking right after her feeding. I bet she’s excited,” Becki, for her part, did not in fact seem excited at all. Her face was flushed bright red once again and she gurgled muffled pleas into her pacifier gag that Maggie could simply not comprehend. Comprehension, in fact. was a thing that was currently bugging Maggie. She felt that she needed to run. That she needed to escape this madhouse and call the National Guard or Seal Team Six to raid this house of madness and set these imprisoned boys free, and yet she stayed and continued to listen. She was not sure what compelled her to stay, but that tightness in her stomach had changed to a fluttering kind of excited feeling that was almost tantamount to some incessant, internal itch, and the only way to scratch it was to keep going and keep learning. The ding of the microwave alerted the room that Becki’s bottle was ready. Marie retrieved it and shook it a few times as she approached the changing table. “Alright, Becki. Same procedure. I’ll unrestrain your arms and let you feed yourself. Absolutely no big girl talk though when the gag comes out. I have no problem getting the paddle and spanking you in front of Nanny Marie here. Do you understand me, Missy?” she asked. Becki for her part could only eagerly nod her head, and with a smile Marie set about removing the restraints on her arms. Next she unbuckled the gag and slowly released it from Becki’s mouth. Maggie felt that same rush in her stomach when she noticed that the pacifier nipple was quite large and very phallic in shape. Marie grinned at her when she saw Maggie’s reaction, but Maggie merely looked away ashamedly. The two conversed while Becki nosily sucked on her bottle, several times making a disgusted face. Apparently it wasn’t milk, but specially made formula that the sissies subsisted on, with actual solid foods being distributed it for dinner or good behavior. Maggie for her part, mostly listened and absorbed what she could. Thoughts of the paycheck had not even entered her mind for the past two hours, and instead some other kind of desire was fueling her need to stay and learn. “So how exactly does this milking thing work?” Maggie surprised herself by asking suddenly. Marie grinned again. “Excellent question, recruit. It looks like Becki is done with her bottle. So I can go ahead and demonstrate!” she said excitedly as she rushed over to the changing table. Becki made to vocalize something, but her mouth was quickly restuffed with the pacifier and refastened. Marie made quick work of unbinding Beck from the changing table, standing her up, but then quickly bending her over the table so that her amply padded butt was facing towards Maggie and the rest of the nursery. Her arms were quickly bound across from the table in new restraints, and Marie carefully forced her legs farther apart and restrained those to the legs of the changing table. Becki was nearly spread eagle, and was eagerly muffling around her pacifier. Marie merely petted her hair and went to the closet nearby to retrieve something. What she brought out almost reminded Maggie of those projectors on wheels that she use to see in high school. The device that rested on the wheeled station for all intents and purposes looked like a machine gun almost. All black, sleek and with a long protruding pole that jutted out where the barrel of a gun might be. When Becki heard the wheels creaking forward, she desperately began tugging and pulling on the restraints and whining pitifully into her gag. “I-is she alright?” Maggie asked. “Don’t worry. She’s just putting on a show cause someone new is here. This is one of Becki’s favorite treats, but she just can’t admit that in front of someone else,” Marie said as she positioned the device directly behind Becki and locked the wheels. “Would you open up that draw for me and retrieve the letter C?” Maggie nodded, unsure what that meant she wondered over to the draw that Marie had indicated, and once again, despite herself, gasped loudly when she saw what the drawer contained. Dildos. An assortment of dildos all arranged by letters according to their size from A to G. With trembling hands she took hold of the one marked C, a flesh-colored one of mostly average size and slowly brought it to Marie and the struggling sissy. “We work them up gradually on the sizes. Becki only started the C recently, but she’s taken to it like a real champ,” Marie said proudly as she affixed the dildo to the protruding rod. Soon enough it was ready, and Maggie needed little hint on how the device or milking procedure worked now. “There we go!” Marie said happily. “I like to call this little baby...The Borg.” A silence followed, only the clanking of Becki’s restraints and the crinkling of her monstrously thick diapers filled the room as Maggie stared at Marie with a confused expression. “Ya get it? Cause Resistance is Futile, You will be Ass-Stimulated,” Marie said with a wide, proud smile. Silence followed once more, save for Becki’s exasperated groan. “Oh nobody asked you,” Marie said as she tugged town Becki’s diaper, and began lubing up the dildo. Once the milking tool was well lubed to her specification, she then finally released Becki from her chastity. Becki, despite her struggling, did indeed become almost instantly erect, and Maggie blushed as Marie teased her. “Somebody is excited for playtime,” she said in a sing song kind of voice. “Alrighty. Let’s give Princess Becki her treat, and then we can go get some lunch ourselves,” Becki wriggled fitfully as she Marie pushed the machine forward, soon the lubed dildo was pressing right up against her back passage, and with some effort Marie began to work it slowly inside of her. “MMMMMPHHH...” came Becki’s groaned reply as the anal invader slowly worked it’s way inside of her. Soon the head of the dildo was all the way inside, and Marie handed a small remote to Maggie that she had retrieved from her apron. “Alrighty. All you gotta do is press that, and we’ll leave Becki to enjoy her weekly treat,” Marie said deviously as she watched Maggie and her expression with an excited, predatory gleam. For her part, Maggie’s hands trembled as she held the remote in her hand and admired the maroon button affixed on it’s front. Her eyes darted to Becki’s partially filled rump to the device in her hand, and that same feeling came rushing back stronger than ever. So strong that her knees quivered and her mouth felt dry. She licked her lips as she looked at the button, and swallowed a quick intake of breath. That feeling...she knew what it was now. She had not recognized it at first, because it was a feeling so alien to her. She was a simple college graduate. A mostly B student who graduated with a degree in economics and little job prospects. Her life was fine, but simple and dull. Before this opportunity, she had worked as a barista at a nearby coffee shop, and dated her on and off again nice, but boring boyfriend. She had never felt a rush like this, and now she knew what it was: Power. She smiled at Marie, and pressed the button forcefully which quickly activated the pistons in the machine as the dildo began slowly pumping in and out of Becki’s bottom all the way to the hilt, and then out with the head still inside her. Becki groaned loudly and gripped the changing table tightly as the machine did it’s slow but methodical work of pumping away inside of her. Each thrust brought a new grunt or groan from Becki’s gagged lips, and Maggie’s heart beat faster and faster each one. Marie, for her part, was smiling widely at Maggie and quickly laid down a pad of some kind under Becki as she began to drip slightly onto the floor from the stimulation. “We’ll let her enjoy that for about an hour or so. While you and me get lunch,” Marie said gently patting Becki’s tightened behind as the dildo continuously worked inside of her. “Maggie I think you’re going to fit in here just fine.” “Happy for the opportunity, Marie,” Maggie said before turning back to Becki. “Now you be a good girl, Becki and enjoy that til we get back. Okay, hon?” she said, shocked at her own words. Becki merely groaned in response as both Marie and Maggie giggled and left the sissy to enjoy her milking while they grabbed some lunch. Maggie’s mind was reeling with the possibilities of what this opportunity held for her, in more ways than one. But more than anything, she could only think of one thing: getting a charge of her own to look after, and what that might be like once she finally had a sissy of her own to train. Oh well, she had plenty of time to learn.
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